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Przedimki A, An, The

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1. Trzy spośród poniższych zdań są bezbłędne.

Znajdź te zdania, a w
pozostałych popraw błędy w użyciu przedimków (a/an, the oraz „zero” article).

1. John is one of youngest teachers in our school but he’s also one of the best.

2. A politician is not the same as statesman.

3. She has job in a leading software company.

4. Practice makes perfect.

5. The fear is not a good motivator for better work.

6. Is teaching just a job or a vocation?

7. Sir Winston Churchill was Prime Minister in Britain during Second World War.

8. Internet is a mine of useful information.

9. It’s the experience that counts!

10. The Internet resources are not always used correctly.

2. Wstaw a/an, the, some lub Ø („zero” article).

People in (1)_____ Europe eat very different breakfasts. For instance, (2)_____ usual

English breakfast consists of (3)_____ bacon and (4)_____ eggs, (5)_____ baked beans and

(6)_____ black pudding, which is (7)_____ kind of sausage. In Scotland, you may get

(8)_____ porridge and (9)_____ kippers, that is smoked herrings, first thing in (10)_____

morning. (11)_____ Italian will have (12)_____ cappuccino and (13)_____ few biscuits or

(14)_____ sweet roll, while in Greece (15) _____ breakfast may consist of just (16)_____

bread and (17)_____ olives, (18)_____ lump of goat cheese and (19)_____ slice or two of

(20)_____ melon.
3. Zakreśl właściwy przedimek: a/an, the lub Ø.

Sending (1) a/an/the/Ø postcard of (2) a/an/the/Ø place you’re visiting is (3) a/an/the/Ø

good way to keep in touch with friends and family. So, if you happen to be visiting

(4) a/an/the/Ø Euroland, buy (5) a/an/the/Ø postcard, write (6) a/an/the/Ø message and

their name and address and pop it into (7) a/an/the/Ø post box. But watch out! Sometimes

there is (8) a/an/the/Ø international post box. By the way, (9) a/an/the/Ø standard letter is

(10) a/an/the/Ø same price as your card.

4. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednim wyrażeniem.

1. To care for _________________ has always been the aim of our institution.

a) old and infirm b) the olds and infirms c) the old and infirm

2. We watched _________________ rise slowly above the calm surface of the sea.

a) moon b) a moon c) the moon

3. My grandmother went to _________________ every Sunday.

a) a church b) the church c) church

4. We went to _________________ to see the famous altarpiece.

a) a church b) the church c) church

5. The fridge was completely empty. It turned out that while I was taking a shower, my
boyfriend ate everything I bought _________________. He left only the ice cubes.

a) for dinner b) for the dinner c) for a dinner

6. The painting shows a sea battle between _________________.

a) the Greek and the Turk b) the Greeks and the Turks c) Greeks and Turks

7. She is _________________ completely honest person I know. It always lands her in

a) an only b) the only c) only
8. _________________ are not the same.

a) bravery and courage b) the bravery and the courage c) a bravery and courage
9. ‘Can you play _________________ ?’

a) piano b) on the piano c) the piano

‘No, but I can play _________________.’

d) golf e) in golf f) in the golf

5. Niektóre nazwy geograficzne występują z przedimkiem określonym the. Wpisz

go tam, gdzie jest potrzebny.

1. _____ Hague is not the capital of _____ Netherlands, but it is their centre of government.

2. My husband was born in _____USA, and I come from _____ north of Italy, but we have

been living in _____ Poland since 1992.

3. _____United Kingdom comprises the whole of the island called _____ Great Britain, and

that is why the name ‘Britain’ is sometimes used to refer to the country as a whole.

4. Sir Ernest Shackleton, the British explorer who attempted to reach _____ South Pole,

described his experiences in the book The Heart of _____ Antarctic.

5. In the 18th century, it was very fashionable to go on a trip to _____ Italy, cross _____

Alps, see famous cities, admire works of art and climb _____ Vesuvius.

6. In 1488, the Portuguese navigator Bartolomeu Diaz saw a rocky promontory at the

southern tip of _____ Africa. One account says that he called it _____ Cape of Storms,

but that it was later renamed _____ Cape of Good Hope because its discovery indicated

that it was possible to reach India by sea.

7. Nina Nikolayevna Berberova left _____ Soviet Union in 1922 and lived in _____

Germany, _____ Czechoslovakia, and _____ Italy. She settled in _____ Paris in 1925 and

became a writer, biographer, editor, and translator, often writing about the lives and

problems of exiles.
6. Niektóre nazwy własne występują z przedimkiem określonym the. Wpisz go
tam, gdzie jest potrzebny.

1. During the ball given last month by Her Majesty _____ Queen, _____ Duchess of C.

danced with _____ Captain A. all the time. Since that memorable night the two are

rumoured to have been inseparable.

2. During our day-trip to London we visited _____ National Gallery and _____ Tower of

London, we saw _____ London Bridge, went to _____ Chinatown and walked along

_____ Strand.

3. My friend was sailing across the Atlantic and he swears he saw _____ Flying Dutchman,

or perhaps the ghost of _____ Columbus’s ship _____ Santa Maria, emerge from the mist

just before his yacht and dissolve again without a sound.

4. Our neighbours _____ Grants went for holidays to the Bahamas, whereas _____ Joneses

next door could only afford Majorca.

5. On the train I was sitting next to a serious-looking old gentleman who was at first reading

_____ Financial Times, but later took out _____ Fight Club by Palahniuk and began to

listen to _____ Beatles, _____ Boney M and _____ ABBA on his portable stereo.

6. ‘She says she danced with _____ Orlando Bloom.’ – ‘You’re kidding, _____ Orlando

Bloom? I don’t believe it!’

7. Zakreśl właściwy przedimek: a/an, the lub Ø.

1. In a/an/the/Ø Middle Ages it was believed that only a/an/the/ Ø virgin is able to tame
a/an/the/Ø unicorn.

2. Even if very powerful a/an/the/Ø computers are invented, a/an/the/ Ø weather will forever
remain unpredictable in a/an/the/Ø long run.

3. A/An/The/Ø steel ball has more a/an/the/Ø potential energy raised above the ground than
it has after falling to a/an/the/Ø Earth.

4. Could you remove your briefcase from the corridor? It is getting in a/an/the/Ø way.

5. John grabbed his coat and left in a/an/the/Ø hurry.

6. What, Mary has left you? I was under a/an/the/Ø impression you were getting married!

7. Both my grandfathers were sailors, and both were lost at a/an/the/Ø sea.

8. Uzupełnij tekst odpowiednimi przedimkami tam, gdzie są one potrzebne.

It is said that J. K. Rowling’s first Harry Potter novel was turned down again and again by

(1)_____ major publishing houses. Now (2)_____ new Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and

the Half-Blood Prince, has broken (3)_____ records, selling over two million copies in

(4)_____ first 24 hours of its release in (5)_____ UK and 6.9 million in (6)_____ US.

The release of (7)_____ sixth Harry Potter novel is (8)_____ good news for (9)_____

English learning across (10)_____ globe since many kids everywhere want to read about

(11)_____ Harry Potter’s adventures in English. However, translating J. K. Rowling’s

novels is also (12)_____ big business. (13)_____ Harry Potter books have been translated

into 62 languages and sold 270 million copies in 200 different countries, making J. K.

Rowling (14)_____ richest woman in Britain, with (15)_____ Forbes magazine estimating

her fortune at US $ 1 billion (Ł575,000,000).

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