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Name: Mikaella Baltazar Strand: 12 Kotler Score:

A. Multiple Choice: Carefully read the following statement and choose the best answer. Shade
the letter of the correct answer on the given answer sheet.
1. Which of the following is known to be the heaviest element?
A. Gold B. Neptunium C. Silver D. Uranium
2. Which of the following is NOT considered as light elements?
A. Helium B. Lithium C. Hydrogen D. Iron
3. Which element is the lightest and at the most abundant in outer space?
A. Hydrogen B. Lithium C. Helium D. Iron
4. Which of the following has a higher electronegativity?
A. Calcium B. Carbon C. Fluorine D. Nitrogen
5. Which of the following are the two types of polarities?
A. Ionic & Covalent B. North & South
C. Solubility & Miscibility D. Polar & Nonpolar
6. What two elements make up water?
A. Hydrogen and Oxygen B. Sulfur and Arsenic
C. Helium and Oxygen D. Uranium and Sodium
7. Which of the following refers to the weakest intermolecular attraction?
A. Dipole-dipole B. Hydrogen bond
C. Ion-dipole D. London Dispersion
8. Which of the following refers to the strongest intermolecular attraction?
A. Dipole-dipole B. Hydrogen bond
C. Ion-dipole D. London Dispersion
9. What is the form of carbohydrates that body cells readily absorb?
A. Fructose B. Galactose C. Glucose D. Sucrose
10. How many sugar units does a disaccharide have?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
11. Which of the following words mostly means “to collide” in the Collision Theory?
It is to_____.
A. Stick quickly. B. Touch lightly
C. Destroy totally D. Strike forcefully
12. What is called the minimum energy requirement needed for a chemical reaction to occur?
A. Chemical Energy B. Kinetic Energy
C. Activation Energy D. Potential Energy
13. What reactant is completely used up in a chemical reaction?
A. Excess B. Limiting C. Both A & B D. None of these
14. In a chemical reaction, what reactant remains after the reaction stops?
A. Excess B. Limiting C. Both A & B D. None of these
15. Which of the following type of sources of energy that will be limited in supply and cannot be
used sustainably?
A. Kinetic B. Non-renewable C. Potential D. Renewable
16. Which of the following is a non-renewable source of energy?
A. Fossil fuels B. Sun C. Wind D. Wood
17. Which household cleaning product is used to emit fragrance in different places at home?
A. Air freshener B. Bleach C. Disinfectant D. Detergent
18. What do you call the substances added in small quantities to improve the quality or preserve
the product?
A. Acids B. Additives C. Ammonia D. Salt
19. Which of the following is a star that blows apart and releases a large amount of energy?
A. Protostar B. Supernova C. Red giant D. Main sequence star
20. Oil and water don’t mix despite constant stirring. The oil floats and makes a layer above the
water when mixed together. What process explains this phenomenon?
A. Immiscibility B. Miscibility C. Polarity D. Solubility
21. Which of the following boils at the highest temperature?
A. B. C2H6 C. C3H8 D. H2O
22. Which macromolecule do Glycogen, Starch and Cellulose belong?
A. Carbohydrates B. Lipids C. Nucleic Acids D. Proteins

23. Which of the following is NOT a subunit of a nucleotide?

A. Glycerol B. Nitrogenous base C. Phosphate D. Sugar
24. What effect does high temperature have on the rate of a chemical reaction?
A. Decrease B. Increase C. No effect D. Same rate
25. Different processes in the body are facilitated by catalysts. What is this catalyst called?
A. Antibodies B. Drugs C. Enzymes D. Vitamins
26. Which of the following is a reactant in a chemical reaction that determines the amount of
product that is formed?
A. Excess reactants B. Solute C. Limiting reactants D. Reactant
27. What will happen when the limiting reactant in a chemical reaction is completely used?
A. Reaction stops B. Reaction slows down
C. Reaction speeds up D. Excess reactants begin combining
28. Which of the following includes hydrocarbons such as coal, oil, and natural gas that comes
from organic remains of early organisms?
A. Biogas B. Fossil fuels C. Biomass D. Organic matter
29. Which of the following is derived from the decay of organic matter, as the mixture of methane
and carbon dioxide produced by the bacterial decomposition of sewage, manure, garbage, or
plant crops?
A. Biogas B. Biomass C. Coal D. Petroleum
30. What is the BEST one to use if you want to remove mineral stains in a tile surface?
A. Acetone B. Alcohol C. Detergent D. Muriatic Acid
31. When Curium-249 undergoes decay by beta particle emission, what specific element will be
A. Americium-249 B. Plutonium-249
C. Thorium-249 D. Berkelium-249
32. Which of the following will be produced if Europium – 152 will undergo alpha decay?
A. Nihonium – 150 B. Radon – 150
C. Praseodymium – 150 D. Thulium – 150
33. From the given Lewis structure of NH 3, how many nonbonding pair/s of electron are around
the central atom?
A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D.3
34. Which of the following is a nonpolar molecule?
A. CCl4 (tetrahedral) B. SO2 (bent-shaped)
C. H2O (bent-shaped) D. NH3 (trigonal planar)
35. Hexane and water do not have similar intermolecular forces of attraction, therefore, if you
add these two molecules, what mixture will be produced?
A. Colloid B. Homogenous
C. Heterogeneous D. Suspension
36. Applying the properties dependent to intermolecular forces of attraction in terms of viscosity,
which of the following DOES NOT show this kind property?
A. Blood B. Condense milk
C. Honey D. Sugar syrup
37. If your mother asked you to buy saturated fat, which of the following will you buy?
A. Butter B. Corn oil
C. Olive oil D. Sunflower oil
38. Rock salt and iodized salt are placed in separate 1-L containers full of water. Both are stirred
vigorously. Which of the two salts will dissolve first?
A. Iodized salt B. Rock salt
C. Both D. Cannot be determined
39. You decided to prepare a hamburger with egg as your snack together with your family. If you
have 10 buns, 15 eggs and 1 kilo cucumber, how many burger with cheese can you
A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20
40. In a battery, what will be the result if you connect the positive terminal and the negative
terminal to an external circuit?
A. Movement of charges B. Stopping of the charges
C. Increase in chemical energy D. Increases in light energy
41. John wants to remove the dirt and grease in his clothes. Which of the following should John
A. Antiseptic B. Detergent C. Disinfectant D. Purifier
42. Ana is cleaning the kitchen until she accidentally spills oil on the tiles. Which of the following
is the BEST cleaning agent that Ana should use?
A. Bleach B. Detergent C. Disinfectant D. Purifier
43. Which of the following shows the proper sequence or order on how elements were
A. Astatine – Plutonium – Technetium – Uranium
B. Astatine – Uranium – Plutonium – Technetium
C. Technetium – Astatine – Uranium – Plutonium
D. Uranium – Astatine – Plutonium – Technetium
44. Water and ethanol are polar substances. They both exhibit LDF, dipole - dipole forces, and
hydrogen bonding. What substance or mixture is formed when water and ethanol will mix
A. Solution B. Colloid
C. Heterogeneous Mixture D. Homogenous Mixture
45. You helped fix your backyard garden, and a big unstable rock fell on one foot! Frightened,
you were able to remove the rock quickly by yourself because your muscles store energy for
this kind of emergencies. What macromolecule is this?
A. Carbohydrates B. Lipids
C. Nucleic Acids D. Proteins
46. Same amounts of hydrogen peroxide are decomposed. One container is placed inside the
refrigerator while the other container is placed under the sun. Which container will empty
A. Container under the sun B. Container inside the refrigerator
C. Both containers D. Cannot be determined
47. You need 2 pieces of bread, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and 2 tablespoons of jelly to make a
sandwich.  If you have 10 pieces of bread, 4 tablespoons of peanut butter and 20 tablespoons
of jelly, what will be the limiting reactant?
A. Bread B. Jelly
C. Peanut butter D. Sandwich
48. How do chlorine-based bleaches remove stains?
A. By damaging the proteins
B. By dissolving the pigment
C. By breaking the chemical bonds of dyes
D. By covering the pigment with white substance
49. Which of the following statements is/are INCORRECT about the discovery of nuclear
transmutation by Rutherford?
Statement I – Ernest Rutherford bombarded alpha particles from radium directed to the
nitrogen nuclei.
Statement II - Ernest Rutherford showed that the oxygen nuclei reacted to the alpha
particles to form nitrogen nuclei.
A. Only statement I is incorrect. B. Only statement II is correct.
C. Both statements are incorrect. D. Both statements are correct.
50. Water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are some of the most essential substances that
sustain life on earth. Which of the following statements justifies about water and carbon
A. Water is nonpolar while carbon dioxide is polar.
B. Both water and carbon dioxide can form hydrogen bonds
C. Water can form hydrogen bonds while carbon dioxide forms dipole-dipole forces.
D. Water can form hydrogen bonds while carbon dioxide forms London dispersion forces.
51. Carbohydrate is very essential to our daily living. What will happen to the body when a
carbohydrate is deficient in our diet?
A. It causes fatigue and poor mental function. 
B. Our body lacks nutrients to support our daily activities.
C. Our body functions well because of the presence of fats.
D. Our body cannot fight against germs and infectious disease.
52. Why is it important to identify the limiting reagent?
A. The limiting reagent speeds up the reaction.
B. The limiting reagent controls the amount of product formed.
C. If there is no limiting reagent, the reaction will not occur.
D. No stoichiometry calculations can be done without a limiting reagent.
53. Which of the following reasons why a reaction stops?
A. When it wants to
B. The limiting and excess reactants are gone.
C. When all the excess reactant has been consumed
D. When all the limiting reactant has been consumed
54. How can alcohol kill microorganisms?
A. By creating bubbles that trap microorganisms
B. By denaturing the proteins of microorganisms
C. By emitting scent that kills the microorganism
D. By trapping the microorganisms in dense foams
55. If you’re designing a scenario demonstrating melting point, which of the following you will
NOT design?
A. Liquid precipitation B. A liquid changing into solid
C. Temperature reaching to 0OC D. Temperature reaching to 100OC
56. Which of the following will you suggest in testing boiling point of molecules in terms of
intermolecular forces of attraction?
I. Substances with stronger IMFA have higher boiling point.
II. Substances with stronger IMFA have lower boiling point.
III. Substances with weaker IMFA have higher boiling point.
IV. Substances with weaker IMFA have lower boiling point.
A. I only B. I, III C. I, IV D. III, IV
57. Which of the following will you suggest to speed up a reaction using a catalyst?
I. Raise the activation energy.
II. Lower the activation energy.
III. Increase the collision probability.
IV. Decrease the collision probability.
A. I only B. II only C. I, III D. II, IV
58. Say you take a reactant A and calculate the amount of moles of another reactant B required
to use up all of A. How can you infer which of two reactants is the limiting one?
A. You compare the calculated amount of B to the actual amount available. If more is
required, then B is the limiting reactant. If less is required, then A is the limiting
B. You compare the calculated amount of B to the actual amount available. If more is
required, then A is the limiting reactant. If less is required, then B is the limiting
C. If the calculated value of B is larger than the amount of A, then A is the limiting
D. If the calculated value of B is larger than the amount of A, then B is the limiting
59. If you are asked by your teacher to prepare a campaign statement about energy, which of the
following will you create?
I. Biomass is a renewable source of energy and a convenient source of energy for us.
II. Global gas is produced when crops, vegetable wastes, etc., decompose in the absence of
III. We are encouraged to plant more trees to ensure a clean environment and provide
biomass fuel.
IV. The main ingredient of biogas is ethane, and it gives a lot of smoke and produces a lot
of residual ash that is harmful to us and the environment.
60. Which of the following would you suggest why most products often contain additives?
I. The additives speed up production.
II. The additives enhance the product.
III. The additives lower the price of the product.
IV. The additives increase the volume of the product.
A. I only B. II only C. I, III D. II, IV

21st Century

Pre Spanish Period

Folk Tales - made up stories
Epic - heroic stories
Folk Songs - kundiman and the like

Period of Enlightment
Propaganda Movement
Jose Rizal - Noli me and El Fili
Marcelo Del Pilar - Pag ibig sa tinubuang bayan
Graciano Lopez Jaena - Ang Fray Botod

The American Regime 1898 1944

Jose Garcia Villa - famous for his free verse

The Japanese Regime 1941 1945

Japan conquered the ph
newspapers allowed are TRIBUTE and PH REVIEW

Filo poetry
nationalism,love,life in the barrios,faith,religion and arts

3 types of poem
Haiku - 3 lines Karaniwang anyo
Tanaga - free verse

Period of Activism
due to domestic causes youth become vocal w/ their sentiments

Period of the New Society

Set 21,1972
Poems dealt with patience,culture,customs and beauty of nature

Period of 3rd Republic

Fil songs dealt with true 2 life grief,poverty,aspirations for freedom, and love of God

POST EDSA I 1986 1995

21st Century
Tech based multimedia
Francisco Lopez- Doctrina Cristiana Mariano Perfecto- Father of Folk Lit
Leona FLorentina - Poetess Bicol Newspaper Ay
Pedro Bacuag - Father of Iloko Lit Biag Ni Lam-ang

Fernando Maramag - The rural maid Western Lit (Panayanon)
Ines Tacad - First Prize Patakton- riddle
hurubaton - proverb
Anicio Pascual Juan Manalaksan NCR
Macaria Garcia - Suan's The good guess Magnificence - Estrella Alfon Happy NY- Nick
footnote to youth - Jose Garcia Villa Joaquin
Poetry is thoughts that breathe and words that burn

Imagery- helps reader vision the poem

Rhythm - beat of the poem
Alliteration - peter piper picked (CONSONANTS)
Assonance - elephant eat (VOWELS)

Couplet - 2 lines Diamante - diamond form 7 lines Acrostic - first letters

Tercet - 3 lines Haiku - 3 lines Limerick - nonsense
Quatrain - 4 lines Concrete - drawing
Cinquain - 5 lines Free verse - no rhyming

Exposition - introductory
Rising action - conflict starts
Climax - exciting part
Falling action - finding solutions
Resolution - end

Dialogue - words mouthed

Stage - where to perform
Acts - breaks down the story into smaller pieces
Scenes - acted by characters

Post Structuralism -
Structuralism -
Linguistic -

Readers Response - emotions Social Context - history of the publishing

Formalist - structure wise Readers Context - own interpretation
Marxist - oppression and social conflicts Writers/Bibliographical Context - Biography of the author
Feminism - women and equality Linguistic Context - interpretation using language
Historicist - product of time Socio-cultural - society i which it was written
Psychological Criticism - mind and personality
of author
Sociological Crit - social must be considered

Museum Adaptation - preserving everything

Artful Adaptation - balance of orig and creative mindset
Loose Adaptation few resemblance
Transformative Adaptation - resemblance at all

Structuralism - larger structure

New Criticism - on the structure of the text
Post Structuralism - reaction to structuralism. Underlying structures that may have diff interpretations.

Multimedia - computer controlled or tech based text

Pencil - Paulo Coehl

1st quality - hand guiding your steps
2nd - sharpener is all about suffering
3rd - eraser ,corrects past mistakes
4th - wood be stronger
5th - lead meaning the soul or inside of the person

PR 2

Types of Research Design

Descriptive - describing the situation under the stud. It is theory based method that is created by
gathering,analyzing and presenting data

Correlation - establishing relationship between two connected variables

Ex Post Facto - groups with qualities that already exist are compared on some dependent variable.

Quasi - similarity. an independent variable is manipulated but the participants of the group are randomly

Experimental - subject research precisely and influence of the treatment of the subject
Experimental group - treatment is applied
Control group - does not receive any treatment

Population - totality
Samples - specific

Simple Random Sampling- equal chance

Systematic Sampling - listed with a number
Stratified Sampling - dividing to sub populations
Cluster Sampling - dividing subgroups but with similarities

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