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LAS G12 WEEK 2 2nd Quarter PHILO

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Second Quarter- WEEK 2


COMPETENCY: Evaluate and exercise prudence in choices

CODE: PPT11/12-IIa-5.2
At the end of the week, you shall have:
Knowledge ● explain the connection of voluntariness and responsibility as the
elements of freedom through a diagram and a question
Skill ● demonstrate prudence and self-reflection through completing the
phrases given
Attitude ● evaluate and reflect on the given situation about freedom of choices
made by a person and by others

I. Lesson Contents References /


What is freedom? Grade 12. Self-

Learning Module
Freedom, generally, is having the ability to act or change without
(SLM) Quarter 2-
constraint. Something is "free" if it can change easily and is not
Module 5- Lesson
constrained in its present state. In philosophy and religion, it is associated
2, Department of
with having free will and being without undue or unjust constraints,
or enslavement, and is an idea closely related to the concept of liberty. A
Cagayan de Oro
person has the freedom to do things that will not, in theory or in practice,
City Division
be prevented by other forces.

Two elements that define freedom:

1. Voluntariness

It is the ability of a person to act of his or her own free will and self-
determination. A person may decide to do things or not to do it according
to his own free will. It also means that even though she/he is not required
to do such things he/she could still do it or take action on it.

Voluntary acts are free acts which can be assigned a

corresponding moral value. One must always remember that in every
action we make, in every choice we make there is an equivalent
consequence. These consequences affect not just the individual who
does the decision but also other people in their surroundings. With that,
one must always accept the consequences that results from his or her
choices or actions and take responsibility for them.

2. Responsibility

Responsibility refers to the person being accountable for his or her

action and their consequences. Taking responsibility can mean either
you take responsibility to your doing voluntarily or other people will hold
you responsible. For example, if you made a bad action it’s either you
take responsibility of it or other people will hold you accountable for it.

There are significant factors to consider in the exercise of freedom.

These are Prudence and Self-reflection.
● Prudence is the ability to govern and discipline oneself with the use of
reason; it is having caution and giving good judgments in making
decisions. Making hard choices is an exercise of freedom. But freedom
should also be based on truthful knowledge and wise reasoning.
Hence, we should practice self-reflection on every decision we make.
● Self-reflection allows each person to analyze his life both in small and
big details in terms of the decisions, actions and choices he make
Browning, G (2009). It is a deeper form of learning where if practiced
with higher sense of wise judgement and keen perception, the
experiences he makes are more meaningful and serve as guide for
improved and informed decisions, actions and choices.

References /
II. Activities

Activity 1: Knowledge Objective Grade 12. Self-

Learning Module
Directions: Using the diagram below, explain in your own words
(SLM) Quarter 2-
voluntariness and responsibility and how they are connected to Module 5- Lesson
2, Department of
each other as elements of freedom . Education,
Cagayan de Oro
How voluntariness and responsibility connected to each other as they are
known to be the elements of freedom?

Point System:

2 pts. 4 pts. 6 pts.

The idea was not able The idea somehow The idea had the own
to have the own had the own meaning meaning of
meaning of of voluntariness and voluntariness and
voluntariness and responsibility. The responsibility. The
responsibility. The question somehow question was
question was not answered by the answered very well
answered by the student and if it was by the student.
student and if it was answered, the idea
answered, the idea didn’t really hit the
didn’t hit the question.

Activity 2: Skills Objective

Direction: Read and complete the given phrases with the decisions
you made in life that signifies to prudence and self-reflection.
it in the space provided.
1. I do my best when
2. I struggle when
3. I feel stress when
4. I am comfortable when
5. Life should be about
Activity 3: Attitude Objective
Direction: Read the given situation below and evaluate it by
the given questions.

Mira wanted to earn extra income to support her studies. That is

why she joined an online business that offer to sell beauty products and
vitamins. At first, Mira was making money enough to support her school
needs like fare and food for one week. Her demands grew better, so, she
wanted to earn more by recruiting members to join her company she
knew nothing of its origin. Later, she found out that this company was a
hoax and several classmates she enlisted and even teachers she enticed
to buy warned that her products have harmful effects to a person’s kidney
and liver. Still she continued selling because she needed the money
badly without considering the health of her customers. One day, Mira was
apprehended by the NBI, Narcotics and SOCO officers for selling
counterfeit products.

This situation tells us about volunteerism on the part of Mira who at

first aspires for extra income to support her schooling by engaging in an
online business which is not bad. But when she learned about the
company/s fraudulent and counterfeit products, she has the responsibility
to leave the company and report it to the authorities.

1. What kind of freedom does Mira exercise?
2. How does truthful knowledge contribute to or limit Mira’s freedom?
3. How can you show respect for the freedom of others?
4. Mira was after of having extra income to support her studies. If you
were Mira, what would be the best choice/s that you are going to
make in order to support yourself?
5. What are the considerations that you’ll do in the choices that you’ll

III. Performance Task (Authentic)

In life, we make choices that we can consider good and bad. And when we realize that the
decisions we make is bad, the next time we decide, we think considerations and possibilities that
will and can happen.
For your major output,
● draw or sketch an object or a thing that reflects prudence in decision making
● explain in a 3-4 sentences “why you chose that certain object”
● use A4 bondpaper in making the output
● make your output neat and presentable
● use the rubrics as your guide in making your output.

Content (20 pts)
5 pts. 10 pts. 15 pts. 20 pts.
The object or the The object or the The object or the The object or the
subject subject subject subject
drawn/sketched drawn/sketched drawn/sketched drawn/sketched totally
doesn’t reflect on somehow reflects on almost reflect on reflects on prudence
prudence in decision- prudence in decision- prudence in decision- in decision-making.
making. The making. The making. The The explanation is
explanation doesn’t explanation somehow explanation almost perfect and has
answer the question answers the question. answer the question answered the given
at all. at all. question.

Craftsmanship (15 pts)

5 pts 10 pts 15 pts
The drawing/sketch reflects The drawing/sketch reflects The drawing/sketch appears to
deliberate control having good adequate control and having be work in progress with little
craftsmanship. some craftsmanship. or no control of craftsmanship.

Presentation and Creativity (15 pts.)

5 pts. 10 pts. 15 pts.
Plain, messy and not creative Neat, presentable and not very Very neat, presentable and
creative creative

IV. Answer Key

Activity 1 Answers
- The answer will depend on the students.

Activity 2 Answers
- The output will depend on the students.

Activity 3 - Answers may vary.

V. Key to Corrections

Activity 1 (Possible Answers)

- a choice being made of a person's free will. Acting or done
willingly and without constraint or expectation of reward: a
voluntary hostage; voluntary community work.

-The state or job of being in charge of someone or something
and of making sure that what they do or what happens to them is
right or satisfactory
Ex. She has a lot of responsibility as a nurse.

How voluntariness and responsibility connected to each other as

they are known to be the elements of freedom?
 Only who is responsible can be free, while
voluntariness is the description of an act that is not
caused by an effect, but by free choice (one can be held
responsible for). Voluntariness is both the cause and
the result of freedom. Responsibility preserves freedom.
I do my best when you are with me
I struggle when I'm not with God
I feel stress when they announce that exam will be tomorrow
Activity 2 I am comfortable when I'm with my best friend
Life should be about touching the lives of people around us

1.Moral Freedom - One of the clearest examples of moral

freedom is the act of committing a crime or not. When a human
being considers the possibility of committing a crime (regardless
of its justification), he evaluates a series of factors that influence
his decision.
Activity 3
2. The Truth will always prevails. It will always come out sooner
or later just like in the case of Mira the truth prevails in the end as
she continue selling even she’s fully aware of its effects.
3. Be Empathetic. By seeing the eyes of others, listening to the
eras of others and feeling with the heart of one another.
4.If I were Mira I would find any source of income just like getting
a part time jobs or became a teachers assistant in order for me to
support my own expense.
5.Always consider the Pro’s and Con’s. Always ask yourself if
this could benefit me or others can benefit with me.

VI. Reflective Feedback

Write a reflective feedback about what you have learned
about the elements of freedom by answering the questions
inside the box. You may express your answers in a more
critical and creative presentation of your great learning. Have
fun and enjoy!

References : Grade 12. Self-Learning Module (SLM) Quarter 2- Module 5- Lesson 2, Department
of Education, Cagayan de Oro City Division

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