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Mapeg G10 Q3W5 6

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San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Diocese of San Pablo

Liceo de San Pablo
San Pablo City
F.Y. 2021 – 2022


WEEK 5-6



Teacher: Mr. Jefferson Angelo Gonzales

A. Description: This learning kit provides essential support to formulate health class
suggested lessons to students
B. Objectives: The learners demonstrates critical thinking and decision- making skills in
the selection, evaluation and utilization of health information, products and services
A. Significance of Global Health Initiatives
B. Impact of GHIs on People’s Health.
C. Adopting GHIs to Local or National Context
Curriculum type: K-12 Grade level: 10
Learning Area: HEALTH, QUARTER 3
Content/Topic: The learner, understands the guidelines and criteria in the selection and
evaluation of health information, products and services

Intended users: Teacher and Learners


 Discusses the significance of global health initiatives

 Describes how global health initiatives positively impact people’s health in various
 Analyses the issues in the implementation of global health initiatives
 Recommends ways of adopting global health initiatives to local or national context

Global Health Initiatives (GHI) – are humanitarian’s initiatives that raise

and disburse additional funds for infectious diseases, immunization and strengthening
health systems in developing countries.

A. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

B. World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

– was developed in response to the globalization of the tobacco epidemic
Provision contained in Article 6-14
• Price and tax measures to reduce the demand of tobacco
• Non-price measures to reduce the demand of tobacco, namely;

• Protection from exposure to tobacco smoke

• Regulation of the contents of tobacco products
• Packaging and labeling of tobacco products
• Education, communication, training and public awareness
• Tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship
• Demand reduction measures concerning tobacco dependence and cessation

C. Global Mental Health Action Plan

• Strengthen effective leadership and governance
• Provide comprehensive, integrated and responsive social care services
• Implement strategies for promotion and prevention
• Strengthen information systems, evidence and research

D. Global Strategy to reduce the harmful use of Alcohol

• This global strategy helps to reduce health threat such as harmful consequences of alcohol use.
• Also represents an important progress in the fight against the harmful effects of alcohol

E. GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance

• Improve access to sustainable immunization services
• Expand the use of all existing safe and cost-effective vaccines
• Accelerate research and development efforts on vaccines
• Accelerate the development and introduction of new vaccines
• Make immunization coverage an integral part of the design

A. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

1. Lives Saved
1.1 More than 20 million lives saved in 2005
1.2 More than 2 million lives are being saved each year
1.3 GF partnership will be saving more than 22 million lives as of 2016
2. Decline in HIV
2.1 AIDS-related deaths are declining by 45% from 1.9 in 2004 to 1.1 million in 2015
3. Decline in TB
3.1 Decline from TB declined by 30% between 2000 to 2015
4. Decline in Malaria
4.1 Deaths from malaria decline by 30% bet. 2000 and 2015
4.2 Lives save by malaria treatment and prevention has grown steadily each year

B. World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

• In US, asthma dropped by 22% after a year of strong smoke-free legislation
• Scotland saw a 13% annual decrease in childhood asthma

C. Global Mental Health Action Plan

• Support individuals with mental health problems to achieve their goals
• Employment, housing, education and engagement in community activities
• Active involvement and support of users are necessary and treatment are more responsive to their

D. Global Strategy to reduce the harmful use of Alcohol

• Provide leadership
• Strengthen advocacy
• Formulate evidence-based policies
• Promote networking among countries
• Strengthen partnership
• Coordinate monitoring of alcohol based harm and the countries’ progress in addressing it.

E. GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance

• The new introduction of new vaccines have many positive impacts on both the immunization and
health systems
• Reduce the number of deaths in children, namely hepatitis B, influenza and anti-pneumonia vaccines
Let’s Explain (H10-Q3W7E1)

1. Why do different countries have different access to global health care?

2. What global health initiative do you find most relevant to you? Why?

Answer sheet …

Let’s Connect (H10-Q3W7F1)

1. What makes a health issue a global concern?
2. What are the significant health programs in our country?

Answer sheet …
Let’s Apply (H10-Q3W8T1)

You are a young health worker assigned to head the Provincial Health council of your province. You were
informed that the women’s sector particularly the mothers are not aware and involved in health issues and
concerns. You are tasked to come up with an information-campaign poster to raise the awareness of the
women on health issue. The poster must be informative, interesting, and well published.

Rating Locates Information Validity Description Reliability

Above Mastery 4 Able to locate very Thoroughly evaluates each Identifies specific
specific sources that are source for validity and sources of health
relevant for enhancing appropriateness. May include information,
health in a given situation. accessibility and affordability products, and/or
to the given health situation. services. Provides
Clearly and accurately explains complete and
why the sources are valid and accurate citations
appropriate for the specific
source and reasons
why they are
Mastery of Grade 3 Locates general sources Evaluates the source for Identifies sources
Level Standards that may enhance health in validity and appropriateness. of health
a given situation. Provides a general explanation information for
as to why the sources are valid. products and/or
services. Citations
are mostly accurate
and complete.
Approaching 2 Locates general source that Attempt to evaluate the source, Identifies general
Mastery does not specifically but it is incomplete or is sources of health
support health-enhancing flawed. Does not provide an information.
behaviors in a given effective explanation. Sources may be
situation. inaccurate or
Novice 1 No sources located OR the Evaluation of the source is No source is
information does not incorrect. Cannot determine if identified.
support health enhancing the source is valid or does not
behaviors in a given attempt to evaluate the source.

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