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Course: MKT460 (Strategic Marketing)

Section: 06

Semester: Summer 2020

Turnaround Strategy Report on “Farm Fresh Dairy”

Submitted to

Sherina Idhrish

Senior Lecturer, Department of Marketing and International Business

School of Business and Economics, North South University

Submitted by:


SL No. Name ID
24 Afnan Sayed 181-1431-630
19 Samman Rahman 172-1906-630
22 Arefin Rahman 173-1837-030
23 Mumin Rahman Khan 173-1838-030
8 Ashfak Islam Abir 163-1562-030
4 Mashiwiyat Tabassum 161-0567-030
9 Twasin Tasawar 163-2468-630
6 Farha Sikder Elvy 162-0948-030

Date of Submission: January 18, 2020


Contribution Table
SL. Name ID Contribution Topic
24 Afnan Sayed 181-1431-630 SBU’s current and recommended TG,
PRIZM TG, Target Market Strategy,
Product Disruption, Instagram Facebook &
IGTV, Snapchat, YouTube Campaigns.
Integrated PR Strategies (Pre, Main &
Post), Corporate Social Responsibility
19 Samman Rahman 172-1906-630 Company, Industry Overview, Problem
with SBU, Marketing 4Ps Turnaround
Strategy, Growth Strategies, Chasm
Strategy, New Positioning, Array of Brand,
IMC Objectives, Contact Points, TVC, Print
Media, Relationship Marketing Strategies
22 Arefin Rahman 173-1837-030 TOWS Analysis, Disruptive Pricing
Strategy, Offensive and Defensive
23 Mumin Rahman 173-1838-030 SWOT Analysis, Disruptive Distribution
Khan Strategies, Letter of Transmittal
8 Ashfak Islam Abir 163-1562-030 Porter’s Five Forces, Innovation Adoption
Curve, Major graphical tasks and visual
contents, Mobile App Features
4 Mashiwiyat 161-0567-030 Dedicated Website, Major IMC Content
Tabassum Designs, Physical Evidences, Offensive and
Defensive Strategies.
9 Twasin Tasawar 163-2468-630 PESTLE Analysis, Media Mix Table,
Integrate PR Strategies, Corporate Social
6 Farha Sikder Elvy 162-0948-030 PESTLE Analysis, Chasm Strategy, New
Value Proposition, Offensive and Defensive
Strategies, Infographic of the product.


Firstly, we would like to thank Almighty Allah for giving us such an opportunity and strength
to complete the entire report on time. Next, we are very much thankful from the core of our
heart to our respected faculty, Sherina Idrish ma’am, who gave us such a valuable opportunity
to do this report. We would like to thank her for the guidance and support that she provided us
and motivated us. The blessings and advice given by her shall help us to go a long way in the

We would also like to extend our sincere gratitude to all of our members. They all have equally
participated to complete the report. Hopefully, our work reflects our combined efforts.

Letter of Transmittal

Ms. Sherina Idrish

Senior Lecturer

Department of Marketing and International Business

North South University

Bashundhara, Dhaka.

Subject: Report on the Turnaround Strategies of Farm Fresh Dairy

Dear Ma’am,

It is our great honor to present you the report on "Growth Strategies of Farm Fresh". As part of
the Strategic Marketing course, we have prepared this paper. We have given our utmost effort
to follow the criteria in order to make this report up to the mark by applying the knowledge we
have learned from the course. There might be a few shortcomings from our part. We would be
thankful if you consider those from forgivable positions.

Sincerely yours,

Samman Rahman: 172-1906-630,

Afnan Sayed: 181-1431-630,

Arefin Rahman: 173-1837-030,

Mumin Rahman Khan: 173-1838-030,

Ashfak Islam Abir: 163-1562-030,

Mashiwiyat Tabassum: 161-0567-030,

Twasin Tasawar: 163-2468-630,

Farha Sikder Elvy: 162-0948-030


Executive Summary

Dairy is one of the fastest-growing industry in Bangladesh. Currently, there are approximately
14 different brands responsible to cater to the needs of consumers. Farm Fresh of Akij Food
and Beverage Limited is one of the prominent names in the industry. However, the market is
still dominated by a handful of strong competitors such as Arong, Pran, Milk Vita etc. Farm
Fresh being only 14 years old company has yet to achieve substantial market share. The report
outlines how the company can be turned around to achieve a competitive advantage. As part
of their turnaround strategy, Farm Fresh has been consulted with a number of strategies
throughout the report including Diversification and Product Development. The new product
Farm Fresh has been suggested is a Probiotic Drink that the company will launch under Farm
Fresh Organics as a multi-brand strategy of the SBU. The new product will essentially be
targeted to health-conscious demographic of their TG as it contains numerous health benefits.

The current line of products of Farm Fresh will also undergo certain changes. A contraction
strategy will be adopted by the company to decrease their focus from products with the lowest
sales and highest alternatives such as their Ghee. Moreover, the packaging of their existing
products will also go through significant changes to make them more appealing to the Target

Lastly, the report will outline a number of promotional campaigns and tools that can be used
to market their new Probiotic Drink as well as their existing products. The company will use a
mix of ATL, BTL, TTL Digital Marketing, Relationship Marketing, Sales Promotion etc. to
increase its visibility in the market as well as facilitate trials of the new product.

Table of Contents
Contribution Table .....................................................................................................................ii
Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................... iii
Letter of Transmittal .................................................................................................................iv
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................... v
Part 1. Company and Industry Overview ................................................................................... 8
1.1 The Industry Analysis: ................................................................................................ 8
1.2 The company overviews.............................................................................................. 8
1.3 The SBU overview: .......................................................................................................... 9
1.4 PESTEL Analysis: .......................................................................................................... 10
1.5 Porter’s Six Forces Industry Analysis ............................................................................ 13
1.6 SBU’s current Consumer Profile .................................................................................... 16
1.7 Overview of the SBU’s present 4Ps ................................................................................. 1
1.8 SWOT and TOWS Analysis of the SBU .......................................................................... 3
Part 2. Recommended Strategies for the SBU ........................................................................... 7
Problem with the SBU ............................................................................................................ 7
The new product ..................................................................................................................... 7
The New Marketing Mix ........................................................................................................ 7
2.1. Turnaround strategy ......................................................................................................... 8
2.2. Growth Strategies ............................................................................................................ 9
2.3 TG profile in PRIZM format .......................................................................................... 10
2.4 Target market strategy .................................................................................................... 10
2.5 Product Disruption .......................................................................................................... 11
2.6 New value proposition .................................................................................................... 12
2.7 Innovation adoption curve .............................................................................................. 13
2.8 Chasm Strategy ............................................................................................................... 14
2.8 New positioning .............................................................................................................. 16
2.9 Array of Brand ................................................................................................................ 17
Part 3. Disruptive Pricing Strategy .......................................................................................... 18
3.1 Dolan’s 8 Stages of Pricing Strategies ........................................................................... 18
3.2 Bundle Pricing and Retailer Price Check ....................................................................... 21
3.3 Price changes in Current Offerings ................................................................................ 24
3.4 Bowman’s Strategy Clock for Price vs Perceived Quality ............................................. 25
Part 4. Disruptive Distribution Strategies ................................................................................ 26

4.1 Distribution Structure ..................................................................................................... 26

4.2 Distribution Strategy....................................................................................................... 27
4.3 Point Navigation Model.................................................................................................. 28
Part 5. Integrated Marketing Communication ......................................................................... 30
5.1 Identifying target audience ............................................................................................. 30
5.2 Determining the objectives ............................................................................................. 30
5.3 Media Mix table.............................................................................................................. 31
5.4 Contact Points of the IMC Tools .................................................................................... 35
5.5 Developing IMC campaigns ........................................................................................... 37
TVC ................................................................................................................................... 37
Print Media ........................................................................................................................ 39
Instagram ........................................................................................................................... 40
Facebook and IGTV .......................................................................................................... 41
Snapchat ............................................................................................................................ 44
YouTube ............................................................................................................................ 44
5.6 Integrate Sales & PR Strategies ...................................................................................... 46
Pre-Event ........................................................................................................................... 46
Main Event ........................................................................................................................ 47
Post Event.......................................................................................................................... 48
Support Media ................................................................................................................... 48
Corporate Social Responsibility ........................................................................................ 49
5.7 Mobile App ..................................................................................................................... 50
5.8 Relationship Marketing .................................................................................................. 53
Mass Customization Strategy ............................................................................................ 53
One to One marketing ....................................................................................................... 54
Permission marketing: ....................................................................................................... 55
5.9 Physical Evidences ......................................................................................................... 56
Superstore: ......................................................................................................................... 56
Departmental Store:........................................................................................................... 56
Restaurants: ....................................................................................................................... 57
Dedicated Website: ........................................................................................................... 58
5.10 Offensive and defensive strategies ............................................................................... 59
References ................................................................................................................................ 62
Appendix .................................................................................................................................. 64

Part 1. Company and Industry Overview

1.1 The Industry Analysis:
With an annual demand of over 152.02 lakhs tons, the dairy industry of Bangladesh is one of
the fastest-growing market. Just a decade ago in the fiscal year of 2009-2010, the annual milk
production in Bangladesh ranged from 23 to 24 lakhs tons which has jumped to more than
threefold to 99.23 lakhs tons in the FY2018-2019. Experts in the Department of Livestock
Services estimate a 319% rise in the rate of milk production (Beverage & Products, 2021). In
the earlier days, milk production was primarily dependent on milk collectors known as ‘Goalas’
who would visit households with a milk container to sell fresh milk. However, with the rapid
pace of urbanization, the demand for loose milk has decreased and packaged milk has increased
(Parvez, 2021).

Bangladesh currently has around half a dozen commercial milk processing brands operating in
different parts of the country. The companies experience more than 10 lakhs litres of milk sales
every day which is double the amount they used to sell even a decade ago. Consumers are also
now more concerned about food safety which further raised the demand for packaged dairy
items. There are currently more than 1,200,000 dairy firms in the country with more than 10
million people directly or indirectly involved with this industry ("The Bangladesh Dairy
Market: Times of Change", 2021). The availability of farmers and livestock have contributed
to the growth of this industry significantly.

There are currently 14 companies that are registered under BSTI who have the license to
produce and sell pasteurized dairy products. The leading players in the industry are Milk Vita,
Aarong and Pran. According to secondary research data, the three companies alone have more
than 80% of this industry’s share leaving only 20% to its competitors including firm fresh and
local businesses. Although international brands are yet to enter the Bangladeshi market with
liquid dairy products, Brands like New Zealand Dairy, Arla Food, nestle have penetrated the
market with their powder-based milk (Uddin, 2021). To compete with the international players,
only milk Vita and Aron have their own dedicated production plant for milk powder but yet to
get a competitive edge in the powdered dairy industry.

1.2 The company overviews

Akij Food and Beverage Ltd commenced their journey in Bangladeshi market in 2006. The
company initially started their operation with a wide range of snacks and beverage for both
local and international market. The corporate brand has been founded by Akij Group with a

market capitalization of worth $250 million. From drinking water to confectionery, AFBL has
achieved exceptional success in Bangladeshi market which has let the company to enter the
dairy industry with Farm Fresh, a strategic business unit of AFBL. The company has achieved
numerous recognitions in its lifetime including the Best Brand Awarded BSTI, ISO
certifications for maintaining quality("Akij Food & Beverage Ltd.", 2021). The company
promotes, innovation, teamwork and integrity which has helped them achieve their vision to
be the most respected food and beverage company in Bangladesh. It also has a good reputation
in being involved with multiple CSR activities for the wellbeing of its society and environment.

1.3 The SBU overview:

Established in 2006. Firm Fresh is a sister concern brand of Akij Food and Beverage Ltd, One
of South Asia’s largest Food and Beverage company. The company currently has a wide range
of dairy foods in their portfolio including, Milk, Curd, Ghee and Butter. Unlike the market
leaders in the industry that have dedicated production and cattle firms, Farm Fresh works with
the local communities across different parts of the country to source their milk. It only collects
milk from a group of registered farmers and works towards their well fare by giving regular
counselling about cattle care and maintenance ("Farm Fresh", 2021). The company is also
known to provide free treatment to the cattle as well as provide necessary grass seeds to their
registered farmers. Currently Farm Fresh products are available in almost all of the divisional

1.4 PESTEL Analysis:

Source Description Implication C I
Political P1: Stable political situation P1: +ve | The stable political 3 5
situation will allow Farm Fresh
to operate a business efficiently
and experience an increase in
P2: Customer Protection P2: -ve | Farm Fresh is
subjected to look into customer 4 5
complaints and ensure the
consumer rights are protected.

P3: Food Security groups ensures P3: +ve | Farm Fresh is

strict maintenance of quality and subjected to maintain high- 5 5
pricing standard quality production standard as
well as fair pricing strategy.
Economical EC1: Increased growth of F&B EC1: +ve | The expansion of 5 5
industry the food beverage industry will
give Farm Fresh a great
opportunity to penetrate in the
market and make sales.
EC2: Middle-income people EC2: +ve | The middle-income
contributing a lot in the F&B people will be the big target 5 5
industry market for Farm Fresh which
will lead to increased sales.

EC3: GDP Growth rate has EC3: +ve | The constant

reached 5.24% growth of GDP will improve 4 5
people’s purchasing power
which in turn will contribute to
growing sales.
EC4: Per Capita Income= $1,888
3 5

EC4: +ve | Improves people’s

EC5: Unemployment rate purchasing power which will
dropped to 4.20% to 4.15% in enable increased sales. 3 5
2020 EC5: -ve/+ve | The decrease in
unemployment will decrease
EC6: Current inflation rate is people’s spending
5.52% and is expected to increase EC6: -ve | If there are 5 5
to 5.62% increasing inflation rates, it
means that the prices of raw
materials and goods will
EC7: Interest rate on savings has increase. Consumer will buy
increased from 5.61% to 6.66% fewer product
EC7: +ve | When the citizens
will be able to earn more on 4 4
their savings, the standard of
living and purchasing power
Social S1: Increase in health-conscious S1: +ve | They are more 4 5
demographic concerned about the health
benefits and varieties that are
available to them.
S2: Increase in number of social S2:+ve | Farm Fresh has a well
media platform. established Facebook page with 3 5
201K followers that can be
capitalized to run their digital

S3: Increase in Health and label- S3: +ve | Farm Fresh has the
conscious customers opportunity to differentiate 5 5
itself by positioning as a
health-conscious brand.

Technological T1: Advancement in dairy T1: -ve Farm Fresh is yet to 5 5

production establish a high-tech production
facility to keep up with its

T2: More than 110 million T2: +ve Amount of internet

internet users users are increasing in 4 4
Bangladesh and it will help to
promote the brand.

T3: Availablity home delivery T3: +ve There are multiple

system delivery agents like Shohoz, 4 4
Pathao, Shopno etc that can be
used to offer home delivery
Legal L1: High import duty on L1: +ve High import duty of 5 5
powdered milk (25%) powdered milk creates
opportunity for local brands to
tap into powdered dairy industry.

L2: Food safety and security L2: -ve Food safety law has 5 5
law increased the food quality and
maintenance expense.
Environmental EN1: Available natural EN1: +ve Bangladesh has a 5 5
resources- Cattles huge number of cattle that make
up for such a large dairy industry

EN2: Climate change affects EN2: -ve Season flood and other
milk production unfavourable climatic condition 4 4
affects the productivity of dairy

Certain P3, EC1, EC2, EC6, S3, EN1, L1, L2


P2, EC3, EC7, S1

T2, T3, EN2

P1, EC4, EC5, S2, T1

Unimportan Important
1 2 3 4 5


1.5 Porter’s Six Forces Industry Analysis

Threat of new entrants Value Supplier power Value
Economies of scale: Most of the +3 Differentiation of input: +2
companies have EOS and offer a Suppliers are very similar and very
very competitive price. Aarong, limited differentiation in products.
Milk Vita and Pran charges 70 tk
for 1L liquid milk. (Chaldal, 2020). Switching cost: As cows and
-2 labors are vastly available, it’s +2
Proprietary product differences: very easy to switch to different
Very similar product and suppliers.
packaging. +1
Supplier concentration: The +2
Brand identity: Brand identity is company buys in a bulk amount
high but also the competitors have and the supplier’s kind of depend
strong brand identity. -3 on that. They also can’t charge
higher price to other companies.
Switching cost: Customers can
easily switch to other brands. +2 Importance of volume: Low
amount cost -2

Capital requirement: This s higher price.

business requires high investments
because of firming, freezing vans, +2
storage, distribution channel etc.

Access to distribution:
Distribution channel is very
sensitive and hard to build but +2
Farm fresh already has an
established distribution channel.

Cost advantage: Cost avantage is

high because of the high EOS.

Buyer power Value Competitive rivalry Value

Buyer concentration: Buyers can -3 Industry growth: Industry is +3
easily switch to other company as growing and it will continue
it’s a perfectly competitive market. growing because of the need of
daily needs products.
Buyer switching cost: Easy to -3
switch because competitors offer Fixed cost: Fixed cost is high +2
similar price. -3 because of the firm, freezer,
machines etc.
Buyer information: Buyers know -2
about other companies as everyone Product differences: Very similar
is focused on promotion. -3 product and packaging.

Price sensitivity: Customers are Brand identity: Brand identity is +1

sensitive about daily needs high but also the competitors have
products. strong brand identity.

Switching cost: Easy to switch

because competitors offer similar -3

Informational complexity:
Brands are aware of each other.
Threat of substitutes Value Intermediaries Value

Relative price performance of -3 Differentiation of input: -2

substitutes: Competitors offer Bargaining power is high because
almost the same price. of mass distribution.
Switching cost: Easy to switch Switching cost: Brands can’t -2
because competitors offer similar easily switch to other
price. -3 intermediaries because of mass
distribution strategy.
Buyer propensity to substitute: -2
Customers are not loyal. Supplier concentration: Brands
try to use all the options.

Forces Threat Competitive Supplier Buyer Threat of Intermediaries

of New Rivalry Power Power Substitute
Variables Low Low Low Highly Highly Moderate
favorable unfavorable favorable unfavorable unfavorable unfavorable
Average 0.7 -0.2 1 -3 -3 -2

1.6 SBU’s current Consumer Profile

Geographic Demographic Persona

Area: Urban and Sub-Urban Age: 20-50 Psychographic

Attitude: Indifferent
Location: Gender: Female and Male
Dhaka, (primary female)
Lifestyle: Tv opposing
moderates and unexcited
Comilla, Income: Upper middle, middle
Working lifestyle
Bogra, Family Size: Family with
Follows conscious diet
Rajshahi, children,
Family oriented
Jessore, Single parent, extended family
Personality trait: Gregarious in
Mymensingh Occupation: Varied
the sense of being sociable,
caring, and family oriented
Preference: UHT packet milk,
Arong, Milk Vita, Pure milk
from Gowala

Value: Egalitarian, Harmony


Usage rate: Heavy users

Loyalty: Shifting loyalty

Benefit: Fresh & pure

pasteurised milk, easy to use,
safe packaging

1.7 Overview of the SBU’s present 4Ps


Farm Fresh currently has four different products in their portfolio. Their products include UHT Milk,
Yogurt, Ghee and Butter. Among the four different products. The milk has four different variants
including the traditional milk, UHT milk, mango flavoured milk and chocolate-flavoured milk. The
yoghurt has three variants of their own including regular sweet curd, sour card and a low-fat curd. The
regular milk comes in 500 ML and 1 L package whereas their Ghee comes in 400 and 900-Gram
containers. Farm Fresh Butter is sold with a 200gram packages containing four cubes of 50gm butter.
The packaging colour of the brand has their signature blue theme to represent the brand identity.


Farm Fresh distributes its products through traditional grocery stores as well as super shops. Online
delivery platforms like Chaaldaal and telegram is also one of their major distribution channels. Initially
the company distributed to metropolitan areas only. However, it has expanded to most of the northern
and southern urban regions of Bangladesh. To increase visibility, the company also maintains a dedicated
website and Facebook page to showcase their products


Farm Fresh has a competitive pricing model. Considering the line items of the company is not long, a
table is provided below to showcase their prices.

Product Price in BDT

Regular Pasteurized Milk 500ML 34
Regular Pasteurized Milk 1000ML 63
UHT Milk 500ML 40
UHT Milk 200 ML 19
Ghee 400 GM 468
Ghee 900 GM 990
Sour Yogurt 500 GM 72
Sweet Yogurt 500 GM 90
Sweet Yogurt 100 GM 22
Butter 200 GM 200
Chocolate Flavored Milk 200 ML 20
Mango Flavored Milk 200 ML 20


Farm Fresh Dairy currently has a number of promotional activities on different channels. However, most
of them promoted their brand in general irrespective of specific products. Besides traditional TVC and
OVC, the company primarily engages with its customers through social media. The official Facebook
page of the company has 203,522 followers. To showcase product usage, Farm Fresh holds engaging
social media campaigns among which their recent ‘Weekly New Recipe’ was a successful promotional
event. The company also advertises their products in print media through major newspaper channel
including Prothom-Alo, Daily Start etc. As a part of relationship marketing, farm Fresh had hosted t
children’s Day campaign in 2019 where the company arranged a contest for the children to engage with
the brand.

1.8 SWOT and TOWS Analysis of the SBU

Strengths (S) Weaknesses (W)
S1: The parent corporation Akij Group W1: Farm Fresh dairy products
has been notably serving in Bangladesh lacks in salience (awareness)
Internal Factors from 1950. compared to the rivals such as
S2: Farm Fresh is serving the Pran, Milk-Vita, Aarong, Aftab,
Bangladeshi consumer market for 13 etc.
years. W2: The packaging of the current
S3: Farm Fresh has a successful global offerings of Farm Fresh does not
presence by exporting pasteurized milk draw much attention of the
to fifty countries in some European, customers.
Asian and African countries due to the W3: In 2019, due to
assurance of high quality. (The mismanagement, the company
Financial Market, 2019) was banned for 5-weeks by High
S4: Farm fresh dairy products are Court as traces of antibiotics and
widely available in urban and suburban lead have been found in the
areas. pasteurized milk (Daily
S5: The brand uses high-quality Bangladesh, 2019).
machineries in the production process W4: The Akij e-commerce
which are exported from world- website is not efficient because
renowned companies like Crones, Tetra there are multiple hyperlinks
Pak, Alfa Laval, Sipa, and Risky which do not work properly.
(Business Haunt, 2020).
External Factors

Opportunities (O) SO, Strategies WO Strategies

O1: According to Central S1S5O2: The SBU Farm Fresh will use W1W2O2: Farm Fresh will
Intelligence Agency (CIA), the the management and financial resources minimize the weakness of lack of
Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) of of the reputed parent company Akij salience and unattractive packages
Bangladesh has increased from Group by setting the production of a by utilizing the opportunity of
$606,201 billion in 2018 to $655,623 new product through using high-quality latent demand for healthy drinks to
billion in 2019 (Central Intelligence machinery in the production process of attain more consumers for the
Agency, 2020). Probiotic Smoothie to utilize the brand.
O2: There is a latent demand of opportunity of latent demand. W3O3: The brand will remove
healthy and nutritious drinks in the S2O4: By running marketing jeopardize of brand image for the
Bangladeshi market. campaigns emphasizing on the need for traces of antibiotics and lead in the
O3: People require a regular nutrients in the COVID-19 situation pasteurized milk by launching
consumption of micronutrients such which are available in the Farm Fresh Farm Fresh Organics Probiotic
as zinc, protein, vitamin A and Organics Probiotic Smoothie, the brand Smoothie which will contain
vitamin D and they have a huge will utilize their brand image of serving micronutrients and will run
deficiency of these in the general diet in the market for 13 years to gain trust advertisements focusing on the
pattern (Ridwan, 2020). on the new healthy product and fulfil the positive brand image and healthy
O4: As per the facts, in order to resist NWDs of health-conscious consumers. product line to gain the trust of the
against the deadly COVID-19, S5O3: Farm Fresh will ensure consumers.
people should include the nutrients in micronutrients such as zinc, protein, W4O5: By making financial
their daily diets. vitamin A and vitamin D in the probiotic investment and hiring IT experts,
O5: In the pandemic situation, the smoothie by using its high-quality the Akij e-commerce website will
majority of the consumers depend on machineries to serve the consumers with be made much efficient so that it
online shopping and still now, they healthy and safe consumption product. can cater the consumers who are
have become habituated with this dependent on online shopping to
concept. attract more consumers from the
O6: Bangladesh government has TG through efficient service.
taken BDT 4,280 crore project
“Livestock and Dairy Development
Project” which will be very

beneficial for the empowerment of

the dairy industry (Muntasir, 2019).
Threats (T) ST Strategies WT Strategies
T1: In 2020, the inflation rate in S4T1: Farm Fresh will utilize the wide W1W2T4: The brand will work
Bangladesh is 5.52% and is expected availability of its products in urban and on creating awareness through
to increase in the coming years which suburban areas to remove the threat of distribution and marketing,
indicate that Farm Fresh may have to the possibility of price increase of improve the packaging of the
increase the prices of the products by improving the packaging current offerings of Farm Fresh so
consumption goods (Bangladesh and launching a new product by that it can remove the threat of
Bank, 2020). stimulating the sales of the current greater salience of rivals’
T2: According to The World Bank, offerings and new product, gain products.
Bangladesh is about to face an annual economies of scale, cost and price
deficit of 6 million tons of milk by leadership.
2021 (The World Bank, 2018). S1T2: Farm Fresh will use financial
T3: There is a gap in the knowledge resources of its established parent
management of the dairy industry, company Akij Group by building a large
especially as farmers having lack of dairy farm to reduce the possible threat
education in terms of maintaining the of annual deficit of 6 million tons of
quality standard of milk, breeding milk by 2021.
and cross-breeding, feeding and S2T3: Farm Fresh has gathered
gaining access to financial services experience by operating in the dairy
and veterinary support (The Daily industry for 13 years and has created an
Star, 2016). educated management team who will be
T4: The competitors such as Pran, strategically used to educate the farmers
Aarong, Milk Vita, etc. are a threat to who lacks in education in terms of
Farm Fresh as they have already maintaining the quality standard of
positioned themselves in terms of milk, breeding and cross breeding,
preference in the consumer market feeding and also give access to financial
because they have been able to services and veterinary support
condition the consumers through S4T4: The brand will utilize the
gaining explicit attention of the strength of availability of its products in

people through its display in retail urban and suburban areas to remove the
stores and regular marketing threat of greater salience of rivals’
campaigns. products by running extensive
advertisements and giving incentives to
the retailers so that they give attractive
display to Farm Fresh products in their

Part 2. Recommended Strategies for the SBU

Problem with the SBU

Farm Fresh is primarily suffering in the dairy industry due to the increasing number of competitors and
lack of differentiating factors in their products. Some of their me-too products including the Farm Fresh
sour yoghurt or Farm Fresh Ghee is not doing well in the market because of the strong presence of the
substitute brands. So, indicators such as Declining market share and Uncompetitive products are evident
in the case of Farm Fresh. Brands like Red Cow, Milk Vita, Aarong have significant popularity in the
packaged Ghee market of Bangladesh and The Packaged Sour Yogurt market is also dominated by
Aarong. In such a competitive environment, product variation is an inevident solution for Farm Fresh.

The new product

Farm Fresh will be launching a new product called Probiotic Smoothie using multibrand strategy under
the name as Farm Fresh Organics. The Bangladeshi consumer market is increasingly health-conscious and
demand for healthier alternative items are on the rise. Ideal examples of this shift can be noticed by seeing
the growth of products such as Green Tea, Rice Bran Oil, Olive Oil, Keto Supplements etc. While the
traditional yoghurt market still has a number of players, no other brand in Bangladesh is yet to produce
Probiotic Smoothies for the health-conscious demographic. Probiotic products promote a healthy balance
of bacteria in the human body and carry a number of benefits including weight loss, better digestive and
immune system etc. Extensive promotion will be carried out to promote the products and communicate
about its health benefits to make it an integral part of the TG’s breakfast meal.

The New Marketing Mix

Product: Farm Fresh will keep the majority of its existing products excluding its Ghee which is one of
their lowest demanded products. As a part of their turnaround strategy, Farm Fresh will bring new and
exciting flavours to their existing yoghurts including the jaggery flavoured yoghurt. The new product that
will be introduced under Farm Fresh Organics will be their Probiotic Smoothie targeted to health-
conscious demographic. The product will come in 3 different flavours at first including Strawberry,
Mango and Blueberry. The company will follow a sustainable packaging for their Probiotic Smoothie
lineup with paper-based packaging. The product will be available in 200 and 500 ML packages. The
company will also make changes to the packages of their current line of products including their UHT
Milk, Yogurt and Butter to make them look more appealing to the existing and new target audience.

Price: Prices of its existing products will be unchanged. However, the price of their Probiotic Smoothies
will be as BDT 39 for 200 ML and BDT 80 for 500 ML

Place: Farm Fresh Organics will be available for sale in all the major supermarkets across Dhaka and
other Urban locations inside Bangladesh. The products will have a dedicated fridge installed in major
supermarkets at its initial phase to increase its visibility and facilitate the first trial process. It will also be
made available through all the major online delivery channels as well as their dedicated website.

Promotion: Both ATL and BTL promotions will be carried out throughout the launch process of Farm
Fresh Probiotic Smoothie. From traditional media, Television advertisements and Print Media will be used
to inform the mass audience about the launch of their new line of products under Farm Fresh Organics.
Social Media platforms including dedicated Facebook and Instagram pages will also be used to promote
the items. Celebrity and Fitness icons of Bangladesh will also be contacted to endorse the products to the
relevant target audience. Affiliating with health and fitness brands such as Lean Nation will also be
ensured to communicate a consistent message of how the Probiotic Smoothie can contribute to a healthier
diet plan.

2.1. Turnaround strategy

Contraction Strategy Consolidation Strategy

When a survey was carried out asking the As a part of their consolidation strategy, Farm
respondents to pick the products they know from Fresh Dairy brand will follow the multi-brand
the brand, 95% of them voted that they knew about strategy and introduce a new premium line of
Farm Fresh Milk, Yogurt, Butter etc. However products under Farm Fresh Organics that is aimed
only, one person bought Ghee from the brand. to cater to a health-conscious demographic. Both
Farm Fresh Ghee is one of their highly challenged of their identities will be merged under the same
items as the market leaders have a significant SBU.
popularity in these categories as well as a stronger
distribution channel. Thus, decreasing their focus
from this product can help the company put more
focus on the Farm Fresh Organic line of products
that is aimed at a healthier lifestyle.

2.2. Growth Strategies

Farm Fresh’s introduction of Farm Fresh Organics to introduce a healthier line of products will fall under
Concentric Diversification as Directional Growth Strategy and Diversification and Product Development
under Ansoff Matrix.

Concentric Diversification: Through the introduction of the Probiotic Smoothies under their Organic
line of products, Farm Fresh will follow Concentric Diversification strategy by doing multibranding of
different product segment in the same meta market which is the dairy industry. Farm Fresh Organics will
be especially catering to the market that seeks for healthier diet options.

Product Development: Under Farm Fresh Organics, the brand will introduce Probiotic Smoothies in four
different flavours. During the pandemic, the market has seen a latent demand for nutritious convenience
goods, and to meet that demand, the probiotic smoothie can serve as a promising product.

Diversification: Unlike the regular dairy industry which essentially caters to the Mass Market, A probiotic
smoothie will not be in the best interest of the same mass market. Thus, a new market needs to be
developed that has a latent demand for healthier diets along with the new product. Thus, Farm Fresh’s
growth strategy under the Ansoff Matrix will fall under diversification. Although targeting a new market
carries its own set of uncertainties, there is also a chance of a higher payoff from this strategy. A detailed
description of the target market will be provided below.

Penetration: New variants and quantities will be added to the current UHT milk and yoghurt category.
The packaging will also have some changes to give the products a better outlook.

2.3 TG profile in PRIZM format

2.4 Target market strategy

Currently, Farm Fresh carries UHT milk, butter, ghee. We are proposing a new product line that will carry
probiotic smoothie. Since these products have such varied use, and as they are convenience products,
Farm Fresh as a whole should follow the Selective Specialization strategy. The Bangladeshi market is
very price-sensitive when it comes to convenience goods since they have to buy them regularly, so
selectively specializing will give Farm Fresh the scope to differentiate the market carefully based on
consumers' needs. Moreover, this strategy allows to diversify risk, and since the chance of convenience
goods becoming unattractive is high, the company will still have the scope to make profit from other

2.5 Product Disruption

Product Revision
Farm Fresh's current products have an issue with the packaging, which does not capture the consumer's
attention. As a result, consumers do not actively seek Farm Fresh Products. Hence through the revision
of product packaging, Farm Fresh will apply disruptive strategies to the current products. Additionally,
the current line of UHT milk and yoghurt will also be filled with some new variants. For example, aside
from regular and chocolate flavour milk, Farm Fresh will introduce Strawberry flavour. A jaggery
flavoured yoghurt will also be added to the existing yoghurt line as 70% of the survey participants
responded favorably.


Another form of disruptive strategy will come in the form of a multi-branding under the name Farm
Fresh Organics. This new line will carry a brand-new product for Farm Fresh which is Probiotic Smoothie,
and it will be available in four different flavours in a completely new packaging. This new packaging will
be eco-friendly as well.

2.6 New value proposition

Aside from having our regular line of consumer products, we will be working with a new premium line
of products that will set the brand apart from the current brands in the market.

Core Level Tangible Level Augmented Potential Level


Attributes: Fresh products Different flavours, Can be used in the Sustainable

(Features and Safe ingredients available in preparation of packaging across
Quality) different different dishes, the board.
quantities, Has discounts in
distinguished bulk purchase.
packaging Sustainable
packaging for the


Benefits: Functional: Functional: Offers Functional: Functional: Less

(Functional and Replenishes and variety in buying Flexibility during packaging waste
Emotional keeps the body usage, cost-
healthy. Emotional: Ease effective. Emotional: Helps
of use Emotional: Self- protect the
satisfaction, Helps environment
protect the

2.7 Innovation adoption curve

Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E

● Urban ● Urban ● Urban - ● Urban - ● Suburban

● 20-30 ● 25-45 suburban suburban ● 30-60
● Upper ● Upper middle ● 25-50 ● 25-50 ● Middle class
middle class class ● Middle - ● Middle class ● Conservatis
● Active social ● Influencer upper middle ● PR pressure m
media users ● Athlete class based ● Brand
● Trendy ● Fitness ● Follower ● TV opposing insistent
● Rushing blogger ● Health- moderates
adrenaline ● Mastery conscious ● Conservatis
addicts ● Homely, m
● Gregorian Family
● Affective Oriented
autonomy ● Introvert
● Intellectual

Figure: Innovation adoption curve.

2.8 Chasm Strategy

Farm Fresh has identified the chasm between the early adopters and early majority, as the early adopters
are mostly a younger generation and the early majority is mostly of people in the age range of 25 to 35.
Hence, different strategies will be needed to smoothly transit the chasm.

Bowling Alley:

As a part of Farm Fresh’s bowling alley strategy, the company should consider making Shakib Al Hasan
their brand promoter as he is one of the most influential opinion leaders in the entertainment industry.
Considering that the new target audience of Farm Fresh will essentially be the people from young to
middle-aged health-conscious individuals, they can resonate with our all-rounder in an effective manner.
Although Mr Shakib has endorsed multiple brands in the last decade, he is not currently under any
contract for a beverage brand. Promoting Farm Fresh through Shakib Al Hasan can create a strong
perception of the brand in the consumer’s mind to perceive it as trustworthy and healthy. Moreover, his
official Facebook page that has roughly 11 million followers can also be utilized by having Mr Shakib
post weekly fitness tips videos sponsored by Farm Fresh keeping Farm Fresh Probiotics Drinks as a part
of his diet plan.

Invasion Force

In order to cross the chasm curve and start educating the pragmatic target audience, Farm Fresh should
consider partnering with brands that are relatable and idolized by its TG. The company can partner up
with several brands for its mass products as well as the organic line of products. For mass products
including their pasteurized milk, yoghurt and flavoured milk, popular retailer shops such as the Shawano
and Unimart can be chosen where the company will provide a dedicated fridge labelled under Farm Fresh
to keep Farm Fresh Dairy products. It can also put a banner in front of the entrance of the retailers with
teaser advertisements of the new Farm Fresh Organic Probiotic Smoothies. This strategy will create a
temptation within the pragmatics to give their new product a chance.

Farm Fresh can also partner with health and fitness-related brands like Lean Nation to include a pack of
Farm Fresh Probiotic Smoothie with every meal from Lean Nation that are essentially targeted to health-
conscious consumers. Co-Branding with the brand can reinforce the perception it aims to create in the
consumer’s mind which is to be perceived as a healthy beverage product. Farm Fresh can also partner

with airline companies to include their probiotic smoothies with the in-flight meals to increase product
visibility and facilitate trials for potential TG.

2.8 New positioning

Audience and Context: People who want to lead a healthier and active life by eating well, and also being
conscious about how their choices affect the environment.

Point of Difference:

 Unique packaging
 New flavors
 Convenient price

Action Components:

Functional benefits: Fresh pasteurized dairy products, healthy nutrients, different flavors and quantities,
convenient packaging, easy to purchase, easy to use.

Emotional benefits: Improves lifestyle, supports sustainable methods, strengthens family bonds.

Positioning Statement: Bringing the finest dairy products at a convenient price while also implementing
sustainable solutions.

2.9 Array of Brand

Farm Fresh will follow a Branded House strategy where the brand will capitalize on its well-known brand
reputation and launch its sub-brand keeping the main brand name in focus. To launch the probiotic
smoothie, Farm Fresh will introduce a sub-brand in the market under the title Farm Fresh Organics that
will list all of its healthy milk-based products. Introducing the new sub-brand will provide Farm Fresh
with the option to launch more healthy items in the future and associating the product with words like
‘Organics create a perception in the TG's mind to perceive it as healthy.

New Logo: The current logo of Farm Fresh reflects the direct association of the brand with local farmers
of the country as they are the main distributors of Farm Fresh. However, the new target group will require
a much more intuitive logo for them to associate with the brand. Thus, Farm Fresh should improvise their
logo as per the following:

Part 3. Disruptive Pricing Strategy

Pricing is one of the most important Ps in the Marketing mix. It is the only P that earns revenue for the
business while other 3Ps incur cost for the company. Pricing is a value against the value propositions that
a company offers under a solution of the brand. While setting the price, a company must consider the key
decision factors such as the market perception, consumers’ willingness to pay (maximum and minimum
price), when, why, and how they purchase (West et al., 2015).

Farm Fresh, the potential Strategic Business Unit (SBU) under Akij Food & Beverages Limited is serving
its target groups of consumers at a competitive price and trying to stay relevant in the market with the
offerings. However, due to the competitive nature of the market leaders in the dairy industry, Farm Fresh
must take strategic initiates in order to hold its successful position in the market. In order to do that, we
are deciding to make minimal changes in the pricing of the current offerings and also introduce a new
product under the SBU to accumulate a new mass of consumers. Thus, important Pricing Strategies, Price
Changes and Price vs Perceived Quality Positions of the current and new products will be discussed in

3.1 Dolan’s 8 Stages of Pricing Strategies

1. Reverse Cost Plus to Value Pricing: refers to selling products by adding features, quality, and
benefits to avoid generic products and eventually charge a bit higher for the value addition. Farm Fresh
Organics will launch Probiotic Smoothie which will include a good number of benefits in it. The smoothie
will contain the goodness of yoghurt, fruits, organic flavour, and milk. The products will be available in
strawberry, mango and blueberry flavours in 200 ml and 500 ml paper-based packaging bottles at BDT
39 and BDT 79 respectively. Due to the added value in the new product, sustainable packaging and
assurance of high quality, the company will charge a bit higher compared to the current offerings of Farm

2. Value-Based Pricing: refers to the different prices set by a brand depending on the variation of
products, target group, location, etc. in terms of the new product namely Farm Fresh Organics Probiotic
Smoothie, the brand will use Product Line Pricing under Product Mix Pricing Strategies and
Psychological/ Reference Pricing and Customer Segment Pricing under Price Adjustment Strategies. The
details will be mentioned below:

 Product Line Pricing: refers to different pricing strategy for different product lines of the brand. As
Farm Fresh is introducing a new value-added product under Farm Fresh Organics as an extension to
their current product offerings and is intended to serve the target groups from the urban and suburban
areas, the brand aims to set a bit higher price in order to minimally separate the products from the
current offerings and TG.

Name of the Product Line Product Line Pricing

Farm Fresh Competitive Price

Farm Fresh Organics Medium Price

 Psychological/ Reference Pricing: refers to setting prices in lower than a total number in order to
convince customers that they will have to pay a lower amount. For Farm Fresh Probiotic Smoothie,
the psychological pricing is mentioned below:

Product Quantity Price (BDT)

Farm Fresh Organics 200ml 39
Probiotic Smoothie- 500ml 79
strawberry flavour
Farm Fresh Organics 200ml 39
Probiotic Smoothie- 500ml 79
mango flavour
Farm Fresh Organics 200ml 39
Probiotic Smoothie- 500ml 79
blueberry flavour

 Customer Segment Pricing: refers to setting different prices for products that have the same cost of
production for specific demographic, geographic, psychographic or behavioural segments. The
Probiotic Smoothie will be sold at a 10% discounted price to the students. The brand will mention to
the retail stores that if the customers show their student ID, then they will get 5% discount. The

discounted price will encourage the target consumers to essentially buy in big quantity in order to
achieve a higher price reduction and also include the drink as their weekly consumption plan.

Product Quantity Price (BDT)

Farm Fresh Organics 200ml 37
Probiotic Smoothie- 500ml 75
strawberry flavour
Farm Fresh Organics 200ml 37
Probiotic Smoothie- mango 500ml 75
Farm Fresh Organics 200ml 37
Probiotic Smoothie- 500ml 75
blueberry flavour

3. Price Sensitivity: In general, Bangladesh is a very price-sensitive market. Especially, for products that
are used on a regular basis, consumers will definitely become rigid in terms of prices. The price sensitivity
of consumers depends on who pays for the products, the percentage of the total expenditure, end-users,
comparison habits, etc. Keeping these in mind, Farm Fresh Organics will sell the Probiotic Smoothies in
a competitive price because the company understands that purchasing probiotic smoothie on a regular
basis will take a significant percentage of their total expenditure. Thus, the brand will ensure the quality
of the product but offer to the valuable consumers at a competitive price.

4. Customer Costs: refers to the costs of maintaining strategic accounts against the Return on Investment
(ROI) of the brand. Farm Fresh Organics will focus on investing on the butterflies and true friends type
of consumers and attract them through launching advertisements based on relationship marketing. It will
avoid any investments on the strangers and barnacles king of customers because Farm Fresh Organics is
a new brand with new products and it cannot consider of any negative ROI for such consumers.

5. First vs Repeat Purchase: includes stimulating the number of purchases by consumers through
offering benefits for repeat purchases. In order to increase the buying frequency of the consumers, Farm
Fresh Organics will offer the consumers “Immunity Card” which will allow 10% discount on the 4 th

purchase of Farm Fresh Probiotic Smoothie, 200ml Pack of 6. The pack will contain two strawberry
flavours, two mango flavours and two blueberry flavours of Farm Fresh Probiotic Smoothie.

6. Emotion: Transparent Pricing/ Offer: includes maintaining clearness in terms of charging prices
and giving offers. The brand will not charge any hidden prices for the products. Along with the production
and expiry date, the Maximum Retail Price (MRP) will be mentioned explicitly, ensuring full
transparency of the price of the product. The brand assures not to charge a price higher than the consumer
surplus and give any unpleasant surprise to them because it will eventually raise questions on the brand’s
credibility and lose consumers trust and loyalty.

7. Competitor’s Reaction: Price War: indicates having a competition in terms of prices among the
rivals in the same industry. In the Bangladeshi consumer market, companies have not yet launched a
probiotic smoothie. Farm Fresh Organics have strategically set a competitive price, aiming to achieve
price and cost leadership in the food & beverage industry with the new product. The company wants to
gain a greater profit margin by achieving economies of scale after stimulating a high demand from
consumers for the Probiotic Smoothie. It has kept a competitive price so that it becomes difficult for the
rivals to enter the market. But realistically, the company expects the entry of competitors with their
strategies to combat the situation created by Farm Fresh Organics. Thus, the company will also be ready
to take corrective measures against the competitor’s reaction with offensive and defensive strategies.

8. Point of Sales: refers to companies ensuring consistency in pricing and other services in every point
where channels communicate with the consumers with the company’s offerings. As Farm Fresh Organics
Probiotic Smoothie will be availed in hundreds of retail stores, super shops, e-commerce websites and its
own mobile app, the brand will monitor that all stores charge the same price. It will have employees in
the field and also mention a mobile number in all stores so that the loyal customers can eventually become
agents of the company and let them know if they face any inconvenience and inconsistency in terms of
prices or another service.

3.2 Bundle Pricing and Retailer Price Check

Farm Fresh Organics Probiotic Smoothie (Mango Flavor): Actual Price/Unit= BDT 79, Actual
Cost/Unit= BDT 39.
Note: the cost of production is mentioned here. It does not include any other costs such as advertisement,
transportation, etc.

Situation 1: Total Units of Farm Fresh Organics Probiotic Smoothie (500ml, Mango Flavor) in stock=
600 units
Buyer 1 has demanded for 500 units, Cost/Unit= BDT 39, Price/Unit= BDT 79

Situation 2: Total Units of Farm Fresh Organics Probiotic Smoothie (500ml, Mango Flavor) in stock=
1470 units
Buyer 2 has demanded for 1450 units, Cost/Unit= BDT 39, Price/Unit for 1 st 500 units= BDT 79, 2nd
400 units: BDT 74, 3rd 300 units: BDT 69 and last 270 units: BDT 66 where opportunity cost (next best
offer) is BDT 67/unit for 200 units from another offer maker named as Buyer 3. Buyer 2 is ready to
purchase any quantity of units (within his/her quantity range) as long as the price is matched to his/her
Situation 3: Total Units of Farm Fresh Organics Probiotic Smoothie (500ml, Mango Flavor) in stock=
1850 units
Buyer 4 has demanded for 1850 units, Cost/Unit: BDT 39, Price/Unit for 1st 500 units: BDT 79, 2nd 500
units: BDT 76, 3rd 500 units: BDT 71, last 350 units: BDT 67, where the opportunity cost (next best offer)
is BDT 70/unit for 200 units by another offer maker named as Buyer 5. Buyer 4 will purchase entire
1850 units or else will cancel the full order.

Total Cost/Unit Price/Unit Profit/Unit Total Profit

Units (BDT) (BDT) (BDT) (BDT)
Buyer 1 600 39 79 40 40*600= 24,000

Buyer 2 500 39 79 40 40*500=20,000

400 39 74 35 35*400=14,000

300 39 69 30 30*300=9,000

70 39 66 27 27*70= 1,890

= 44,890
Buyer 4 500 39 79 40 40*500= 20,000

500 39 76 37 37*500= 18,500

500 39 71 32 32*500= 16,000

350 39 67 28 28*350= 9,800



Situation 2: As Buyer 2 is ready to accept any quantity, the company will sell the last 70 units to him/her
at BDT 66/unit making BDT 27 profit/unit and will sell the rest 200 units to the Buyer 3 at BDT 67/ unit.
This will ensure greater profitability for the brand.


In situation 2, the company has 2 options with the last 270 units.
Option 1: Sell all 270 units to Buyer B
Total Profit= (66-39) *270= BDT 7,290
Option 2: Sell 70 units to Buyer B and 200 units to Buyer C.
Total Profit= (66-39) *70 + (67-39) *200= 1,890 + 5,600= BDT 7,490
The company will go with option 2 because the profit of BDT 7,490 is greater than BDT 7,290 and sell
the quantity to Buyer 2 and 3.
Situation 3:

The clause says that Buyer 4 is not flexible with the quantity. Hence, the company will sell to the offer
maker with the highest profitability


Option 1: Total profit for Buyer 4= BDT 64,300

Option 2; Total profit for Buyer 5: (70-39)*200= BDT 6,200

The company will go with option 1 because profit of BDT 64,300 is greater than BDT 6,200 and sell to
Buyer 4.
Ranking the buyers in terms of total profit

Buyer 1= BDT 24,000= Rank 3 (Least Profitable in situation 1)

Buyer 2= BDT 44,890= Rank 2 (2nd Most Profitable-Situation 2)

Buyer 3 = BDT 5,600= Rank 4 (2nd Most Profitable-Situation 2)

Buyer 4= BDT 64,300= Rank 1 (Most Profitable-Situation 3)

Buyer 5= BDT 0 (The company did not sell anything to him/her)

If Farm Fresh Organics allow bundle pricing, there is a high tendency of gaining more profit than selling separate
products. The company will take Rank 1 as it the most profitable situation compared to all. In situation 3, Buyer
4 will purchase 1850 units of Farm Fresh Organics Probiotic Smoothie (500ml, Mango Flavor) and the company
will make a profit of BDT (40*500 + 37*500 + 32*500 + 28*350) from the buyer which will be most profitable.
This indicates that the company will focus on selling in bulk and making more profit by setting bundle prices for
the retailers.

3.3 Price changes in Current Offerings

Farm Fresh currently sells Sweetened Yoghurt in 100 gm plastic jar at BDT 22 under the name Farm
Fresh Sweetened Yoghurt. The company will improve the current product by introducing Jaggery Flavor
in 100 gm plastic jar at BDT 30. The improved yoghurt will include all the goodness of date sap ( খজুর
রস) which is an extraordinary addition to the famous foods of Bengali people in winter. The jaggery
contains vitamin B, minerals, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium and also
helps in purifying the blood, lungs, stomach, intestine, oesophagus and respiratory tracts, and improves
nervous system, metabolism, immune system (Mahajan, 2019). Thus, due to the added feature of flavour
with great nutrition, Farm Fresh will charge a bit higher.

In terms of pasteurized milk, Farm Fresh currently offers the product in two sizes: 500ml and 1000ml in
BDT 34 and BDT 63 respectively. People consume milk on a daily basis. By considering the consumption

pattern of milk, Farm Fresh will launch Farm Fresh Pasteurized Milk in 3L gallon packaging at BDT

Farm Fresh Sour Yoghurt is sold in multiple retail stores around Bangladesh in 500 gm at BDT 72. But,
the yoghurts of other competitors have more control on the retail stores and therefore, Farm Fresh Sour
Yoghurt cannot be explicitly seen in stores. In order to avoid this threat, Farm Fresh will modify the
packaging of the sour yoghurt pack by adding quick yoghurt recipes in the packaging paper. And so, the
brand will charge a new price of BDT 75 for 500 ml for the new packaging.

The price changes are shown in the table below:

Product Quantity Price (BDT)

Farm Fresh Sweetened 100 GM 30
Yoghurt in Jaggery Flavor
Farm Fresh Pasteurized Milk 3 Litre 180
Farm Fresh Sour Yoghurt 500 GM 75

3.4 Bowman’s Strategy Clock for Price vs Perceived Quality

With the current offerings such as regular pasteurized milk, UHT milk, ghee, sour yoghurt, sweetened
yoghurt, butter, chocolate, mango and elachi flavoured milk, Farm Fresh uses the following position:

Position 2 (Low Price): Farm Fresh positions itself by serving the current products as medium perceived
quality with low price. It positions itself to be the low-cost leaders in the market by serving generic
products to the target market. This indicates that Farm Fresh is incorporating price leadership because
the generic products are sold to the mass market at a competitive price. However, in order to expand the
profit margin, the company will make packaging changes of Farm Fresh Sour Yoghurt, introduce
variance such Farm Fresh Sweetened Yoghurt in Jaggery Flavor and Farm Fresh Pasteurized Milk in 3L
gallon packaging.

As per the launch of the new product namely Farm Fresh Organics Probiotic Smoothie, the brand will
use the following position:

Position 3 (Hybrid): Farm Fresh Organics will position the product Farm Fresh Organics Probiotic
Smoothie by offering high perceived quality at a competitive price. As the Bangladeshi consumer market
is price sensitive, especially in terms of regular usage items, the brand will offer differentiated product

with various features and benefits at a reasonable price. It aims to attract the consumers from different
demography, urban and suburban areas and encourage them to increase the usage frequency.

Part 4. Disruptive Distribution Strategies

Distribution refers to the movement of the final products from the place of production to the end-users.
It is an integral part of the supply chain. Distribution is very much related to the pricing. The supply chain
of the company usually has two parts: upstream and downstream. The upstream is the flow of raw
materials to the factory from its own sources and/or outsourced raw materials. On the other hand, the
downstream refers to the conversion of raw materials to the final products through the production process
and transferring the finished goods to the end consumers using direct or indirect channels. In terms of
upstream, for the making of Probiotic Smoothie, Farm Fresh Organics will collect milk and yoghurt, the
main ingredients of the product, from its own dairy farm and the other ingredients such as mango,
strawberry, blueberry, etc. will be outsourced from other suppliers. Akij Group will lend financial
resources to its SBU in the dairy industry. Besides these raw materials, the brand will collect machinery,
human resources, etc. from the outside sources. In terms of the downstream of the supply chain, Farm
Fresh Organics will make the final goods in the factory plant and deliver the products to the end-users
using multi-channels. Furthermore, the distribution structure, distribution strategy and navigation model
will be mentioned below in details.

4.1 Distribution Structure

Multi-Channel Distribution

Farm Fresh



End Users End Users


Farm Fresh is conducting their business for many years through using Multi-Channel Distribution
Structure to deliver their offerings to the end-users. The convenience products such as pasteurized milk,
UHT milk, ghee, sour yoghurt, sweetened yoghurt, butter, chocolate and flavoured milk are availed in
the online and offline stores through using multiple Channels. Farm Fresh sells the products under the
SBU in the corporation’s e-commerce website which is dedicated for the Akij Food & Beverages which
is named as Akij E-Commerce. Through distributors, the products are sent to the e-commerce websites
such as Daraz, Chaldal, Evaly, super shops such as Shwapno, Meena Bazar, Unimart, Agora, and small
to medium-sized retail stores in every part of Bangladesh. The distributors are the intermediaries who
transfer the goods from Farm Fresh to the nearby retail stores based on the demand of the products.
Eventually, the retailers convey the Farm Fresh products to the end-users.

Similarly, using Multi-Channel Distribution Structure, Farm Fresh Probiotic Smoothie will be sold to the
end-users. The mobile app of Farm Fresh and e-commerce website of the brand will act as the direct
channel and deliver the products to the consumers. Furthermore, the Probiotic smoothie will be availed
in all e-commerce websites, super shops, and retail stores in order to ensure maximum exposure of the
products to the users. The brand will allow a greater profit margin to the retailers so that it acts as an
incentive to showcase the Farm Fresh products more visibly compared to the competitors.

4.2 Distribution Strategy

Intensive Distribution Strategy: With the convenience products of Farm Fresh such as pasteurized milk,
UHT milk, ghee, sour yoghurt, sweetened yoghurt, butter, chocolate and flavoured milk, the brand uses
Intensive Distribution Strategy. The brand’s goal is to cover maximum locations in almost every retail
stores of every geographical location possible. The brand uses indirect distribution and make sure that
the products are always available in the nearest stores of the consumers.

Selective Distribution Strategy: In the introductory stage of the new product under the name Farm Fresh
Probiotic Smoothie, the brand will initially use Selective Distribution Strategy by availing the products
in selective areas. The brand will use a direct distribution channel to deliver the products in specific retail
stores and super shops to minimize the cost. The reason for using this distribution strategy is that the
company wants to see the consumers’ reaction and response to the new product and also minimize
expenditures. Later on, Farm Fresh Organics will implement intensive distribution strategy by availing
the products in every possible contact points of the consumers to grab a massive number of consumers
and eventually gain a good amount of market share for the brand.

4.3 Point Navigation Model


Range Navigation


Reach Farm Fresh will ensure accessibility and easy

reach to the customers. Basically, the brand will
use multi-channel distribution structure and
intensive distribution strategy to take the
products near to the consumers. It will make
sure that the products are regularly available in
the online and offline stores. As the brand aims
to connect to the customers as much as possible,
it will set up the distributing time of the
products, especially the fresh probiotic
smoothie, before the evening because generally,
people buy the convenience products while
returning to home after work. Furthermore,
Farm Fresh Organics Probiotic Smoothie will
be available in small fridges which will be set at
some universities such as North South
University, BRAC, IUB and UIU. Through this,
the brand will ensure reach, access and

Affiliation As all Farm Fresh products will be sold at retail

stores, the brand will train the frontlines on how
to present the products to the consumers and tell
them to ensure well behaviour with the
customers. The retailers must have to maintain
transparency with the customers by making sure
that all the products sold to them have not
exceeded the expiry date and are sold at MRP.
In case of selling products at e-commerce
websites, they should ensure a highly advanced
database to secure customer’s personal
Richness While customers buy the probiotic smoothie
from the mobile app and e-commerce website,
the brand will be able to gain a lot of
information able the behaviour of the
customers. Moreover, it will collect information
on Facebook and Instagram to know the
birthday dates of the loyal customers. Then, it
will use those to design relationship marketing
for the loyal customers by wishing them on their
birthday with e-cards and allow 10% discount
for that day. Furthermore, the probiotic
smoothie will be available in Kiosks in food
courts through which the brand can enable mass
customization for the customers. The smoothie
will be sold at paper cups and the customers will
be able to choose healthy toppings such as chia
seeds, almonds, cashew nuts, and small
chocolate cookies with the smoothie.
Range The brand will ensure Point of Sales (POS) in
order to allow a greater service to the customers.
Farm Fresh has come up with variants of
flavours and sizes of products to allow the
consumers a greater range of options to choose

Part 5. Integrated Marketing Communication

5.1 Identifying target audience

The target audience is mentioned under the new customer profile table.

5.2 Determining the objectives

The objectives of the new campaign is mentioned below:

Specifics Print Sales Promo Digital TVC PR/ Support

and Marketi Publicit Media
Radio ng y

Awareness 40 % 40% 60 % 70% 40 % 40 % time

6 months 1 month after 12 6 months 4 8 months

every 3 months months

Interest 35% 35% 50 % 55% 40 % 30 %

6 months 1 month after 12 6 months 4 8 months

every 3 months months

Evaluation 30% 30% 45 % 45 % 30 % 25 %

6 months 1 month after 12 6 months 4 8 months

every 3 months months

Trial 30% 30 % 45 % 45 % 20 % 20 %

6 months 1 month after 12 6 months 4 8 months

every 3 months months

Adoption 20% 25 % 35 % 40% 15 % 15%

6 months 1 month after 12 6 months 4 8 months

every 3 months months

Budget for the campaign: 1.20 Crore

Duration: 1 Year

5.3 Media Mix table

Type of Subty Platfor Chann Spot ad Placement Timing of Daily Time

Media pes ms els/na timing media airing the Frequ Frame
me of vehicle ad ency of the
the (name of campai
public the gn
ation programs)

Personal SMM FB and n/a N/A Farm Evening 90% 1 year

Instagra Fresh Time
m (From 7

(Owned pm to till
Media) 11 pm)

YouTu n/a n/a Normal n/a 85% 1 year

be Ads YT Video

Mobil Direct n/a Continu n/a n/a 95% 1 year

e texting ous
Marke from
ting markete

Mobile Andro All-time 75%

Apps id &
(Owned iOS

Other Google, n/a Continu Name of 95% All-

Digita Yahoo, ous the sites to time
l other post your
websit website ad
e, s

Non Electr TV ATN 90 sec TVC 8pm to 10 15 6

Personal onic (Paid pm Times months
Chann 90 sec TVC 8pm to 10 15 6
el i pm Times months

NTV 90 sec TVC 8pm to 11 15 6

pm times months

Rtv 90 sec TVC 8pm to 15 6

10pm Times months

Radio Radio 10 sec Morning 9am to 6 6

(Paid Foorti and 9:30am & times months
Media) Evening 6pm to
News 6:30pm

Radio 10 sec Morning 9am 6 6

Today and 9:30am & times months
Evening 6pm to
News 6:30pm

Print News Daily n/a Front and 1 in 6

Paper Star Lifestyle each months
page week

Protho n/a Front and 1 in 6
m Alo Lifestyle each months
page week

Local n/a Front page 1 per 6

Popul 15 months
ar days
News in a
paper month

Suppo billboar Popul

rt d, ated
Media walls, places
public of 64
propert distric
y ts of
poster, Bangl
etc) adesh

5.4 Contact Points of the IMC Tools

Contact Points Details IMC Tools

Broadcasting TVC on major television channels such as NTV, Bangla TVC, Radio
(TV and Vision will be broadcasted to communicate the benefits of Commercials.
Radio) the new drink.

Radio advertisement on major channels such as Radio

Foorti and Radio Amar.

Print Media Print advertisements will be posted on daily newspapers Print Ads
including Daily Star and Prothom Alo. The advertisement
can take a strategic spot under the fitness section to promote
the benefits of probiotic smoothie.

Digital Facebook: A dedicated Facebook page under Farm Fresh Digital Marketing
Marketing Organics will be created to promote the probiotic smoothie / Interactive
as well as other future healthy drinks. The contents of the Marketing
page will be targeted to people who want to lead a healthy
lifestyle. Celebrity endorsement through fitness influencers
such as Nazia H or RJ Taj can also create a positive
impression of the product in the minds of the customers.

Instagram: Content collaboration with fitness-related

brands in Bangladesh including Lean Nation, Dour etc. can
also create a positive impression of the brand. paid
promotion of the product can also increase its visibility.

Snapchat: Farm Fresh Snapchat profile will be used to

provide the same brand appeal as with their Instagram
profile where influencers can post random snippets tagging
Farm Fresh Organics.

Interactive Farm Fresh can improvise its website to make it more Interactive
website and interactive and user friendly. The website should have a Marketing,
Mobile App separate section for the Organics and Regular products. Mobile
It will also have its own Android and IOS App that will
feature an option for customers to get diet suggestions based
on their weight goals.

Activision Free trial demonstrations at major universities and corporate Sales Promotion,
houses will be arranged for potential customers to taste the Direct Marketing

On-Campus calisthenic and fitness competitions can also be

arranged at universities to engage people with the brand.

PR and Sales Point of Purchase Displays: Display sales promotion will be Sales Promotions
arranged in retailers, universities etc.

Samples: Sample pack giveaway will be arranged in

universities during sports events.

Support Media Billboards on locations like Uttara, Banani, Satmosjid Road Sales Promotion
etc can increase the product visibility.

The company can also do aerial advertisement on festival

days including Pohela Baishak and Falgun

5.5 Developing IMC campaigns

Farm Fresh currently does not focus on television commercials. However, since dairy products are
targeted for a mass audience, using television media is crucial for the brand. Moreover, the target audience
of the brand also spends significant time of their day on televisions.

Advertising appeal: The TVC will use both rational and emotional appeal to attract the consumers. The
launch timing for the probiotic smoothies is set for Ramadan of 2021 during April. Thus, A TVC will be
designed to showcase Farm Fresh Probiotic Drink as an alternative to traditional Rooh Afza or Labang
that is a common household fast breaker drink during Ramadan. The TVC will first showcase a family
iftar gathering where a traditional red drink (Rooh Afza) is served. During the dine-in time, A concerned
individual will try to demonstrate why it is important to make the first meal of the day healthy and how
traditional flavoured milk is detrimental to health. After the demonstration, Farm Fresh probiotic drink
will be demonstrated showcasing all of its benefits and how it can be an excellent fast-breaking beverage.

Execution style: The TVC will be executed using both Comparative and Demonstration techniques. It
will showcase the comparison of Farm Fresh Probiotic Drink with the existing fast-breaking alternative
beverages that Bangladeshi households are traditionally accustomed to. On the other hand, The TVC will
also have a demonstration of the functional benefits of the product such as #OnlyHealthyBacteria
#InstantEnergytBoost. It will emphasize on the fact that fasting for a long day drains out our bodily energy
that needs to be reenergized with a healthy beverage and not any flavoured syrup or powder.


Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Print Media

Major newspapers will be used to promote Farm Fresh and showcase their new probiotic smoothies. An
integrated and consistent message will be shared across both TVC and Print Media considering both of
them are targeted for a mass audience. Thus, the Print Media advertisement will also showcase the
benefits of Farm Fresh products over traditional fast-breaking breakfast. The advertisement can also
showcase their yoghurt to explain why

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Farm Fresh will post digital contents about their products in direct post and stories. They will collaborate
with one of the most popular Instagram based fitness instructors Nazia H (username: naziahfit) for a
workout session where she will be promoting Farm Fresh probiotic smoothies. These workout sessions
will be uploaded in IGTV. They will be posting all the updates about their activities and the web series

Instagram account link:


Facebook and IGTV

In the survey, younger participants responded to using social media such as Facebook, Instagram,
Snapchat, and also watching YouTube. However, the matured respondent only responded to being active
on Facebook, and being an avid YouTube viewer. Hence, Farm Fresh will be utilizing Facebook and
YouTube the most, but still have active engagement with consumers via Snapchat and Instagram. Since
the reach is wider, and links are easily shared more on Facebook and IGTV, we will run our web-series
on Facebook and IGTV. The web-series will let the viewers have a peek at the day in the life of the likes
of Nazia H, RJ Tazz, and other prominent fitness figures. The show called ‘Follow the Fitness Journey’
will have a 10-minute short video each week where a regular day of one fitness influencer will be shown.
Throughout their day, they will be requested to drink Farm Fresh Probiotic Smoothies or have Farm Fresh
product-based meals on camera to show how Farm Fresh can be a part of a healthy diet for anyone. The
purpose of this web series is to create a perception in the viewer’s mind that Farm Fresh cares for their
physical wellbeing and show demonstration on how Farm Fresh Product can be used to prepare healthy
meals throughout a day that will give the viewers enough energy to go about their day. The campaign
will run for one month showcasing multiple fitness influencers during the four weeks. The official Farm
Fresh Facebook and Instagram page will release a teaser and trailer of the web series to create a hype
among the viewers prior to releasing full episodes.

Besides that Facebook and Instagram will also regularly post static and interactive content about different
variants, and offers.


The personalities who will be featured in each web-series will be taking over Farm Fresh's Snapchat
account and will be posting exclusive behind the scene footage and other fun snippets from the show.
The viewers will be given a chance to be featured in the next episodes alongside their favourite artists,
and to avail of the offer, they will have to swipe right and download the app and simply fill-up a form.
From that, lucky winners will be chosen.


Farm Fresh will be sponsoring episodes of different Bangladeshi Food Channels such as Banglar
Rannaghor, where they will be incorporating various Farm Fresh products for preparing delectable meals.
They will also have special promo codes, using which consumers can get discounts on their purchases
from the app.

Besides that, Farm Fresh will buy contextual ad space in popular food blogger’s videos such as ‘Petuk
Couple.’ These ads will be 5 seconds skippable ads that will encourage the users to purchase Farm Fresh
products. The ad will also have a QR code that will redirect the users directly to the website for
convenience purchase.

5.6 Integrate Sales & PR Strategies

The main launching event will happen through the inter-university Futsal tournament hosted by NSU
Athletic club. But before that, we will have various pre-event activities, and after the launch, we will also
run post-event activities.


To generate a buzz around our new product line Farm Fresh Organics, we will have banners around
universities and bus stands that will keep the consumers guessing about a new product, and the content
will focus on depravity of energy and have emotional appeal. Besides that, we will offer a point of
purchase displays in different retail stores, specifically around the cereal and milk aisle, that will have
the same message.

Figure: Point of Purchase BTL media

To remind the consumers about the brand Farm Fresh itself, just before the launch, we will also have
bonus packs with our regular products such as, where they will get the new variance of Milk and Yogurt
with the regular ones.

Main Event

Farm Fresh will sponsor the Futsal tournament through which it will also launch the Probiotic smoothie.

All the participants will get the 200 ml product, and there will also be a kiosk that will be giving away
samples of the products. For general students, arrangements will be made for various fun activities, and
contests and three lucky winners will get a self-liquidating premium on Weinbrenner shoes from
BATA. The reason for going with this particular brand is because we want to keep reminding the
consumers of an active and healthy lifestyle, led by a healthy diet.

We will make sure that the press covers the event, and the highlights will be published as SEO PR content
on Prothom Alo's 'Khelar Khobor' section and Daily Star's 'Khela.'

Post Event

For the post-event, Farm Fresh will run the first TVC for the Probiotic Smoothie, with the message ‘এই
রমজােন অ া কর পানীয়েক না বলুন’. Besides that, it will run different digital marketing campaigns
through our web series, influencer collaboration to turn the consumer's conviction into a purchase, and
establish a behavioural shift that energy-boosting smoothie means Farm Fresh Organics Probiotic

Instant and Bounce Back Coupon

At the retail stores, students can purchase any farm fresh product with a 5% instant coupon if they show
their valid student ID. Additionally there will be an ‘immunity card’ system, which after filled, will act
as a 10% bounce back coupon for future purchases.

Support Media

A support media in the form of a smoothie trolley will also be active for a month after the launch in urban
cities such as Dhaka, Chattogram where customers will be able to try out the smoothies on a scorching
hot day from Farm Fresh Trolley.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Farm Fresh, from its inception, has always emphasized cattle farmers and relied on them for the fresh
produce they supply. So, to further strive for the cause, we will launch an initiative CSR under the name
"Farmers Empowerment Program."

Through this program, the farmers' community of Bangladesh will receive different workshops that will
focus on modern, innovative, and cost-effective ways of farming and cattle rearing. Through Farm Fresh's
Facebook page, they will regularly post content about individual farmers and their life stories as well.

5.7 Mobile App

Farm Fresh will have a mobile app which will be available on android and apple stores. Customers can
also scan the QR code from the packaging and print ads.

Some features of the app:

● Products details and pricing with visuals.

● Pop up promotional ads.
● Instant purchase with multiple payment options.
● Customers can prepare meal plans with Firm Fresh products according to their food preferences.
● They have to create an account with their email.
● Then, they will select how many calories they want in how many days.
● Then, they will select their preferred food item to include in the meal plan.
● Finally, they have to tap on the generate option and a meal plan will be sent to their email.
● Customers can also see the details of our products and packaging in other pages.

App Main Feature App Augmented Features

● Product details ● Meal plan with Firm Fresh products.

● Price details ● Saved meal plans.
● Instant purchase
● Payment options
● Store locations
● Pop up ads

5.8 Relationship Marketing

Mass Customization Strategy

Farm Fresh will primarily have four different flavours in their probiotic smoothies as well as the flavoured
milk line. However, providing customization options at a small scale can increase their overhead cost
significantly. Nonetheless, the brand can still provide a customized taste of their products by partnering
with popular milkshake brand Moolicious by being their milk partner. Customers of Moolicious can create
their own customized drink using Farm Fresh Milk within Moolicious outlets. They can also avail 10%
discount on all of the customized milkshakes if they put an honest review on the Farm Fresh’s social
media platform.

One to One marketing

Farm Fresh can adopt 1:1 marketing through its social media platform by maintaining a responsive Live
Chat service using which customers can place an order for Farm Fresh Dairy products. Customers can
knock on the Facebook or Instagram page of Farm Fresh with the details of the products they are looking
for and one of the virtual sales representatives from the company will contact the customers to deliver the
product. In the process, the company can keep a database of the customers and provide them with new
offers through email, SMS or messenger pop-ups so that the brand can stay on top of their mind. This
strategy can also increase the customer click-throughs on their page and website and contribute to the
number of sales.

Permission marketing:

Farm Fresh can run permission marketing through their dedicated app where customers who sign up to
prepare their meal plan will have to agree to receive promotional offers of Farm Fresh. The company will
also partner up with brands like Lean Nation where the customers of Lean Nation will receive exciting
discounts on repeat purchases if they choose to sign up on the dedicated app and maintain a healthy
lifestyle. This strategy will help Farm Fresh retain a very specific portion of its target market who are most
likely to make repeat purchases.

5.9 Physical Evidences

Farm Fresh Organic will put their product in all the superstore like: Unimart, Swapno, Agora, Meena
Bazaar etc. So that customers can easily see our product in every superstore and can get their desired
products easily. They are going to keep our product in the Dairy aisle and they will have our own corner
to showcase our new probiotic smoothie inclined with our all old products. This corner will be designed
very sophistically.

Departmental Store:

To cover the maximum TG Farm Fresh Organic will try to keep their products in the area based
departmental store. We all know that most of the people buy their daily necessary grocery items from the
nearest departmental store since it's easier and convenient. All the products of Farm Fresh Organic will
be available with other dairy brands.

Farm Fresh Organic has a new product line which is the Probiotic Smoothie. Just like any other smoothie,
these probiotic smoothies have higher health benefits. This probiotic smoothie will be available in various
famous restaurants since young people are now more health-conscious and some restaurants have zero cal
in their beverage section, our probiotic smoothie will be available in that beverage section as well.

Dedicated Website:
Farm Fresh products will be available through its dedicated user-friendly website where customers can
shop both the regular farm fresh products as well as the organic products. The website will also have a
review section where customers can leave their honest reviews about the product. The website will
have a web catalog based virtual shop from where customers can place their order and choose their
preferred payment gateway. The new website link:

5.10 Offensive and defensive strategies

Competitors Offensive Strategy Defensive Strategy

Aarong Pre-emptive Defense Action

Bypass Attacks Action Plan: Bypass
Dairy Plan: Farm fresh will create a
attack refers to the offensive strategy
mass-market segment in different
where brands take another route to attack
urban and suburban areas to target
the competitors. In terms of this offensive
health concerns. Therefore, they
strategy, Farm Fresh will introduce a new
will be able to face high
product namely Farm Fresh Organics
competition or attack from
Probiotic Smoothie. The brand will choose
Arong. As it's a very popular
to diversify into a distinct line of product
brand. They are recently trying to
in order to attack the products of Aarong
be available at every retail store in
Dairy. Till date, in the Bangladeshi market,
urban and suburban areas. By
Aarong has not introduced a smoothie that
adding a new product line they
contains so many health benefits. As per
will effectively create a new
now, they only have the Aarong Probiotic
image of their brand and will be
Yoghurt. Moreover, the company aims to
able to defend their attack.
serve the people who want to gain
immunity to fight against the COVID-19.
Thus, launching the new line of product
will ensure gaining market share and
revenue by the brand and will create an
attacking situation for the rivals.

Pran Frontal Attack Action plan: Pran And Mobile Defense Action Plan:
Fram Fresh has the same target group Farm Fresh will add a new
geographically. Farm fresh will attack on product line Probiotic Smoothies.
their single product line ‘yoghurt’. Parn doesn’t have this product
Launching new flavoured yoghurt like line. By spreading efforts, Farm
Jaggery at lower price will attract the TG. Fresh will become a much more
Pran does not offer any flavoured yoghurt. difficult target to pin down.
But there is a huge demand for flavoured They'll be hesitant to focus on a
yoghurt among consumers. So, by huge scope assault on you as it
targeting the same market and grabbing will just influence one piece of
some consumers would be a great attack your business, and may not
from Farm Fresh to Pran in terms of the arrange the massive blow as they
product line of yoghurt. want it to. The addition of
products to the new market itself
can serve as future bases for

Milk Vita Flanking Attack Action Plan: Flanking Defence Action Plan:

Farm fresh organic will deliver their milk Farm fresh will come with new
in paper packaging, which is much easier enthusiasm and with new
to store and also consumer-friendly. Milk products. Past few years they
vita plastic packaging pasteurized milk is were lacking behind their
difficult to store and for instant use. competition. They are going to fix
Introducing a new packaging which is their weakness. They will get
environment friendly, it will attract the clearance from the court that they
current TG. It would be an effective attack can now produce, distribute and
for them. They are already producing milk sell its pasteurized milk. It will be
at a higher rate but delivering in plastic delivered in paper packaging. It
packaging. will be environmentally friendly.

That’s how they can defend

themselves from Milk Vita.
Danish Frontal Attack Action Plan:
Flanking Defense Action Plan:
Frontal attacks refers to brands attacking
Flanking defence means
on the strengths of the competitors. Danish
identifying the weakness of the
Ayran sells the pasteurized liquid milk in 1
brands before the competitors
litre and 2 litres gallon packs. The
find and attack them. The sour
packaging is different in the dairy market
yoghurt range Farm Fresh and
of Bangladesh because other companies
Danish Ayran has similar
sell the milk in plastic soft packets.
packaging in terms of the shape of
Therefore, Farm Fresh will change the
the tub and other elements. But
packaging of the pasteurized milk to
Farm Fresh will attempt to change
gallon-like bottles which will be available
the packaging of the product
in 3 litres. Such packaging will be
before Danish Ayran realises it.
convenient for the customers to purchase
Farm Fresh will make the tub a bit
and use because they will be able to buy in
taller and add vibrant dark blue
a standard quantity that will be ample for
colour in the lid and sky blue in
their daily consumption. By introducing
the tub. This will allow the
this quantity, Farm Fresh will motivate the
consumers to better differentiate
consumers to make a habit of regular
the similar line of products and
consumption of milk as it is extremely
choose the product that has a
beneficial for their health.
more interesting outlook.


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