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B. Tech. Biomedical Engineering

Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering Department

Curriculum Development – Guiding Principles
The statutory bodies of the University, the Senate or the Planning and Monitoring Board oversee
the design and development process so that the activity is carried out in a planned manner. The
detailed planning for this activity is the responsibility of the Department Head. The systematic
process of design and development includes the activities & sub activities including techniques &
organizational interfaces and the time frame for completion of various activities. The plans are
updated, as the instructional design evolves.

The design and development process generally begins with a need analysis report which comprises
of (i) Stated needs (ii) Implied needs (iii) Overall goals of Instructions (iv) Relevant standards i.e.
AICTE and UGC guidelines and Curricula of Entrance Tests like Graduate Aptitude Test for
Engineers (GATE), etc. and (v) General characteristics of target population.

Organizational and Technical interfaces between different faculty and external expert groups
providing input to the instructional design are defined, committees are constituted and their reports
are documented. Faculty members from different disciplines connected with the design &
development activity are associated with the process. The updation/restructuring is carried out as
the design process progresses. Clear responsibilities are assigned and effective communication is

The requirements of instructional design are determined and recorded. For instructional design,
the input is taken from various sources. Input requirements are clearly understood and reconciled.
The design input may come from:

• Need analysis & Reviews.

• Recommendations from

Faculty & senior management

Employers and industry


Regulatory Bodies
• Success/failure reports of similar courses & programs.
• Published literature relevant to programs.
• Boundary condition w.r.t GATE, curricula etc.

The general steps followed in curriculum development are as under:

• The need for starting a new programme or course(s) may arise from interaction with
Industry, Faculty, Students, Alumni or PMB/Senate/BOG, UGC/AICTE etc.
• The idea of proposed programme is discussed in the HODs’ meeting and if found
appropriate, the Head of concerned department is asked to put up a proper proposal. A sub-
committee of internal/external member(s) may sometimes be formed for making the
feasibility and viability analysis.
• The DAAC (on the basis of recommendations of sub-committee, wherever required) does
the need analysis and prepares the proposal for approval from Board of Studies (BOS).
• The BOS after deliberating on the proposal may make the desired modifications and then
send the proposal to DOAA for consideration in SUGC/SPGC, along with the duly filled
• The proposal is put up for consideration to SUGC/SPGC and upon its approval the
recommendations may be sent to the Senate and PMB.
• After the Senate approval, the proposal may be sent to concern Department/School through
academic section for allocation of appropriate course codes OR if required it is sent to
AICTE/UGC for approval and the status is put up in the forthcoming meeting of BOG.
• Once approved, it is implemented by the concerned Department/School after allocation of
proper course code by the academic section.

The employability, innovation and research in curriculum design and development is ensured by:

• Involvement of industry professionals in curriculum development

• Benchmarking exercises to extract customers (employer’s) requirements
• Mandatory project semester in Industry for all UG and some PG students
• Synergizing curriculum with industry practices and needs

The curriculum design and development for all programs is done at least once every four years to
ensure continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness in satisfying the requirements and the
vision, mission and quality policy of the University. The design process includes assessing
opportunities for improvement and the need for ensuring suitable employability, innovation and
research (more applicable to postgraduate programs). The process invites formal inputs from all
stake holders and generally includes the following sources:

• Action taken report on the previous reviews and external accreditation reports (NAAC,
• Results of student’s performance in various examinations
• Result of Students Reaction Survey
• Feedback from
- Industry,
- Alumni,
- participating organizations in campus placement and other concerned sources
• Details of corrective/preventive actions
• Improvement programs suggested/recommended
• Training programs launched
• Review of mission and quality policy
The process of determining solutions to satisfy the identified needs is laid down and documented.
Instructions are designed by incorporating these solutions. The analysis and mappings are
recorded. The design output at this stage is taken as the initial design for subsequent reviews. The
output of instructional design & development is documented in the form of a report named
“Curriculum and Scheme of Courses”. Through various reviews and verifications, it is ensured
that the design output meets the design input requirements.

The design output report includes:

• The types and levels of skill and knowledge to be imparted

• Program Educational Objectives; Student Outcomes
• Course Learning Outcomes
• Scheme of courses and the detailed syllabi
• Assessment and evaluation.

The output documents like curriculum and instructional strategies are reviewed and approved
before release at various levels and stages.

Reviews are conducted at defined stages of the curriculum Design, in which faculty members from
the concerned area as well as experts from amongst the peer group from within and/or outside the
University are associated. Records of the reviews are maintained. Based on the reviews, the
curriculum is updated.

New/revised curriculum and instructional design is made applicable to the prospective students.
The curriculum is validated in the initial stages of its introduction by taking a feedback from
students and faculty members regarding the effectiveness and applicability of the curriculum, with
regard to the documented needs. Necessary changes, if required, are made to ensure that the design
conforms to defined needs of the students. Wherever required, additional instructional sessions
and allied inputs are arranged for students/participants.

Some Broad Guidelines

Undergraduate Programs
Undergraduate engineering students are taught a series of courses in basic sciences to develop
understanding of scientific principles and methods, analytical ability and rigor. These courses are
followed by courses in engineering sciences to provide a smooth transition from basic sciences to
professional engineering courses. A series of courses in technical arts are designed to develop
engineering skills through training in engineering drawing, measurements, computing skills,
manufacturing technology and effective communication. The professional courses in the chosen field
of specialization are meant to develop creative abilities for the application of basic and engineering
sciences to engineering problems involving planning, design, manufacturing, maintenance and
research and development. In addition, courses in humanities and social sciences are incorporated to
develop appreciation of the impact of science and technology on society. The
undergraduate curriculum consists of two main components i.e. core courses and professional courses. The
core courses lay emphasis on concepts and principles. It involves teaching of subjects in Basic Sciences,
Humanities and Social Sciences and Engineering Science. Attention is also paid to develop communication
skills in English language - the medium of instructions. The Professional courses lay emphasis on system
analysis, design, manufacturing and professional practice. There is an in-built flexibility to encourage students
to specialize in streams of their choice through a system of professional and free electives. The University
strives to foster among its students a strong desire and capacity for continuous learning as well as self-
appraisal to develop sterling human & professional qualities and a strong sense of service to society through
designed, curricular, co-curricular activities and congenial campus environment.
Program B. Tech. Biomedical Engineering

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The Graduates will be able to
• Demonstrate technical competence in identifying, assessing and implementing creative, viable, cost-effective
solutions in the field of biomedical engineering and technology.

• Enhance their innovative skills in the area of biomedical engineering to address global challenges and be a
successful entrepreneur in developing field-related jobs.
• Work efficiently in collaborative, multidisciplinary and industrial environments that uphold professional and
ethical values, or pursue higher education and research.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

• To apply knowledge of mathematics, sciences and professional subjects to formulate, interpret and analyse
problems appropriate to Biomedical Engineering

• To employ appropriate engineering techniques, skills, tools and research based knowledge to realize
Biomedical Engineering systems and engage in life- long learning.

Program Outcomes (POs)

• Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an
engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
• Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems
reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering
• Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system
components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and
safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
• Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including
design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid
• Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and
IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the
• The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health,
safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering
• Environment and sustainability: understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal
and environmental contexts, demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
• Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities, and norms of the
engineering practice.
• Individual and teamwork: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams,
and in multidisciplinary settings.
• Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community
and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design
documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions
• Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and
management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage
projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
• Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and
life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
• L stands for number of Lecture hours per week
• T stands for number of Tutorial hours per week
• P stands for number of Laboratory hours per week


1 UMA010 MATHEMATICS-I 3 1 0 3.5

5 UHU003 PROFESSIONAL 2 0 2 3.0
6 UBM001 INTRODUCTION TO 3 1 0 3.5

TOTAL 15 3 8 23.5
1 UMA015 CALCULUS-I 4 1 0 4.5
4 UBM002 ORIENTATION AND 2 0 4 4.0
5 UEN003 ENERGY AND 3 0 0 3.0

TOTAL 18 4 8 24.0


2 UMA016 CALCULUS-II 4 1 0 4.5
UBM024 INNOVATION-I 1 0 2 3.0


TOTAL 20 4 8 27.0
1 UMA018 CALCULUS-III 4 1 0 4.5


4 UBM006 INTRODUCTION TO 3 1 0 3.5


II 1 0 2 3.0
TOTAL 19 4 6 25.0

SUMMER: For all those students who want to go to the University of Toledo for further
studies, it is mandatory to complete an online ENGLISH LANGUAGE course.
4 ELECTIVE-I 3 1 0 3.5
TOTAL 18 4 6 23.0



5 ELECTIVE-II 3 1 0 3.5
TOTAL 21 5 8 27.5


TOTAL 10 1 6 22.5


No. NO.
1 UBM891 PROJECT SEMESTER - - - 15.0
UEI610 3 0 2 4.0

2 UBM892 DESIGN PROJECT - - - 8.0

UEI613 2 0 2 3.0
Total 6 0 2 15.0
1 UBM893 START- UP SEMESTER - - - 15.0
Total Credit=187.5







Semester EL Activity**
III Design and development of IOT based measurement system
IV Design and development of IOT based monitoring and decision making
V Microcontroller based data acquisition system design
VI Design of prototype muscle
VII Deep learning applications for medical image classification
**These EL activities can be changed in subsequent years, if required.
L T P Cr
3 1 0 3.5

Course Objectives: To provide students with skills and knowledge in sequence and series,
advanced calculus and calculus of several variables which would enable them to devise solutions
for given situations they may encounter in their engineering profession.

Applications of Derivatives: Mean value theorems and their geometrical interpretation, Cartesian
graphing using first and second order derivatives, Asymptotes and dominant terms, Graphing of
polar curves, applied minimum and maximum problems.
Sequences and Series: Introduction to sequences and Infinite series, Tests for
convergence/divergence, Limit comparison test, Ratio test, Root test, Cauchy integral test,
Alternating series, Absolute convergence and conditional convergence.
Series Expansions: Power series, Taylor series, Convergence of Taylor series, Error estimates,
Term by term differentiation and integration.
Partial Differentiation: Functions of several variables, Limits and continuity, Chain rule, Change
of variables, Partial differentiation of implicit functions, Directional derivatives and its properties,
Maxima and minima by using second order derivatives.
Multiple Integrals: Change of order of integration, Change of variables, Applications of multiple

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to
1) Apply the knowledge of calculus to plot graphs of functions and solve the problem of
maxima and minima.
2) Determine the convergence/divergence of infinite series, approximation of functions
using power and Taylor’s series expansion and error estimation.
3) Evaluate multiple integrals and their applications to engineering problems.
4) Examine functions of several variables, define and compute partial derivatives,
directional derivatives and their use in finding maxima and minima.
5) Analyze some mathematical problems encountered in engineering applications.

Text Books:
1. Thomas, G.B. and Finney, R.L., Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Pearson Education
2. Stewart James, Essential Calculus; Thomson Publishers (2007).
Reference Books:
1. Wider David V, Advanced Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Cengage Learning (2007).
2. Apostol Tom M, Calculus, Vol I and II, John Wiley (2003).
Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)
1. MST 30
2. EST 45
3. Sessional (Assignments/Quizzes) 25

L T P Cr
3 1 0 3.5

Course objective: The objective is to develop basic computing skills and application of
quantitative required for biological studies and rationalization of experimental designs.

Detail contents:

Differentiation: Functions, Domain and range, Properties of standard functions

(trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic) and their graphs, Limit, Continuity and
Differentiability. Differentiation of standard functions (polynomials, trigonometric, inverse
trigonometric exponentials and logarithmic), Product rule, Quotient rule, Chain rule,
Applications of derivatives in graphing, Maximum and minimum of single variable
function, Functions of several variables, Partial derivatives, Homogeneous functions,
Maximum and minimum of several variable functions.

Integration: Integral as anti-derivative, Integration: by substitution, by parts and partial

fractions, Definite integral and its properties, Double integrals, Areas of bounded regions
and rectification.

Differential Equations: Order and degree, General and particular solution of differential
equation, Techniques for solving first order ordinary differential equation and its
applications to biological problems (population growth, radioactive decay).

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): Students will be able

1. explain functions, related properties and determine their continuity and
2. apply derivatives in graphing and maxima and minima of single variable function.
3. predict integration of function using by parts, by substitution and partial fraction
methods and apply these to find areas of bounded regions and rectifications.
4. learn methods to solve first order ordinary differential equations and apply it to
biological problems.
Text books:
1. Mathematics, A Text books (Parts I & II), NCERT, New Delhi, 2011.
2. Thomas, G.B. and Finney, R.L. Calculus and Analytical Geometry, Pearson
Education, 10th ed., 2007.
Reference Books:
1. Kreyszig, Erwin, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th Edition, John Wiley,
2. Shanti Narayan, Differential and Integral Calculus, S. Chand, 2005.
Evaluation Scheme:
Sr.No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)
1. MST 30
2. EST 45
3. Sessional (May include Quizzes/Assignments) 25

L T P Cr
3 0 2 4.0

Course objective: This course is designed to explore computing and to show students
the art of computer programming. Students will learn some of the design principles for
writing good programs.

Computers Fundamentals: Classification of Computers, Application of Computers,

Basic organization of computer, Input and Output Devices, Binary Number System,
Computer memory, Computer Software.

Algorithms and Programming Languages: Algorithm, Flowcharts, Pseudocode,

Generation of Programming Languages.

C Language: Structure of C Program, Life Cycle of Program from Source code to

Executable, Compiling and Executing C Code, Keywords, Identifiers, Primitive Data
types in C, variables, constants, input/output statements in C, operators, type conversion
and type casting. Conditional branching statements, iterative statements, nested loops,
break and continue statements.

Functions: Declaration, Definition, Call and return, Call by value, Call by reference,
showcase stack usage with help of debugger, Scope of variables, Storage classes,
Recursive functions, Recursion vs Iteration.

Arrays, Strings and Pointers: One-dimensional, Two-dimensional and Multi-

dimensional arrays, operations on array: traversal, insertion, deletion, merging and
searching, Inter-function communication via arrays: passing a row, passing the entire
array, matrices. Reading, writing and manipulating Strings, understanding computer
memory, accessing via pointers, pointers to arrays, dynamic allocation, drawback of

Linear and Non-Linear Data Structures: Linked lists, stacks and queues.

Laboratory work:
To implement Programs for various kinds of programming constructs in C Language.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):
On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Comprehend concepts related to computer hardware and software, draw
flowcharts and write algorithm/pseudocode.
2. Write, compile and debug programs in C language, use different data types,
operators and console I/O function in a computer program.
3. Design programs involving decision control statements, loop control statements,
case control structures, arrays, strings, pointers, functions and implement the
dynamics of memory by the use of pointers.
4. Comprehend the concepts of linear and Non-Linear data structures by
implementing linked lists, stacks and queues.

Evaluation scheme
Sr. no. Evaluation Elements
1. MST 25
2. EST 40
Sessional (May include
3. Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quiz/Lab 35
L T P Cr
3 1 2 4.5

Course Objectives: Introduce the laws of oscillators, acoustics of buildings, ultrasonics,

electromagnetic waves, wave optics, lasers, and quantum mechanics and demonstrate
their applications in technology. Student will learn measurement principles and their
applications in investigating physical phenomenon.

Oscillations and Waves: Oscillatory motion and damping, Applications -

Electromagnetic damping – eddy current; Ultrasonics: Production and Detection of
Ultrasonic waves, Applications - Ultrasound imaging, green energy, sound signaling,
dispersion of fog, remote sensing, Car’s airbag sensor.
Electromagnetic Waves: Scalar and vector fields; Gradient, divergence, and curl;
Stokes’ and Green’s theorems; Concept of Displacement current; Maxwell’s equations;
Electromagnetic wave equations in free space and conducting media, Application - skin

Optics: Interference: Parallel and wedge-shape thin films, Newton rings, Applications
as Non-reflecting coatings, Measurement of wavelength and refractive
index. Diffraction: Single and Double slit diffraction, and Diffraction grating,
Applications - Dispersive and Resolving Powers. Polarization: Production, detection,
Applications – Anti-glare automobile headlights, Adjustable tint windows. Lasers: Basic
concepts, Laser properties, Ruby, HeNe, Biomedical LASERs (excimer, CO2, fibre and
semiconductor diode lasers), Applications – Optical communication and bio-medical
applications, Fibre Optics: Introduction, Types of fibres, Numerical aperture,
Propagation and communications in optical fibre, Attenuation and dispersions,
Applications – communications, sensors for bio-medical applications, medical diagnosis.

Magnetism and Superconductivity: Dia, Para, Ferro & Ferri magnetism, Magnetic
Anisotropy, Magnetostriction, Hysteresis and its application. Signatures of
Superconducting state, Meissner Effect, Critical field, Type I & Type II superconductors,
Introduction to BCS theory, High temperature superconductors, Applications of

Nanomaterials: Introduction – basic principle to nanoscience and technology, Structure

and bonding in nanomaterials, Carbon nanotubes, buckyballs, Applications –
Nanocomposites, chemical- and bio-sensing, Biological/bio-medical applications
Laboratory Work:
1 Determination of damping effect on oscillatory motion due to various media.
2 Determination of velocity of ultrasonic waves in liquids by stationary wave method.
3 Determination of wavelength of sodium light using Newton’s rings method.
4 Determination of dispersive power of sodium-D lines using diffraction grating.
5 Determination of specific rotation of cane sugar solution.
6 Study and proof of Malus’ law in polarization.
7 Determination of beam divergence and beam intensity of a given laser.
8 Determination of displacement and conducting currents through a dielectric.
9 Determination of Planck’s constant.

Micro Project: Students will be asked to solve physics-based problems/assignments

analytically or using computer simulations, etc.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

1. Understand damped and simple harmonic motion and generation and detection of
ultrasonic waves.
2. Use Maxwell’s equations to describe propagation of EM waves in a medium.
3. Demonstrate interference, diffraction and polarization of light.
4. Explain the working principle of Lasers and fibre optics and their different applications.
5. An understanding of magnetic and superconducting properties of materials and their
6. Understand the Nanoscience and applications.

Text Books:
1. Jenkins, F.A. and White, H.E., Fundamentals of Optics, McGraw Hill(2001).
2. Beiser, A., Concept of Modern Physics, Tata McGraw Hill(2007).
3. Griffiths, D.J., Introduction to Electrodynamics, Prentice Hall of India(1999).

Reference Books:
1. Pedrotti, Frank L., Pedrotti, Leno S., and Pedrotti, Leno M., Introduction to
Optics, Pearson Prentice HallTM(2008).
2. Wehr, M.R, Richards, J.A., Adair, T.W., Physics of The Atom, Narosa Publishing
House (1990).
3. Verma, N.K., Physics for Engineers, Prentice Hall of India (2014)
Evaluation Scheme

Event Weightage
Mid-Sem Test 25
Tut/Sessional 7
Lab + Project 25
Quiz 8
End-Sem Test 35
Total 100
(6 Self effort hours)

L T P Cr
1 0 2 5.0
Course Objectives: To develop design skills according to a Conceive-Design-Implement-
Operate (CDIO) compliant methodology. To apply engineering sciences through learning-
by-doing project work. To provide a framework to encourage creativity and innovation. To
develop team work and communication skills through group-based activity. To foster self-
directed learning and critical evaluation.
To provide a basis for the technical aspects of the project a small number of lectures are
incorporated into the module. As the students would have received little in the way of formal
engineering instruction at this early stage in the degree course, the level of the lectures is to
be introductory with an emphasis on the physical aspects of the subject matter as applied to
the ‘Mangonel’ project. The lecture series include subject areas such as Materials, Structures,
Dynamics and Digital Electronics delivered by experts in the field.
This module is delivered using a combination of introductory lectures and participation by
the students in 15 “activities”. The activities are executed to support the syllabus of the
course and might take place in specialised laboratories or on the open ground used for firing
the Mangonel. Students work in groups throughout the semester to encourage teamwork,
cooperation and to avail of the different skills of its members. In the end the students work
in sub-groups to do the Mangonel throwing arm redesign project. They assemble and operate
a Mangonel, based on the lectures and tutorials assignments of mechanical engineering they
experiment with the working, critically analyse the effect of design changes and implement
the final project in a competition. Presentation of the group assembly, redesign and
individual reflection of the project is assessed in the end.

Breakup of lecture details to be taken up by MED:

Lec No. Topic Contents
Lec 1 Introduction The Mangonel Project. History. Spreadsheet.
Lec 2 PROJECTILE no DRAG, Design spread sheet simulator for it.
Lec 3 PROJECTILE with DRAG, Design spread sheet simulator for it.
Lec 6 REDESIGNING THE Design constraints and limitations of materials for
MANGONEL redesigning the Mangonel for competition as a group.
Lec 7 MANUFACTURING Manufacturing and assembling the Mangonel.
Lec 8 SIMULATION IN Simulation as an Analysis Tool in Engineering
Lec 9 ROLE OF The Role of Modelling in Engineering Design.

Breakup of lecture details to be taken up by ECED:

Lec No. Topic Contents
Lec 1-5 Digital Prototype, Architecture, Using the Integrated Development
Electronics Environment (IDE) to Prepare an Arduino Sketch, structuring an
Arduino Program, Using Simple Primitive Types (Variables),
Simple programming examples. Definition of a sensor and

Tutorial Assignment / Laboratory Work:

Associated Laboratory/Project Program: T- Mechanical Tutorial, L- Electronics Laboratory,
W- Mechanical Workshop of “Mangonel” assembly, redesign, operation and reflection.
Title for the weekly work in 15 weeks Code
Using a spread sheet to develop a simulator T1
Dynamics of projectile launched by a Mangonel - No Drag T2
Dynamics of projectile launched by a Mangonel - With Drag T3
Design against failure under static actions T4
Design against failure under dynamic actions T5
Electronics hardware and Arduino controller L1
Electronics hardware and Arduino controller L2
Programming the Arduino Controller L3
Programming the Arduino Controller L4
Final project of sensors, electronics hardware and programmed Arduino
controller based measurement of angular velocity of the “Mangonel” throwing L5
Assembly of the Mangonel by group W1
Assembly of the Mangonel by group W2
Innovative redesign of the Mangonel and its testing by group W3
Innovative redesign of the Mangonel and its testing by group W4
Final inter group competition to assess best redesign and understanding of the
Project: The Project will facilitate the design, construction and analysis of a “Mangonel”. In
addition to some introductory lectures, the content of the students’ work during the semester
will consist of:
1. the assembly of a Mangonel from a Bill Of Materials (BOM), detailed engineering

drawings of parts, assembly instructions, and few prefabricated parts ;

2. the development of a software tool to allow the trajectory of a “missile” to be studied

as a function of various operating parameters in conditions of no-drag and drag due to


3. a structural analysis of certain key components of the Mangonel for static and dynamic

stresses using values of material properties which will be experimentally determined;

4. the development of a micro-electronic system to allow the angular velocity of the

throwing arm to be determined;

5. testing the Mangonel;

6. redesigning the throwing arm of the Mangonel to optimise for distance without

compromising its structural integrity;

7. an inter-group competition at the end of the semester with evaluation of the group

redesign strategies.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

1. simulate trajectories of a mass with and without aerodynamic drag using a spreadsheet
based software tool to allow trajectories be optimized;
2. perform a test to acquire an engineering material property of strength in bending and
analyze the throwing arm of the “Mangonel” under conditions of static and dynamic
3. develop and test software code to process sensor data;
4. design, construct and test an electronic hardware solution to process sensor data;
5. construct and operate a Roman catapult “Mangonel” using tools, materials and
assembly instructions, in a group, for a competition;
6. operate and evaluate the innovative redesign of elements of the “Mangonel” for
functional and structural performance;
Text Books:
1. Michael McRoberts, Beginning Arduino, Technology in action publications.

2. Alan G. Smith, Introduction to Arduino: A piece of cake, CreateSpace Independent

Publishing Platform (2011)

Reference Book:
1. John Boxall, Arduino Workshop - A Hands-On Introduction with 65 Projects, No Starch
Press (2013)

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)
1 MST -
2 EST -
Sessional: (may include the following)
Mechanical Tutorial Assignments 30
Electronics Hardware and software Practical work in 30
3 Assessment of Mechanical contents in Lectures and 10
Tutorials and Electronics contents in Lectures and Practical.
Project (Assembly of the “Mangonel”, innovative redesign 30
with reflection, prototype competition, Final Presentation
and viva-voce

L T P Cr
2 0 2 3.0

Course Objective: To introduce the students to effective professional communication. The

student will be exposed to effective communication strategies and different modes of
communication. The student will be able to analyze his/ her communication behavior and that of
the others. By learning and adopting the right strategies, the student will be able to apply effective
communication skills, professionally and socially.

Effective Communication: Meaning, Barriers, Types of communication and Essentials.

Interpersonal Communication skills.

Effective Spoken Communication: Understanding essentials of spoken communication, Public

speaking, Discussion Techniques, Presentation strategies.

Effective Professional and Technical writing: Paragraph development, Forms of writing,

Abstraction and Summarization of a text; Technicalities of letter writing, internal and external
organizational communication. Technical reports, proposals and papers.

Effective non-verbal communication: Knowledge and adoption of the right nonverbal cues of
body language, interpretation of the body language in professional context. Understanding
Proxemics and other forms of nonverbal communication.

Communicating for Employment: Designing Effective Job Application letter and resumes;
Success strategies for Group discussions and Interviews.

Communication Networks in Organizations: Types, barriers and overcoming the barriers.

Laboratory Work:
1. Pre -assessment of spoken and written communication and feedback.
2. Training for Group Discussions through simulations and role plays.
3. Training for effective presentations.
4. Project based team presentations.
5. Proposals and papers-review and suggestions.

Minor Project (if any): Team projects on technical report writing and presentations.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):
1. Understand and appreciate the need of communication training.
2. Use different strategies of effective communication.
3. Select the most appropriate mode of communication for a given situation.
4. Speak assertively and effectively.
5. Correspond effectively through different modes of written communication.
6. Write effective reports, proposals and papers.
7. Present himself/herself professionally through effective resumes and interviews.
Text Books:
1. Lesikar R.V and Flately M.E., Basic Business Communication Skills for the Empowering
the Internet Generation. Tata Mc Graw Hill. New Delhi (2006).
2. Raman, M & Sharma, S., Technical Communication Principles and Practice, Oxford
University Press New Delhi(2011).
3. Mukherjee H.S., Business Communication-Connecting at Work, Oxford University Press
New Delhi, (2013).

Reference Books:
1. Butterfield, Jeff., Soft Skills for everyone, Cengage Learning New Delhi,(2013).
2. Robbins, S.P., & Hunsaker, P.L., Training in Interpersonal Skills, Prentice Hall of India
New Delhi,(2008).
3. Di Sianza,J.J & Legge, N.J. ,Business and Professional Communication, Pearson
Education India New Delhi,(2009).

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. Weightage
Evaluation Elements
No. (%)
1 MST 25
2 EST 45
Sessional (Group Discussions; professional presentations; panel
3 30
discussions; public speaking; projects, quizzes)

L T P Cr
3 1 0 3.5

Course objective: The students will learn that engineering principles can be applied to living
systems and to demonstrate key principles and engineering concepts taught in various courses
throughout the Biomedical Engineering

Detail contents:
Basic Concepts: Numbers, Units and Consistency Checks: Introduction, Numbers and
significant figures, Scientific Notation, Accuracy and Precision, Dimensions and units, SI Units,
Keeping Track of Units in Equations, English and Other Units, Conversion factors, The Use of
Weight to Describe Mass, Consistency checks, Reality Check, Units Check, Ranging Check

Darcy’s Law: Pressure-Driven Transport through Membranes: Introduction – Biological and

Man-Made Membranes, Darcy’s Law, Ideal and Non ideal Materials, Mechanical Filtration

Poiseuille’s Law: Pressure-Driven Flow Through Tubes: Introduction – Biological Transport,

Poiseuille’s Law, Simplified Version of Poiseuille’s Law, Assumptions for Poiseuille’s Law,
Power Expended in the Flow, Series and Parallel Combinations of Resistive Elements, Series,

Hooke’s Law: Elasticity of Tissues and Compliant Vessels: Introduction, The Action of Forces
to Deform Tissue, HOOKE’S Law and Elastic Tissues, Compliant Vessels, Incompressible Flow
of Compliant Vessels

Starling’s Law of the Heart, Windkessel Elements and Conservation of Volume: Introduction
– Compliance of the Ventricles, Pressure-Volume Plots: the pv Loop, STARLING’S LAWOF
THE HEART, Windkessel Elements, Conservation of Volume in Incompressible Fluids

Euler’s Method and First-Order Time Constants: Introduction: Differential Equations,

Euler’s Method, Waveforms of Pressure and Volume, First-Order Time Constants

Muscle, Leverage, Work, Energy and Power: Introduction: Muscle, Levers and Moments,
Work, Energy, Power, Power in Fluid Flow

Ohm’s Law: Current, Voltage and Resistance: Introduction, Charge, Electric Field, Current,
Voltage, Ohm’s Law, Fluid Analogies, Sign Conventions for Voltage and Current, Resistivity of
Bulk Materials, Diodes and Other Non-Ohmic Circuit Elements, Power Loss in Resistors
Kirchhoff’s Voltage and Current Laws: Circuit Analysis: Introduction, Kirchhoff’s Voltage
Law (KVL), Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL), Resistive Circuit Analysis Using the Branch Current

Series and Parallel Combinations of Resistors and Capacitors: Introduction, Resistors in

Series, Resistors in Parallel, Capacitors in Series, Capacitors in Parallel, Voltage Divider, Current

Course learning Outcomes (CLO)

Student will be able to:

1. Understand the basic concepts of numbers, units and consistency checks

2. Apply Darcy’s Law, Poiseuille’s Law, Hooke’s Law, Starling’s Law and Euler’s Method
on physiological system
3. comprehend the Muscle, Leverage, Work, Energy and Power for the system
4. Apply Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Voltage and Current Laws, Series and Parallel
Combinations of Resistors and Capacitors for solving circuits.

Text Book:
1. Introduction to Biomedical Engineering: Biomechanics and Bioelectricity Part I & II,”
D.A. Christensen, Synthesis Lectures on Biomedical Engineering, Morgan & Claypool
2. Introduction to Biomedical Engineering 2nd Edition, by John Enderle, Joseph
Bronzino, Susan M. Blanchard, Elsevier Academic Press (2005)

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)
1. MST 30
2. EST 45
3. Sessional (Assignments/Quizzes) 25
L T P Cr
4 1 0 4.5

Course Objectives: The aim of this course is to impart students with skills to, find limits, analyze
continuity, evaluate derivatives and sketch graphs, for a wide range of functions, including
piecewise, polynomial, rational, algebraic, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential and

Course Content:

Limits: Existence of limits, estimate numerically and graphically and evaluation of limits of
functions. Recognize and determine infinite limits and limits at infinity and interpret them with
respect to asymptotic behaviour.

Continuity: Continuity of functions at a point or on intervals and types of discontinuities.

Derivatives: Derivative of a function using the limit definition and derivative theorems. derivative
as the slope of a tangent line to a graph and the rate of change of a dependent variable with respect
to an independent variable, Mean value theorems, application of L’Hopital's rule to evaluate limits
in indeterminate forms.

Higher Order Derivatives: Evaluation of higher order derivatives of a function explicitly and
implicitly and to solve related rates problems.

Graph Sketching: Absolute extrema on a closed interval for continuous functions, determining
intervals on which the graph is increasing, decreasing, constant, concave up or concave down,
finding any relative extrema or inflection points sketching the of graph of a function by using first
and second derivatives, applications of maxima and minima (optimization).

Antiderivatives: Determine antiderivatives, evaluate the indefinite and definite integrals using
antiderivatives and substitution method, Fundamental theorem of integral calculus.

Course learning outcome: Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1) determine the existence of the limits of various functions and analyze them with respect to
asymptotic behavior.
2) analyze the continuity and discontinuities of functions at a point or on intervals.
3) determine the derivative of a function and interpret the derivative as the slope of a curve.
4) apply the knowledge of calculus to plot graphs of functions and solve the problem of
maxima and minima.
5) evaluate indefinite and definite integrals of a functions.
Text Books:
1) Thomas’ Calculus, George B. Thomas, Pearson Education, 2014, 14th edition.
2) Calculus Volume I, OpenStax (ISBN: 9781938168024), Contributing Authors: Edwin Jed
Hermanand Gilbert Strang. The book is available for free at
3) Mathematics, A Text book (Parts I & II), NCERT, New Delhi, 2011.
4) Stewart James, Essential Calculus; Thomson Publishers (2007), 6thed.

Reference Books:
1) Wider David V, Advanced Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Cengage Learning (2007).
2) Apostol Tom M, Calculus, Vol I and II, John Wiley (2003).
3) Brown J.W and Chruchill R.V, Complex variables and applications, MacGraw Hill, (7th
4) Kasana, H.S., Complex Variables: Theory and Applications, Prentice Hall India, 2005 (2nd

Evaluation Scheme:
S.No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)
1. MST 30
2. EST 45
3. Sessional (May include assignments/quizzes) 25
L T P Cr
3 1 2 4.5

Course Objective: The course aims at understanding the physical and chemical properties of
atoms, molecules and ions.
Detail Contents:
Chemical Tools: Experimentation and Measurements: Significant figures, Rounding Numbers,
Accuracy and precision, Mean and median, Average deviation, Standard deviation, Relative
standard deviation, Sample mean and population mean, Q-test, F-test, T-test.
Atoms, Molecules and Ions: Recapitulation of basic concepts, an introduction to atomic and
molecular spectroscopy, Beer-Lambert’s Law.
Mass Relationships in Chemical Reactions: Representation of chemical reactions, Balancing
chemical equations: Oxidation number and ion electron methods, Stoichiometric calculations:
Amounts of reactants and products.
Reactions in Aqueous Solution: Recapitulation of basic concepts, Measuring the concentration
in solutions: Volumetric titration (acid-base, redox and complexometric), Instrument based
titrations (conductometry, potentiometry and pH-metry).
Periodicity and Electronic Structure of Atoms: Electromagnetic radiations, Particle like
behavior, Photoelectric effect, Black-body radiation, Plank’s Postulate, Wave-particle duality, de
Broglie’s hypothesis, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Quantum mechanical model of atom,
Concepts of orbital and quantum numbers, Pauli’s exclusion principle, Periodic trends: Electronic
configuration, Atomic radii.
Ionic Compounds: Periodic Trends and Bonding Theory: Electronic configuration of ions,
Periodic trends: Electronegativity and Electron affinity, Ionization energy, Formation of ionic
bonds, Lattice energy of solids.
Covalent Bonding and Electron-Dot structures: Covalent bonding, Formation of covalent bond,
Electron-dot structure, Concept of polarity and dipole moment.
Covalent Bonding: Bonding Theories and Molecular Structure: VSEPR model, Valence bond
theory, Concept of hybridization, Molecular Orbital Theory, MO diagrams of diatomic molecules,
MO diagrams of π-bonded systems, Conjugated systems, Huckel’s rule.
Thermochemistry: Changes in internal energy, enthalpy in chemical reactions, Exothermic and
Endothermic reactions, Concept of heat capacity, Kirchhoff’s Equation, Hess’s Law.
Gases: Their Properties and Behavior: Kinetic theory of gas, Collision and Mean free path,
Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution Law of Molecular Velocities, Concept of ideal and real gases,
Behavior of real gases: van der Waal’s equation.

Course Learning Outcomes: The students will be able to reflect on:

1. Concepts of analytical tools of experimentation and measurements; atoms, molecules and
2. Periodicity, electronic structure and behavior of atoms.
3. Mass relationships and chemical reactions in aqueous solution.
4. Concepts of ionic and covalent bondings, VSEPR Model, valence bond theory and
molecular orbital theory.
5. Thermochemistry, properties of gases and their behavior.
6. Laboratory techniques like pH metry, potentiometry, colourimetry, conductometry and
volumetry .

Recommended Books
1. Lee, J.D., Concise Inorganic Chemistry, ELBS, (2008) 5th ed.
2. Sharpe, E., Inorganic Chemistry, Pearson Education (2003) 3rded.
3. Skoog, D.A., West, D.M., Holler, F.J., and Crouch, S.R., Fundamentals of Analytical
Chemistry, Brooks/Cole (2003) 8thed.
4. Atkins, P.W., Physical Chemistry, W.H. Freeman (2018) 11thed.
5. Castellan, G. W., Physical Chemistry, Narosa (2004) 4thed.
6. Zumdahl, S. S.; Chemistry Concepts and Applications, Cengage Learning, (2009),1st ed.

List of Experiments
1. To determine the amount of NaOH and Na2CO3 present in the same solution.
2. To find the temporary and permanent hardness of water sample by complexometric
titration using standard EDTA solution.
3. To determine the copper content of a given sample solution of copper ore using 0.1 N
sodium thiosulphate solution iodometrically.
4. To estimate the available chlorine in bleaching powder.
5. To determine the amount of Fe+2 and Fe+3 ions by permanganometry.
6. To find out the total alkalinity and sulphate content in a water sample.
7. To determine the strength of given sodium hydroxide solution by titration with standard
hydrochloric acid conductometrically.
8. Determine pKa value of acetic acid by pH-metric titration.
9. Spectrophotometric determination of Fe2+ with 1,10-phenanthroline.
10. To titrate potentiometrically FAS solution against potassium permanganate and to
determine the standard electrode potential of Fe2+ / Fe3+ system.

Evaluated Scheme
MST EST Sessional (May include Quizzes/Assignments/Lab
25 40 35

L T P Cr
3 1 2 4.5

Elementary Concepts: Concept of Potential difference and EMF. Ohm’s law, effect of
temperature on resistance, resistance temperature coefficient. SI units of work Power and Energy.
D. C. Circuits (Only Independent sources): Kirchhoff’s law, ideal and practical voltage and
current sources. Mesh and Nodal analysis (Super node and super mesh excluded). Source
transformation. Star delta transformation. Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem Norton’s
theorem, maximum power transfer theorem.
Steady state analysis of DC Circuits: The ideal capacitor, permittivity, parallel plate capacitor,
variable capacitor; charging and discharging characterization, time-constant, rise-time, fall-time;
inductor energization and de-energization, inductance current-voltage relationship, time-constant;
Transient response of RL, and RC circuits.
A.C. Fundamentals: Sinusoidal voltage and currents, their mathematical and graphical
representation, concept of cycle period, frequency, instantaneous, peak, average, r.m.s. values,
peak factor, and form factor, phase difference, lagging, leading and in phase quantities and phasor
representation. Series and parallel circuits, fundamentals of resonance in AC circuits
Electromagnetism: Electromagnetic induction, Dot convention, Equivalent inductance, Analysis
of Magnetic circuits, AC excitation of magnetic circuit, Iron Losses, Fringing and stacking,
applications: solenoids and relays.
Laboratory Work:
Verification of KVL and KCL, Superposition, Thevenin and Norton theorems, Measurement of R,
L, C parameters, A.C. series and parallel circuits, Computer aided analysis of RL and RC circuits,
Magnetic circuits.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):
After the completion of the course the students will be able to:
1. Apply networks laws and theorems to solve electric circuits.
2. Analyze steady state response of DC circuits.
3. Signify AC quantities through phasor and compute AC system behavior during
steady state.
4. To understand the basic concepts of electro magnetism and electrostatics.
Text Books:
1. Hughes, E., Smith, I.M., Hiley, J. and Brown, K., Electrical and Electronic Technology,
PHI (2008).
2. Nagrath, I.J. and Kothari, D.P., Basic Electrical Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill (2002).
3. Naidu, M.S. and Kamashaiah, S., Introduction to Electrical Engineering, Tata McGraw
Hill (2007).
Reference Books:
1. Chakraborti, A., Basic Electrical Engineering, Tata McGraw−Hill (2008).
2. Del Toro, V., Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, Prentice−Hall of India Private Limited

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)
1. MST 25
2. EST 45
3. Sessional 30
L T P Cr
3 1 0 3.5

Description: This course covers the topics of the operations with free body concept, equilibrium
of coplanar and non-coplanar force systems, analysis of trusses, friction and centroids, center of
gravity and moment of inertia.
Introduction to statics: Introduction, Newtonian Mechanics, Fundamental Properties of Vectors,
Representation of Vectors Using Rectangular Components, and Vector Multiplication

Basic Operation with Force Systems: Equivalence of Vectors, Force, Reduction of Concurrent
Force Systems, Moment of a Force about a Point, Moment of a Force about an axis, Couples,
Change the Line of Action of a Force.

Resultant of Force Systems: Reduction of Force System to a Force and a Couple, Definition of
Resultant, Resultant of Coplanar Force Systems, Resultant of Three-Dimensional Systems,
Introduction to Distributed Normal Loads.

Coplanar Equilibrium Analysis: Definition of Equilibrium, Free-Body Diagram of a body,

Coplanar Equilibrium Equations, Writing and Solving Equilibrium Equations, Equilibrium
Analysis for Single-Body Problems, Free-Body Diagrams involving Internal Reactions,
Equilibrium Analysis of Composite bodies, Analysis of Trusses, Method of Joints, Method of

Three-Dimensional Equilibrium: Free-body Diagrams, Independent Equilibrium equations,

Improper Constraints, Writing and Solving Equilibrium equations, Equilibrium Analysis

Friction: Coulomb’s theory of Friction, Problem Classification and Analysis, Impending Tipping
Angle of Friction: Wedges and Screws, Ropes and Flat belts

Centroids and Center of Gravity: Centroids of Plane Areas and Curves, Centroids of Curved
surfaces, Volumes, and Space curves, Theorem of Pappus- Guldinus
Moment of Inertia: Moment of Inertia of Areas, Moment of inertia about the centroidal axes

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): The students will be able to:

1. Draw free body diagrams
2. Write and solve equilibrium equations for particles and rigid bodies
3. Find internal and external reactions for rigid bodies
4. Find centroids and moments of inertia for plane figures
5. Draw shear and bending moment diagrams for statically determinate structures.
6. Present solutions to simple engineering problems in a professional manner

Text Books:
1. Shames, I. H. Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, Pearson Education India (2006).
2. Beer, Johnston, Clausen and Staab, Vector Mechanics for Engineers, Dynamics, McGraw-
Hill Higher Education (2003).

Reference Books:
1. Hibler, T.A., Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics, Prentice Hall (2012).
2. Timoshenko and Young, Engineering Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private
Limited, (2006).
3. J. L. Meriam and L. G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics, Vol I – Statics, Vol II – Dynamics,
6th Ed, John Wiley, 2008.

Evaluation Scheme:

Sr. No. Evaluation Elements Weights (%)

1. MST 30
2. EST 45
3. Sessional (may include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quiz 25
L T P Cr
3 0 0 3.0

Course Objectives:
The exposure to this course would facilitate the students in understanding the terms,
definitions and scope of environmental and energy issues pertaining to current global
scenario; understanding the value of regional and global natural and energy resources; and
emphasize on need for conservation of energy and environment.

Introduction: Natural Resources & its types, Concept of sustainability and sustainable
use of natural resources, Pollution based environmental issues and case studies

Conventions on Climate Change: Origin of Conference of Parties (COPs), United Nations

Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC); Kyoto Protocol, instruments of protocol – CDM, JI and IET;
Montreal Action Plan; Paris Agreement and post-Paris scenario.

Air Pollution: Origin, Sources and effects of air pollution; Primary and secondary
meteorological parameters; Wind roses; Atmospheric Stability; Inversion; Plume behavior;
Management of air pollution: Source reduction and Air Pollution Control Devices for
particulates and gaseous pollutants in stationary and mobile sources.

Water Pollution: Origin, Sources of water pollution, Category of water pollutants, Physico-
Chemical characteristics, Components of wastewater treatment systems, Advanced
treatment technologies.

Solid waste management: Introduction to solid waste management, Sources, characteristics

of municipal and industrial solid waste, Solid waste management methods: Incineration,
composting, Biomethanation, landfill, E-waste management, Basal convention.

Energy Resources: Classification of Energy Resources; Conventional energy, resources-

Coal, petroleum and natural gas, nuclear energy, hydroelectric power; Non- conventional
energy resources- Biomass energy, Thermo-chemical conversion and biochemical
conversion route; Generation of Biogas and biodiesel as fuels; Solar energy-active and
passive solar energy absorption systems; Type of collectors; Thermal and photo conversion
applications; Wind energy.

Facilitated through Online Platforms

Ecology and Environment: Concept of an ecosystem; structural and functional units of an
ecosystem; Food Chain, Food Web, Trophic Structures and Pyramids; Energy flow;
Ecological Succession; Types, Characteristics, Biodiversity, Biopiracy.

Human Population and the Environment: Population growth, variation among nations;
Population explosion – Family Welfare Programmes; Environment and human health;
Human Rights; Value Education; Women and Child Welfare; Role of Information
Technology in Environment and Human Health, Environmental Ethics.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

On the completion of course, students will be able to:
1. Comprehend the interdisciplinary context with reference to the environmental issues and
case studies
2. Assess the impact of anthropogenic activities on the various elements of environment
and apply suitable techniques to mitigate their impact.
3. Conceptualize and explain the structural and functional features of ecological systems
4. Correlate environmental concerns with the conventional energy sources associated and
assess the uses and limitations of non-conventional energy technologies

Recommended Books
1. Moaveni, S., Energy, Environment and Sustainability, Cengage (2018)
2. Down to Earth, Environment Reader for Universities, CSE Publication (2018)
3. Chapman, J.L. and Reiss, M.J., Ecology - Principles and Application, Cambridge
University Press (LPE) (1999).
4. Eastop, T.P. and Croft, D.R. Energy Efficiency for Engineers and Technologists,
Longman and Harow (2006).
5. O’Callagan, P.W., Energy Management, McGraw Hill Book Co. Ltd. (1993).
6. Peavy H.S. and Rowe D.R. Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill (2013).

Evaluation Scheme:
S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)
1. MST 30
2. EST 50
3. Sessional /Quizzes Evaluations 20

L T P Cr
2 0 4 4.0

Course Objectives: The students will understand the basic principles of programming and of
implementing mathematical concepts in MATLAB. Specifically, they will be able to write
numerical algorithms and evaluate the computational results using graphical representations

Detail contents:


Basics and User interface: File Handling, User Interface, Pull Down Menus, Command Manager,
Mouse Buttons, Keyboard Shortcuts.

Sketching: 2D Sketching, Sketching Planes, Entities, Relations, Dimensioning.

Part Modeling: Extrusion Boss, Cut, Revolve, Hole, Fillet, Round, Chamfers, Sweep, Loft,
Patterns- Linear & Circular, Shelling and Ribs, Draft Standard views, Base Feature, Editing Tools.

Bottom Up Assembly Modeling: Adding & Manipulating Components, Assembly constraints,

Sub-assemblies, Mass Properties, Interference Check, Exploded Assemblies, Bill of Materials,
Adding Balloons.

Creating Drawings: Drawing views, Driving and Driven Dimensions, Associativity, Creating
section views, Annotations.

MATLAB Fundamentals: Variables, The workspace, Arrays: Vectors and matrices, Vertical
motion under gravity, Operators, expressions, and statements, Output, Repeating with for
Decisions, Complex numbers

Program Design and Algorithm Development: The program design process, Programming
MATLAB functions

MATLAB Functions and Data Import-Export Utilities: Common functions, Importing and
exporting data

Logical Vectors: Logical operators, Subscripting with logical vectors, Logical functions, Logical
vectors instead of elseif ladders
Matrices and Arrays: Matrices, Matrix operations, Other matrix functions, Population growth:
Leslie matrices, Markov processes, Linear equations, Sparse matrices

Function M-files: Newton's method again, Basic rules, Function handles, Command/function
duality, Function name resolution, Debugging M-files, Recursion

MATLAB Graphics: Basic 2-D graphs, 3-D plots, Handle graphics, Editing plots, Animation,
Color etc., Lighting and camera, Saving, printing and exporting graphs

Vectors as Arrays and Other Data Structures: Update processes, Frequencies, bar charts and
histograms, Sorting, Structures, Cell arrays, Classes and objects

Errors and Pitfalls: Syntax errors, Logic errors, rounding error

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

Students will be able to
1. Creatively comprehend geometrical details of common engineering objects and
2. Use parametric 3D CAD software tools for creating their geometric part models,
assemblies and automated drawings.
3. Translate mathematical methods to MATLAB code
4. Break a complex task up into smaller, simpler tasks
5. Represent mathematical objects as data structures
6. Tabulate results and represent data visually

Text Books:
1. Tickoo Sham, SOLIDWORKS 2018 for Designers, 16th Edition, CADCIM
Technologies (2018)
2. Ronald E. Barr, Davor Juricic, Thomas J. Krueger, Engineering & Computer Graphics
Workbook Using SOLIDWORKS 2019, SDC Publications, ISBN: 978-1-63057-219-8
3. MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications, by Amos Gilat, 2nd edition, Wiley, 2004,
ISBN-13 978-0471694205.
4. Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, 5th Edition by B. Hahn and D. Valentine,
Academic Press, (2013).
Evaluation Scheme:
Sr.No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)
1. MST 25
2. EST 35 (Lab based exam)
3. Sessional (May include Quizzes/Assignments/Lab 40

L T P Cr

3 1 2 4.5

Course objective: The students will become aware of planer motion and kinematics of particles,
Newton's Law and conservation principles, vibrational and rotational motions.

Kinematics: Motion in One Dimension, Acceleration, Motion with Constant Acceleration,

Motion in Two and Three Dimensions, Circular Motion: Geometrical and Analytic Methods,
Motion of a Freely Falling Body.

Newton’s laws: Statics of Particles: Newton's First Law; Forces, Inertial and non-inertial Frames,
Quantitative Definition of Force; Statics of Particles, Examples of Static Equilibrium of Particles,
Newton's Third Law, Tension, Friction, Kinetic Friction. Dynamics of Particles: Dynamics of
Particles, Motion of Planets and Satellites, Newton's Law of Gravitation, Newton's 2nd Law of
Motion, Applications of Newton’s laws of motion

Work, Energy and Momentum: Work-Energy Theorem, Potential and Kinetic Energy, Principle
of Conservation of Momentum and energy, Elastic and Inelastic Collisions, Relative Velocity in
One-Dimensional Elastic Collisions, Two Dimensional Elastic Collisions, Center of Mass, Time-
Averaged Force.

Simple Harmonic Motion: Hooke's Law, Differential Equation for Simple Harmonic Motion and
its solutions, Geometrical representation of Simple Harmonic Motion, Energy Conservation in
Simple Harmonic Motion, Static Equilibrium of rigid bodies and extended bodies, Small
Oscillations of a Pendulum

Central forces and Rigid Body dynamics: Angular Momentum and Central Forces, One and
Many Body Problems, Kepler’s Law of Planetary Motion, Simple Rotational Motion, Rolling
Motion, Conservation of angular momentum, Work-Energy for Rigid Body Dynamics.

List of Experiments:
1. To study linear motion under low friction and plot distance, velocity, momentum, energy
(kinetic, potential and total) and acceleration as a function of time.
2. To study dependence of kinetic energy on mass and velocity.
3. To study elastic/inelastic collisions: conservation of momentum.
4. To compare static and dynamic friction, dependence of dynamic friction on area in
contact and perpendicular force between two surfaces.
5. To find the moment of inertia of wheel.
6. To find the moment of inertia of irregular body about its center of gravity with a torsion
7. (a) To find the angular acceleration of flywheel.
(b) To find the torque and hence, to find the moment of inertia of a flywheel.
8. To compare the moment of inertia of a solid sphere and a hollow sphere (or solid disc) of
same mass using torsion pendulum and hence to show that moment of inertia depends on
distribution of mass.
9. To determine value of ‘g’ at a place using Kater’s pendulum.
10. To plot a graph between the distance of knife-edges from center of gravity and time
period of a compound pendulum. From graph, find
(a) Acceleration due to gravity ‘g’.
(b) Radius of gyration and moment of inertia of the bar about an axis through the center
of gravity.


The course learning outcomes are as follows:

1. Demonstrate the ability to use appropriate mathematical techniques to address physics

2. Demonstrate the concepts of kinematics of particle in various dimensions.
3. To understand and analyze static and dynamic features of particles.
4. Explain and apply the concept of energy, momentum and related conservation laws.
5. Enhance to ability of students to interpret the vibrational, rotational motion of particle
and dynamics of rigid body.
6. Perform experiments related to Kinematics, Newton’s Laws, Energy/momentum
conservation, simple harmonic motion and rigid body dynamics

Recommended Books:

1. Resnick & Halliday, Physics Vol.1 & 2, Publisher Willey.

2. John D. Cutnell & D. Yang, Introduction to Physics, Publisher Willey.
3. R. Serway and J. Jewett, Physics for Scientist & Engineers, CENGAGE
4. Upadhyay J.C., Fundamental of Mechanics, Himalaya Publishing House.
Evaluation Scheme:

Sr.No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)

1. MST 25

2. Tutorial 15

3. Lab & Project 25

4. EST 35
L T P Cr
4 1 0 4.5

Course Objectives: The objective is to impart students with skills and knowledge of techniques of
integration, definite integrals, sequences and series, power series and parametric curves, to be
enable them to solve the requisite biological problems.

Review Topics:
Coordinate Geometry: Rectangular coordinate system, Straight lines, Circles (in standard form

Course Contents:

Techniques of Integration: Integration by substitution, integration by parts, trigonometric

substitution, and integration by using partial fraction decomposition.

Definite Integrals: Definite Integrals to model physical, biological or economic situations.

Applications of Definite integrals (area of planar curves, volume of solids of revolution, arc-length,
area of surfaces of revolution, centroids, work, and fluid forces) Riemann sum and representing its
limit as a definite integral.

Improper Integrals: Evaluation of improper integrals, including integrals over infinite intervals,
as well as integrals in which the integrand becomes infinite on the interval of integration.

Sequence and series: Sequences, Arithmetic progressions, Geometric progressions

Parametric/Polar Curves: Analyze curves in parametrically and in polar form and find the areas
of regions defined by such curves.

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

1) employ a variety of integration techniques to evaluate special types of integrals.

2) use antiderivatives to evaluate definite integrals and apply definite integrals in
determining area and arc-length.
3) determine the sum of a , Arithmetic progressions, Geometric progressions serirs
4) analyze curves in parametric and polar forms, and find areas of regions defined by such
Text Books:

1) Thomas’ Calculus, George B. Thomas, Pearson Education, 2014, 14th edition.

2) Calculus – Volume II, OpenStax (Print ISBN-13: 978-1-938168-06-2; Digital ISBN-13:
978-1-947172-14-2), Senior Contributing Authors: Edwin “Jed” Herman and Gilbert
Strang. The ebook is available for free at
3) Mathematics, A Text book (Parts I & II), NCERT, New Delhi, 2011.
4) Stewart James, Essential Calculus; Thomson Publishers (2007), 6th ed.

Reference Books:

1) Wider David V, Advanced Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Cengage Learning (2007).

2) Apostol Tom M, Calculus, Vol I and II, John Wiley (2003).

Evaluation Scheme:

Sr.No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)

1. MST 30

2. EST 45

3. Sessional (May include assignments/quizzes) 25


L T P Cr

4 1 0 4.5

Course Objectives: The course is designed to impart students with basic knowledge of sequence,
infinite series and their convergence, Taylor series expansion of functions, analysis and solution of
ordinary differential equations and improper integrals with emphasis on the fundamental techniques
for solving linear differential equations and their applications to practical problems.

Course Content:

Introduction to differential equations: Some Basic Mathematical Models, Standard equations,

Classification of differential equation, solutions to some differential equations.

First order differential equations: Linear Equations; Method of Integrating Factors; Separable
Equations; Modeling with First Order Equations; Differences between Linear and Nonlinear
equations exact equations and Integrating Factors.

Second order differential equations: Homogeneous Equations with Constant Coefficients,

Solutions of Linear Homogeneous Equations, Complex Roots of the Characteristic Equation; Euler
Equations, Repeated Roots, Reduction of Order, Nonhomogeneous Equations, Variation of
Parameters, Mechanical and Electrical Vibrations.

Higher order differential equations: General Theory of nth order Linear Equations, method of
Undetermined Coefficients, method of Variation of Parameters.

Laplace transforms: Definition of the Laplace Transform, Existence theorem, Various properties
of Laplace Transforms Unit Step Functions, Differential Equations with Discontinuous Forcing
Functions, Impulse Functions, The Convolution Theorem Integral. Solution of Initial and
boundary Value Problems using Laplace Transforms.
Sequences and Series: limits of sequences, Infinite Series and its convergence by using Integral
Test; Comparison Tests, Ratio and Root Tests, Alternating Series, Absolute and Conditional
Convergence; Power Series , radius and interval of convergence for the power series of various
functions., Term-by-Term Differentiation and integration ,Taylor and Maclaurin Series, Taylor
Polynomial, Convergence of Taylor series and Error estimates

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

1) solve first-order differential equations that are separable, linear or exact, also solve first-
order differential equations by making the appropriate substitutions, including
homogeneous equations.
2) use linear or non-linear first-order differential equations to solve application problems such
as exponential growth and decay.
3) solve higher-order homogeneous and non-homogenous differential equations with constant
4) perform operations with Laplace and inverse Laplace transforms to solve higher-order
differential equations.
5) analyze the convergence of power series, Taylor’s and Maclurian series using various tests.

Text Books:

1) Thomas’ Calculus, George B. Thomas, Pearson Education, 2014, 14th edition.

2) Elementary Differential Equations, Boyce and Diprima, 10th edition, Wiley , 2012.
3) Mathematics, A Text book (Parts I & II), NCERT, New Delhi, 2011.

Reference Books:

1) Simmons, G.F., Differential Equations (With Applications and Historical Notes), Tata
McGraw Hill (2009).
2) Apostol Tom M, Calculus, Vol I and II, John Wiley (2003).

Evaluation Scheme:

Sr.No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)

1. MST 30

2. EST 45

3. Sessional (May include assignments/quizzes) 25


L T P Cr
1 0 2 3.0

Course objective: Basic concepts for biomedical device design and development and
incorporating entrepreneurial mindset in freshman bioengineering students using team- and
project-based learning experiences.

Course description

❖ Problem definition
❖ Concept generalization and evaluation
❖ Intellectual property
❖ Standards and engineering ethics
❖ Detailed design
❖ Testing and validation
❖ Prototyping

Few Sample Projects:

• Upright wheel chair for prolonged bed ridden patient
• Portable refrigerator working with solar energy for carrying Vaccine or
temperature sensitive medicines, etc.
• Opening the door of public restaurant or restroom without using hand
• Posture correction smart health chair.
• Helmet that helps in social distancing
• Surgery assistant robot
• Extending heel under shoe which can be stretched when you want to pick up
something lying on the top.
• Heat sensor as well as motion sensor to detect if there is child in the car.
Course learning outcomes (CLO): Upon successful completion of the course, the students
should be able to:

1. Identify, formulate and solve complex biomedical engineering problems

2. Apply engineering design to produce solutions that meets specific needs with consideration
of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and
economic factors.
3. Function effectively on a team, meet collaborative and inclusive environment, establish
goals, plan tasks and meet objectives
4. Design and develop final product.
5. Understand the intellectual property rights and get the real-world design experiences as is
possible in academic settings
6. Improve technical documentation and presentation skills.

Evaluation Scheme
Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)
Participation, Engineering notebook 25
Review Presentation and Paper Design Review Presentation 25
Final Design Review (Poster Presentation & Demo, Written Report, 50
User Manual, Prototype & Design History File)

L T P Cr

3 1 2 4.5

Course Objective: The student will get an introduction to phase transformation, kinetics, chemical
equilibrium, thermodynamics and structure-property relationship.

Liquids, Solids and Phase Changes: States of matter, Phase, Component and Degree of freedom,
Physical properties of liquids, Surface tension, Viscosity, Crystal, Lattice, and Unit cell, Miller
indices, Diffraction of X-rays, Bragg’s law.

Solutions and their properties: Raoult’s law, Vapor pressure of ideal and non-ideal solutions,
Colligative properties.

Chemical Kinetics: Introduction, Rate laws of chemical reactions, Order and molecularity, Rate
constantans and half-life time, Arrhenius equation.

Chemical Equilibrium: Equilibrium constant, Temperature dependence of equilibrium constant:

van't Hoff reaction isotherm, Relations between Kp, Kc and Kx.

Aqueous Equilibria of Acid-Base and Applications: Concepts of acids and bases, Dissociation
of acids and bases, pH scale, Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, Buffer solutions.

Thermodynamics: Laws of thermodynamics, Spontaneous and non-spontaneous process, Partial

molar quantities, Chemical Potential.

Electrochemistry: Specific, equivalent and molar conductivity of electrolytic solutions,

Migration of ions, Electrochemical cell, Concentration cells, Liquid junction potential.

Nuclear Chemistry: Nuclear Reactions, Mass defect and binding energy, Nuclear fission and
fusion, Radioisotopes and its applications.

Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry: Recapitulation of basic concepts, General

properties and electronic configurations of d-block elements, Crystal field theory, Crystal field
splitting in octahedral, tetrahedral and square planar complexes, Spectrochemical series, Jahn-
Teller distortion.

Metals and Solid-State Materials: Dislocations in solids, Band theory of solids, Semiconductors
and classifications.

Main Group Elements: General trends in main group elements (Group IA-VIIIA).

Organic and Biological Chemistry: Structural and stereo isomerism, Optical rotation, Chiralilty,
R-S nomenclature, Interconversion of Fischer, Newman and Sawhorse projections, Role of metal
ions in biological systems, Metalloprotein.
Polymers: Classification of polymers: Thermoplastics, thermosetting plastics - properties and
industrial applications of important thermoplastic, thermosetting plastics. Conducting polymers:
Properties and applications - biodegradable polymers. conducting polymers – a comparison
between metals and CPs, applications in diversified fields.

Instrumental Methods of Analysis: Electromagnetic spectrum: EMR interaction with matter -

absorption and emission of radiation. Lambert Beer’s Law.

UV- visible spectroscopy: Principle, instrumentation – Quantitative applications of colorimetric

analysis – estimation of concentration of a typical metal ion (Iron).

IR Spectroscopy: Principle, instrumentation and Applications.

NMR Spectroscopy: Principle, instrumentation and Applications.

Nano-science and Technology: Introduction to Nano-science and technology, Synthesis methods,

Stabilizations, Self-Assembly, Lithography, CNTs and applications of nanomaterials.

List of Experiments
1. To determine the strength of calcium/magnesium ions in a given solution by
complexometric titrations.
2. To determine the amount of HCl and CH3COOH in a given mixture conduct metrically.
3. To determine the pKin value of phenolphthalein indicator in aqueous solution.
4. To determine the relative and absolute viscosities of a given liquid.
5. To determine the surface tension of a given liquid.
6. To determine the rate constant of oxidation of iodide with hydrogen peroxide.
7. To determine the solubility and solubility product of spairingly soluble salt by
conductance measurement in aqueous solution.
8. To determination the isoelectric point of an amino acid.
9. To determine the optical rotation of cane sugar.
10. Preparation and determination of pH values of buffer solutions.
11. To determine the melting point of organic molecules (demonstration only).
Course Learning Outcomes: The students will be able to reflect on:

1. Comprehend the fundamental idea of phase changes of liquids and solids and their
different aspects like colligative properties, X-ray diffraction.
2. Describe different methods to determine rate law of kinetics, concept of chemical
equilibrium, applications of acid-base equilibrium in aqueous solution. and
3. Explain the concepts of thermodynamics, electrochemistry, nuclear chemistry and
solid-state materials.
4. Comprehend the general trends of main group elements and concepts of crystal
field theory in coordination chemistry.
5. Describe the basic idea of chirality, stereoisomerism in organic reactions and
explain the role of metal ions in biological systems.
6. Laboratory techniques like volumetry, conductometry, pH-metry, potentiometry,
kinetics, optical rotation, viscosity and surface tension measurement.

Recommended Books
1. Atkins, P.W., Physical Chemistry, W.H. Freeman (1990).
2. Castellan, G. W., Physical Chemistry, Narosa (2004) 4thed.
3. Sharpe, E., Inorganic Chemistry, Pearson Education (2003) 3rded.
4. Huheey, J.E., Keiter, E.A. and Keiter, R.L., Inorganic Chemistry, Pearson Education,
(2002) 4th ed.
5. Lee, J.D., Concise Inorganic Chemistry, ELBS, (2008) 5thed.
6. Eliel, E. L., Wilen, S. H.; New York John Wiley and Sons (2004).

Evaluated Scheme
MST EST Sessional (May include Quizzes/Assignments/Lab
25 40 35
3 0 0 3.0

Course Objective: To provide basic understanding of Biomaterials viz-a-viz their structural,

physical and mechanical properties, processing techniques and response in biological systems.
Introduction to Biomaterials: Biological response to biomaterials, types of biomaterials,
properties of biomaterials.
Chemical structure of Biomaterials: Structure of metals, ceramics and polymers, techniques for
biomaterial characterization: X-ray diffraction, UV-VIS spectroscopy, Infrared spectroscopy and
Physical and Mechanical Properties of Biomaterials: Crystallinity and defects: linear, planar
and volume defects, defects in polymers, introduction to thermal analysis techniques, thermal
transitions in crystalline and non-crystalline materials.
Tensile and shear properties, creep, fracture and failure, fatigue testing, methods to improve
mechanical properties of Biomaterials.
Biomaterial Degradation: Corrosion of metals and ceramics, degradation of polymers,
biodegradable ceramics and polymers, Assays for measurement of extent of degradation.
Biomaterial Processing and Surface Properties: Processing of metals, ceramics and polymers
to improve bulk properties, processing techniques for improving biocompatibility, Chemical,
biological and physical modifications of biomaterial surfaces, contact angle analysis, surface
characterization techniques: light and electron microscopy.
Interaction of Biomaterials with protein and cells: Thermodynamics of protein adsorption,
protein structure, protein transport and adsorption kinetics, Techniques for protein estimation:
affinity chromatography, colorimetric assays.
Cellular structure and extracellular environment, cell-environment interactions, estimation of cell
– material interactions: cytotoxicity assays, DNA and RNA assays.

Biological response to Biomaterials: Overview of innate and acquired immunity, In-vitro assays
for inflammatory response, wound healing: repair vs regeneration, In-vivo assays for inflammatory
response, overview of acquired immunity, B cells and antibodies, T cells, assays for immune
response, overview of haemostasis, role of platelets, coagulation, tests for hemocompatibility,
overview of infection, tumorigenesis and pathological calcification.

Course learning Outcomes:

1. Understand physical, chemical, mechanical, surface, and degradation properties of
biomaterials and their characterization methods for medical devices and applications.
2. Have knowledge of processing of biomaterials.
3. Understand the interactions of biomaterials with proteins, cells, innate immune system,
acquired immune system, wound healing, thrombosis, infection, tumorigenesis, and pathologic

Text Book:
1. J.S. Temenoff & A.G. Mikos, Biomaterials: The Intersection of Biology and Materials
Science, Prentice Hall, 2009.
2. P Ducheyne (Editor), Comprehensive Biomaterials, 1st Edition, Elsevier, 2013
Reference Books:
1. Ratner, Buddy D., et al. Biomaterials Science: An Introduction to Materials in Medicine.
2nd ed. Burlington, MA: Academic Press 2004
2. Bhat Sujata, Biomaterials, 2nd ed. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi 2015
3. V Hasirci, N. Hasirci, Fundamentals of Biomaterials, Springer, 2018

Evaluation Scheme:

Sr.No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)

1. MST 30

2. EST 45

3. Sessional (May include assignments/quizzes) 25


L T P Cr
2 0 2 3

Course Objectives (COs): The objective of this course is to introduce values and ethical
principles, that will serve as a guide to behavior on a personal level and in professional life. The
course is designed to help the students to theorize about how leaders and managers should behave
to motivate and manage employees; to help conceptualize conflict management strategies that
managers can use to resolve organizational conflict effectively. It also provides background of
demand and elasticity of demand to help in devising pricing strategy; to make strategic decisions
using game theory and to apply techniques of project evaluation.

Detailed Content:

Unit 1: Human Values and Ethics

Values: Introduction to Values, Allport-Vernon-Lindzey Study of Values, Rokeach Value Survey,
Instrumental and Terminal Values.
Moral and Ethical Values: Types of Morality, Kant's Principles of Morality, Factors for taking
ethical decisions,
Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development
Professional Ethics: Profession: Attributes and Ethos, Whistle-blowing.
Unit 2: Organizational Behavior
Introduction to the Field of Organizational Behaviour
Individual Behaviour, Personality, and Values
Perceiving Ourselves and Others in Organizations
Workplace Emotions, Attitudes, and Stress
Foundations of Employee Motivation and Leadership
Performance Appraisal
Conflict and Negotiation in the Workplace
Unit 3: Economics
Demand, Supply & Elasticity – Introduction to Economics, Demand & its Determinants,
Elasticity and its types
Production & Cost Analysis – Short run & Long Run Production Functions, Short run & Long
run cost functions, Economies & Diseconomies of Scale
Competitive Analysis & Profit Maximization – Perfect competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic &
Oligopoly Markets
Strategy & Game Theory – Pure Strategy & Mixed Strategy Games, Dominance, Nash
Equilibrium, & Prisoner’s Dilemma
Capital Budgeting – Capital Projects, Net Present Value (NPV) & IRR techniques.

1. Practical application of these concepts by means of Discussions, Role-plays and
2. Analysis of Case Studies on ethics in business and whistle-blowing, leadership, managerial
decision- making.
3. Survey Analysis
4. Capital Budgeting assignment

Course learning Outcomes (CLOs)

The student after completing the course will be able to:
1. comprehend ethical principles and values and apply them as a guide to behavior in personal
and professional life.
2. apply tools and techniques to manage and motivate employees.
3. analyse and apply conflict management strategies that managers can use to resolve
organizational conflict effectively.
4. devise pricing strategy for decision-making.
5. apply techniques for project evaluation.

Text Books

1. A. N. Tripathi, Human Values, New Age International (P) Ltd. (2009).

2. Robbins, S. P/ Judge, T. A/ Sanghi, S Organizational Behavior Pearson, New Delhi,
3. Petersen, H.C., Lewis, W.C. and Jain, S.K., Managerial Economics, Pearson (2006).

Reference Books
1. McKenna E. F. Business psychology and organisational behaviour. Psychology Press, New
York (2006).
2. Furnham A. The Psychology of Behaviour at Work: The Individual in the organization.
Psychology Press, UK (2003).
3. Salvatore, D and Srivastava, R., Managerial Economics, Oxford University Press (2010).
4. Pindyck, R and Rubinfiled, D., Microeconomics, Pearson (2017).

Evaluation Scheme:

Mid Semester Exam 25

End Semester Exam 45

Sessional 30

L T P Cr

4 1 0 4.5

Course Objectives: The objective of the course is to facilitate student with basic knowledge of,
vector valued functions, motion in space, derivatives of several variables, multiple integrals,
integration of vector fields, and to handle the real-life problems involving differential and integral

Review Topics:

Determinants and Matrices: Matrices, Operations on matrices, Determinants and its properties,
Singular and non-singular matrices, Adjoint and inverse of a matrix and its properties, Solution of
system of linear equations using Cramer’s rule and matrix method.

Course Content:

Partial Derivatives: Functions of Several Variables, Limits and continuity in higher dimensions,
Partial Derivatives, The Chain rule, Partial derivatives with constrained variables ,Directional
derivatives and gradient vectors, Tangent planes and differentials, Extreme values and saddle
points, Lagrange multipliers, Taylor formula for two variables,

Multiple Integrals: Double and iterated integrals over rectangles, Double integrals over general
regions, Area by double integration, Double integrals in polar form, Triple integrals in rectangular
coordinates, Substitutions in multiple integrals Moments and centers of mass, Triple integrals in
cylindrical and spherical coordinates,

Vector valued functions and motion in space: Curves in space and their tangents, Integral of
vector functions, Arc length in space, Curvature and normal vectors of a curve, Tangential and
normal components of acceleration, Velocity and acceleration in polar coordinates

Integration in vector fields: Line integrals, Vector fields and line integrals: work, circulation and
flux, Path independence, conservative fields, and potential functions, Green’s theorem in the plane,
Surfaces and area, Surface integrals, Stokes’ theorem, Divergence theorem and a unified theory

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

1) differentiate and integrate vector-valued functions, for position vector and interpret these as
velocity and acceleration.
2) evaluate partial derivatives, directional derivatives, gradients and use them to solve applied
problems, also use the chain rule for functions of several variables.
3) evaluate multiple integrals in appropriate coordinate systems and apply them to solve
problems involving volume, surface area, density, moments and centroids.
4) find the curl and divergence of a vector field, the work done on an object moving in a vector
field, and the flux of a field through a surface.
5) apply the ideas of curl and divergence to solve applied problems and identify conservative

Text Books:

1) Thomas’ Calculus, George B. Thomas, Pearson Education, 2014, 14th edition.

2) Mathematics, A Text book (Parts I & II), NCERT, New Delhi, 2011.
3) Stewart James, Essential Calculus; Thomson Publishers (2007), 6th ed.

Reference Books:

1) Wider David V, Advanced Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Cengage Learning (2007).

2) Apostol Tom M, Calculus, Vol I and II, John Wiley (2003).

Evaluation Scheme:

Sr.No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)

1. MST 30

2. EST 45

3. Sessional (may include assignments/quizzes) 25


L T P Cr

3 1 0 3.5

Course Objective: To apply statistical analysis to biological data; to investigate experiment

design involving biological systems; to formulate and solve problems in statistics; to use
computational tools to analyze and model biological data; to analyze and interpret data from
biological system.

Course Contents

Introduction to statistics and quality control: Statistical Inference, Samples, Populations,

and the Role of Probability, Discrete and Continuous Data.

Random variables and Probability distribution: Concept of a Random Variable, Discrete

Probability Distributions, Continuous Probability Distributions and Joint Probability

Discrete and Continuous Probability Distributions: Binomial and Multinomial

Distributions, Hypergeometric Distribution, Negative Binomial and Geometric Distributions,
Poisson distribution and the Poisson Process, Continuous Uniform Distribution, normal
distribution and its Applications, specifications and quality control

Fundamental Sampling Distributions: Random sampling, Sampling distributions, t-

Distribution and F-Distribution

One- and Two-Sample Test of Hypothesis: Statistical Hypothesis testing, P-values for
Decision making, Analysis of variance, Goodness-of Fit Test, Confidence interval for the
parameters of various distributions

Linear Regression: Simple Linear Regression Model, Least Square and the Fitted Model,
Regression Model

Non-parametric Statistic: Non-parametric tests, Signed-Rank Test and Wilcoxon Rank-Sum

Test, Runs Test and Tolerance Limits
Course Learning Outcomes: The students will able to

1. Understand the basic principles of Probability and sample spaces.

2. Comprehend the concept of Discrete and Continuous distribution.
3. .Perform hypothesis test.
4. Develop and analyze linear regression models.


1. Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists, MyLab Statistics Update 9 th Edition, by
Ronald E. Walpole, Raymond H. Myers , Sharon L. Myers, and Keying E. Ye.

Reference Book:
1. Miller, I. and Miller, M. (2002) : John E. Freund’s Mathematical Statistics (6th addition,
low price edition), Prentice Hall of India.
2. Dudewicz, E. J., and Mishra, S. N. (1988): Modern Mathematical Statistics. John Wiley
& Sons.
3. Mood A.M, Graybill F.A. and Boes D.C, Introduction to the Theory of Statistics,
McGraw Hill.

Evaluated Scheme

Sr.No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)

1. Mid semester test 30
2. End semester test 45
3. Sessional (May include Quizzes/Assignments) 25

L T P Cr
3 0 2 4.0

Course objective: Apart from the structural and coordinated functional aspects of various life
forms, the students will know how the collection of thousands inanimate molecules that constitute
living organisms and interact to maintain and perpetuate the living systems. Moreover, they will
be able to assess the importance of genetic materials in a cell.

Biological chemistry: Chemistry of life, Building blocks of biomolecules, Water and various
weak interactions in aqueous systems; pH and biological buffers, Structural and functional
attributes of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids

Genetic foundation of life: DNA as genetic material, Structural attributes of DNA and RNA, An
overview of replication, transcription, translation, and protein structures

Cellular and subcellular features: Organization of cells and organelles; Membrane transport,
diffusion, osmosis; Cell to cell communication; Cytoskeletal networks, Cell junctions,
Extracellular matrix (ECM)

Bioenergetics and metabolism: Basic principles of thermodynamics, biochemical processes and

bioenergetics, energy-rich compounds, ATP as energy currency, Enzymes-nomenclature and salient
attributes, Basic enzyme kinetics, Anaerobic and aerobic metabolism, Cellular Respiration-Electron
transport and oxidative phosphorylation, Underlying principle of photosynthesis

Cell division: An overview of cell division in prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Different phases of
mitosis and meiosis, Cell cycle and its regulation

Molecular genetics and gene expression: Central dogma of molecular genetics; Chromosomal
structure and organization, Genetic codons, DNA mutations and genetic variation, Mendelian
genetics-dominance, epistasis and sex chromosomes, Transcription and RNA processing,
Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes

Laboratory Work: Standard operating procedure (SOP) and Lab Safety, Qualitative and quantitative
analyses of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, proteins and nucleic acids, Microscopic observations
of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, Animation of cell division: mitosis and meiosis, Demonstration of
photosynthesis, Isolation and purification of enzyme, Mutagenesis of bacterial cultures and mutant
isolation, DNA and Protein databases along with bioinformatics tools
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO’s): Student will be able to
1. know the chemical constituents of cells, the basic units of living organisms.
2. know how the simple precursors i.e., building blocks give rise to large biomolecules such
as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids.
3. analyze the structure-function relationship in various biomolecules.
4. Correlate how the free energy is released during catabolic breakdown and gets utilized
during anabolic pathways.
5. comprehend the role of enzymes as biocatalysts and mechanisms of enzyme catalysis.
6. analyse the molecular architecture of genomes, genes, and the flow of genetic
information through replication, transcription, translation

Text Books
1. Nelson, DL and Cox MM., Lehninger: Principles of Biochemistry, WH Freeman (2008)
5th ed.
2. David E Metzler: Biochemistry, The Chemical reactions of Living Cells Vol. 1. 2nd
Edition, Elsevier Academic Press (2003),
3. Berg JM, Tymoczko JL and Stryer L: Biochemistry, 5th Edition, WH Freeman and
Company, (2005)

Reference Books
1. Koolman J and Roehm K H Color Atlas of Biochemistry, 2nd Edition, Georg Thieme
Verlag Publishers (2005)
2. Jain, J.L., Jain, S. and Jain, N., Fundamentals of Biochemistry, S. Chand and Company
Ltd. (2005).
3. Plummer DT An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Limited (1988)

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr.No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)
1. MST 25
2. EST 40
3. Sessional (May include assignments/quizzes) 35
L T P Cr

3 1 0 3.5

Course Objective: The student should gain an understanding of the mechanical and anatomical
principles that govern human motion and develop the ability to link the structure of the human
body with its function from a mechanical perspective.

Forces and Force Systems: Overview of force, moment, torque, equilibrium, stress and strain
diagram, mass moment of inertia, angular acceleration, displacement, load cell, velocity and
acceleration graphs with examples in the area of Biomechanics.

Applications of Statics to Biomechanics: Need for Biomechanics to understand muscle actions,

skeletal joints, skeletal muscles; basic considerations, assumption and limitations; mechanics of
elbow, shoulder, spinal column, hip, knee and ankle; need for Biomechanics to understand muscle
actions, sports medicine and rehabilitation applications; forces exerted across articulating joints;
three mechanical characteristics of muscle, muscle force production and transmission – functional

Multiaxial Deformations and Stress Analyses: Poisson’s ratio, biaxial and triaxial stresses;
stress transformation, principal stresses, Mohr’s circle and failure theories; allowable stress and
factor of safety; fundamental strength of materials in biological tissues: Factors affecting the
strength of materials, fatigue and endurance; stress concentration, bending and torsional stress;
combined loading – axial shear, torsional and flexural.

Mechanics of the Musculoskeletal System—Tissues Biomechanics: Visco-elasticity; analogies

based on springs and dampers; empirical models of visco-elasticity, time-dependent material response,
comparison of elasticity and visco-elasticity; common characteristics of biological tissues, skin tissue,
muscle tissue; composition of bone, scalp, skull and brain tissue; mechanical and physical properties
of bone, structural integrity of bone, bone fractures; tendons and ligaments, skeletal muscles, articular
cartilage, sports medicine and rehabilitation and applications.

Micro Project
Students in a group of 4/5 will carry out micro project.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

1. Identify a given bone, ligament or muscle by name, anatomic location or function.

2. Analyze the stresses and strains in biological tissues with the given loading conditions
and material properties.
3. Identify the appropriate viscoelasticity model for the mechanical behaviour of a given
biological tissue.
4. Identify relationships between structure and function in tissues and the implications of
these relationships.
5. Identify, analyze, and solve various biomechanical problems.

Text Books:

1. Ozkaya N, Nordin M, Goldsheyder D, Leger D. Fundamentals of Biomechanics:

Equilibrium, Motion, and Deformation, USA: Springer; 2012.
2. Huston R. Principles of biomechanics. CRC press; 2008
3. Knudson D. Fundamentals of biomechanics. Springer Science & Business Media; 2007

Reference Books:

1. Bartlett R. Introduction to sports biomechanics: Analysing human movement patterns.

Routledge; 2007
2. Mow VC, Huiskes R, editors. Basic orthopaedic biomechanics & mechano-biology.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005.
3. Nordin M, Frankel VH, editors. Basic biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2001.
4. Fung YC. Biomechanics: mechanical properties of living tissues. Springer Science &
Business Media; 2013

Evaluation Scheme:

S. No. Evaluation elements Weightage (%)

1 MST 30

2 EST 45

3 Sessional: Assignment, Laboratory, Quizzes/Tests, Project etc. 25


L T P Cr

3 1 0 3.5

Course Objective: Understand and apply the laws of thermodynamics to biological systems,
comprehend principles of chemical and physical equilibria, chemical and enzyme kinematics and
their application.

First law of thermodynamics: Properties of pure substances, equations of state, Mollier diagram,
closed system, open system, reversible processes, internal energy and enthalpy steady-flow
engineering devices and transient flow analysis.

Second Law of Thermodynamics: Statements of the second law, heat engines, reversible versus
irreversible processes, the Carnot cycle, refrigeration devices, entropy and entropy change, third
law, exergy analysis.

Free Energy and Chemical Equilibria: Gibbs free energy, Helmholtz free energy, physical
significance of free energy, Gibbs- Helmholtz equation, application of free energy to gases,
concept of spontaneity, partial molar Gibbs energy, chemical potential of multicomponent system,
reactions of ideal gases, non-ideal systems, equilibrium and standard Gibbs free energy and
Biochemical applications of thermodynamics. Law of mass action, The Le-Chatelier principle,
Van’t Hoff reaction isotherm and equations.

Free Energy and Physical Equilibria: Concepts and applications, phase equilibria for single and
multicomponent systems, membranes colligative properties and application of thermodynamics to
phase transition

Chemical Kinetics: Concepts and applications, rate of reaction, measurement of rate of reaction,
factors influencing rate of reaction, rate laws order and molecularity, integrated rate equations and
half-lives, zero order reactions, first order reactions, second order reaction, third order reaction,
higher nth order reactions, pseudo–order reactions, temperature dependence of rate of reactions,
temperature coefficient , activation energy, Arrhenius equation, rate calculation, collision theory
transition state theory.

Enzyme Kinetics: Concept of Enzyme as a biocatalyst, Classification of Enzymes, Activation

energy, Reaction velocity, Specific velocity, Turnover number, Michealis-Menten Equation,
Derivation of Michealis-Mentain equation, Types of enzyme inhibition, Competitive inhibition,
Uncompetitive inhibition, Noncompetitive inhibition, Feedback Inhibition, Significance of Km and
Vmax, ES complex, Steady state kinetics, Lineweaver-Burk Plot, Eadie-Hofstee Plot, Reaction rate
constant, Effect of pH, Temperature, ionic concentration of Enzyme kinetics, Active site,
Allosteric site, Coenzyme, Cofactors, Isozyme.
Course Learning Outcomes: The students will be able to reflect on:

1. Analyze and solve problems related to closed systems and steady-flow devices by applying the
conservation of energy principle.
2. Analyze the second law of thermodynamics for various systems and to evaluate the performance of
heat engines, refrigerators and heat pumps.
3. Analyze principles of chemical and physical equilibrium.
4. Interpret salient features of chemical and enzyme catalyzed reaction and will be able to determine
kinetic parameters.

Text Books:

1) Cengel and Boles, Thermodynamics: an Engineering Approach, McGraw-Hill (2011

2) Tinoco, Sauer, Wang, and Puglisi, Physical Chemistry: Principles and Applications in Biological
Sciences, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2014.
3) Laidler, K.J., Chemical Kinetics, Dorling Kingsley (2003) 3rded.
4) Voet, D., Voet, J.G., ad Pratt, C.W., Principles of Biochemistry, 4th Ed., John Wiley & Sons,
5) Atkins, P.W., Physical Chemistry, W.H. Freeman (1990).
6) Castellan, G. W., Physical Chemistry, Narosa (2004) 4thed.

Evaluated Scheme

Sr.No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)

1. Mid semester test 30

2. End semester test 45

3. Sessional (May include Quizzes/Assignments) 25


L T P Cr
2 0 2 3.0

Course objectives: This course introduces the fundamentals of rapid prototyping (RP) / additive
manufacturing and its application in the biomedical field.

Introduction: Rapid prototyping (RP) / additive manufacturing for Biomedical Engineering: Current
Capabilities and Challenges, Basic Principles of RP, Biomodels for Surgical Training, Planning, and

Classifications of Different RP Techniques, Process Technology in RP: Based on raw material, Based on
layering technique and energy sources. Biocompatible materials.

Design of CAD Models for bioengineering applications: Transformations, Curves, Surface Modeling, Solid
modeling for additive manufacturing using solid works. Advances in Biomimetic Computer-Aided Design
and Engineering

Process Technology in RP: Stereo-lithography, Laser additive manufacturing LENS, Selective laser
sintering (SLS), Selective laser melting (SLM) or direct metal laser sintering (DMLS), Fused deposition
modeling (FDM), Laminated object manufacturing, Three-dimensional Bioplotter.

STL files for RP: STL file generation, Defects in STL files and repairing algorithms, other Interface formats.

Laboratory Work:

1. To generate solid models with the given dimensions using SolidWorks.

2. To generate solid models from the MRI/CT scan images using MIMICS.
3. Design and fabricate a physical model for biomedical applications.
4. The students will be doing a project realizing the application of RP technology for 3D scaffold for
biomedical applications

Course learning outcome (CLO): On completion of this course the student will be able to

1. Develop a solid model applying the concepts of transformations & solid modelling or using MRI/CT
scan data.
2. Analyze different rapid prototyping systems based on their principles of operation and materials used
for different types of biomedical applications
3. Develop physical prototype applying the fundamental concepts of rapid prototyping for biomedical

Text Books:
1. Chua, C.K., Leong, K.F., Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications in Manufacturing, John
Wiley and Sons Inc., 2000.
2. Pham, D.T., Demov, S.S., Rapid Manufacturing: The Technologies and Applications of Rapid
Prototyping and Rapid Tooling, Springer-Verlag London Limited, 2001.
3. Noorani, R., Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey,
4. Narayan, Roger, ed. Rapid Prototyping of Biomaterials: Techniques in Additive Manufacturing.
Woodhead Publishing, 2019.
Reference Books:
1. Patri, K. V., Weiyin, Ma, Rapid Prototyping - Laser-based and Other Technologies, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, U.S.A., 2003.
2. Hague, R.J.M., Reeves, P.E.,Rapid Prototyping, Tooling and Manufacturing, iSmithers Rapra
Publishing, 2000.
3. Gibson, Ian, David W. Rosen, and Brent Stucker. Additive manufacturing technologies. Vol. 17. New
York: Springer, 2014.
4. Hopkinson, N., Hague, R.J.M., Dickens, P.M., Rapid Manufacturing- An Industrial Revolution for
the Digital Age, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., U.K., 2006.
5. Zeid, I., Mastering CAD/CAM, Tata McCraw Hil

Evaluation Scheme:

Sr.No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)

1 MST 25
2 EST 45
3 Sessional (Assignments/Quizzes/Presentations/ Lab 30

L T P Cr.
1 0 2 3.0
(including 2 self-effort hours)

Course Objectives: This course aims to provide the students with a basic understanding about the process of
nature inspired creativity, design thinking, innovation that leads to entrepreneurship. Students understand
entrepreneurial perspectives, concepts for analyzing entrepreneurial opportunities and understanding eco-
system. It also intends to build competence with respect Business Model Canvas and build understanding with
respect to the start-ups and ventures from Bio-medical engineering domain.

Nature inspired Innovations: Entrepreneurs; entrepreneurial personality and intentions -characteristics,

traits and behavioral; entrepreneurial challenges. See few links for reference.
[,, , and similar ]

Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Opportunities- discovery/ creation, Pattern identification and recognition

for venture creation: prototype and exemplar model, reverse engineering.

Entrepreneurial Process and Decision Making: Entrepreneurial ecosystem, Ideation,development and

exploitation of opportunities; Negotiation, decision making process and approaches, - Effectuation and

Crafting business models and Lean Start-ups: Introduction to business models; Creating value propositions
- conventional industry logic, value innovation logic; customer focused innovation; building and analysing
business models; Business model canvas, Introduction to lean start-ups, Business Pitching.

Organizing Business and Entrepreneurial Finance: Forms of business organizations; organizational

structures; Venture growth, sources and selection of venture finance options and its managerial implications.
Case study of few startups in Biomedical Engineering domain.

Course learning outcomes (CLO):

Upon successful completion of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Explain the fundamentals behind the entrepreneurial personality and their intentions
2. Discover/create and evaluate opportunities.
3. Identify various stakeholders for the idea and develop value proposition for the same.
4. Describe various Business Models and design a business model canvas.
5. Analyse and select suitable finance and revenue models for start-up venture.
Text Books:

1. Byers T. H., Dorf R. C., Nelson A. , Technology Ventures: From Idea to Enterprise, McGraw Hill
2. Blank, Steve, The Startup Owner’s Manual: The Step by Step Guide for Building a Great Company,
K&S Ranch, (2013).
3. S. Carter and D. Jones-Evans, Enterprise and small business- Principal Practice and Policy, Pearson
Education (2006).
Reference Books:
1. Ries, Eric (2011), The lean Start-up: How constant innovation creates radically successful
businesses, Penguin Books Limited.
2. Osterwalder, Alex and Pigneur, Yves (2010) Business Model Generation.
3. Kachru, Upendra, India Land of a Billion Entrepreneurs, Pearson

Evaluation Scheme
10% marks for lecture QUIZ evaluation.
25% marks for lab evaluation.
15% marks for BMC evaluation .
25% marks for Test at the end of semester*.
25% marks for evaluation of the report.

*The Test at the end of semester will be of 2 hour duration.


L T P Cr
3 0 2 4.0

Course Objective: The course aim to impart knowledge about different biological signals, their acquisition,
measurements and related constraints. In addition, the course will also provide understanding of
cardiovascular, respiratory system and neuromuscular measurements.

Bio-medical Instrumentation, Sources of Bioelectric Potentials and Electrodes: Introduction to man-

instrument system, components of the man-instrument system, Physiological system of the body, Problems
encountered in measuring a living system. Resting and action potentials, Propagation of action potentials,
bioelectric potentials, Bio potential electrodes, Biochemical transducers. Review of transducers.

Measurements in Cardiovascular System: Electrocardiograph, ECG machines, vector cardiography

(VCG), ballisto-cardiography (BCG), measurement of blood pressure, blood flow, cardiac output, cardiac
rate, plethysmograph, pacemakers, defibrillators, Heart sounds, Phonocardiograph, Echo-cardiograph.

Measurements in Respiratory System: Measurement of gas volume, respiratory transducers and

instruments, respiratory therapy equipment, intermittent positive pressure breathing (IPPB) therapy, artificial
mechanical ventilation, accessory devices used in respiratory therapy apparatus.

Measurements in Neuromuscular and Sensory systems: Description of Human Brain,

Electroencephalogram (EEG) and Electromyogram (EMG) measurement and recording, Block diagram
description, evoked potentials, nerve conduction studies (NCS), biofeedback
instrumentation, galvanic skin response (GSR) measurements.

Clinical laboratory instrumentation: Emerging trends in medical diagnostics and therapy, Clinical
laboratory instrumentation, Blood cell counter and associated hematology system, Oximeters, Endoscopic
diagnosis and foreign body removal, blood gas analyzers, Design of haemodialysis Machine, Design of
Electro surgical Generator or Cautery

Patient Care, Monitoring and Safety Measures: Elements of intensive care monitoring; Basic hospital
systems and components Thermography, ultrasound imaging system, Patient safety, classification of medical
devices and their safety standards, leakage current, micro, macro shock, different types of safety circuits for
medical equipment’s, measures to reduce shock hazards.

Laboratory work: Study the variance in pulse rate of subject in a batch, use Spiro meter on the subject,
auditory system check-up using Audiometer, Measurement of Heart Rate using Stethoscope, Blood pressure
using Sphygmomanometer, Pulse Rate and SpO2 using Pulse Oximeter, Skin Conductance and Skin Potential
using Galvanic Skin Response Module, Pulse Rate using Polyrite machine, Respiration Rate using Polyrite.
Electromygram test using EMG biofeedback Trainer.

Course learning outcomes (CLO):

Students will be able to:
1. Differentiate and analyse the biomedical signal sources
2. Exhibit the knowledge of working principle and applications of the cardiovascular, respiratory and
nervous related measurements
3. Measure the parameters non-invasive diagnostic
4. Comprehend patient monitoring and electrical safety in medical equipment’s.
Text books
1. Carr, J.J. and Brown, J.M., Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology, Prentice Hall (2000) 4th
2. Cromwell, L. and Weibell, F.J. and Pfeiffer, E.A., Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement, Dorling
Kingsley (2006) 2nd ed.
3. Khandpur, R.S., Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation, McGraw Hill (2003) 2nd ed.

Reference Books
1. Geddes, L.A., and Baker, L.E., Principles of Applied Biomedical Instrumentation, Wiley
InterScience (1989) 3rd ed.
2. Medical Instrumentation Haughton by John C. Webster (Mifflis Co. Boston USA).
3. Webster, J.G., Medical Instrumentation Application and Design, John Wiley (2007) 3rd ed.

Evaluation Scheme:

S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage

1. MST 25
2. EST 45
3. Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Quiz) 30

L T P Cr
3 0 0 3.0

Course Objective: This course will introduce students to central concepts in human anatomy and physiology.
This includes the structure, function and homeostatic role of key organs within the body; the engineering
principles governing these systems and processes; and designing engineering-based solutions to overcome
dysfunction in disease.

Introduction to the Human Body:

Eleven systems of the human body, Homeostasis, Human body planes and sections. Polarization &
depolarization of cell. Types of tissues & their origins with functions in brief. Membranes Epithelial, Mucous,
Serous, Cutaneous and Synovial.

Cardiovascular, Respiratory & Alimentary System: Heart, conductive tissue of heart, cardiac cycle, heart
valves, systemic & pulmonary circulation, Transmission of cardiac impulse, blood pressure. Blood:
composition of blood-blood cells & their functions, Respiratory system: respiration external (ventilation),
Exchange in gases in the alveoli, artificial repiration. Alimentary system: all organs of the digestive system,
other secretions & main functions.

Nervous & Excretory System:

Different parts, their functions, reflex action & reflex arc. Function of sympathetic nervous system, nervous
conduction & action potentials. Excretory system: Structure of Nephron, formation of urine & function of
kidneys, urinary bladder, urethra, internal/external sphincters.

Reproductive, Endocrine & Sensory System: (male & female).

Endocrine system: all glands, their secretions, control of secretions. Sense organs: Eye, Ear, Integumentry
system: structure, type and functions of skin.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

On completion of the Course, the student would be able to:
1. Understand the structure of organs and skins
2. Recognize the components of blood and its transfusion
3. Acquire the knowledge of the respiratory and digestive mechanism
4. Realize the brain activity and central nervous system.

1. Anatomy and physiology in health and illness by: Ross and Wilson (ELBS Publishers)
2. Human Phiosology by A. Vander, J. Sherman and D. Luciano (Mc Graw Hill Publishers)
1. Manual of Human Dissection by Charles E Tobin (Mc Graw Hill, Edition 4, 1961)
2. Modern Physiology and Anatomy of Nurses by J Gibson (Black Well, 1981)
3. Physiology of human body by Guyton. (Prism books)
4. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology by Tortora and Grabowski. (Haper Collin publishers)
5. Biosimulation: simulation of living systems by Daniel. A. Beard Cambridge texts in Biomedical
Engineering, 2012 (Cambridge University Press)

Evaluation Scheme:

Sr. No. Evaluation Elements Weights (%)

1. MST 30
2. EST 45
3. Sessional (may include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quiz 25
L T P Cr
3 0 2 4.0

Course Objectives: The student should study the concepts of artificial intelligence and learn the methods of
solving problems using artificial intelligence.

Overview: Definition, scope, foundations, approaches, and applications of AI; AI: past, present, and future.

Agents and Environments: agents; rationality; types of agents; properties of environments.

State Space Representation: State and operators; state space; representation real world problems as state
space, problem characteristics.

Searching Strategies: uninformed searching methods (DFS, BFS, DFS-ID); informed searching methods such
as best first search, hill climbing, A*, iterative deepening A*; problem reduction; constraint satisfaction
problems; neural, stochastic, and evolutionary algorithms, local search and optimization problems in
different environment.

Game Playing: Game theory and optimal decisions; Turn-taking games; Adversarial search; Minimax
principle; Monte-Carlo tree search; Alpha-Beta pruning.

Reasoning: Representation, Inference, Propositional Logic, predicate logic (first order logic), syntax and
semantics, logical reasoning, forward chaining, backward chaining.

Dealing with uncertainty: probability, connection to logic, independence, Bayes rule, Bayesian networks,
probabilistic inference; time and uncertainty, hidden Markov model; Decision making- Utility theory, utility
functions, Decision theoretic expert systems

Fuzzy Systems: Fuzzy sets, Operation on fuzzy sets, Fuzzy relations, Fuzzy measures, Fuzzy reasoning,
Fuzzy controller,

Neural Network as Learning Machine : Mathematical model of neuron, activation functions, types of
learning, learning methods, classification of neural networks, perceptron and multilayer perceptron,
gradient and error back-propagation learning algorithms, typical applications of feedforward neural
network, recurrent and temporal neural network, recurrent network use for optimization, Neuro-Fuzzy
hybrid system; Engineering Applications

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Identify appropriate AI methods to solve a given problem that are amenable to solution by AI.
2. Formalize a given problem in the language/framework of different AI methods.
3. Implement basic Fuzzy operations for engineering applications.
4. Implement neural network as learning machine for engineering applications.

Text Books:
1. Kevin Night and Elaine Rich, Nair B., “Artificial Intelligence (SIE)”, Mc Graw Hill- 2008. (Units-I,II,VI &
2. Dan W. Patterson, “Introduction to AI and ES”, Pearson Education, 2007. (Unit-III).
3. Ross, J. T., Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, McGraw−Hill (1995).
4. S. Haykin, Neural Network : A Comprehensive Foundation, Pearson Education (2003).

References Books

1. Peter Jackson, “Introduction to Expert Systems”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.
2. Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig “AI – A Modern Approach”, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education 2007.
3. Deepak Khemani “Artificial Intelligence”, Tata Mc Graw Hill Education 2013.

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr.No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)

1. MST 30

2. EST 45

3. Sessional (Assignments/Quizzes) 25
L T P Cr
3 1 0 3.5

Course Objective: To familiarize with techniques suitable for analysing and synthesizing both continuous-
time and discrete time signals & systems

CLASSIFICATION OF SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS: Representation of discrete time signals, Elementary

discrete time signal, Basic operation on signals, classification of signals-Deterministic and random signal,
periodic and Non-periodic, Energy and power signal, causal and Non-causal signal, Even and Odd signal.
Classification of systems- static and dynamic system, casual and non-causal system, linear and non-linear
system, time variant and time invariant system, stable and unstable system.
ANALYSIS OF CONTINUOUS TIME SIGNALS: Fourier series analysis-Trigonometric Fourier series,
Cosine Fourier series, Exponential Fourier series, Fourier Spectrum of continuous time signals, Fourier
transform analysis, Laplace transform, Analysis of electrical network using Laplace transform.
CONTINUOUS TIME SYSTEMS: Analysis of differential equation-Transfer function-Impulse response-
Frequency response-Convolution integral- Fourier Methods-Laplace transforms analysis-Block diagram
ANALYSIS OF DISCRETE TIME SIGNALS: Spectrum of DT signals-Discrete Time Fourier Transform
(DTFT)-Properties of discrete time Fourier transform-Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)-Properties of DFTZ-
transform in signal analysis-Properties of Z- transform-Inverse Z-transform.
LTI – DISCRETE TIME SYSTEMS: Analysis of differential equation-Transfer function-Impulse
response-Frequency response-Convolution SUM –Fast Fourier transform- Block diagram representation.
RANDOM SIGNALS: Introduction, Probability, Random variables, Gaussian distribution, Transformation
of random variables, random processes, stationary processes, Correlation and Covariance Functions,
Regularity and Ergodicity, Gaussian Process.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

1. To study and analyze the continuous and discrete-time signals and systems, their properties and
2. To have Knowledge of time-domain representation and analysis concepts as they relate to difference
equations, impulse response and convolution, etc.
3. To familiarize the concepts of frequency-domain representation and analysis using Fourier Analysis
tools, Z-transform.
4. To understand the concepts of the sampling process and to identify and solve engineering problems
5. To analyze the systems by examining their input and output signals.
6. Describe the concept of random signals.
Text Book
1. Oppenheim, A.V. and Willsky, A.S., Signals and Systems, Prentice Hall of India (1997) 2 nd ed.
2. Proakis, J.G. and Manolakis, D.G., Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and
Applications, Prentice Hall (2007) 4th ed

Reference Book
1. Lathi, B.P., Signal Processing and Linear System, Oxford University Press (2008).
2. Roberts, M.J., Fundamentals of Signals and Systems, McGraw Hill (2007).
Evaluation Scheme:

Sr.No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)

1. MST 30

2. EST 45

3. Sessional (Assignments/Quizzes) 25
L T P Cr
3 1 2 4.5

Course objective: This course will introduce students the basics of design of electronic circuits for Biomedical
applications. This course covers basic operational amplifier circuits as well as the operation of semiconductor
diodes and transistors. An introduction to digital logic circuits is also included.

Analog electronics: Overview: Passive components, Introduction to Semiconductors. P Type and N type
semiconductors, P-N junction, diode characteristics. Zener diode, tunnel diode, LED, photodiodes.

Diodes applications as Rectifiers: Half wave rectifiers, full wave rectifiers, their analysis filter and power
supplies, voltage regulators, clippers, clampers, voltage multiplier.

Transistor: Basic mechanism of transistor. Characteristics of CB, CC and CE configuration their analysis and
frequency response biasing of transistor. Hybrid model power amplifiers push pull amplifiers in class A, class B,
class AB; operation feedback in amplifier frequency response. FET and MOSFET – Basic mechanism structure
characteristics and parameters.

Operational amplifiers Characteristics and type of OpAmps, dc and ac analysis, application of opamp as inverting
& non inverting amplifier, adder, substractor, integrator, differentiator, comparator, zero crossing detector,
instrumentation amplifiers. s/h circuit. Frequency to voltage & voltage to frequency converter, Oscillator and Wave
form generator, Phase shift,Wein Bridge, and Wheatstone bridge, crystal oscillator. Sine wave, triangular wave,
square wave and saw tooth wave generation, 555 Timers.

Filters: Butterworth Filters: Active low pass Filter, High pass filter, Band pass filter, Band elimination
filter & Notch filter. Higher order Filters and their Comparison. Design of second, high order filters
using op-amps. \

Laboratory work : Rectifier, clipper, clamper, Series voltage regulator, RC coupled amplifier in CE mode, Wein
bridge oscillator, filter, logic gates, A/D and D/A converters, Computer simulation using EDA tools.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

On completion of the course, the students would be able to:
1. Gain knowledge in amplifiers, diodes and transistors.
2. Design different type of circuits such as rectifiers, clippers, clampers, filters etc
3. Understand the circuit design using op-amp and filter realization
4. Design linear wave shaping circuits and higher order filters.
Text Books:
1. Sedra A. S. and Smith K. C., Microelectronic Circuits, Oxford University Press, 8th Edition (2014)
2. Boylestad R. L., Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Pearson Education, 11th Edition (2013).

Reference Books:
1. Malvino, A.P. Electronics principle by TMH 3rd edition

Evaluation Scheme:
S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)
1. MST 25
2. EST 45
3. Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quiz/ 30
Lab evaluations)

L T P Cr
3 1 2 4.5

Course objective: This course is designed to understand the mathematical analysis of dynamic and linear
feedback control systems with emphasis on application to physiological and biomedical control systems.
Students will learn some of the control design concepts and their analysis to achieve desired performance.

Basic Concepts: Introduction to Physiological control systems, Illustration, Example of a physiological control
system, Difference between engineering and physiological control system, Models of dynamical biomedical
systems, Simple models of muscle stretch reflex action, Ventilator control action, Lung mechanics, glucose/insulin control.
Stability Laplace transform review, transfer functions, open loop vs. closed loop, block diagrams, poles, zeros,
response vs. pole location, step, impulse, and arbitrary inputs, Routh-Hurwitz criterion, root locus method
Controller PID control, lead-lag compensation, and other controllers.

Frequency response analysis Bode plots, Gain margin, phase margin, performance specifications, Nyquist
plot, Compensator design.

State-Space approach Concepts of state, state variables and state models, state space representation of dynamic
systems, controllability, observability

Laboratory work: Linear system simulator, D.C. position control and speed control, Synchro characteristics,
Servo demonstration, Potentiometer error detector, Lag/lead compensator and PID controller, Temperature
control system, scripts in Matlab to analyse and design biomedical control problems

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

On completion of the Course, the student would be able to:
• Use mathematical models to describe biological dynamic processes
• Understand and calculate key concepts such as stability, tracking, and performance measures
• Use design tools such as root locus and Nyquist plots
• Use frequency response plots to analyse control systems
• Develop and analyse state space models

Text Books:
• Nise, Norman S., Control Systems Engineering, 8th Edition Wiley.
• Ogata, K., Modern Control Engineering, 5th Edition, Pearson.
• Khoo Michael C.K., Physiological control systems: Analysis, Simulation and Estimation, Prentice Hall of
India Pvt, Ltd, New Delhi
Reference Books:
• Franklin, G., Powell, J., Emami-Naemi, A, Feedback Control of Dynamical Systems, 7th Edition, Pearson.
• Dorf, R.C., Modern Control Systems, 12th Edition, Prentice Hall.
• Milsum John H., Biological Control System analysis, McGraw Hill

Evaluation scheme:
S.No Evaluation Elements
1. MST 25
2. EST 45
Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quiz/
3. 30
Lab evaluations)
(L : T : P :: 1 : 0 : 2)

Course Objective: To facilitate the students learn and apply an engineering design process in electrical
engineering, including project resource management. As a part of a team, the students will make a project, that
emphasizes, hands-on experience, and integrates analytical and design skills. The idea is to provide an opportunity
to the students to apply what they have learned throughout the course of graduate program by undertaking a specific

Course Description: Capstone Project is increasingly interdisciplinary, and requires students to function on
multidisciplinary teams. It is the process of devising a system, component or process to meet desired needs. It is a
decision-making process (often iterative), in which the basic sciences, mathematics, and the engineering sciences
are applied to convert resources optimally to meet these stated needs. It typically includes both analysis and
synthesis performed in an iterative cycle. Thus, students should experience some iterative design in the curriculum.
As part of their design experience, students have an opportunity to define a problem, determine the problem scope
and to list design objectives. The project must also demonstrate that students have adequate exposure to design, as
defined, in engineering contexts. Engineering standards and realistic constraints are critical in engineering design.
The program must clearly demonstrate where standards and constraints are taught and how they are integrated into
the design component of the project. Each group will have 4-5 students. Each group should select their team leader
and maintain daily diary. Each Group will work under mentorship of a Faculty supervisor. Each group must meet
the assigned supervisor (2hrs slot/week) till the end of the semester (record of attendance will be maintained), as
per the time slot which will be provided to them by the respective supervisor. This is mandatory requirement for
the fulfilment of the attendance as well as the successful completion of the project. The faculty supervisor of the
project will continuously assess the progress of the works of the assigned groups. Some part of the analysis and
design of the system will be done in the first section of project in semester VI. The second section would comprise
of completion of the project in semester VII in which each team will have to submit a detailed report of the project
along with a poster.
Specific goals for the course: After the completion of the course, the students will be able:
1. To identify design goals and analyze possible approaches to meet given specifications with
realistic engineering constraints.
2. To design an electrical engineering project implementing an integrated design approach
applying knowledge accrued in various professional courses.
3. To perform simulations and incorporate appropriate adaptations using iterative synthesis.
4. To use modern engineering hardware and software tools.
5. To work amicably as a member of an engineering design team.
6. To improve technical documentation and presentation skills.

L T P Cr
3 1 2 4.5

Course Objectives:
• This course facilitates the students to study the properties for Boolean algebra and simplification of Boolean
equations using K-maps.
• The digital circuits’ classification is studied and the main elements of this classification are studied. Application
of these circuits to build a basic computer is discussed.
• The students also learn about different types of memories and how they are programmed.
• The course also discuss about the basic applications of digital electronics like digital clock, frequency counter.

Codes: BCD, ASCII code, Excess-3 code, Gray code. Error detecting and error correcting codes. Combinational
Logic Design: Boolean laws & theorems. Karnaugh Map-simplification of Boolean expressions- Sum of Products
(SOP) form, Product of Sums (POS) form. Logic Gates, Implementations of Logic Functions using gates,
Realization of Boolean Expressions using universal gates.

Arithmetic Circuits: Half adder, Full adder, Half subtractors, Full subtractors, Parallel binary adder, parallel
binary Subtractor. Code-converters Data processing circuits: Multiplexers, De-Multiplexers, Encoders-Priority
Encoder, Decoders. Digital Circuit Testing tools: Logic pulser, Logic probe, Current Tracer.

Sequential circuits: Flip-flops-RS, D, JK and JK Master slave. Realizations of one flip flop using other flip
flops. Registers: Serial-in parallel-out, Serial-in Serial-out, parallel-in-serial-out parallel-in-parallel-out.
Counters: Asynchronous and synchronous counters, decade counters, ring counters. Design of synchronous
counters using excitation tables, Synchronous Up/Down counters.

Classification of memories – ROM – ROM organization – PROM – EPROM – EEPROM –EAPROM, RAM –
RAM organization – Write operation – Read operation – Memory cycle – Timing wave forms , RAM Cell ,
Programmable Logic Devices – Programmable Logic Array (PLA) – Programmable Array Logic (PAL) – Field
Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) – Implementation of combinational logic circuits using ROM, PLA, PAL.
Applications: Digital Clock, Frequency counter, Time measurement, Displays.

Introduction to DAC and ADC: Sampling, Quantization, quantization noise, aliasing and reconstruction filtering,
Specifications, DAC Conversion, Binary weighted Resistor DAC, R-2R Ladder DAC, Inverted (or) Current mode
DAC, Sample and hold circuits, ADC conversion, Types of ADCs: Direct Conversion ADC/Flash type ADC,
Successive approximation ADC, Integrating ADCs, Sigma-Delta ADCs, Analog Multiplexers.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO: On completion of this course, the students will be able to

1. Understand various codes and simplify Boolean equations using K-maps

2. Design basic data processing circuits
3. Applications of flip-flops
4. To build a basic computer architecture and memories
5. Build ADCs and DACs
Recommended Books:
1. M. Morris Mano, “Digital Design”, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2008 / Pearson Education
(Singapore) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2003.
2. Donald P.Leach & Albert Paul Malvino, Digital Principles and electronic, 5 th Ed., Tata Mc. Graw Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 2003
3. R. P. Jain, Modern Digital Electronics, 3 rd Ed., Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 2003.

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)
1. MST 25
2. EST 45
3. Assignment, Quizzes, and Lab 30

3 1 2 4.5
Course Objectives:
• To make students familiar with the constructions and working principle of different types of sensors and
• To make students aware about the use of different transducers in medical field

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, a student will be able to:
• Classify and explain the characteristics of biomedical sensors with features
• Use concepts for construction and working principle of physical sensors
• Elucidate construction and working principle of chemical & biosensors
• Indentify proper sensor comparing different standards and guidelines to make sensitive measurements of
physical parameters like pressure, flow, acceleration, etc

Introduction: Definition and Classification of Biomedical Sensors, Basic Concept of Sensors, Classification of
Biomedical Sensors, Biomedical Measurement Technology, Bioelectrical Signal Detection, Other Physiological
and Biochemical Parameter Detection, Characteristics of Biomedical Sensors and Measurement, Features of
Biomedical Sensors and Measurement, Special Requirement of Biomedical Sensors and Measurement,
Development of Biomedical Sensors and Measurement, Invasive and Non-invasive Detection, Multi-parameters
Detection, In vitro and in vivo Detection

Basics of Sensors and Measurement: Sensor Characteristics and Terminology, Static Characteristics, Dynamic
Characteristics, Sensor Measurement Technology, Sensor Measurement Methods/System, Signal Modulation and
Demodulation, Improvement of Sensor Measurement System, Biocompatibility Design of Sensors, Concept and
Principle of Biocompatibility, Biocompatibility for Implantable Biomedical Sensors, Biocompatibility for in vitro
Biomedical Sensors and Design of the Biomedical Sensors.

Physical Sensors and Measurement: Resistance Sensors and Measurement, Resistance Strain Sensors,
Piezoresistive Sensors, Inductive Sensors and Measurement, Applications in Biomedicine, Capacitive Sensors and
Measurement, Principle and Configuration, Biomedical Applications, Piezoelectric Sensors and Measurement,
Piezoelectric Effect and Piezoelectric Materials, Ultrasonic, Biomedical Applications, Magnetoelectric Sensors and
Measurement, Magnetoelectric Induction Sensors, Applications in Biomedcine, Hall Magnetic Sensors,
Photoelectric Sensors, Photoelectric Element Fiber Optic Sensors, Applications of Photoelectric Sensors,
Thermoelectric Sensors and Measurement, Thermosensitive Elements, Thermocouple Sensors, Integrated
Temperature Sensors, Applications in Biomedicine, Encoders, MEMS - Material for manufacturing MEMS,
Patterning and Lithography.

Chemical Sensors and Measurement: Definition and Principle, Classification and Characteristics, Ion Sensors,
Ion-Selective Electrodes, Ion-Selective Field-Effect Transistors, Microelectrode Array, Gas Sensors,
Electrochemical Gas Sensors, Semiconductor Gas Sensors, Solid Electrolyte Gas Sensors, Surface Acoustic Wave
Sensors, Humidity Sensors (Capacitive Humidity Sensors, Resistive Humidity Sensors, Thermal Conductivity
Humidity Sensors), Intelligent Chemical Sensor Arrays, e-Nose, e-Tongue, Sensor Networks, History of Sensor
Networks, Essential Factors of Sensor Networks, Buses of Sensor Networks and Wireless Sensor Network
Biosensors and Measurement: History and Concept of Biosensors, Components of a Biosensor, Properties of
Biosensors, Common Bioreceptor Components, Catalytic Biosensors, Affinity Biosensors, Cell and Tissue
Biosensors, Biochips and Nano-biosensors.

Smart Sensor: Component of smart sensor, General Architecture of Smart Sensor, Bio-Multifunctional Smart
Wearable Sensors for Medical Devices

Laboratory: Experiments based on strain gauge, capacitance, LVDT, photoelectric, piezoelectric and temperature.
Also, experiments for digital sensor, LDR, resistivity measurement.

Recommended Books:
1. Biomedical Sensors and Measurement, Ping WangQingjun Liu, © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG (Part
of Springer Nature)
2. Measurement systems: application & design, E.A.Doebelin, @ 2020 Mc Graw Hill

Evaluation Scheme:

S.No. Evaluation Components Weight age (%)

1 MST 25
2 EST 45
3 Sessionals (May include assignments/quizzes) 30
L T P Cr

3 0 0 3.0
Course Objectives: The student should be made
1. To understand the generation of X-ray and its uses in imaging
2. To describe the principle of Computed Tomography.
3. To know the techniques used for visualizing various sections of the body.
4. To learn the principles of different radio diagnostic equipment in Imaging
5. To discuss the radiation therapy techniques and radiation safety.

MEDICAL X-RAY EQUIPMENT: Nature of X-rays- X-Ray absorption – Tissue contrast. X- Ray Equipment
(Block Diagram) – X-Ray Tube, the collimator, Bucky Grid, power supply, Cathode and filament currents,
Focusing cup, Thermionic emission, Electromagnetic induction, Line focus principle and the heel effect, Causes
of x-ray tube failure: Electron arcing/filament burn out, Failure to warm up tube, High temp due to over exposure,
x-ray tube rating charts.X-ray Image Intensifier tubes – Fluoroscopy – Digital Fluoroscopy. Angiography, Cine
Angiography, Digital subtraction Angiography. Mammography and Dental x-ray unit.

COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY: Principles of tomography, CT Generations, X- Ray sources- collimation- X-

Ray detectors-Viewing systems- spiral CT scanning – Ultra fast CT scanners. Advantages of computed radiography
over film screen radiography: Time, Image quality, Lower patient dose, Differences between conventional imaging
equipment and digital imaging equipment: Image plate, Plate readers, Image characteristics, Image reconstruction
techniques- back projection and iterative method. Spiral CT, 3D Imaging and its application.

MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING: Fundamentals of magnetic resonance- Interaction of Nuclei with static
magnetic field and Radio frequency wave- rotation and precession – Induction of magnetic resonance signals –
bulk magnetization – Relaxation processes T1 and T2. Block Diagram approach of MRI system, system magnet
(Permanent, Electromagnet and Super conductors), generations of gradient magnetic fields, Radio Frequency coils
(sending and receiving), and shim coils, Electronic components, fMRI.

NUCLEAR MEDICINE TECHNIQUES: Nuclear imaging – Anger scintillation camera –Nuclear tomography
– single photon emission computer tomography, positron emission tomography – Recent advances .Radionuclide
imaging Bone imaging, dynamic renal function, myocardial perfusion. Non-imaging techniques haematological
measurements, Glomerular filtration rate, volume measurements, clearance measurement, whole -body counting,
surface counting.
RADIATION THERAPY AND RADIATION SAFETY: Radiation therapy – linear accelerator, Telegamma
Machine. SRS –SRT,-Recent Techniques in radiation therapy - 3DCRT – IMRT – IGRT and Cyber knife- radiation
measuring instruments Dosimeter, film badges, Thermo Luminescent dosimeters- electronic dosimeter- Radiation
protection in medicine- radiation protection principles.
Course Learning Outcome: At the end of this course, the student should be able to
1. Describe the working principle of X ray machine and its application.
2. Illustrate the principle-computed tomography.
3. Interpret the technique used for visualizing various sections of the body using magnetic
4. resonance imaging
5. Demonstrate the applications of radio nuclide imaging.
6. Outline the methods of radiation safety.

1. Steve Webb, ―The Physics of Medical Imaging‖, Adam Hilger, Philadelpia, 1988 (Units I, II, III & IV).
2. R.Hendee and Russell Ritenour ―Medical Imaging Physics‖, Fourth Edition William, WileyLiss, 2002.

1. Gopal B. Saha ―Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine‖- Third edition Springer, 2006.
2. B.H.Brown, PV Lawford, R H Small wood, D R Hose, D C Barber, ―Medical physics and Biomedical
Engineering‖, - CRC Press, 1999.
3. Myer Kutz, ―Standard handbook of Biomedical Engineering and design‖, McGraw Hill, 2003.
4. P.Ragunathan, ―Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy in Medicine Concepts and Techniques‖,
Paperback – Import, 2007

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. No. Evaluation Elements Weights (%)
1. MST 30
2. EST 45
3. Sessional (may include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quiz 25
L T P Cr

3 1 0 3.5

Course Objective: The student should be made to understand characteristics of some of the most commonly
used biomedical signals, including ECG, EEG, EOG, and EMG.

Introduction to Biomedical Signals: Biosignal Characteristics of Electro Cardiogram (ECG),

Electroencephalogram (EEG), Electromyogram (EMG), Electrooculogram (EOG), Electroretinogram (ERG),
Electrogastrogram (EGG), Electroneurogram (ENG), Event related potentials (ERPs), Phonocardiogram (PCG),
Speech signal, Objectives of Biomedical signal analysis, Difficulties in Biomedical signal analysis, Computer-
aided diagnosis..

Filtering for Removal of Artifacts: Time-domain Filters – synchronized averaging, Moving Average Filters,
Derivative-based operators to remove low-frequency artifacts. Frequency-domain filters – Removal of High
Frequency noise, Removal of low frequency noise, Removal of periodic artifacts, optimal filter- Wiener filter,
Adaptive filters for removal of interference.

Cardiovascular Applications: Noise and Artifacts, ECG Signal Processing: Baseline Wandering, Power line
interference, Muscle noise filtering – QRS detection, Adaptive noise canceling in ECG, improved adaptive filtering
in FECG, Wavelet detection in ECG – structural features, matched filtering, adaptive wavelet detection, detection
of overlapping wavelets. Computation of diagnostic signal parameters of ECG like Heart rate and QRS detection
using Multivariate analysis (PCA and ICA). Segmentation of PCG, intensity patterns, Spectral modeling and
analysis of PCG signals.

Neurological Applications: EEG rhythms & waveforms, EEG applications- Epilepsy, sleep disorders, brain
computer interface. Modeling EEG- linear, stochastic models - Nonlinear modeling of EEG - artifacts in EEG &
their characteristics and processing – Nonparametric spectral analysis, Model based spectral analysis -EEG
segmentation - Joint Time-Frequency analysis - correlation analysis of EEG channels -coherence analysis of EEG
channels. Evoked potentials- noise characteristics, Noise reduction by linear filtering.

Analysis on Waveshape, Signal Classification and Recognition: Modeling intramuscular EMG-Intramuscular

signal decomposition-Fractal analysis of EMG signals. Statistical analysis of VAG signals. Analysis on
amplitude and latency of MEG signals. Analysis of ERP effect. Signal classification and recognition – Statistical
signal classification, linear discriminant function, direct feature selection and ordering, Back propagation neural
network based classification. Analysis of EEG using Empirical mode decomposition (EMD).

Course Learning Outcome:

At the end of the course student should be able to

1. Draw different types of biomedical signals and identify their spectral components.
2. Use different filters on biomedical signals and judge filter performance.
3. Identify physiological interferences and artifacts affecting ECG signal.
4. Compute power and correlation spectra of EEG signal.
5. Propose an algorithm to classify biomedical signals.

Text Books:
1. Rangayyan, Biomedical Signal Analysis, Wiley 2002.
2. Semmlow, Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing, Marcel Dekker, 2004

1. Arnon Cohen, Bio-Medical Signal Processing Vol I and Vol II, CRC Press Inc., Boca Rato, Florida 1999.
2. D.C.Reddy, Biomedical Signal Processing: Principles and techniques , Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
3. Willis J Tompkins, Biomedical Digital Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, 1993
4. Bruce, Biomedical Signal Processing and Signal Modeling, Wiley, 2001
5. Sornmo, Bioelectrical Signal Processing in Cardiac and Neurological Applications, Elsevier 2005.
Evaluation Scheme:

Sr. No. Evaluation Elements Weights (%)

1. MST 30
2. EST 45
3. Sessional (may include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quiz 25
L T P Cr
3 0 2 4.0
Course Objectives: To become familiar with different types of data structures and their applications and learn
different types of algorithmic techniques and strategies.

Introduction and Overview: Basic Terminology, Elementary Data Organization, Data Structures, Control
Structures, Asymptotic Notations for Algorithms, Big O notation: formal definition and use, Little o, big omega
and big theta notation , Arithmetic Expressions, Polish Notations, Arrays, Records, Pointers, Storing Strings, String
Operations, Pattern Matching Algorithms, Stacks, Queues, Recursion, Towers of Hanoi.

Searching and Sorting: Linear Arrays, Traversing and Searching in Linear Arrays, Inserting and Deleting, Bubble
Sort, Linear Search, Binary Search, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Radix Sort and Selection Sort.

Non-Linear Data Structures: Trees, Binary Trees, Traversing Binary Trees, Binary Search Trees, Searching and
Inserting in Binary Search Trees, Deleting in a Binary Search Tree, Preorder, Postorder and Inorder Traversal,
Heaps, Graph, Graph Algorithms, Breadth First Search, Depth First Search.

Linked List: Introduction, Insertion into a linked list, Deletion into a linked list. Stack, Queues, trees using linked
list, Hashing, Hash Functions.

Laboratory work: Implementation of Arrays, Recursion, Stacks, Queues, Lists, Binary trees, Sorting techniques,
Searching techniques. Implementation of all the algorithmic techniques.
Course learning outcomes (CLOs):
On completion of this course, the students will be able to
1. Implement the basic data structures and solve problems using fundamental algorithms
2. Implement various search and sorting techniques
3. Analyze the complexity of algorithms, to provide justification for that selection, and to implement the
algorithm in a particular context
4. Analyze, evaluate and choose appropriate data structure and algorithmic technique to solve real-world
Text Books:
1. Seymour Lipschutz Data Structures, TATA McGraw Hill (2016).
2. Corman, Leiserson&Rivest, Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press (2009).
3. Narasimha Karumanchi, Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy (2014).
Reference Books:
1. Sahni, Sartaj, Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++, Universities Press (2005).

Evaluation Scheme:
S. No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)
1 MST 25
2 EST 45
3 Sessional (Assignments/Projects/ Tutorials/Quizzes/Lab Evaluations) 30
L T P Cr

3 0 2 4.0

Course Objectives: To introduce the concepts of image processing and basic analytical methods to be used in
biomedical image processing. To familiarize students with image enhancement and restoration techniques, To
explain different image compression techniques and segmentation techniques.

Introduction: Fundamentals of Image formation, components of image processing system, image sampling and
quantization, Nature of Biomedical images, Objectives of biomedical image analysis, Difficulties in biomedical
image acquisition and analysis.

Image Enhancement: Basic gray-level transformation, histogram processing, arithmetic and logic operators, basic
spatial filtering, smoothing and sharpening spatial filters, image enhancement in frequency domain, biomedical

Image restoration: A model of the image degradation/restoration process, noise models, restoration in the
presence of noise–only spatial filtering, Weiner filtering, constrained least squares filtering, geometric transforms,
biomedical applications.

Image Segmentation: Detection of discontinuous, edge linking and boundary detection, thresholding, Hough
Transform Line Detection and Linking, region–based segmentation.

Image Reconstruction: Image reconstruction from projections, Radon transform, Methods for generating
projection data, Transmission tomography, Reflection tomography, Emission tomography, Magnetic resonance
imaging, Fourier slice theorem, Back-projection theorem. Image Coding and Compression: Lossy verses lossless
compression, Fundamental concepts of coding, Image coding and compression standards, biomedical applications.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): After the successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Explain the fundamentals of digital image and its processing
2. Perform image enhancement techniques in spatial and frequency domain.
3. Elucidate the mathematical modelling of image restoration.
4. Apply the concept of image segmentation for biomedical applications.
5. Elucidate the mathematical modelling of image reconstruction.

Text Books:
1. Digital Image Processing, Rafeal C.Gonzalez, Richard E.Woods, Second Edition, Pearson Education/PHI.
2. Biomedical Image Processing, Thomas M Deserno, ISBN 978-3-642-15816-2, 2011, Springer.
3. Biomedical Image Analysis, RangRaj M Rangyyan, ISBN-13: 978-0849396953, CRC Press 2004.

Reference Books
1. Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision, Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac and Roger Boyle, Second
Edition, Thomson Learning.
2. Introduction to Digital Image Processing with Matlab, Alasdair McAndrew, Thomson Course Technology
3. Computer Vision and Image Processing, Adrian Low, Second Edition, B.S.Publications
4. Digital Image Processing using Matlab, RafealC.Gonzalez, Richard E.Woods, Steven L. Eddins, Pearson

Evaluation Scheme:

S. No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)

1. MST 25

2. EST 45

3. Sessional (May include assignments/quizzes) 30

(2 Hrs Self Effort)

L T P Cr
2 0 0 3.0

Course Objective: To provide the knowledge of planning, designing and safety management in hospital services.

PLANNING AND ORGANIZATION OF THE HOSPITALS: Roles of hospital in healthcare-hospital planning

and design-outpatient services nursing unit-intensive care unit-nursing services.

CLINICAL SERVICES: Radiology and imaging services-laboratory services-operation theatre suite pharmacy-
central sterile supply department.

DESIGNING OF HOSPITAL SERVICES: Engineering department - maintenance management- clinical

engineering- electrical system- air conditioning system- water supply and sanitary system- centralized medical gas
system-communication system.

SUPPORT SERVICES AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT: Admitting department- medical records department-
food service department- laundry and linen service-housekeeping- safety in hospital-fire safety - disaster

INFECTION CONTROL AND WASTE MANAGEMENT: Importance of infection control-hand hygiene-

clinical laboratory standards to infection control-health care workers safety-solid waste management and

Minor Project: Team projects on Hospital Engineering and Management.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

1. Obtain the knowledge about the basic planning and organization of hospitals
2. Study about the clinical services
3. Impart knowledge on designing of hospital services
4. Analyze the infection control and safety management in hospitals

1. Kunders G.D, “Biomechanics: Hospitals, facilities planning and management”, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 16th
edition, 2004.
2. Sakharkar B.M, “Principles of hospital administration and planning”, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
Pvt Limited, 2nd edition, 2009
1. Sanjiv Singh, Sakthi kumar Gupta, Sunil Kant, “Hospital infection control guidelines, principles and
practice”, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt. Limited, First edition, 2012.
Evaluation scheme:

Sr.No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)

1. MST 25
2. EST 35
3. Sessional (May include assignments/quizzes and projects) 40

L T P Cr

2 0 2 3.0

Course Objectives: Emphasis is on the need of database systems. Main focus is on E-R diagrams, relational
database, concepts of normalization and de-normalization and SQL commands.

Introduction: Data, data processing requirement, desirable characteristics of an ideal data processing system,
traditional file-based system, its drawback, concept of data dependency, Definition of database, database
management system, 3-schema architecture, database terminology, benefits of DBMS.

Relational Database: Relational data model: Introduction to relational database theory: definition of relation, keys,
relational model integrity rules.

Database Analysis: Conceptual data modeling using E-R data model -entities, attributes, relationships,
generalization, specialization, specifying constraints, Conversion of ER Models to Tables, Practical problems based
on E-R data model.

Relational Database Design: Normalization- 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF and 5NF. Concept of Denormalization
and practical problems based on these forms.

Transaction Management and Concurrency control: Concept of Transaction, States of Transaction and its
properties, Need of Concurrency control, concept of Lock, Two phase locking protocol.

Recovery Management: Need of Recovery Management, Concept of Stable Storage, Log Based Recovery
Mechanism, Checkpoint.

Database Implementation: Introduction to SQL, DDL aspect of SQL, DML aspect of SQL – update, insert, delete
& various form of SELECT- simple, using special operators, aggregate functions, group by clause, sub query, joins,
co-related sub query, union clause, exist operator. PL/SQL - cursor, stored function, stored procedure, triggers,
error handling, and package.

Laboratory work: Students will perform SQL commands to demonstrate the usage of DDL and DML, joining of
tables, grouping of data and will implement PL/SQL constructs. They will also implement one project.

Project: It will contain database designing & implementation, should be given to group of 2-4 students. While
doing projects emphasis should be more on back-end programming like use of SQL, concept of stored procedure,
function, triggers, cursors, package etc. Project should have continuous evaluation and should be spread over
different components.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

1. Analyze the Information Systems as socio-technical systems, its need and advantages as compared to
traditional file-based systems.
2. Analyze and design database using E-R data model by identifying entities, attributes and relationships.
3. Apply and create Relational Database Design process with Normalization and De- normalization of data.
2. Comprehend the concepts of transaction management, concurrence control and recovery management.
3. Demonstrate use of SQL and PL/SQL to implementation database applications.

Text Books:

1. Silverschatz A., Korth F. H. and Sudarshan S., Database System Concepts, Tata McGraw Hill (2010) 6th

2. Elmasri R. and Navathe B. S., Fundamentals of Database Systems, Pearson (2016) 7th ed.

Reference Books:

1. Bayross I., SQL, PL/SQL the Programming Language of Oracle, BPB Publications (2009) 4th ed.

2. Hoffer J., Venkataraman, R. and Topi, H., Modern Database Management, Pearson (2016) 12th ed.

Evaluation Scheme:

Sr. No. Evaluation Elements Weights (%)

1. MST 25
2. EST 45
3. Sessional (may include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quiz) 30

L T P Cr
3 1 2 4.5

Course Objective: The student should be made to explain and formulate the physiological models and vital

Introduction to Physiological Modeling: Approaches to modeling: The technique of mathematical modeling,

classification of models, characteristics of models. Time invariant and time varying systems for physiological
modeling. Introduction to physiology (homeostasis, cell biology) Modeling physical systems, linear models of
physiological systems, the Laplace transform, Transfer functions and block diagram analysis of physiology.

Modelling of Dynamic Physiological System: Dynamic systems and their control, modeling and block diagrams,
the pupil control systems (Human Eye), general structure of control systems, the dynamic response characteristics
of the pupil control system, open &close loop systems instability, automatic aperture control.

Nonlinear Models of Physiological Systems: Nonparametric Modeling-Volterra Models.Wiener Models.

Efficient Volterra Kernel Estimation. Parametric Modeling- Basic Parametric Model Forms and Estimation
Procedures Volterra Kernels of Nonlinear Differential Equations. Discrete-Time Volterra Kernels of NARMAX

Compartmentental Physiological Model: Modeling the body as compartments, behaviour in simple

compartmental system, pharmacokinetic model, and multi compartmental system. Physiological modeling:
Electrical analogy of blood vessels, model of systematic blood flow and model of coronary circulation.
Mathematical modeling of the system: Thermo regulation, Thermoregulation of cold bloodedness& warm
bloodedness, the anatomy of thermo regulation, lumping & partial differential equations, heat transfer examples,
mathematical model of the controlled process of the body.

Simulation Of Physiological systems: Simulation of physiological systems using MATLAB software. Biological
receptors: - Introduction, receptor characteristics, transfer function models of receptors, receptor and perceived
intensity. Neuromuscular model, Renal System, Drug Delivery Model.

Course Learning Outcome:

At the end of the course student should be able to
1. Explain the application of Physiological models
2. Describe the methods and techniques for analysis and synthesis of Linear and dynamic system
3. Develop differential equations to describe the compartmental physiological model
4. Describe nonlinear models of physiological systems
5. Illustrate the Simulation of physiological systems
1. Michel C Khoo, ―Physiological Control Systems -Analysis, simulation and estimation‖, Prentice Hall of
India, 2001.
2. Marmarelis, ―Nonlinear Dynamic Modeling of Physiological Systems‖, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2004.
1. Benjamin C Kuo, ―Automatic control systems‖, Tenth Edition, McGraw-Hill Education, 2017.
2. David T Westwick, Robert E. Kearney, Identification of Nonlinear Physiological Systems, Wiley IEEE
Press, 2003.
3. V.Z. Marmarelis, ―Advanced methods of physiological modeling‖ , Springer, 1989
4. L.Stark,‖ Neurological Control System, Plenum Press‖,1968.
5. John H Milsum , ―Biological control systems‖, McGraw Hill 1966
6. Minrui Fei, Shiwei Ma, Xin Li, Xin Sun, Li Jia and Zhou Su,―Advanced Computational Methods in Life
System Modeling and Simulation‖, Springer,2017.
Evaluation Scheme:

Sr. No. Evaluation Elements Weights (%)

1. MST 30
2. EST 45
3. Sessional (may include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quiz 25

L T P Cr
2 0 2 3.0
Course Objectives: To understand the concepts of Biometrics and to design biometric system

Introduction: Overview of Biometrics, Biometric Identification, Biometric Verification, Biometric Enrollment,

Biometric, System Security, Introduction of biometric traits and its aim, image processing basics, basic image
operations, filtering, enhancement, sharpening, edge detection, smoothening, enhancement, thresholding,
localization. Fourier Series, DFT, inverse of DFT

Authentication and Biometrics: Secure Authentication Protocols, Authentication Protocols, Biometric system,
identification and verification. FAR/FRR, system design issues. Positive/negative identification. Biometric system
security, authentication protocols, matching score distribution, ROC curve, DET curve, FAR/FRR curve. Expected
overall error, EER, biometric myths and misrepresentations.

Common biometrics: Finger Print Recognition, Face Recognition, Speaker Recognition, Iris Recognition, Hand
Geometry, Signature Verification, Positive and Negative of Biometrics.

Selection of suitable biometric: Biometric attributes, Zephyr charts, types of multi biometrics. Verification on
multimodel system, normalization strategy, Fusion methods, Multimodel identification.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

Student will be able to:
1. Elucidate the basics of Biometric Identification
2. Analyse different error measures used in biometric identification and verification
3. Apply various biometrics for identification
4. Exhibit the knowledge of multimodel biometric identification system.

Text Books:
1. Digital Image Processing using MATLAB, By: Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard Eugene Woods, 2nd
Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Education 2010
2. Guide to Biometrics, By: Ruud M. Bolle, Sharath Pankanti, Nalini K. Ratha,Andrew W. Senior,
Jonathan H. Connell, Springer 2009
3. Pattern Classification, By: Richard O. Duda, David G.Stork, Peter E. Hart, Wiley 2007

Reference Books:
1. Bolle, Connell et. al., "Guide to Biometrics", Springer.
Evaluation Scheme:

Sr. Evaluation Elements Weightage

No. (%)
1 MST 25
2 EST 45
3 Sessional (May include Assignments//Quizzes/Lab Evaluations) 30

L T P Cr
3 0 2 4.0

Course Objectives: To make the students able to understand microprocessors and microcontroller and their

Introduction to Microprocessor: Evolution of microprocessor, Types of various architectures; Harvard and Von-
Neumann, RISC and CISC, Architecture, Addressing Modes.

Introduction to microcontroller: evolution of microcontrollers, comparison of microprocessor and


PIC Microcontrollers: Introduction to 16 and 18F families, Architecture, programming, Instruction set, using
assembly and embedded C, introduction to TIMERS and Counters, special operations compare, capture, PWM
using timers, analog to digital converters, Interrupts, introduction to communication protocols such as UART,SPI,
I2C, CAN, USB I/O programming and interfacing.

Introduction to special features: configuration word, oscillator configuration, power on reset, watch dog timer,
brown out reset, in circuit serial programming, in circuit debugger.

Hardware Interfacing: Interfacing with LEDs, Seven Segment, LCD, Relays, D.C. and stepper motors etc., port
expansion using SPI and I2C.

Sensor interfacing: Introduction to temperature, pressure and accelerometer sensors (Mems based), interfacing
using SPI/I2C/CAN protocol.

Laboratory work: Programming examples of 8085, Programming and Application development around PIC
16FXXX/ 18FXXX microcontroller, Interfacing to LED, LCD, Keyboard, ADC, DAC, Stepper Motors and sensors

Course Learning Outcome (CLO):

After the successful completion of the course the students will be able to:
1. Elucidate the 8085 microprocessor architecture, programming and its applications
2. Elucidate the architecture and addressing modes of PIC microcontroller
3. Elucidate the communication protocol of PIC microcontroller
4. Program the microcontrollers for a given application
5. Hardware interfacing of PIC microcontroller and sensor interfacing to develop solutions of real
world problems
Text Books:
1. Peatman J., Design with PIC microcontrollers, Pearson Education, 2006
2. Peatman J., Embedded system Design using PIC18Fxxx, Prentice Hall, 2003.
3. Mazidi M.A., PIC Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using assembly and C for PIC, 2008
Evaluation Scheme:

Sr. No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)

1. MST 25
2. EST 45
3. Sessionals (May include Assignments/ Tutorials/ Quizes/ 30
Lab Evaluations)
L T P Cr
3 1 0 3.5

Course Objectives: To describe the fundamental concepts of momentum, heat and mass transfer and understand
the roles of transport processes in the cells, tissues and organ systems of the human boddy. Formulate problems in
chemical and biological systems, identifying fundamental transport processes and the equations that describe these

Basic concepts of transport processes: Relationship between flow and effort variables. Chemical balances, force
balances, general flow balances, Kirchhoff’s laws, Conservation of mass, conservation of energy, momentum

Heat transfer systems: Modes of heat transfer, conduction, convection and radiation. Heat production, heat loss
to the environment, role of blood circulation in internal heat transfer, models for heat transfer within the body.

Mass transfer principles. Mass balance, molecular diffusion, Transport through cell membranes. Mass transfer in
kidneys, models of nephron function, gas transport mechanisms in the lungs and blood. Modelling of oxygen and
inert gas uptake in the lungs.

Mass transfer in artificial kidney devices: modeling of patient-artificial kidney system. Comparison of natural
and artificial lungs. Models for blood oxygenation, analysis of gas transport in membrane oxygenators.

Compartmental models: Approaches to pharmacokinetic modeling and drug delivery, one and two
compartmental models. Physiological applications-intravenous injection, constant intravenous infusion,
determination of regional blood flow volumes and blood flow rates.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): Successfully the student will be able to:
1. Mathematically define and describe general bio transport
2. Study the various models of heat transfer to achieve homeostasis
3. Comprehend mass transfer in Kidneys and lungs
4. Apply mass transfer principles in designing dialyzers and oxygenators
5. Construct compartmental models to analyse drug delivery and blood flow

Text books:
1. Biomedical Engineering Principles, An Introduction to fluid, heat and mass transfer process, Cooney D. O.,
Marcel Dekker Inc, (1976).
2. Transport Phenomena is living systems- Biomedical Aspects of Momentum and Man Transport, Lightfoot
E. N., John Wiley (1974).
3. Basic transport phenomena in biomedical engineering, Fournier, Ronald L., Taylor & Francis, 1998.
Reference books:
1. G.A. Truskey, F. Yuan, D. F. Katz: “Transport phenomena in biological systems.” 2 nd Edition.

Evaluation Scheme:

Sr. No. Evaluation Elements Weights (%)

1. MST 30
2. EST 45
3. Sessional (may include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quiz 25
L T P Cr
3 0 0 3.0

OBJECTIVES: To Study about: the optical properties of the tissues and the interactions of light with tissues,
medical optics and ultrasound based diagnostic system

OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF THE TISSUES: Fundamental Properties of light - Refraction, Reflection, Laws
(Snell‘s law and Fresnel law) Scattering, Absorption, Light transport inside the tissue, Tissue properties, Laser
Characteristics as applied to medicine and biology, Laser tissue Interactions – Photo chemical, Photo thermal and
Photo mechanical interactions, Fluorescence, Speckles, Photo ablative processes

INSTRUMENTATION IN PHOTONICS: Instrumentation for absorption, Scattering and emission

measurements, Excitation light sources – high pressure arc lamps, LEDs, Lasers, Optical filters – Prism and
Monochromators, Polarizers, Optical detectors – Single Channel and Multichannel detectors, Time resolved and
phase resolved detection methods, Optical fibres – Total Internal Reflection.

SURGICAL THERAPEUTIC APPLICATIONS OF LASERS: Lasers in ophthalmology, Dermatology,

Dentistry, Urology, Otolaryngology, Tissue welding and Soldering.

NON-THERMAL DIAGNOSTIC APPLICATIONS: Optical coherence tomography, Elastography, Laser

Induced Fluorescence (LIF)-Imaging, FLIM Raman Spectroscopy and Imaging, FLIM – Holographic and Speckle
applications of lasers in biology and medicine

DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC TECHNIQUES: Near field imaging of biological structures, In vitro
clinical diagnostics, Phototherapy, Photodynamic therapy (PDT) - Principles and mechanisms - Oncological and
non-oncological applications of PDT - Biostimulation effect – applications - Laser Safety Procedures

ULTRASOUND: Physics of ultrasound and Production of ultrasound, Medical ultrasound, acoustic

impedance, absorption and attenuation of ultrasound energy, pulse geometry, ultrasonic field, ultrasonic
transducers and probe design, Principles of image formation, capture and display - Principles of A Mode, B
Mode and M Mode. Real-time ultrasonic imaging systems, electronic scanners, image artifacts, Doppler ultra
sound and Colour velocity mapping, duplex ultrasound, bio-effects and safety levels. Scan converters, Frame
grabbers, Single line and multiline monitoring of ultrasound displays - US artifacts

Course Learning Outcome: At the end of the course student should be able to
1. Demonstrate knowledge of the fundamentals of optical properties of tissues
2. Analyze the components of instrumentation in Medical Photonics and Configurations
3. Describe surgical applications of lasers.
4. Describe photonics and its diagnostic applications.
5. Investigate emerging techniques in medical optics
6. differentiate biosensors, optical and ultrasonic sensors
7. Demonstrate knowledge of the fundamentals of ultrasound

1. Tuan Vo Dirh, ―Biomedical Photonics – Handbook‖, CRC Press, Bocaraton, 2014.
2. Paras N. Prasad, ―Introduction to Biophotonics‖, A. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Publications,
3. 2003
1. Markolf H.Niemz, ―Laser-Tissue Interaction Fundamentals and Applications‖, Springer, 2007
2. G.David Baxter ―Therapeutic Lasers – Theory and practice‖, Churchill Livingstone publications
3. Edition- 2001.
4. Leon Goldman, M.D., & R.James Rockwell, Jr., ―Lasers in Medicine‖, Gordon and Breach,
5. Science Publishers Inc., 1975

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. No. Evaluation Elements Weights (%)
1. MST 30
2. EST 45
3. Sessional (may include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quiz 25
L T P Cr
3 1 0 3.5

Course Objectives: To understand the principles of developmental biology, stem cell biology, and somatic
regeneration and integrate engineering principles and technologies into regenerative medicine.

Introduction to regenerative engineering: Basic concepts, Rationale for regenerative engineering, Molecular
regenerative engineering, Cellular regenerative engineering, Tissue regenerative engineering.

Biological basis of regenerative engineering: Regenerative machineries: Molecules, Cells, Systems, Cell
generation during embryonic development: Embryonic processes, Mechanisms of cell generation. Embryonic stem
cells: Stem cell identification, Stem cell characterization, Stem cell function. Somatic resident stem cells: Bone
marrow stem cells, Other resident stem cells. Somatic organ regeneration: Liver regeneration, Regeneration of
other organs. Cytokines in regeneration, Growth factors in regeneration, Extracellular matrix in regeneration

Principles and technologies of regenerative engineering: Gene-based regenerative engineering: Identification

of pathogenic and regenerative genes, Gene recombination and manipulations, Biological mediations of gene
transfer, Chemical and physical mediations of gene transfer, Small interfering RNAs for mRNA modulations,
Epigenetic modulations, MicroRNA modulations, Gene editing. Cell-level regenerative engineering, Tissue-level
regenerative engineering.

Course learning outcome (CLO): After the completion of the course the students will be able to
1. Assess the mechanisms of naturally occurring developmental and regenerative processes
2. Acquire knowledge about the principles and technologies of molecular, cellular, and tissue regenerative
3. Establish hypotheses for regenerative engineering research.
4. Design engineering strategies for regenerative medicine.

Recommended Books:
1. Shu Q. Liu, Bioregenerative Engineering: Principles and Applications. Wiley Interscience, New York, 2007*.
2. Shu Q. Liu. Cardiovascular Engineering: A Protective Approach. McGraw-Hill, New York, 2020

Evaluation Scheme:

Sr. No. Evaluation Elements Weights (%)

1. MST 30
2. EST 45
3. Sessional (may include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quiz 25
L T P Cr
3 0 0 3.0

Course Objectives: To introduce the concept of biosensors and MEMS, design and fabrication, types and their
applications. To explain biosensors and bioelectronics devices. To introduce MEMS technology.

Overview of biosensors and their electrochemistry: Molecular reorganization: Enzymes, Antibodies and DNA,
Modification of bio recognition molecules for Selectivity and sensitivity, Fundamentals of surfaces and interfaces

Bioinstrumentation and bioelectronics devices: Principles of potentiometry and potentiometric biosensors,

Principles of amperometry and amperometric biosensors, Optical Biosensors based on Fiber optics, FETs and Bio-
MEMS, Introduction to Chemometrics, Biosensor arrays; Electronic nose and electronic tongue.

MEMS Technology: Introduction Nanotechnology and MEMS, MEMS design, and fabrication technology –
Lithography, Etching, MEMS material, Bulk micromachining, Surface micromachining, Microactuator,
electrostatic actuation, Micro-fluidics.

MEMS types and their applications : Mechanical MEMS – Strain and pressure sensors, Accelerometers etc.,
Electromagnetic MEMS – Micromotors, Wireless and GPS MEMS etc.
Magnetic MEMS – all effect sensors, SQUID magnetometers, Optical MEMS – Micromachinedfiber optic
component, Optical sensors, Thermal MEMS – thermo-mechanical and thermo-electrical actuators, Peltier heat

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): After the completion of the course student will be able to:
1. Exhibit the knowledge of the concept of molecular reorganization, fundamentals of surfaces and
2. Elucidate the principles of different types of biosensors
3. Demonstrate the knowledge of the concept of MEMS design, and fabrication technology
4. Exhibit the knowledge of bioinstrumentation and bioelectronics devices
5. Exhibit the understanding of the different types of MEMS and its applications

Text books:
1. Gardner, J.W., Microsensors, Principles and Applications, John Wiley and Sons (1994).
2. Kovacs, G.T.A., Micromachined Transducer Sourcebook, McGraw−Hill (2001).
3. Turner, A.P.F., Karube,I., and Wilson G.S., Biosensors−Fundamentals and Applications, Oxford
University Press (2008).
Reference Book:
1. Trimmer, W., Micromechanics and MEMS, IEEE Press (1990)
Evaluation Scheme:
S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)
1. MST 30
2. EST 45
3. Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/ 25
Tutorials/ Quizes)

L T P Cr

3 0 0 3.0

Course Objectives: This course will enable Students to understand thoroughly the key concepts of tissue
organization, remodeling and strategies for restoration of tissue function. This will enable them to design tissue
regeneration and tissue injury repair strategies.

Introduction: Basic definition, Introduction to tissue engineering, Cells as therapeutic agents with examples.
Cellular fate processes, Cell differentiation, Cell migration - underlying biochemical process.

Structural and organization of tissues: Tissue organization, Tissue Components, Tissue types, Functional
subunits. Tissue Dynamics, Homeostasis in highly prolific tissues and Tissue repair. Angiogenesis. Epithelial,
connective; vascularity and angiogenesis, basic wound healing, cell migration, current scope of development and
use in therapeutic and in-vitro testing.

Molecular & Cellular aspects: Cell-extracellular matrix interactions - Binding to the ECM, Modifying the ECM,
Malfunctions in ECM signaling. Cell signaling molecules, growth factors, hormone and growth factor signaling,
growth factor delivery in tissue engineering, cell attachment: differential cell adhesion, receptor-ligand binding,
and Cell surface markers.

Biomaterials & Scaffold: Engineering biomaterials for tissue engineering, Degradable materials (collagen, silk
and polylactic acid), porosity, mechanical strength, 3-D architecture and cell incorporation. Engineering tissues for
replacing bone, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, skin and liver, Bioreactors for Tissue Engineering.

Case study and regulatory issues: Case study of multiple approaches: cell transplantation and engineering for
liver, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, neural, visceral tissue engineering. Ethical, FDA and regulatory issues of
tissue engineering.

Course learning outcome (CLO):

The Students will be able to:
1. Comprehend the structural organization of cells and tissues, the role of cell interaction, cell migration,
wound healing and cellular processes
2. Describe the different biomaterials and its properties, design, fabrication and biomaterials selection criteria
for tissue engineering scaffolds
3. Comprehend applications of tissue engineering

Text books:
1. Principles of tissue engineering, Robert. P.Lanza, Robert Langer & William L. Chick, Academic press.
2. The Biomedical Engineering –Handbook, Joseph D. Bronzino, CRC press.
3. Introduction to Biomedical Engg. , Endarle, Blanchard & Bronzino, Academic press.

Reference books:
1. Tissue Engineering, B. Palsson, J.A. Hubbell, R.Plonsey & J.D. Bronzino, CRC- Taylor & Francis
2. Nanotechnology and Tissue engineering - The Scaffold", Cato T. Laurencin, Lakshmi S. Nair, CRC Press

Evaluation Scheme:

Sr. No. Evaluation Elements Weights (%)

1. MST 30
2. EST 45
3. Sessional (may include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quiz 25

L T P Cr
3 1 0 3.5

Course Objectives
1. Provide an overview of physical processes of imaging biological tissues.
2. Provide the students with mathematical and computational tools to analyse and interpret a range of
biomedical images.
3. To introduce fundamental neuroscience concepts and describe different neuroimaging approaches.

Introduction to Biomedical Imaging: Basic definitions (biomedical imaging, body planes, structural and
anatomical imaging), Physics concepts (e.g. wave equations, energy transport, chromophores and contrasts), Image
formation and reconstruction, and levels of analysis, The temporal-spatial-signal matrix, Examples of imaging

Image formation and acquisition principles: Fundamental models of image formation, Kinds of radiation and
imaged properties b. The imaging system, Point spread function, Imaging filters: Monochromatic, colour, multi-
spectral and hyperspectral image, Resolution (pixel, spatial, radiometric/magnitude, spectral, temporal,
superresolution), Image quality and uncertainties in image formation (digitization, quantum efficiency,
metamerism, calibration, CNR, SNR), Major imaging modalities, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Optical Imaging
(inc. X-Ray, OCT, NIRS, microscopy, confocal imaging, one and two photon imaging, fluoroscopy, CT), Electrical
and magnetic imaging (inc. EEG/MEG, EMG, ECG, etc) , Ultrasound.

Image reconstruction: Inverse problem and the Jacobian, Regularization.

Image interpretation: Data mining, Knowledge discovery, Interpreting statistics, Interpretation guidelines.

Advanced topics on Neuroimaging: The neuron, Metabolism, The brain and the central nervous system,
Anatomy, Histophysiology, Blood irrigation iii. Neurovascular coupling, Working principles of Segregation and
Integration, Connectivity (Structural, Functional and Effective), The resting state network, Neuroimages (EEG,
fNIRS, fMRI, PET/SPECT), Analysis and Interpretation, Typical processing in fMRI, Typical processing in fNIRS
, Analysis; Analytical Modelling, Statistical Parametric Mappings, Graph Theory, Topological, Others.

Text Book
1. Gonzalez R. C. y Woods, R. E. “Digital Image Processing” Prentice Hall 3rd Ed. (2007), 976 pgs.
2. Proakis and Manolakis “Digital Signal Processing” Prentice Hall 4th Ed. (2006), 1004 pgs.
3. Davies, E.R. “Computer and Machine Vision: Theory, Algorithms, Practicalities” Academic Press 4th Ed.
(2012), 912 pgs.

1. Related scientific literature.
2. Bushberg, J. T., Seibert, J. A., Leidholt, E. M. and Boone, J. M. “The essential physics of medical imaging”
Wolters Kluwer and Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 3rd Ed. (2012.
3. Frackowiack et al “Human Brain Function” Academic Press 2nd Ed. (2004), 1144 pgs.
4. Nunez, P. and Srinivasan, R. “Electrical fields of the brain: the neurophysics of EEG” Oxford University
Press 2nd Ed. (2006) 611 pgs.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): On successful completion of this module, the student should be able to:
1. Understand basic and intermediate concepts in biomedical imaging transversal across imaging modalities.
2. Given a certain biomedical image, s/he will be able to design and apply a processing and analysis strategy
to extract new biomedical knowledge.
3. Interpret the biomedical image confining its conclusions to assumptions made through the reconstruction
and analytical process.
4. Given a certain biomedical demand, to imaginatively propose image construction methods to obtain
structural or functional representation.
5. To creatively and critically carry out research in the field of biomedical imaging.

Evaluation Scheme:

S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)

1. MST 25
2. EST 45
3. Sessional (May include Assignments//Quizes/Lab 30

L T P Cr

3 1 0 3.5

Course Objective: This course will present the advantages and challenges of telehealth services to close these
gaps. Special focus is placed on how communication, innovative technology, safety and efficiency are
addressed through telehealth.

Introduction to Telemedicine: Historical perspective and Evolution of telemedicine, Tele health, Tele care,
Components of telemedicine system, Global and Indian scenario, Ethical and legal aspects of Telemedicine –
Confidentiality, Social and legal issues, Safety and regulatory issues, Law governing telemedicine.

Telemedicine Systems : Telemedicine System, Essential Parameters for Telemedicine, Components of

Telemedicine, Trends in Telemedicine System, Delivery modes in Telemedicine.

Telecommunication Technologies for Telemedicine : Principles of Multimedia – Text, Audio, Video, data,
Data communications and networks, PSTN, POTS, ANT, ISDN, Internet, Air/ wireless communications:
GSM satellite, and Micro wave, Modulation techniques, Integration and operational issues, Communication
infrastructure for telemedicine – LAN and WAN technology, Satellite communication.

Ethical and Legal Aspects of Telemedicine: Confidentiality, patient rights and consent: confidentiality and
the law, the patient-doctor relationship, access to medical records, consent treatment - data protection &
security, jurisdictional issues, intellectual property rights.

Telemedical Applications: Telemedicine access to health care services – health education and self-care.
Introduction to robotics surgery, tele-surgery. Tele-cardiology, Telemedicine in neurosciences, Electronic
Documentation, e-health services security and interoperability., Telemedicine access to health care services –
health education and self-care, Business aspects – Project planning, Usage of telemedicine.

Course learning outcome: Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Understand the regulatory, legislative and political considerations that affect the implementation of
2. Understand the telecommunication technologies for telemedicine.
3. Explain protocols behind encryption techniques for secure transmission of data
4. Understand the Ethical and Legal Aspects of Telemedicine
5. Identify the various applications of the telehealth technology

Text Books:

1. Norris, A.C. “Essentials of Telemedicine and Telecare”, Wiley (ISBN 0-471-53151-0), First edition,
2. Shashi Gogia, “Fundamentals of Telemedcine and Telehealth”, Elsevier (ISBN 9780128143094), First
edition, 2019.
3. R. S. Khandpur, “Telemedicine Technology and Applications”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., May 1, 2017.
4. O’Carroll, P.W, Yasnoff W.A., Ward E.Ripp, L.H., Martin, E.L., “Public Health Informatics and
Information Systems”, Springer (ISBN 0-387-95474-0), 1st Edition, 2003.
Reference Books:

1. Simpson, W. “Video over IP- A practical guide to technology and applications”, Focal Press
(Elsevier). ISBN-10: 0-240-80557-7, 2006.
2. Wootton R. Craig, J., Patterson V. “Introduction to Telemedicine”, Royal Society of Medicine Press
Ltd (ISBN 1853156779), 2nd Edition, 2006.
3. Ferrer-Roca, O., Sosa-Iudicissa, M, “Handbook of Telemedicine”, IOS Press (Studies in Health
Technology and Informatics, Volume 54). (ISBN 90-5199-413-3), 3rd Edition, 2002.

Evaluation Scheme:

S. No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)

1. MST 30

2. EST 45

3. Sessional (May include assignments/quizzes) 25


L T P Cr
3 0 0 3.0

Course Objectives: T his course will acquaint the student with modern artificial organs devices and methods
used to partially support or completely replace pathological organ, and engineering approaches such as
prostheses (limb replacements) and orthoses (limb assists) for human movement.

Artificial kidney: kidney filtration, artificial waste removal methods, haemodialysis, regeneration of
dialysate, membrane configuration, wearable artificial kidney machine.

Artificial heart-lung machine: Heart assist devices, principles and functionality, types of ventricular assist
devices (VAD), lungs gaseous exchange/ transport, Artificial heart valves.

Other artificial organs: Principles and functionality of Liver support system, Artificial pancreas, Artificial

Artificial limb: Hand function, musculoskeletal anatomy of the hand and arm, non-hand-like prehensors,
myoelectricity, Transradial, transhumeral and shoulder disarticular prostheses, Lower limb anatomy.

Artificial feet: transtibial, transfemoral and hip disarticulation prostheses, Pathological gait and aided walking
(crutches, canes and walkers)

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

On completion of the Course, the student would be able to:
1. Recognize importance and application of various artificial organs such as artificial kidney, artificial
pancreas, liver support system
2. Learn the functionality of heart assist devices
3. Understand the prosthetic devices
4. Acquire the knowledge of musculoskeletal anatomy and muscle mechanic

Text Books:
1. Gerald Miller, Artificial Organs, Morgan & Claypool, 2006
2. Lary Hench, John Jones Biomaterials, Artificial Organs and Tissue Engineering, 2005

Reference Books:
1. Joseph D. Bronsino, Tissue Engineering and Artificial Organs. The Biomedical Engineering
Handbook, 2006
2. Shurr DG and Michael JW. Prosthetics and Orthotics, 2nd Edition, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-
Hall. 2002.
Evaluation Scheme:
S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)
1. MST (formal written test) 30
2. EST (formal written test) 45
3. Sessional: (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quiz) 25
L T P Cr
2 0 3 3.5
Course Objective: The objective of this course is to introduce the concept of virtual instrumentation and to
develop basic VI programs using loops, case structures etc. including its applications in image, signal
processing and motion control.
Review of Virtual Instrumentation: Historical perspective, Block diagram and Architecture of Virtual
Data-flow Techniques: Graphical programming in data flow, Comparison with conventional programming.
VI Programming Techniques: VIs and sub-VIs, Loops and Charts, Arrays, Clusters and graphs, Case and
sequence structures, Formula nodes, Local and global variables, Strings and file I/O.

Data Acquisition Basics: ADC, DAC, DIO, Counters and timers.

Common Instrumentation Interfaces: RS232C/ RS485, GPIB, PC Hardware structure, DMA software and
hardware installation.

Use of Analysis Tools: Advanced analysis tools such as Fourier transforms, Power spectrum, Correlation
methods, Windowing and filtering and their applications in signal and image processing, Motion Control.

Additional Topics: System buses, Interface buses: PCMCIA, VXI, SCXl, PXI, etc.

Laboratory Work : Components of Lab VIEW, Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion, Debugging, Sub-VI,
Multiplot charts, Case structures, ASCII files, Function Generator, Property Node, Formula node, Shift
registers, Array, Strings, Clusters, DC voltage measurement using DAQ

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): After the completion of the course student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate the working of LabVIEW
2. Exhibit the knowledge of the various types of structures used in LabVIEW
3. Analyze and design different type of programs based on data acquisition
4. Demonstrate the use of LabVIEW for signal processing, image processing etc.
5. Use different analysis tools

Text Books:
1. Johnson, G., LabVIEW Graphical Programming, McGraw−Hill (2006).
2. Sokoloft, L., Basic Concepts of LabVIEW 4, Prentice Hall Inc. (2004).
3. Wells, L.K. and Travis, J., LabVIEW for Everyone, Prentice Hall Inc. (1996).

Reference Book:
Gupta, S. and Gupta, J.P., PC Interfacing for Data Acquisition and Process Control,
Instrument Society of America (1988).
Evaluation Scheme:

S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)

1. MST 25
2. EST 35
3. Sessional (May include Assignments//Quizes/Lab 40

L T P Cr
3 1 0 3.5

Course Objectives: The student should be made to:

• Understand the hazardous materials used in hospital and its impact on health
• Understand various waste disposal procedures and management.


Control : Introduction, Hazard Control, Hazard Control Management, Hazard Control Responsibilities,
Addressing Behaviors, Hazard Control Practice, Understanding Hazards, Hazard Analysis, Hazard Control
and Correction, Personal Protective Equipment, Hazard Control Committees, Hazard Control Evaluation,
Hazards, System Safety, Ergonomics. Understanding Accidents: Accident Causation Theories, Human
Factors, Accident Deviation Models, Accident Reporting, Accident Investigations, Accident Analysis,
Organizational Functions That Support Accident Prevention, Workers‘ Compensation, Orientation,
Education, and Training.

BIOMEDICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT: Biomedical Waste Management : Types of wastes, major and
minor sources of biomedical waste, Categories and classification of biomedical waste, hazard of biomedical
waste, need for disposal of biomedical waste, waste minimization, waste segregation and labelling, waste
handling, collection, storage and transportation, treatment and disposal.

HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Hazardous Substance Safety, OSHA Hazard Communication Standard,

DOT Hazardous Material Regulations, Healthcare Hazardous Materials, Medical Gas Systems, Hazardous
Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard, Respiratory Protection.

FACILITY SAFETY : Introduction, Facility Guidelines Institute, Administrative Area Safety, Slip, Trip,
and Fall Prevention, Safety Signs, Colors, and Marking Requirements, Scaffolding, Fall Protection, Tool
Safety, Machine Guarding, Compressed Air Safety, Electrical Safety, Control of Hazardous Energy, Permit
Confined Spaces, OSHA Hearing Conservation Standard, Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning
Systems, Assessing IAQ, Landscape and Grounds Maintenance, Fleet and Vehicle Safety.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Disinfectants, Sterilants, and Antiseptics, OSHA Bloodborne
Pathogens Standard, Tuberculosis, Healthcare Opportunistic Infections, Medical Waste. Patient Safety: An
Organizational Function, Errors and Adverse Events, Safety Cultures, Patient-Centered Healthcare, Quality
Improvement Tools and Strategies, Healthcare-Associated Infections, Medication Safety.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): At the end of the course, the student should be able to
1. Analyse various hazards, accidents and its control
2. Design waste disposal procedures for different biowastes
3. Categorise different biowastes based on its properties
4. Design different safety facility in hospitals
5. Propose various regulations and safety norms
1. Tweedy, James T., Healthcare hazard control and safety management-CRC Press_Taylor and Francis
2. Anantpreet Singh, Sukhjit Kaur, Biomedical Waste Disposal, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P)
Ltd (2012).

1. R.C.Goyal, ―Hospital Administration and Human Resource Management‖, PHI – Fourth Edition,
2. V.J. Landrum, ―Medical Waste Management and disposal‖, Elsevier, 1991.

Evaluation Scheme:

Sr.No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)

1. MST 30

2. EST 45

3. Sessional (Assignments/Quizzes) 25

L T P Cr
3 1 0 3.5

Course objective: This course is designed to understand the basics concepts of robotics
and to introduce the various applications of robots in medicine and healthcare sector.

Introduction Automation and Robots, Classification, Application, Specification,


Direct Kinematics Dot and cross products, Coordinate frames, Rotations, Homogeneous
coordinates Link coordination arm equation, (Five- axis robot, Four axis robot, Six-axis
robot) Controller PID control, lead-lag compensation, and other controllers.

Inverse Kinematics General properties of solutions tool configuration Five axis robots,
Three-Four axis, Six axis robot (Inverse Kinematics). Workspace analysis and trajectory
planning work envelope and examples, workspace fixtures, Pick and place operations,
Continuous path motion, Interpolated motion, Straight-line motion.

Task Planning Task level programming, Uncertainty, Configuration, Space, Gross motion,
Planning, Grasp Planning, Fine-motion planning, Simulation of planar motion, Source and
Goal scenes, Task Planner simulation.

Applications in Biomedical Engineering Application in rehabilitation, Clinical and


Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

On completion of the Course, the student would be able to:
• Learn the basics of Robotics
• Understand the kinematics and inverse Kinematics
• Develop motion planning solution
• Recognize the various applications of Robots in Medicine

Text Books:
• Fundamentals of Robotics-Analysis and control, Robert Schilling, Prentice Hall of
• Robotics, Fu,Gonzales and Lee, McGraw Hill
• Introduction to Robotics, J.J,Craig,Pearson Education

Reference Books:
• Robotics and AI, Staughard, Prentice Hall Of India.
• Industrial Robotics - Grover, Wiess, Nagel, Oderey, , McGraw Hill.
• Robotics and Mechatronics. Walfram Stdder,
• Introduction to Robotics, Niku, Pearson Education.
• Robot Engineering, Klafter, Chmielewski, Negin, Prentice Hall Of India.
• Robotics and Control, Mittal, Nagrath, Tata McGraw Hill publications.

Evaluation scheme:
S.No Evaluation Elements
1. MST 30
2. EST 45
Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quiz/
3. 25
Lab evaluations)

L T P Cr
2 0 3 3.5

Course Objective: This course aims to not only cover the fundamentals of deep learning, but
also give a grasp of contemporary research.

Introduction: Overview of machine learning, linear classifiers, loss functions.

Optimization: Stochastic gradient descent and contemporary variants, back-propagation.

Feedforward networks and training: Activation functions, initialization, regularization,

batch normalization, model selection, ensembles.

Convolutional neural networks: Fundamentals, architectures, pooling, visualization.

Deep learning for spatial localization: Transposed convolution, efficient pooling, object
detection, semantic segmentation.

Recurrent neural networks: Recurrent neural networks (RNN), long-short term memory
(LSTM), language models, machine translation, image captioning, video processing, visual
question answering, video processing, learning from descriptions, attention.

Deep generative models: Auto-encoders, variational auto-encoders, generative adversarial

networks, autoregressive models, generative image models, unsupervised and self-supervised
representation learning.

Deep reinforcement learning: Policy gradient methods, Q-Learning • Project presentations

Text books:
1. Goodfellow, Y. Bengio, A. Courville, Deep Learning, MIT Press, 2016.
2. K. P. Murphy, Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective, MIT Press, 2012.
3. C. M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): On successful completion of this module, the student
should be able to:
1. Understand basic and intermediate concepts in machine learning.
2. Apply and interpret the convolutional neural network for the medical image analysis.
3. Apply autoencoder for medical image analysis.
4. Apply reinforcement learning based deep learning models for the research in the field
of biomedical imaging.
Evaluation Scheme:

S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)

1. MST 25
2. EST 45
3. Sessional (May include Assignments//Quizes/Lab 30

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