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Assessing The Use of ICT in Teaching Amd Learning

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Assessing the Use of Information and

Communication Technology in Teaching and
Learning in Secondary Schools
De-Graft Johnson Dei
Dept of Information Studies, University of Ghana,

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Dei, De-Graft Johnson, "Assessing the Use of Information and Communication Technology in Teaching and Learning in Secondary
Schools" (2018). Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 2003.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become a force that has changed many
aspects of the way we live and every aspect of human endeavor such as education, medicine,
business, law and engineering. Education is a socially oriented activity and quality education has
traditionally been associated with teachers having high degrees of personal and face-to-face
contact with students. But with the world moving rapidly into digital media and information, the
role of ICT in education is becoming more and more important. However, indicators on technology
uptake and use in education in the secondary schools in Ghana are missing and most of the schools
continues to use the traditional method for knowledge dissemination. This study assess the
adoption and use of ICT in teaching and learning in secondary schools in Ghana. The study focused
on the secondary schools in the southern sector of Ghana (Western, Central, Greater Accra, Volta
and Eastern Regions). The qualitative research method was used in this study. The research
established that the ages and gender of the respondents largely affected their adoption and usage
of ICT as the students, young and male teachers had more knowledge and interest in the use of
ICT for teaching and learning. There was disparities in the provision of computers and ICT
facilities at the secondary schools as the schools in the urban areas had some ICT facilities although
they were found to be inadequate, not properly ventilated, not spacious enough and have poor
lightening system. However, some of the teachers were having their own PCs (personal computers,
laptops or tablets) for use although they always do not use them for teaching and learning. As a
result, the impact of ICT in teaching and learning at the secondary schools were minimal.

Key words: Information and Communication Technology, Computers, Teaching, Learning,


1. Background to the Study

Today, the educational sector of Ghana is confronted with series of changes and reforms.
Numerous strategies for teaching and learning have been developed which correspond to the
accommodation of students' need and diverse learning method. One of such strategy involves the

use of information and communication technology (ICT). ICT has become a force that has changed
many aspects of the way we live and every aspect of human endeavor (Quarshie, 2015). Therefore,
its integration into the classroom will significantly improve the educational experience.

ICT is the use of technology in managing and processing information with the use of electronic
computer system and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit and retrieve
information. Oje (2005) states that awareness towards the use of ICT is increasing in the classroom
in the developing world such that mere verbalization or over verbalization of words alone to
communicate ideas, skills and attitude to educate learners is futile.

ICT has snow become integral part of teaching and learning in schools. It provides opportunities
for both teachers and students to learn how to operate in an information and technology age. ICTs
are drastically changing schools syllabus in a number of ways, demanding that teachers focus on
new teaching methodologies instead of relying on traditional methodologies. As Hare (2007) puts
it, the successful integration of technology in education is not simple, because it depends on such
interlinking variables.

The development of ICT itself dictates that in order for teachers and students to adjust to modern
society and the global economy, the way in which teachers teach and students what to be taught
requires modifications to and around ICT (Watson, 2001). However, Oje (2005) and Hare (2007)
argue that although educators appear to acknowledge the value of ICT, difficulties continue to be
encountered in adopting and integrating such technologies. Kok (2007), also express that though
many teachers are comfortable with the emergence of technology in general, they still cannot be
ready or capable to integrate these technology into their classrooms.

Kok (2007) noted that the problem of information technology illiteracy was a serious one among.
That is, many teachers did not have basic computer appreciation skills and noted that the problem
was a hindrance to efforts at achieving the use of computers for educational purposes in schools.
Same conditions can be said of Ghana as established by Quarsshie (2015). In Ghana, the state of
ICT facilities, and the lack of adequate ICT text books affect effective teaching and learning. If
teachers and students in senior secondary schools are exposed to ICT usage in classroom teachings,

how would it bring about an impact in teaching and learning. It is against this background that the
study seeks to assess the role of ICT in secondary school education in Ghana.

2. Literature Review
2.1 The Concept of ICT and its impact on Teaching and Learning
According to IMPICT (2012), ICT is the process of gathering, creating, processing, and storage of
information by using hardware, software, as well as the internet and global system of mobile
communication (GSM). However, the communication aspect of ICT is assuming more significance
now than ever before, hence, it is now more appropriate to use the expression ICT rather than mere
information technology which has become the back bone of the new information based global
economy (Quarshie, 2015)

Today, development has brought about evaluation of ICT, which is ever growing and continuously
affecting every aspect of human endeavour (Abifarina, 2003). Thus, the teacher using ICT in the
class will be able to present a well-planned set of lessons and the students will experience these
lessons in an exciting environment. Ojo (2005) notes that the misconception that the computer will
replace the teacher and thus render them redundant does not arise; all the computer does is to
reinforce and enhance the teacher’s lessons. ICT can help students to become independent learners
capable of developing critical thinking and problems-solving strategies, collaborative works and
inquiry. It allows for information searches, computer modelling, team-work, brain-storming and
revision. Teachers can use computers to make learning experiences more effective and to offer
students access to a variety of learning tools, expert opinions and alternative viewpoints (Quarshie,

Idahosa and Ero (2005) states that in computer assisted instruction; lessons production is guided
by the learners’ knowledge, skills, understanding, expectations as well as motivation. This implies
that a computer is not an instructor in itself but rather a mere vehicle of instruction. It is a clear
secret that the computer offers powerful features for facilitating learning. Utor and Agbi (2006)
identifies telecommunication and teleconferencing as another useful development in ICT where
students can sit in their respective classrooms or research centres and partake in teaching without
necessarily visiting each other.

ICT play a critical role in socio-economic development because they are being used to achieve
sustainable development (Quarshie, 2015). That is, ICT sustains development by enhancing the
a. Improvement of institution information management, inter-institutional communication,
communication between regional or state cooperation institutions and their organizations
thereby facilitate integration.
b. Promote trade, financial cooperation, agricultural development, educational research,
environmental protection etc.
c. ICT could also catalyse trans-border data flows bringing down barriers to personal
communications and removing the constraints of national boundaries, physical disabilities
as well as distance. By providing access to network, ICT reduces the costs of international
communication among countries.

2.3 Policy on ICT Education in Ghana

The government of Ghana has committed to the transformation of the agro-based economy into an
economy driven by ICT that generates an information and knowledge – based economy. The
government of Ghana has acknowledged the need for ICT training and education in the schools
and the improvement of the education system as a whole. The development of ICT into education
will result in the creation of new possibilities for learners and teachers to engage in new ways of
information acquisition and analysis; ICT will enhance access to Education and improve the
quality of education delivery on equitable basis.

Again, the government of Ghana has developed comprehensive programs that aims at the
utilization of ICT within the education sector. This will help to transform the educational system
and thereby improve the lives of Ghanaians. Through the implementation and utilisation of ICT in
education, the culture and practice of traditional memory-based learning will be transformed to
education that stimulates thinking and creativity necessary to meet the challenges of the twenty
first Century (Ministry of Education, 2008)

The fundamental objective of the policy is to ensure that the Ghanaian education sector provides
adequate opportunities for Ghanaians to develop the necessary skills, regardless of the levels of
education (formal and non-formal), to benefit fully from the Information Society (Ministry of
Education, 2008).The policy goals include the following:
1. Facilitating the deployment, utilization and exploitation within the educational system to
improve on educational access and delivery to support teaching and learning from the
primary level upwards
2. Modernize the educational system to improve the quality of education and training at all
levels of the educational system and expanding access to education, training and research
resources and facilities.
3. To orient all levels of the country’s educational system to the teaching and learning of
science and technology in order to accelerate the acculturation of science and technology
in society and produce a critical mass of requites human resources and a well-informed
4. To achieve universal basic education and improve the level of basic and computer literacy
in the country.
5. To ensure a population in which all citizens are at least functionally literate and
6. To expand and increase access to secondary and tertiary education.
7. To strengthen science education at all levels and in all aspects of the educational system,
especially at the basic and secondary levels.

The efforts to introduce ICTs into the sector by the Ministry (primarily through the GES), its
development partners and other private sector agencies cover over ten (10) years. Initiatives have
spanned pre-tertiary (both public and private schools) and tertiary. Efforts have largely been geared
towards the deployment of ICTs to these facilities via the provision of computers and the
establishment of ICT laboratories. Access however is still below the standards and numbers

Additionally, there have been several private sector initiatives to set up Community based ICT
centers. These however have been largely confined to urban areas with few available examples of

how they have been used to support educational objectives. In a study carried out to review and
assess the ICT in Education Initiatives in Ghana (2005), twenty initiatives were selected and their
impact assessed to see what lessons could be learnt. Several positive achievements were noted.
• Initiatives contributed to a wider number of students and teachers acquiring ICT skills and
developing strong interests in ICT and Science;
• Schools involved in the initiatives were motivated to expand the project and/or acquire
more ICT equipment; a number of private-public partners, including Parent Teachers
Associations (PTAs) and civil society collaborated in the efforts;
• Lessons learnt from initiatives provided good examples for other schools to introduce their
own ICT programs;

However, the projects themselves faced a number of challenges. At least half of the initiatives had
been launched as pilots with none expanded into national initiatives. Implementation challenges
• Poor selection of schools without the involvement of GES / MOE resulting in duplication
and hence some schools having several parallel initiatives while others (especially those in
the remote rural towns) had none
• Lack of policy direction at all levels (schools, districts, national) for the integration of ICT
in education;
• Heavy dependency on external funds, with most initiatives stopped after depletion of initial
• Dumping’ of obsolete and inappropriate equipment as support’ for the initiatives
• Low levels of ownership at the level of the schools, due to external motivations, and low
levels of understanding on the part of recipients about the potentials of ICTs in education
• Lack of trained ICT personnel (including teachers) far below the numbers demanded to
support the initiatives with most capacity building efforts one-off with no continuous
trainings planned for

Additionally, there was the recognition that to ensure success and sustainability, ICT in Education
projects should be implemented not necessarily to increase the number of computers, but should
instead be based on supporting discrete educational objectives. The lessons learned from the

initiatives further highlighted the need for a coordinated, focused and properly managed approach
to the adoption and utilization of ICTs. Such an approach could further improve the accessibility
and delivery of quality education and better maximize the impact of ICTs in Education.

3. Methodology
This study used the exploratory research as a means of finding out the role of ICT in senior
secondary school education in Ghana. This enabled the researcher to seek new insight, ask
questions and assess phenomena in a new light. The use of exploratory research in this study
involved the review of relevant literature in the field of ICT in education. Furthermore, the
qualitative research method was applied in this research. The qualitative research enabled the
researcher to uncover issues in order to generate new ideas. The use of the qualitative approach
enabled the researcher achieve an in-depth understanding of the role of ICT in senior secondary
school education in Ghana by explaining the phenomena rather than to measure.

The study focused on the 10 secondary schools in the southern sector of Ghana (Western, Central,
Greater Accra, Volta and Eastern Regions). Two secondary schools were purposively selected from
each region. From each secondary school, the researcher used the stratified sampling technique to
divide the population into two strata, which consisted of teachers (strata 1) and students (strata 2).
Again, from each secondary school, four (4) teachers and four (4) students were selected at random
to serve as the respondents for this study. Therefore, a total of 80 respondents (40 teachers and 40
students) participated in this research

Data was collected from both primary and secondary sources. Primary data was collected with the
use of observation and questionnaires (consisting of both closed and open-ended questions). The
use of observation allowed the researcher to experience the actual use of ICT and the availability
of infrastructure at the secondary schools. Secondary data was collected from libraries, websites,
databases and journals. Data analysis went through two main stages. The first stage was the data
preparation which involved organizing, piling up, typing field-notes and recordings, and sorting
the data. The second component was the analysis itself where the researcher analyzed the data by
coding the refined (prepared) data and made it ready for analysis. The SPSS was employed at this
stage of the analysis.

4. Results and Discussion
In assessing the adoption and use of ICT in teaching and learning in secondary schools in Ghana,
and in line with the methodology set for this study, the researcher presents a summarized findings
in the table below. The descriptive analysis of the findings is also presented after the table.

Table 1: Adoption and use of ICT in teaching and learning in secondary schools
Adoption and use of ICT in Teachers Students Net
teaching and learning Responses % Responses % Responses %
Gender Male 14 35 21 52.50 35 43.75
Female 26 65 19 47.50 45 56.25
Age Below 20 1 2.50 38 95 39 48.75
21-30 11 27.50 2 5 13 16.25
31-40 16 40 0 0 16 20
Above 40 12 30 0 0 12 15
Knowledge in Good 12 30 20 50 32 40
Computers Average 15 37.50 14 35 29 36.25
Below 11 27.50 5 12.25 16 20
No 2 5 1 2.50 3 3.75
Training in the use Yes 14 35 17 42.50 31 38.75
of Computers No 26 65 23 57.50 49 61.25

Frequency of usage Everyday 8 20 5 12.50 13 16.25

of Computers 3 Times a 9 22.50 13 32.50 22 27.50
One’s a 9 22.50 9 22.50 18 22.50
Ones in 2 7 17.50 4 10 11 13.75

One’s a 4 10 6 15 10 12.5
Never 3 7.54 3 7.50 6 7.50
Availability of Available 24 60 24 60 48 60
Computer Lab Not 16 40 16 40 32 40
Adequacy of Adequate 13 32.50 11 27.50 24 30
Computer Inadequate 27 67.50 29 72.50 56 70
Condition or state Very Good 1 2.50 1 2.50 2 2.50
of Computers Good 11 27.50 8 20 19 23.75
Bad 12 30 8 20 20 25
Extremely 16 40 23 57.50 39 48.75
Owning Personal Yes 18 45 N/A N/A 18 45
Computers/Laptops No 22 55 N/A N/A 22 55
Availability of Available 4 10 5 12.50 9 11.25
Internet Not 36 90 35 87.50 71 88.75
Usage of Yes 16 40 9 22.50 25 31.25
Computers for
Teaching and No 24 60 31 77.50 55 68.75
How does the usage Positive 13 56.52 15 37.50 28 44.45
of computers affect Normal 3 13.04 14 35 17 26.98
Teaching and Negative 7 30.44 11 27.50 18 28.57
Source: Field data January, 2018

According to Boondao (2013: 23), there exist certain effects of the personal factors of gender, age,
position, and level of education on managing knowledge in organisations though they may not be
statistically significant. The researcher observed that the ages and gender of the respondents

largely affected their adoption and usage of ICT. That is, the majority of the males and younger
teachers show better skills and appreciation especially in purely technical issues if the ICT. They
were more curious and interested in the usage and application ICT in teaching and learning. On
the other hand, the female and older teachers showed less interest in the usage and application of
ICT in education. This was evidenced during the observation and interaction processes at the
secondary schools. In addition, the students were more exposed to and appreciated the use of ICT
to facilitate teaching and learning than the teachers. Majority (75%) of the student respondents
showed much knowledge in the usage and application of ICT in education.

Using computer is requires some basic training and skill (Ahiatrogah & Adane, 2011). This was
not the case in this study as it was established that majority of the respondents (61.25%) had no
formal training in the use of ICTs. The same respondents said they were prepared to acquire more
knowledge and skills on the new and modern technologies relevant to teaching and delivery of
their core mandate. However, 3.75% said they had no knowledge at all in the usage of computers
or ICT both for instruction and learning. Knezek and Christensen (2002), Walker (2005) and
Munyantware (2006) state that educators with higher levels of ICT skill, knowledge, and tools
exhibited higher levels of technology integration in the classroom and teachers with lower
technology proficiency are usually not willing and have less confidence to use ICT for teaching.

With regards to infrastructure, the study established that there were disparities in the provision of
computers and ICT infrastructure at the schools. The study established that out of the 10 secondary
schools visited, 6 (60%) had computer laboratories while 4 (40%) were not having computer
laboratories. The researcher observed that while the schools with the computer laboratories were
mainly at the urban areas (metropolis) while those without computer laboratories were found in
the rural areas. In addition, the researcher observed that the respondents who indicated that they
have never used the computers both for teaching and learning were from the secondary schools
where there are no computer laboratories. Ukpebor (2006) states that computer laboratories should
contain instructional materials and equipment to facilitate learning or acts as resources centres for
teaching and learning and provides both teachers and students with experiences that are needed in
order to acquire the concept/principles.

With regard to the adequacy, condition and state of the computers and the computer laboratories,
the study established that even at the secondary schools with computer laboratories, the computers
were inadequate (30% adequate; 70% inadequate) and not in good condition (2.50% in very good
condition, 23.75% good condition, 25% bad, and 48.75% extremely bad). The researcher observed
that most of the computers at the computer laboratories had broken down and not functioning.
Furthermore, it was revealed that most of the computer laboratories were not properly ventilated
as only three (3) of the computer laboratories have functioning air-conditions with the rest using
fans. In addition the computer laboratories were not spacious enough coupled and have poor
lightening system.

Another finding was that some of the teachers (32.15%) were having their own PCs (personal
computers, laptops or tablets) for use. The respondents again said they will prefer using their
personal laptops and tablets for research and information retrieval purposes since they hardly use
the ones at the laboratories or rarely have access to computers at the computer laboratories.

For those without PCs, due to the fact that the computers are not adequate for the students to use,
they (the teachers) who were willing to use the computers for their personal practice could hardly
get the chance as the computers in the laboratories are always under intense pressure for use by
the students as it has been designed on the schools timetable. As a result, they sometimes have to
depend on their colleagues (teachers) to lend them their PCs when they are in need to them.

Internet connectivity at the secondary schools was very bad as only 11.25% indicated that they
have internet connectivity in the computer laboratory. The report from the observation also
corresponds to the responses of the obtained from the questionnaire. This means, out of the 10
selected secondary schools, only one (1) had internet connectivity at the computer laboratory
which is a very bad signal. However, some the respondents indicated that they have their personal
Modem and MiFi internet facilities for use.

The response further shows that majority of the teachers (60%) and students (77.50%) do not use
the computers for teaching and learning. This result could be attributed to the absence of computer
laboratories in some of the schools and the poor state of the computers and computer laboratories

in the schools with computer laboratories. In relation to the factors that promote the usage ICTs in
the schools, the following were identified:
1. Computer
2. Projector
3. Computer laboratory
4. Electronic library databases
5. Internet
6. Mobile phones

The usage of computers affect teaching and learning (McCoy, 2017). In relation to this, the study
established that while 44.45% (teachers, 56.52%; students, 37.50%) of the respondents believed
the usage of computers had positive affect teaching and learning, 22.98% think the impact was
normal while 28.57% believed the usage of computers had negative affect teaching and learning.
According to Osiakwan (2002), to a larger extent, ICTs are major tools for sustaining development
and this is evident in the numerous benefits of computers in teaching and learning outlined by the
respondents’. The respondents again outlined the benefits of computers in teaching and learning
in the secondary schools as follows:
1. Students learn best by practicing (hands-on-usage), and using computers in instruction they
take active involvement and participation in the teaching and learning process.
2. Some computer applications (software/programs) are interactive and they give the users
the opportunity participate in the form of questions and answers (Q&A). This improves
teaching and learning.
3. Using computer projectors and slides (audio-visual elements) to facilitate teaching and
learning is more appealing, interactive and attracts the attention of the students
4. Computers brings out a wealth of instructional resources (materials) into the class room
via the internet.
5. Both the teachers and students can access relevant learning materials (information) on the
6. The use of computers in the classroom can help to engage students in problem solving
which can lead to a deeper understanding

In relation to the factors that inhibit the usage of ICTs in teaching and learning, it was found out
that there were so many factors. The factors identified are mainly cost, technology, skills,
managerial and leadership, and environmental related. Below are the main factors that were

Table 2: Factors that inhibit the usage of ICTS in teaching and learning
Cost related factors
1 The cost of acquiring the computers and their peripheral devices, installation and
2 The cost of acquiring ICT materials and textbooks for use in teaching and instruction
3 The high cost of the hardware and software applications which leads to low integration
of ICT in learning and teaching
4 The cost of internet bundle and access to internet
5 The cost of training and acquiring skills and knowledge in the use of computers and
Technological related factors
6 Inadequate and Lack of computers to aid teaching and learning
7 No computer laboratories for teaching, demonstration and learning
8 The small and limited computers available are outmoded and obsolete
9 There is no internet connectivity in the computer laboratories
10 Limited or poor internet connectivity in the schools with internet connectivity
11 Lack of supporting devices such as projectors, scanners, printers, photocopiers among
others to aid the teaching and actual use/demonstration.
12 Lack of periodical maintenance of the computers and their peripheral devices at the
computer laboratories and the offices
Skills related factors
13 Lack of skills and competencies to handle the computers and their peripheral devices
14 Lack of knowledge and appreciation for the use of the systems
15 Fear to use ICT in teaching and learning due to limited knowledge

16 Lack of confidence in the use of computers
17 Lack of training and skills development on the use and adoption of ICT for teaching and
learning at the schools
18 Due to lack of motivation, very few teachers are using computers in teaching and
Management and Leadership related factors
19 Inadequate support from the government, ministry of education, and other agencies on
the acquisition and implementation of ICT in the secondary schools
20 Lack of adequate support from the heads (headmasters/headmistresses) of the schools
towards ICT training, adoption and implementation in the form of finance, technical and
21 The heads (headmasters/headmistresses) do not appreciate the role and impact on the
deployment and adoption of use of ICT in teaching and learning at the schools
22 Failure to integrate ICT and computers into the core curriculum of the schools
Environmental related factors
23 Lack of space in the computer laboratories
24 Poor ventilation in the computer laboratories
25 Due to the absence of air-conditions in the computer laboratories, dust easily and often
enters the computer laboratory.
Source: Field data January, 2018

The responses obtained from the responded as outline in Table 2 showed that the factors are mainly
cost, technology, skills, managerial and leadership, and environmentally related. The cost element
relates to ICT training materials and ICT infrastructure deployment and implementation. This
finding is confirmed by Lyamu (2005) and Sharma (2003) that the higher the cost of computers
and their accessories, the fewer computers one can buy with the limited resources. Therefore, to
increase accessibility to ICT tools, stakeholders in academic institutions need appropriate
information related to costs of computers so that alternative means of acquiring cheap peripherals
can be sought.

While the cost was identified, the unavailability and limitation of the technology also impeded the
deployment and use of ICT in the secondary schools. This could largely be attributed to limited

money (funds) to finance or acquire the ICT infrastructure and deployment, and hiring the right
personnel to manage the ICTs at the secondary schools. Aryatuha (2007) reported that cost of ICT
tools would not be considered a problem if African economies were not poor and thus lack

In respect to skills development in ICT and ICT implementation, there was a significant
relationship between skills acquisition in ICT and usage or adoption at the schools. In addition, the
lack of motivation and supports from the leadership and management of the schools directly
affected the deployment and adoption of ICTs in the schools. Due to this, there is need for the
schools to collaborate with the Ministry of Education and other agencies to put in place program
to help teachers incorporate ICT in their teaching process. As such Kariuki (2004) stated that
educators who received constructive support from administrators were more likely to use
technologies in their teaching practice while those who received poor support or encouragement
from higher authorities in school were less enthusiastic in using computer or did not integrate
technology at all.

5. Conclusion
This study investigated the adoption and use of ICT on teaching and learning in secondary schools
in Ghana. The researcher observed that the ages and gender of the respondents largely affected
their adoption and usage of ICT as the students, young and male teachers had more knowledge and
interest in the use of computers for teaching and learning. There was disparities in the provision
of computers and ICT facilities at the secondary schools as the schools in the urban areas had some
ICT facilities although they were found to be inadequate, not properly ventilated, not spacious
enough and have poor lightening system. However, some of the teachers were having their own
PCs (personal computers, laptops or tablets) for use although they always do not use them for
teaching and learning. As a result, the impact of ICT in teaching and learning at the secondary
schools were minimal.

Based on this it is recommended that

1. ICT infrastructure (computer lab and internet) should be provided at the schools for
effective teaching and learning process since it is the basic stage of equipping the youth
with the necessary skills and knowledge for national development.
2. There should be an assessment of the computers in the schools to determine which ones
need to be repaired and which ones need to be replaced.
3. Teachers should be given more and necessary training in ICT usage so that they become
familiar with modern pedagogy of imparting knowledge and skills, and possible become
part of curriculum structure for their professional training.

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2. Cooper, D. and Schindler, P. 2011. Business Research Methods (11thed). New York: McGraw
3. Hare, H. (2007). Survey of ICT and Education in Africa: Ethiopia Country Report (ICT in
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4. Idihosa, O. M. and Ero, N. R. (2005). The use of ICT in Mathematics Education. A paper
presented at the Annual National Conference of School of Science, College of Education
5. IMPICT (2012), ICT in Education,
6. Kok, A. (2007). ICT Integration into Classrooms: Unpublished literature review
7. Ojo, M. O. (2005) Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and teacher preparation
for basic education. Journal of Teacher Education.
8. Utor, Z. S. and Agbi, A. (2005) Realising the Benefit of ICT in Science and Technical
Education through enhance library services. A paper presented at the Annual Conference of
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9. Watson, D.M. (2001). Pedagogy before Technology: Re-thinking the Relationship between
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