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Urban Pollution: Science and Management
Urban Pollution: Science and Management
Urban Pollution: Science and Management
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Urban Pollution: Science and Management

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Multidisciplinary treatment of the urgent issues surrounding urban pollution worldwide 

Written by some of the top experts on the subject in the world, this book presents the diverse, complex and current themes of the urban pollution debate across the built environment, urban development and management continuum. It uniquely combines the science of urban pollution with associated policy that seeks to control it, and includes a comprehensive collection of international case studies showing the status of the problem worldwide.

Urban Pollution: Science and Management is a multifaceted collection of chapters that address the contemporary concomitant issues of increasing urban living and associated issues with contamination by offering solutions specifically for the built environment. It covers: the impacts of urban pollution; historical urban pollution; evolution of air quality policy and management in urban areas; ground gases in urban environments; bioaccessibility of trace elements in urban environments; urban wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal; living green roofs; light pollution; river ecology; greywater recycling and reuse; containment of pollution from urban waste disposal sites; bioremediation in urban pollution mitigation; air quality monitoring; urban pollution in China and India; urban planning in sub–Saharan Africa and more. 

  • Deals with both the science and the relevant policy and management issues
  • Examines the main sources of urban pollution
  • Covers both first-world and developing world urban pollution issues
  • Integrates the latest scientific research with practical case studies
  • Deals with both legacy and emerging pollutants and their effects

The integration of physical and environmental sciences, combined with social, economic and political sciences and the use of case studies makes Urban Pollution: Science and Management an incredibly useful resource for policy experts, scientists, engineers and those interested in the subject.

Release dateOct 19, 2018
Urban Pollution: Science and Management

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    Urban Pollution - Susanne M. Charlesworth


    Insights and Issues into the Impacts of Urban Pollution

    Colin A. Booth¹ and Susanne M. Charlesworth

    ¹Architecture and the Built Environment, University of the West of England, , United Kingdom

    ²Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience, Coventry University, United Kingdom

    1.1 Introduction

    Urban pollution can be defined as the presence or introduction of contaminant material (solid, liquid, gas) or energy (heat, noise, light, radiation) into the built environment, either directly or indirectly, by natural sources and/or anthropogenic activities, which are likely to have harmful or poisonous effects on people, property, and/or the environment. This encompasses pollution of the air we breathe, pollution of the water we drink, pollution of the soil that grows the food we eat, pollution of plants we are reliant upon to perform photosynthesis, pollution of the buildings we live and work in and, ultimately, pollution that changes our weather/climatic systems.

    Pollution events occur every day as a result of spills, accidents, negligence, or vandalism (Environment Agency, 2013). However, the effects can be devastating and long‐lasting for both humans and the environment (e.g. radiation exposure from Chernobyl, Ukraine). Typically, some of the worst places to suffer from pollution are towns and cities (Table 1.1). Poor air quality is prevalent many days of the year in many cities around the world. For instance, Marylebone Road is a major arterial route (A501) for traffic and pedestrians in the City of Westminster, Central London, where the roadside buildings create an asymmetric street canyon with a height‐to‐width ratio of ~0.8 (Charron et al., 2007) and, as a consequence the area has consistently high daily mean PM10 level that regularly exceeded the EU (1993/30/EC) Air Quality Directive (47 incidents in 2007; 29 in 2008; 36 in 2009; 15 in 2010; 34 in 2011; and 27 in 2012). These exceedances are attributed to high traffic flows, congestion, and vehicle combustion particulates (AQEG, 2005; Crosby et al., 2014).

    Table 1.1 The world’s ten most polluted cities.

    Derived from

    As much as 54% of the total global population was estimated to live in urban areas in 2014, which represents an increase of 20% since 1960, and this percentage is expected to grow to 66% by 2050, adding a further 2.5 billion people to urban populations (United Nations, 2014). Many cities are expanding at rates that exceed their capacity to accommodate their growing populations. This means some cities are experiencing a growth of informal settlements on their periphery where they lack services and infrastructure. The density of cities increases the chance that one source of pollution will affect a great many people (WHO, 2016a).

    Intensive urbanisation brings with it increased pollution from a variety of sources including industry, traffic, domestic heating, coal and oil combustion, incineration, construction activities, road weathering, and maintenance activities such as street sweeping and gully emptying. Inevitably, this leads to increased release of polluted particulates, dissolved contaminants, nutrients, new and emerging pollutants (such as hormones and personal care products), as well as inhalable and respirable particles, among others.

    Air pollution is a major risk for many people, as it can cause cardiovascular diseases, strokes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, and acute respiratory infections. Moreover, an estimated 3.0 million deaths in 2012 were caused by exposure to outdoor pollution, specifically ambient air pollution, and an estimated 4.3 million deaths were caused by household air pollution. These mortality rates vary regionally – with Georgia, North Korea, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Albania, China, and Sierra Leone among the highest per 100,000 of their population (WHO, 2016b).

    Most global cities lack adequate wastewater management, such that unsafe water, sanitation, and hygiene were responsible for an estimated 871,000 deaths in 2012. Most of these deaths were linked to diarrhoeal diseases, together with malnutrition, intestinal nematode infections, and schistosomiasis, caused mainly by contamination of drinking water, waterbodies, and soil. Sanitation for urban populations in the world’s least developed regions is limited. As a consequence, mortality rates are greatest in Africa – with Angola, Congo, Somalia, Chad, Sierra Leone, Niger, and Burundi among the highest per 100,000 of their population (WHO, 2016b).

    With urban pollution being responsible for so many deaths annually, and with an estimated one in every three people expected to be living in cities with at least half a million inhabitants by 2030 (United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2016), there is a pressing need to explore, understand, expose, and address pollution sources, pathways, and receptors in the urban setting and identify how best to manage and police the issues and impacts associated with them. The next section provides some notable examples of urban pollution that have taught some harsh lessons enabling changes to be made in management and policy.

    1.2 Examples of Urban Pollution

    There has been a plethora of pollution disasters around the world that have diseased populations, infected landscapes, and contaminated resources above and below ground. As a means of introducing the severity of urban pollution around the world, detailed in the following is an array of examples where air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution has been devastating and long‐lasting for those affected.

    1.2.1 Air Pollution in London, United Kingdom

    Air quality in towns and cities has been a global problem for many centuries (Brimblecombe, 1998). One of the most widely reported examples of urban air pollution is the ‘Great Smog’ of London. On 4 December 1952, an anticyclone descended over a windless London, causing a temperature inversion with cold, stagnant air trapped under a layer of warm air. The period of cold weather meant the residents of London burned more coal than usual so they could stay warm. The resultant chimney smoke, mixed with fog, culminated in a blanket of smog forming over the city. However, as concentrations of air pollutants built up in the air, this aided the condensation of water and thus decreased temperatures causing concomitant increases in demands for further heating. As a consequence, air quality quickly deteriorated alongside the health of vulnerable groups (the very young and elderly) or those with pre‐existing respiratory problems. By the time the weather changed on 9 December 1952, it was estimated the event had caused (or advanced) the death of 4,000 people, mainly due to respiratory tract infections from hypoxia (low oxygen levels in blood) and due to mechanical obstruction of the air passage from lung infections caused by the smog (Logan, 1953). Similar international examples include the 1930 Meuse Valley fog in Belgium, which killed 60 people (Nemery et al., 2001); the 1948 Donora smog in Pennsylvania, United States, which killed 20 people (Snyder, 1994); the 1966 New York City smog in the United States, which killed 168 people; the 2013 Harbin smog in China (Nunez, 2013); and the 2013 Shanghai smog in China. Unfortunately, in many cases, it takes fatalities attributed to extreme pollution disasters before policies and regulations are even initiated or updated (e.g. the Great Smog (1952) led to the creation of the Clean Air Act (1956) in the United Kingdom).

    1.2.2 Air Pollution in Bhopal, India

    On 3 December 1984, the world’s worst industrial disaster occurred when a toxic gas plume leaked from the Union Carbide Corporation (now Dow Chemical) pesticide plant in Bhopal, in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India, and descended on the residents of the surrounding urban area, as they slept in their beds (Agarwal and Narain, 1985; Labib and Champaneri, 2012). More than 40 tons of methyl isocyanate gas fumes drifted into the city. People woke with burning eyes and lungs. The incident directly caused at least 3,800 deaths with significant morbidity and premature death for many thousands more (Broughton, 2005). After almost 20 years of legal haggling, compensation was awarded to 554,895 people for injuries received and 15,310 surviving relatives of those killed. The average amount paid to victims was a paltry 25,000 rupees (£300; US$390; 360 euros), with a shameful 100,000 rupees (£1,200; US$1,560; 1,440 euros) to families of the dead (Kumar, 2004). It was only following the event that the Indian Government created the Environment Protection Act (1986), which gave powers to the Ministry of Environment and Forests for administering and enforcing environmental laws and policies (Broughton, 2005).

    1.2.3 Water Pollution in London, United Kingdom

    Claimed by many as the first epidemiological study, Dr John Snow, a public health worker, investigated a severe cholera outbreak in Soho, London, in 1854, that was responsible for killing 616 people (Newsom, 2006; Tulodziecki, 2011). Around this time, London had already suffered incapacitating outbreaks of cholera (1832 and 1849), which had killed thousands of people. To unearth the evidence he needed, he set about mapping the location of those people who contracted the deadly disease and was able to link their movements and activities to those who drank from a water well on Broad Street (now Broadwick Street). Dr Snow was convinced that contaminated water (and not foul air) was responsible for spreading the infectious disease. Conclusive by modern‐day standards, it took the removal of the pump handle and subsequent abatement of the outbreak to convince some officials that the disease was waterborne. In fact, further investigation revealed the well was sited close to a cesspit that was discharging into groundwater and, by doing so, highlighted that faecal waste was somehow responsible for the contamination of the drinking water and for the original cholera outbreak. Other international modern‐day examples of cholera outbreaks include those in Iraq (2007), in Congo and Zimbabwe (both 2008), in Haiti (2010), and 2012 in Sierra Leone (Mason, 2009; Nguyen et al., 2014; Piarroux et al., 2011).

    1.2.4 Water Pollution in Minamata, Japan

    Toxic discharges of industrial wastewater effluent (since 1932) from a petrochemical factory (owned by the Chisso Corporation) in the city of Minamata, Japan, contained methylmercury, which bioaccumulated in shellfish and fish that were then eaten by local residents (D'itra, 1991; Harada, 1995). By 1956, it was observed that many of these people had developed Minamata disease (or Itai‐Itai disease, Japanese for ‘ouch‐ouch’) – a neurological syndrome that causes dysfunctional muscle movement together with hearing and speech loss, instigated by severe mercury poisoning. Sadly, the disease was responsible for 21 fatalities over the next two years and, despite accumulating evidence indicating the point source of the pollution, no controls were ever imposed on production and processes at the factory until it ceased operating in 1968. By 1975, there were 800 verified victims of this long–term pollution event, of which 107 were fatalities, and a further 2800 possible additional victims (Mance, 1987).

    1.2.5 Soil Pollution in Missouri, United States

    A dioxin disaster forced the resident of Times Beach, in Missouri, United States, to abandon their homes and town forever (since 1982) (Belli et al., 1989; Lower et al., 1990). The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found high levels of a toxic chemical called dioxin (unwanted by‐products of industrial and combustion processes) had contaminated many parts of the town. The roads in this suburban town were unpaved and dusty so, in 1972, in an effort of control the dust, the town employed the services of a waste oil haulier to spray its dirt roads with oil. Unfortunately, the haulier, who normally applied used motor vehicle oil for spraying, had been subcontracted to remove oily residues from the processing activities of a pharmaceutical and chemical company (NEPACCO) in Verona. The chemical waste (heavily contaminated with dioxin) was then mixed with waste motor vehicle oil, stored in tanks before being sold or, in the case of Times Beach, being applied as a dust control (Hites, 2011). It is estimated that ~160,000 gallons of waste oil was sprayed over a four‐year period. It was almost a decade later that the EPA investigated and found contaminated soils along the network of roads surrounding the homes of the entire community. In the interests of safety, officials were forced to evacuate the town and opted to buy out the 800 residential properties and 30 businesses at an estimated cost of US$36.7 million (£28.5 million; 33.8 million euros).

    1.3 Structure of This Book

    This book comprises five sections, which are collated into 31 chapters. The first part of the book provides An Introduction that offers some initial insights into the impacts and issues associated with urban pollution (Chapter 1). Since many nations now have legislation and policies in place for their designated environmental protection bodies to control and manage pollution to regulated and permitted guidelines, Section 2 exposes Policy and Pollution through chapters that take a historical view of pollution and offer insight into relevant air policies, water polices, and soil policies (Chapters 2–5), and demonstrate a range of types of pollution (Chapters 6–12). Section 3 assembles options for Monitoring, Remediation, and Management through a collection of chapters concentrating on river ecology, urban hay meadows, ecosystems, waste disposal sites, building materials, zeolites, bioremediation, environmental impact assessment, and citizen science (Chapters 13–22). Section 4 contextualises International Case Studies with examples from the United States, China, India, Brazil, Hungary, Ghana, Nigeria, and Lebanon (Chapters 23–30). Finally, Section 5 converges with a Summary of the Book that distils lessons that can be learned to protect people and property in the built environment.

    1.4 Conclusions

    This edited book aims to develop an appreciation of the diverse, complex, and current themes of the urban pollution debate across the built environment, urban development, and management continuum. While it cannot cover every type of pollutant and revisit every notable pollution incident in every country, it does offer an integration of physical and environmental sciences, combined with social, economic, and political sciences and the use of case studies to provide a unique resource, useful to policy experts, scientists, engineers, and subject enthusiasts. Many of these chapters have been written by academics with expertise in the field, but this book also contains chapters authored or co‐authored by practitioners with a wealth of practical experience. It is, therefore, of interest to those involved in the impacts and management of urban pollution issues worldwide, such as environmental toxicologists, chemists, and health experts working in government agencies, academia, and commercial consultancies.


    Agarwal, A. and Narain, S. (1985) The State of India’s Environment 1984–85: A Second Citizen’s Report. Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.

    AQEG (2005) Particulate Matter in the United Kingdom. DEFRA, London.

    Belli, G., Cerlesi, S., Kapila, S., Ratti, S.P., and Yanders, A. (1989) Geometrical description of the TCDD contamination of Times Beach. Chemosphere, 18, 1251–1255.

    Brimblecombe, P. (1998) History of urban air pollution. In: Fenger, J., Hertel, O., and Palmgren, F. (eds.), Urban Air Pollution, European Aspects. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 7–20.

    Broughton, E. (2005) The Bhopal disaster and its aftermath: A review. Environmental Health, 4 (1), 6 pages.

    Charron, A., Harrison, R.M., and Quincey, P. (2007) What are the sources and conditions responsible for exceedences of the 24 h PM10 limit value at a heavily trafficked London site? Atmospheric Environment, 41, 1960–1975.

    Crosby, C.J., Booth, C.A., Fullen, M.A., and Searle, D.E. (2014) A dynamic approach to urban road deposited sediment pollution monitoring (Marylebone Road, London, UK). Journal of Applied Geophysics, 105, 10–20.

    D'itra, F.M. (1991) Mercury contamination – What have we leaned since Minamata? In: Lee, H.K. (ed.), Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Our Environment, Singapore, pp.165–182.

    Environment Agency (2013) Pollution Prevention Pays in England and Wales. EA.

    Harada, M. (1995) Minamata disease: Methyl mercury poisoning in Japan caused by environmental pollution. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 25, 1–24.

    Hites, R.A. (2011) Dioxins: An overview and history. Environmental Science and Technology, 45, 16–20.

    Kumar, S. (2004) Victims of gas leak in Bhopal seek redress on compensation. British Medical Journal, 329 (7462), 366.

    Labib, A.W. and Champaneri, R. (2012) The Bhopal disaster – learning from failures and evaluating risk. Maintenance and Asset Management, 27, 41–47.

    Logan, W.P.D. (1953) Mortality in the London fog incident, 1952. The Lancet, 261 (6755), 336–338.

    Lower, W.R., Thomas, M.W., Puri, R.K., Judy, B.M., Zacher, J.A., Orazio, C.E., Kapila, S., and Yanders, A.F. (1990) Movement and fate of 2,3,7,8–tetrachlorodibenzo–p–dioxin in fauna at Times Beach, Missouri. Chemosphere, 20, 1021–1025.

    Mance, G. (1987) Pollution Threat of Heavy Metals in Aquatic Environments. Elsevier Applied Science Publishers Ltd., US.

    Mason, P.R. (2009) Zimbabwe experiences the worst epidemic of cholera in Africa. The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, 3, 148–151.

    Nemery, B., Hoet, P.H.M., and Nemmar, A. (2001) The Meuse Valley fog of 1930: An air pollution disaster. The Lancet, 357 (9257), 704–708.

    Newsom, S.W.B. (2006) Pioneers in infection control: John Snow, Henry Whitehead, the Broad Street pump, and the beginnings of geographical epidemiology. Journal of Hospital Infection, 64, 210–216.

    Nguyen, V.D., Sreenivasan, N., Lam, E., Ayers, T., Kargbo, D., Dafae, F., Jambai, A., Alemu, W., Kamara, A., Sirajul Islam, M., Stroika, S., Bopp, C., Quick, R., Mintz, E.D., and Brunkard, J.M. (2014) Cholera epidemic associated with consumption of unsafe drinking water and street–vended water – Eastern Freetown, Sierra Leone, 2012. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 90, 518–523.

    Nunez, C. (2013) Harbin Smog Crisis Highlights China’s Coal Problem. National Geographic, October Issue.

    Piarroux, R., Barrais, R., Faucher, B., Haus, R., Piarroux, M., Gaudart, J., Magloire, R., and Raoult, D. (2011) Understanding the cholera epidemic, Haiti. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 17, 1161–1168.

    Snyder, L.P. (1994) The Death–Dealing Smog over Donora, Pennsylvania: Industrial Air Pollution, Public Health Policy, and the Politics of Expertise, 1948–1949. Environmental History Review, 18, 117–139.

    Tulodziecki, D. (2011) A case study in explanatory power: John Snow’s conclusions about the pathology and transmission of cholera. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 42, 306–316.

    United Nations (2014) World Urbanisation Prospects: The 2014 Revision, Highlights. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division of the United Nations (ST/ESA/SER.A/352).

    United Nations Human Settlements Programme (2016) Urbanization and Development: Emerging Futures – The World’s Cities in 2016. UN‐Habitat, Nairobi, Kenya.

    World Health Organisation (2016a) Global Report on Urban Health: Equitable Healthier Cities for Sustainable Development. WHO Press, Geneva, Switzerland.

    World Health Organisation (2016b) World Health Statistics 2016: Monitoring Health for the Sustainable Development Goals. WHO Press, Geneva, Switzerland.


    Historical Urban Pollution

    Ann Power¹ and Annie Worsley²

    ¹The BioEconomy Centre, University of Exeter, United Kingdom

    ²Strata Environmental, Wester Ross, Scotland, United Kingdom

    2.1 Introduction

    Pollution released from anthropogenic activities is a major environmental concern at global, regional and local scales. The natural environment has been contaminated by human activity for thousands of years; however, modern industrial development, advancements in transport technologies, population increases and the subsequent urban sprawl have led to unprecedented levels of pollution experienced since the twentieth century. A changing complexity of contaminants has been released to land, waterways, and air, from industry, transport and residential sources within built environments over time, especially since the Industrial Revolution post 1800 in Europe and the United States (Brimblecombe, 2005). Urban populations residing in close proximity to industrial complexes and transport infrastructure are most at risk to the long‐ and short‐term health effects of exposure to toxic pollutants. Air pollution is ubiquitous within the urban environment and comprises principally noxious gases and particulate matter (PM). Exposure is unavoidable and dangerous even at low levels (Shi et al., 2016). Air pollution is recognized as the single largest global environmental health risk, responsible for 7 million annual global deaths (Silva et al., 2013; Austen, 2015), making it the focus of this chapter.

    Much of what we understand about past urban air pollution is derived from documented historical evidence of known industrial and urban activities and only relatively recent (post 1960) pollution monitoring programmes. Environmental archives such as lakes, peat bogs and ice sheets therefore provide invaluable evidence of pollution emissions. Natural sinks for atmospheric contaminants, they allow the reconstruction of past pollution trends beyond what is possible with conventional monitored data. Records from sediment archives reveal intricate relationships between technological advancements and air pollution since ancient times (Brännvall et al., 1999). As new technologies and industries have emerged and expanded, so too have new types of pollutants, especially post WWII.

    Urban pollution varies from place to place, depending on specific past urban and industrial activities experienced in countries and cities. Sedimentary archives record local, regional and global pollution signals. In this chapter, case studies of urban pollution are presented that focus primarily on UK cities since Britain is renowned for its extensive industrial and urban past. A general history of urban air pollution is presented, supported by evidence from sedimentary archives and key events that span ancient civilizations, the Industrial Revolution and the twentieth century.

    2.2 Historical Pollution Monitoring using Environmental Archives

    Once emitted into the environment, pollutants are transported via air or water and eventually can settle in natural archives, such as ice sheets, estuaries, lakes, and peat bogs (MARC, 1985) (Figure 2.1). A robust record of pollution deposition can be preserved within naturally accumulating sediments, inferred from a range of environmental proxies and atmospheric contaminants stored within extracted sediment/ice cores (Figure 2.1, Table 2.1). These records allow the reconstruction of spatially specific, long‐term pollution histories spanning decades to millennia. Lake and peat bog records from around the world have revealed local, regional and global impacts of industry and urbanization on pollutant emissions. Contamination detected in archives from even the most remote, ‘pristine’ regions (e.g. the Arctic) demonstrates the long‐range transport and far‐reaching impacts of air pollution (Rose et al., 2004).

    Illustration depicting atmospheric contaminants and environmental proxies transported via air or water eventually settling in natural archives, such as ice sheets, estuaries, peat bogs, and lakes.

    Figure 2.1 Atmospheric contaminants and environmental proxies (Table 2.1) used for reconstructing air pollution histories from ice sheets, peat bogs and lakes.Permanent ice sheets: Falling snow scavenges aerosols (including metal and radioactive isotopes) from the atmosphere. Snow deposits on ice sheets and freezes to produce a stratified annual record of atmospheric deposition.Ombrotrophic peat bogs: The surface layers of ‘rain‐fed’ (ombrotrophic) bogs exclusively receive atmospheric contaminants, with no catchment interference or groundwater flow. Peat accumulates over time from the decomposition of plant material, capturing a history of atmospheric pollution deposition. Peat bog stratigraphies include the upper sphagnum peat layers, older sedge peat and underlying lake sediments from which the peat bog originally formed.Lake sediments: Lakes receive inputs from the atmosphere, groundwater, and catchment (surrounding terrestrial environment), as well as contributions within the lake. An overriding atmospheric signal can be recorded if the catchment disturbance and input are minimal. Particulates deposit over lakes and settle through the water column, onto the lake basin. Particles and associated pollution proxies are stored within the naturally accumulating sedimentary matrix.

    Table 2.1 Atmospheric pollutants found in environmental archives.

    2.3 Ancient Air Pollution

    Urban pollution is not a recent phenomenon. Palaeolithic cave dwellings would have been polluted with smoke from wood burning, particularly from 300,000 to 400,000 years ago when fire became a common hominin technology (Boros et al., 2003; Roebroeks and Villa, 2011). As early settlements were established, domestic activities would have caused deterioration of air quality at a very localized scale. The earliest significant regional air pollution caused by pre‐historic anthropogenic activities is detected in Swiss lake sediments. Enhancements in Pb flux occur during the Neolithic (3800 BC) due to the release of Pb from soil due to early agriculture and Bronze Age (2500 BC) metallurgy (Thevenon et al., 2011).

    A 7000‐year metal history reconstructed from Chinese lake sediments detects emissions from the start of the Bronze Age at ~3000 BC (+/– 328) and identifies a period of rapid metal enhancement in the late Bronze Age (475 BC–220 AD) from the production of weapons, vessels, and tools (Lee et al., 2008). Temporal shifts in the metallic characteristics of lake stratigraphies also distinguish between early Bronze Age technology (Cu) and later (1100–1300 AD) silver mining activity (Cd, Ag, Pb, and Zn) in China (Hillman et al., 2015).

    Air pollution increased as a consequence of the rise of ancient civilizations. Peaks in airborne Pb recorded in European (Swiss and Swedish) sediment records are attributed to the Greek (800–146 BC) and Roman (300 BC–100 AD) empires from Pb and Sn smelting (Brännvall et al., 1999; Thevenon et al., 2011). Mining regions in central Spain, exploited for gold and silver during the past 2000 years, are also highlighted as a potential ancient source of atmospheric Pb and Hg releases (Thevenon et al., 2011).

    Permanent increases in Pb deposition are observed during the medieval period (900–600 AD) in Europe, reflecting population increases and the expansion of mining activities (Brännval et al., 1997). Periods of relatively low anthropogenic emissions reflect episodes of reduced economic and industrial activity due to population declines during the Great Famine (1315–1321 AD) and Black Plague (1346–1383 AD) (Brännvall et al., 1999; Thevenon et al., 2011). Further Pb reductions ~1600 AD are attributed to the relocation of metal exploitation from Europe to America. This is reflected in Peruvian environmental archives, which reveal localized, low‐scale metallurgical activity during the Inca Empire (1400–1533 AD), with regional metal enhancement due to intensified extensive silver exploitation during the onset of the colonial period (post 1540 AD) (Uglietti et al., 2015).

    The long‐range extent of ancient contamination is reflected in ice cores from Greenland (Rosman et al., 1997). The global impact of early urban activities are, however, relatively minor with, for example, Pb levels several hundred times lower (Shotyk et al., 1998) when compared to the unprecedented pollution enhancement experienced throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries due to the Industrial Revolution in Europe and the United States (McConnell et al., 2014; Uglietti et al., 2015).

    2.4 Industrial Revolution

    Industrialization has spread across the world at different times since the eighteenth century (Rose, 2015), marking a period of enhanced human population, technological advancement, urbanization and, subsequently, urban pollution. For example, regions of the Southern Hemisphere, such as Australia, have much more recent industrial pollution histories. Australian peat bog records show enhanced metal pollution since the 1840s following the settlement of Europeans and subsequent rapid industrialization (initially Pb mining) (Marx et al., 2010). Prior to this, indigenous people were mainly hunter‐gatherers with little environmental impact.

    Britain was the world’s first industrialized nation and typifies the stages in industrial progression and urban pollution experienced throughout the world. The rapid pace of industrialization was made possible by the consumption of coal, which replaced wood as the dominant fuel used in the United Kingdom from the thirteenth century. ‘Sea coal’ produced large amounts of smoke upon combustion (Department of the Environment, 1974) and was soon acknowledged as a serious problem, prompting a Royal Proclamation in 1306 restricting its use. However, by the sixteenth century, coal was extensively used by a growing population for domestic heating and fuelled small‐scale industries (Brimblecombe, 1987).

    The visible dark smoke emitted during coal combustion comprises PM containing fly ash (including spheroidal carbonaceous particles (SCP) and inorganic ash spheres (IAS), Table 2.1). Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide are also produced, which react with hydrogen to form sulphuric and nitric acids. The first major scientific publication highlighting the environmental consequences of urban coal smoke was John Evelyn’s study on the air pollution of London: ‘Fumifugium; or, The Inconvenience of the Aer, and Smoake of London Dissipated’ in 1661. It was extremely perceptive for the time, associating coal combustion with building damage, killing bees and flowers, preventing fruit growth on trees and, prior to substantial medical research, suggested links with respiratory health effects, attributing air pollution as the cause of half of the deaths of London’s inhabitants (Evelyn, 1661).

    Air pollution was, however, viewed as a necessary consequence of industrial development, especially during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries as coal continued to fuel the Industrial Revolution. Smoke and noxious gases were indiscriminately released into the air via steam‐powered locomotives, industrial stacks and domestic chimneys. Notable pollution enhancement from coal burning at this time is demonstrated by initial increases in SCP concentrations from the mid‐nineteenth century recorded in lakes from the United Kingdom (Rose and Appleby, 2005), Europe, and North America (Rose, 2015).

    2.4.1 Case Study: Chemicals in Merseyside, NW England

    NW England is the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution in the United Kingdom. Improvements in transport links such as canals and railways across Britain during the nineteenth century resulted in the expansion of barge and shipbuilding and exports of stone and coal to other towns and cities. In NW England, industrial activity included quarrying, shipbuilding and low‐scale industries such as tanneries, tool making, breweries and file cutting. The city of Liverpool was established as an international trading port. During the early 1800s, chemical works were constructed along the River Mersey, and the region subsequently developed as the epicentre of the early chemical industry (Warren, 1980). Chemicals soon dominated industry here, particularly in the ‘Chemical Towns’ of Runcorn and Widnes.

    Early chemicals were produced by the Leblanc process. Powered by localized coal burning at factories, salt was heated with sulphuric acid in lead chambers to produce salt cake, which was then heated with limestone to form black ash, from which alkali was recovered (Dingle, 1982). The establishment and subsequent expansion of the chemical industry due to increased demand for chemicals throughout the nineteenth century brought immediate consequences to the urban landscape. Smoke and hydrochloric acid gas were released from low chimneys with ineffective pollution dispersal and a solid waste by‐product containing high amounts of sulphur and arsenic (known locally in NW England as ‘galligu’) was piled high into ‘mountains’. At the time, there were no strict pollution legislations or controls founded in the United Kingdom, and waste was indiscriminately released to waterways, land and the air. Substantial population increases, due to demands in workforce, compounded the problem of urban smoke since chemical factory workers resided in close proximity to the factories, releasing residential smoke from chimneys at low heights (Figure 2.2):

    Photograph of the urban landscape of a chemical town with industries and factories releasing residential smoke from chimneys at low heights.

    Figure 2.2 The urban landscape of a chemical town during the late nineteenth century. Industrial and domestic smoke emissions in Widnes, NW England, that experienced significant expansion in the chemical industry with 22 Leblanc works constructed between 1847 and 1884 showing the combined visible impact of industrial and domestic coal emissions on the urban environment (Hardie, 1950).

    Houses and streets spread themselves over the open spaces around the works, and in a very few years Widnes was transformed from a pretty, sunny riverside hamlet… into a settlement of thousands of labouring men … with dingy, unfinished streets of hastily constructed houses, with works that were belching forth volumes of the most deleterious gases, and clouds of black smoke from chimneys of inadequate height with trees that stood leafless in June, and hedgerows that were shrivelled in May. The air reeked with gases offensive to the sight and smell, and large heaps of stinking refuse began to accumulate. (Allen, 1906)

    By 1888 Widnes was described in a national newspaper as ‘the dirtiest, ugliest and most depressing town in England’ (Diggle, 1961), reflecting the consequences of Leblanc chemical production at its peak in the region.

    The adverse health effects of air pollution were soon felt by factory workers and landowners, who noticed their crops being damaged by the noxious fumes. This prompted the introduction of the Alkali Acts in 1863 to control pollution from chemical factories. The act was updated in 1906 to include the majority of industrial emissions and was the main legislative control of industrial pollution in the United Kingdom (Department of the Environment, 1974).

    Recessions in chemical trade during the late nineteenth century resulted in Leblanc closures. Leblanc production was obsolete by the twentieth century, replaced by electrolytic alkali production (e.g. chlor alkali). Major chemical companies were established, manufacturing a diverse range of inorganic and organic modern chemicals (Carter, 1964; Jones, 1969), marking a new industrial era.

    2.5 Twentieth‐Century Urban Pollution

    Extensive urbanization and industrialization has released a complex mixture of pollutants to the air during the twentieth century. The diversification of industries and manufacturing processes, increased power generation, fuel consumption trends and rising road and air travel have influenced the composition and concentration of urban air pollution. Pollutant releases have inevitably varied from place to place and over time depending on the history of urban development, types of industry, transport infrastructure and the implementation of pollution controls at given localities.

    2.5.1 Coal Consumption and the Rise of Urban Smog

    Despite efforts to reduce urban smoke, for example, the 1926 Public Health (Smoke Abatement) Act in the United Kingdom, the burden of coal combustion on public health was not unequivocally realized until a series of smog events occurred during the first half of the twentieth century. The 1930 Meuse Valley fog (Belgium), 1939 St Louis smog (United States), 1948 Dohora smog (United States), and a succession of smogs in London between 1948 and 1962 confirmed links between air pollution and mortality within local populations (Nemery et al., 2001). The infamous London smog of 1952, however, is one of the most important air pollution episodes in history since it demonstrated an irrefutable link between air pollution and mortality and influenced public perception, science and government legislation.

    2.5.2 Case Study: London Smog 1952

    London experienced a slow‐moving, high‐pressure weather system from 5 to 9 December in 1952. Smoke from industry and domestic coal fires, during an unusually cold winter, was compounded by diesel emissions from buses, which had recently replaced electric trams in London. These conditions created a smog that persisted for several days, trapping high concentrations of PM and sulphur dioxide at ground level, reducing visibility to almost zero (Brimblecombe, 1987; Bell et al., 2004).

    The smog was initially thought to have caused between 3,000 and 4,000 deaths during the following winter months. However, recent research suggests that air pollution and mortality rates remained elevated for several months with 12,000 deaths a more likely estimate (Bell et al., 2004). Analysis of archived lung material from people known to have died from the smog show ultrafine carbon agglomerates forming PM <1 µm derived from coal and diesel combustion as well as metallic (e.g. Pb‐containing) particles (Hunt et al., 2003).

    The high death rate directly linked to the smog instigated the establishment of the Clean Air Act in 1956. Domestic chimneys at low heights were considered more detrimental to public health than taller industrial stacks. Therefore, smoke control areas were introduced prohibiting the release of smoke from homes. Coal was subsequently replaced by natural gas, and power was generated from centralized nuclear, oil, and coal‐fired power stations due to a rapid demand for electricity following WWII (Department of the Environment, 1974). Coal use peaked around 1960 in the United Kingdom and has since been mainly used by power stations, with consumption declining gradually to the present day (Figure 2.3). Declines in black smoke and sulphur dioxide (Figure 2.3), as recorded by the world’s first nationwide air quality monitoring network, ‘The National Survey’, reflect declining coal consumption trends, combustion efficiency and the implementation of pollution controls and legislations.

    Charts illustrating coal consumption and air pollution in the UK. (Top) Total coal consumption and coal used for electricity production trends. (Bottom) Historical national averages of sulphur dioxide and black smoke measurements for the UK recorded post 1961.

    Figure 2.3 A history of coal consumption and air pollution in the United Kingdom.A: Total coal consumption and coal used for electricity production (http://uk– (1) and (2)) with key industrial and legislative events superimposed.B: Historical national averages of sulphur dioxide and black smoke measurements for the United Kingdom recorded post 1961 as part of the National Survey (3) are presented with spheroidal carbonaceous particle (SCP) concentrations recorded in an urban pond from NW England (authors’ data). The start of the SCP record occurs during the nineteenth century, followed by rapid increases during the twentieth century, mid‐twentieth century peaks and subsequent decline to present day.

    (1) http://uk– rts/cat05/0408161000_Defra_AQ_Brochure_2004_s.pdf



    The National Survey measured black smoke and sulphur dioxide levels at over 1200 sites in the United Kingdom post 1961 using light reflectance of filter papers and acid titration techniques, respectively (http://uk––history). The British government considered the decline in coal smoke a triumph in pollution control, and that the urban pollution problem had been solved, claiming ‘London air is as clean as that in many rural areas’ (Department of the Environment, 1974).

    SCP profiles from British lakes provide further evidence of the historical release of particles from high‐temperature combustion of fossil fuels. Rapid increases in SCP concentrations during the mid‐twentieth century and 1970–1980 peaks are observed across the United Kingdom, reflecting peak coal consumption and electricity generation by coal and oil‐fired power stations. Subsequent declines highlight the effects of air quality legislations and particle removal from flue gases (Rose et al., 1995; Rose et al., 1999; Rose, 2001) (Figure 2.3). Corresponding increases in hematite and magnetite in peat bogs and lakes from Europe and the United States are indicative of IAS deposition from the combustion of coal. Initial post‐1800 increases mark the Industrial Revolution (as seen in SCP records), with further enhancement post 1950 (Oldfield et al., 2014; Oldfield, 2015). Coal‐fired power stations also release trace metals including Hg, As, Se, Pb, and Cu, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) into the environment. Increases in these pollutants are identified in recent lake sediments corresponding with the operation of regional coal burning power plants (Goldberg et al., 1981; Griffin and Goldberg, 1983; Donahue et al., 2006).

    2.5.3 Post‐1950 Urban Pollution – A Complex Signal

    The post‐1950 period marks the ‘Great Acceleration’, a time of unprecedented global increases in urban population, energy and water use, coupled with corresponding shifts in earth system indicators including CO2, NOx and methane levels, surface temperature, and ocean acidification (Steffen et al., 2015). Rapid increases in fossil fuel combustion, industrial activity, vehicle use, and urbanization during the mid‐to‐late twentieth century is reflected globally in sediment archives by pronounced post‐1950 increases in soot and PAH (Han et al., 2016), persistent organic pollutants (POPs) (Bigus et al., 2014), elevated increases in metals (Tylmann, 2004), and prominent SCP concentrations within environmental archives from Asia, North Africa, Southern Hemisphere, North America, and Greenland (Rose, 2015).

    Urban air pollution episodes were no longer necessarily directly linked to a single, visible source such as factory chimneys. Instead, modern urban air pollution is invisible, derived from a complexity of stationary and mobile sources with local and long‐range pollutants (Brimblecombe, 2005). As well as sulphurous smogs such as those experienced in London, photochemical smogs were also becoming a common occurrence in the urban environment, formed as a secondary pollutant from chemical transformations in the atmosphere as a complexity of vehicle and industrial pollution sources react with sunlight. Los Angeles (LA) is famed for its photochemical smogs, owing to its unique basin topography, heavy traffic intensities, and industrial emissions (Brimblecombe, 2014). Increasingly stringent emission standards and vehicle technology have resulted in an improvement in LA’s air quality over the past 20 years (Pollack et al., 2010); however, modern smogs still occur globally, and the importance of low‐level long‐term exposure to fine ‘invisible’ PM2.5 has emerged as a major environmental health risk, even at low levels (Kelly and Fussell, 2015).

    Ambient PM2.5 is responsible for 3.7 million premature deaths worldwide (Lelieveld et al., 2015). Anthropogenic sources of PM2.5 include the combustion of coal, oil and biomass for power generation and industrial processes, diesel and petrol for road and air travel, and domestic fuel, as well as fugitive dusts from industry, construction, agriculture, quarrying, and non‐exhaust particles from road traffic (AQEG, 2012). The composition, shape, size and consequent toxicity of ambient PM2.5 may vary in different urban areas over time, due to changing industrial activities (chemical, petrochemical, metal, mineral, waste, nuclear and radioactive industries) and the introduction of new pollutants, patterns of fuel consumption and composition, transport infrastructure, and the implementation of pollution control legislations (Charlesworth et al., 2011; Heim and Schwarzbauer, 2013; Lewis and Maslin, 2015; Rose, 2015).

    Although industrialization in Europe and the United States started during the mid‐eighteenth century, the Industrial Revolution was not globally uniform. For example, in China, rapid industrialization did not occur until the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949–1950 and is continuing today. China’s reliance on coal burning for energy (47% global coal consumption in 2012), combined with heavy industry, soil dusts, densely populated cities, road transport and agricultural burning practices, has resulted in severe air quality degradation from PM2.5 pollution in mainland China (Zhang et al., 2014). Resultant smogs are a common occurrence in China’s cities (Kulmala, 2015). The most polluted megacity in the world is currently Delhi, India, with the highest recorded PM2.5 levels derived from a complex mix of coal, gas, diesel and biomass combustion, and industrial and construction dust (Subramanian, 2016; WHO, 2016).

    2.6 Industrial Emissions

    2.6.1 Metals

    Metals are predominantly released into the atmosphere from various industrial processes, mining, and combustion of fossil fuels and fuel additives (Nriagu and Pacyna, 1988; Morwaska and Zhang, 2002), making them reliable tracers of human activities, especially Cd, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn (Nriagu, 1996). Some metals have known toxicological effects (e.g. Pb, Cd and Hg), and high metal loadings are observed within PM2.5 (Al‐Rajhi et al., 1996; Allen et al., 2001), highlighting inhalation as an important pathway for human exposure to metals in the urban environment.

    As technology has advanced, different types of metals have been utilized, resulting in the releases of a range of metals from mining, metallurgical, and manufacturing processes (Artiola, 1996; Gao et al., 1996; Alloway and Ayres, 1997). The establishment of specific industries can immediately impact the local environment with, for example, Hg enrichment detected in lake sediments coinciding with the operation of nearby chlor alkali chemical plants (Kemp et al., 1976), Pb enhancement associated with local waste incineration activities (Chillrud et al., 1999), distinct phases of metal enrichment related to mining operations (Couillard et al., 2004; 2008), and Zn and Cu detected in recent peat sediments from local steelworks (Gilbertson et al., 1997). Furthermore, relatively recent industrial processes such as the recycling of scrap metal and electronic waste is potentially releasing metallic dust reflecting the composition of alloys (Fe, Cr, Cu, Co, Mn, and Ni), surface coatings (As, Cd, Cr, Pb, Hg, and Se) and electronic devices (containing rare earth elements such as Au and Y) into the urban environment (Raun et al., 2013). Stationary fossil fuel combustion sources are the main source of Cr, Hg, Mn, Sb, Se, Sn, and Tl (coal) and Ni and V (oil) in the atmosphere with non‐ferrous metal production being the largest source of As, Cd, Cu, and Zn (Pacyna and Pacyna, 2001).

    Global atmospheric metal emissions generally demonstrate increases in the twentieth century, with overall declines observed post 1970 due to pollution controls (Harland et al., 2000; Mahler et al., 2006). Despite these declines, values are still elevated above pre‐industrial levels (Norton et al., 1992; Connor and Thomas, 2003). Metal emissions vary regionally, with declines observed in Europe and the United States, where legislative controls are relatively strict; yet increases are observed into the late twentieth century in, for example, Asia, which is experiencing extensive industrialization (Pirrone et al., 1996), confirmed by continued metal enhancement in sedimentary archives from Japan (Kuwae et al., 2013) and China (Yuan et al., 2011).

    2.6.2 Persistent Organic Pollutants

    Technological advancements post WWII shaped the chemical industry, with the synthesis of organic chemical compounds and petrochemicals. Diverse organic products including fertilizers, plastic, polymers, pesticides and pharmaceuticals, dyestuffs, chemicals, printing materials, paints, polymers, chlorine, chlorinated solvents, fluorinated refrigerants, aerosols, fire retardants, insecticides and pesticides expanded throughout the twentieth century. The industrial synthesis of organic compounds resulted in the production and release of POPs (Table 2.2), well known for their persistence and bioaccumulation in the environment, biomagnification in the food chain, and toxicity to humans (Nadal et al., 2011; Qiu, 2013; Odabasi et al., 2015).

    Table 2.2 Description of persistent organic pollutants.

    Rachel Carson’s publication Silent Spring in 1962 raised initial concerns regarding POPs, detailing the detrimental environmental consequences, death of wildlife, and cancer‐causing potential of synthesized pesticides, including DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) (Carson, 1962). DDT had been indiscriminately applied in the United States post WWII; however, it was banned in most industrialized countries by the 1970s. Despite the subsequent restricted use of POPs, they are still prevalent in the environment and in human tissue and fluids (Botella et al., 2004; Ruzzin, 2012; Grindler et al., 2015) with exposure mainly occurring via the food chain (Nakata et al., 2002). The most dangerous organic compounds are restricted in terms of production and use under the Stockholm Convention on POPs (2001).

    The synthesis of organic chemicals began in the 1920s and rapidly increased post WWII, making them characteristic pollutants of the twentieth century (El‐Shahawi et al., 2010). This is reflected by the detection of POPs post the 1930s in a range of river, lake, and estuarine sediments (Andersson et al., 2014; Bigus et al., 2014; Arinaitwe et al., 2016; Lorgeoux et al., 2016). Their trans‐boundary, long‐range transport is confirmed by POP contamination detected in the Arctic (Evenset et al., 2007; Ma et al., 2015; Yuxin et al., 2015).

    The production and use of POPs varies in different regions. Generally, peak concentrations are mainly influenced by the industrial manufacture and use of PAHs post 1930, with expansion to include PCBs and OCPs post 1950, for example, the manufacture of brominated fire retardants after 1953 (Lebeuf and Nunes, 2005; Evenset et al., 2007). POP releases were enhanced by the effects of urbanization (Feo et al., 2011; Lorgeoux et al., 2016), increased fossil fuel combustion, and traffic emissions (Boonyatumanond et al., 2007).

    Wartime (WWII) gunfire and bombing (Frignani et al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2009), the use of the herbicide Agent Orange in Vietnam (1961–1971), and nuclear weapons testing (post 1945) (Quiroz et al., 2005) are also associated with increased PAHs and PCBs in the environment. The restricted use of POPs post 1970 resulted in a decline in releases (Hartmann et al., 2005; Kim et al., 2008); however, due to their environmental persistence, levels have not returned to pre‐production values. Furthermore, recent increases in PCBs are derived from the recycling of electrical waste contaminated with PCBs (Yang et al., 2012).

    2.7 Transport

    Improvements in transport infrastructure (construction of motorways and airport expansions), technological advancements in motor car and aviation technology, and increased numbers of road vehicles have occurred since the 1950s. Road transport is now a major mobile source of global urban pollution, and city airports are recognized as also impacting urban air quality. Railway stations and rail traffic are emerging as important sources of urban PM2.5 due to diesel exhaust emissions (Chong et al., 2015), and shipping activities in city harbours are a growing concern (Mueller et al., 2011; Contini et al., 2015); however, they have received little attention compared to road and air travel.

    2.7.1 Road Transport

    Changes in dominant Pb sources have occurred over time. Initial Pb enhancement from early metallurgy, to coal consumption and smelting of Pb metal ores, to the intensified use in motorcars post WWII and the addition of tetraethyl lead to petrol as an anti‐knock agent (Heim and Schwarzbauer, 2013) are key phases identified by Pb isotope ratios and PAH enhancements in lake sediments (Vesleý et al., 1993; Renberg et al., 2002; Leorri et al., 2014). Traffic‐derived Pb during the late twentieth century exceeds previous Pb releases from metallurgy by a factor of three as indicated by South American ice cores (Eichler et al., 2015). In the United Kingdom alone, there was an increase in motor vehicles from 2.3 million in 1930 to 15.0 million in 1970, rising to 34.2 million in 2008 (Office for National Statistics, 2010), with the distance travelled by cars and vans increasing by 613 billion passenger km from 1950 to 2007 (Table 2.3).

    Table 2.3 Distances (billion passenger km) travelled by people in the United Kingdom in 1952 and 2007 by mode of transport, showing percentage of total (Office for National Statistics, 2010).

    During the 1970s, the UK government believed that despite the unpleasant smell from vehicle emissions there was ‘no evidence that present levels of emissions constitute a threat to health’ (Department of the Environment, 1974). Today, however, Pb is classified as a probable carcinogen (IARC, 2006) with a range of health effects associated with exposure including neurological development in children (Lidsky and Schneider, 2003). Pb has been reduced in ambient air in the United Kingdom via the updated Clean Air Act of 1974, a series of legislations (EC Directive 85/884/EEC, Air Quality Standards Regulations 1989, The Environment Act 1995, and EC Directive 78/611/EEC), limitations on motor fuel composition (The Motor Fuel Regulation 1981), and the introduction of unleaded petrol in 1985 (EC Directive 85/210/EEC). Leaded petrol is gradually being phased out of use globally; however, not until the early 2000s were there nationwide bans in China, Russia and India.

    As well as CO, NOX, benzene, PAHs and hydrocarbons, PM emitted from road transport is a major component of urban pollution. The composition of road‐derived PM varies from city to city and is dependent upon traffic volumes and vehicle fleet composition as well as local climate and geology (Pant and Harrison, 2013). Combustion particles are generally composed of fine carbonaceous aerosols (PM2.5) including ultrafine particles (UFPs, <100 nm) containing organic carbon, elemental carbon, and smaller amounts of trace elements (Kumar et al., 2014). Emissions from diesel and petrol/gasoline engines vary in composition, with diesel engines emitting a greater mass and number of UFPs compared to petrol/gasoline vehicles (Pant and Harrison, 2013).

    Non‐exhaust PM from road traffic is also an important source of metallic dust in the post‐1950 urban environment due to increases in road transport. Tyre, break, clutch, and road wear contribute as much to ambient PM in cities as exhaust emissions (Amato et al., 2014; Adachi and Tainosho, 2004). PM from beak wear is coarser than exhaust emissions (<6 µm) with a metallic signature including Fe, Cu, Zn, and Pb as well as minor contributions (<0.1 wt%) of Ba, Mg, Mn, Ni, Sn, Cd, Cr, Ti, K, and Sb (Grigoratos and Martini, 2014). Vehicle abrasion (e.g. of tyres and galvanized car body coatings) is reported to be a major contributor of Zn in the urban environment (Thorpe and Harrison, 2008). The physical movement of vehicles on roadways also re‐suspends road dust, which includes asphalt and crustal material, into the atmosphere (Thorpe and Harrison, 2008). Platinum group elements are distinct metallic tracers of vehicle emissions since the 1980s, as modern cars have been equipped with catalytic converters to reduce CO emissions releasing Pt (platinum), Pd (palladium), and Au (gold) into the urban environment (Varrica et al., 2003). This is reflected by post 1990 Pt, Pd, and Rh (rhodium) enhancements in urban lake sediments (Boston, Massachusetts, United States) (Rauch et al., 2004).

    2.7.2 Air Transport

    Airports are important hubs of air pollution, especially those located in major cities that are visited by millions of passengers each day. Air transport has rapidly increased since the 1950s with the rise of international travel. In the United Kingdom, there was a 100‐fold increase in passengers travelling though UK airports from <200,000 passengers in 1950 to 211,000,000 in 2010 (Rutherford, 2011). Airports generate heavy road traffic from visitors and require maintenance equipment, facilities, and fuel depots on the ground (Whitelegg and Williams, 2000), and have been shown to impact particle deposition up to 16 km downwind (Hudda et al., 2014).

    Aircraft emit combustion particles, mainly comprising carbonaceous UFPs with S, Cl, and K (Mazaheri et al., 2013). Jet engine exhaust particles are also reported to contain a range of heavy metals including Be, Co, Cu, Pb, V, and Zn derived from metal impurities in aviation turbine fuel (Mazaheri et al., 2013), confirmed by metal enhancement in coastal wetland samples in close proximity to airports (Boyle, 1996). Pb additives (tetraethyl lead) are still applied to aviation fuel (also known as Avgas or aviation gasoline) to achieve high‐octane fuel for general aircraft with piston engines (Ebbinghaus and Wiesen, 2001) and are therefore an important modern atmospheric source of Pb since industrial and road traffic sources have been steadily phased out. Combusted aviation residues recorded in lake sediments (Graney and Eriksen, 2004) highlight airports as potential sources of metals, especially Pb, to the urban environment post 1950. Abrasion particles from tyre and break wear from takeoff and landings also contribute to larger (>1 µm) particles containing Ba, Cu, Sb, Mo, and Zn, and Al flakes from aircraft bodies deposited adjacent to aircraft runways (Amato et al., 2010; Mazaheri et al., 2013).

    2.8 Conclusions

    Air pollution has existed since the rise of early civilizations, and changes in the composition and concentrations of air pollution across the globe have been reconstructed using environmental archives. Histories of urban air pollution vary from place to place, over time. Generally, industrialization in Europe and the United States fuelled by coal combustion increased urban pollution during the nineteenth century. Unprecedented increases in pollutants have been experienced globally since the mid‐twentieth century with advances in industrial technologies, extensive urbanization and the rise of car travel and global transport. Although air pollution has declined overall due to the introduction of pollution controls (post the 1960s), levels are still elevated above pre‐industrial values. However, pollution deposition is increasing in parts of the world currently experiencing extensive industrial development. Urban air pollution remains a major environmental concern. The nature of air pollution has altered considerably over time: visible air quality has generally improved; however, the types of pollutants have changed so that invisible atmospheric contamination derived from a complexity of sources now pose new problems, both to human health and global environmental quality.


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