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Pendidi Nama Instansi Kota Jurusan Bidang Riset Dari tahun s/d tahun
Chiba University • Instrumentasi: 2D Impedance sensor
Mechanical Eng.,
Chiba, • Metode: Electrical Impedance
(Division of (04) 2015 – (03) 2018:
S3 Artificial system of
3 Thn
Jepang • Aplikasi: Biorheology (multiphase flow),
science) Physiological measurement imaging

National University of
• Instrumentasi: 4D Capacitance sensor
Malaysia • Metode: Electrical capacitance
Bangi, Civil & Structural (12) 2009 – (10) 2012:
S2 Eng.
2 Thn
Malaysia • Aplikasi: Soil-water infiltration
(multiphase flow)

University of Indonesia • Instrumentasi: 2D Ultrasonic sensor

Depok, • Metode: Nondestructive testing/Ultrasonic
(08) 2004 – (01) 2009:
S1 Physics Tomography
4.5 Thn
Indonesia • Aplikasi: Crack detection on Metal Gas

SMAN 1 Serpong Serpong, (07) 2001 – (06) 2004:

SMA (2 Kota Tangsel)
Science 3 Thn

Studies and development of Electrical impedance-
spectro tomography for human body part imaging
for physiological imaging in Society 5.0
Courtesy images:

2020 Our works: Very very cheap & Robust

Very very expensive





Fig. Reconstructed image of
Fig. MRI image of numerical simulation free noise Fig. Reconstructed image of Experiment
Calf at sagital view Fig. Numerical simulation phantom of COMSOL on human at f = 1.32kHz with developed
multiphysics sensor and image reconstuction
1. Perbedaan Paper, Journal, Conference, Proceeding?
2. Pengenalan perancah (scaffolding)
3. Struktur Utama paper
4. Struktur Title
5. Struktur Author
6. Struktur Abstract
7. Struktur Introduction
8. Struktur Introduction dengan bantuan Theoretical & Conceptual framework
9. Membedakan Material, Method, Experimental setup, Experimental condition
10. Membedakan Results, Discussion, Conclussion

Perbedaan dari
paper, journal, conference, proceeding
Proceeding Paper conference

Karya ilmiah

Paper ≠ laporan KP ≠ skripsi(S1) ≠ tesis(S2) ≠ disertasi(S3) Journal Full Paper/ Extended paper


Hasil penelitian paper bukti penelitian (S2) Journal (special issues)


Publisher: Journal:
IOP Science MST
IEEE Progress in biomedical eng.
Proceeding Etc. IEEE SENSORS
IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity

Baidillah, "Exponential model normalization for electrical capacitance tomography

with external electrodes under gap permittivity conditions" Meas. Sci. Technol. 2017,
vol:28,Number:6,page number:064002
Journal Year (Volume) Issue (Number) Page
Perancah (Scaffolding)
genre/journal-article/ 7
Sentence (Kalimat)
Struktur utama paper Scaffold Rules:
(1) Ada S, P, O DAN satu buah main topic

Scaffold method Rangka/Struktur (2) Main topic kalimat pertama berhubungan

dengan main topic kalimat selanjutnya
Sentence Paragraph Section
Paragraph (Paragraf)
Scaffold Rule:

1. Title (Judul) (1) Main topic paragraph ada di kalimat pertama.

2. Author list (penulis)
3. Abstract (Abstrak)
4. Introduction (Pendahuluan)
5. Proposed method (metode yang diusulkan)
6. Experimental setup (alat atau bahan yang dipakai)
7. Experimental condition (parameter dari alat dan
8. Results (hasil dari eksperimen)
9. Discussion (diskusi)
10. Conclusion (kesimpulan)
11. Acknowledgment, appendix, references, biography author
Bagaimana melihat struktur dari judul paper S G
Judul Bagian pertama yang dilihat pembaca

Pembaca Penulis
interest Paper
Reader Author
❖ Research field Research problem
❖ Journal Method
❖ Topic Specific object

Title (Judul)
Scaffold rule:
Specific object + Proposed solution + General object
Novelty Application
1. Main Researcher
Di luar negeri
Bagaimana menyusun daftar penulis/author list di paper 2. Assistant professor
3. Co-main researcher
4. Research collaborators
Author list Bagian kedua yang dilihat oleh pembaca 5. Principle investigator (professor)

Tingkat peran
Author suatu paper > 1 Hierarchy (hirarki)
Research team Tingkat Kontribusi
1 2 3 4 5
Siapa yang paling berperan*
Corresponding author
1st author Last author
1. Principle investigator (professor)
Di Indonesia 2. Main researcher
3. Assistant professor
❖ Main researcher 4. Co-main researcher
5. Research collaborators
❖ Co-main researcher

Tingkat peran
❖ Assistant professor
❖ Research collaborators
❖ Principle investigator (professor) 1 2 3 4 5

1st author Last author

Bagaimana melihat struktur abstract di paper

❑ Bagian ketiga yang dilihat pembaca

Abstract ❑ “Go” – ”no go” point

❑ Seperti Trailer dalam film

Scaffold rule:
Intro research topic
“Main topic” dari section:
Research problem
o Introduction,
Proposed method
o Proposed method/solution, Scientific Reason
o Experimental condition,
o Results, dan
o Conclusion Advantageous, offer, contribution
Bagaimana melihat struktur section introduction di paper

Scaffold rule:
1. General topic: attention-getting broad statement, general object
2. Narrowing the topic: build up to a specific lack of knowledge about specific object
3. Research problem: culmination the problem statements, why specific object is important
4. Hook: interesting fact that might make readers curious about this topic
5. Literature review: summary results from related papers, facts declaration, explanation of
how different approaches have different ideas and results related to the research
6. Hook -2: interesting fact that didn’t considered yet
7. Original research: proposed method description
8. Aims/Objectives: describe a suitable way to test the original research
Bagaimana melihat struktur section introduction di paper

Scaffold rule:
1.General topic:
attention-getting broad statement, general object
2.Narrowing the topic:
build up to a specific lack of knowledge about specific object
3.Research problem:
culmination the problem statements, why specific object is important
interesting fact that might make readers curious about this topic
Literature review:
summary results from related papers, facts declaration,
explanation of how different approaches have different ideas and
results related to the research problem
Hook -2:
interesting fact that didn’t considered yet
Original research:
proposed method description
describe a suitable way to test the original research
Bagaimana melihat struktur section introduction di paper

Scaffold rule:
General topic:
attention-getting broad statement, general object
Narrowing the topic:
build up to a specific lack of knowledge about specific object
Research problem:
culmination the problem statements, why specific object is important
interesting fact that might make readers curious about this topic
Literature review:
summary results from related papers, facts declaration,
explanation of how different approaches have different ideas and
results related to the research problem
Hook -2:
interesting fact that didn’t considered yet
Original research:
proposed method description
describe a suitable way to test the original research
Bagaimana melihat struktur section introduction di paper

Scaffold rule:
General topic:
attention-getting broad statement, general object
Narrowing the topic:
build up to a specific lack of knowledge about specific object
Research problem:
culmination the problem statements, why specific object is important
interesting fact that might make readers curious about this topic
5.Literature review:
summary results from related papers, facts declaration,
explanation of how different approaches have different ideas and
results related to the research problem
Hook -2:
interesting fact that didn’t considered yet
Original research:
proposed method description
describe a suitable way to test the original research
Bagaimana melihat struktur section introduction di paper

Scaffold rule:
General topic:
attention-getting broad statement, general object
Narrowing the topic:
build up to a specific lack of knowledge about specific object
Research problem:
culmination the problem statements, why specific object is important
interesting fact that might make readers curious about this topic
Literature review:
summary results from related papers, facts declaration,
explanation of how different approaches have different ideas and
results related to the research problem
6.Hook -2:
interesting fact that didn’t considered yet
Original research:
proposed method description
describe a suitable way to test the original research
Bagaimana melihat struktur section introduction di paper

Scaffold rule:
General topic:
attention-getting broad statement, general object
Narrowing the topic:
build up to a specific lack of knowledge about specific object
Research problem:
culmination the problem statements, why specific object is important
interesting fact that might make readers curious about this topic
Literature review:
summary results from related papers, facts declaration,
explanation of how different approaches have different ideas and
results related to the research problem
Hook -2:
interesting fact that didn’t considered yet
7.Original research:
proposed method description
describe a suitable way to test the original research
Theoretical framework

Many online customers do not return

to make subsequent purchases

Objective To increase customer loyalty and

thereby generate more revenue

How can the satisfaction of company

Research question X’s online customers be improved in
order to increase customer loyalty?

Customer loyalty Conceptual framework

(Independent variable)

Customer satisfaction Subsequent purchases

(Independent variable) (Dependent variable)
Theoretical framework the inner wall material makes a gap permittivity between the external
electrode and the inspected medium that causes the nonlinearity between the
Problem permittivity and the measured capacitance increased, particularly in the
adjacent measurement pair.

to consider the inherent nonlinearity behavior of

Objective capacitance as the mixing permittivity dynamically changes, and thereby to
ascertain accurately the permittivity prediction under inner wall material

How can the normalization models be improved using a model based on the
Research question exponential relationship between the capacitance change and permittivity
change in order to increase the accuracy of permittivity prediction?

The inner wall material Conceptual framework

(Independent variable)

normalization models
(Independent variable) more accurately
predict the permittivity
exponential relationship between
permittivity and capacitance (Dependent variable)
(Independent variable)
Membedakan “Material”, “Method”,
“Experimental setup”, dan “Experimental condition”

Untuk menghindari menyulitkan pembaca membedakan apa

originalitas dari paper, sebaiknya “Material & method” dipisah

(1) Method proposed solution and comparison with conventional method (as shown in
literature review of introduction secion)
(2) Experimental setup (tools & alat dan material apa saja yang diperlukan
(3) Experimental condition apa saja yang mau dianalisa dan bagaimana cara anlisanya, bagaimana kondisi
alatnya atau seberapa banyak materialnya.
Research question Bagaimana caranya menuju titik B
Contoh dari titik A dengan lebih cepat &

Literature review Menggunakan bus, mobil, sepeda Pro: tidak capek.

motor melalui jalan utama Cons:Terkena macet sehingga
B tidak cepat, jalan memutar, boros
bensin, perlu bayar parkir

hook Ada pedestrian yang terhubung

oleh jembatan penyebrangan dan
belum digunakan secara optimal

Aim Mengembangkan moda

transportasi baru yang disebut
sepeda agar bisa bergerak dari A ke
B dengan cepat dan murah

Method (proposed Apa itu sepeda dan bagaimana Pro: Tidak terkena macet, jalan
menggunakan sepeda. Jelaskan apa tidak memutar, tidak tidak boros
solution) itu sepeda dan bedanya apa bensin, cepat, gratis parkir
dengan bus, mobil, sepeda motor Cons: capek

Experimental setup Peralatan atau material apa saja ketika menggunakan sepeda yang
yang diperlukan diperlukan: sarung tangan, helm,
(materials) peta (hp), jas hujan, dll

Experimental condition Apa saja yang mau dianalisa dan Rute mana yg dilewati.
bagaimana cara analisanya. Bagaimana menghitung waktu
Bagaimana kondisi tempuh(stopwatch, google maps,
A peralatan/material yang akan dll). Biaya yang dikeluarkan. Cara
digunakan. hitung capek
Membedakan “Results”, “Discussion”, dan “Conclussion”

Experimental condition results

1. Rute mana yg dilewati. Jarak tempuh

2. Waktu tempuh Waktu tempuh dari titik A ke titik B

3. Biaya yang dikeluarkan. Bensin yang dikeluarkan, biaya parkir

4. capek Banyaknya keringat

why because

Discussion 1. Kenapa menggunakan Jarak terdekat

rute tsb
2. Kenapa naik sepda bisa Tidak terkena macet, jalan
lebih cepat tidak memutar
3. Kenapa naik sepeda bisa tidak tidak boros bensin,
lebih murah gratis parkir
4. Kenapa naik sepeda Badan pengendara harus
lebih capek bergerak

conclussion Aspek apa saja (dari bagian Waktu tempuh dan biaya
results) yang mampu yang dikeluarkan
menjawab the aim of the


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