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Planning For Community Health Nursing Programs and Services What Is Planning?

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PLANNING – is a process that entails formulation of steps to be undertaken in the future
in order to achieve a desired end. It is done to improve the present state of affairs.

Concepts of Planning:
1. Planning is futuristic
2. Planning is change-oriented
3. Planning is a continuous and dynamic process
4. Planning is flexible
5. Planning is a systematic process

Planning in Community Health Nursing – involves the orderly process of assessing the
health problems and needs of the community. Priority goals are set according to
availability of resources. Interventions are carefully thought of considering constraints or
limitations as they may hamper the realization of set goals.

Community health problems – are conditions or situations that intervene with the
community’s capability to achieve wellness. They are categorized as: health status
problems, health resources and health related problems.

The Planning Cycle:

To meet the health problems and needs of the community, the 4 basic questions are

1. Where are we now?

 Gather health data
 Tabulate, analyze & interpret data
 Identify health problems
 Set priority
2. Where do we want to go?
 Define program goals and objectives
 Assign priorities among objectives
3. How do we get there?
 Design CHN Programs
 Ascertain resources
 Analyze constraints and limitations
4. How do we know we are there?
 Determine outcomes
 Specify criteria and standards
1. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS: Where are we now?
Involves the process of:
a. collecting
b. synthesizing
c. analyzing
d. interpreting data - that will provide a clear picture of the health status of the

Problem identification and explanation are facilitated.

Problem tree can lead the nurse to the probable causes of the health status problem
High Incidence & prevalence of intestinal parasitism
among children

Poor Personal Unsanitary waste Poor child Poor

habits Disposal system care Utilization of health

Low level of Lack of basic health Preoccupation with Negative

education facilities earning a Attitude of
living Health

Poverty neglect

Health is least priority

In terms of budget

The SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS involves 3 activities:

1. Data gathering - health status of the community
2. identify & explain the problem
3. project what situation needs to be changed, developed or maintained.
2. GOAL & OBJECTIVE SETTING: Where do we want to go?
Refers to:
a. the process
b. objectives of health program and nursing services in order to change the status
These will serve as guide.

GOAL – leads to a desired end which may be a total change, improvement or a

maintenance of a situation
 directed towards solving the health status problems which was identified in
community diagnosis
 generally broad & not constrained by time or resources
 states the ultimate desired state

OBJECTIVES – are more precise

 are considered planned end point of all activities
 concerned with the resolution of health problem itself.
 Have to be stated in specific and measurable terms.


HEALTH PROBLEM: High incidence and prevalence of intestinal parasitism among


GOAL: To reduce the incidence and prevalence of intestinal parasitism

among children of Purok Lanao

OBJECTIVES: 75% of children below 6 years old will test negative for
parasites after one year

80% of households will have access to safe waste disposal

system within six months

80% of households will have access to safe and adequate water

supply within six months

75% of children under 6 years old will have regular clinic visits
3. STRATEGY AND ACTIVITY SETTING: How do we get there?
 Defines the strategies and activities set to achieve in order to realize the goals and
 Implies identification of resources – manpower, money, materials, technology,
time and institutions needed for implementation

Program – is timed series of activities to be carried out in order to correct the health
- it is classified in terms of focus of activities like: immunizations, family
planning, nutrition supplementation and other programs.

Phases of planning cycle::

1. Define a strategy or approach by using health program
2. Estimate the resources needed for the implementation of activities
3. Assess the extent to which constraints or limitations affect the planning decisions

- Involves 3 activities:
a. designing the health programs or services
b. budgeting
c. making a time plan or schedule

4. EVALUATION PLAN: How do we know we are there?

 To find out if the programs and services achieve the purpose for which they are
 Determines whether the program is relevant, effective, efficient and adequate.

Program evaluation includes the following steps:

1. Deciding what to evaluate in terms of relevance, progress, effectivity, impact
and efficiency
2. Designing the evaluation plan specifying the evaluation indicators, data
needed, methods and tools for data collection and data resources
3. Collection of relevant data
4. Analyzing data
5. Making decisions
6. Preparing report and providing decision-makers feedback on the program of

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