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Taylor Spatial Frame Fixation in Patient

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Taylor Spatial Frame Fixation in Patients With Multiple

Traumatic Injuries: Study of 57 Long-Bone Fractures
Francesco Sala, MD,* Yasser Elbatrawy, MD,† Ahmed M. Thabet, MD,‡ Mahmoud Zayed, MD,†
and Dario Capitani, MD*

rate and range of motion for lower extremity long-bone fractures in

Objective: To evaluate the Taylor spatial frame (TSF) for primary patients with multiple traumatic injuries.
and definitive fixation of lower limb long-bone fractures in patients
with multiple traumatic injuries. Key Words: multiple trauma, tibia, femur, fracture, Taylor spatial frame

Design: Retrospective. Level of Evidence: Therapeutic Level IV. See Instructions for
Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Setting: Level I trauma center.
(J Orthop Trauma 2013;27:442–450)
Patients: Consecutive series of 52 patients, 57 fractures (25 femoral
and 32 tibial), treated between 2005 and 2009. Forty-nine fractures
(86%) were open. Injury Severity Score $16 for all patients. INTRODUCTION
External fixation plays an important role in the primary
Intervention: Fifty-four fractures (95%) underwent definitive management of complex lower limb fractures in adult patients
fixation with the TSF and 3 were treated primarily within 48 hours with multiple traumatic injuries.1,2 Damage control orthopedics
of injury. In 22 cases (39%), fractures were acutely reduced with the with external fixation is becoming the standard management at
TSF, fixed to bone and the struts in sliding mode without further many trauma centers.2,3 Skeletal traction has long been used as
adjustment, and in 35 cases (61%), the total residual deformity a method for temporary stabilization of fractures.4 External
correction program was undertaken. fixation has been used in the treatment of high-energy frac-
Main Outcome Measure: Clinical and radiological. tures, usually multifragmentary fractures with soft-tissue
lesions, because of its many advantages compared with internal
Results: Complete union was obtained in 52 fractures (91%) without fixation, including less disruption of the blood supply to the
additional surgery at an average of 29 weeks. Four nonunions and 1 bone and minimal interference with soft-tissue cover.5 Histor-
delayed union occurred. Results based on Association for the Study ically, definitive external fixation has been associated with
and Application of the Method of Ilizarov criteria: 74% excellent, 16% a high incidence of complications, including loss of reduction,
good, 4% fair, and 7% poor for bone outcomes and 35% excellent, delayed union, malunion, nonunion, articular stiffness, and pin
47% good, and 18% fair for functional outcomes. Eighty-eight percent site infections.2
of patients returned to preinjury work activities. The Taylor spatial frame (TSF) (Smith & Nephew,
Memphis, TN) is a modern multiplanar external hexapod
Conclusions: Primary and definitive fixation with the TSF is frame that consists of 2 rings or partial rings connected by
effective. Advantages include continuity of device until union, reduced 6 telescopic struts at special universal joints. The TSF offers
risk of infection, early mobilization, restoration of primary defect many advantages including reliability and the versatility to
caused by bone loss, easy and accurate application, convertibility and simultaneously correct rotation, angulation, and translation
versatility compared with a monolateral fixator, and improved union deformities by adjusting the strut lengths.6 The purpose of
our study was to determine the clinical effectiveness of the
Accepted for publication November 6, 2012. TSF in primary and definitive external fixation for patients
From the *Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Trauma Team, with multiple injuries and open fractures of the lower limb.7,8
Niguarda Hospital, Milan, Italy; †Department of Orthopedics and Trauma,
Elzahra’a Hospital, Al Zahra’a University Hospital, Al-Azhar University,
Abbasia, Abdou Pasha, Cairo, Egypt; and ‡Orthopedics Department, Benha
University, Benha, Egypt. PATIENTS AND METHODS
None of the authors received benefits for personal or professional use from This study was approved by our hospital’s ethical
a commercial party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this manuscript. review board. The study included a consecutive series of 52
The current study was approved by the Ethical Review Boards of Niguarda
Hospital and Elzahra’a Hospital. trauma patients whose injuries were treated with the TSF.
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations Inclusion criteria were open fractures and polytrauma with
appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF an Injury Severity Score (ISS) $16. At our institution, both
versions this article on the journal’s Web site ( internal fixation and external fixation options are available.
Reprints: Yasser Elbatrawy, MD, Elzahra’a Hospital, Al-Azhar University,
8 Elnozha St, Saudia Buildings, Madinet Nasr, 11371 Cairo, Egypt (e-mail:
The indications for the use of external fixation are fractures with poor soft-tissue coverage, fractures with bone loss, com-
Copyright © 2012 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins minuted fractures, and periarticular fractures. The decision of

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 27, Number 8, August 2013 TSF Fixation in Patients with Multiple Traumatic Injuries

whether to use internal or external fixation is based on a thor- Complications encountered intraoperatively and during
ough discussion among the entire medical team regarding the postoperative treatment were also recorded. Difficulties that
best way to achieve the best possible outcome. The fractures occurred during bone transport were grouped into problems,
in this study were judged unsuitable for internal fixation obstacles, and complications based on criteria presented by
based on fracture patterns and/or soft-tissue problems. We Paley.14 Complications were classified as minor or major, as
excluded all patients with pathological conditions of the bone determined by absence or presence of residual sequelae,
and patients who were treated initially with external fixation respectively. Pin site infections were classified into 6 grades,
then converted to internal fixation (either plating or nailing). from grade 0 to grade V (grade 0, normal; grade I, inflamed;
Forty male and 12 female patients with a mean age of 43 grade II, serous discharge; grade III, purulent discharge; grade
years (age range, 11–81 years) and a mean ISS of 23 (range, IV, osteolysis; and grade V, ring sequestrum).15
scores of 16–34) were included in the study. Fractures included
25 femoral (44%) and 32 tibial (56%) fractures treated between
March 2005 and December 2009 (Tables, Supplemental Dig- Surgical Technique
ital Content 1,, Supplemental Surgical technique for TSF consisted of femoral and tibial
Digital Content 2, Patients applications of TSF external fixation with the patient positioned
were followed for a mean of 18 months (range, 13–33 months). supine on the traction table under general anesthesia. The timing
The same surgeon treated all included patients. of conversion procedures for patients who received initial damage
The fractures were classified according to the OTA and control orthopedics was decided based on hemodynamic stability,
Gustilo and Anderson systems for grading open fractures.9,10 local soft-tissue status, and systemic conditions. Frames were
Initial evaluation of these serious injuries followed the guide- applied under image intensifier control to ensure the accuracy of
lines of the Advanced Trauma Life Support System.11 pin insertion and the quality of orthogonal frame placement.
Patients with risk of infection, open fractures with soft-tissue Accurate anatomic reduction of intraarticular fractures was
loss, bone loss, severe comminution, juxtaarticular fractures, achieved by using limited open reduction and internal fixation
ipsilateral fractures, or Gustilo grade IIIC fractures that were with cancellous screws and washers (Figs. 1 and 2). Hydroxyap-
not suitable for internal fixation underwent conversion to atite-coated pins (Orthofix, McKinney, TX) were used to connect
definitive external fixation with the TSF. the frames to the bone segments in all patients. The hybrid
For all patients, preoperative and latest follow-up radio- advanced technique was used in all cases.16 This technique was
graphic measurements were reviewed for both union and lower developed to achieve more frame stability by combining pins
limb axis alignment in both the frontal and the sagittal planes. with the conventional Ilizarov bayonet 1.8-mm-diameter
Mechanical axis deviation (MAD) was measured on the wires in a special configuration.17 A temporary knee-spanning
anteroposterior view standing radiograph; MAD was assessed construct with the addition of tibial rings improved joint pro-
as normal within the range of 6 mm lateral to 17 mm medial tection and allowed early weight bearing. Articulated distrac-
from the center of the knee.12 External fixation time, defined as tion using hinges aligned with the joint allowed for early knee
the length of time the extremity was in the TSF, was calculated. movement (Fig. 3). The tibial rings were removed 8–12
The results were assessed by using the functional and bone weeks later.
scoring systems described by Paley and Maar (Table, Supple- In 22 cases (39%), the fractures were acutely reduced
mental Digital Content 3, under direct vision with the TSF fixed to the bone and the struts

FIGURE 1. Images of a 21-year-old

man with multiple traumatic injuries
(ISS = 18), including a type 33C3
grade IIIB femoral fracture (case 5 in
the femoral group), fracture of the
ipsilateral patella, and patellar tendon
rupture. A, anteroposterior and lateral
view radiographs. B, clinical photo-
graph shows patellar tendon rupture.

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FIGURE 2. Images of the same

patient shown in Figure 1. Ten days
after the damage control orthopedics
procedure was performed, the patient
was returned to the operating room
for definitive treatment with accurate
anatomic reduction of the intra-
articular fracture by using open
reduction and internal fixation with
screws and a TSF. A, Radiographs ob-
tained after the conversion procedure
show condylar osteosynthesis with
restoration of the articular surface and
the TSF device in place with 6 struts. B,
Postreduction radiographs show
excellent reduction of the fracture in
both planes, achieved by using the
total residual mode.

FIGURE 3. Images of the same patient shown in Figures 1 and 2. Standing front view obtained 16 weeks after frame application.
A, Orthoroentgenogram obtained with the pelvis leveled and the patellae forward shows accurate distal femoral fracture
realignment with a correct mechanical axis and without limb-length discrepancy. B, Clinical photograph shows the patient with
the femoral TSF in place. Tibial extension of the frame across the knee can be seen. C, Total time in the frame was 23 weeks.
Anteroposterior and lateral view radiographs show the limb at 18 months after frame removal. D, Front view of the lower limbs
shows equal limb lengths and the absence of deformity.

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 27, Number 8, August 2013 TSF Fixation in Patients with Multiple Traumatic Injuries

in their sliding mode; no further fine adjustment was necessary. showering and application of dry gauze around the pins were
The total residual deformity correction program was undertaken recommended. Orally administered antibiotics were pre-
for 35 (61%) fractures. The 6 skeletal deformity parameters and scribed for patients with pin site infections.
the 4 mounting parameters were measured on the radio-
graphs. These parameters and the current strut settings were Statistical Analyses
input into a total residual deformity correction program that Descriptive statistics for the means, ranges, and frequency
returned 6 specific strut lengths for adjusting the TSF to were calculated for all continuous and categorical variables.
exactly correct the fractures. This method provided gradual Statistical software used for evaluation was SPSS 13.0 (SPSS,
reduction that was well tolerated by the patients. The goals Inc., Chicago, IL).
of postoperative management were early active mobility and
progressive staged weight bearing. Continuous regional
anesthesia was used to control pain after intervention.
Postoperative analgesia in the patients who underwent RESULTS
continuous regional anesthesia was assured with a 2% OTA fracture classifications are shown in (Tables, Supple-
ropivacaine solution administered at 0.2–0.35 mg/kg of mental Digital Content 1,, Sup-
body weight per hour plus paracetamol as a rescue dose. plemental Digital Content 2,
Patients were given continuous lumbar plexus and sciatic According to the Gustilo and Anderson system,10 classification
nerve block for external fixation of the femur and tibia, of the 49 (86%) open fractures was as follows: grade I, 9 fractures;
respectively: after surgical treatment, for physiotherapy, grade II, 7 fractures; grade IIIA, 12 fractures; grade IIIB, 16
and during continuous passive motion of the joints. Quadri- fractures; and grade IIIC, 5 fractures. Successful vascular repair
ceps isometric exercises and range-of-motion exercises of was achieved in all patients in the grade IIIC group. Motor vehi-
the knee were initiated shortly after surgery, followed by cle accident was the most frequent cause of injury (42 patients,
progressive staged weight bearing. Standard pin care with 81%). Four patients had floating knee fractures and 1 had bilateral

FIGURE 4. Images of a 41-year-old man with a type 33C2 grade IIIC femoral fracture and ipsilateral type 43A3 grade I tibial fracture
(case 1 in the femoral group and case 3 in the tibial group). A, Preoperative radiographs show the displaced left supracondylar
femoral and the distal tibial fractures. Injuries included femoral superficial artery laceration. B, Postoperative anteroposterior and
lateral view computed tomographic scans show the fracture of the femur stabilized with a knee-spanning external fixator as
a damage control orthopedic procedure. C, Postoperative photograph shows the patient with external fixation of the bone injuries
and fasciotomies of the thigh and leg. D, computed tomographic scan shows the left femoral arterial prosthesis bypass.

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Sala et al J Orthop Trauma  Volume 27, Number 8, August 2013

femoral fractures. The mean ISS was 23 6 4.9 (range, scores of (7–10 cm). These fractures underwent bone grafting at the
16–34). docking site, and the frames were applied for 58 weeks in
Thirty-seven of the 57 fractures (65%) were primarily the femoral case and for 58 and 60 weeks in the tibial cases,
treated by external fixation within 24 hours of injury (Fig. 4). respectively. The TSF strut adjustments allowed for correction
Damage control external fixation was applied to 34 fractures of the procurvatum valgus tibial deformity at the lengthening
(60%) by using a multiplanar or monolateral external fixator, site and mechanical axis alignment of the lower limbs after
and TSF was initially applied to treat 3 fractures (5%).7 docking site revision. Among the 57 fractures in the study, 7
Twenty fractures (35%) underwent initial stabilization with (12%) underwent bone grafting. The result of MAD evaluation
a traction pin (skeletal traction) at the time of hospital admis- was between 5 mm lateral and 15 mm medial from the center
sion.18 The mean time interval between primary treatment and of the knee and was within the normal range.
secondary TSF was 5 days (range, 1–28 days). Delay in TSF
application was due to shock, physiological instability, major Functional and Bone Results
thoracoabdominal injury requiring emergent therapy, substan- Based on the outcomes scoring system proposed by
tial head injury, and management of associated soft-tissue Paley and Maar,13 bone results were excellent in 42 cases
injury (Fig. 5). (74%), good in 9 (16%), fair in 2 (4%), and poor in 4
The longest time to reduction with the total residual (7%). Functional results were excellent in 20 cases (35%),
deformity correction program was 9 days (Figs. 2 and 5). good in 27 (47%), and fair in 10 (18%). Eighty-nine percent
Continuous regional anesthesia was discontinued between of patients returned to their preinjury work activities.
days 6 and 8 of intervention. Fifty-two of 57 fractures
(91%) healed with initial treatment. The mean time to union Complications
was 28 weeks (range, 14–64 weeks) in the femoral group and Five fractures (9%) healed after secondary surgical
26 weeks (range, 12–60 weeks) in the tibial group. procedures were performed to treat complications (Tables, Sup-
Acute shortening and relengthening were performed in plemental Digital Content 1,,
4 femoral and 1 tibial fracture with bone loss, and the mean Supplemental Digital Content 2,
time to healing was 32 weeks (range, 16–64 weeks). In these In our study, the incidence of nonunion (4 cases) and delayed
5 cases, the TSF strut adjustments were used for bone length- union (1 case) was 7% and 2%, respectively. Two infected non-
ening and anatomic alignment. unions occurred (1 femoral and 1 tibial). One patient with a type
Bone transport procedures were performed on 1 femoral 32B2 grade IIIB femoral fracture had an infected nonunion that
(10 cm) and 2 tibial fractures because of large bone defects was treated with bone resection and a bifocal bone transport

FIGURE 5. Images of the same patient shown in Figure 4 after application of the TSF. A and B, Axial alignment in both planes has
been restored by using the total residual mode. C, The patient is shown with the TSF applied after 6-strut residual correction
performed in the office. Extension of the fixator to the foot prevents equinus and allows stable mounting.

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 27, Number 8, August 2013 TSF Fixation in Patients with Multiple Traumatic Injuries

technique using another new TSF (Table, Supplemental Digital Bone union was obtained at 52 weeks by distraction osteo-
Content 1,, case 4). One femoral genesis with a second TSF using the combined Ilizarov and
delayed union underwent reamer–irrigator–aspirator sys- TSF technique.19,20 The TSF was newly applied frame
tem grafting with no frame removal 5 months after the because of the hospital’s policy that disallows the recycling
index operation (Table, Supplemental Digital Content 1, of frames., case 12). For 1 patient with An additional operation, Judet quadricepsplasty, was
ipsilateral type 33C2 grade IIIC femoral and type 43A3 grade required for 2 patients with type 33C2 grade IIIA and type 33C3
IIIA tibial fractures, a floating knee fracture and a superficial grade IIIB fractures to treat limited knee flexion (Table, Supple-
mental Digital Content 1,,
femoral artery injury were present (Table, Supplemental Digital
cases 2 and 17); full extension, however, was achieved in all
Content 1,, case 1, and Table, Sup- cases. Although TSF achieved accurate reduction of deformities
plemental Digital Content 2,, in both the frontal and the sagittal planes in all cases, ,2.5 cm
case 3). An osteotomy of the fibula was performed after 14 of shortening (minor complication) occurred in 2 patients
weeks to gradually compress and stimulate the tibial fracture because of the presence of a femoral arteriovenous bypass
callus. For this patient, after 32 weeks, the femoral TSF was and a prosthetic femoral arterial bypass that discouraged
exchanged for a plate and iliac crest bone grafting because of bone lengthening (Table, Supplemental Digital Content 1,
nonunion (Figs. 6 and 7). cases 1 and 16).
Two tibial nonunions occurred. The first was the result Twenty-one patients developed pin site infections: 10
of an avascular cortical bone fragment in an open midshaft patients (48%) with grade II infections treated with local care,
tibial fracture (Table, Supplemental Digital Content 2, 8 patients (38%) with grade III infections treated with orally, case 1). Union was obtained administered antibiotics, and 3 patients (14%) with grade IV
at 44 weeks and then bone resection, bifocal bone transport, and infections treated with wire retensioning and orally adminis-
application of a second spatial frame were performed. The second tered antibiotics.15 Half-pin breakage occurred in 2 cases, and
nonunion with infection occurred in a type 42C3 grade IIIB tibial half-pin loosening required early removal in 1 case.
fracture in a patient with multiple traumatic injuries including
contralateral traumatic below-knee amputation and an ipsilateral
closed femoral fracture that was treated with damage control DISCUSSION
external fixation and intramedullary nailing (Table, Supplemen- The dilemma regarding the optimal timing and type of
tal Digital Content 2, case 9). definitive stabilization for open femoral and tibial fractures in

FIGURE 6. Images of the same patient shown in Figures 4 and 5. A, Femoral nonunion was present at 32 weeks after fixation with
the TSF. B, Healing of the nonunion was obtained by using autologous bone graft and a locking plate. C, The tibial fracture healed
in the TSF. Anteroposterior and lateral view radiographs show good coronal and sagittal plane alignment. External fixation time
was 46 weeks.

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FIGURE 7. Clinical follow-up images, obtained at 24 months after tibial frame removal, of the same patient shown in Figures 4
through 6. Good clinical outcomes were achieved in the femur and tibia.

patients with multiple traumatic injuries is a challenge to all trau- Union was achieved in 92% of the cases at a mean of 38.5
ma surgeons and remains a controversial issue (Table, Supple- weeks. The overall rate of deep infection in those reports was
mental Digital Content 4, 17%, with 2.5% of cases developing chronic osteomyelitis.
Early fracture stabilization with primary external fixation as Bhandari et al21 reported analyzing several prospective
a “temporizing device” and then intramedullary nailing, plate studies and finding that the use of reamed nails reduced the
fixation, or conversion to definitive external fixation have been need for reoperation compared with external fixation but did
supported as ideal management techniques for these types of not reduce the risks of deep infection and nonunion. McGraw
fractures.3,19,21 Although intramedullary nailing is currently con- and Lim,24 in a series of 16 open tibial fractures treated with
sidered the preferable method of treating closed femoral frac- this sequential protocol, found a high rate of complications
tures, various methods of fixation have been used in the including deep infection in 7 cases (44%) and nonunion in 5
treatment of open femoral fractures. Giannoudis et al22 analyzed cases (31%). Local complications have to be considered
10 relevant studies of femur fractures treated by primary and when judging the effectiveness of a certain type of fracture
delayed nailing (representing 525 open femoral fractures). The fixation.27 Maurer et al25 found an association between pre-
overall incidence on infection was 3.3%, the rate of union was vious pin site infection and the development of deep infection
98%, and delayed union and malunion were observed in 2% and after nailing.
6.5% of the cases, respectively. Secondary surgical procedures In comparison, Bach and Hansen28 conducted a prospec-
were performed in 13.5% of the cases. tive randomized study to compare 30 open fractures of the
The role of plating open femoral shaft fractures is tibia treated with external fixation and 26 treated with plates
limited. Plates can be used as an alternative to external and screws. All the fractures united with the same mean heal-
fixation for treating unstable pelvis, spinal injuries, and grade ing time, but the rates of deep infection, delayed union, and
IIIC open fractures.23 reoperation were higher in the plated group, whereas the rate
Three publications24–26 reported 96 tibial nail insertions of malunion was lower. However, the results of locking plates
for open fractures previously treated by external fixation. with radical plastic treatment for severe open fractures of the

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 27, Number 8, August 2013 TSF Fixation in Patients with Multiple Traumatic Injuries

tibia by experienced plastic surgeons are encouraging.29 We are satisfied with the ease of use, accuracy, and
External fixation provides a safe and viable management results achieved with the TSF in our patient cohort. The
strategy for patients with multiple traumatic injuries who TSF is easy and quick to apply, which is especially crucial
are at high risk for postoperative complications, particularly in a trauma setting. Based on our experience, the TSF can
patients with head and chest injuries.3 be applied not only for deformity correction but also for
Few articles describe the use of external fixation as closed fracture reduction and fixation without having to
a definitive treatment of open femoral fractures.5,7,30,31 Mohr expose the bone, thereby avoiding the disadvantages of
et al30 treated 18 open fractures of the femur, and Dabezies open surgery. In addition to offering all the advantages of
et al31 treated 20 cases that included 13 open fractures. The external fixation, the TSF offers the advantages of post-
overall rate of union reached 100%. The rate of pin site infec- operative adjustability at any time before bone consolida-
tion was 15%. Deep infection and malunion occurred in 13% tion. One drawback of the TSF is that the high cost of the
and 23%, respectively; the delayed union rate was not reported. frame limits its usage. Our results are promising in terms of
Range of motion of the knee resulted in loss of more than 10 achieved union rates, axis alignment of the lower extremity,
degrees of joint flexion in 27%. and functional outcome. Although we cannot conduct
In our study, nonunion occurred in 4 cases (7%) and a quantitative analysis because of the limited number of
delayed union in 1 case (2%). Two infected nonunions cases, our experience indicates that the regional anesthesia
occurred (1 femur and 1 tibia). Our rates of nonunion and technique improves early rehabilitation by controlling pain
delayed union are lower than those currently published in the during continuous passive motion and improves surgical
literature.5,22,32,33 In contrast, Velazco and Fleming32 and outcomes and patient satisfaction. We have shown that the
Giannoudis et al22 noted 24% and 13% rates of delayed union, TSF is useful for primary and definitive external fixation for
respectively. Has et al5 found a 10% rate of pseudoarthrosis patients with multiple injuries and open fractures of the
after treatment of open fractures by external fixation in the lower limb.
long bones. No substantial angular deformity in the coronal or
sagittal plane or rotational deformity occurred in our study,
whereas Gionnoudis et al22 and Kimmel33 reported 20% and
26% rates of malunion, respectively. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Our results compare favorably with other reports. Mohr The authors thank Dori Kelly, MA, for professional
et al30 and Dabezies et al31 found relevant shortening (.2.5 cm) medical editing.
of the femur in 7% and 15% of cases, respectively, and Henley
et al34 and Holbrook et al35 reported tibial malalignment in 31% REFERENCES
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