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Effect of Different Solvents On Extraction of Phenolic Antioxidants by Reflux Method From Wild Pomegranate Flavedo Their

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Research Paper

Effect of Different Solvents on Extraction of Phenolic

Antioxidants by Reflux Method from Wild Pomegranate
Flavedo, their Antioxidant and Antibacterial Properties
Department of Food Science and Technology, Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry,
Nauni, Solan, Himachal Pradesh 173230, 1Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, School of Agriculture, Lovely
Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab 144411, 2Department of Basic Science, Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University
of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, Himachal Pradesh 173230, India

Hamid et al.: Extraction of Phenolic Antioxidants from Wild Pomegranate Flavedo by Reflux Method
In this study wild pomegranate flavedo powder was used for the extraction of phenolics through various
solvents by reflux method. A significant difference in all parameters was observed among the different
extracts with varying solvents and extraction time after oven drying. The highest total phenolics, total
flavonoids, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl free radical scavenging activity, ferric reducing antioxidant
power and metal chelating activity among different extracts of wild pomegranate flavedo were recorded
when combination of ethanol and distilled water in the ratio of 50:50 was used (1 h extraction time) after
oven drying. Cluster analysis based on Ward’s method showed that all treatments were divided in nine
major groups and three major clusters after the application of cluster analysis. The two best selected
extracts were further compared after drying in lyophilizer and tested against Staphylococcus aureus and
Escherichia coli for antibacterial activity. In conclusion, ethanol and distilled water lyophilized extract
contained higher bioactive compounds than oven dried extract, which have higher antioxidant and
antibacterial effects and could be useful in the extraction of natural antioxidants. The study concluded
that fruit flavedo is rich source of total phenolics, total flavonoids and antioxidant activity which have
beneficial natural antioxidants for health and have many health promoting properties which makes the
flavedo suitable for future processing into various functional/nutraceutical foods.
Key words: Natural antioxidants, ferric reducing antioxidant power, phenolics, wild pomegranate flavedo
powder, antibacterial effects

Wild pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) belongs to the ellagic acid and punicalagin[6]. Different parts of
family Punicaceae which is an important wild fruit with commercial pomegranate fruit contains different
great economic significance. In India, it is found in vast bioactive polyphenolic compounds, therefore whole
tract of the hill slopes of Himachal Pradesh, Jammu fruit extract can be the interesting dietary supplement
and Kashmir and Uttarakhand at an altitude of 900 to and nutraceutical[7,8]. Polyphenols mainly ellagitannins
1800 m above mean sea level. Wild pomegranate fruits and ellagic acid are abundant in pomegranate peel and
have been known for thick rinds and higher acidity responsible for the antioxidant, antimutagenic, anti-
than commercial ones[1]. In recent years, the demand cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic effects[9].
for its value-added products got increased due to its However, the reciprocal concentration/bioavailability
recognition as a great source of natural antioxidants of these antioxidant compounds may vary depending
and health promoting constituents like organic acids, upon cultivar type, region and various development
anthocyanins, phenolics, vitamins and minerals[2,3]. phases of the fruit. The attention towards antioxidants
Its fruit constitute three portions like albedo, flavedo from plant based sources (natural) for protection
and arils. Arils are rich source of organic acids apart
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
from having appreciable amount of sugars, minerals Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which
and antioxidants like anthocyanins, phenols, ascorbic allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially,
as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under
acid etc.[4,5], however flavedo portion of this fruit which the identical terms
constitute 50 % of the fruit is rich source of natural
Accepted 07 July 2022
polyphenolic antioxidants like gallic acid, quercetin,
Revised 26 November 2021
Received 03 March 2020
*Address for correspondence Indian J Pharm Sci 2022;84(4):838-847
838 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences July-August 2022
against various diseases induced by free radicals and solvents and time. For each treatment 10 g of flavedo
their controlled applications in functional food products powder was dissolved in 200 ml of respective solvent
development likely to generate beneficial health followed by refluxing under heat for different time
effects[10]. In the present study, the extraction conditions periods. The extract obtained was further concentrated
of phenolic compounds from wild pomegranate flavedo in vacuum rotatory evaporator (at 50°) until 1/4th of the
were standardized and their antioxidant activities of initial volume remained followed by oven drying (50°)
various types of solvent extracts were investigated of extract. The best treatment with higher phenolic
using reflux method. Antimicrobial activity of extracts content were further freeze-dried using a lyophilizer
after lyophilization at different concentrations was also (Labconco-FreeZone United States of America (USA))
examined and a relationship was established between at a constant temperature of -30° with 0.04 mbar vacuum
these activities and the phenolics and flavonoids pressure upto a constant weight[6]. The chemicals used
contents. So that these type of extracts were used in during the entire study were of analytical grade and
supplementation of food with bioactive compounds as reference standard gallic acid and quercetin were of
well as helps in waste reduction. Sigma-Aldrich.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Physical characteristics:

Wild pomegranate fruits were procured at optimum Colour of samples was measured by a Lovibond colour
maturity from Karsog location of Himachal Pradesh Tintometer Model PFXi series spectrophotometer in
in the month of October 2017. After harvesting, fruits which RYBN colour units were obtained along with
were transported to the laboratory through a well- Common Intellectual Experience (CIE) readings i.e.
ventilated vehicle on the same day and stored at 0° till L*, a* and b* values. The L* value gives a measure
analysis. The flavedo from fruits were further separated of the lightness of the product colour from 100 to 0,
and dried in mechanical cabinet drier (50°)[11]. 100 for perfect white while 0 for black. The a* value
represents the green to red colour range and b* values
Extraction: represents yellow to blue colour range[6]. The time taken
The mechanical dried flavedo was further utilized for to dry a given tray load was calculated by recording the
making flavedo powder by pulverizer having particle time (h) required by the material in the tray till it attains
size of 425 microns through 36 mesh metallic sieve. The a constant weight after drying in respective drying
prepared flavedo powder was further used for extraction modes. Total extract yield was calculated by dividing
of phenolics through reflux method (Table 1). In this the weight of dried material by the weight of fresh
method of extraction, constant solid to solvent ratio material multiplying by 100.
(1:20) was refluxed under heat with varying extraction

S. No. Solvents Extraction time (h)

1 Distilled water 1 2 3
2 Ethanol 1 2 3
3 Ethanol:Distilled water (80:20) 1 2 3
4 Ethanol:Distilled water (60:40) 1 2 3
5 Ethanol:Distilled water (50:50) 1 2 3
6 Acetone 1 2 3
7 Acetone:Distilled water (50:50) 1 2 3
8 1 2 3
water (1:1:1)
9 Ethyl acetate 1 2 3
Ethanol:Diethyl ether:Distilled
10 1 2 3
water (80:10:10)
11 Diethyl ether 1 2 3

July-August 2022 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 839
Antioxidants and antioxidant properties: it overnight. After extract preparation different extracts
were filled in already prepared 6 mm wells under
Total phenolic content was determined by Folin- laminar air flow. Then petri-plates were incubated at 37°
Ciocalteu procedure given by Singleton and Rossi[12] for 24 h and results obtained were expressed in the form
in which absorbance was measured at 765 nm in a of zone of inhibition (mm). The diameter of inhibition
spectrophotometer (Model Ultraviolet (UV)-1650 zone formed by extracts against the respective test
PC Shimadzu, Japan) against water blank. A standard microorganism was measured. In the same way, all the
calibration curve of gallic acid (20 to 100 µg/ml) using samples of phenolic extracts were tested against each
its different concentrations was prepared. Total test microorganisms[6].
flavonoid content was estimated according to the
method of Ilahy et al.[13]. 2,2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl Statistical analysis:
(DPPH) free radical scavenging activity was measured
as per the method of Brand-Williams et al.[14]. Reducing The data on physico-chemical characteristics of extracts
power was determined as per the method of Oktay et were analyzed by the Completely Randomized Design
al.[15] and absorbance of the sample extract at 700 nm (CRD). One way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with
was taken as a measure of reducing power. 2.5 ml of 0.2 (p<0.05) was used to analyze significant differences
M phosphate buffer (pH 6.6) and 2.5 ml of 1 % potassium between treatments. Cluster analysis was performed by
ferricyanide were added to 0.1 ml of methanolic (1 ml/g using ward method (Statistical Package for the Social
sample in 10 ml methanol) extract. The combination of Sciences (SPSS)). Different treatments of extraction
25 ml of 10 % trichloroacetic acid was then incubated by reflux method were grouped into cluster form on
at 50° for 20 min. 2.5 ml of supernatant was obtained the basis of similarities among total extract yield,
after adding acid and centrifuging at 3000 rpm for 10 total phenolic content and total flavonoid content of
min. 2.5 ml of distilled water and 0.5 ml of a solution of respective solvents extract.
0.1 % Ferric chloride (FeCl3) was added. The sample’s RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
absorbance in UV-Vis spectrophotometer (photometer)
(Model UV-1650 PC Shimadzu, Japan), at 700 nm was The effect of extraction solvent and time on the
used as a measure of reducing power. Metal chelating extract yield, total phenolics and flavonoids of wild
activity was determined according to method of Dinis et pomegranate flavedo extract has been highlighted in
al.[16] and Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) fig. 1A-fig. C, Table 2 and Table 3. A significant effect
of the samples was estimated according to the method of extraction solvent and time on all the parameters was
of Benzie and Strain[17]. observed with varying solvent types.

Antimicrobial activity: In fig. 1 it is shown that, R1: Distilled water

(1 h), R2: Distilled water (2 h), R3: Distilled
Antimicrobial activity of selected phenolic extracts water (3 h), R4: Ethanol (1 h), R5: Ethanol (2
against two test microorganisms i.e. Escherichia coli h), R6: Ethanol (3 h), R7: Ethanol:Distilled
(E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) was water (80:20) (1 h), R8: Ethanol:Distilled
detected by well diffusion method. A loopful culture water (80:20) (2 h), R9: Ethanol:Distilled
of the test microorganisms was inoculated into 100 water (80:20) (3 h), R10: Ethanol:Distilled water
ml of nutrient broth in 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask. The (60:40) (1 h), R11: Ethanol:Distilled water (60:40)
test microorganisms were first grown in nutrient broth (2 h), R12: Ethanol:Distilled water (60:40) (3
for 24-36 h at 37°. Wells of 6 mm diameter were cut h), R13: Ethanol:Distilled water (50:50) (1
into prepoured, sterilized nutrient agar petriplates h), R14: Ethanol:Distilled water (50:50) (2 h),
with a sharp and sterile borer. Lawn of respective R15: Ethanol:Distilled water (50:50) (3 h), R16:
test microorganism to be tested against the different Acetone (1 h), R17: Acetone (2 h), R18: Acetone
phenolics extracts on these petriplates was prepared by (3 h), R19: Acetone:Distilled water (50:50) (1
pouring 0.1 ml of inoculum and swabbing it properly h), R20: Acetone:Distilled water (50:50) (2 h),
with the help of sterilized cotton buds in such a way R21: Acetone:Distilled water (50:50) (3 h), R22:
that test microorganism cover whole of the nutrient Ethanol:Acetone:Distilled water (1:1:1) (1 h), R23:
agar plate. After that extracts of different concentrations Ethanol:Acetone:Distilled water (1:1:1) (2 h), R24:
25, 50, 75 and 100 ppm were prepared by dissolving Ethanol:Acetone:Distilled water (1:1:1) (3 h), R25:
phenolics extract powder in distilled water and keeping Ethyl acetate (1 h), R26: Ethyl acetate (2 h), R27: Ethyl

840 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences July-August 2022
acetate (3 h), R28: Ethanol:Diethyl ether:Distilled water ether:Distilled water (80:10:10) (3 h), R31: Diethyl
(80:10:10) (1 h), R29: Ethanol:Diethyl ether:Distilled ether (1 h), R32: Diethyl ether (2 h), R33: Diethyl ether
water (80:10:10) (2 h), R30: Ethanol:Diethyl (3 h).

Fig. 1: Effect of varying extraction time and solvents on (A) Extract yield; (B) Total phenolic content and (C) Total flavonoid content

July-August 2022 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 841
Drying modes
Parameters Treatments
D1 D2
T1 19.70±0.75 a
Extract yield (%)
T2 11.86±0.14b 12.05±0.47b
T1 143.59±0.57a 158.76±0.80a
Total phenolics (mg GAE/g)
T2 136.21±0.79 b
T1 4.35±0.50a 7.90±0.78a
Total flavonoids (mg QuE/g)
T2 4.22±0.10b 6.53±0.97b
Note: Different superscripts lettersa,b in the same column indicate significant differences (p<0.05). T1: Ethanol and distilled water (50:50)
extract after 1 h of extraction by reflux method; T2: Acetone and distilled water (50:50) extract after 1 h of extraction by reflux method;
D1: Oven dried phenolic extract powder and D2: Lyophilized phenolic extract powder


T1 T2
L* 43.84±0.01 a
a* 32.81±0.04a 45.62±0.01b
b* 67.20±0.10a 76.90±0.05b
DPPH anti-oxidant activity (%) 84.00±0.45a 71.10±0.30b
Metal chelating activity (%) 65.20±0.40 a
FRAP (μM Fe2+/100 g) 610.10±0.90a 411.31±0.71b
Reducing power (Absorbance at 700 nm) 1.617±0.01a 1.420±0.10b
Note: Different superscripts lettersa,b in the same column indicate significant differences (p<0.05). T1: Ethanol and distilled water (50:50)
extract after 1 h of extraction by reflux method; T2: Acetone and distilled water (50:50) extract after 1 h of extraction by reflux method;
*L (Lightness); *a (Red to green) and *b (Yellow to blue)

Fig. 1A shows that with increase in extraction time time (3 h) might be due to its polar nature coupled
from 1 to 3 h, extract yield increased from 23.65 with prolonged extraction time which increased the
% to 25.77 % (distilled water), 14.08 % to 15.90 efficiency of the extraction since heat render the cell
% (ethanol), 16.88 % to 17.36 % [combination of walls more permeable, increase solubility and diffusion
ethanol and distilled water (80:20)], 19.02 % to 20.90 coefficients of the compounds to be extracted and
% (combination of ethanol and distilled water in the decreases the viscosity of the solvent, thus facilitated
ratio of 60:40), 19.70 % to 21.85 % (combination of its passage through the solid substrate mass. Other
ethanol and distilled water in the ratio of 50:50), 8.57 % reason of higher yield of the extract might be due to the
to 9.78 % (acetone), 11.86 % to 12.46 % (combination higher amount of proteins and carbohydrates extraction
of acetone and distilled water in the ratio of 50:50), because of their more solubility in water than in ethanol
13.00 % to 13.88 % [combination of ethanol, acetone and acetone[18]. The lower extract yield observed with
and distilled water (1:1:1)], 2.55 % to 3.20 % (ethyl diethyl ether might be due to non-polar nature of
acetate), 12.46 % to 13.56 % [combination of ethanol, the solvent as compared to other solvents which led
diethyl ether and distilled water (80:10:10)] and 1.55 % to lower extract yield of polar compounds. Higher
to 2.20 % was observed, when diethyl ether was used extract yield observed after 3 h of extraction with all
as a solvent. While comparing all the treatments, the the solvents might be due to the prolonged extraction
extract yield increased with the increase in extraction time which increased the efficiency of the extraction
time in all the solvents. However, the maximum extract but also equilibrium attained as very small increase in
yield (25.77 %) was observed in distilled water (R3) extraction achieved as compared to 1 h of extraction.
after 3 h of extraction and minimum (1.55 %) in diethyl However, as distilled water and ethanol are polar protic
ether (R31) after 1 h of extraction. Highest extract yield solvents with high dielectric constant and higher dipole
with distilled water recorded at maximum extraction moment, it facilitated the extraction of higher amount

842 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences July-August 2022
of phenolics as compared to polar aprotic solvents content decreased from 2.59 to 2.35 mg Quercetin
(acetone and ethyl acetate). Equivalent (QuE)/g (distilled water), 2.37 to 1.80 mg
QuE/g (ethanol), 2.63 to 1.93 mg QuE/g (combination
The data presented in fig. 1B indicate that total phenolic
of ethanol and distilled water 80:20), 4.55 to 1.59 mg
content decreased with the increase in extraction time
QuE/g (combination of ethanol and distilled water
(from 1 to 3 h) from 125.97 to 105.46 mg Gallic Acid
60:40), 4.35 to 2.21 mg QuE/g (ethanol and distilled
Equivalents (GAE)/g (distilled water), 124.66 to 118.03
water 50:50), 2.89 to 1.72 mg QuE/g (acetone), 4.22
mg GAE/g (ethanol), 126.32 to 119.38 mg GAE/g
to 1.55 mg QuE/g (acetone and distilled water 50:50),
(combination of ethanol and distilled water in the ratio
2.95 to 1.49 mg QuE/g (ethanol, acetone and distilled
of 80:20), 130.50 to 122.70 mg GAE/g (combination
water 1:1:1), 2.60 to 2.30 mg QuE/g (ethyl acetate),
of ethanol and distilled water in the ratio of 60:40),
4.49 to 4.15 mg QuE/g (ethanol, diethyl ether and
143.59 to 103.13 mg GAE/g (combination of ethanol
distilled water 80:10:10) and 1.41 to 1.10 mg QuE/g
and distilled water in the ratio 50:50), 128.98 to 110.24
when diethyl ether was used as a solvent. While
mg GAE/g (acetone), 136.21 to 105.52 mg GAE/g
comparing all the treatments, the total flavonoid content
(combination of acetone and distilled water in the ratio
decreased with the increase in extraction time in all the
of 50:50), 129.50 to 114.98 mg GAE/g (combination
solvents. However, maximum total flavonoid content
of ethanol, acetone and distilled water in the ratio of
as 4.55 mg QuE/g was observed in the combination
1:1:1), 98.10 to 84.17 mg GAE/g (ethyl acetate), 131.53
(R10) of ethanol and distilled water (60:40) as solvent
to 106.95 mg GAE/g (combination of ethanol, diethyl
after 1 h of extraction and minimum content as 1.10
ether and distilled water in the ratio of 80:10:10),
mg QuE/g was observed in diethyl ether (R33) after 3 h
106.06 to 80.05 mg GAE/g (diethyl ether).
of extraction. Highest total flavonoid content observed
While comparing all the treatments, the maximum total after 1 h of extraction with the combination of ethanol
phenolic content as 143.59 mg GAE/g was observed in and distilled water (60:40) might be due to the increased
combination (R13) of ethanol and distilled water (50:50) polarity of ethanol as a result of addition of water to
after 1 h of extraction and minimum total phenolic it which facilitated the extraction of higher amount of
content as 80.05 mg GAE/g was observed in diethyl antioxidant compounds. The increase in solubility upon
ether (R33) after 3 h of extraction. The polarities of the the addition of water to organic solvents could be due
solvents range from polar to non-polar and optimum to the weakening of the hydrogen bonds in aqueous
extraction of polyphenols is usually obtained in the polar solutions and increase of ionization of the polyphenols
solvent which have a better efficiency of solvation as a in such solutions. Our findings are consistent with
result of hydrogen bonds interactions between the polar those of Musa et al.[22]. Whereas, minimum total
sites of the antioxidant compounds[19]. The increase in flavonoid content in diethyl ether might be due to the
solubility with the addition of water to organic solvents is lower polarity because of its lower capability to break
due to the weakening of the hydrogen bonds in aqueous covalent molecules into ions[23].
solutions and increase of ionization of the polyphenols
In cluster analysis or hierarchical clustering,
in such solutions[20]. This might be the reason of higher
samples are grouped on the basis of similarities
extraction of phenolic compounds in combination of
without taking into account the information about
ethanol and water as a solvent. While lower phenolic
the class membership. Cluster analysis calculates the
content observed in diethyl ether might be due to the
distances (or correlation) between all samples using
non-polar nature of this solvent which led to lower
a defined metric[24]. As here in this study the number
extraction of polar phenolic antioxidants because of
of treatments is greater than 30 so applied cluster
lower capability to break covalent molecules into ions.
analysis unveil how many similar outcomes are there
The comparable total phenolic content observed after
from different treatments as they identified by this
1 h of extraction in all the solvents might be due to
technique and categorized into groups on the basis of
lower amount of degradation of the phenolics at this
similar phenolic content and flavonoids content after
extraction time. Thermal processing for longer duration
extraction. Also cluster analysis in this study clearly
(3 h) at boiling point of solvent might also result in the
reveals the differences in the extraction patterns of the
loss of natural antioxidants because heat accelerates
bioactive compounds with respect to time and solvents.
their oxidation and other degenerative reactions[21].
So cluster analysis of phenolic extract of 33 treatments
An appraisal of data given in fig. 1C indicates that with was performed using rescaled distance cluster with
increase in extraction time from 1 to 3 h, total flavonoid respect to three parameters (total extract yield, total
July-August 2022 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 843
phenolics and total flavonoids). The results obtained similarities between these two treatments. Similarly
from cluster analysis are shown as a dendrogram in fig. in previous studies, the hierarchical clustering was
2. All treatments were divided in nine major groups applied to show similar characteristics of different
and three major clusters after the application of cluster treatments[23].
analysis. The first group 1 was composed of treatments
Comparison of oven and freeze dried phenolic extract
R4, R23, R20, R5, R8, R7, R22, R28, R16, R17; in group 2,
powder of wild pomegranate flavedo is described here.
R1, R2, R11, R12, R14, R10; in group 3, R13, R19; in group
The two best selected treatments from fig. 1A-fig. 1C
4, R3, R15; in group 5, R6, R9, R24, R29; in group 6; R21,
was further compared on the basis of extract yield,
R30, R18; in group 7, R27, R33; in group 8, R26, R32, R25
total phenolic and flavonoid content. Data in Table 2
and in group 9, treatment R9. It is evident from the
highlights that significant differences were observed in
obtained dendrogram in fig. 2 that the samples were
drying time among both the treatments while comparing
distributed among different well-defined clusters based
the oven dried (4.50 h and 0.50 h) and lyophilized
on their similarity. The same treatments (R13 and R19)
phenolic extract powder (53.20 h and 31.20 h) of wild
with higher phenolic content as mentioned in fig. 1
pomegranate flavedo. It took more time to dry the
are positioned in the same group and in same cluster
phenolic extract in lyophilizer as compared to oven.
based upon similarity. So, on the basis of hierarchical
Similarly, in oven dried extracts the maximum drying
clustering of the data of extract yield, total phenolics
time was recorded as 4.50 h in treatment T1. Data in
and total flavonoids of wild pomegranate flavedo
Table 2 show overall higher extract yield was observed
extract, two treatments (R13 and R19) from cluster (1)
in lyophilized samples of all the treatments as compared
were selected for further studies due to interlinked

Fig. 2: Dendrogram of extract yield, total phenolics and total flavonoids of phenolic extract prepared by reflux method

844 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences July-August 2022

to oven dried samples. However, the maximum extract (mm) of different lyophilized phenolic extracts powder
yield was recorded by lyophilization as 21.66 % in against S. aureus with increasing the concentration of
treatment T1. Similarly, the maximum extract yield extract from 25 ppm to 100 ppm. Maximum (21.0 mm)
was recorded after oven drying as 19.70 % in treatment zone of inhibition was found in the treatment T1 at 100
T1. Data in Table 2 reflect that total phenolic content ppm concentration. Whereas, maximum (18.0 mm)
and total flavonoid content were recorded higher in zone of inhibition was also found in treatment T1 at 100
lyophilized samples of all the treatments as compared ppm concentrations. With the increase in concentration
to oven dried samples. The maximum amount of of phenolic extract powder, zone of inhibition against S.
phenolics and flavonoids in freeze dried extract might aureus and E. coli increased significantly. Similar trend
be due to the better stability of various antioxidant of increasing zone of inhibition has been also reported
compounds at low temperature as compared to high by Mohamed et al.[29]. The maximum zone of inhibition
drying temperature as reported in earlier study by against S. aureus and E. coli observed in treatment
Hamid et al.[11] temperature significantly affects the T1 might be due to the presence of higher amount of
retention of bioactive compounds. Our results are phenolics and flavonoids in this extract.
within the range of phenolics reported by Azarpazhooh
The other reason might be due to the antimicrobial
et al.[25], Abid et al.[26] and Rajan et al.[27]. So lyophilized
activities of phenolic compounds involved in multiple
flavedo extract was selected for further studies on the
modes of action like degradation of cell wall, interaction
basis of comparatively higher amount of phenolics and
with the composition and disruption of cytoplasmic
membrane[30], damage of membrane protein,
Colour properties (L, a, b values) and various anti- interference with membrane integrated enzymes[31],
oxidant properties of lyophilized extract powder change in fatty acid and phospholipids constituents,
obtained after extraction are presented in Table 3. The impairing of enzymatic mechanisms for energy
data of color values (L*, a*, b*) of phenolic extract production and metabolism, alteration of nutrient uptake
powder show that highest L* (Lightness) value as 45.88 and electron transport[32], influenced the synthesis of
was observed in T2, whereas, lowest L* value as 43.84 Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) and Ribonucleic Acid
was observed in T1. However, the highest a* (Red to (RNA), and destroyed the protein translocation and
green) value as 45.62 in T2 and lowest a* value as 32.81 the function of mitochondrion in eukaryotes[33]. Hamid
was observed in T1. Whereas, highest b* (yellow to blue) et al.[34] have also reported varying zone of inhibition
value as 76.90 was observed in T2 and lowest as in T1. against various microorganisms in different extracts of
The data in same Table also shows that highest DPPH wild pomegranate peel.
anti-oxidant activity, metal chelating activity, FRAP as
Wild pomegranate flavedo powder could be utilized
well reducing power was observed in T1 and lowest in
for the extraction of phenolics through various solvents
T2. The maximum amount of phenolics and flavonoids
by reflux method. The highest total phenolics, total
recorded in T1 in lyophilized wild pomegranate flavedo
flavonoids, DPPH free radical scavenging activity,
extract might be due to the better stability of various
FRAP and metal chelating activity among different
antioxidant compounds with low temperature as well
extracts of wild pomegranate flavedo were recorded
as higher initial antioxidants values as compared to
when combination of ethanol and distilled water (in
other treatments. The increased redox potential of
the ratio of 50:50) was used for extraction (1 h). The
polyphenols, which allows them to serve as reducing
selected lyophilized extracts have high antimicrobial
agents, hydrogen donors and singlet oxygen quenchers,
activity against S. aureus and E. coli. Hence fruit flavedo
may explain the higher antioxidant activities dried
is potential source of natural antioxidants, which could
extract[28]. In earlier, studies it is reported that retention
be used in the development of new functional food
of higher antioxidant properties might be due to higher
and nutraceuticals for prevention of various diseases
retention of phenolics[11].
in future. This research will be helpful in selection
The data presented in Table 4 and fig. 3 show that of optimal raw materials for the development of new
there was a general increasing trend in inhibition zone functional and nutritional supplements.

July-August 2022 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 845
AGAINST S. aureus AND E. coli

S. aureus E. coli
Inhibition zone (mm) Inhibition zone (mm)
T1 T2 T1 T2

25 ppm 13.0±0.20a 10.5±0.10b 12.2±0.12a 8.4±0.10b

50 ppm 15.0±0.18a 12.0±0.15b 15.0±0.20a 10.0±0.18b

75 ppm 17.5±0.10a 15.1±0.12b 17.0±0.22a 13.0±0.15b

100 ppm 21.0±0.20a 17.0±0.11b 18.0±0.14a 15.0±0.10b

Note: Different superscripts lettersa,b in the same column indicate significant differences (p<0.05). T1: Ethanol and distilled water (50:50)
extract after 1 h of extraction and T2: Acetone and distilled water (50:50) extract after 1 h of extraction

Fig. 3: Antimicrobial activity of wild pomegranate flavedo extract powder against (A, B) S. aureus and (C, D) E. coli at 25, 50, 75 and 100
ppm concentration

Acknowledgements: for providing us facility and environment to work.

We sincerely acknowledge Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar Conflict of interests:
University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan,
Himachal Pradesh, India as well as UGC, New Delhi The authors declared no conflict of interest.

846 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences July-August 2022
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