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First Order Complex Adaptive FIR Notch Filter

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First Order Complex Adaptive FIR Notch Filter

R. Punchalard*, V. Silaphan*, J. Koseeyaporn†, and P. Wardkein†

Department of Telecommunication Engineering, Mahanakorn University of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: +66-2-988-3655, Fax: +66-2-988-4040, E-mail:

Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut`s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok, Thailand

Abstract—This paper presents a first order complex adaptive

finite impulse response (FIR) notch filter (FIR-ANF) to track II. COMPLEX FIRST ORDER ADAPTIVE FIR NOTCH FILTER
and estimate the frequency of complex sinusoidal signal
corrupted by Gaussian noise. This research also presents In this section, a complex first order adaptive FIR notch
gradient based adaptive algorithm for adjusting the filter filter and gradient algorithm are discussed. The system
coefficient. Computer simulation results have shown that, as function of the FIR-ANF is given by
compared with the conventional first-order complex adaptive
infinite impulse response (IIR) notch filter (IIR-ANF), the (1)
proposed technique has faster convergence time, especially,
H (z ) = 1 − e j ωˆ0 z −1,
when the initial value of algorithm is far from the true solution.
where ω̂0 ( 0 < ωˆ0 < π ) is the filter parameter to be adapted.
I. INTRODUCTION The magnitude and phase responses of (1) are of the form
Some applications of digital signal processing need to
extract the desired signal from noisy signal. The desired H (e j ω ) = 2 (1 − cos (ωˆ0 − ω )),
signal may be narrowband or wideband signal. For instant, in
the digital communication systems, the desired signal has
wide bandwidth while the noise which is the interference
signal is narrow. In this case, the narrowband signal must be (3)
rejected. This task can be solved by using adaptive notch filter ⎛ sin(ωˆ0 − ω) ⎟⎞
∠H (e j ω ) = − tan−1 ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟,
(ANF) [1]-[3]. In case of needing to enhance the narrowband ⎝ 1 − cos(ωˆ0 − ω) ⎟⎠
signal from the wideband signal, the adaptive line enhancer
(ALE) is required [4]. respectively. As can be seen in (2) and (3), the magnitude and
When the signal to be detected composes of both in-
phase responses will be zero if and only if ω = ωˆ0 . Thus, (1)
phase and quadrature-phase components, the sampled version
of this signal is natural complex signal. As a result, the is a complex first order FIR notch filter which can be used for
complex ANF or ALE is necessary. This problem is estimating the frequency of a complex sinusoidal signal by
encountered in radar and digital communication systems. The means of adjusting the coefficient ω̂0 of (1). The difference
adopted research in [1] proposed the use of complex ANF to equation describing the relationship between output e (k ) and
reject the narrowband interference signal in the quadrature input x (k ) signals of the filter is expressed as
phase shift keying (QPSK) spread-spectrum. In this work, the
complex first order IIR notch filter and Gauss-Newton type
e (k ) = x (k ) − e j ωˆ0 (k )x (k − 1), (4)
algorithm were employed. The advantage of this method is
that the filter has low complexity but its stability must be
monitored at all time due to the adjusting of both pole and where ωˆ0 (k ) is the estimate of ω̂0 at time instant k and
zero of the filter. Since this method employed the Gauss- x (k ) represents a noisy complex sinusoidal signal of the
Newton algorithm, the fast convergence speed of the
algorithm is obtained but the high complex is a trade-off. In form
the literatures [2] and [3], the gradient algorithms were
x (k ) = Ae j (ω0k +θ ) + v(k ), (5)
employed instead of Gauss-Newton algorithm. Although the
gradient algorithm provided low complexity, the slow
convergence speed becomes the main drawback. where A is the signal amplitude, ω0 is the signal frequency,
In this work, a complex first order FIR notch filter and θ is the signal phase which is uniformly distributed over
gradient algorithm are proposed. By using this method, the [0,2 π ) and v (k ) = vR (k ) + vI (k ) is a zero mean white
complexity of the system and speed of the algorithm are
compromised. In the next section, the proposed method will Gaussian noise with variance σv2 . vR (k ) and vI (k ) are,
be described. The computer simulations are also demonstrated respectively, real and imaginary parts of v(k ) . In the next
and compared with that of the IIR-ANF [3] for both fixed section, a gradient algorithm to adjust the filter parameter ω̂0
frequency and random frequency of complex sinusoidal signal.

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to extract the frequency ω0 of an incoming complex IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
sinusoidal signal will be discussed. In this section, the computer simulations have been
conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
Now let us introduce the gradient based adaptive algorithm.
The error function of the proposed filter is given by A. Fixed Frequency Estimation
(6) In the first example, the proposed filter is used to
1 π
π ∫0
J (ωˆ0 ) = E [e(k )e * (k )] = H (e j ω )H * (e − j ω )S x (ω)d ω, estimate the frequency of a stationary complex sinusoidal
signal. In order to examine the convergence property of the
proposed technique and the compared algorithm, the initial
where "*" means complex conjugate and S x (ω) is the power values ωˆ0 (0) of the both algorithms are varied to be
spectral density (PSD) of x (k ) as given by ωˆ0 (0) = 0.2π and ωˆ0 (0) = 0.6π . The remaining parameters
used for this simulation are shown in the caption of Fig.1. It is
S x (ω) = A2 δ (ω − ω0 ) + σv2 , (7)
evident from Fig.1 that the convergence property of the
proposed system is better than that of the IIR-ANF, especially
where δ (⋅) is the delta function. By substituting (7) into (6) when the initial value is far from the optimum solution.
and integrating the result, it yields
B. Tracking of Random Frequency Complex Sinusoid
2 j ω0 2 2
J (ωˆ0 ) = A H (e ) + 2σ ,
v (8) A complex sinusoid with random frequency is generated
by using the system shown by Fig.2. The center frequency ω0
is set to be 0.1π. n(k ) is random signal with Gaussian
j ω0 2
where H (e ) = 2(1 − cos(ωˆ0 − ω0 )) . It is obvious that (8) distribution, zero-mean, and variance σn2 = 1 . The cutoff
has only one global minimum point because the noise term frequency of 5th order lowpass filter (LPF) is 0.05 rad/sample.
2σv2 is not a function of filter parameter ω̂0 . As a result, the y (k ) is a complex sinusoid with fixed amplitude A = 2
optimum solution ωopt of (8) can be obtained by and random frequency. Since y (k ) is natural complex, only
differentiating (8) with respect to ω̂0 and setting the result to the real component is considered. The results of tracking the
be zero, which is signal y (k ) using the FIR-ANF and IIR-ANF are shown in
Fig.3. As can be seen, the ability of tracking a complex
ωopt = ω0 . random frequency sinusoidal signal of the proposed FIR-ANF
is better than that of the IIR-ANF.
It is seen that the optimum solution of (1) is only a function of
an input frequency ω0 , implying that the gradient based 1
adaptive algorithm does not provide biased estimate of ω̂0 . 0.9 IIR-ANF
Frequency estimate (× π rad/sample)

By using the method adopted in [3], the gradient based

adaptive algorithm for complex first order FIR notch filter to
adjust the filter parameter ωˆ0 (k ) can be expressed as 0.7

0.6 ω(0)=0.6π
⎧ ∂e (k )e * (k )⎪
⎪ ⎫
ωˆ0 (k + 1) = ωˆ0 (k ) − μ Re ⎪


⎪ ∂ ω
ˆ (k ) ⎪

⎩ 0 ⎭ 0.4

⎪ * ∂e (k ) ⎫⎪ ω(0)=0.2 π
= ωˆ0 (k ) − μ Re ⎪
⎨e (k ) ⎪
⎬ 0.3

⎩ ∂ωˆ0 (k )⎪⎪
⎭ 0.2
= ωˆ0 (k ) − μ Re je * (k )x (k − 1)e j ωˆ0 (k ) , } (10) 0.1
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
⋅ stands for real part. The derivation of (10) is
where R{}
Fig. 1. Trajectories of ωˆ0 (k ) obtained by the FIR-ANF and the IIR-ANF for
obtained by assuming that e * (k ) is not a function of ωˆ0 (k ) .
A= 2 , ω0 = 0.8π , θ = π/3 , ωˆ0 (0) ∈ [0.2π, 0.6π ] , μ = 0.001 ,
In the next section, the performance of the proposed FIR-ANF
ρIIR-ANF = 0.95 , σv2 = 0.1 .
will be demonstrated and compared to the IIR-ANF [3].

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Fig. 2. Complex random frequency sinusoid generator.


0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 3. Tracking performance comparison for A = 2 , ω0 = 0.1π ,

μ = 0.001 , ρIIR-ANF = 0.95 .

The first order complex adaptive FIR notch filter is present
in this paper. The proposed filter provides good convergence
property and very simple. However, the distorted output
signal may be obtained due to the wide bandwidth. In some
applications that require the filter with fast convergence speed,
the proposed FIR-ANF is recommended. The theoretical
analysis of the proposed filter is the interesting topic and the
authors will propose in the future work.

[1] Soo-Chang Pei, "Complex adaptive IIR notch filter algorithm and its
applications," IEEE Trans. Circuit and System-II: Analog and Digital
Signal Processing, vol. 41, no.2, Feb. 1994, pp. 158-163.
[2] H. Y. Jiang, S. Nishimura, and T. Hinamoto, "Steady-state analysis of
complex adaptive IIR notch filter and its application to QPSK
communication systems." IEEE proceeding ICSP 2000, pp. 551-554.
[3] S. Nishimura and H. Y. Jiang, "Gradient-Based comlex adaptive IIR
notch filters for frequency estimation," IEEE proceeding APCCAS, Nov.
1996, pp. 235-238..
[4] B. Widrow and S. D. Stearns, Adaptive signal processing, Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1985.
[5] L. J. Griffiths, "Rapid measurement of digital instantaneous frequency."
IEEE Trans. Acoust. Speech and Signal Process., vol. ASSP-23, no. 2
Apr. 1975, pp. 207-222.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Fengchia University. Downloaded on December 30,2021 at 16:32:47 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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