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EAP 2 - Oral Presentation - Assessment Pack Students - Sem B 2021-22 - V1

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EAP 2 Oral Presentation of Findings//Assessment Pack: Students

City University of Hong Kong

Language Centre
EAP 2 English for Academic
Purposes 2
Oral Presentation of Online The day of your
Findings submissions due: lesson in Week 12

Assessment Pack: Students
This pack has 3 pages including this

Together with your IMRD research report partner(s), prepare, rehearse and deliver a presentation about
the findings of your IMRD research report. Each student has 4 minutes to present. Given the current
socially distanced conditions in Hong Kong, there will be no Q & A section, and presentations must be

You are presenting to an academic audience which may have an interest in the topic of your presentation
but may not have special knowledge in the field. You should aim to interest and inform this audience.
 Each student in your group must contribute equally to planning and organising the presentation.
 Each student in your group must present for approximately the same amount of time
 Your overall team presentation should briefly outline your Introduction and Methods sections, and
then focus on your major findings in your Results and Discussion sections.
 Remember that you should not directly copy your wording and language from your Written IMRD
report in this presentation: you should use spoken language and effective visuals.
 Students must NOT plagiarise any material. All sources of information and graphics that you use must
be clearly acknowledged at the end of your PowerPoint slides OR be acknowledged in-text.

 Each person in your team must separately video their section of your presentation and submit it to
your T-Section Canvas site. These videos must be designed to be linked together, displaying as much
team unity and group cohesion as possible.

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EAP 2 Oral Presentation of Findings//Assessment Pack: Students

 Your team must combine your PowerPoint visuals into one joint file, and must also submit that to
your T-Section Canvas site.
Assessment Information:
 Your section of the team presentation must be recorded on video and posted onto your Canvas T-
section site. Exact details of this process will be released in a separate document.
 Your presentation MUST stick strictly to the maximum time limit of four minutes per student in the
group, i.e. 4 minutes for an individual, 8 minutes for a team of two, and 12 minutes for a team of
three. Any part of the presentation that extends beyond this time will be ignored. Your marks will
not be directly penalised for presenting for longer or shorter than the time allowed, but it may have
an impact on your Content score.
 The timer should be started at the beginning of your actual part of the presentation (NOT including
the personal identifications at the start of the video).
 Each person in your team can submit one video only, and therefore you must plan your separate
videos to progress from one to the other, with no repeated skipping between team members.
 Your entire video should be one single take – you must not edit or manipulate your video in any
way. Do not include any special effects or filters of any kind.
 Your class teacher will examine you.
 You must not read your presentation from a pre-written script. Reading excessively from the screen
or from your slides will reduce your scores.
 You will be assessed on Content, Organisation, Language and Delivery. For more information on the
criteria, please see the marking rubric in this assessment pack.

 The deadline for submitting the video of your presentation and your team PPT file is 11:59pm on
the day of your EAP 2 lesson in Week 12.1

You are strongly advised to:

 Use notecards containing key words only

 Use PowerPoint as a visual aid, and ensure your slides are attractive and not crowded with text
 Learn and practice your content fully so that you do not need to read from your visual aids
 Visit the Speaking >>> Presentation Skills >>> Activities section of the ELSS website to enhance your presentation skills

 Visit the online Speaking Studio as a group to practice your presentation and receive feedback
from a tutor.

1 If this day is a public holiday, the deadline will be 24 hours later. E.g. if your normal class would be on Tuesday
5th April, a public holiday, your deadline will be 11:59pm on Wednesday 6 th April

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EAP 2 Oral Presentation of Findings//Assessment Pack: Students

(25%) (25%) (25%)
Group (15%) (10%) Individual Individual
Group Individual

o A very effective and

o Strong sense of
insightful report on o Communication with
group coherence
IMRD research (a brief audience is natural
and identity
outline of introduction (including the use of
and pertinent methods, o Vocabulary is highly spoken, not written,
o Sections are
with main focus on o Individual appropriate for the English: e.g.
clearly structured
5 results & discussion)
and links
presentation is audience reciting/reading)
between sections
o Clear & concise o Grammar is accurate o Clear signs of
and speakers are
presentation of content preparation and
very effective
rehearsal (including
(orally and
o Q & A responses are fluency, confidence and
effective and relevant† use of visuals)

4 o Contains elements of ‘3’ and ‘5’

o A sense of group
o A generally effective coherence and o Communication with
and insightful report on identity audience is generally
IMRD research natural (mostly using
o Vocabulary is generally
o Sections are spoken, not written,
o Individual appropriate for the
o A generally clear & generally well- English)
presentation is audience
3 concise presentation of structured and
generally well-
content links between o Signs of preparation and
organised o Grammar is generally
sections and rehearsal (including
o Q & A responses are speakers are reasonable fluency,
generally effective and generally confidence and use of
relevant effective (orally visuals)
and visually)

2 o Contains elements of ‘1’ and ‘3’

o Minimal group
o An incomplete and/or coherence and/or
ineffective report on o Communication with
audience is often not
IMRD research
o Vocabulary is often natural (using written,
o Sections are
inappropriate for the not spoken, English)
o A generally unclear generally poorly o Individual
1 and/or wordy structured and presentation is
o Few signs of preparation
presentation of content links between disorganised
o Grammar is generally and rehearsal (including
sections and/or
inaccurate general lack of fluency,
o Q & A responses are speakers are
confidence and/or poor
generally ineffective generally
use of visuals)
and/or irrelevant ineffective (orally
and/or visually)

0 o Performance worse than ‘1’

† The ‘Q & A Responses’ section of the ‘CONTENT’ domain will not be used this semester, as there will be no Q&A
section in the presentations. Marks for ‘CONTENT’ will be derived from the other two criteria.

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