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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 28 2007

Flow Modeling and Runner Design

Optimization in Turgo Water Turbines
John S. Anagnostopoulos, and Dimitrios E. Papantonis

the end of the sixteenth century (Fig. 1a). The water jet enters
Abstract—The incorporation of computational fluid dynamics in one side of the runner and exits through the other (Fig. 1b).
the design of modern hydraulic turbines appears to be necessary in This allows for a more efficient escape of 'used' water, which
order to improve their efficiency and cost-effectiveness beyond the does not interfere with the incoming jet. Hence, larger jet and
traditional design practices. A numerical optimization methodology
flow rates can be treated compared to a Pelton runner of same
is developed and applied in the present work to a Turgo water
turbine. The fluid is simulated by a Lagrangian mesh-free approach diameter. As a result, a Turgo turbine has higher specific
that can provide detailed information on the energy transfer and speed and smaller size than a Pelton turbine for the same
enhance the understanding of the complex, unsteady flow field, at power. This compensates for its more complex design and
very small computing cost. The runner blades are initially shaped more difficult manufacturing process. Moreover, the smaller
according to hydrodynamics theory, and parameterized using Bezier runner diameter allows to obtain a higher angular velocity, so
polynomials and interpolation techniques. The use of a limited
that the turns multiplier in the coupling with the electrical
number of free design variables allows for various modifications of
the standard blade shape, while stochastic optimization using generator can be avoided, decreasing the costs and increasing
evolutionary algorithms is implemented to find the best blade that the mechanical reliability of the system.
maximizes the attainable hydraulic efficiency of the runner. The
obtained optimal runner design achieves considerably higher
efficiency than the standard one, and its numerically predicted
performance is comparable to a real Turgo turbine, verifying the
reliability and the prospects of the new methodology.

Keywords—Turgo turbine, Lagrangian flow modeling, Surface

parameterization, Design optimization, Evolutionary algorithms.


T URGO water turbines belong to the impulse type

hydraulic machines along with the more common, Pelton
turbines. Turgo turbines are well suited to replacing low head
(a) (b)
Fig. 1 (a) Earliest design of Giovanni Branca (b) Sketch of the
multi-jet Pelton or high head Francis turbines with poor part Turgo type design
load efficiencies, and they can be used in medium to high
heads, from 15 to 300 m. Like Pelton, Turgo turbine has a flat Very few scientific articles can be found in the literature
efficiency curve and provides excellent part-load efficiencies dealing with the design of Turgo runner, and only few
hence it constitutes the best solution for large flow rate companies construct this turbine type worldwide. In most
variations. Also, it can operate for long periods and minimum books and manuals that include impulse turbines description
wear when the water is laden with slit and other entrained the Turgo turbine is referred simply as a variant of the Pelton
matter. turbine. An extended description is first given in Gibson [1],
The Turgo turbine was first patented by a European but without any information about dimensioning and design of
company in 1919, although the earliest design dates back to the runner. Some interesting elements for dimensioning and
standardization of small Turgo turbines are given in the
manuals of Gaorong [2], [3], as well as by Bednar [4].
Manuscript received July 23, 2007. This work is co-funded by the
The numerical modeling and analysis of the flow in a Turgo
European Social Fund (75%) and National Resources (25%) – Operational
Program for Educational and Vocational Training II, and particularly the runner, along with a preliminary design optimization study of
Program Pythagoras. its blades, is the aim of the present work. To achieve this, the
J. S. Anagnostopoulos, Assistant Professor, is with the School of inner surface of a blade is initially designed according to
Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
(corresponding author, tel.: 210-7721080; fax: 210-7721057; e-mail: hydrodynamics theory and using Bezier polynomials, while a mesh-free Lagrangian method is adopted for the simulation of
D. E. Papantonis, Professor, is with the School of Mechanical Engineering, the free-surface flow developed on the blade surface. In order
National Technical University of Athens, Greece (e-mail:
to improve the hydraulic efficiency of the initial design, a

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 28 2007

stochastic optimization software based on evolutionary ω

algorithms is implemented and a number of blade design Ds
parameters are considered and varied within certain limits.
The main dimensions of the examined runner, as well as its b1
nominal operation conditions, correspond to a real Turgo
turbine installed in a small hydro power plant in Greece. B

70-80 o
The mean velocity of the free jet emerging from the nozzle (a)
of the turbine is determined from the net head, by the equation
c1=c w1
c = φ ⋅ 2 g H ≈ 0,97 ⋅ 2 g H (1)
where φ is the efficiency of the nozzle, taken here equal to
0,97. The corresponding jet diameter, d, can be obtained from
the nominal flow rate:
π 2 β2
QK = ⋅d c (2) w2
4 c2 β2
At the best efficiency point the circumferential speed of the u2
runner is connected with the jet velocity via the relation [5]:
u1 ≈ (0,46 − 0,47) ⋅ c (3)
Hence the diameter of the runner is (Fig. 2a): Fig. 2 Turgo runner configuration:
(a) Meridian plane (b) Velocity triangles
60 u1
Ds = (4)
πn The mean 3-dimensional surface of the blade is then
generated using the conformal mapping methodology in a
where n is the runner speed in rpm. number of meridian streamlines, and assuming a linear
The runner has a conical shape in the meridian plane (Fig. variation of the blade angle from the leading to the trailing
2a). The inlet blade edge is a straight line and the inlet width edge. An example of the resulting shape is shown in Fig. 3.
is larger than the jet diameter (b1 = 1,2 d), in order to secure The leading edge line is represented by a parabolic function
the entrance of the entire jet even for the highest flow rate. and has adjustable curvature (Fig. 3).
The runner width in the axial direction is taken B ≈ 1,45 d,
and the outlet edge of the blade is drawn with the aid of a
Bezier curve (Fig. 2a). The blade traces on the hub and the
shroud are also generated using corresponding Bezier
The blade inlet and outlet angles, β1 and β2, can be
computed from the corresponding velocity triangles (Fig. 2b).
At a given radial distance r, the runner peripheral velocity is:
u1 = 2πnr, whereas the absolute inlet flow velocity c1 = c, and
its angle relative to the runner disk is: α1 = 25 deg, for the
examined turbine. At the best efficiency point the flow exits
with zero circumferential velocity, hence the outlet velocity Fig. 3 Indicative view of mean blade surface
triangle is orthogonal and can also be constructed (Fig. 2b).
Next, the inner and outer surfaces of the blade are
constructed considering a given blade thickness distribution,
assumed here constant (Fig. 4). The leading edge is rounded
to a semi-elliptic shape.
Finally, the hub and the shroud are easily introduced as
axisymmetric surfaces, and the entire runner can be
reproduced as shown in Fig. 5.

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 28 2007

The starting points of the particles are uniformly distributed
within the jet volume, and the time integration starts when the
first particle of the jet impacts on a reference blade. Due to the
rotation of the runner, the rest particles impact at different
time instants and with different relative angles and velocities

(Fig. 6).




Fig. 4 Indicative Turgo blade shape

Modifications to the standard blade design can be made by

introducing a number of additional design variables that
permit the deviation from the standard blade inlet and outlet
angles, as well as by applying a quadratic instead of a linear
variation of the blade angle along a meridian stream line.
Three corresponding parameters are used for each one of three
different meridian lines (at the hub, shroud and one
intermediate), giving, along with the leading and trailing
edges control points, a total number of 11 free design
variables. The rest lines of the blade surface are computed by Fig. 5 Runner drawn with the present method
interpolation techniques.


The free-surface flow in the rotating runner of an impulse
turbine is complex and unsteady hence its simulation
constitutes a difficult computational task. Thanks to the great
progress in computing power since the graphical method of
Brekke [6], the two-phase flow equations can now be solved
using modern CFD tools [7]–[9]. The computer cost of these
methods is however quite high, whereas some uncertainties
concerning the jet flow at the nozzle exit and at the blade
inlet, as well as some inaccuracies associated with the
turbulence modeling, cannot be avoided. For this reason an
alternative fast simulation methodology was developed and
used for a Pelton runner with encouraging results [10], [11].
The methodology is based on the Lagrangian particle tracking
approach, and although it cannot compete with the advanced
Fig. 6 Indicative particle trajectories (rotating system of reference)
Eulerian models in terms of nominal accuracy, its computer
cost is practically negligible. Also, the method can provide
details not only for the flow field, but also for the energy
The particle equations are solved by a second-order,
transfer in the runner.
predictor-corrector scheme in the rotating system of reference,
In the Lagrangian formulation the fluid is represented by a
using a sufficiently small time-step (2x10–5 sec) to produce
statistically adequate number of fluid particles, the trajectories
independent results. The particle path along the blade surface
of which are computed by integrating their motion equations
is computed at each time step from its velocity vector and the
along the blade inner surface. Additional terms are introduced
known local surface slope, and the trajectory is terminated
in these equations to account for the hydraulic losses, which
when the particle flows out of the blade. Also, a particle is not
were regulated in a previous work [10]. Minor hydraulic
counted in case that it passes by the reference blade or
losses, losses due to changes in flow direction, as well as
impinges on the next coming blade. A number of the about
impact losses when a fluid particle impinges on the blade are
103 fluid particles were found adequate to produce
considered, whereas gravity and pressure forces are neglected.

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 28 2007

independent results for the hydraulic efficiency of the runner, the jet starts to interact with the next coming blade too (not
whereas for the reproduction of the surface flow pattern an shown in Fig. 7), which eventually cuts the jet (Fig. 7c). A
order of magnitude more particles are tracked. remarkable behaviour that can be observed is that the fluid
The mechanical torque Mnum on the runner shaft is leaves the blade from quite different regions during the
computed from the conservation of momentum: interaction period (Figs. 7b,c,d), because of the blade
elevation due to rotation. Therefore the correct design of the
M num = ρ Qu ⋅ rin win − rout wout ) (5) entire trailing edge line is decisive in order to achieve high
where Qu is the cumulative flow rate that enters each blade.
The mean angular momentum at the inlet, assuming a
uniform, constant speed jet flow, becomes:

rin win ≅ R j −r V jet cos φ jet (6)

where Vjet is the mean jet flow velocity, Rj-r is the normal
distance between the jet and the runner axis and φjet is the jet
inlet angle relative to the runner disk. The mean angular
momentum at the blade outlet is computed by averaging the
local fluid particle properties there:
(a) (b)
rout wout ≅
⋅ ∑
y out ,i wout ,i (7)

where yout,i and wout,i are the radial distance and the relative
tangential velocity component, respectively, of a particle i at
the moment it flows out of the blade, and N is the total number
of fluid particles that impinge on the inner blade surface. The
overall hydraulic efficiency of the runner is obtained as the
ratio of the developed mechanical power on the shaft, divided
by the corresponding net hydraulic power provided at the
(c) (d)
M num ω
ηh = (8)
ρgQH Fig. 7 Selected flow pictures: a) initial jet-blade interaction; b) full
jet impingement; c) end of jet impingement; d) clearance phase

where H is the net hydraulic head, ω is the angular rotation

speed of the runner and Q the jet flow rate. Notice that the
A large number of computer runs is performed in order to
runner flow rate Qu in (2) may be less than Q for certain off-
create the diagram of Fig. 8, giving the total efficiency of the
design operation conditions.
runner in the entire operation range for one of the two jets in
The main dimensions of the Turgo turbine examined here
operation. The total efficiency is computed from (8), minus
correspond to a real 1 MW machine operating in
3%, which is a reasonable estimation of the mechanical losses
‘Kastaniotiko’ small hydropower plant in Greece, whereas the
for the present turbine. The corresponding curves of the
standard blade design is obtained by the hydrodynamic
turbine manufacturer are plotted for comparison in Fig. 9.
analysis in chapter II. A post-processing algorithm is
Although the qualitative view of Fig. 8 is reasonable, it can be
developed to facilitate the analysis of the numerical results.
observed that the predicted efficiency of the standard design
The detailed depiction of the flow field at every time instant
maximizes at quite higher net head values (about 70 m, Fig. 8)
and the flow animation can provide valuable and
compared to the nominal head of 55 m (Fig. 9). Moreover,
comprehensive information about the unsteady flow
the 80,8% maximum efficiency is remarkably lower than that
development and the energy transfer in the runner.
of the real turbine (above 84%), and the difference becomes
Some indicative pictures from the turbine examined here
even higher at the design point (600 lt/sec – 55 m), where the
are illustrated in Fig. 7. The free-surface flow on a blade
standard runner’s efficiency is only 78,5% (Fig. 8). An
starts, evolves and terminates within about 110o of runner
explanation for the discrepancy is that, due to the rotating
rotation. Soon after its impact on the reference blade (Fig. 7a),
motion of the blade, the relative inlet angle of the jet does not

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 28 2007

remain constant and equal to the blade angle β1 during the jet- diagram drawn in Fig. 11 agrees well with the manufacturer
runner interaction. curves (Fig. 9), at least for high loads, above 500 lt/sec.

Fig. 8 Efficiency (%) chart of the standard design



Net head (m)

80 84
40 70

100 350 600 850 1100
Flow rate (lt/sec)
Fig. 9 Efficiency (%) chart of the real turbine
Fig. 10 Comparison between the standard (a), and the optimal

The general optimization software EASY, developed and

brought to market by the Lab of Thermal Turbomachinery
As shown in Fig. 9, the attainable efficiency of the real
NTUA [12], is used in the present work to find the blade
turbine drops for flow rates below 500 lt/sec. This is mainly
shape that achieves maximum hydraulic efficiency. The
due to the inability of the valve to keep producing a totally
optimizer is based on evolutionary algorithms and it is suitable
smooth and axisymmetric jet, which may also start to decline
for complex non-linear and multi-parametric problems, as the
from its main axis. Moreover, the smaller jet diameter is
shape optimization of a complex 3D surface. During an
associated with greater percentage losses at its impact on the
iterative process the optimizer selects values of the free design
blade leading edge. The above mechanisms are however not
parameters from their prescribed ranges, and looks
modeled here, and for this reason the predicted efficiency in
automatically for the set that maximizes the cost function
Fig. 11 remains constant or even slightly increases as the flow
(here the efficiency), using populations of candidate solutions
rate reduces, in accordance with the theory.
instead of a single solution. To create the next generation the
algorithm mimics the biological evolution of species
generations, using processes like cross-over and mutation
[12]. A number of about 103 evaluations (flow field
simulations) were found adequate for convergence in the
examined case, where 11 design parameters are used (chapter
As can be observed in the comparative view of Fig. 10, the
obtained optimal runner exhibits noticeable differences from
the standard one, since the modified inlet and outlet angles
affect the entire surface shape and curvature of the blades.
On the other hand, the performance results show that the
improved runner design achieves 6% higher efficiency than
Fig. 11 Total efficiency of the optimal design
the standard one at the design point, whereas its efficiency

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 28 2007

An effective and fast computational methodology based on
the Lagrangian approach is developed and applied for the
simulation and detailed analysis of the complex, unsteady,
free-surface flow that evolves in the runner of a Turgo turbine.
A standard runner design created by applying the
hydrodynamics theory was found to be reasonable in shape
and performance but not very efficient, while its best
efficiency point is far from the desired operating conditions.
The blade geometry is parameterized using 11 design
variables, and the combination of their values that maximizes
the hydraulic efficiency of the runner is found using a
powerful, stochastic optimization tool. The obtained improved
runner exhibits remarkably higher efficiency than the standard
design, and its characteristic curves are close to the
corresponding ones of a real Turgo turbine.
A more elaborate modeling of the free-surface flow in the
blades and of the jet structure at some complex regions is
required to develop further the present numerical design
optimization methodology, which appears to be very
promising in order to improve the design process and the cost-
effectiveness of this water turbine.

[1] A.H. Gibson, Hydraulics and its applications. Constable & Co Ltd, UK,
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[10] J. Anagnostopoulos, and D. Papantonis, “Experimental and numerical
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[12] K.C. Giannakoglou, “Design of optimal aerodynamic shapes using
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Progress in Aerospace Science, Vol. 38, 2002, pp. 43-76.


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