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UBA ESB ISO 8583 Protocol Specification 1.3

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Version: 1.0

Release Date: 08/03/2017

Release State:

Prepared by: Eclectics International

Approval State:


Document Name: ISO 8583 Spec Doc

Project Id:
Revision History

Ver Date Author/Reviewer Brief description

1.0 08/03/2017 Julius Mwangi Initial draft covering general message structure
1.2 09/01/2018 Julius Mwangi Draft review
1.3 19.03/2018 Elico Sifuma Review of ISO Message fields in Transactions
1. OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
2. OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
3. ESB COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL ............................................................................................................................ 5
4. MESSAGES STRUCTURE .............................................................................................................................................. 5
5. ESB ISO 8583 MESSAGE TYPES ................................................................................................................................... 6
6. SUPPORTED TRANSACTION TYPES ............................................................................................................................. 6
7. AUTHORIZATION MESSAGES ...................................................................................................................................... 7
8. FINANCIAL TRANSACTION MESSAGES ........................................................................................................................ 7
9. REVERSAL MESSAGES................................................................................................................................................. 8
10. NET MANAGEMENT MESSAGES ............................................................................................................................10
11. DATA FIELDS .........................................................................................................................................................11
12. NETWORK MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................................................................27
13. TRANSACTIONS .....................................................................................................................................................28
This document describes specifications for the ESB external message integration with
Third Party systems.

The current software releases are implementing an external message based on the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 8583:1993 standard.

The message specifications in this manual are applicable to the ISO-based external
message only.


The objective of this document is to enable Third Party systems integrate with UBA
centralised ESB efficiently through ISO 8583 protocol.
ESB Interface supports the TCP/IP transport protocol.

TCP/IP is a point to point communication protocol with a delivery guarantee and data sequence guarantee. The
connecting party, which initiates a connection, is a TCP/IP client. The connection party, which accepts the
connection, is a TCP/IP server. TCP/IP client establishes connection identifying а target application with an IP
address of the host and a port number within that host. If the connection is dropped by any reason it should be
re-established by the client application.

ESB can act in a TCP/IP connection as a client or as a server depending on the host configuration. For data
transmission TCP/IP uses sessions. Each session is a bi-directional data stream. ESB protocol uses a single
TCP/IP session to transfer data between hosts in both directions.


Item Message Message Type BITMAP Data Elements

Length Header
Length 4 Bytes 4 Bytes 32 Bytes Variable

Message Class: Financial


MTI Description
1200 Financial Transaction request
1210 Financial Transaction response
1220 Financial Transaction Advice
1221 Financial Transaction Advice Repeat
1230 Financial Transaction Advice Response

Message Class: Reversal

1420 Reversal Advice

1421 Reversal Advice Repeat
1430 Reversal Advice Response

Message Class: Service


1360 Service Transaction Request

1370 Service Transaction Response
1303 SMS / E-Mail Notification

Message Class: Network


1804 Network Management

1814 Network Management


1. Balance Inquiry
2. Cash Withdrawal
3. Cash Deposit
4. Mini statement Inquiry
5. Bill Payments
6. Funds Transfer
7. Airtime Purchase
8. Cardless Origination.
9. Cardless Fulfilment.
10. Account Lookup (fetch customer Name).
1100 – Authorization Request

Message Type: 1100

Routing: From ESB to Third Party System (Bank).

Description: Authorization Request (1100) message requests approval authorization or guarantee for
the transaction to proceed. Authorization Response (1110) is expected in return for 1100 message,
either approving or denying the request.


1100 – Authorization Request
Message Type: 1100

Routing: From ESB to Third Party System (Bank)

Description: Authorization Request (1100) message requests approval authorization or guarantee for the
transaction to proceed. Authorization Response (1110) is expected in return for 1100 message, either approving
or denying the request.

1200 – Financial Transaction Request

Message Type: 1200

Routing: From ESB to Third Party System (Bank)

Description: Financial Transaction Request (1200) is used to seek approval for a transaction that if approved, can
be immediately applied to the cardholder’s account for billing or statement purposes. Financial Transaction
Response (1210) is expected in return for 1200 message, either approving or denying the request.

1210 – Financial Transaction Response

Message Type: 1210

Routing: From ESB to Third Party System (Bank)

Description: Financial Transaction Response (1210) is returned in response to Financial Transaction Request
(1200) to approve or deny the request.

1220 – Financial Transaction Advice

Message Type: 1220

Routing: From ESB to Third Party System (Bank)

Description: Financial Transaction Advice (1220) advises of a previously completed financial transaction. Format
and contents of fields at 1220 message are the same as at 1200 message. Each 1220 message must be
acknowledged with 1230 message.

1221 – Financial Transaction Advice Repeat

Message Type: 1221

Routing: From ESB to Third Party System (Bank)

Description: Financial Transaction Advice Repeat (1221) is identical to 1220 message, except that
it denotes to the receiver that it is a possible duplicate message. Format and contents of fields at 1221 message are
the same as at 1200 message. This message is used when an expected acknowledgement to 1220 message was not

1230 – Financial Transaction Advice Response

Message Type: 1230

Routing: From ESB to Third Party System (Bank)

Description: Financial Transaction Advice Response (1230) is used to acknowledge the receipt of 1220 or 1221
message. Format and contents of fields at 1230 message are the same as at 1210 message.


1420 – Reversal Request

Message Type: 1420

Routing: From ESB to Third Party System (Bank)

Description: Reversal Request (1420) is used to cancel part or all of a previously approved
transaction. Reversal Response (1430) is expected in return for 1420 message, either approving
or denying the request.

1421 – Reversal Repeat

Message Type: 1431

Routing: From ESB to Third Party System (Bank)

Description: Reversal Repeat (1421) is identical to 1420 message, except that it denotes to the receiver that it
is a possible duplicate message. 1421 message is used when an expected acknowledgement to 1420 message
was not received.
1430 – Reversal


Message Type: 1430

Routing: From ESB to Third Party System (Bank)

Description: Reversal Response (1430) is used to acknowledge the receipt of 1420 or 1421

1420 – Reversal Advice Request

Message Type: 1420

Routing: From ESB to Third Party System (Bank)

Description: Reversal Advice Request (1420) is advice to cancel part or all of a previously approved
transaction. Reversal Advice Response (1430) is expected in return for 1420 message, either approving the

1421 – Reversal Advice Repeat

Message Type: 1421

Routing: From ESB to Third Party System (Bank)

Description: Reversal Advice Repeat (1421) is identical to 1420 message, except that it denotes to the receiver
that it is a possible duplicate message. 1421 message is used when an expected acknowledgement to 1420
message was not received.

1430 – Reversal


Message Type: 1430

Routing: From ESB to Third Party System (Bank)

Description: Reversal Response (1430) is used to acknowledge the receipt of 1420 or 1421


1804 – Network Management Request
Message Type: 1804

Routing: From ESB to Third Party System (Bank)

Description: Network Management Request (1804) message is used to perform echo tests. 1804
message always requires 1814 message in response.

1814 – Network Management Response

Message Type: 1814
Routing: From ESB to Third Party System (Bank)

Description: Network Management Response (1814) message is returned in response to

Network Management Request (1804) message.

11.1 Data Field Attributes

A Alphabetic characters only.

N Numeric digits only.

S Special characters

b Binary representation, Length N means that field contains N bits

a Alphabetic and numeric characters only.

A Alphabetic and special characters
n Numeric digits and special characters
a Alphabetic, numeric, and special characters.
4 Fixed length of 4 characters.

… Variable length up to a maximum of 16 characters. All variable length fields

1 will also contain two or three positions at the beginning of the field to identify
6 the number of positions following to the end of that field

b Binary representation of data.

B 8 bytes (64 bits) in binary format. Each bit signifies the presence (1) or the
i absence (0) in the message of the data field associated with that particular bit
x “C” for credit, “D” for debit and shall always be associated with a numeric
– amount data field, i.e., x+n 16 in amount, net reconciliation means prefix “C”
or “D” and 16 digits of amount, net reconciliation
z Tracks 2 and 3 code set as defined in ISO 4909 and ISO 7813
11.2 Data Field Format

MM Month

DD Day

YY Year

hh Hour

mm Minute

SS Second
L Length of variable data field that follows, from 01-99. The variable length
L subelement is two numeric characters.

L Length of variable data field that follows, from 001-999. The variable length
L subelement is three numeric characters.
L Length of variable data field that follows, from 0001-9999. The variable length
L subelement is four numeric characters.
V Variable length data field.
Data Field Presence Conditions
C – Conditional. Field/value is present in the message under certain conditions, which are
explained in Data Field Description.
M – Mandatory. Field/value must be present in the message.
O – Optional. Field/value presence in the message is up to the message initiator or the

11.3 Data Field Description

Field 1: Secondary Bit-Map




This field is a bit map indicating the presence or absence of fields in the secondary portion of
the message, bits 65-128. This field should only be present if there is at least one field from the
secondary range in the message.

Field 2: Primary Account Number


llvar n.. 19


This field contains the cardholder‟ s card number.

This field is also used to match a response message with its original message.

Field 3: Processing Code




The processing code is a series of three two-byte codes. The first two bytes (bytes 1 and 2)
indicate the type of transaction.
See the following table for valid values.
31 Balance Inquiry
01 Cash Withdrawal
21 Cash Deposit
38 Mini statement
50 Bill Payments
40 Funds Transfer
42 Airtime Purchase
62 Cardless Origination
63 Cardless Fulfilment
36 Account lookup

The second and third two bytes (bytes 3 and 4, and bytes 5 and 6) indicate the account 1 and
account 2 type, respectively. See the following table for valid values.

0X Default-unspecified
1X Savings account
2X Checking account
3X Credit account
4X Others Account
5X Loans Account
6X Envelope Account
7X Escrow Account
8X Money Market Account
9X Loyalty Account

The non-zero value in second byte of each pair (i.e. byte 4 and 6) indicates an order of account that
is used in transaction in the list of card accounts with the same type. Valid values are 0-9.

Field 4: Amount, Transaction


n 12


Funds requested by the cardholder in the local currency of the acquirer or source location of the
transaction, exclusive of amounts, fees.
In the 1100 balance inquiry request, this field will contain zeroes. In the 1110 balance inquiry
response, this field will contain the account balance or zeroes if account balance is negative.

Field 6: Amount, Cardholder Billing


n 12


This field contains the transaction amount (Field 4), converted to the currency used to bill the
cardholder‟ s account. The conversion rate is in Field 10. No decimal point appears in this field;
the decimal place is implied based on the currency. If it is present, the following fields are also
required: “Field 10: Conversion Rate, Cardholder Billing”.
Field 7: Date and Time, Transmission


n 10


Date and time this message was sent by the message initiator.

Field 10: Conversion Rate, Cardholder Billing




This field contains the rate used to convert the transaction amount (Field 4) to the cardholder
billing amount (Field 6). The Field 4 amount multiplied by this rate equals the Field 6 amount.
The left-most digit denotes the number of positions the decimal separator shall be moved from
the right (allowable values are 0 to 7). Positions 2–8 of the field are the actual rate.
For example: 69985022 = 9.985022.

Field 11: Systems Trace Audit Number




A number assigned by a transaction originator to assist in identifying a transaction uniquely.

The trace number remains unchanged for all messages within the transaction.
This field is also used to match a response message with its original message.

Field 12: Time, Local Transaction


n 6 hhmmss


The time at which the transaction takes place at the card acceptor location, specified in local
This field is also used to match a response message with its original message.

Field 14: Date, Expiration




The year and month that the card will become expired.
This field specifies expiration date of the card defined in field 2 or field 48 Tag 96. If the field is
not present, the last issued active card used.

Field 18: Merchant Type




A code describing the merchant’s type of business product or service. See ISO-8583 standard
documentation for the list of valid categories.

Field 22: Point of Service Date Code




A series of codes intended to identify terminal capability, terminal environment and

presentation security data. It shall be used to indicate specific conditions that are (or were)
present at the time a transaction took place at the point of service and/or when the transaction
has been initiated.
See the following table for valid values.


01 or 06 Manual
02 Magnetic stripe read
05 1 ICC card read
69 2 Cardless cash operation
81 E-Commerce


0 Not authenticated
2 or 6 3 Signature Based

Field 23: Card Sequence Number



The Card Sequence Number data field contains the SVFE member number for the card that
initiated the transaction. Member numbers are used by SVFE to differentiate multiple cards
issued with the same card number.

Field 24: Function Code




Code indicating the specific purpose of the message within its message class. See the following
table for valid values.
100 Original Authorization request E
20 Original financial request S
40 Reversal, transaction did not S
0 complete as approved A
Field 25: Point of Service Condition Code G
Format T
n2 P

A code identifying transaction conditions at the point of service, thus, in many cases, identifying a
type of original or subsequent transaction. The field could be used for 01x0, 02x0, 04x0 requests.
Following values are possible:
„00 Normal transaction of this type
„01 Cardholder not present
„02 Unattendant terminal
„05‟ Customer present, Card Not Present
„08‟ Mail/telephone or e-commerce order (includes recurring transactions)

Field 28: Amount, Transaction Fee

an 9


Value of the fee charged by the acquirer for transaction activity in the currency of DE 4 (Amount, Transaction).

Subfiled Forma Descriptio

1, position 1 a1 t Fee type n
credit D
2, position 2-9 n8 – debit
Fee amount in the currency of DE 4
Field 29: Amount, Banks Commission Share in transaction
an 9


Value of the fee charged by the acquirer for transaction activity in the currency of DE 4 (Amount, Transaction).

Subfiled Forma Descriptio

1, position 1 a1 t Fee type n
credit D
2, position 2-9 n8 – debit
Fee amount in the currency of DE 4

Field 34: Primary Account Number Extended


llvar n.. 19


This field contains the card number for card2 in P2P transaction.

Field 35: Track 2 Data


llvar z.. 37


The information encoded on track 2 of the magnetic stripe.

Field 37: Retrieval Reference Number


an 12


A reference supplied by the system retaining the original source information and used to assist in locating
that information or a copy thereof.
If no reply was received to the original transaction Field 037 must still be present, but it should contain a string of

Field 38: Authorization Identification Response


an 6

Code Assigned by authorizing institution indicating approval

Field 39: Response Code


an 2


A code which defines the action taken or to be taken as well as the reason for taking the action.

Response code Description

00 Successful
51 Insufficient funds
55 Invalid pin
05 Do not Honor
12 Record not found

Field 41: Card Acceptor Terminal Identification


ans 8


Unique code identifying a terminal at the card acceptor location.

Field 42: Merchant Identification


an 15


Code identifying the merchant which defines the point of transaction in both local and interchange

Field 43: Card Acceptor Name/Location


ans 40


The name and location of the card acceptor. This field is required in authorization requests, advice messages
and related reversal requests for all card-read transactions. It contains the information necessary for printing
on customer account statements and on credit card billing statements.
Positions 1–(N-1), Terminal Location: The terminal location expressed as a terminal branch number, street
address, or equivalent.
Positions (N), Separator: value „
Positions (N+1)–37, City Name: The terminal location name of the city where the terminal is located, branch
number, or street address. Position N is between 10 and 30.
Positions 38, Separator: value „
Positions 39–40, Country Code: The two-character ISO alpha country code for the country where the
terminal is located. Country codes must be upper case.

This field will contain the transaction narration for Non ATM transactions. The same should be reflected

Field 47: Proprietary Field

lllvar ans …999
Tag data format: 3 bytes for each tag name + 3 bytes for each tag length + tag data


For responses this field is used for sending additional information to terminal in various tags.

Field 48: Additional Data – Private


lllvar ans …999

Tag data format: 2 bytes for each tag name + 2 bytes for each tag length + tag data


For responses this field is used for sending additional information to terminal in various tags.

Field 49: Currency Code, Transaction




The local currency of the acquirer or source location of the transaction.

Field 52: Personal Identification Data




Used to identify the cardholder at the point of service. For devices with a Pin Pad connected, this field should
contain the PIN information to be verified. If the transaction is not associated with a PIN, this field should not
be present.

Field 54: Amounts, Additional


lllvar ans …999

Information on up to six amounts and related account data. It is used to hold balance information for
balance inquiry transactions, and also the cashback amount for a purchase with cashback transaction.

Information on up to 6 each 20 characters in length. Each block has the following format:
Position Format Field name Description
1-2 n2 Account type 2 digit code giving the
account type that the
amount relates to. Values
should be as for field P3
(Processing Code)
account types.

3-4 N2 Amount Type 2 digit code giving the

type of the amount:
01 – Current, ledger,
02 – Available balance
40 – Cashback amount
90 – Available credit
91 – Credit limit
5-7 N3 Currency Code The currency code for the

8-20 x+n12 Amount The amount.

Field 60: Accounts, Additional


lllvar ans …999


Information on card accounts.

Field 62: Private Data, Multiple


lllvar ans …999


Private Data, Multiple, contains multiple data with similar type. Internal Data Depends on transaction type.
For Client`s Additional Data Inquiry field contains information on cardholder additional services. If the
transaction has no additional services for this client identifier, this field should not be present.
For Payment field contains variants of payment data.

Field 64: Primary MAC Data




The Primary Message Authentication Code data field carries the message authentication code (MAC) for the
message. This code is generated by ANSI X9.19 Method. Fields at MAC are filled in according type of
message formats represented at next chapter “MASSAGE FORMAT” (look at last column “Field Used For
MacY or N”)
If the message contains secondary data fields, Field 128 is used to carry the message authentication code. If
the message authentication code is carried in Field 128, Field 64 is not included in the message.
Field 70: Network Management Code




Network management information code

Field 90: Original Data Elements


n 42


This field contains data from original transaction, intended to identify a transaction for correction or

Positions Format Field Name Field description

1-4 N4 MTI The original MTI that
the transaction refers to.
Ie. 1200, 1220.
5-10 N6 STAN The original STAN (DE
11) of the transaction
referred to.
11-20 N10 Transmission Date & The original DE 7 field
Time contents
21-31 N11 Acquirer ID The Original Acquiring
Institution ID (DE 32)
(right justified, leading
32-42 N11 Zero Zero Filled

Field 91: Action code


an 1

Field 95: Replacement Amounts


n 12

Field 95 contains the corrected amount of a transaction in the transaction currency. It is necessary
only for partial reversals.
Field 98: payee


llvar ans.. 99

Field is used in bill payments, P2P and other services to transfer additional information from transaction source
to issuer, acquirer or any other party involved in transaction.

Field 102: Account Identification


llvar ans.. 99

Field is used in cardholder transactions. Field identifies an account number of cardholder relationship.

Field 103: Account Identification – 2


llvar ans.. 99


Field is used in cardholder transactions. Field identifies second account number of cardholder relationship.
For example, “TO account” for transfers.

Field 114: Private Data, Additional Sets


llllvar ans.. 9999


Private Data, Additional Sets, contains multiple data sets for Client`s Additional Data Inquiry
transaction. Data type depends on requested data type .

Field 128: Secondary MAC Data




The Secondary Message Authentication Code data field carries the message authentication code (MAC) for the
message. See Field 64: Primary MAC Data


Bit Attri- Sta-

No Data field Name Format butes tus Comments / Remarks
- Message Type n4 M Value is 1804
- Bit Map, Primary b64 M

- Bit Map, Secondary b64 M

7 Transmission Date MMDDhhmmss n10 M

and Time

11 Systems Trace Audit n6 M


70 Network n3 M 301
Management Code


Bit Data field Name Format Attri- Sta- Comments / Remarks Used For
No butes tus Mac Y or
. N
- Message Type n4 M Always is 1804 N
- Bit Map, Primary b64 M N

- Bit Map, Secondary b64 M N

7 Transmission Date MMDDhhmmss N10 M Copied from the N

and Time request message

11 Systems Trace Audit N6 M Copied from the N

Number request message

39 Response Code an2 M Response code N

70 Network n3 M 301 N
Management Code

13.1 Balance inquiry


Bit Attri- Sta-

No Data field Name Format butes tus Comments / Remarks
- Message Type n4 M Value is 1200
- Bit Map, Primary b64 M

- Bit Map, Secondary b64 C If first bit in primary bitmaps is

2 Primary Account Number LLVAR n…19 C The primary Account Number
of the card.

3 Processing Code n6 M 31NN00

NN – Account type

4 Amount, Transaction n12 M Zeroes

7 Transmission Date and MMDDhhmmss n10 M

11 Systems Trace Audit n6 M
12 Time, Local Transaction hhmmss N6 M

28 Transaction Fee N9 C

29 Bank Commission share N9 C

30 Excise duty N9 C

32 Acquirer ID LLVAR Ans..99 M

33 Forwarding institution ID Ans..99 C

35 Track 2 Data LLVAR Ans..99 M

37 Retrieval Reference an 12 M
41 Card Acceptor Terminal ans 8 M

42 Card Acceptor an 15 M
Identification Code

43 Card Acceptor Name and ans 40 M


49 Transaction Currency n3 M

52 Pin block B8 M Binary Packed - PIN value

55 ICC data LLLVAR C Chip card data in hexadecimal
102 Account identification LLVAR ans…99 C Operation Account
Standard data
Number. Debit Account

123 Source Channel LLLVAR Ans..999 O Indicates the source of the


Bit Attri- Sta-

No Data field Name Format butes tus Comments / Remarks
- Message Type n4 M Always is 1210
- Bit Map, Primary b64 M

- Bit Map, Secondary b64 C

2 Primary Account LLVAR n…19 C normally copied from

Number the 120x message

3 Processing Code n6 M normally copied from

the 010x message

4 Amount, Transaction N12 M Account balance

or zeroes

7 Transmission Date MMDDhhmmss N10 M Copied from the

and Time request message

11 Systems Trace Audit N6 M Copied from the

Number request message

12 Time, Local hhmmss) N6 M Copied from the

Transaction request message

28 Transaction Fee N9 C Copied from the request

29 Bank Commission N9 C Copied from the request
30 Excise duty N9 C Copied from the request
32 Acquirer ID LLVAR Ans..99 M Copied from the request
37 Retrieval Reference an 12 M

38 Authorization Code N6 M Authorization code

39 Response Code An2 M Response code

41 Card Acceptor Ans 8 M

42 Card Acceptor an 15 M
43 Card Acceptor Name ans 40 O
and Location

49 Currency Code n3 M

54 Additional Amounts LLLVAR ans.. 123 M

102 Account identification LLVAR ans…99 C Copied from the

request message if
123 Source Channel LLLVAR Ans..999 O Copied from the
request message if
13.2 Ministatement


Bit Attri- Sta-

No Data field Name Format butes tus Comments / Remarks
- Message Type n4 M Value is 1200
- Bit Map, Primary b64 M

- Bit Map, Secondary b64 C If first bit in primary bitmaps is

2 Primary Account Number LLVAR n…19 C The primary Account Number
of the card.

3 Processing Code n6 M 380000

4 Amount, Transaction n12 M Zeroes

7 Transmission Date and MMDDhhmmss n10 M

11 Systems Trace Audit n6 M
12 Time, Local Transaction hhmmss N6 M

28 Transaction Fee N9 C

29 Bank Commission share N9 C

30 Excise duty N9 C

32 Acquirer ID LLVAR Ans..99 M

33 Forwarding Institution ID Ans..99 M

35 Track 2 Data LLVAR Ans..99 M

37 Retrieval Reference an 12 M
41 Card Acceptor Terminal ans 8 M

42 Card Acceptor an 15 M
Identification Code

43 Card Acceptor Name and ans 40 M


49 Transaction Currency n3 M Currency code

52 PIN Block B8 M Packed - PIN value

55 ICC data LLLV C Chip card data in hexadecimal

AR format
102 Account identification LLVAR ans…99 C Operation Account
Number. Debit Account

123 Source Channel LLLVAR Ans..999 O Indicates the source of

the transaction
Bit Attri- Sta-
No Data field Name Format butes tus Comments / Remarks
- Message Type n4 M Always is 1210
- Bit Map, Primary b64 M

- Bit Map, Secondary b64 C

2 Primary Account LLVAR n…19 C normally copied from

Number the 120x message

3 Processing Code n6 M normally copied from

the 010x message

4 Amount, Transaction N12 M Account balance

or zeroes

7 Transmission Date MMDDhhmmss N10 M Copied from the

and Time request message

11 Systems Trace N6 M Copied from the

Audit Number request message

12 Time, Local hhmmss N6 M Copied from the

Transaction request message

32 Acquirer ID LLVAR Ans..99 M

37 Retrieval Reference an 12 M

39 Response Code An2 M Response code

41 Card Acceptor Ans 8 M

42 Card Acceptor an 15 M

43 Card Acceptor Name ans 40 O

and Location

48 Additional Data LLLVAR ans . 999 M -Send the last

10 transactions

49 Currency Code n3 M

54 Additional Amounts LLLVAR ans.. 123 M

102 Account identification LLVAR ans…99 C Copied from the

request message if
123 Source Channel LLLVAR Ans..999 O Copied from the
request message if
13.3 Cash withdrawal


Bit Attri- Sta-

No Data field Name Format butes tus Comments / Remarks
- Message Type n4 M Value is 1200
- Bit Map, Primary b64 M

- Bit Map, Secondary b64 C If first bit in primary bitmaps is

2 Primary Account Number LLVAR n…19 C The primary Account Number

of the card.

3 Processing Code n6 M 01NN00

NN – Account type

4 Amount, Transaction n12 M Transaction amount

7 Transmission Date and MMDDhhmmss n10 M

11 Systems Trace Audit n6 M
12 Time, Local Transaction hhmmss N6 M

28 Amount, Transaction Fee N9 C Customer charge value

29 Amount, Bank Commission N9 C Bank’s commission share

30 Amount, Excise duty N9 C Excise duty

32 Acquirer ID LLVAR Ans..99 M

33 Forwarding institution ID LLVAR Ans..99 M

35 Track 2 Data LLVAR Ans..99 M

37 Retrieval Reference an 12 M
41 Card Acceptor Terminal ans 8 M

42 Card Acceptor an 15 M
Identification Code

43 Card Acceptor Name and ans 40 M


Page 35
49 Transaction Currency n3 M

52 PIN Block B8 M Packed - PIN value

55 ICC data LLLVAR Ans… C Chip card data in hexadecimal

999 format
102 Account 1 identification LLVAR ans…99 C Operation Account
Number. Debit Account

103 Account 2 identification LLVAR ans…99 C Operation Account

Number. Credit Account

123 Source Channel LLLVAR Ans..999 O Indicates the source of the



Bit Attri- Sta-

No Data field Name Format butes tus Comments / Remarks
- Message Type n4 M Value is 1200
- Bit Map, Primary b64 M

- Bit Map, Secondary b64 C If first bit in primary bitmaps is

2 Primary Account Number LLVAR n…19 C The primary Account Number
of the card.

3 Processing Code n6 M 01NN00

NN – Account type

4 Amount, Transaction n12 M Copied from the request

7 Transmission Date and MMDDhhmmss n10 M Copied from the request message
11 Systems Trace Audit n6 M Copied from the request message
12 Time, Local Transaction hhmmss N6 M Copied from the request message

28 Amount, Transaction Fee N9 C Customer charge

29 Bank commission share N9 C Bank commission share

30 Excise duty N9 C Excise duty

32 Acquirer ID LLVAR Ans..99 M

37 Retrieval Reference an 12 M Copied from the request message


Page 36
38 Authorization code N6 M Authorization code

39 Response Code An2 M Response code

41 Card Acceptor Terminal ans 8 M Copied from the request message


42 Card Acceptor an 15 M Copied from the request message

Identification Code

43 Card Acceptor Name and ans 40 M Copied from the request message

49 Transaction Currency n3 M Copied from the request message

54 Additional Amounts LLLVAR Ans… Customer balance


102 Account identification LLVAR ans…99 M Operation Account

Number. Debit Account

103 Account2 identification LLVAR Ans…99 C Copied from the request


123 Source Channel LLLVAR Ans…999 O Indicates the source of the


13.4 Cash Deposit


Bit Attri- Sta-

No Data field Name Format butes tus Comments / Remarks
- Message Type n4 M Value is 1200
- Bit Map, Primary b64 M

- Bit Map, Secondary b64 C If first bit in primary bitmaps is

2 Primary Account Number LLVAR n…19 C The primary Account Number

of the card.

3 Processing Code n6 M 21NN00

NN – Account type

4 Amount, Transaction n12 M Transaction amount

Page 37
7 Transmission Date and MMDDhhmmss n10 M
11 Systems Trace Audit n6 M
12 Time, Local Transaction hhmmss N6 M

28 Amount, Transaction Fee N9 C Charge amount

29 Bank Commission share N9 C Bank commission amount

30 Excise duty N9 C Excise duty

32 Acquirer ID LLVAR Ans..99 M

33 Forwarding institution ID LLVAR Ans…99 C

35 Track 2 Data LLVAR Ans..99 C

37 Retrieval Reference an 12 M
41 Card Acceptor Terminal ans 8 M

42 Card Acceptor an 15 M
Identification Code

43 Card Acceptor Name and ans 40 M


49 Transaction Currency n3 M

52 Pin Block B8 M Binary Packed - PIN value

55 ICC data LLVAR Ans… C Chip card data in hexadecimal

999 format Standard data
102 Account 1 identification LLVAR Ans… C Operation Account Number.
99 Debit Account

103 Account 2 identification LLVAR ans…99 M Operation Account

Number. Credit Account

123 Source Channel LLLVAR Ans…999 Indicates the source of the



Bit Attri- Sta-

No Data field Name Format butes tus Comments / Remarks
- Message Type n4 M Value is 1200
- Bit Map, Primary b64 M

Page 38
- Bit Map, Secondary b64 C If first bit in primary bitmaps is
2 Primary Account Number LLVAR n…19 C The primary Account Number
of the card.

3 Processing Code n6 M 21NN00

NN – Account type

4 Amount, Transaction n12 M Transaction amount

7 Transmission Date and MMDDhhmmss n10 M

11 Systems Trace Audit n6 M
12 Time, Local Transaction hhmmss N6 M

28 Amount, Transaction Fee N9 C charge Amount

29 Banks Commission share N9 C Bank commission share amount

30 Excise duty N9 C Excise duty

32 Acquirer ID LLVAR Ans..99 M

33 Forwarding institution ID LLVAR Ans…99 C

37 Retrieval Reference an 12 M

38 Authorization code N6 O Authorization code

39 Response Code An2 M Response code

41 Card Acceptor Terminal ans 8 M


42 Card Acceptor an 15 M
Identification Code

43 Card Acceptor Name and ans 40 M


49 Transaction Currency n3 M

102 Account1 identification LLVAR Ans… C Operation Account Number.

99 Debit Account

103 Account2 identification LLVAR ans…99 M Operation Account

Number. Credit Account

123 Source Channel LLLVAR Ans..999 O Indicates the source of the


Page 39
13.5 Funds Transfer


Bit Attri- Sta-

No. Data field Name Format butes tus Comments / Remarks

- Message Type n4 M Value is 1200

- Bit Map, Primary b64 M

- Bit Map, Secondary b64 C If first bit in primary bitmaps is

2 Primary Account Number LLVAR n…19 C The primary Account Number

of the card.

3 Processing Code n6 M 40NN00

NN – Account type

4 Amount, Transaction n12 M Transaction amount

7 Transmission Date and MMDDhhmmss n10 M

11 Systems Trace Audit n6 M
12 Time, Local Transaction hhmmss N6 M

28 Amount, Transaction Fee N9 C Charge Amount

29 Bank Commission share N9 C Bank commission share

30 Excise duty N9 C Excise duty

32 Acquirer ID LLVAR Ans..99 M

33 Forwarding Institution ID LLVAR Ans…99 C

35 Track 2 Data LLVAR Ans..99 M

37 Retrieval Reference an 12 M
41 Card Acceptor Terminal ans 8 M

42 Card Acceptor an 15 M
Identification Code

43 Card Acceptor Name and ans 40 M


49 Transaction Currency n3 M Currency Code

Page 40
52 PIN Block B8 M Packed PIN value

55 ICC data LLLVAR Ans… C Chip card data in hexadecimal

999 format Standard data

102 Account identification LLVAR ans… C Operation Account Number.

99 Debit Account

103 Account identification LLVAR ans…99 M Operation Account

Number. Credit Account

123 Source Channel LLLVAR Ans..999 O Indicates the source of the


Bit Attri- Sta-
No. Data field Name Format butes tus Comments / Remarks

- Message Type n4 M Always 1210

- Bit Map, Primary b64 M

- Bit Map, Secondary b64 C If first bit in primary bitmaps is

2 Primary Account Number LLVAR n…19 C normally copied from the

120x message
3 Processing Code n6 M Copied from the request
message if present.

4 Amount, Transaction n12 M Transaction amount

7 Transmission Date and MMDDhhmmss n10 M Copied from the request message
Time if present.

11 Systems Trace Audit n6 M Copied from the request message

Number if present.

12 Time, Local Transaction hhmmss N6 M Copied from the request message

if present.

28 Amount, Transaction Fee N9 C Charge Amount

29 Banks Commission share N9 C Bank Commission share

30 Excise duty N9 C Excise duty

32 Acquirer ID LLVAR Ans..99 M

33 Forwarding Institution ID LLVAR Ans..99 C

37 Retrieval Reference an 12 M
38 Authorization code N6 C Authorization code

Page 41
39 Response Code N2 M

41 Card Acceptor Terminal ans 8 M


42 Card Acceptor an 15 M
Identification Code

43 Card Acceptor Name and ans 40 M


49 Transaction Currency n3 M

54 Additional amount LLLVAR Ans… O Customer balance

102 Account 1 identification LLVAR ans… C Copied from the request
99 message if present.

103 Account 2 identification LLVAR ans…99 M Copied from the request message
if present.

123 Source Channel LLLVAR Ans…999 O Copied from the request message
if present.

13.6 Bills Payments(By Cash)

Bit Attri- St
No. Data field Name Format butes a- Comments / Remarks
- Message Type n4 sM Value is 1200
- Bit Map, Primary b64 M

- Bit Map, Secondary b64 C If first bit in primary bitmaps is

2 Primary Account Number LLVAR n…19 C The primary Account Number

of the card or Virtual pan

3 Processing Code n6 M 50NN00

NN – Account type

4 Amount, Transaction n12 M Transaction amount

7 Transmission Date and MMDDhhmmss n10 M

11 Systems Trace Audit n6 M
12 Time, Local Transaction hhmmss N6 M

Page 42
28 Amount, Transaction Fee N9 C Charge Amount

29 Bank commission share N9 C Bank commission share amount

30 Excise duty N9 C Excise duty

32 Acquirer ID LLVAR Ans..99 M

33 Forwarding Institution ID LLVAR Ans…99 C

35 Track 2 Data LLVAR Ans..99 M Not present if Payment by cash

37 Retrieval Reference an 12 M

41 Card Acceptor Terminal ans 8 M


42 Card Acceptor an 15 M
Identification Code

43 Card Acceptor Name and ans 40 M


49 Transaction Currency n3 M

52 PIN block B8 C Packed PIN value

Not present if payment by cash

55 ICC data LLLVAR Ans…99 C Chip card data in hexadecimal

9 format
Not present if payment by cash

100 Biller Identifier LLVAR ans…99 M Identifiers

Standard the Biller e.g.
102 Account identification LLVAR ans…99 C Operation Account Number.
Debit Account

123 Source Channel LLLVAR Ans..999 O Indicates the source of the



Bit Attri- St
No. Data field Name Format butes a- Comments / Remarks
- Message Type n4 sM Always 1210
- Bit Map, Primary b64 M

- Bit Map, Secondary b64 C If first bit in primary bitmaps is

2 Primary Account Number LLVAR n…19 C The primary Account Number

of the card.

Page 43
3 Processing Code n6 M 500000
NN – Account type

4 Amount, Transaction n12 M copied from the request message

copied from the request message
7 Transmission Date and MMDDhhmmss n10 M
copied from the request message
11 Systems Trace Audit n6 M
copied from the request message
12 Time, Local Transaction hhmmss N6 M

28 Amount, Transaction Fee n12 C Charge Amount

32 Acquirer ID LLVAR Ans..99 M

37 Retrieval Reference an 12 M

38 Authorization code An 6 O Authorization code

39 Response code An 2
copied from the request message
41 Card Acceptor Terminal ans 8 M
copied from the request message
42 Card Acceptor an 15 M
Identification Code
copied from the request message
43 Card Acceptor Name and ans 40 M
copied from the request message
49 Transaction Currency n3 M

100 Biller Identifier LLVAR ans…99 M Identifiers the Biller e.g

102 Account identification LLVAR ans…99 C Operation Account Number.
Debit Account

123 Source Channel LLLVAR Ans..999 O Indicates the source of the


13.7 Bill Payment (By Card)

Bit Attri- St
No. Data field Name Format butes a- Comments / Remarks
- Message Type n4 sM Value is 1200
- Bit Map, Primary b64 M

Page 44
- Bit Map, Secondary b64 C If first bit in primary bitmaps is

2 Primary Account Number LLVAR n…19 M The primary Account Number

of the card or Virtual pan

3 Processing Code n6 M 50NN00

NN – Account type

4 Amount, Transaction n12 M Transaction amount

7 Transmission Date and MMDDhhmmss n10 M

11 Systems Trace Audit n6 M
12 Time, Local Transaction hhmmss N6 M

28 Amount, Transaction Fee N9 C Charge Amount

29 Bank commission share N9 C Bank commission share amount

30 Excise duty N9 C Excise duty

32 Acquirer ID LLVAR Ans..99 M

33 Forwarding Institution ID LLVAR Ans…99 C

35 Track 2 Data LLVAR Ans..99 M Not present if Payment by cash

37 Retrieval Reference an 12 M

41 Card Acceptor Terminal ans 8 M


42 Card Acceptor an 15 M
Identification Code

43 Card Acceptor Name and ans 40 M


49 Transaction Currency n3 M

52 PIN block B8 M Packed PIN value

Not present if payment by cash

55 ICC data LLLVAR Ans…99 C Chip card data in hexadecimal

9 format
Not present if payment by cash

100 Biller Identifier LLVAR ans…99 M Identifiers

Standard the Biller e.g.
102 Account identification LLVAR ans…99 C Operation Account Number.
Debit Account

Page 45
123 Source Channel LLLVAR Ans..999 O Indicates the source of the


Bit Attri- St
No. Data field Name Format butes a- Comments / Remarks
- Message Type n4 sM Always 1210
- Bit Map, Primary b64 M

- Bit Map, Secondary b64 C If first bit in primary bitmaps is

2 Primary Account Number LLVAR n…19 C The primary Account Number

of the card.

3 Processing Code n6 M 500000

NN – Account type

4 Amount, Transaction n12 M copied from the request message

copied from the request message
7 Transmission Date and MMDDhhmmss n10 M
copied from the request message
11 Systems Trace Audit n6 M
copied from the request message
12 Time, Local Transaction hhmmss N6 M

28 Amount, Transaction Fee n12 C Charge Amount

32 Acquirer ID LLVAR Ans..99 M

37 Retrieval Reference an 12 M
38 Authorization code An 6 O Authorization code

39 Response code An 2
copied from the request message
41 Card Acceptor Terminal ans 8 M
copied from the request message
42 Card Acceptor an 15 M
Identification Code
copied from the request message
43 Card Acceptor Name and ans 40 M
copied from the request message
49 Transaction Currency n3 M

100 Biller Identifier LLVAR ans…99 M Identifiers the Biller e.g


Page 46
102 Account identification LLVAR ans…99 C Operation Account Number.
Debit Account

123 Source Channel LLLVAR Ans..999 O Indicates the source of the


13.8 Cardless Origination Transaction


Bit Attri- Sta-

No. Data field Name Format butes tus Comments / Remarks

- Message Type n4 M Value is 1200

- Bit Map, Primary b64 M

- Bit Map, Secondary b64 C If first bit in primary bitmaps is

2 Primary Account Number LLVAR n…19 M The primary Account Number

of the card.

3 Processing Code n6 M 62NN00

NN – Account type

4 Amount, Transaction n12 M Transaction amount

7 Transmission Date and MMDDhhmmss n10 M

11 Systems Trace Audit n6 M
12 Time, Local Transaction hhmmss N6 M

28 Amount, Transaction Fee N9 C Charge Amount

29 Bank Commission Share N9 C Bank commission share

30 Excise duty N9 C Excise duty

32 Acquirer ID LLVAR Ans..99 M

33 Forwarding Institution ID LLVAR Ans..99 C

35 Track 2 Data LLVAR Ans..99 M

Page 47
37 Retrieval Reference an 12 M

41 Card Acceptor Terminal ans 8 M


42 Card Acceptor an 15 M
Identification Code

43 Card Acceptor Name and ans 40 M


49 Transaction Currency n3 M

52 PIN Block B8 M Packed PIN value

55 ICC data LLLVAR Ans… C Chip card data in hexadecimal

999 format

102 Account1 identification LLVAR ans… C Operation Account Number.

99 Debit Account

103 Account identification LLVAR ans…99 C Operation Account

Number. Credit Account

123 Source Channel LLLVAR Ans..999 O Indicates the source of the



Bit Attri- Sta-

No. Data field Name Format butes tus Comments / Remarks

- Message Type n4 M Always 1210

- Bit Map, Primary b64 M

- Bit Map, Secondary b64 C If first bit in primary bitmaps is

2 Primary Account Number LLVAR n…19 C normally copied from the

120x message
3 Processing Code n6 M Copied from the request
message if present.

4 Amount, Transaction n12 M Transaction amount

7 Transmission Date and MMDDhhmmss n10 M Copied from the request message
Time if present.

11 Systems Trace Audit n6 M Copied from the request message

Number if present.

Page 48
12 Time, Local Transaction hhmmss N6 M Copied from the request message
if present.

28 Amount, Transaction Fee n12 C Commission Amount

32 Acquirer ID LLVAR Ans..99 M

35 Track 2 Data LLVAR Ans..99 C Copied from the request message

if present.

37 Retrieval Reference an 12 M

38 Authorization code Ans 2 O Authorization code

39 Response Code Ans 2 M

41 Card Acceptor Terminal ans 8 M


42 Card Acceptor an 15 M
Identification Code

43 Card Acceptor Name and ans 40 M


49 Transaction Currency n3 M

52 PIN Block N3 C Copied from the request message

if present.

102 Account identification LLVAR ans… C Copied from the request

99 message if present.

103 Account identification LLVAR ans…99 C Copied from the request message
if present.

123 Source Channel LLLVAR Ans..999 O Copied from the request message
if present.

13.9 Airtime topups


Bit Attri- St
No. Data field Name Format butes a- Comments / Remarks
- Message Type n4 sM Value is 1200
- Bit Map, Primary b64 M

- Bit Map, Secondary b64 C If first bit in primary bitmaps is

Page 49
2 Primary Account Number LLVAR n…19 C The primary Account Number
of the card or Virtual pan

3 Processing Code n6 M 42NN00

NN – Account type

4 Amount, Transaction n12 M Transaction amount

7 Transmission Date and MMDDhhmmss n10 M

11 Systems Trace Audit n6 M
12 Time, Local Transaction hhmmss N6 M

28 Amount, Transaction Fee N9 C Charge Amount

29 Bank commission share N9 C Bank commission share amount

30 Excise duty N9 C Excise duty

32 Acquirer ID LLVAR Ans..99 M

33 Forwarding Institution ID LLVAR Ans…99 C

35 Track 2 Data LLVAR Ans..99 C M if Payment by card

37 Retrieval Reference an 12 M

41 Card Acceptor Terminal ans 8 M


42 Card Acceptor an 15 M
Identification Code

43 Card Acceptor Name and ans 40 M


49 Transaction Currency n3 M

52 PIN block B8 C Packed PIN value

M if payment by card

55 ICC data LLLVAR Ans…99 C Chip card data in hexadecimal

9 format
Not present if payment by cash

100 Biller Identifier LLVAR ans…99 M Identifiers

Standard the Biller e.g.
102 Account identification LLVAR ans…99 C Operation Account Number.
Debit Account

123 Source Channel LLLVAR Ans..999 O Indicates the source of the



Page 50
Bit Attri- St
No. Data field Name Format butes a- Comments / Remarks
- Message Type n4 sM Always 1210
- Bit Map, Primary b64 M

- Bit Map, Secondary b64 C If first bit in primary bitmaps is

2 Primary Account Number LLVAR n…19 C The primary Account Number

of the card.

3 Processing Code n6 M 420000

NN – Account type

4 Amount, Transaction n12 M copied from the request message

copied from the request message
7 Transmission Date and MMDDhhmmss n10 M
copied from the request message
11 Systems Trace Audit n6 M
copied from the request message
12 Time, Local Transaction hhmmss N6 M

28 Amount, Transaction Fee n12 C Charge Amount

32 Acquirer ID LLVAR Ans..99 M

37 Retrieval Reference an 12 M
38 Authorization code An 6 O Authorization code

39 Response code An 2
copied from the request message
41 Card Acceptor Terminal ans 8 M
copied from the request message
42 Card Acceptor an 15 M
Identification Code
copied from the request message
43 Card Acceptor Name and ans 40 M
copied from the request message
49 Transaction Currency n3 M

100 Biller Identifier LLVAR ans…99 M copied from the request message

102 Account identification LLVAR ans…99 M Operation Account Number.

Debit Account

123 Source Channel LLLVAR Ans..999 O Indicates the source of the


Page 51
13.10 Cardless Fulfilment

Bit Attri- Sta-
No. Data field Name Format butes tus Comments / Remarks

- Message Type n4 M Value is 1200

- Bit Map, Primary b64 M

- Bit Map, Secondary b64 C If first bit in primary bitmaps is

2 Primary Account Number LLVAR n…19 C The Virtual PAN defined for
Cardless fulfilment.

3 Processing Code n6 M 63NN00

NN – Account type

4 Amount, Transaction n12 M Transaction amount

7 Transmission Date and MMDDhhmmss n10 M

11 Systems Trace Audit n6 M
12 Time, Local Transaction hhmmss N6 M

28 Amount, Transaction Fee N9 C Charge Amount

29 Bank Commission share N9 C Bank Commission share

30 Excise duty N9 C Excise duty

32 Acquirer ID LLVAR Ans..99 M

33 Forwarding institution ID LLVAR Ans..99 C

37 Retrieval Reference an 12 M

41 Card Acceptor Terminal ans 8 M


42 Card Acceptor an 15 M
Identification Code

43 Card Acceptor Name and ans 40 M


49 Transaction Currency n3 M

66 Recipient Phone LLVAR Ans..9 M Recipient Phone

number/Reference number 9 number/Reference number

Page 52
80 Secret code/PIN LLVAR Ans..9 C Secret code/OTP/PIN

102 Account1 identification LLVAR ans… C Operation Account Number.

99 Debit Account

103 Account identification LLVAR ans…99 C Operation Account

Number. Credit Account

123 Source Channel LLLVAR Ans..999 O Indicates the source of the



Bit Attri- Sta-

No. Data field Name Format butes tus Comments / Remarks

- Message Type n4 M Value is 1210

- Bit Map, Primary b64 M

- Bit Map, Secondary b64 C If first bit in primary bitmaps is

2 Primary Account Number LLVAR n…19 C copied from the request message

3 Processing Code n6 M 63NN00

NN – Account type

4 Amount, Transaction n12 M Transaction amount

copied from the request message
7 Transmission Date and MMDDhhmmss n10 M
copied from the request message
11 Systems Trace Audit n6 M
copied from the request message
12 Time, Local Transaction hhmmss N6 M

28 Amount, Transaction Fee N9 C copied from the request message

29 Bank Commission share N9 C copied from the request message

30 Excise duty N9 C copied from the request message

copied from the request message
32 Acquirer ID LLVAR Ans..99 M
copied from the request message
33 Forwarding institution ID LLVAR Ans..99 C
copied from the request message
37 Retrieval Reference an 12 M

Page 53
copied from the request message
41 Card Acceptor Terminal ans 8 M
copied from the request message
42 Card Acceptor an 15 M
Identification Code
copied from the request message
43 Card Acceptor Name and ans 40 M
copied from the request message
49 Transaction Currency n3 M

66 Recipient Phone LLVAR Ans..9 M Recipient Phone

number/Reference number 9 number/Reference number

80 Secret code/PIN LLVAR Ans..9 C Secret code/OTP/PIN


102 Account1 identification LLVAR ans… C Operation Account Number.

99 Debit Account

103 Account identification LLVAR ans…99 C Operation Account

Number. Credit Account

123 Source Channel LLLVAR Ans..999 O Indicates the source of the


14.0 Account lookup


Bit Attri- Sta-

No. Data field Name Format butes tus Comments / Remarks

- Message Type n4 M Value is 1200

- Bit Map, Primary b64 M

- Bit Map, Secondary b64 C If first bit in primary bitmaps is

2 Primary Account Number LLVAR n…19 C The Virtual PAN defined for
Account lookup.

3 Processing Code n6 M 36NN00

NN – Account type

4 Amount, Transaction n12 M Transaction amount

Page 54
7 Transmission Date and MMDDhhmmss n10 M
11 Systems Trace Audit n6 M
12 Time, Local Transaction hhmmss N6 M

32 Acquirer ID LLVAR Ans..99 M

37 Retrieval Reference an 12 M
41 Card Acceptor Terminal ans 8 M

42 Card Acceptor an 15 M
Identification Code

43 Card Acceptor Name and ans 40 M


49 Transaction Currency n3 M

103 Account identification LLVAR ans…99 M Operation Account

Number. Credit Account

123 Source Channel LLLVAR Ans..999 O Indicates the source of the


Bit Attri- Sta-
No. Data field Name Format butes tus Comments / Remarks

- Message Type n4 M Value is 1210

- Bit Map, Primary b64 M

- Bit Map, Secondary b64 C If first bit in primary bitmaps is

2 Primary Account Number LLVAR n…19 C The Virtual PAN defined for
Account lookup.

3 Processing Code n6 M 36NN00

NN – Account type

4 Amount, Transaction n12 M copied from the request message

copied from the request message
7 Transmission Date and MMDDhhmmss n10 M

Page 55
copied from the request message
11 Systems Trace Audit n6 M
copied from the request message
12 Time, Local Transaction hhmmss N6 M

copied from the request message

32 Acquirer ID LLVAR Ans..99 M
copied from the request message
37 Retrieval Reference an 12 M
copied from the request message
41 Card Acceptor Terminal ans 8 M
copied from the request message
42 Card Acceptor an 15 M
Identification Code
copied from the request message
43 Card Acceptor Name and ans 40 M
copied from the request message
49 Transaction Currency n3 M

103 Account identification LLVAR ans…99 C Operation Account

Number. Credit Account

123 Source Channel LLLVAR Ans..999 O Indicates the source of the


127 Customer Name LLLVAR Ans..999 M Customer name’s

Page 56

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