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The Best 10 Help Desk Ticketing Systems in 2022 Freshdesk

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Best Help desk Ticketing System

Organize, prioritize, and manage all customer interactions in one place with a robust
helpdesk ticketing system.



Your team of support agents is under constant pressure to o�er fast and knowledgeable
help to customers, no matter which channel they use to contact your business. Equipping
service reps with the right tools and technology ensures that your business delivers
consistent and superior customer service. A good ticketing system helps you and your
team to collect, track, and work on customer requests from a single view, thus enabling
your team to give the right answers to customers every time.

There are plenty of ticketing tools and solutions available in the market to ease the handling
of support requests. However, it may be quite challenging to �nd the perfect ticketing
system for your business, given the varied features that come with each tool. That’s why
we’ve built this exhaustive guide that will help you evaluate and pick the best help desk
ticketing system as per your business need.

We’ve covered all that you need to know about ticketing tools and systems in the following

• What is a ticketing system?

• How a ticketing software works

• Bene�ts of a ticketing tool

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• Essential features

• How to implement a help desk ticketing system

• 10 best ticketing tools

• Choosing the right ticketing software

What is a ticketing system?

A ticketing system converts every customer query into a ‘ticket’ and streamlines all

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channels of customer communication, bringing every conversation into a single view. An all-
in-one help desk ticketing system will allow you to capture customer conversations across
channels like phone, email, messaging, and social media into a single, easily accessible
dashboard for simpli�ed ticket management. By using the right ticketing software, you can
automate routine support tasks and leverage third-party integrations to increase the
e�ciency of your customer support team.

Why use a ticketing system?

If you’re handling customer requests with Gmail, shared inboxes, or disparate tools for
di�erent communication channels, you run the risk of missing out on customer
conversations or sending out delayed responses that a�ect customer satisfaction scores.
Ticketing tools ensure that every customer inquiry is captured and taken care of by the
support team.

You can use a ticketing software to,

Sort large numbers of support requests and de�ect spam.

Convert customer requests from email, website, or social media into tickets.

Categorize and assign tickets to speci�c support agents or agent groups.

Prioritize issues and know which request to handle next.

Track if responses and resolutions are delivered within SLA limits.

Avoid duplicate responses to the same customer request.

Collaborate with team members and resolve issues together.

Have context on customer requests and personalize responses at scale.

Gather team performance metrics and customer feedback.

How a ticketing software works

A ticketing software pulls customer conversations from multiple communication channels
onto a single interface. When your ticketing system is connected to your mailbox, website,
Twitter or Facebook account, every email, inquiry, or post �ows into your ticketing software
as a ‘ticket’.

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What is a support ticket?

Once you’ve connected your primary customer communication channels—the
common platforms through which customers contact your business to raise a
query or issue—to your ticketing tool, the customer inquiry is recorded as a
‘support ticket’, also known as a service ticket, in your support ticketing system. 

When a support ticket is logged in your help desk ticketing system, you and your
team can see vital information regarding the customer request in an organized
manner. Customer request details, including requester name, time and channel of
request, type of issue, and ticket assignment details, are captured in a support

The ticket lifecycle begins from the moment the customer request is received with
the initial status marked as ‘open’ and progresses through the resolution process
to the ‘resolved’ and ‘closed’ stages. Viewing customer conversations as tickets
makes it easy to understand, work, and follow up on customer requests without
letting any critical information slip through the cracks.

In the Freshdesk ticketing system, customer request details are automatically mapped to
their relevant ticket ‘�elds’. Request details such as requester name, channel, type of
request along with subject and description of the issue, priority, status, and assigned agent
details are recorded by default in their respective ticket �elds. 

After a support ticket is created, a ticketing tool allows you to set priorities and assign the
ticket to customer support agents. Freshdesk has simple automation rules for ticket
assignment and prioritization, using which you can automatically set the priority for an
incoming ticket and also assign the ticket to the right agent based on their skill, workload,
or in a round-robin manner. Customer service reps can then view these tickets and start
working on customer issues directly from the online ticketing system.

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Looking for a good ticketing system to help you prioritize and route

customer inquiries e�ortlessly?

What are the bene�ts of a ticketing system?

O�er omnichannel communication

A good help desk ticketing system provides a single platform for handling all customer
conversations. You can manage customer interactions over channels like email, phone, live
chat, and social media, all in a single place.

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Increase e�ciency with automation

With the right ticketing software, automating routine tasks to improve your team’s
productivity is a breeze. From assigning tickets to creating canned responses for frequently
asked questions, and de�ning escalation rules if deadlines aren’t met, a help desk
ticket system makes it all easy.

Make self-service easier for customers

A customer service ticketing system should also o�er self-service features such as an FAQ
portal, a chatbot, or an in-built knowledge base that lets you publish detailed solution
articles and resources which customers can use to �nd important information about your
product without reaching out to your support team.

Track and measure your support

With a good ticket management system, you can monitor your team’s performance on an
individual and team level. Using automated feedback surveys and comprehensive reports,
you can identify problems faster, recognize good or bad performance, track customer
satisfaction and monitor service standards.

Extend your helpdesk’s capabilities

It is important for a helpdesk ticket system to be integrated with solutions like CRMs,
project management software, email marketing tools, and/or team collaboration software.
This will help support agents access relevant customer data right inside the helpdesk.

Increase customer loyalty

With a well-organized customer support process and an intuitive ticketing solution, it
becomes easier to improve the customer experience. These customers will be loyal to your
brand and will spread the word about their positive experiences.

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Essential features to look for in a ticketing

Choosing the right ticket management software that caters to your unique ticketing
work�ows can be quite challenging. Here's a list of all the features you need to look for
while choosing a ticketing tool for your business.

Multi-channel support 
A robust help desk ticketing software lets you support your customers on multiple channels
such as email, phone, chat, or social media from a single view. It combines incoming
requests from all these channels into one omnichannel interface, making it easier for your
support agents to tackle queries from a wider audience, responding quickly and e�ciently.

With the knowledge that customers change their preferences fairly often, it makes sense to
check whether the software supports your existing channels of engagement but also the
channels you expect to open up in the near future.

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Ticket assignment, prioritization, and ticket views

One of the basic functionalities of a good help desk ticketing system is to help you prioritize
and assign tickets to the right agents e�ortlessly. Having options to route tickets to service
reps based on agent expertise, team bandwidth, or customer requirements helps you
manage your support team better and also o�er faster resolutions. Creating custom ticket
views on your ticketing interface with �lters based on di�erent ticket properties like priority,
status, type, company name, and more facilitates e�ective ticket management.

Automation capabilities
With a ticketing tool, you can automate repetitive tasks, including routing support requests,
updating ticket status across the ticket lifecycle, and following up on customer requests
with collaborators across and even outside your company. You can set up automation rules
for ticket assignment and create work�ows based on di�erent parameters such as
customer’s location, the language they’re using, or even based on the subject line of their
email or communication channel and resolve issues faster. 

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SLA Management
An online ticketing system helps you standardize service across your support team using
service level agreements(SLAs). You can set SLA policies to underline service delivery
expectations like the time within which agents should respond to and resolve tickets. The
help desk will automatically remind your agents of unresolved tickets or even help you set
escalation rules so that managers are noti�ed directly whenever SLAs are not met.

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Agent productivity
Modern ticketing systems include simple and useful functionalities that allow agents to go
about their day-to-day tasks more e�ciently. For instance, Freshdesk’s agent collision
detection feature helps prevent multiple agents from working on the same support ticket to
avoid duplication of e�orts. Creating canned response templates for common customer
queries, the ability to collaborate on tickets by tagging team members easily, prompt
noti�cations on ticket updates, and adding notes to tickets are all helpful features that
boost agent productivity.

Self-service options
The right ticketing software should be able to host an extensive knowledge base where you
can add detailed solution guides and articles. This can be a valuable resource to
customers, as they would be able to quickly �nd answers to frequently occurring problems
without having to reach out to your support team every time. Feature-rich ticketing systems
like Freshdesk have provisions for customizing your support portal, suggesting relevant
knowledge base articles during ticket creation, and also converting your ticket responses
to solution articles.

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Integrations for rich customer context

Presenting relevant customer information and customer conversation history within every
support ticket helps agents deliver personalized and contextual support. When you’re using
a variety of tools, including CRM tools, invoicing software, email marketing platform, and
more, to perform di�erent business operations, you may have a fragmented view of your
customers and lose context of their issues. The ticketing software you choose must be
tightly integrated with these solutions for a holistic view of your customers.

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Help desk ticketing reports and analytics

A comprehensive help desk ticketing software ensures you’re able to keep track of the
health of your customer support at all times. In-depth metrics about customer feedback
and how well your support team is handling customer queries can help you make the right
decisions for your business. Most ticketing systems have these insights built-in, but if you
are already using speci�c analysis tools, do make sure the ticketing tool you opt for
supports seamless integration with the tools of your choice.

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How to implement a help desk ticketing system?

Connect your support channels

To start viewing your customer requests as ‘tickets’ within your ticketing system, you need
to integrate your various support channels, including mailboxes, social media accounts, and
website portal, with your ticketing software. Con�gure your support email address in the
helpdesk ticketing system and set up forwarding rules in your mailbox to access customer
email requests as support tickets.

Similarly, you can bring your Tweets or Facebook posts into the ticketing tool by adding the
brand accounts and mentioning rules based on keywords or @mentions that’ll add requests
from social media as tickets on your ticketing interface. You can test if the channels are
integrated properly by raising sample requests from each platform.

Set up SLA policies and targets

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Con�guring SLA policies allows you to set deadlines for responses and resolutions that
your customer service team can adhere to and o�er speedy and consistent support. You
can de�ne di�erent timelines as per channel type, issue priority, or type of customer.
Setting up SLAs in your help desk ticketing software also aids in sending prompt reminders
and noti�cations to support agents, which avoids unnecessary escalation of customer

Bring in your support team

Next, it’s time to add your team of agents to the ticketing system by creating individual
agent pro�les. You can specify the role (supervisor or agent or manager) and type of
access for every team member. For example, you can restrict access for an agent in billing
support to handle only payment-related queries. Advanced ticketing tools also enable you
to set up time zones and languages that an agent can work on. 

Con�gure support work�ows and automations

Once you’ve added agents and set SLA targets, you can set up a series of conditions and
steps to be taken for di�erent business scenarios under individual ‘work�ows’ work�ows
within your ticketing system. Work�ows can be built based on urgency or type of customer
request—you may have a separate process or team for returns or payment-related
requests, which can fall under a distinct work�ow. You can also enable other automation
such as agent noti�cations and create standardized reply templates that your team can

Add customer contacts and integrate other business tools

Import customer information into your ticketing tool to have better context about customer
issues. Apart from adding your customer database, be sure to connect your other business
tools that have customer details—CRMs, customer feedback tools, payment portals—with
your ticketing system. For instance, if you want to view your Shopify order details within a
service ticket, you’ll have to integrate your Shopify store with the ticketing tool.

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De�ne support metrics to be tracked

As your team starts working on the support tickets, there’s going to be a ton of data
generated on your ticketing platform. You’ll have data on response times, resolution times,
the number of tickets resolved daily, tickets by channel split, and much more. Choose which
metrics you’ll be monitoring and set it up on the dashboards available within your help desk
ticketing system to gather insights on improving team performance and making better
decisions regarding your support strategy.

Freshdesk has a collection of useful how-to guides and video

tutorials to help you get started with a ticketing system.

10 Best ticketing tools for you to consider in 2022

1. Freshdesk Support Desk
Freshdesk Support Desk is an intuitive and powerful help desk ticketing system used by
teams of all sizes to deliver fast and contextual support. Bring customer conversations
across email, Twitter, Facebook, website, and your support portal into a single view. Nurture
customer relationships by o�ering accurate and prompt answers to customer queries via

Freshdesk Support Desk o�ers,

- Multi-channel support

- AI-powered ticketing

- Tiered SLA management

- Work�ow automation

- Knowledge base hosting

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- Customizable support portal

- Customer data management

- Built-in customer satisfaction(CSAT) surveys

- Mobile ticketing system (Freshdesk app available for both ios and android versions)

- Gami�cation features

- 650+ Marketplace app integrations

- Field service management

Freshdesk Support Desk can be set up easily in minutes, and your agents will �nd the
ticketing interface easy to use. The simple and clean UI makes it extremely easy for
support agents to know which request to work on next, giving them access to relevant
customer information without switching tabs.

Key ticketing features include,

- Automated ticket assignment: Choose from skill-based, workload-based, and round-

robin ticket assignment.

- Agent shift planning and out-of-o�ce scheduler: Route customer inquiries to agents
available in a particular shift and allow agents to schedule out-of-o�ce days to reroute the
tickets to other agents or inform the customer about delayed responses.

- SLA-based reminders: Notify agents when a ticket approaches the deadline based on
SLA targets.

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- Custom ticket �elds: Based on your unique business needs, create custom ticket �elds
and map the relevant customer details from requests in 

- Time-tracking within tickets: If your agents work based on billable hours, then the time-
tracking feature helps you know the time spent by agents supporting customers.

- Personalized canned responses: Create personalized reply templates with dynamic

placeholders to give faster responses.

- Merge tickets: Combine related tickets together and work on one primary ticket when
duplicate issues are raised.

- Mobile app: Support your customers on the go with the Freshdesk mobile ticketing

- Shared ownership of tickets: Share ownership of tickets with team members and don’t
miss out on ticket updates and follow-ups while resolving issues together.

- Agent collision detection: Avoid duplication of responses to customers by knowing if

another agent is viewing or replying to the same ticket.

- Keyboard commands: Perform quick actions on tickets like adding a solution article or
inserting a canned response with keyboard shortcuts.

- Annotate images in tickets: Insert images and highlight speci�c portions of the
screenshot to explain your solutions better to customers.

- Ticket volume and drill-down reports: View in-depth ticketing reports based on SLA
metrics and critical customer service metrics.

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Perfect for: Businesses looking for a feature-rich and �exible support ticketing system at
an a�ordable price.

Pricing: Freshdesk Support Desk o�ers a 21-day free trial and a forever free plan for up to
10 agents. The paid ‘Growth’ plan is priced at $15 USD per agent/month.



2. Freshdesk Omnichannel
Freshdesk Omnichannel combines the perks of help desk ticketing with additional
channels, including telephony, live chat, messaging apps, and chatbots, to o�er e�ortless
customer support. The omnichannel ticketing interface brings all customer requests from
email, social media, chat, and phone onto a single screen, making it easy for your team to
connect seamlessly with your customers on multiple channels.

Key ticketing features:

- Intelligent omnichannel ticket assignment

- Customer contact management

- SLA and business hours

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- Agent-assist bots

- Chatbot builder

- Call queues and call recording

- Custom ticket �elds

- Time-triggered ticket automation

- Omnichannel analytics dashboard

Perfect for: B2B companies that rely on email, telephony, and chat as their primary support
channels or are looking to utilize chatbots to ease agent workload.

Pricing: You can sign up for the 21-day free trial to experience Freshdesk Omnichannel.
The Omnichannel Growth plan is available for $30 USD per agent/month.


3. HappyFox
HappyFox has a suite of customer support tools, including help desk and live chat software,
to help enterprises deliver good customer service.

Key ticketing features:

- Ticket quick actions

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- Advanced ticket �lters

- Ticket threads 

- Time-tracking within tickets

- Smart rules for automation

- SLA management

Perfect for: Enterprises and large support teams that don’t mind the elaborate

Pricing: No free-trial options. The basic plan is priced at $26 USD per agent/month.

 4. Zoho Desk

Zoho Desk is an omnichannel help desk ticketing solution that helps businesses resolve
customer issues via email, phone, live chat, and social media.

Key ticketing features:

- Criteria-based ticket routing

- Ticket views

- Auto-suggest for agent replies

- Ticket reports and analytics

- Work�ow automation

Perfect for: Small and medium-sized businesses that want an a�ordable ticketing tool.

Pricing: Zoho Desk has a free plan and a free-trial period of 15 days. The paid plan starts
from 10$ USD per agent/month.

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5. Freshservice
Freshservice is the IT Service Management (ITSM) tool built by Freshworks to streamline IT
operations and services in an organization. The sophisticated IT ticketing system includes
incident management, asset management, and IT project management.

Key ticketing features:

- Automated ticket prioritization

- Ticket auto-assignment

- Multiple SLA policies

- Priority matrix

- Built-in satisfaction surveys

- Service desk performance dashboard

Perfect for: Enterprises looking for a modern and centralized IT service desk.

Pricing: The starter plan is priced at 30$ USD per agent/month with a 21-day free trial

6. Jira Service Desk

Jira Service Desk is a popular ticketing system by Atlassian for incident resolution and
service request management, used widely by IT support teams. The IT service desk has

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rich capabilities to service volumes of requests between di�erent departments in an


 Key ticketing features:

- Detailed ticket queues

- Conversational ticketing

- Tight integration with Slack and MS teams

- Self-service portal

- SLA management

Perfect for: Large companies that handle a high number of incoming internal requests to
the IT help desk and development teams and use other Jira tools.

Pricing: Jira Service desk o�ers a free plan, a 7-day free trial period, and their paid plans
begin from $20 per agent/month.

7. Zendesk
Zendesk o�ers an IT ticketing system that uni�es customer conversations across multiple

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Key ticketing features:

- Collaboration tools

- Macros for common replies

- Integrations

- Help desk ticketing analytics

- Live chat support

Perfect for: Large enterprises who can spend resources on customizing and implementing
a legacy solution.

Pricing: The ticketing tool has a 14-day free trial period, and the Suite plans begin from $49
USD per user/month.

8. Help Scout
Help Scout is a customer service software with simple ticketing features built for small
businesses that rely on email and live chat for customer support.

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Key ticketing features:

- In-app noti�cations

- Saved replies

- Collaboration via private notes 

- Collision detection 

Perfect for: Small businesses that have email and live chat as primary support channels.

Pricing: A free trial of 15 days is available, and the pricing plans begin at $20 per

9. Front
Front is a customer communication tool that focuses on helping support teams collaborate
and respond to customer conversations with context.

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Key ticketing features:

- Collaboration within customer messages

- Pre-built templates for request assignment

- Tags to organize tickets

Perfect for: Companies that process a huge chunk of their customer requests from email.

Pricing: Front doesn’t have a free trial option, and the starter pack begins at $19 USD per

10. ProProfs Help Desk 

The ProProfs help desk software helps in managing and supporting both internal and
external support requests. The product supports tickets from channels like email, phone,
chat, and help center.

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Key ticketing features:

- Shared inbox

- Canned responses

- Knowledge base support

- Reports and surveys

Perfect for: Support teams that want to handle internal and customer-facing requests from
one place.

Pricing: They o�er a free trial of their ticketing tool for 15 days, and the basic plan of the
stand-alone help desk is available at $10 USD per user/month.

How to choose the right ticketing software for your


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Types of support channels

How do your customers contact you? Do they reach out to you via phone or email, or do
they prefer to chat with your agents on your website or social media handles? Based on
the channels you have set up for customer support, you need to look at a ticketing system
that is optimized to handle the di�erent communication platforms you o�er.

Ease of use
The more usable and intuitive helpdesk ticketing software is, the easier it is for your
support agents to pick up the di�erent nuances required to handle customer queries. A
simple, uncomplicated UI will also make sure your agents don’t have to spend long hours on
training and education. They can get started right away.

Compare and contrast the di�erent online ticketing software in the market and the various
pricing plans they provide. Be sure to check if their feature sets are in line with your
customer support requirements. If you are looking to provide B2B support, sometimes even
a free helpdesk software will su�ce.

As your business grows and your support team expands, your ticketing tool must be able to
accommodate higher customer requests, additional channels, more team members, and
multiple SLA policies. Choosing an online, cloud-based ticketing system helps you stay
�exible and dynamic as your business evolves.

Quality of support
Does the ticketing system have enough documentation and tutorials for admins and
support agents to refer to and get familiar with the tool? Are there company-hosted

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community forums where users can clear their queries? Do they o�er email or chat support
if you face any issues with the ticketing tool? Gain clarity on the type of support provided
for the tool before you choose a ticketing software.

Freshdesk: An online ticketing system that’s

popular across industries
Retail and ecommerce
Deliver proactive customer support, publish a branded help center, and integrate with 650+
apps, including Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, payment, and delivery solutions, to
o�er a uni�ed customer experience. Learn more.

Travel and hospitality

Launch intuitive self-service portals for 24/7 support, and inspire loyalty by reaching your
guests using their preferred communication channel such as WhatsApp, Facebook
Messenger, and LINE with Freshdesk. Learn more.

Manage student communication, publish a student and faculty portal for self-service, and
enable support teams for payroll, student systems, and admin to work seamlessly with each
other using Freshdesk. Learn more. 

Banking and �nance

O�er real-time omnichannel assistance and personalized support- Securely digitize legacy
banking processes and automate due diligence and background checks to engage in safe
and secure customer conversations. Learn more.

Maintain end-to-end digital patient communication, send proactive reminders to reduce no-
shows, and streamline billing and insurance processes with a HIPAA-compliant helpdesk
ticketing system. Learn more.


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Resolve customer enquiries from e-commerce platforms using third-party integrations,

manage �eld agents and last-mile delivery, with access to billing, invoicing, GPS and time-
tracking apps like Xerox, Quickbooks - all from one place. Learn more.

“There was a very short learning curve for me since Freshdesk is very easy to
navigate. Teammates can easily check tickets, utilize canned responses or
execute automated scenarios for common repeat issues or items.”

Cristopher Rueda
Customer Support Agent
7-Eleven Philippines

Frequently asked questions about ticketing


What makes for a good support ticketing system?

A good ticketing system should help you view, categorize, prioritize, route, and work
on customer requests with the least e�ort. You and your team should be able to
support customers without worrying about babysitting your ticketing software.

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How do you handle support tickets?

Are there free ticketing systems available?

Leading industry experts recommend Freshdesk

2021 Gartner G2 Momentum Finances Online

Magic Quadrant Leader 2022 Q1 Award

Capterra Shortlist

Try the Freshdesk ticketing system for free

Freshdesk has all that you need to deliver e�ortless agent experiences and delightful
customer support.

Start your 21-day free trial. No credit card required. No strings attached.


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Learn more about Freshdesk

Ticketing features

Free ticketing software

Trouble ticket software

Parent-child tickets

Linked tickets

Ticket activity monitoring

Shared ownership of tickets

Custom objects in tickets

Help desk software

Customer support software

Knowledge base software

Knowledge management system

Field service management software

More resources on help desk ticketing systems

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Learn all about shared

inboxes and email
ticketing systems.

Know what a help desk is

and its core

Here are the top 15

ticketing metrics to track
and measure.






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