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Ferric Chloride For Odour Control

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© IWA Publishing 2021 Water Practice & Technology Vol 16 No 1

35 doi: 10.2166/wpt.2020.111

Ferric chloride for odour control: studies from wastewater treatment

plants in India

T. C. Prathnaa,* and Ankit Srivastavab

Department of Irrigation and Flood Control, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, New Delhi, India

Delhi Jal Board, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, New Delhi, India

*Corresponding author. E-mail:


This study was about the feasibility of using ferric chloride as an agent for odour control in wastewater treatment
plants (WWTPs) due to hydrogen sulphide emission. Total inlet sulphide concentrations at 11 WWTPs in Delhi
were measured and ranged between 1.1 and 14.8 mg/L. Wastewater samples from Najafgarh drain were used
in jar tests to estimate the ferric chloride concentration required to obtain acceptable treatment. Ferric chloride
was effective in removing sulphide, phosphate and total suspended solids (TSS), and gave significant biological
oxygen demand (BOD) reduction. It was ineffective, however, in removing ammoniacal-nitrogen. A dose of
40 mg/L removed 76% of total sulphide, which corresponds to a significant reduction in hydrogen sulphide
emission. The study demonstrated that ferric chloride can be used as a cost-effective pre-treatment step in
WWTPs to reduce sulphur-related odours significantly, as well as TSS, BOD and phosphate from wastewater.

Key words: ferric chloride, hydrogen sulphide, pre-treatment, wastewater


• Foul odours at WWTPs are due mainly to hydrogen sulphide emission.

• This study explores the application of the commonly-used coagulant ferric chloride to remove sulphides from
• Dosage of 40 mg/L ferric chloride was effective in removing sulphides, phosphates, TSS and BOD.
• Ferric chloride can provide cost-effective treatment in WWTPs to reduce foul odour emissions.


Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are integral in wastewater management and maintaining
urban sanitation. A major issue encountered in WWTPs is foul odour emissions (Al-Shammiri
2004). Anaerobic microbial reactions in WWTPs and odorous volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
produce hydrogen sulphide (Carrera et al. 2014), the target of this study. Hydrogen sulphide has a dis-
tinct, rotten egg smell and concentrations as low as 0.00047 mg/L can be detected (Crites &
Tchobanoglous 1998) and it is produced by sulphate-reducing bacteria.
Hydrogen sulphide emissions at WWTPs can: (i) emanate foul odour; (ii) corrode exposed metal
surfaces; (iii) lead to health issues among workers (Esswein et al. 2016), and (iv) cause fires if the
gas comes into contact with strong oxidising agents (Nielsen et al. 1992). Strategies must be devised,
therefore, to mitigate hydrogen sulphide emissions at WWTPs for both public health and safety.
Odour neutralizers or masking agents are often used to neutralize odours, and industrial grade

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36 doi: 10.2166/wpt.2020.111

covers are used, in some cases, to prevent odour diffusion into the atmosphere (Ando 1980). These
methods only mask the problem and do not treat the odour’s source. Other technologies are available
but are not economically feasible for use in developing countries. In addition to higher maintenance
costs, biological odour control methods such as biofilters and bio-trickling filters have a large footprint
and high water consumption, respectively (Estrada et al. 2011).
Previous studies have analysed the efficacy of chemical oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide,
sodium hypochlorite and potassium permanganate in wastewater samples from WWTPs. Studies
with hydrogen peroxide showed that 20–30 minutes of reaction time was required for H2S control
at 50% (v/v) concentration. However, there are safety issues with handling hydrogen peroxide at
the concentration used (Thomas 2007). The concentration of H2S in WWTP influents is directly
related to the sulphide concentration in the wastewater (Al-Shammiri 2004), so the use of strategies
to reduce the influent sulphide concentration at WWTPs is expected to lower hydrogen sulphide emis-
sions proportionally.
Iron salts are commonly used both for phosphorus removal and as coagulants for removing sus-
pended solids (Metcalf & Eddy 2003). The potential of sludge containing ferric and alum salts for
hydrogen sulphide removal has been explored by Wang & Pei (2012). The sludge that they used con-
tained twice as much iron as aluminium (w/w) and demonstrated significant H2S removal at neutral
pH. Previous studies have shown the use of ferric salts in sewer systems for sulphide and phosphate
removal from wastewater (Gutierrez et al. 2010). However, this model might not be feasible in all
developing countries since not all areas have a centralized sewer system. For example, raw sewage
in most unsewered areas in Delhi is currently trapped from open drains, via the Interceptor Sewer
Project, and diverted to the nearest WWTP.
The effectiveness of ferric chloride dosing on sewage sludge in controlling malodourous sulphur gas
emissions was also reported by Devai & Delaune (2002). As far as is known, however, there are no
current studies on the application of ferric chloride as a pre-treatment step in WWTPs for potential
odour control in relation to sulphurous gases.
The major objective of this study was to explore the potential of ferric chloride dosing in WWTP
inlets to reduce sulphide concentrations substantially in the presence of TSS and phosphorus. Signifi-
cant sulphide and TSS removal at WWTP inlets can potentially mitigate odour nuisance due to
hydrogen sulphide emission and reduce oxygen demand during further treatment in the plant.



1,000 mg of ACS reagent grade Iron (III) chloride hexahydrate (Sigma-Aldrich, Assay 97%, CAS No.
10025-77-1), molecular weight 270.30, was dissolved in 1,000 ml of deionized water (Milli-Q) to make
the stock ferric chloride solution. Different concentrations of ferric chloride were prepared by further
dilution of aliquots. Deionized water from Milli-Q was used throughout.


Sulphide concentration measurement at WWTP inlets

Samples of influent wastewater at WWTPs in Delhi were withdrawn and the sulphide concentrations
determined by the iodometric method (APHA 1999). Influent wastewater samples were collected
from the WWTPs at Kondli (phases II and IV), Chilla, Coronation Pillar (phases I, II and III),

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37 doi: 10.2166/wpt.2020.111

Yamuna Vihar (phases I, II and III), Okhla (phases I, II and III), Keshopur (phases I and II), Najaf-
garh, Nilothi (phases I and II), Pappankalan (phases I and II), Rithala (phase I and II) and Rohini.

Jar tests

Experiments were carried out in a jar test apparatus (Model 1924, Electronics India Pvt Ltd) with a
speed range of 25–200 rpm. Raw sewage from Najafgarh drain was used – see Table 2 for its physico-
chemical characteristics. The raw sewage samples were dosed with between 5 and 50 mg/L of ferric
chloride, and stirred for 30 minutes at room temperature. The concentrations of sulphide, ammonia,
phosphate, TSS (total suspended solids), BOD (biological oxygen demand) and COD (chemical
oxygen demand) were measured following the APHA protocol (APHA 1999). The percentage removal
of pollutants was calculated using Equation (1):

Ci  Cf
%removal ¼  100 (1)

where Ci and Cf are the initial and final concentration of the pollutant respectively. All experiments
were performed in triplicate to check reproducibility, and average values are used in the tables.


Generation and emission of hydrogen sulphide in WWTPs

The generation and emission of hydrogen sulphide in WWTPs depend on the wastewater’s physical,
chemical and biological constituents (Park et al. 2014). In addition to the problem of corrosion,
hydrogen sulphide is a serious health and environmental hazard with high concentrations being
fatal (Hvitved-Jacobsen et al. 2002; Nielsen et al. 2008). H2S emission is related to the wastewater’s
free sulphide concentration (Al-Shammiri 2004). Typically, total sulphide concentrations in waste-
water are between 0.1 and 10 mg/L (Henze & Comeau 2008), while sulphate ranges between 20
and 50 mg/L (Metcalf & Eddy 2003). Anaerobic regions in WWTPs, etc, facilitate the generation
and emission of H2S with the help of sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRBs). Maintaining the pH above
the neutral range (the optimum pH for SRB growth is between 6 and 8) (Lopes 2007; Ayangbenro
et al. 2018) and dissolved oxygen levels above 1 mg/L, can inhibit SRB growth and reduce foul
odours at WWTPs.

Odour emission from WWTPs in Delhi

A study undertaken at 11 WWTPs in Delhi, all of which used the activated sludge process, showed
that most had odour nuisance problems due to H2S emission. A few plants also reported equipment
corrosion thought to be due to high sulphide levels. Influent sulphide levels were measured (June
2020) in the WWTP inlets, therefore, and the results are shown in Table 1. The sulphide levels
varied between 1.1 and 14.8 mg/L. Total sulphide concentrations can vary through the year depend-
ing on both the influent wastewater’s characteristics and external factors like temperature. Studies at
the Ardiyah WWTP, Kuwait, which reported odour emissions, with measured annual median total
sulphide levels in the raw influent of about 10 mg/L (Al-Shammiri 2004), consistent with the results
obtained for this study.

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38 doi: 10.2166/wpt.2020.111

Table 1 | Influent sulphide in selected Delhi WWTPs

WWTP Sulphide concentration (mg/L)

Kondli Phase II 5.81 + 0.37

Kondli Phase IV 5.19 + 0.09
Chilla 4.81 + 0.21
Coronation Pillar Phase I 11.45 + 0.23
Coronation Pillar Phase II 14.8 + 0.33
Coronation Pillar Phase III 9.4 + 0.09
Yamuna Vihar Phase I 1.99 + 0.22
Yamuna Vihar Phase II 1.99 + 0.14
Yamuna Vihar Phase III 3.25 + 0.41
Okhla Phase I 1.6 + 0.23
Okhla Phase II 1.33 + 0.13
Okhla Phase III 1.33 + 0.13
Keshopur Phase I 4.2 + 0.18
Keshopur Phase II 4.8 + 0.23
Najafgarh 4.4 + 0.11
Nilothi Phase I 2.9 + 0.18
Nilothi Phase II 3.2 + 0.19
Pappankalan Phase I 6.0 + 0.13
Pappankalan Phase II 7.2 + 0.26
Rithala Phase I 1.1 + 0.21
Rithala Phase II 1.1 + 0.08
Rohini 1.5 + 0.03

Use of Iron (III) chloride for odour control

If the influent wastewater sulphide can be precipitated at the WWTP inlet by pre-treatment, further
wastewater treatment will be eased, H2S emission during treatment reduced, and, potentially, treat-
ment costs reduced if the installation of odour control equipment is not needed. Previous studies
have shown the ability of soluble sulphides to react with Fe salts and precipitate as insoluble iron sul-
phide (Grady et al. 1999), and the use of Fe salts to minimize sulphide generation in gravity sewers
was studied by Cao et al. (2019). The latter used Fe salt concentrations in the range 30–60 mg/L,
with different dosing frequencies, in their study and found that the microbial diversity and SRB func-
tion in the sewer were altered.

Jar tests on wastewater

Jar tests were carried out using raw wastewater from the Najafgarh drain, one of the major drains dis-
charging into the River Yamuna. The sulphide concentration of the wastewater was 3.61 mg/L, and its
TSS and BOD concentrations were 105 and 74 mg/L respectively (Table 2). Initial studies were car-
ried out with 5, 10 and 15 mg/L FeCl3 doses. While 25% of the phosphate – from 2 mg/L – was
removed at all dosing concentrations, however, there was no significant removal of TSS, sulphide
or BOD. Because of this, the dosing concentration was increased and 20, 30, 40 and 50 mg/L concen-
trations were used and determined.
Table 2 shows that increasing the ferric chloride concentration produces an increase in the pro-
portional removal of sulphide – e.g. from 64 to 76% as the dosing concentration was raised from

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39 doi: 10.2166/wpt.2020.111

Table 2 | Effect of FeCl3 concentration on sulphide removal

Concentration of Ferric chloride (mg/L)

20 30 40 50
Parameter Reporting units Raw sewage % removal

pH – 7.65 + 0.05 7.30 + 0.15 7.17 + 0.12 7.10 + 0.11 7.11

Ammoniacal-nitrogen mg-NH3/L 30 0 0 0 25
Phosphate mg-PO4/L 3.25 + 0.62 40 41.11 52.22 50
Sulphide mg-S/L 3.61 + 0.87 64 74 76 76
TSS mg/L 105 + 11.7 33 53 62 70
BOD mg/L 74 + 11.3 44 46 52 52

20 to 50 mg/L respectively. The elimination of hydrogen sulphide from sewer systems using iron salts
depends on the precipitation of the sulphide present, thus lowering the soluble sulphide concentration
(Park et al. 2014). The presence of FeCl3 has also been shown to inhibit SRB activity significantly in
anaerobic zones (Zhang et al. 2009) and so reduce hydrogen sulphide emissions.
FeCl3 dosing had almost no effect on removing ammoniacal nitrogen removal until 40 mg-FeCl3/L
was achieved. A further increase to 50 mg-FeCl3/L removed 25% of the raw wastewater’s ammonia.
Increases in the ferric chloride dose led to increased TSS removal, nearly 70% TSS removal being
observed at 50 mg-FeCl3/L and natural pH. Other studies have shown that ferric chloride is most
effective as a coagulant between pH 4 and 12, with maximum TSS removal at pH 4.9 (Reynolds &
Richards 1996; Amokrane et al. 1997; Selcuk 2005; Aziz et al. 2007). Sarparastzadeh et al. (2007)
showed a 48% reduction in TSS levels when raw wastewater was treated with an optimum ferric
chloride dose of 70 mg/L. COD concentrations were determined and ∼35% removal was observed
at 40 mg-FeCl3/L dosing. Precipitation of soluble organic species with ferric chloride can be attributed
as a factor in COD removal (Tebbutt 1998).
Increases in ferric chloride dosing also led to increased phosphorus removal from the wastewater.
Proportional removal increased from 40 to 52% as dosing increased from 20 to 40 mg-FeCl3/L. Park
et al. (2014) reported precipitated phosphorus using iron salts. Iron salt addition to wastewater causes
sulphide to precipitate as iron sulphide and the larger aggregates settle in the primary settling tank.
Gutierrez et al. (2010) indicate the need for ferric chloride dosing at locations close to WWTPs to
maximize phosphate precipitation in the aeration tanks. Similar trends were observed in BOD
removal and are consistent with reports by Mostafa & Peters (2016) indicating a gradual improvement
in BOD removal with increased ferric chloride dosing. The lowering of BOD concentrations may be
due to the corresponding precipitation of phosphorus together with the coagulation-flocculation of
suspended particles. The dosing concentration and frequency required depend on the wastewater’s
characteristics as the proteinaceous components of the organic matter affect iron species precipitation
from wastewater (Kiilerich et al. 2017).

Cost-benefit considerations

The jar test results indicate that a dosing concentration of 40 mg-FeCl3/L can remove 76% of sulphide
in addition to significant reductions in BOD and TSS levels. The main objective of this study was to
remove sulphide from wastewater to reduce WWTP odour emission arising from hydrogen sulphide.
Lowering of BOD in TSS concentrations would potentially simplify downstream aeration require-
ments during treatment as well as being cost-effective for odour control. Use of 30 mg-FeCl3/L
removes around 74% of influent sulphide and a 25% increase in dosing rate from 30 to 40 mg/L
yields a 25% operating cost (chemical purchases) increase but only 2–3% sulphide removal

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40 doi: 10.2166/wpt.2020.111

improvement. Assuming that 40 mg-FeCl3/L were used at a 10 MLD WWTP, 0.4 tonne/day of ferric
chloride would be required at a cost of 10,000 INR/day (about USD 140/day). Dosing at 30 mg/L
would lead to a saving, against 40 mg/L, of around 2,500 INR/day and can be taken into consider-
ation as it can reduce the number of haulage journeys, materials handling required and so on. The
long-term environmental impact must also be included when considering cost and benefits. Ferric
chloride addition as a pre-treatment step is highly efficient in reducing odour and has low environ-
mental impact. It can also improve the health of workers and local residents significantly.


1. Foul odours from WWTPs arise mainly from hydrogen sulphide emissions. Many WWTPs use
odour masking agents or covers to deal with the issue.
2. Since hydrogen sulphide emissions relate directly to the presence of sulphide in wastewater, the
feasibility of using ferric chloride to lower the wastewater sulphide concentration was studied.
3. Influent sulphide concentrations at 11 WWTPs in Delhi were measured and jar test studies per-
formed on raw wastewaters. The results indicated that dosing 40 mg-FeCl3/L led to significant
proportional removal of sulphide, in addition to removal of TSS, BOD, phosphate and COD.
4. Ferric chloride dosing as a pre-treatment step at WWTP inlets can lower sulphide and other con-
taminant concentrations substantially, reducing downstream aeration requirements in treatment
while providing cost-effective odour control.


All relevant data are included in the paper or its Supplementary Information.


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