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Chapter One 1

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a)Constant volume process

In this process
V  cons tan t
dV  0
W   PdV  0

Q-W= U

and W=0 for constant volume Fig(1.1) constant volume process

Q = U
Q=m * (u 2  u1 )
u 2 internal energy at the final state (kj/kg)
u1 internal energy at the initial state (kj/kg)
For ideal gas
U =m* C v * T
Q=m C v * (T2  T1 )

Example 1.1
A rigid tank contains air at 500kPa and 150 oC. As a result of
the surrounding, the temperature and pressure in side the tank drop
to 65oC and 400kPa, respectively. Determine the work done during
this process.
Solution: Given T1=150oC and P1=500kPa
T2=65oC and P2=400kPa with no change in
volume because the tank is rigid.
V=constant and dv=0 and so W=0

b) Constant Pressure Process

P  cons tan t
P  P1  P2
W   PdV  P (V2  V1 )

in this process the work of ideal gas is

W  P(V2  V1 )
Fig(1.2) constant pressure process
W  mR(T2  T1 )

and for vapor

W  mP(v 2  v1 )
Q-W= U
Q = U +W
Q= H
H=enthalpy (KJ)
Q=m * (h2  h1 )
h2 internal energy at the final state (kj/kg)
h1 internal energy at the initial state (kj/kg)
For ideal gas
U =m* C p * T
Q=m C p * (T2  T1 )
Example 1.2
Five kilograms of saturated vapor water at 1Mpa is
contained in a cylinder fitted with a movable piston. This system is now
heated at constant pressure until the temperature of the steam is 300 oC.
Calculate the work done by the steam during the process.
Solution: Given sat vapor water
m=5kg P1=P2=1MPa
From the saturated water table
v1  v g at 1MPa  0.19444 m 3 / kg
Tsat  179 .91o C
the second state is a super heated vapor because T2  Tsat
v 2  v at iMPa 300o C
 0.2579m 3 / kg

the process is constant pressure expansion

W  mPv 2  v1 
W  5kg  1000kPa  (0.2579m 3 / kg  0.19444m 3 / kg )
W  317.3kJ
H.W Q=?
. .
c) Hyperbolic Process

In this process

Fig.hyperbolic process

PV  Const.  c  P
2 2 2
c dV V
W   pdV   dV  c   c ln 2
1 1
V 1
V V1
V2 V P P
W  P1V1 ln  P2V2 ln 2  P1V1 ln 1  P2V2 ln 1
V1 V1 P2 P2
this process are called isothermal process for ideal gas(only),
because for ideal gases when PV  const. so T  const.
where Q=W for ideal gas
Example 1.3
One tenth kg of saturated vapor water is at 2MPa is
compressed in hyperbolic process to a pressure of 4MPa . Find the final
temperature of the water and the work done.
Solution: Given m=0.1kg P1=2MPa sat water vapor
P2=4MPa and the process is PV=constant
At the first state v1  v g at 2 MPa  0.09963m 3 / kg
P1 2MPa
P2 v2  P1v1 OR v2  v1  0.09963m 3 / kg   0.04982m 3 / kg
P2 4MPa
the sat. volume at 4MPa v g  0.04978 m 3 / kg
it is found that v2  v g at 4 MPa so the state is superheated vapor
to find the temperature by using the superheated water table and
interpolation as follows
T oC v m 3 / kg

250.4 0.04978
275.0 0.05457

(0.04982  0.04978)
T  250.4  (275  250.4)  250.6 o C
(0.05457  0.04978)
and the work can be calculated by
P1 2
W  mP1v1 ln  0.1  2000  0.09963 ln  13.812kJ
P2 4

d) Isothermal Process (Constant Temperature Process)

This process can be discussed separately for ideal gas and vapor
1- Ideal gas
when the temperature is constant ( T  cons tan t ) and from the
ideal gas equation of state, with no change in the mass( PV  cons tan t ) .
the process becomes hyperbolic process and
V2 V P P
W  P1V1 ln  P2V2 ln 2  P1V1 ln 1  P2V2 ln 1
V1 V1 P2 P2
PV  mRT
V2 P
W  mRT ln  mRT ln 1
V1 P2
Example 1.4
One kilogram of air at 500oC is expanded isothermally from
a pressure of 2MPa to a pressure of 0.5MPa, find the work done by the
Solution: Given Air of m=1kg at P1=2MPa P2=0.5MPa T1=T2=T=500oC
It is an ideal gas and isothermal process of expansion
W  mRT ln 
W  1kg  0.287  (500  273.15) ln  307.61kJ

2-Substance with phase change

(i) Saturated region
in saturated region when the temperature is constant the pressure is
also constant because the pressure and temperature are dependent
properties P=f(T). Therefore the work in this process is the same to that
as in constant pressure process
(ii) Superheated region
In this region the temperature and pressure are not dependent
properties ( P  f (T ) only) . Therefore the process can be assumed as
polytropic process ( PV n  cons tan t )
Example 1.5
0.4kg of saturated liquid water at 120 oC is vaporized in
piston cylinder device isothermally until the volume of liquid becomes
one tenth of the total volume. Find the work done by the system.
Solution: Given sat. liquid water m=0.4 kg T=120oC isothermally
V2 9V2
Vf 2  , Vg 2 
10 10

as the water is still in the saturated region the expansion is also constant
pressure of P=Psat at 120oC =198.53kPa
v f  0.00106m 3 / kg v g  0.8919m 3 / kg v1  v f  0.00106m 3 / kg

V2 mv 2 mf
Vf 2  mf vf    v 2  10 v f  101  x v f
10 10 m
9V 9mv 2 10 m g 10
Vg 2  mg v g  2   v2  v g  xv g
10 10 9 m 9
v 2  101  x v f  xv g  x 
10 0.00106
  0.0106
9 1 0.8919
vg  v f  0.00106
9 9
v 2  v f  xv g  v f   0.00106  .0106(0.8919  .00106)  0.0105m 3 / kg or

10 10
v2  xv g   0.0106  0.8919  0.0105m 3 / kg
9 9
W  mPv 2  v1   0.4  198.53  0.0105  0.00106  0.75kJ

e) Polytropic Process
During expansion and compression processes of real gases,
pressure and volume are often related by ( PV n  c) where n, and c are
constants. A process of this kind is called a polytropic process.

W   PdV

PV n  c  P  n
 cV  n
2 2
cV  n 1 PV nV 1 n
2 2
W   cV dV 
 
1 n 1
1 n 1
1 n 1
P2V2  P1V1
W 
1 n
Fig. polytropic process

For change phase substance the polytropic process

mP2 v 2  P1v1 
W where ν is the specific volume
1 n
the ideal gas polytropic process can be written as

P2V2  P1V1 P2  V1 
 
1 n
or P1  V2 
mRT2  T1 

W V2  P1  n
1 n  
V1  P2 
for ideal gas in polytropic process we can drive the following
P1V1  mRT1 P2V2  mRT2
PV  C
1 1
P2V2n  C
P1V1n  P2V 2n
P2  V1   T2  n 1
 
V 
  
T 

P1  2   1 
1 1
V2  P1  n  T1  n 1 for ideal gas only
 
 
  
T 

V1  P2   2 
n 1
n 1
T2  P2  n  V1 
 
 P   
V 

T1  1   2 

Example 1.6
Carbon dioxide with mass of 5kg at 100kPa pressure and
300K temperature is compressed polyropically according to the law
PV1.32=C until the pressure of 500kPa. Find (a) initial and final volume
(b) the final temperature (c) the work done
Solution: Given CO2 gas m  5kg P1  100kPa T1  300 o C
P2  500 kPa for CO2 the gas constant R=0.2968kJ/kg.K
mRT1 5  0.1889  300
V1    2.8335m 3
P1 100
1 1
 P n  100  1.32
V2  V1  1   2.8335     0.8371m 3
 2
P  500 
n 1 1.32 1
P  n  500  1.32
T2  T1  2   300     443.2 K
 P1   100 
mR (T2  T1 ) 5  0.1889443.2  300
W    422.5kJ or
1 n 1  1.32
P V  P1V1 500  0.8371  100  2.8335
W  2 2   422.5
1 n 1  1.32

for a cyclic process, the initial and final state are identical, and therefore
U  U 2  U 1  0 . then the first law relation for a cycle simplifies to
Q W  0

Example 1.8
A rigid vessel of .1m3 volume contains refrigerant-12 5%
liquid and 95% vapor by volume at 24 oC. the vessel is heated until the
refrigerant exit as saturated vapor. Find (a) the initial pressure in the
vessel (b) the mass of Refrigerant-12, (c) the final pressure and
temperature, and (d) heat transfer occurs during the process:
Solution: Given V=0.1m3 10% liquid 90% vapor T1=24oC second state
is sat. vapor.
V f  0.05V  0.05  0.1  0.005m 3 , V g  0.95V  0.95  0.1  0.095m 3

and from the sat. R-12 table we find that the following properties at 24 oC
Psat  634.05kPa, v f  0.0007607m 3 / kg , v g  0.02759m 3 / kg ,

u f  58.25kJ / kg , u g  179.85kJ / kg

(a) The initial pressure: because the initial state is saturated mixture at
24oC, then P1=Psat at 24 oC =634.05 kPa
(b) The mass of R-12 in the vessel
Vf 0.005 Vg 0.095
mf    6.573kg , m g    3.443kg
vf 0.0007607 v g 0.02759
m  m f  m g  6.573  3.443  10.016kg
(c )the final pressure and temperature of the R-12 in the vessel: the
V 0.1
final state is saturated vapor with v2    .01m 3 / kg
m 10.016
and at the second state v g  v 2  0.01m 3 / kg
from the pressure table we find the following data and using
extrapolation we can find the data at the vg =0.01m3/kg
P kPa T oC vf m3/kg vg m3/kg uf kJ/kg ug kJ/kg
1400 56.09 0.0008448 0.01222 90.28 191.11
1600 62.19 0.0008660 0.01054 96.80 192.95
1664.4 64.15 0.0008728 0.01 98.90 193.54
So P2=1664.4kPa, T2 =64.15 C
(d)The heat transfer: because there is no change in volume so W=0
Q  m(u 2  u1 )
u1  u f  x(u g  u f )  58.25  0.344(179.85  58.25)  100.08kJ / kg
u 2  u g at sec ond state
 193.54kJ / kg

Q  10.016  (193.54  100.08)  2940.9kJ


Example 1.9
A rigid insulated tank of 0.5m3, contains 5 kg of water at
100oC. An electric heater is passing through the tank with a voltage of
200V and a current of 5A for 30 minutes. Find the final state of water.
Solution: Given V=0.5m3 , rigid , insulated Q=0, m=5kg water, T=100 oC,
electric heater V=200Volt , I=5A, time=30minutes=1800sec.
The energy equation can be written as:
Q  We  Wb  U
where Q=0 for insulated tank, Wb=boundary work=0 rigid tank
We= electric work= V  I  time / 1000  200  5  1800 / 1000  1800 kJ
This work is negative because it is done in the system.
 We  mu
 (1800)  5u
u  360kJ
V 0.5
from the first state T=100oC, and v1    .1m 3 / sec
m 5
and it is shown that the state is saturated mixture because v f  v1 v g
v1  v f 0.1  .001044
x1    .06
vg  v f 1.6729  .001044
u1  u f  x1u fg  418.94  0.06  2087.6  542.5kJ / kg
u 2  u1  u  542.5  360  902.5kJ / kg
v 2  v1  0.1m 3 / kg
it is shown from the values of the internal energy and specific volume
that the water is still saturated mixture. And by trial and error we can get
the temperature or pressure.
T2  134.9 o C , P2  312.3kPa, x  .1696  16.96%

Example 1.11
A piston cylinder device contains water at 300kPa, and
250 C with a volume of 0.4m3. If the weight of the piston is required a

pressure of 300kPa to rise it. The heat is transfer until the water become
saturated mixture with quality of 80%. (a) prove that the heat transfer in a
constant pressure process equal to the change in enthalpy.(b) the work
done (c) heat transfer during the process.
Solution: Given P1  300kPa, V1  0.4m 3 , T1  250 o C constant pressure
process. x 2  0.8
(a) for constant pressure process W  P(V2  V1 )  PV2  PV1
the energy equation for closed system Q  W  U
Q  PV2  PV1  U 2  U 1  ( P2V2  U 2 )  ( P1V1  U 1 )
Q  H 2  H 1  H

(b) For P1  300kPa, T1  250 o C , from superheated water table

v1  0.7964m 3 / kg, u1  2728.7kJ / kg, h1  2967.6kJ / kg

at state 2 P2  300kPa, x2  0.8

v 2  v f  xv g  v f   0.001073  0.8(0.6058  .001073)  0.4849m 3 / kg
u 2  u f  xu fg  561.15  0.8  1982.4  2147.07kJ / kg
h2  h f  xh fg  561.47  0.8  2163.8  2292.51kj / kg
V1 0.4
m   0.5023m 3 / kg
v1 0.7964
W  mP(v 2  v1 )  0.5023  300  0.4849  0.7964  46.94kJ
( c) the heat transfer: it can be calculated by two ways,
(i) Q  W  mu  46.94  0.5023  2147 .07  2728 .7   339 .1kJ
(ii) Q  mh  0.5023  2292 .5  2967 .6  339 .1kJ

Example 1.12
Air is in a rigid tank of volume 1m3 at initial pressure of
500kPa and temperature of 300K. It is heated to a final temperature of
700K.(a) find the final pressure in the tank, (b) the change in internal
energy and enthalpy , (c) heat transfer to the system.
Solution: Given P1=500kPa, T1=300K, The tank is rigid with volume of
V=1m3 , T2 =700K, from table of ideal gas properties.
R=0.287kJ/kg.K, Cp=1.005kJ/kg.K, Cv=0.718kJ/kg.K
T2 700
P2  P1  500   1166.67kPa
T1 300
P1V 500  1
(b) m   5.807kg
RT1 0.287  300
U  mCv(T2  T1 )  5.807  0.718  (700  300)  1667.77kJ
H  mCp(T2  T1 )  5.807  1.005  (700  300)  2334.414kJ
( c) because the tank is rigid, W=0
Q  U  1667 .77 kJ
Example 1.13
Nitrogen gas is heated in a piston-cylinder device from 30oC
to 120oC at constant pressure of 200kPa. The mass of nitrogen in the
system is 0.2 kg. Find the work done and heat transfer during the process.
Solution: Given N2, m=0.2 kg, T1=30oC=303K, T2 =120oC=393K at
P=200kPa, from table R=0.2968kJ/kg.K, Cp=1.039kJ/kg.K
W  mRT  0.2  0.2968  (120  30)  5.3424kJ
Q  mCpT  0.2  1.039  (120  30)  18.702kJ

Example 1.14
A rigid tank of volume 0.5m3 contains saturated water mixture with
quality of 50% at 120oC is heated until its temperature becomes 200 oC.
Find (a) final state of the water and pressure, (b) heat transfer (c) change
of entropy.
Solution: The given rigid tank V=0.5m3 sat water T1=120oC, x1=0.5
The final temperature is T2=200oC
At T1= 120oC and from sat. water table it is found that
v f 1  0.001060 m 3 / kg v g1  0.8919 m 3 / kg
u f 1  503.5kJ / kg u fg1  2025.8kJ / kg

s f 1  1.5276kJ / kg.K s fg1  5.602kJ / kg.K

v1  v f 1  x1 v g1  v f 1   0.00106  0.5  0.8919  0.00106   0.44648 m 3 / kg

V 0.5
m   1.12kg
v1 0.44648
u1  u f 1  x1u fg1  503 .5  0.5  2025 .8  1516 .4kJ / kg
s1  s f 1  x1 s fg1  1.5276  0.5  5.602  4.3286 kJ / kg .K
because the tank is rigid v1  v 2
v 2  0.44648m 3 / kg at T2  200 o C

It is found that the second state is super heated steam because v 2  v g at

the temperature 200oC. the pressure is between 0.4MPa and 0.5MPa
And by using the interpolation as follows
P MPa v m3/kg u kJ/kg s kJ/kg.K
0.4 0.5342 2646.8 7.1706
.48 0.44648 2643.67 7.0812
0.5 0.4249 2642.9 7.0592
(a) the final pressure is P2=480kPa
(b) because the tank is rigid
Q  U  mu  1.122646 .67  1516 .4  1265 .9kJ
S  ms  m( s 2  s1 )  1.12 7.0812  4.3286   3.083

Example 1.15
Piston cylinder contains 2kg of steam at a pressure of 200kPa and
quality of 75% is heated with constant pressure until it becomes dry
saturated vapor. Find (a) the work done (b) the heat transfer and (c) the
change in entropy.
Solution: the given sat. water mixture at P1=200kPa and x1=0.75 m=2kg,
the final state is sat. vapor at the same pressure of 200kPa.

(a) v1  v f  x1v fg and v2  v g at P  200kPa

W  PV2  V1   Pmv 2  v1   Pm(v g  v f  x1v fg )
W  Pmv fg  x1v fg Pm(1  x1 )(v g  v f )  200  2  1  0.750.8857  0.001061
W  88.464kJ
(b) h1  h f  x1 h fg and h2  hg
Q  mh  mh2  h1   m1  x1 h fg  2  1  0.75   2209 .1  1104 .55 kJ
( c) s1  s f  x1 s fg and s 2  s g
S  m( s 2  s1 )  m(1  x1 ) s fg  2  1  0.75   5.597  2.7985 kJ / K

Example 1.16
One kg of steam at a pressure of 700kPa and quality of 80% is
expanded hyperbolically to a pressure of 150kPa. Determine (a) the final
state of the vapor and (b) change in entropy
Solution: the given m=1kg , P1=700kPa, x1=0.8 , P2=150kPa
The Process is hyperbolically P1V1=P2V2
At P1=700kPa, x1=0.8
v1  v f  x1 v g  v f   0.001108  0.8  0.0.2729  0.001108   0.21854 m 3 / kg
s1  s f  x1 s fg  1.9922  0.8  4.7158  5.7648 kJ / kg .K
P1v1 700  0.21854
v2    1.01985m 3 / kg
P2 150
v 2  v g at P2  150kPa

v2  v f 1.0198  0.001053
x2    0.8796  87.96%
vg  v f 1.1593  0.001053
s 2  s f  x 2 s fg  1.4336  0.8796  5.7897  6.526 kJ / kg .K
S  ms 2  s1   1  6.526  5.7648   0.7612 kJ / K

Example 1.17
Piston cylinder device contains 0.5kg of refrigerant-12 at 20oC and
quality of 40%. The refrigerant is expanded isothermally until its final
pressure becomes 240kPa. Find (1) the change in entropy (2) heat transfer
(3) the work done.
Solution: the given R-12 T1=T2=20oC, x1=0.4 , P2=240kPa
At the initial state
u1  u f  x1u fg  54.44  0.4  178.32  54.44  103.992kJ / kg
s1  s f  x1 s fg  0.2078  .4  0.6884  0.2078  0.4kJ / kg.K
at the final state
u 2  182.53kJ / kg s 2  0.7624kJ / kg.K

(1) S  ms 2  s1   0.5  0.7624  0.4  0.1812 kJ / K

(2) the process is isothermal so T=constant
Q   TdS  T  dS  TS  20  273   0.1812  53.092 kJ
(3) W  Q  U  53.092  0.5  182 .53  103 .992   13.787 kJ

Example 1.18

0.05m3 of air at a pressure of 800kPa and temperature 20 oC expands to

eight times its original volume and the final temperature after expansion
is 25oC. Calculate the work done and heat transfer

Solution: the givens air V1=0.084m3, P1=1250kPa , T1=T2=537oC=810K,

V1 0.084
(i) P2  P1  1250   312.5kPa
V2 0.336
V 0.336
(ii) W  P1V1 Ln 2  1250  0.084  Ln  145.561kJ
V1 0.084
(iii) Q=W=145.56kJ
Example 1.19
A volume of 0.14m3 of air at 100kPa and 90oC is compressed to
0.014m3 according to PV1.3=const. Heat is then added at a constant
volume until the pressure is 6600kPa. Determine :
(1) heat exchange with the cylinder walls during compression,
Solution: given Air V1=0.14m3, P1=100kPa, T1=90oC, V2=0.014m3,
P3=6600kPa, P1V11.3  P2V21.3 , V2  V3
P1V1 100  0.14
m   0.1855kg
RT1 0.287  (90  273)
n 1 1.31
V   0.14 
T2  T1  1   363   724.28K
 V2   0.014 
V 
 0.14 
P2  P1  1   100   1995kPa
 V2   0.014 
mRT2  T1  0.1855  0.287  724.28  363
W12    64.11kJ
1 n 1  1.3
U 12  mCv T2  T1   0.1855  0.718  724 .28  363   48 .12 kJ
Q12  W12  U 12  64 .11  48 .12  15 .99 kJ
6.5 Adiabatic (Isentropic)Process:

The adiabatic process is a process in which no heat transfer to or from the

process. It means that

Q  0
Q  TdS
The temperature is in absolute value so it is not equal zero.
dS  0
S  cons tan t
therefore, the adiabatic process is called a constant entropy or (isentropic
process). T
For ideal gas from the third equation in which
 P V 
S  m CvLn 2  CpLn 2 
 P1 V1 
for adiabatic process S  0
0  CvLn 2  CpLn 2
P1 V1
P V V 
Ln 2   kLn 2  Ln 1  Q
P1 V1  V2 
by exponential the equation we get s
P2  V1 
  Fig.
P1  V2  T-s diagram
P1V1k  P2V2k
then for adiabatic process of an ideal gas the relation between pressure
and volume is
For this process we can show that
P2 Pr1

P1 Pr 2
This process is look like the polytropic process except n=k the specific
heat ratio (also called the adiabatic index). Then the work for this process
P2V2  P1V1 mR(T2  T1 )
W   mCvT2  T1   U 2  U 1   U
1 k 1 k
The heat transfer from a system during a process is defined by the
2 2
Q   TdS or q   Tds
1 1

This relation is look like the work done during the process relation
with a pressure and differential form of volume. So the area under the
curve on a T-s diagram represents the heat transfer during the process as
shown in fig.6.3. On this diagram the constant temperature process is a
horizontal line, and the constant entropy process as a vertical line as

shown on the fig.6.4. From this we denoted that at constant entropy line
the area under the curve is equal to zero. So through this process there is
no heat transfer.
The Carnot cycle of heat engine is shown on the fig.. the analysis
of this cycle is as follows;
s1  s 4 , s 2  s3 and T1  T2  TH , T3  T4  TL

q H  TH s 2  s1 
q L  TL s3  s 4   TL s 2  s1 
w  q H  q L  TH  TL s 2  s1 
the efficiency of the cycle
qL T s  s  T
 th  1   1 L 2 1  1 L
qH TH s 2  s1  TH
also the work can be represented by the area rounded by the cycle .
Example 1.20
Saturated vapor refrigerant-12 at –10oC, is compressed
adiabatically in piston and cylinder device to a pressure of 600kPa,
calculate the final temperature and the work done per unit mass.
Solution: given R-12 saturated vapor at T1=-10oC, adiabatically s1=s2,
Q=0.0, P2=600kPa
s1  s g  0.7019 kJ / kg .K , u1  u g  166 .39 kJ / kg
s 2  s1  0.7019 kJ / kg .K at P2  600 kPa
by using interpolation
0.7019  0.6878
T2  22  30  22  27.94 o C
0.7068  0.6878
0.7019  0.6878
u 2  179.09  184.01  179.09  182.74kJ / kg
0.7068  0.6878
w  u  182 .74  166 .39   16 .35 kJ / kg

Example 1.21
5kg of Air at 1000K and 2MPa is expanded adiabatically in a
closed system to the temperature of 600K, find the final pressure and
volume of the air, and the work done.
Solution: given air m  5kg , T1  1000K , P2  2MPa  2000kPa,
T2  600 K , expansion is adiabatically, (s2=s1),or ( P1V1K  P2V2K )
mRT1 5  0.287  1000
V1    0.7175m 3
P1 2000
1 / k 1 1 / 1.4 1
T   1000 
V2  V1  1   0.7175   2.573m 3
 T2   600 

K / k 1 1.4 / 1.4 1

T   600 
P2  P1  2   2000   334.626kPa
 T1   1000 
mRT2  T1  5  0.287  600  1000
W   1435kJ
1 K 1  1.4
The T-s diagram can also plotted for the pure substances such water
vapor, in which indicated the region of the saturated lines. The constant
pressure and temperature process between saturation line is a horizontal
line and the heat added to the vapor is equal the latent heat of
vaporization (hfg).
q  h fg



Carnot cycle on T-s

diagram with respect
to saturation lines

and because this process is constant temperature so

q  Ts fg
from these two relation we find that
h fg
s fg 
where the temperature is in absolute value.
Fig. 6.6 show the Carnot cycle on a T-s diagram for
pure substance with respect to the saturation lines.
s3  s 2 , s 4  s1

q H  TH s 2  s1 
q L  TL s 2  s1 

s 3  s f  x 3 s fg , s 4  s f  x 4 s fg , at T L , or PL

1.1 Calculate the work done and heat transfer of 2kg of air,
when it is heated at constant volume from 100kPa to 400kPa
1.2 Air occupies 0.084m3 at 1.25MPa and 537oC. It is expanded
at a constant temperature to a final volume of 0.336m3.
Calculate :the pressure at the end of expansion, (ii) work
done during expansion (iii) heat transfer to the air

1.3 A vessel having a volume of 5 m3 contains 0.05 m3 of

saturated liquid water and 4.95 m3
of saturated water vapor at 0.1 MPa. Heat is transferred until the
vessel is filled with
saturated vapor. Determine the heat transfer for this process.

1.4 Determine the missing property (P, T, or x) and v for water

at each of the following states:
a. T = 300◦C, u = 2780 kJ/kg
b. P = 2000 kPa, u = 2000 kJ/kg

1.5 A piston/cylinder contains 2 kg water at 20AAoEEAAC

with volume 0.1 mAA3EEAA. By mistake someone locks the
piston preventing it from moving while we heat the water to
saturated vapor. Find the final temperature, volume and the
process work.

1.6 Saturated vapor R-410A at 0AAoEEAAC in a rigid tank is

cooled to -20AAoEEAAC. Find the specific heat transfer.

1.7 A rigid tank holds 0.75 kg water at 70°C as saturated vapor.

The tank is now cooled to 20°C by heat transfer to the ambient.
Which two properties determine the final state. Determine the
amount of work and heat transfer during the process.

1.8A rigid tank contains air at 500 kPa and 150°C. As a result of
heat transfer to the surroundings,
the temperature and pressure inside the tank drop to 65°C and
400 kPa,
respectively. Determine the boundary work done during this

1.9A rigid 10-L vessel initially contains a mixture of liquid

water and vapor at 100°C with 12.3 percent quality. The mixture
is then heated until its temperature is 180°C. Calculate the heat
transfer required for this process.

1.10 Nitrogen in a rigid vessel is cooled by rejecting

100 kJ/kg of heat. Determine the internal energy change of the
nitrogen, in kJ/kg.

1.11 A rigid tank contains 1.5 kg of R-134a at 40°C, 500 kPa.

The tank is placed in a refrigerator that brings it to -20°C. Find
the process heat transfer

1.12 Two kg water at 120AAoEEAAC with a quality of 25%

has its temperature raised 20AAoEEAAC in a constant
volume process. What are the heat transfer and wk in the

1.13 A mass of 200 g of saturated liquid water is completely

vaporized at a constant pressure of 100 kPa. Determine
(a) the work done and (b) the amount of energy
transferred to the water.
1.14 A piston–cylinder device initially contains 0.4 m3 of air
at 100 kPa and 80°C. The air is now compressed to 0.1
m3 in such a way that the temperature inside the
cylinder remains constant. Determine the work done
during this process.

1.15 A piston–cylinder device contains 25 g of saturated

water vapor that is maintained at a constant pressure of 300 kPa.
A resistance heater within the cylinder is turned on and passes a
current of 0.2 A for 5 min from a 120-V source. At the same
time, a heat loss of 3.7 kJ occurs. (a) Show that for a closed
system the boundary work Wb
and the change in internal energy ΔU in the first-law relation
can be combined into one term, ΔH, for a constant-pressure
process. (b) Determine the final temperature of the steam.

1.15 Air at 300 K and 200 kPa is heated at constant pressure

to 600 K. Determine the change in internal energy of air
per unit mass

1.17 A piston–cylinder device contains 0.005 m3 of liquid water

and 0.9 m3 of water vapor in equilibrium at 600 kPa. Heat is
transferred at constant pressure until the temperature reaches
(a) What is the initial temperature of the water?
(b) Determine the total mass of the water.
(c) Calculate the final volume.

1.18 Water initially at 200 kPa and 300°C is contained in a

piston–cylinder device fitted with stops. The water is allowed
to cool at constant pressure until it exists as a saturated vapor
and the piston rests on the stops. Then the water continues to
cool until the pressure is 100 kPa. Determine (a) the work done
and (b) the amount of energy transferred

1.19 One kilogram of water fills a 150-L rigid container at

an initial pressure of 2 MPa. The container is then cooled to
40°C. Determine the initial temperature and the final pressure
of the water.

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