Hatsu Rei Ho
Hatsu Rei Ho
Hatsu Rei Ho
Dr Usui’s students practised a form of meditation called Hatsu Rei Ho, which raises the
vibration of energy flowing through you and helps you become more focused and relaxed. I
have also noticed my senses get sharper when I have been doing it for a few days.
The meditation draws the love and light of the universe (ie Reiki) into your energy centre,
spreads it through you, and provides enough to share with the world around you. It then
gives you time for peace, and then blesses all your actions with loving, wise energy.
If you stay focused, it should only take you about 7 minutes, so it can fit fairly easily into your
morning. Try doing it every day for a week and see if you feel different. If so, carry on doing
it as often as you can and watch how your experience of life subtly transforms.
For an even deeper experience, hold a cup of tea next to your heart chakra, and drink in its
cosiness and your own state of peace, while you sip on the tea. Again, savour your freedom
from having to think or do anything.
This is a gift you can give yourself for free anytime you can pause for a few minutes. Enjoy!