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Magnetic interactions in BiFe0.5Mn0.5O3 films and BiFeO3/BiMnO3


Article  in  Scientific Reports · March 2015

DOI: 10.1038/srep09093 · Source: PubMed


30 708

17 authors, including:

Qingyu Xu Merna Khalid

Southeast University (China) The British University in Egypt


Yanqiang Cao Yutian Wang

Nanjing University Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf


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OPEN Magnetic interactions in BiFe0.5Mn0.5O3
films and BiFeO3/BiMnO3 superlattices
FERROELECTRICS AND Qingyu Xu1,2,3,4, Yan Sheng1, M. Khalid5, Yanqiang Cao6, Yutian Wang5, Xiangbiao Qiu6, Wen Zhang1,
Maocheng He7, Shuangbao Wang8, Shengqiang Zhou5, Qi Li1, Di Wu6, Ya Zhai1, Wenqing Liu9,
Peng Wang8, Y. B. Xu9 & Jun Du2,7

Department of Physics, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China, 2National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures,
Received Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China, 3Key Laboratory of MEMS of the Ministry of Education, Southeast University, Nanjing
29 August 2014 210096, China, 4Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science and Technology, Soochow University, Suzhou
215123, China, 5Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Ion BeamPhysics and Materials Research, Bautzner
Accepted Landstrasse 400, D-01328 Dresden, Germany, 6Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing
18 February 2015 210008, China, 7Department of Physics and Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures, Nanjing University,
Nanjing 210093, China, 8College of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced
Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China, 9York-Nanjing Joint Centre, School of Electronic Science and
13 March 2015
Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China.

Correspondence and The clear understanding of exchange interactions between magnetic ions in substituted BiFeO3 is the
prerequisite for the comprehensive studies on magnetic properties. BiFe0.5Mn0.5O3 films and BiFeO3/
requests for materials
BiMnO3 superlattices have been fabricated by pulsed laser deposition on (001) SrTiO3 substrates. Using
should be addressed to piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM), the ferroelectricity at room temperature has been inferred from the
Q.X. (xuqingyu@seu. observation of PFM hysteresis loops and electrical writing of ferroelectric domains for both samples. Spin or J.D. (jdu@ glass behavior has been observed in both samples by temperature dependent magnetization curves and decay of thermo-remnant magnetization with time. The magnetic ordering has been studied by X-ray
magnetic circular dichroism measurements, and Fe-O-Mn interaction has been confirmed to be
antiferromagnetic (AF). The observed spin glass in BiFe0.5Mn0.5O3 films has been attributed to cluster spin
glass due to Mn-rich ferromagnetic (FM) clusters in AF matrix, while spin glass in BiFeO3/BiMnO3
superlattices is due to competition between AF Fe-O-Fe, AF Fe-O-Mn and FM Mn-O-Mn interactions in the
well ordered square lattice with two Fe ions in BiFeO3 layer and two Mn ions in BiMnO3 layer at interfaces.

iFeO3 (BFO) is the most widely studied multiferroic material, due to its above room temperature anti-
ferromagnetism (TN , 640 K) and ferroelectricity (TCFE , 1100 K)1. BFO has G-type antiferromagnetic
(AF) spin structure with spin canting and superimposed cycloidal modulation2, and various magnetic
anomalies observed at low temperature3,4. Ion substitution is a widely adopted strategy, suppressing the leakage
current and improving the ferroelectricity5,6, destroying the cycloidal modulation and enhancing the ferromag-
netism7,8, towards the realization of room temperature control of ferromagnetism with an electric field9. With
magnetic ion substitution in BFO, more complicated magnetic interactions might be included, leading to the
observation of cluster spin glass10. The clear understanding of exchange interactions between Fe and substituting
ions in BFO is important for the comprehensive studies on magnetic properties, e.g., the rather confusing
magnetic properties in Mn doped BiFeO3, though Mn has been demonstrated to be an effective substituent
for ferroelectricity11. Mn ions of concentration up to 50% have been doped into BFO by epitaxial growth on (001)
SrTiO3 (STO) substrates, structure and magnetic properties of BiFe0.5Mn0.5O3 (BFMO) have been studied12–14.
Strongly enhanced ferromagnetism has been reported by Choi et al.12, but only negligible weak ferromagnetism
has been reported by Bi et al.14. Furthermore, the superexchange interaction between Fe31 and Mn31 is rather
complicated. Ferromagnetic (FM) interaction has been observed between Fe and Mn at the interface of
La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 and BFO due to orbital reconstruction15, while AF interaction exists at the interface of
La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 and BFO without orbital reconstruction16.
Both BFO and BMO have distorted perovskite structure with similar pseudocubic lattice constants (3.96 Å for
´ 17,18 12
BFO and 3.95 Å for BMO) , which is very close to that of STO (3.905 Å) . Therefore, in addition to the
previously reported solid solution of BFMO, superlattices with alternative BFO and BMO layers are likely to be
epitaxially grown on (001) STO substrates, and the inhomogeneous distribution of Fe and Mn will be sup-
pressed14. There is only superexchange interaction between Fe and Mn ions at the interfaces along c direction,

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 5 : 9093 | DOI: 10.1038/srep09093 1

which is expected to facilitate the study of the Fe-O-Mn interaction. resolved. The (002) superlattice peak of BFO/BMO, marked by an
In this paper, BFMO films and BFO/BMO superlattices (simply arrow, can be clearly seen in the inset, which is absent in the XRD
denoted as BFO/BMO) were grown on (001) STO substrates. Spin pattern of BFMO. The scintillation detector in parallel beam geo-
glass behavior were observed in both samples. The Fe-O-Mn inter- metry is much less sensitive than the D/teX Ultra detector in Bragg-
action has been confirmed to be AF by X-ray magnetic circular Brentano geometry which should reveal the impurity phases. Thus,
dichroism (XMCD) measurements. Spin glass in BFMO can be cate- this superlattice peak cannot be due to impurity phases since it was
gorized as cluster spin glass, while spin glass in BFO/BMO results absent when we used Bragg-Brentano geometry as shown in the main
from competing AF and FM interactions at interfaces. frame of Fig. 1(a). On the other hand, compared with Bragg-
Brentano geometry, the parallel beam geometry is more sensitive
Results for the reflection from surfaces and interfaces of films. As shown
Figure 1(a) shows the X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of BFMO and in the inset of Fig. 1(a), clear observation of the superlattice peak
BFO/BMO with LaNiO3 (LNO) as buffer layer in Bragg-Brentano confirms the high concentration of BFO/BMO interfaces. The period
geometry using a D/teX Ultra detector (1D detector). Only (001) and of superlattice was calculated using Bragg equation to be about
(002) diffraction peaks can be observed, indicating the high (001) 0.91 nm, which is slightly larger than the designed period
orientation, which is due to well matching of lattice constant of BFO (0.79 nm). This is due to the limitation of our PLD system that the
´ ´ ´ ´ layer by layer growth with each layer thickness of 1 unit cell cannot be
(3.96 Å), BMO (3.95 Å) and LNO (3.838 Å) to STO (3.905 Å)12,17–19.
´ strictly fulfilled in our work. However, alternative growth of BFO and
The out-of-plane lattice constants are calculated to be 3.96 Å for
´ BMO layers with thickness of roughly 1 pseudo-cubit unit cell pro-
BFMO and 3.93 Å for BFO/BMO, respectively. The epitaxial growth
vides high concentration of BFO/BMO interfaces and a high inter-
of BFO/BMO was further confirmed by a high resolution transmis-
face/bulk ratio, which might facilitate the characterization of Fe-O-
sion electron microscope (HRTEM), as shown in Fig. 1(b). However,
Mn superexchange interaction. It has been theoretically predicted
due to the same crystal structure and similar atomic number of Fe
the possible checkerboard superstructure in BFO/BMO, which is
and Mn for the epitaxial layers of BFO and BMO, the interface in the
(110)-oriented superlattice21. However, due to the (001) growth dir-
superlattice structure cannot be clearly resolved in the HRTEM
ection of our films with alternative (001) BFO and BMO layers, the
images. Considering the pseudo-cubic lattice constant of BFMO of
´ checkerboard superstructure seems unlikely to be formed.
3.93 Å13, the slightly larger c lattice constant of BFMO is due to in- Figure 2 shows the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) core
plane compression from the STO substrate, and strain relaxation level spectra of Fe 2p and Mn 2p in BFMO and BFO/BMO, cali-
possibly happened in BFO/BMO. The strain due to the lattice mis- brated by the C 1s line (284.8 eV) binding energy22. The binding
match could introduce the contrast variation at the interface between energy of Fe 2p3/2 is at 710.3 eV for BFMO and 710.1 eV for BFO/
BFO/BMO and STO, shown in Fig. 1(b). According to the phase BMO. The valence states of Fe in both samples are almost the same
diagram, BFMO displays predominated orthorhombic structure20. after considering the XPS accuracy of 60.1 eV. However, the
The h-2h XRD patterns of BFMO and BFO/BMO were carefully decomposition of Fe 2p3/2 spectrum into a superposition of sym-
measured in parallel beam geometry using a scintillation detector metric components is questionable, thus it is complicated to obtain
(the inset of Fig. 1(a)). Due to the close atomic scattering factors of the exact concentration of Fe21 and Fe31 23. A satellite peak can be
Fe31 and Mn31, the (001) superlattice diffraction peak was hardly observed at 8.7 eV for BFO/BMO and 8.6 eV for BFMO above the
corresponding principal peak. Due to the different d orbital electron
configuration, Fe21 and Fe31 show satellite peak at 6 eV or 8 eV
above their 2p3/2 principle peaks, respectively14. The Fe 2p core level
spectra of BFMO and BFO/BMO are similar to those previously
reported BFO, confirming that Fe is mainly in 13 valence state14.
The binding energy of Mn 2p3/2 is at 641.8 eV for BFMO and
641.6 eV for BFO/BMO, respectively. A shoulder peak marked by
arrow below this energy can be observed in both samples, which
originates from a small concentration of Mn21 14.
BFO is a well known multiferroic material with ferroelectricity
above room temperature. However, leakage current is a big obstacle
for observation of ferroelectric hysteresis loops for both samples. The
ferroelectric nature of BFMO and BFO/BMO was characterized at
room temperature using piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM), as
shown in Fig. 3. The clear local PFM hysteresis loops for both sam-
ples suggest their ferroelectricity. It was recently pointed out that
similar PFM hysteresis loops were observed in soda-lime glass due
to dipoles induced by ionic motion under external electric field24. We
measured the phase hysteresis loops with various maximum voltages,
as shown in Fig. 3(a) and (e), and coercivity of both samples shows
little variation. Furthermore, we measured the amplitude hysteresis
loops with different frequencies, as shown in Fig. 3(b) and (f). The
observed amplitude hysteresis loops for both samples are insensitive
to the time periods. Thus, the ferroelectricity in both BFMO and
BFO/BMO can be inferred from the PFM results24. We further
studied the retention of domains written by the PFM tip, as shown
Figure 1 | (a) XRD patterns of BFMO and BFO/BMO. Kb diffraction in Fig. 3(c), (d), (g) and (h). After 10 hours, negligible changes were
peaks are indicated. Stars mark the diffraction peaks from STO substrates. observed in domain patterns for both samples.
Inset shows the diffraction patterns using parallel beam, and the arrow Figure 4(a) shows the field dependent magnetization (M-H)
marks the superlattice diffraction peak. (b) Cross-sectional HRTEM image curves of BFMO measured at different temperatures. As can be seen,
of BFO/BMO, inset is the magnified image. a clear soft FM hysteresis loop can be observed at 300 K, indicating

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 5 : 9093 | DOI: 10.1038/srep09093 2

Figure 2 | XPS spectra of (a) Fe 2p and (b) Mn 2p for BFMO and BFO/BMO, respectively. Arrows mark the shoulder corresponding to Mn21.

room temperature ferromagnetism. Similar phenomenon has been BFO/BMO but randomly distribution of Fe and Mn in BFMO. In
reported by Choi et al., which was explained by larger strain in BFMO, the randomly distributed Fe and Mn have various distances
ultrathin film12. However, others reported only negligible weak fer- between the neighboring Fe and Mn ions, which might influence the
romagnetism14. It should be noted that magnetic properties of pure strength of exchange interaction between neighboring Fe and Mn
(001) STO substrate have been checked, the observed weak ferro- ions, leading to much broader peak in the ZFC M-T curve of BFMO.
magnetism is much smaller than the magnetization values of both For BFO/BMO, Fe and Mn are mostly ordered in out-of-plane dir-
samples, and can be neglected. The observed magnetization is smal- ection, leading to a much narrower peak in the ZFC M-T curve.
ler than that reported by Choi et al.12, but much larger than that by Bi It is interesting to note that the deviation of FC magnetization
et al.14. With decreasing temperature, not only the magnetization from ZFC one at the freezing point (temperature at which ZFC peak
increases, but also the coercivity increases drastically, especially occurs) for both samples has been observed. This is a feature, but not
below 200 K25. The M-H curves measured at different temperatures exclusive, for the spin glass system28,29. In both cases of superpara-
for BFO/BMO show similar behavior. The M-H curves are super- magnet and spin glass, finite dipolar interaction between the spins
position of paramagnetism and weak ferromagnetism. With apply- results in the deviation of FC-ZFC curves at temperature lower than
ing a maximum magnetic field of 40 kOe, the total magnetization of blocking or freezing temperatures and FC magnetization increases
BFO/BMO is almost the same as that of BFMO, but the FM mag- continuously as the temperature is lowered28. One of the important
netization of BFO/BMO is much smaller than that of BFMO. characteristic features of spin glass is the phenomenon of aging. To
Zero field cooled (ZFC) and field cooled (FC) temperature confirm the spin glass behavior in BFMO and BFO/BMO, thermo-
dependent magnetization (M-T) curves were measured under remnant magnetization (TRM) depending on time was measured at
100 Oe from 5 K to 300 K with cooling field of 10 kOe for FC curves, various temperatures below 350 K by cooling the sample in a field of
as shown in Fig. 4(b) (BFMO) and (d) (BFO/BMO). A broad peak at 10 kOe from 350 K to the final temperature, abruptly decreasing
around 243 K can be observed in the ZFC M-T curve for BFMO, but field to 500 Oe to measure the time-dependent magnetization. For
only a kink has been observed in the FC M-T curve (inset of the magnetic relaxation in spin glass, a stretched exponential decay is
Fig. 4(b)). With increasing doping concentration of Mn, TN of expected28,30,
BFO continuously decreases26. TN of BFMO ceramics decreases to h t i
440 K27. Due to positive formation enthalpy of ordered structure of M(t)~M0 zMr exp {( )1{n ð1Þ
Mn and Fe, the distribution of Mn and Fe is inhomogeneous14. As a
result, Fe-rich and Mn-rich clusters will form. Three exchange where the glassy component Mr mainly contribute to the observed
interactions exist in the system, namely Fe-O-Fe, Mn-O-Mn and relaxation effects. The time constant t and exponent n are related to
Fe-O-Mn with different ordering temperature. TN of 440 K has been the relaxation rate of spin glass. For 0,n,1, it stands for spin glass
attributed to Fe-O-Fe ordering, which is above the measuring limit of system28,31. In equation (1), M0 is added to account for the nonre-
our system. TN of BFMO prepared in high pressure with ordered Mn laxed magnetization responding to the applied field of 500 Oe30.
and Fe structure is 270 K25, and Du reported the second ordering Figure 5(a) and (c) show typical relaxation curves measured at 5 K
temperature at 260 K27. Thus, we attribute the observed peak at for BFMO and BFO/BMO, respectively. Solid curves are the best
243 K in M-T curves to the onset of Fe-O-Mn interaction. fitting with equation (1), and fitting parameters are shown. It can
Figure 4(d) shows the ZFC and FC M-T curves for BFO/BMO. be clearly seen that the fitting to experimental data is very well. The
Weaker but sharper peak can be observed at around 190 K in both parameter of n is 0.40 for BFMO and 0.53 for BFO/BMO, which is
ZFC and FC M-T curves, suggesting an AF transition. TN of BFO/ close to the other spin glass systems28,31,32.
BMO is smaller than that of BFMO, which might be due to the Spin glass is generally due to site disorder and lattice frustration,
ordered stacking sequence of Fe and Mn along the c direction for leading to frustrated interactions33. Furthermore, if FM clusters are

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 5 : 9093 | DOI: 10.1038/srep09093 3

Figure 3 | (a) PFM phase and (b) amplitude hysteresis loops for BFMO, (e) PFM phase and (f) amplitude hysteresis loops for BFO/BMO. The domain
patterns written by PFM tip in the beginning and after 10 hours for (c) and (d) BFMO, (g) and (h) BFO/BMO.

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 5 : 9093 | DOI: 10.1038/srep09093 4

Figure 4 | M-H curves at different temperature for (a) BFMO and (c) BFO/BMO. ZFC and FC M-T curves for (b) BFMO and (d) BFO/BMO. Insets
show the enlarged view.

considered as macroscopic spins with competing interactions, doping on structure distortion of FeO6 octrahedra with antiparallel
spin glass behavior can be observed, termed to cluster spin glass34. alignment of spins leads to opposite signs of XMCD signal at differ-
These spin systems qualitatively exhibit similar and characteristic ent photon energy. Thus we try to correlate Fe XMCD spectrum to
variations of magnetizations35. Thus, XMCD measurements were site disorder of Fe ions, since similar XMCD spectrum of Fe L edge
performed to further clarify the magnetic ordering at low tempera- has been observed in BFO film with high density of domain walls39.
tures. Figure 6 shows X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and As shown in Fig. 6(b), a strong peak can be observed in Mn XMCD
XMCD spectra recording at Fe and Mn L2,3 edges for BFMO and spectrum, which is much similar to that in BMO film grown on (001)
BFO/BMO measured at 4.2 K under a magnetic field of 10 kOe. The STO substrate40, suggesting the formation of Mn-rich clusters with
line shape of Fe XAS spectra for both BFMO and BFO/BMO are FM Mn-O-Mn interactions. In comparison with weak Fe XMCD
similar to that observed in BFO, confirming the 13 valence state signal, the relatively strong Mn signal implies that the enhanced
of Fe in both BFMO and BFO/BMO36. Furthermore, the line shape is ferromagnetism in BFMO at low temperature is mainly from Mn,
quite different from that of c-Fe2O3 or Fe3O4 which have both Oh and instead of Fe.
Td site occupation. Instead, it is close to that of a-Fe2O3 and GdFeO3 In contrast to BFMO, BFO/BMO exhibits a small peak in Fe
with only Oh site occupation, suggesting that Fe ions in both BFMO XMCD spectrum, suggesting a weak magnetic contribution from
and BFO/BMO mainly locate at Oh sites36,37. On the other hand, Mn Fe in BFO layers. Previous reports have shown that 4% XMCD signal
XAS spectra for both samples possess similar line shape to each other. in BFO/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 bilayers, which corresponds to a magnetic
L3 peak of Mn locates at around 642.4 eV, suggesting the main moment of about 0.6 mB/Fe15, and 1% XMCD signal in BFO/
valence state of Mn31 38. Two shoulders can be observed, one at La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 corresponding to that of around 0.1 mB/Fe16.
640.5 eV which can be assigned to Mn21, and the other at Accordingly, the observed 1.8% XMCD signal in BFO/BMO can be
643.3 eV assigned to Mn41 38. These results suggest the coexistence roughly estimated as 0.2 mB/Fe, which is much larger than the canted
of Mn21, Mn31 and Mn41 in both samples, which might be due to the moment (0.03 mB/Fe) in bulk BFO15. This suggests that the observed
inhomogeneous distribution of O22 ions. 1.8% XMCD does not originate from spin canting in BFO due to the
In contrast to the similar line shape of Fe and Mn XAS spectra in Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction, while is more likely attrib-
BFMO and BFO/BMO, XMCD spectra are obviously different. As uted to the induced spin canting by exchange coupling between Fe
can be seen in Fig. 6, Fe XMCD spectrum for BFMO is very close to and Mn at interfaces15,16. The weakening of antiferromagnetism and
that of c-Fe2O3, i.e., having two opposite peaks at Oh and Td sites, induced weak ferromagnetism in BFO layer at interface have also
respectively36. However, this does not mean that there is large been observed in BFO/CoFe and BFO/CoFeB due to exchange coup-
amount of c-Fe2O3 or Fe3O4 impurities, because: i) both BFO and ling41,42. For Mn XMCD spectrum in the BFO/BMO, we have found a
BMO have distorted perovskite structure, and therefore the location splitting at L3 edge, different from the single peak observed in BMO40.
of Fe in Td site seems unreasonable; ii) Fe XAS spectrum in BFMO is This discrepancy could be explained as that BMO layer is not strictly
quite different from that of c-Fe2O3 and Fe3O4; and iii) XRD results one unit cell thick, thus Mn ions have different neighboring environ-
have not shown any peaks of c-Fe2O3 and Fe3O4. The positive forma- ments. For instance, Mn ions inside BMO layer have only the nearest
tion enthalpy of ordered structure of Mn and Fe leads to inhomo- neighboring Mn ions, while Mn ions at interfaces have the nearest
geneous distribution of Mn and Fe14. The local variation of Mn neighboring Fe ions, leading to various distortion on MnO6 octahed-

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 5 : 9093 | DOI: 10.1038/srep09093 5

Figure 5 | The measured (open symbol) and fitted (solid curve) time dependent remnant magnetization at 5 K for (a) BFMO and (c) BFO/BMO. The
schematic structure of (b) cluster spin glass in BFMO, and (d) square lattice of Fe and Mn at interfaces of BFO/BMO. Blue circles in (b) denote Mn-rich
clusters in BFMO and arrows denote the net spin directions. Circles in (d) denote Fe and Mn ions with arrows indicating the spin directions.

Figure 6 | XAS and XMCD spectra of (a) BFMO, Fe L edges, (b) BFMO, Mn L edges, (c) BFO/BMO, Fe L edges, and (d) BFO/BMO, Mn L edges,
measured at 4.2 K under magnetic field of 10 kOe. Peak positions for Mn21, Mn31 and Mn41 are marked.

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 5 : 9093 | DOI: 10.1038/srep09093 6

ral. These two different locations of Mn ions possibly lead to the with thickness of about 30 nm was deposited first at Ts5880uC and PO2540 Pa for
the other measurements.
splitting at L3 edge. The same sign of split XMCD peaks suggests
The crystal structure of films was examined by XRD with Cu Ka radiation (Rigaku
that Mn spins tend to align parallel, confirming the FM interaction of Smartlab3). The valence states of Fe and Mn were characterized by XPS
Mn-O-Mn. Comparing Fe and Mn XMCD spectra in BFO/BMO, (ThermoFisher SCIENTIFIC) with Al Ka X-ray source (hn51486.6 eV). The cross-
their opposite sign suggests an antiparallel alignment of the corres- sectional specimen for HRTEM was prepared by mechanical polishing followed by
ponding magnetic moments, confirming the AF exchange inter- argon ion milling. The thinned sample was examined using a JEM-200CX. The
surface morphology and ferroelectric domains were characterized by scanning probe
action of Fe-O-Mn at interfaces. The Mn spins in BMO layer tend microscopy (SPM, Asylum Research Cypher). Temperature dependent magnetic
to align parallel to each other due to FM interaction between Mn properties were carefully measured by a commercial SQUID-VSM (Quantum
ions. Thus the spins of neighboring Fe ions in BFO layer will be Design) from 5 K to 300 K. XAS measurements were performed at the beam line
forced to align parallel through the AF interaction of Fe-O-Mn at UE46/PGM-1 at BESSY II (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin) with a circular degree of
polarization of around 90%. The spectra were acquired and normalized to the
interfaces. Together with AF interaction between neighboring Fe incident beam in total electron yield (TEY) mode by recording the sample drain
ions in BFO layer, spin canting might be enhanced, leading to current as a function of photon energy. Right-handed (m1) and left-handed (m2)
enhanced weak ferromagnetism. circularly polarized XAS spectra were obtained by reversing photon helicity under H
5 10 kOe. The field is parallel to the beam, and the beam is perpendicular to the
surface plane of our samples. XMCD spectrum was obtained as (m12m2) and nor-
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