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Sacred Self Pleasure Ritual.: ©2019 Sigourney Belle, All Rights Reserved

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How do you desire to be treated by a lover? Now is the chance to give to back to yourself in the same way... Light
some candles, put your favourite music on (for beautiful slow, sensual tracks, follow me on spotify and head to
my self pleasure meditation playlist),  pick some flowers for your altar, burn some incense or diffuse essential
oils. Set the mood to reflect the state you are wanting to cultivate- slow, gentle, nourishing...

Before you start your ritual, I recommend getting yourself into a relaxed state by having a warm epsom salt
bath, by going for a walk, inhaling some grounding essential oils or by laying down and stilling your breath into
your belly. Slowing down and allowing your parasympathetic nervous system to become the main driver (the
part of your nervous system involved in rest & relaxation) is important as our feminine pleasure cannot be
accessed unless we are in a relaxed state. 


Create an intention for your practise. 

Sexual energy is a powerful force of life force energy. In Chinese medicine they say that the sexual energy
centre is the seat of our jing; our essence. When cultivated and worked with, it can aid in strengthening our

My suggestion is to use this practise as a ritual, where you are creating the intention to make love to the divine
and allow the power of your erotic energy to weave its magic with the fabric of the universe. To move your
sexual energy and breathe it through the body to consumate your deepest heartfelt longings. 

©2019 Sigourney Belle, All rights reserved.


When tuning into what it is that you desire and are wanting to create with the cultivation of your sexual energy,
focus on the FEELING that it gives you in the body. Visualisation alone is powerful but it is the emotion that is
magnetic and is what draws the vision towards us. 



We are aiming to let go of how this practise looks so that we can allow ourselves to simply FEEL what's alive
and present in our bodies. The goal is not to orgasm but to surrender. To simply breathe and connect deeply to
what is happening within our bodies. 

Sometimes, when we awaken our sexual energy, we also awaken emotional energy and blocks that are present
in our sex centres and pelvis. There might be numbness or pain present one day and pleasure another. I invite
you to welcome it all. Sexuality is one of the topics that holds the most shame, guilt and dogma around it and so
when we have unhealthy belief systems about pleasure (often subconscious), they store within our pleasure
centres. The way to moving beyond these belief systems is not to try and fight them with our minds, but
instead, to go into the body, to feel them and to release them with the breath. 

BE CURIOUS. Explore your body with touch in a way that is curious, loving and kind. Come into the body using
the breath. The breath is what connects the mind and body and it is also the way we slow down the mind and
body. Every time you notice yourself thinking unhelpful thoughts, breath down into the body and become
present with your touch. 

©2019 Sigourney Belle, All rights reserved.


I love by starting with really gentle breast massage, as the breasts and heart are connected to the cervix via the
same nerve pathway and so by opening our heart, we also open our yoni. For women, the heart needs to be
open for the yoni to naturally open and so it is important that we give our heart attention before self pleasuring. 


For this exercise we recommend blending some beautiful fractionated coconut oil with therapeutic grade
grapefruit, geranium, ylang ylang or rose oil. These are all beautiful heart opening oils. 

Start by just holding your heart and taking a few deep breaths into the chest, noticing what is moving in you and
allowing it to be there. Start by slowly spreading the oil over your breasts. Here are some strokes that you may
want to try either with your hands or a crystal wand:
• Circling around each breast in one direction then the other
• Circling with both hand on one breast
• Circling around the nipple, squeezing the nipples
• Starting in the middle of your chest with both hands and moving outwards as if you were
opening your heart space
• Cupping one breast, one hand on top one hand below 
• Gentle solar plexus massage and massage under the ribs to release the diaphragm (the diaphragm is the muscle
the heart rests upon)
After 5-10 minutes of massage, stop and just hold your breasts gently and become ware how they feel after this
little ritual. The breasts are extensions of the heart and so by working with breast massage we are also clearing
blocks around and opening the heart. 

©2019 Sigourney Belle, All rights reserved.


Bring your touch to your inner thighs and very slowly start to run your fingers over your vulva (women) or
perineum and scrotum (males), with curiosity. I encourage you to touch yourself like you are experiencing your
body and pleasure for the first time. Follow and move with what feels good. Let go of expectations and don't try to
make anything happen. Pleasure comes from surrendering the mind and allowing the body to be the main guide.
The is to focus on the breath and in particular, slowing down and deepening the exhale as the exhale activates the
parasympathetic nervous system. 


Start with just cupping your Yoni with your hands, tuning in to how she feels. Using coconut oil, slowly massaging
your inner thighs, getting closer and closer to your Yoni, play with teasing yourself.

 Connect with her and wait for her to invite you in. If you feel ready, start to press outwards around the entrance,
stretching gently in each direction. Go slowly. When you work inside the yoni, practise moving through and
holding different points and simply feeling. Notice the sensations and whether there is pain, emotion, tightness,
pleasure  or numbness present. Breathe and be present with all the sensations that you are feeling. I suggest
working in a circular motion, around the yoni and also, with the cervix and g spot. Work with the strokes and
pressure that intuitively feels right to you. Sometimes you may want to hold points and other times you may want
to gently massage and stroke them. 

To release tension from any point within the yoni, hold that point with your fingers and the wand and breath and
sound from this point for at least 30 seconds (this is the time required to release tension and stress, or "trigger
points"). As you are self pleasuring, breathe the energy through the body and focus the energy on different areas
within the body, starting with your feet and circulating the energy up to the top of the head and back down again. 

©2019 Sigourney Belle, All rights reserved.



To reach deeper parts of the yoni and to work with the healing and activating properties of a crystal wand, try
working with the the following practise. 

WARM and slowly insert the crystal wand into the yoni. when the yoni is ready and open.

If the clitoris is 12 O clock (according to a clock) then start moving towards 1 o clock, gently feeling all the spots
on the walls.

If you feel tension, massage it gently to release it or pause/ hold and breathe. Welcome all that you are feeling
and slowly work around in a full circle. back up and towards the G spot. 

When you are at the G-spot, try using different strokes to see what feels best.
You can also move up towards the A-spot, a little higher up just above the pubic bone.

The next is the cervix.

Start to gentle press and hold different points on the cervix for at least 30 seconds and breathe into the areas
which you are holding. It is normal to experience a lot of numbness in the cervix when you first start
incorporating it into your pleasure practise. Be patient- it will start to come alive when the time is right. 

©2019 Sigourney Belle, All rights reserved.



Similar to the yoni massage practise. start the practise with slow. whole body touch and then move your touch to
the inner thighs, the perenium and the scrotum.

Place one hand on your heart and cup your balls with the other hand and breathe, creating a breath circuit and
connection between these two centres. 

Slowly and intentionally, start to bring gentle. slow loving strokes to the lingham shaft in a way that feels good
for you. You might want to explore how it feels to gently twist and pull the lingham. 

Bring the touch from the perenium all the way up to the tip of the shaft. 

Rotate between slow, soft and gentle strokes and harder strokes.
Long, slow breaths into the lingham when cultivating slowness and greater connection and quicker fiery breaths
with harder touch when building sexual energy. 

When self pleasuring. work up to 70% off full ejaculation and at 70%, squeeze and lift your PC (pubococcygeous
muscle- the muscle you use to hold in wee) and breath the energy up the spine to the heart and into your
consciousness centres (third eye and crown). Making sure your heart is online and that you feel a connection to
yourself is important and so if you find yourself drifting off and in fantasy gently bring yourself back into your
body using your breath. 

©2019 Sigourney Belle, All rights reserved.



I like to finish by bringing my hands back to my body and resting them on my heart and sex, thanking myself for
taking the time to honour myself.  You can do some whole body strokes to spread the energy around then lie
down flat on your back in a relaxing position.

I like to put on a guided meditation or to just lay there and take 5 minutes to feel into and connect with the body,
becoming aware of any sensations / emotions / energy present in you after the session.

After this you may wish to journalling about your experience. For example, how it felt, what sensations /
emotions / energy you noticed, if something was particularly interesting / different for you, what kind of
distractions or insights you may have had.

Clear your space using sage. paolo santo or therapeutic grade essential oils. 


To learn more about creating a Tantric Pleasure Practise or to seek 1:1 advice, head to

FOR YOUR OWN NATURAL SELF PLEASURE TOOLS such as crystal wands and yoni eggs, head to the SHOP page
on my website. 

©2019 Sigourney Belle, All rights reserved.

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