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Introduction to ICT
1.1 What is ICT ?

 It refers to all technology that can be used to handle telecommunication and access information.

 the term ICT has been used to refer to the integrating telephone and audio/ visual networks
with computer networks.

 It refers to all technology used in communication like television, mobile phone, Internet etc.

 ICT can be seen as the integration of information technology with communication

 The term ICT is more inclined and widely used in the educational sector. Some have
simplified ICT as using audiovisual equipment for learning at school and the use of networks
that help transmit information across schools.

 ICT=IT+ communication media.

 ICT is a term that has been used in many aspects of technology perception in modern society

-Text processing and electronic tables

– Tools for digitalization of business, (like Social media, online collaboration tools, etc.)

– Programming and web development

– Software engineering – Artificial intelligence

– Business analytics and enterprise management

IT (Information Technology)
 The term Information Technology refers to an entire field that uses computers,
networking, software, and other equipment to manage information electronically in a
digital form.
 Consider an IT department in an organization. They are equipped with computers,
database Management Systems, servers, and security mechanisms for storing, processing,
retrieving, and protecting information available with the organization.
 You might have heard about the professionals working in such department of a company
like system administrators, database administrators, programmers, IT managers, network
engineers. If it is a business organization, they all work together to provide services such
as providing information, providing tools to improve the productivity, automating the
business processes, and providing means for connect with customers. Therefore, in the
modern world, IT is an essential part of all of business operations.


1. Describe the following terms;



2. What is the difference between IT and ICT?

Unit two

2.1 what is computer ?
 Computer is an electronic device that takes input data from the user and processes these
data under the control of set of instructions (program) and gives the desired result as
output and may saves output for the future use.
 A computer is an electronic device which takes input from the user, processes it and gives
the output as per user’s requirement.
 So the main tasks of performed by the computer are:
 Input
 Process
 Output
 A computer is normally considered to be a calculation device which can perform the
arithmetic operations very speedily.
 Data can be in the form of numbers, letters, symbols, size etc. And it comes in various
shapes & sizes depending upon the type of computer application.
 It is a man-made machine
 It accepts instructions of a human given in a sequential manner
 As per the given instructions, it performs some calculations and does changes for the
information fed by human
 Releases or produces an output that is useful to the user


Some important characteristics of the computer are as follow:

o Computers are automatic machines because it works by itself without human intervention.
o Once it started on a job they carry on until the job is finished.
o Computer cannot start themselves.

o The accuracy of a computer is very high.
o The degree of accuracy of a particular computer depends upon its design.
o Errors can occur by the computer. But these are due to human weakness,due to incorrect
data, but not due to the technological weakness.
o Computer is a very fact device. It can perform the amount of work in few
seconds for which a human can take an entire year.
o While talking about computer speed we do not talk in terms of seconds and milliseconds
but in microseconds.
o A powerful computer is capable of performing several billion simple arithmetic operations
per second.
o Unlike human beings, a computer is free from monotony, tiredness & lack of concentration.
o It can continuously work for hours without creating any error & without
o If you give ten million calculations to performed, it will perform with
exactly the same accuracy & speed as the first one.
o It is one of the most wonderful features about the computer.
o One moment it is preparing the results of a particular examination, the
next moment it is busy with preparing electricity bills and in between it
may be helping an office secretary to trace an important letter in seconds.
Power of remembering:
o Computer can store and recall any amount of data because of its high storage
capacity of its storage devices.
o Every piece of information can be retained as long as desired by the user and
can be recalled as and when required.
o Even after several years, if the information recalled, it will be as accurate as on
the day when it was filled to the computers.
Motherboard:-Primary circuit board that connects all of the computer’s components

 Allows the various computer components to communicate with one another

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

 The “brain” of the computer

 Processes the instructions sent from memory and executes those instructions

RAM – Random Access Memory

 Hold “active” information the computer is utilizing

 Includes applications or software the computer is running

 Additional memory allows the computer to operate with more applications

running simultaneously

 More memory often results in improved computer performance

 Hard Disk Drive (HDD) is the computer’s long term memory

 Retains information when the computer is inactive or turned off including applications
such as

 Operating System (OS)

 Programs

 Data and Files, like

 Word Documents
 Pictures
 Music
RAM – Random Access Memory

 Random Access Memory

RAM is a computer’s temporary memory, which exists as chips on the motherboard near the CPU. It
stores data or programs while they are being used and requires power.
 Hold “active” information the computer is utilizing
 Includes applications or software the computer is running
 Additional memory allows the computer to operate with more applications running
 More memory often results in improved computer performance

Optical Drive
 Read Compact Discs (CD, CD-R, CD-RW)

 Read Digital Video Disc (DVD, DVR-R, DVD-RW, Blu-Ray)

 Write to Discs

 Referred to as a Burner

 Requires –R or –RW media

 Load applications, documents, and media (music, photos, and music)

 Compact Disk – A type of optical storage device.

Floppy Disk Drive

A device that holds a removable floppy disk when in use; read/write heads read and write data to the

Hard Disk

Magnetic storage device in the computer.

Power Supply

 Supplies the various components of the computer with power

 Converts AC (Alternating Current) from your house’s outlet into DC (Direct Current)
that the computer parts can use

 Regulates and monitors the appropriate voltages and wattages to different


 Ensures computer components don’t become overloaded with power

 Contains different connector types specific to the various components of the

Computer Case

 Contains the major components of the computer. It helps protect them.

 All-in-one Computer Case

 Job – Holds all of the computer parts in the case which is mounted behind the computer

 Space saving design


 Transfers data between devices

Cable types

 Firmware
 Ethernet

 Thunderbolt

 Possible Malfunctions
 Broken wire or connector at the end of the cable

 Components connected won’t operate or be recognized

 Computer hardware is the collection of physical parts of a computer system. This

includes the computer case, monitor, keyboard, and mouse. It also includes all the
parts inside the computer case, such as the hard disk drive, motherboard, video card,
and many others. Computer hardware is what you can physically touch.

Used to enter information into the computer and for giving commands

Standard keyboard which are used in personal computers.

It contains enough keys which are used in all types of applications so they are
known as general purpose keyboard.
Most popular general purpose keyboard contains 101 keys.
The general purpose keyboard are divided into following parts:
The centered part of the keyboard is known as alphanumeric keypad.
It contains alphabets, numbers & special signs such as *,!, @, #, $, %,* etc.
The right most part of the keyboard is known as numeric keypad.
It contains 0 to 9 numbers & mathematical signs such as +, *, -, /.
Mainly used for fast data entry in mathematical applications.
Set of four keys up, down, left & right.
Used to move the cursor at left & right or up and down on the screen.
They are referred as “cursor-control” or “cursor-movement” keys.
The first line of the keyboard contains a Set of 12 keys with name f1 to f2 are
known as function keys.
Used to generate short-cuts in different software package.
There are lots of keys that are used for some specific task describes follows:
TAB: used for gives multiple spaces or move the cursor to next defined position.
ENTER: used for generate the output of any command.
SPACE: used to make one blank space between two words.
BACKSPACE: used to remove the left-most character at cursor position.
DELETE: used to remove the right-most character at cursor position.
HOME: moves the cursor at the beginning of the line.
END: moves cursor at the end of the line.
PAGE UP: moves or scroll the screen up or previous page of the current page.
PAGE DOWN: moves the screen to the next page from the currently displayed
PRINT SCREEN: used to print what is currently displayed on the screen.
INSERT: used to enter text between two characters.

A device that allows pictures to be placed into a computer

 Allows the user to record sounds as input to their computer.


A pressure-sensitive and motion sensitive device used in place of a mouse.


 Used to generate or reproduce voice, music, and other sounds.

Sound Card

 Connects the speakers and microphone to the computer.


 The place where the computer is connected to the phone line.

Network Card

 A circuit board that connects the computer to the rest of the network usually using special

 Disk Operating System

This software connects the hardware with the programs you want to run.

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