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Health Care System

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o sufficient funds and budgets for health

promotion and disease prevention
- September 1978
- Express the need for urgent action by all WHAT HAVE WE TAKEN UP SO FAR? (4 KEY POINTS)
governments, health and development workers, ➢ Health is a human right
and the world communicate to protect and ➢ The responsibility mainly of the government
promote the health of the people. ➢ Not the responsibility of the health sector alone
- “Health is a fundamental human right and that ➢ That any form of health inequity is not
the attainment of the highest possible level of acceptable
health is a most important worldwide goal
whose realization requires the action of many HEALTH CARE SYSTEM
other social and economic sectors in addition to - “The combination of resources, organization,
the health sector” financing, and management that culminate in
- The existing gross inequality in the health status the delivery of health services to the
of the people particularly between developed population.” (Roemer, 1991)
and developing countries as well as within o System is a set of things working
countries is politically, socially, and together as part of mechanism.
economically unacceptable and is, therefore, of - In World Health Organization Report in 2000
common concern to all countries. health system was defined as “all the
- The promotion and protection of the health of organizations, institutions and resources that are
the people is essential to sustain economic and devoted to producing health actions.”
social development and contributes to a better
quality of life and to world peace
- Health promotion and disease prevention
programs is the main focus of keeping people
healthy. This is also the goal of health
declaration. It aims the people to be engage and
empower individuals and communities to
choose healthy behaviors and make changes to
reduce the risk of developing chronic disease and
other comorbidities.


➢ Responsibility
o Who should be finally responsible for - A health system consists of all organizations,
health care? people, and actions whose primary intent is to
o Health sector is not the only one who is promote, restore or maintain health
responsible in maintaining the health of
people, rather, it is a group or joint
o What is the concept of EQUITY? ➢ Improve the health of populations
o Everyone has the opportunity to be o Strive for equity in health
healthy as possible. o Equality – means each individual or
o Involves more than lack of access to group of people is given the same
needed resources to maintain or resources or opportunities.
improve health outcomes. o Equity – recognizes that each person has
➢ Development different circumstances and allocates
o What is the relationship of health and the exact resources and opportunities
development? needed to reach an equal outcome
o There must be a constant progressive
enhancement or development of the
health status of the population.

- The government has a responsibility for the

health of their people which can be fulfilled only
by the provision of adequate health and social
o assuring an adequate public health
infrastructure, hospitals, and buildings
o promoting healthy communities and
healthy behaviors
o enough or sufficient doctors and other
healthcare workers

➢ Improving the responsiveness of the health • To spread the important

system to the population it serves information to the community
o Quality, accessible, and cost-effective ➢ Medical Products
health services •A well-functioning system
o Have own control and allow them to ensures equitable access to
make their own choices essential medical products,
➢ Fairness in financial contribution vaccines, and technologies of
o Families are protected from financial assured quality, safety, efficacy,
catastrophe due to health care and cost-effectiveness, and their
expenditure scientifically sound and cost-
effectiveness use.
1. Health Service Provision 3. Stewardship
➢ Service Delivery ➢ Leadership and Governance
• Good health services are those • Leadership and governance
which deliver effective, safe, involve ensuring strategic policy
quality personal and non- frameworks exists and are
personal health interventions to combined with effective
those who need them when and oversight, coalition-building, the
where needed, with minimum provision of appropriate
waste of resources regulations and incentives,
• All services that help educating attention to system design, and
and preventing people from accountability
getting sick.
• The organized provision of 4. Health Financing
medical care to individuals or a ➢ Financing System
community • A good health financing system
Primary Care raises adequate funds for
- The first point of contact. GPs, nurses, dentist health, in ways
work in primary care o that ensure people can
Secondary Care use needed services,
- Includes specialists such as neurologists, and
OB/GYNs, oncologists, etc. o are protected from
Tertiary Care financial catastrophe or
- Hospitalized patients and those undergoing impoverishment
operations. associated with having
to pay for them
2. Health Service Inputs
•A well-performing health - This includes efforts to influence determinants of
workforce is one that works in health as well as more direct health-improving
ways that are responsive, fair, activities.
and efficient to achieve the best - A health system is, therefore, more than the
health outcomes possible, given pyramid of publicly owned facilities that deliver
available resources and personal health services
• Management of resources to 6 Building blocks of health care system (WHO)
produce health interventions 1. Service Delivery
• Involves human resources, 2. Health Workforce
workforce, dedications, and 3. Information
medical equipment. 4. Medical Products, Vaccines, and Technologies
• There are sufficient numbers 5. Financing
and mix of staff, fairly 6. Leadership and Governance
distributed, and they are
competent, responsive and
➢ Health Information System 1. Inverse Care
•A well-functioning health o People with the most means, whose
information system is one that needs are less often consumed care the
ensures the production, most. those with the least means, with
analysis, dissemination and use the greatest problems, consume care
of reliable and timely the least.
information on health 2. Impoverishing Care (To Deprive)
determinants, health systems o Wherever people lack social protection
performance and health status and payment for care is largely out of the
pocket at the point of service. They can

be confronted with catastrophic

3. Fragmented And Fragmenting Care
o excessive specialization
o a narrow focus on disease control
o health care for the poor and
• highly fragmented
• severely under resources
o development AID often aids in
4. Unsafe Care
o Poor systems design is unable to ensure
safety and hygiene standards lead to
higher rates of hospital acquired
infections, medication errors, and other
avoidable adverse errors
5. Misdirected Care
o Resource allocation cluster around
curative services, neglecting the
potential of primary prevention and
health promotion

- A Nobel Prize winner economist
- “Even the economy is poor, major health
achievements can be achieved by using
resources in a socially productive way.”

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