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Chapter Four (59-67)

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On the basis of my experience at the time of internship, here I have given some of the areas to be

4.1.2 Assurance Dimension:

1) Among the respondents, total 80% are agreed and strongly agreed that AIBL has
the knowledge to answer their questions.
2) Total 95% respondents are agreed and strongly agreed that they feel safe in transaction
with the Bank.
3) Total 77.5% respondents are agreed and strongly agreed that employees of the bank were
consistently courteous with them.
4) Total 77.5% respondents are agreed and strongly agreed that the behaviour of employees
of the bank instills confidence in them.

 The mean of assurance dimension is 4.23, which is satisfactory.

4.1.3 Responsiveness Dimension:

1) Among the respondents, total 85% are agreed and strongly agreed that employees of
the Bank show sincere interest in problem solving.
2) Among the respondents, total 77.5% are agreed and strongly agreed that Employees
in the Bank give them prompt service.
3) Total 82.5% respondents are agreed and strongly agreed that Employees in the Bank are
willing to help them.
4) Among the respondents, total 60% are agreed and strongly agreed that Al-Arafah Islami
Bank keeps customers informed, when services will be performed.

 The mean of responsiveness dimension is 4.01, which is also satisfactory.

4.1.4 Reliability Dimension:
1) Among the respondents, total 82.5% are agreed and strongly agreed that when the Bank
promises to do something by a certain time, it does so.
2) Total 75% respondents are agreed and strongly agreed that the Bank delivers their
service on time.
3) Total 72.5% respondents are agreed and strongly agreed that the Bank provides its
services at the time it promises to do so.
4) Total 65% respondents are agreed and strongly agreed that the Bank insists on error-free

 The mean of Reliability dimension is 3.94.

4.1.5 Empathy Dimension:
1) Among the respondents, total 70% are agreed and strongly agreed that employees of the
Bank understand their specific needs.
2) Total 62.5% respondents are agreed and strongly agreed that the Bank has
employees who give you personal attention.
3) Total 80% respondents are agreed and strongly agreed that employees of the Bank has
friendly manner to serve you.
4) Total 90% respondents are agreed and strongly agreed that employees of the Bank has
operating hours that are convenient to all Customer.

 The mean of Empathy dimension is 3.97.

4.1.6 Tangibility Dimension:
1) Among the respondents, total 47.50% are agreed and strongly agreed that information,
documents are available here which you need.
2) Total 75% respondents are agreed and strongly agreed that environment of the Bank is
neat and clean.
3) Total 70% respondents are agreed and strongly agreed that the Bank use modern
 The mean of Reliability dimension is 3.68, which is below satisfactory.

 The mean of all dimension is 3.97, which is almost 4 and in satisfactory level.


By analyzing the data we can assume that the service quality of Al-Arafa Islami Bank,
O.R.Nizam Road Branch is satisfactory and our respondents also think so. So, my first
recommendation is to maintain this good service successively to satisfy its customers. But in
Tangibles dimension the satisfactory level is below the average. So, on the basis of my findings I
would like to give some more suggestions for management:

 All the customers’ service will be provided software-based systems.

 Operation of the Bank should be changed or even update to cope with the current banking
system where all the updated software will be used properly.
 Still, management do not get proper information for decision making and for this, MIS
department should be opened and this department will evaluate the customer service.
 Human resource development should be done properly.
 Focus on developing personal relation.
 Development of the proper strategy.
 On the basis of the importance, sectors should be developed one by one.
 Think again about infrastructure again.
 Bank can appoint customer service specialist to developing this sector.
 Arrangement of entertainment like newspaper, magazine, TV.

On the basis of my personal observation and knowledge, I have recommended all these things.
These will be helpful for developing strong customer relationship.


Working on the topic of customer satisfaction is always interesting as most of the time customers
always think of their service and they expect highest level of quality service though meeting the
expectation of the customers is quite impossible. In the report all the expectations of thee
customers is tried to be covered on the basis of the information collected from Al-Arafah Islami
Bank, O.R.Nizam Road Branch. On the basis of the analysis, it is cleared that there is most of the
customers are satisfied. A large number of the customers are uncertain and they do not
concentrate to the service quality.

Here I could say, my internship at AIBL was too much enjoyable where I had applied some
knowledge to provide service. With the completion of the report, I could apply all the tools and
techniques I have learnt.

Still AIBL is one of the average-rank bank which works for the socio-economic development.
Here service is operated for the development of the mass people but at the same time
management should think that this is the age of competition. Clients expect better service and
management has to work for the bright future of the bank by providing proper service. With the
proper service AIBL can regain its position again. No doubt about it that AIBL achieves superior
position in our banking industry but at the end of all, to cope with customer AIBL should think
how to make its services proactive.

Bibliography & Appendix


 Gilbert, G. (2000). Measuring internal customer satisfaction. Managing Service Quality:

An International Journal, 10(3), pp.178-186.
 Parasuraman, A. (2013). Finding Service Gaps in the Age of e-Commerce: SERVQUAL
Revisited. IESE Insight, (17), pp.30-37.
 Parasuraman, A., Berry, L. and Zeithaml, V. (1986). Servqual a multiple-item scale for
measuring customer perceptions of service quality. 1st ed. Cambridge, Mass: Marketing
Science Inst.
 Perkins, W. (1993). Measuring customer satisfaction. Industrial Marketing Management,
22(3), pp.247-254.
 Ramaj, A. and Ismaili, R. (2015). Customer Relationship Management, Customer
Satisfaction and Loyalty. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies.
 Sarkar, A. (2002). Service in Times of Recession: A Comparative SERVQUAL Study of
Retail Banking between Axis Bank and HDFC Bank in Kolkata, India. SSRN Electronic

Web References:
 Al-ArafahIslamiBank: Service - Bangladesh » BankInfoBD.
[online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Dec.
 List of banks in Bangladesh. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Dec.
 (2017). SERVQUAL. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11Dec. 2017].
 [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Dec. 2017].


“Analysis of Service Quality Perspectives: A Study on Al-Arafah

Islami Bank Limited, O.R. Nizam Road Branch”

Dear respondent,
I am a student of BBA, International Islamic University of Chittagong conducting an internship
report survey about “Analysis of service quality perspectives: A study on Al-
Arafah Islami Bank Limited, O.R. Nizam Road Branch” and would like to know your views
and opinions. Would you mind spending a few minutes to help me by completing this

I pledge to you, that the above information will not be disclosed by any means and also that the
respondents will be kept unidentified.

 Please put the tick (√) marks in the appropriate box:

1. Gender :
Male Female

2. Age
: 18-24y 25-34y 35-44y more than 50y

3. Occupation:
Teacher Service Business person
Student Homemaker Others………...

4. Among different schemes of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited, O.R. Nizam Road Branch
which one you prefer most? (Tick Only One Option)
Al Wadia Current Deposit (CD)
Mudaraba Savings Deposit (MSD)
Mudaraba Term Deposit (MTDR)
Mudaraba Lakhopoti Deposit Scheme (LDS)
Visa Debit Card/Visa Prepaid Card (Local/International)

 Now I would like to give you some statements from several dimensions. The
answers mark will be marked as follows:
1 = Strongly Disagree
2 = Disagree
3 = Uncertainty
4 = Agree
5 = Strongly agree

 Perception statements in the Assurance dimensions:

Sl. Statements
Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
Employees of the Bank have the
5. 1 —— 2 —— 3 —— 4 —— 5
knowledge to answer your questions.
You feel safe in your transaction with the
6. 1 —— 2 —— 3 —— 4 —— 5
Employees of the Bank are consistently
7. 1 —— 2 —— 3 —— 4 —— 5
courteous with you.
The behavior of employees in the Bank
8. 1 —— 2 —— 3 —— 4 —— 5
instills confidence in you.

 Perception statements in the Responsiveness dimensions:

Sl. Statements
Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
Employees of the Bank show sincere interest in
9. 1 —— 2 —— 3 —— 4 —— 5
problem solving
10. Employees in the Bank give you prompt service. 1 —— 2 —— 3 —— 4 —— 5

11. Employees in the Bank are willing to help you. 1 —— 2 —— 3 —— 4 —— 5

Al-Arafah Islami Bank keeps customers informed,

12. 1 —— 2 —— 3 —— 4 —— 5
when services will be performed.

 Perception statements in the Reliability dimensions:
Sl. Statements
Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
When the Bank promises to do something by a
13. 1 —— 2 —— 3 —— 4 —— 5
certain time, it does so.
14. The Bank delivers their service on time. 1 —— 2 —— 3 —— 4 —— 5

The Bank provides its services at the time it

15. 1 —— 2 —— 3 —— 4 —— 5
promises to do so.
16. The Bank insists on error-free records. 1 —— 2 —— 3 —— 4 —— 5

 Perception statements in the Empathy dimensions:

Sl. Statements
Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
Employees of the Bank understand your specific
17. 1 —— 2 —— 3 —— 4 —— 5
The Bank has employees who give you personal
18. 1 —— 2 —— 3 —— 4 —— 5
Employees of the Bank has friendly manner to
19. 1 —— 2 —— 3 —— 4 —— 5
serve you
Employees of the Bank has operating hours that
20. 1 —— 2 —— 3 —— 4 —— 5
are convenient to all Customer

 Perception statements in the Tangibles dimensions:

Sl. Statements
Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
Information, documents are available here which you
21. 1 —— 2 —— 3 —— 4 —— 5
22. Environment of the Bank is neat and clean 1 —— 2 —— 3 —— 4 —— 5

23. The Bank use modern equipment 1 —— 2 —— 3 —— 4 —— 5

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