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L-8 FIVE M's of Advertising

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The Five M’s Of Advertising

The organizations handle their advertising in different ways. In small companies,

advertising is handled by someone in the sales or marketing department, who works with
an ad ageny. A large company will often set up its own advertising department or else
hire an ad agency to do the job of preparing advertising programmes.
In developing a program, marketing managers must always start by identifying
the target market and the buyer’s motives. Then they can make the five major decisions
in developing an advertising program, known as the five M’s, viz.

 Mission: what are the advertising objectives?

 Money: how much can be spent?

 Message: what message can be sent?

 Media: what media should be used

 Measurement: how should the results is evaluated?

The above mentioned can be explained by the diagram given below

The 5Ms of Advertising

Checklist for planning of a marketing or advertising campaign.
 What are the objectives?
Mission  What is the key objective?

Money  How much is it worth to reach my objectives?

 How much can be spent?

Message  What message should be sent?

 Is the message clear and easily understood?

Media  What media vehicles are available?

 What media vehicles should be used?

Measurement  How should the results be measured?

 How should the results be evaluated and followed up?
 Sales goals
 Advertising objectives

 Stage in PLC
 Market Share and Consumer Base
 Competition and Clutter
 Advertising frequency
 Product substitutability

 Reach, Frequency & impact
 Message generation  Major media types
 Message evaluation & selection  Specific media vehicles
 Message execution  Media timing
 Geographical media allocation

 Communication impact
 Sales impact
Advertising Objectives can be classified as to whether their aim is:

To inform: This aim of Advertising is generally true during the pioneering stage of a
product category, where the objective is building a primary demand.
This may include:
 Telling the market about a new product
 Suggesting new uses for a product
 Informing the market of a price change
 Informing how the product works
 Describing available services
 Correcting false impressions
 Reducing buyers’ fears
 Building a company image

To persuade: Most advertisements are made with the aim of persuasion. Such
advertisements aim at building selective brand.

To remind: Such advertisements are highly effective in the maturity stage of the product.
The aim is to keep the consumer thinking about the product.

This M deals with deciding on the Advertising Budget

The advertising budget can be allocated based on:

 Departments or product groups
 The calendar
 Media used
 Specific geographic market areas

There are five specific factors to be considered when setting the Advertising budget.

 Stage in PLC: New products typically receive large advertising budgets to build
awareness and to gain consumer trial. Established brands are usually supported
with lower advertising budgets as a ratio to sales.
 Market Share and Consumer base: high-market-share brands usually require
less advertising expenditure as a percentage of sales to maintain their share. To
build share by increasing market size requires larger advertising expenditures.
Additionally, on a cost-per-impressions basis, it is less expensive to reach
consumers of a widely used brand them to reach consumers of low-share brands.
 Competition and clutter: In a market with a large number of competitors and
high advertising spending, a brand must advertise more heavily to be heard above
the noise in the market. Even simple clutter from advertisements not directly
competitive to the brand creates the need for heavier advertising.
 Advertising frequency: the number of repetitions needed to put across the brands
message to consumers has an important impact on the advertising budget.
 Product substitutability: brands in the commodity class (example cigarettes,
beer, soft drinks) require heavy advertising to establish a different image.
Advertising is also important when a brand can offer unique physical benefits or

Message generation can be done in the following ways:

Inductive: By talking to consumers, dealers, experts and competitors. Consumers are the
major source of good ideas. Their feeling about the product, its strengths, and weaknesses
gives enough information that could aid the Message generation process.

Deductive: John C. Meloney proposed a framework for generating Advertising

According to him, a buyer expects four types of rewards from a product:
 Rational
 Sensory
 Social
 Ego Satisfaction.

Buyers might visualize these rewards from:

 Results-of-use Experience
 Product-in-use Experience
 Incidental-to-use Experience

The Matrix formed by the intersection of these four types of rewards and the three types
of experiences is given below.
Rational Sensory Social Ego Satisfaction
Result-of-Use 1. Gets Clothes 2. Settles Stomach 3. When you care 4. For the skin you
Experience Cleaner upset completely enough to serve the deserve to have
Product-in- 5. The flour that 6. Real gusto in a 7. A deodorant to 8. The store for
Use needs no sifting great light beer guarantee social young executive
Experience acceptance
Incidental-to- 9. The plastic 10. The portable 11. The furniture 12. Stereo for the
Use pack keeps the television that’s that identifies the man with
Experience cigarette fresh lighter in weight, home of modern discriminating taste
easier to lift people
Message evaluation and selection

The advertiser needs to evaluate the alternative messages. A good ad normally

focuses on one core selling proposition.

Messages can be rated on desirability, exclusiveness and believability. The message

must first say something desirable or interesting about the product.

The message must also say something exclusive or distinct that does not apply to
every brand in the product category. Above all, the message must be believable or

Message execution.
The message’s impact depends not only upon what is said but also on how it is said.
Some ads aim for rational positioning and others for emotional positioning.

While executing a message the style, tone, words, and format for executing the message
should be kept in mind.
STYLE. Any message can be presented in any of the following different execution styles,
or a combination of them:

 Slice of life: Shows one or more persons using the product in a normal setting.
Coke 1litre ad, showed a family enjoying Coke, with a game of antakshari when
there is a power failure.

 Lifestyle: Emphasizes how a product fits in with a lifestyle.

Asmi and Platinum ads, that focus on lifestyle of persons using their products.

 Fantasy: Creates a fantasy around the product or its use.

VIP Frenchie ads, showing a woman thinking of the Frenchie man saving her
from a villain.

 Mood or image: Evokes a mood or image around the product, such as beauty,
love, or serenity. No claim is made about the product except through suggestion.
Kingfisher Beer ads, saying the King of Good Times.

 Musical: Uses background music or shows one or more persons or cartoon

characters singing a song involving the product.
Nescafe, Bacardi usually use Music as the main theme of communication
 Personality symbol: Creates a character that personifies the product. The
character might be animated
Ronald McDonald for McDonald’s

 Technical expertise: Shows the company’s expertise, experience, and pride in

making the product.
GE and Skoda ads

 Scientific evidence: Presents survey or scientific evidence that the brand is

preferred over or outperforms other brands. This style is common in the over-
the-counter drug category.
DuraCell Ads, claiming the battery lasts 6 times longer than ordinary batteries

 Testimonial evidence: This features a highly credible, likable, or expert source

endorsing the product. It could be a celebrity or ordinary people saying how
much they like the product.
In ads for Sunsilk, they had hair expert Coleen, endorsing the product.

TONE: The communicator must also choose an appropriate tone for the ad.
Procter & Gamble is consistently positive in its tone—its ads say something
superlatively positive about the product, and humor is almost always avoided so as
not to take mention away from the message. Other companies use emotions to set the
tone—particularly film, telephone, and insurance companies, which stress human
connections and milestones.

Words: Memorable and attention-getting words must be found. The following themes
listed on the left would have had much less impact without the creative phrasing on
the right:

Theme Creative Copy

You won’t have to stay at home because Get Out, Get Going
of bad hair

Format: Format elements such as ad size, color, and illustration will make a
difference in an ad’s impact as well as its cost. A minor rearrangement of mechanical
elements within the ad can improve its attention-getting power. Larger-size ads gain
more attention, though not necessarily by as much as their difference in cost. Fou r-
colour illustrations instead of black and white increase ad effectiveness and ad cos t.
By planning the relative dominance of different elements of the ad, optimal delivery
can be achieved.
The next ‘M’ to be considered while making an Advertisement Program is the Media
through which to communicate the Message generated during the previous stage. The
steps to be considered are:

Deciding on
Step V Deciding on
media timing
Step IV specific media
Step III among major
media types
Deciding reach,
Step II frequency and
Step I

Evaluating the effectiveness of the Advertisement Program is very important as it helps
prevent further wastage of money and helps make corrections that are important for
further advertisement campaigns. Researching the effectiveness of the advertisement is
the most used method of evaluating the effectiveness of the Advertisement Program.
Research can be in the form of:
 Communication-Effect Research
 Sales-Effect Research
There are two ways of measuring advertising effectives. They are:


It is the assessment of an advertisement for its effectiveness before it is actually used. It is

done through
 Concept testing – how well the concept of the advertisement is. This is be done by
taking expert opinion on the concept of the ad.
 Test commercials - test trial of the advertisement to the sample of people
 Finished testing

It is the assessment of an advertisement’s effectiveness after it has been used. It is done in

two ways
 Unaided recall - a research technique that asks how much of an ad a person
remembers during a specific period of time
 Aided recall - a research technique that uses clues to prompt answers from people
about ads they might have seen



A survey among 1,00,000 households in 1995 showed that there was a decrease
inthe direct consumption of milk because of the following reasons:
1. Milk took a backseat when compared to soft drinks when it came to
2. Adults believed that milk was essential for growing children but not for
Thus the mission of the ad agency was to make aware the consumers about the
benefits of milk for youngsters as well as elederly pople. Their mission was to create a
communication plan that milk was not a “boring conservative drink” but a “youthful,
exciting and nutritional, exciting energy drink”

The writers hit upon the idea of using Hindi word for Milk i.e. “doodh doodh” in
the form of a musical note. This musical note was in the form of “sa-re-ga-ma” which
was remembered by the consumers a lot and was also top of mind when they were
asked to comment on milk. The commercial as well as the print ad showed not only
kids and youngsters but also elderly and old people whereby it targeted all age
groups giving the benefits of milk as well.

Television was chosen as the primary media because of its popularity and the fact
that an audio visual medium lends itself to demonstration of ‘high energy’, ‘fun’
and ‘youthfulness’ more vividly.
The print medium was also used as reinforcement message deliver backing the TV
The first round had concentrated on channels such as DD1, DD2 and the star plus.
For every spot that they bought, there were four spots given as a bonus to be aired
on the same programme. This made the commercial highly visible in terms of
frequency as well as the reach.
Any effort to bring about an attitudinal change takes time. A measure of effectiveness
of the communication was that the TV commercial was voted by viewers of India’s
one of the best commercials aired. The communication has definitely made the
youngsters make sing the song ‘doodh doodh’, in addition to the cola songs.
Qualitative research showed that there was a tremendous popularity of the
commercial across all the age categories. Kids in the age group of 10-12 were not
very resistant in their attitudes towards drinking milk. Mothers took advantage of the
commercial among the children to make them consume milk. There was a rapid
increase in consumption of milk across all age groups. The consumption of milk in
1995 was 198 gm/per day which has gone up to 250 gm/per day in 1998.




Sales goals: Leadership in the edible refined oil segment

Advertising Goals:
Communication task
1. Position Sundrop as the healthy oil for healthy people
2. Ensure that this did not erode the delivery of the taste benefit.
3. Positioning had to be perceptually as far away from Saffola.
4. Young, modern and premium feel
5. Execution had to be distinct and original to stand out from the clutter


o Stage in PLC: Introductory, therefore relatively large expenditure

o Market share: new product
o Competitors:
Saffola (Safflower oil) also used the health platform but was associated
with heart patients and less taste
Flora and Sunola (Sunflower oils)


Health was chosen as the platform, along with a supporting claim for taste. People who
were healthy and energetic were concerned about the long-term prospects of their health.
Thus ‘Health’
 Was related to maintenance of good health
 Was applicable to all members of the family
 Was characterized by lively energetic people
 Thus the message and (positioning): ‘The Healthy Oil for Healthy People’

Primary media: Television ad 30 seconds.

Print ad


 Within 6 months, Sundrop became the largest selling refined sunflower oil.
 Redefined the category and expanded the Sunflower oil segment from 2.71% to
23% in 6 months, and 42% in 1997
 Still the largest selling sunflower oil brand holds 15% of branded oil market.
 The ad was shown for over 10 years as the main theme film.

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