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Isolation of Catechins

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Extraction and isolation of catechins from tea

Article in Journal of Separation Science November 2010

DOI: 10.1002/jssc.201000438 Source: PubMed


62 4,854

4 authors:

Quan Vuong John B Golding

University of Newcastle New South Wales Department of Primary Ind


Minh H. Nguyen Paul Daniel Roach

University of Newcastle University of Newcastle


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J. Sep. Sci. 2010, 33, 34153428 3415

Quan V. Vuong1 Review

John B. Golding1,2
Minh Nguyen1
Paul D. Roach1 Extraction and isolation of catechins from
School of Environmental and
Life Sciences, University of
Newcastle, Ourimbah, NSW, Tea is a major source of catechins, which have become well known for their antioxidant
Australia potential. Numerous human, animal, and in vitro studies have linked tea catechins with
Gosford Primary Industries
Institute, Industry and prevention of certain types of cancers, reduction of the risks for obesity, diabetes, and
Investment NSW, Narara, cardiovascular disease, and improvement of the immune system. Tea catechins are widely
NSW, Australia used in various neutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics for either enhancing
product shelf-life or for enhancing human health. Thus, the demand for catechins has
Received June 18, 2010 increased considerably. Catechins have been extracted and isolated from tea leaves by
Revised August 8, 2010 numerous methods through several steps including: treatment of the tea leaves, extraction
Accepted August 29, 2010 of catechins from teas into solvents, isolation of catechins from other extracted compo-
nents, and drying the preparations to obtain catechin extracts in a powder form. This
paper outlines the physical and chemical properties of the tea catechins and reviews the
extraction steps of the various extraction methods, as a basis to improve and further
develop the extraction and isolation of the tea catechins.

Keywords: Catechins / Extraction / Isolation / Separation / Tea

DOI 10.1002/jssc.201000438

1 Introduction prevented by quickly heating the leaves after harvest to

inactivate the main oxidising enzyme, polyphenol oxidase
Tea (Camellia sinensis) is native to the southern regions (PPO), and thus, most of the catechins are preserved during
of China and parts of India, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, the processing. Black tea refers to fully fermented tea and
and Myanmar [1]. Tea is said to have first been discovered oolong tea is semi-fermented tea. In these teas, aerobic
as a drink and medicine in China around 2737 BC. It oxidation of the tea leaf polyphenolics is allowed to occur
was then introduced to Japan during the early 13th century and the catechins are enzymatically catalysed to form thea-
and to Europe in the 16th century, then to America, Africa flavins and thearubigins. For black tea, the fermentation
and other regions of the world [13]. Tea is presently reaction is promoted to maximize the oxidation of the
cultivated in over 30 countries around the world and the tea catechins but for oolong tea, it is usually stopped half-way
beverage is second only to water in terms of worldwide before completion [1, 4].
consumption [4]. Green tea is a rich source of catechins, which account
Based on the oxidation of the polyphenols in the tea for up to 30% of the leaf dry weight [4]. A typical compo-
leaves during the fermentation process, tea has been clas- sition of catechins (polyphenolics) and other components in
sified into three types: green tea, black tea, and oolong tea the green tea is shown in Table 1. As catechins can donate
[4]. Green tea refers to non-fermented tea, in which the hydrogens from the hydroxyl groups in their structure, they
oxidation of the tea polyphenols, called catechins, is have been found to have excellent antioxidant activities,
expressed through their free radical scavenging ability being
more powerful than vitamin C, vitamin E, or b-carotene
Correspondence: Quan V. Vuong, MFT, School of Environmental [57]. They have also been shown to chelate transition metal
and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle, Ourimbah, NSW
ions, modulate oxidant and antioxidant enzymes, and affect
2258, Australia
E-mail: gene expression [5].
Fax: 161 2 4348 4145 The catechins are receiving considerable interest for
their potential benefits on human health. The recent in vivo
Abbreviations: CG, catechin gallate; EC, epicatechin; ECG, and epidemiology studies have linked the green tea cate-
epicatechin gallate; EGC, epigallocatechin; EGCG, chins with the prevention of some skin and liver cancers
epigallocatechin gallate; GCG, gallocatechin gallate; MAE, [811]. Other studies have linked the catechins with a
microwave assisted extraction; PPO, polyphenol oxidase; reduced development of lung, gastric, and breast cancers
RP-HPLC, reversed-phase high-performance liquid
[1214]. In addition, green tea and its catechins have been
chromatography; SFE-CO2, supercritical fluid extraction
with carbon dioxide; SPE, solid phase extraction; SWE,
linked with reductions in cardiovascular disease, dental
subcritical water extraction; UAE, ultrasound assisted decay, obesity, diabetes, and an improvement in the
extraction; UHPE, ultrahigh pressure extraction. immune system [1520].

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3416 Q. V. Vuong et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2010, 33, 34153428

Table 1. Composition of major components in tea leaf [1, 4]

Components % of dry weight

Polyphenols 36
Caffeine 3
Theanine 1.5
Protein 15
Lignin 6.5
Carbohydrates 25
Chlorophyll 0.5
Organic acids 1.5

In the food industry, the catechins have proven useful

because of their high potency for preventing lipid per-
oxidation of oil-containing foods; they scavenge free radicals Figure 1. Chemical structures of catechins. The abbreviations
and stop the auto-oxidative degradation of lipids [21]. The are EGC: epigallocatechin; EC: epicatechin; GC: gallocatechin; C:
catechins, especially epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), have catechin; EGCG: epigallocatechin gallate; ECG: epicatechin
been found to have more than 20 times the relative potency gallate; GCG: gallocatechin gallate; CG: catechin gallate.
of vitamin E for preventing lipid peroxidation and more
than 4 times the relative potency of butylated hydroxy-
anisole, which is often added in food to preserve fat or oil whereas the esterified catechins are EGCG, epicatechin
[22]. In addition, the catechins can inhibit the formation of gallate (ECG), gallocatechin gallate (GCG), and catechin
mutagens, normally formed during broiling or frying of gallate (CG). The esterified catechins contribute substantial
meats, which have been shown to increase the risk of astringency and a bitter taste, whereas the free catechins are
developing cancers such as breast and colon cancers [23]. much less astringent and have a slightly sweet taste [22].
In the Asian food industry, the green tea catechins have Among the catechins, EGCG, EGC, ECG, and EC are the
been used in a wide range of commercial products as four major catechins found in green tea; EGCG is normally
functional food ingredients to enhance both the shelf-life of present at the highest concentration, followed by EGC, ECG,
products and to provide added health benefits for consu- and EC [26].
mers [22]. For example, the tea catechins have been added to The catechins are synthesised in the leaves of the
cereals, cakes, biscuits, ice cream, and other dairy products, C. sinensis plant through the acetic-malonic acid and shiki-
confectionary products, instant noodles, fried snacks, miccinamic acid metabolic pathways. Chalcone and gallic
sausages, and soft drinks [22, 24, 25]. acid are produced from the shikimic acid pathway from
In the pharmaceutical industry, the tea catechins have which these different catechins are produced [26]. There is
been used in toothpastes, mouthwashes, and breath fresh- some variation in the content of the individual catechins in
eners to improve oral health [25]. In addition, they have fresh tea leaf; the composition depends on the location of
been used as supplement tablets or in drinks to enhance cultivation, variety, nutrition of the tea plant, time of year,
consumer health [22]. They have also been added to air and the type of leaves (coarse or young leaves). A typical
filters in antiinfluenza masks for protection from catechin profile in an extract from green tea leaves comprises
airborne viruses [22]. In the cosmetics industry, the tea 1015% EGCG, 610% EGC, 23% ECG, and 2% EC [27].
catechins have been used in various products, such as
shampoos, moisturising creams, perfumes, and sunscreens
with the aim of providing soothing effects on the skin as 2.2 Physical properties of tea catechins
well as protecting the skin from free radical damage [25].
Catechins are colourless and are soluble in water and polar
organic solvents [1, 6]. However, the solubility of the
2 Physical and chemical properties of individual catechins varies and depends on the extraction
catechins temperature and duration and on the type of solvent used
(Table 2). Labbe et al. [28] showed that the solubilisation of
2.1 Structure of catechins EC and EGC depended on the extraction duration, whereas
the solubilisation of EGCG and ECG depended on both
The catechins have the general structure of C6C3C6 with extraction duration and temperature. Hu et al. [29] also
two aromatic rings and several hydroxyl groups (Fig. 1). The reported that while the impact of solvent type, extraction
catechins are classified into two groups; free catechins and duration, and temperature on the solubilisation of EC and
esterified catechins. The free catechins are catechin, ECG was not significant, these factors were important for
gallocatechin, epicatechin (EC), epigallocatechin (EGC), the solubilisation of EGCG and EGC.

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J. Sep. Sci. 2010, 33, 34153428 Other Techniques 3417

Table 2. Physical characteristics of the major catechins


Molecular formula C15H14O6 C15H14O7 C22H18O10 C22H18O11 [30]

Molecular weight 290 306 442 458 [30]
Max. absorption (nm) 280 269 280 273 [30]
Melting point (1C) 242 218 253 254 [30]
Solubilization Time dependence Time/solvent dependence Time/temperature Time/temperature/solvent [28, 29]
dependence dependence
Taste Bitter with a sweet Bitter with a sweet Bitter and astringent Bitter and astringent [31]
after taste after taste

The abbreviations are EC: epicatechin; EGC: epigallocatechin; ECG: epicatechin gallate; EGCG: epigallocatechin gallate.

In comparison with other important components in tea Catechins

such as theanine and caffeine, the solubilisation of cate- Catechins-/ Theaflavins
chins is slower because the catechins have a higher mole- POD/ H2O2 quinones
cular mass than theanine (174) and caffeine (194) [30]. Thearubigins
However, the melting points of the catechins are similar to
the melting points of theanine (2181C) and caffeine (2381C) PPO: polyphenol oxidase; POD: peroxidase
[30, 32]. The absorption of ultraviolet light by the catechins,
Figure 2. Mechanism of theaflavin and thearubigin production
EGCG, EGC, ECG, and EC, was found to be maximum at from catechins [34].
the wavelengths of 210 nm and from 269 to 280 nm [30,33].
This characteristic is used in the identification and quanti-
fication of catechins. (Fig. 3) [37]. In addition, the catechins have been found to
epimerize faster in tap water than in purified water [38].
However, the catechins have been shown to epimerize at a
2.3 Chemical properties of catechins much slower rate in solutions with a pH of less than 6.
Thus, EDTA, which gives a pH of 5.5 in water, has been
2.3.1 Stability of catechins added to decrease the epimerisation of the tea catechins [39].
In addition, the epimerisation of catechins can be mini-
The tea catechins are sensitive to oxidation by enzymes, acid, mised by extracting dry tea with 50% v/v ethanol or with
and heat [4]. In the presence of the enzyme PPO, the water at or below 801C [40].
catechins are easily oxidised to form theaflavins and
thearubigins (Fig. 2). During the manufacture of oolong tea 2.3.2 Protein interaction
or black tea, PPO is stimulated to activate the oxidation of the
catechins; therefore, the content of catechins is lower in black The catechins can react with proteins to form a sediment,
and oolong teas compared to green tea for which PPO is which makes the solution look hazy. This process is referred
inactivated immediately after harvest [4]. The optimal to as cream formation [41]. The catechins are also known
conditions for PPO activity in fresh tea leaves are at pH 5.5 to interact with enzymes, such as lipoxygenase, a-amylase,
and at a temperature of 401C. Therefore, controlling pH and pepsin, trypsin, and lipase to form precipitates and
temperature can minimize oxidation of the catechins [35]. consequently inhibit the activity of these enzymes [42].
The catechins are very stable in acidic solutions (pH less The catechins that have an ester bond, EGCG and ECG, also
than 4), but their stability progressively decreases as the pH have a greater ability to form precipitates with these
is increased from 4 to 8. In contrast, they are extremely enzymes than EC and EGC [42].
unstable in alkaline solutions (pH above 8) [36]. Therefore, The precipitation is also influenced by the pH of the
acids are normally added to increase the stability of cate- solution. Studies have shown that precipitation of the
chins in solution but the effect of different acids on the soybean lipoxygenase occurs mostly in the pH range from 4
stability of catechins in solution varies. For example, the to 7 and not when the pH is less than 3 or more than 8 [42,
addition of ascorbic acid has been shown to significantly 43]. The use of proteins to form precipitates can be of some
increase the stability of the catechins whereas the addition practical use to isolate the catechins from tea infusions.
of citric acid has been shown to have little effect on the
stability of the catechins [37]. 2.3.3 Caffeine interaction
The normal epistructure of catechins has also been
found to be unstable in that the ECs tend to epimerize to Catechins also interact with caffeine to form a cream or
non-epistructured catechins at temperatures above 801C haze but this precipitate is only obvious when the tea

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3418 Q. V. Vuong et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2010, 33, 34153428

infusion is cooled down to temperatures below 101C [44]. formation of creaming and this is most likely due to its
The driving force for the formation of this precipitate is neutralising effect on the charges that stabilize small
thought to be mainly pp interactions between the A, B colloidal particles [48].
rings of the catechins and the six-membered ring of caffeine
(Fig. 4) [45]. However, it has been shown that the interaction
of the different individual catechins with caffeine also 3 Identification and quantification of the
varies. The gallated catechins, EGCG, and ECG, have a tea catechins
stronger caffeine-creaming ability than the ungallated
catechins, EC, and EGC [46]. There are several methods for identifying and quantifying
The formation of cream in tea depends on the brewing the tea catechins [6, 49]. These methods can be employed for
temperature, the pH of the solution and the presence of determining the concentration, the yield, and purity of
minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and aluminium. For catechins in final products. The identification and quanti-
example, cream formation from tea brewed at 501C is lower fication of catechins has been largely facilitated by
than from tea brewed at 901C [46]. Cream formation from chromatographic techniques, such as HPLC and CE using
tea brewed at high pH is also lower than from tea brewed at various detectors such as UV, electrochemical, and MS
low pH. Furthermore, the cream tends to dissolve and the detectors to analyse the individual catechins [6]. Alterna-
colour of the tea darkens when the pH of tea with this cream tively, near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy, high-speed
is raised to make it alkaline. However, this phenomenon is countercurrent chromatography, TLC, and GC have also
most likely not directly related to the formation of cate- been used to identify and quantify the catechins [49, 50].
chincaffein complexes. It can be better explained by the HPLC is currently the most common method employed
ability of low pH in either releasing more solids from the for determination of the tea catechins, as it enables good
leaves into the infusion or stimulating the catechins to separation and can be combined with an array of detectors [6,
interact with polysaccharides and nucleophilic groups on 50]. A reverse-phase C18 column is now generally employed
proteins in the tea infusions [46, 47]. Furthermore, the for HPLC and the mobile phases used generally contain an
addition of calcium has been found to strongly promote the aqueous methanol or acetonitrile solution with the addition
of acids such as orthophosphoric, formic, or acetic acid and
column conditioners such as tetrahydrofuran [6, 49]. As
mentioned in Section 2.2, catechins have maximum absor-
bance wavelengths of 210 and 269280 nm [30, 33] and,
therefore, UV and diode array detectors have been widely
used to determine the individual catechins. A typical HPLC
chromatogram of a tea sample is presented in Fig. 5.

4 Extraction and isolation of tea catechins

Tea leaves do not only contain catechins, but they also have
a range of other compounds such as chlorophyll, carbohy-
drates, enzymes, protein, caffeine, theanine, and other
Figure 3. Epimerisation of epistructured catechins to respective
non-epistructured catechins. The abbreviations are EGCG: substances (Table 1). Among these compounds, catechins,
epigallocatechin gallate; EGC: epigallocatechin; ECG: epicate- carbohydrates, and protein are the most abundant compo-
chin gallate; EC: epicatechin; GCG: gallocatechin gallate; GC: nents; however, most of the proteins and carbohydrates are
gallocatechin; CG: catechin gallate; C: catechin. not able to get out of the leaf structure or are not soluble in

Figure 4. The formation of caffeinecatechin complex [45].

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J. Sep. Sci. 2010, 33, 34153428 Other Techniques 3419

first crushed into a fine paste and then quickly extracted

with solvent without going through the heating step [53, 54].
For teas that are dried, the moisture content should be
lowered and maintained at less than 10% w/w; a higher
moisture content can significantly reduce the tea quality and
the catechin content [55]. Exposure to light can also accel-
erate photooxidation of lipids and non-enzymatic browning
reactions involving catechins, which can lead to a loss of
quality and catechins during storage [56]. Therefore, dried
teas need to be packaged in bags well sealed from moisture
and light and stored at room temperature or lower to
minimize degradation of the tea catechins [28, 57].
To increase the efficiency of extracting the catechins,
dried tea can also be ground into small particles. Small tea
Figure 5. A representative HPLC chromatogram of a green tea pieces shorten the path the solvent needs to travel to extract
sample run on a Shimadzu HPLC system with a Phenomenex
C18 column (4 mm, 4.6 mm  250 mm), flow rate at 1 mL/min, UV
the catechins thereby reducing the time needed for efficient
detection at 210 nm, mobile phase contains 0.1% orthophos- extraction. However, it should be noted that the extraction of
phoric acid, acetonitrile and tetrahydrofuran. 1: gallocatechin; 2: catechins from tea with small particle sizes is only quicker,
caffeine; 3: epigallocatechin; 4: catechin; 5: epicatechin; 6: compared to large particle sizes, when the solution is well
epigallocatechin gallate; 7: gallocatechin gallate; 8: epicatechin
agitated [58]. When the solvent is forced through the packed
gallte; 9: catechin gallate.
bed of leaves by external agitation, the small size particles
have a greater surface area in contact with the solvent and
water or polar organic solvents while other components, thus infuse more efficiently than larger particles.
such as caffeine, theanine, and chlorophyll, which are only
present in small quantities, are generally soluble in water
[26]. The catechins are soluble in water. They are also 4.2 Extraction of tea constituents into infusions
soluble in polar organic solvents, such as ethanol, methanol,
and acetone; however, other tea components such as The aim for this process is to maximize the solubilisation of
caffeine and chlorophyll are also soluble in these organic the catechins into a solvent and thereby maximize their
solvents. Therefore, to obtain pure catechins from tea, they efficiency of extraction from the tea. The extraction
need to be separated from the other tea components, which efficiency for the catechins is very important because it
are also dissolved in the solvents used to brew the tea. directly affects the productivity and the cost of the extraction
Numerous methods have been developed for the process. However, the safety of the workers and the
separation and isolation of tea catechins. The extraction consumers and the environmental impacts also have to be
process is conducted through several steps, which fall into taken into account.
several basic categories: starting material treatments,
extraction of tea constituents from tea leaves into infusions, 4.2.1 Impact of various factors on extraction
concentration of the extracted constituents, separation and efficiency
isolation of tea catechins from other impurities, and drying
of catechins to obtain an extract powder which can be used The extraction efficiency for the catechins depends on
in industry (Fig. 6). several factors, such as the type of solvent used, the
temperature at which the extraction is done, the ratio of
solvent to tea, the pH of the mixture, and the particle size of
4.1 Starting material the tea. Thus, the extraction efficiency can be improved by
optimising each of these factors during the extraction
The tea catechins are susceptible to oxidation and therefore process.
improper treatment or storage can lead to their loss [1]. The solvents commonly used for the extraction of cate-
Fresh tea leaves contain high levels of moisture, ranging chins from tea are water, polar organic solvents, and
from 65 to 78% w/w on a wet basis, and high levels and aqueous organic solvent mixtures and each solvent system
activities of oxidative enzymes, especially PPO [1, 51]. has both advantages and disadvantages. Water is an inex-
Therefore, after harvest, the fresh tea leaf needs to be pensive and safe solvent, which does not leave any residues
quickly treated to prevent any oxidation of the catechins. For behind. However, Perva-Uzunalic et al. [59] reported that the
most extraction methods, the fresh tea leaf is first heated, extraction of catechins from tea using water alone resulted
either by steaming, microwaving, blanching or heating in an in the lowest extraction efficiency in comparison with polar
oven, to stop the oxidation of the catechins by PPO [32, 52]. organic solvents, such as acetone, acetonitrile, ethanol, or
However, for some extraction methods, the tea leaf is methanol alone or as aqueous organic solvent mixtures. On
directly extracted with solvent immediately after harvest or the other hand, extraction using organic solvents may also

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3420 Q. V. Vuong et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2010, 33, 34153428

Figure 6. Separation and isolation of tea catechins.

leave chemical residues or contaminating substances, which heat renders the cell walls more permeable to solvents and
are often not acceptable [57, 60]. components and increases the solubility and diffusion
The extraction efficiency of tea constituents also coefficients of the tea components to be extracted. An
depends on the extraction temperature. High extraction increased extraction temperature can also decrease the
temperatures improve extraction efficiencies because the viscosity of some solvents and thereby facilitate the extrac-

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tion process [61]. However, excessive extraction tempera- efficiency because it increases the contact surface area
tures above 801C can add to the costs and can also cause between the tea and the solvent. However, vigorous agitation
degradation of the catechins by promoting the change in of the small particles should be applied during the extraction
epistructured catechins to non-epistructured catechins [37]. to increase the contact of the tea with the solvent; without
The ratio of solvent to tea can also significantly affect agitation, the tea particles can settle to the bottom of the
the efficiency of catechin extractions. Perva-Uzunalic et al. container and not effectively interact with the solvent [58].
[59] indicated that the extraction yields, as well as the
extraction efficiencies for caffeine and the major catechins, 4.2.2 Methods to extract components from tea
increased with increasing amounts of solvent. Similarly,
Pinelo et al. [62] reported that the higher the solvent to solid Tea catechins and other components have been extracted
ratio, the higher is the amount of extracted solid obtained. using several methods including cold and hot water
Undoubtedly, the force driving the mass transfer of consti- extraction, organic solvent extraction, microwave-assisted
tuents from a solid is greater when the solid is placed in a extraction (MAE), and other extraction techniques (Table 3).
high volume of solvent. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and
The pH of the extraction solution also strongly affects each method suits different requirements and applications.
the extraction efficiency of the catechins. For example, at a
pH of less than 7.0, the extraction efficiency was greater for Water extraction
low tea concentrations than for higher tea concentrations
[57]. However, when the pH of the solution was more than Tea has been extracted with water using a wide range of
7.2, the extraction efficiency at the higher tea concentrations temperatures to obtain high extraction efficiencies of
was greater than for the lower tea concentrations [57]. catechins to meet particular purposes. Cold water extraction
Furthermore, as stated previously, the epimerisation of the is normally conducted at temperatures ranging from
tea catechins is also much lower if the solutions have a pH 4251C. Lin et al. [63] extracted the tea components with
of 6 or lower. Thus, the addition of EDTA, which results in a cold water at a temperature of 41C and showed that the yield
pH of 5.5 in water, has been found to decrease the of the extract was significantly lower than for hot water
epimerisation [38]. However, because EDTA is a divalent extraction at a temperature of 901C. They also reported that
cation chelator, the observed decrease may also result from the cold water extract was more effective at scavenging 1,1-
these cations being no longer available to act as catalysts in diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl free radicals and at chelating
the epimerisation process. ferrous ions than the hot water extract [63]. In contrast,
The particle size of the tea sample can also affect the and somewhat contradictory, the antioxidant activity
extraction efficiency of the catechins. As mentioned in measured using the conjugated diene method was higher
Section 4.1, reducing the particle size improves the extraction for the hot water than for the cold water extract [63].

Table 3. Conditions used for extraction of tea constituents

Tea type Method of extraction Solvent Temperature (1C) Time (min) Ratio of solvent/tea Ref.

Green tea Cold water Water 41C 1440 50:1; 17:1; or 10:1 [63]
Green tea Hot water Water 501C 240 100:1 [92]
Green tea Hot water Water 801C 60 10:1 [93]
Green tea Hot water Water 80 or 951C 20 or 10 40:1 [59]
Black tea Hot water Water 951C 15 16:1 [41]
Green tea Hot water Water 901001C 10 min 10:1 [88]
Green tea Hot water Water 1001C 10 14:1 [78]
Green tea Organic solvent Acetone (50% v/v) Boiling point 120 20:1 [59]
Green tea Organic solvent Methanol (100% v/v) Boiling point 120 20:1 [59]
Green tea Organic solvent Ethanol (80% v/v) Boiling point 120 20:1 [59]
Green tea Organic solvent Acetonitrile (50% v/v) Boiling point 120 min 20:1 [59]
Green tea MAE (600 W) Water 80 and 1001C 60 20:1 [69]
Green tea MAE (700 W), initial 45 s Ethanol, acetone, or Pre-leaching at room 90 min for pre-leaching 20:1 [67]
on, then 10 s off; followed methanol (50% v/v) temperature and MAE and 4 min for MAE
by 3 s on, then 10 s off from 85901C
Black tea SWE Water 1751C 180 72:1 [72]
Green tea UAE (40 kHz, 250 W) Water 601C 40 min 100:1 [75]
Green tea UHPE at 400 MPa Ethanol (50% v/v) Room temperature 15 20:1 [76]

The abbreviation ultrasounds are MAE: microwave assisted extraction; SWE: subcritical water extraction; UAE: ultrasound assisted
extraction; UHPE: ultrahigh pressure extraction.

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3422 Q. V. Vuong et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2010, 33, 34153428

Table 4. Properties of polar organic solvents commonly used for tea extraction [65]

Solvents Polarity index Refractive index @201C UV (nm) cutoff @ 1 Au Boiling point, 1C Viscosity (cPoise) Solubility in water % w/w

Acetic acid 6.2 1.372 230 118 1.26 100

Acetone 5.1 1.359 330 56 0.32 100
Acetonitrile 5.8 1.344 190 82 0.37 100
Ethanol 5.2 1.360 210 78 1.20 100
Ethyl acetate 4.4 1.372 260 77 0.45 8.7
Methanol 5.1 1.329 205 65 0.60 100

The hot water extraction is carried out at temperatures such extracts may not be acceptable to consumers. There-
between 50 and 1001C. Perva-Uzunalic et al. [59] extracted fore, the use of organic solvents for extractions needs to be
tea components with hot water at different temperatures for considered carefully in respect to their intended final use.
varying lengths of time and reported that the maximum
yield of extract was obtained at a temperature of 801C with a Microwave-assisted extraction
20-min extraction time or alternatively at 951C for 10 min.
The yield of the extract was found to decrease when the The relatively new extraction technique MAE makes use of a
extraction was performed at temperatures lower than 801C microwave oven to quickly heat the solvent and extract the
or higher than 951C [59]. However, despite higher yields catechins instead of the more traditional direct heating
with hot water extraction and the extracts possessing greater methods. Several studies have shown that MAE has some
antioxidant activity [63], care still has to be taken in order to advantages over the conventional extraction methods
prevent any catechin degradation during hot water extrac- including shorter extraction times, the use of less solvent,
tion, especially epimerisation [36]. and generally higher extraction rates. The microwave
A combination of cold and hot extraction has also been treatment can disrupt the structure of the cells and aids
used. In this combination, the tea is first extracted with the extraction process due to a rapid increase in the internal
water at low temperatures from 0 to 501C, the water is cell temperature and pressure. When the cells are disrupted,
removed and the leaves are then re-extracted with water at the tea constituents can be more quickly extracted into the
higher temperatures from 50 to 1001C [64]. This protocol solvent [6769]. However, MAE is more difficult to scale up
has been shown to provide a better extraction efficiency for for industrial applications than the traditional heating
catechins compared with either single cold or hot water methods [70].
extractions [64]. In addition, the combination extraction Pan et al. [67] studied the optimal conditions for MAE
method improved the stability of the extracts and reduced and found that dry tea should be preleached with 50% v/v
the denaturation of the tea catechins [64]. It should be noted ethanol at room temperature for 90 min at a ratio of solvent
that the extraction efficiency can also be improved by the to tea of 20:1 (mL/g). The tea was then extracted using a
adjustment of other factors, such as pH, particle size, and microwave over 4 min in the following sequence: initially on
the length of extraction as discussed above (Section 4.2.1), for 45 s, then off for 10 s and then continuously on for 3 s
when using water alone as a solvent for extraction. and off for 10 s over the next 3 min, with the aim of main-
taining the extraction temperature around 801C. Nkhili et al. Organic solvent extraction [69] extracted tea using a 600 W microwave oven with the
temperature controlled between 80 and 1001C for 30 min
Several polar organic solvents have been used to extract and the solvent to tea ratio at 20:1 (mL/g). Under these
catechins from tea (Table 4) [65]. Extractions with polar conditions, Nkhili et al. [69] reported that the extraction
organic solvents have the advantage of having higher efficiency for the tea catechins was higher than for the
extraction efficiencies than extractions with water only conventional heating methods. In general, the MAE tech-
[66]. Perva-Uzunalic et al. [59] showed that the highest nique has been shown to be an efficient extraction method
extraction efficiency for tea catechins was achieved by using for catechins and has been promoted as a promising new
25 or 50% v/v aqueous acetone followed by 50% v/v method for the extraction of tea constituents [70].
acetonitrile, 80% v/v ethanol, and 100% v/v methanol. Such
polar organic solvent extractions can also efficiently extract Other extraction techniques
tea constituents without having undesirable epimerisation
of the major catechins occurring. They also have the Recently, subcritical water extraction (SWE) has been used
advantage of requiring less energy for evaporating the as an alternative method for the effective extraction of
solvents after the extraction [57]. However, organic solvents natural bioactive compounds [71]. For example, SWE has
can leave unwanted residues in the final extracts if the been employed to extract caffeine from tea or tea waste [72,
solvents are not pure or are not appropriately removed and 73]. The SWE technique uses hot water at temperatures

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ranging from 100 to 3741C under high pressures from 10 to the liquid, this separation step is mainly carried out using
60 bar [71]. The technique has some advantages, compared filtration or centrifugation.
to the conventional extraction methods, including the
simplicity of the extraction system, and the higher extraction Filtration
rates achieved [71]. However, the tea catechins may well
degrade at the high temperatures used in SWE [39, 40] and There are many kinds of filters that can be used for the
therefore research is required to optimise the conditions for separation of the spent (extracted) tea leaves from the liquid
efficiently extracting the catechins from tea using this infusion. For example, cotton wool has been used as a filter
technique. to separate the spent leaves from the tea infusion [78]. In
Ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) is another alter- addition, glass wool, hydrophilic membranes, and filter
native method used effectively for the extraction of natural paper have also been used for separating the spent tea leaves
bioactive components [74]. The UAE technique has been from the extract [7981]. Even very small particles can be
found to be more effective at extracting bioactive compo- removed with filters; filters with pore sizes less than
nents, than the conventional extraction methods, because it 0.45 mm or less than 0.22 mm are usually used prior to
provides a greater penetration of the solvent into the cellular HPLC analysis to ensure the columns do not get clogged.
matrix and thus improves the mass transfer of the consti- However, the disadvantage of filtration is that small particles
tuents into the solvent [74]. The UAE method has another can block filters, which results in low liquid permeation
advantage over SWE in that it is conducted at lower rates [65]. Also, the smaller the pore size, the more
extraction temperatures [75] thereby reducing the risk of expensive they are.
catechin degradation. To extract catechins from green tea,
UAE has been applied with an input power of 250 W, giving Centrifugation
an extraction temperature of 601C for 40 min [75]. The
results showed that the amount of extracted catechins was Centrifugation has also been widely used to separate the
higher with UAE than with a conventional extraction spent leaves from the tea infusions after brewing. A range of
method [75]. speeds and lengths of centrifugation have been reported [82,
Another method, the ultrahigh pressure technique is a 83]. In a typical method, Baldermann et al. [82] separated the
potential alternative. It uses very high extraction pressures insoluble material by sedimentation centrifugation at
from 100 to 800 MPa to extract bioactives for their use in the 6000  g for 10 min. Centrifugation is also influenced by
food industry [76]. Jun [77] found that ultrahigh pressure the particle size of the insoluble material [65]. Generally, the
extraction (UHPE) at 500 MPa was more effective at extract- smaller the particle size, the more speed and time are
ing caffeine from green tea than other extraction methods, needed to sediment them. This means that, in the
such as room temperature, ultrasonic, and heat reflux commercial setting, the costs of separation by centrifugation
extraction. In comparison with the conventional extraction increase rapidly as the particle size decreases, even more so
techniques, UHPE has several advantages such as high than it does for filtration. The solidliquid density difference
extraction yields, short extraction times, and low energy is also an important factor for the centrifugation method but
consumption [77]. For example, Jun et al. [76] extracted not for filtration [65].
catechins from green tea using the ultrahigh pressure at
400 MPa for 15 min and showed that this provided yields of 4.3.2 Concentration of tea infusions
catechins similar to the extraction with aqueous 50% v/v
ethanol for 2 h. The ultrahigh pressure technique is a After removal of the insoluble tea material, the tea
promising method for effectively extracting catechins from infusions, containing the soluble substances, are then
tea. However, further studies are needed to optimise the concentrated by lowering the volume of the extraction
conditions for extracting the catechins from tea. solvent usually using an evaporator [84]. The concentrated
tea infusions are then further dried using either a stream of
inert gas, a rotary evaporator, a vacuum centrifuge, a
4.3 Concentration of the extracted constituents vacuum dryer with or without heat, or a freeze-dryer to
obtain crude tea catech extracts in powder form [85].
The aims of concentrating tea extracts are to partly remove Sinija et al. [54] developed a method to make a soluble
the solvents to obtain tea catechin preparations with higher tea powder by brewing tea then centrifuging at 10 000 rpm
concentrations, to obtain dry crude catechin extracts or to for 20 min to remove the solids. This extract was finally
concentrate the catechins before subjecting them to further dried by either vacuum drying at 501C and 400 mmHg for
isolation processes (Fig. 6). 1619 h or air drying at 501C for 1216 h. In another
method, Bazinet et al. [86] produced a crude tea extract by
4.3.1 Separation of spent tea leaves from infusions freeze drying their tea infusion for 24 h. However, such
catechin extracts are not pure because they contain a
Depending on the particle size of the tea insoluble material substantial amount of other tea compounds such as
(solid) and the differences in density between the solid and caffeine, chlorophyll, and theanine.

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4.4 Separation and isolation of catechins

The aim of the separation and isolation steps is to remove

the impurities from the catechins and to purify the
individual catechins from the catechin mixture, respectively.
However, the separation and isolation processes are
difficult, especially in larger commercial quantities, because
the impurities and individual catechins have very similar
structures and therefore very similar physical properties
[87]. The tea catechins have been separated and purified
using various methods, such as: caffeine precipitation,
membrane separation, resin addition, solid-phase extraction
(SPE), column chromatography, and supercritical fluid
extraction (SFE) (Fig. 6). Figure 7. Diagram of membrane filtration [89].

4.4.1 Caffeine precipitation

As described in Section 2.3.3, catechins can interact with in the form of an O-ring. A magnetic stirrer at 450 rpm and
caffeine to form a precipitate (Fig. 4). This property was 5 MPa of pressure were used to promote the filtration and a
used by Copeland et al. [78] to develop a method for isolating filtrate with a high level of catechins and a low level of
EGCG from green tea. In this method, caffeine was added to caffeine was obtained (Fig. 7). In another method, a cellu-
a green tea infusion (2  350 mL water, 25 g leaf tea) at 701C lose acetate-titanium composite ultra filtration membrane
to give a final concentration of 30 mM caffeine. The solution was used to separate polyphenols from tea to obtain a
was cooled for 2 h and chilled to 41C for a further hour and product containing more than 40% w/w total polyphenols
then centrifuged at 31 000  g for 20 min to provide a pellet [83].
of material, which was then resuspended in distilled water. The main advantage of using membranes for separation
A decaffeination step was then carried out by using is that the catechins can be fractionated from impurities
chloroform (4 equal volumes) at 601C. The decaffeinated such as polymeric substances or lipids and that the cate-
fraction was then partitioned with ethyl hexanoate to obtain chins can be concentrated during the process. However, the
an EGCG-rich aqueous fraction. Following this, the EGCG disadvantages of this method are that the catechins are
rich aqueous fraction was partitioned with propyl acetate. generally obtained in low purity and that the membranes
The solvent was then evaporated and the residue was can often foul during filtration, resulting in low permeate
dissolved in water and finally freeze-dried to yield a powder. flux rates [65].
This method yielded 400 mg of 80% pure EGCG in powder
form from 25 g of dry green tea [78]. However, this method 4.4.3 Resin adsorption
uses chloroform to decaffeinate the extract and ethyl
hexanoate and propyl acetate in the purification process, Synthetic resin absorbents such as macroporous polymeric
solvents that are unsafe for human consumption. adsorbents and polyamide have been used to isolate tea
catechins. Zhao et al. [90] used a macroporous polymeric
4.4.2 Membrane separation adsorbent made from N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone, ethylene
glycol dimethacrylate, and triallyl isocyanurate to selectively
Membranes have been used to separate catechins from adsorb catechins from mixtures with caffeine. As a result of
other compounds based on their respective sizes. Ramar- the high adsorption capacity of the resin for the tea
ethinam et al. [88] used a filtration membrane to increase catechins and its low adsorption capacity for caffeine, the
the concentration of catechins from a tea infusion. They product eluted from the resin using ethanol contained
infused 1 kg of dry green tea in 10 L of water at 901001C for 98% w/w catechins and 2% w/w caffeine [90].
10 min. The infusion was then filtered through a 140-mesh Polyamide has also been used for the separation of
(0.037 mm) sieve to remove insoluble material and then catechins from caffeine in tea infusion. Bailey et al. [91]
forced through an ultrafiltration membrane made of isolated catechins from green tea by loading a tea infusion
polyether sulphone material with a pore size of 0.014 mm onto a Polyamide CC6 column to absorb the catechins.
and an area of 0.2 m2, under 1000 kPa of pressure to obtain Owing to the weak affinity of caffeine for the column
a retentate containing a high content of catechins [88]. material, the caffeine could be rinsed off the column using
Nwuha [89] employed G-10 and G-20 membranes for 45 column volumes of water. The column-bound catechins
isolation of catechins with a low caffeine content from a were then washed off using 95% v/v food grade ethanol. The
crude tea extract (Polyphenon-60). The tea extract was resulting fraction contained less than 1% w/w caffeine but
dissolved in 80% v/v ethanol and then filtered though a G-10 was comprised of 70% w/w total catechins including 30%
or G-20 membrane, which was held by a porous Teflon layer w/w EGCG.

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The utilisation of synthetic resin absorbents to purify dried in the dark. Starting from 1 g of a polyphenol mixture,
catechins can help avoid the use of undesirable solvents Cao et al. [94] reported a yield of 275 mg of EGCG, 140 mg of
such as chloroform, acetone, ethyl hexanoate, and propyl GCG, and 130 mg of ECG.
acetate. However, the catechins are still obtained as In general, these extraction and purification methods
mixtures with low purity and therefore, other methods are are successful but the use of solvents such as chloroform,
required to improve the purity of the catechin preparations. ethyl acetate, and hexane should be avoided if at all possible
when products are for human consumption. Therefore,
4.4.4 Column chromatography methods, in which safe alternative solvents can be used,
need to be further examined.
Column chromatography such as preparative reversed-
phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) 4.4.5 Solid-phase extraction
and high-speed counter current chromatography have been
widely used in the separation of natural products including SPE is an alternative to liquidliquid extraction for the
tea catechins [92, 93]. Based on the differing retention times separation, purification, and concentration of the compo-
of the different tea components in these systems, the nents from solutions, including tea. Tian et al. [95] used an
individual catechins can be isolated and purified. ionic liquid-modified polymer as an SPE material for the
Kang et al. [92] isolated EGCG having a purity of more isolation of caffeine and theophylline from green tea and
than 98% w/w by using two analytical C18 HPLC columns: showed that it provided a high recovery of caffeine and
(i) 4.6  250 mm, 15 mm and (ii) 3.9  300 mm, 10 mm. theophylline (89.9 and 89.6% w/w, respectively) but the
Caffeine was initially eliminated from the tea infusion by purity was not high. Ding et al. [96] used a molecularly
chloroform extraction and the catechins were also extracted imprinted SPE template to obtain a recovery of 85% w/w
from the water layer using ethyl acetate prior to the HPLC fairly pure EC after isolation from green tea.
chromatography. The same mobile phase of 0.1% v/v acetic Since the first experimental trials, using activated
acid in water/acetonitrile (87:13, v:v) was used at a flow rate carbon filters for SPE, were conducted 50 years ago, SPE has
of 1.0 mL/min to first separate the EGCG from most of the been widely used for the separation and isolation of analytes
other substances using column 1 and then to further purify from many different solutions [97]. However, the materials
EGCG from the other catechins using column 2 [92]. and methodology used in SPE need to be further studied in
Amarowicz et al. [93] used a semi-preparative RP-HPLC order to improve its effectiveness for the isolation of cate-
column (10  250 mm, 7 mm) to separate and purify indivi- chins from tea.
dual catechins from a tea extract. Caffeine was initially
removed from the tea infusion using a chloroform extrac- 4.4.6 Supercritical fluid extraction
tion. The catechins in the infusion were then separated into
six fractions using silica gel column chromatography and SFE with carbon dioxide (SFE-CO2) has been used to
chloroform/methanol/water (65:35:10, v/v/v) to elute the separate tea components, such as catechins and caffeine
six fractions from the column. To isolate EC and EGC, [98]. The main advantage of this method is that it combines
fractions 2, 3, and 4 were put through the RP-HPLC column the characteristics of gases and liquids for extraction, thus
with an isocratic water/dimethylformamide/methanol/ace- the solvent can diffuse through solids like a gas and dissolve
tic acid (157:40:2:1, v:v:v:v) solvent system at a flow rate of materials like a liquid. The process is very fast because of
4 mL/min to differentially elute the individual catechins. To the low viscosities and high diffusion rates associated with
isolate EGC, ECG, and EGCG, fractions 5 and 6 were put the gas phase of the solvent substance [61]. In addition,
through the RP-HPLC column with an isocratic water/ using SFE-CO2 for extraction can minimise the degradation
acetonitrile/methanol/acetic acid (159:36:4:1, v:v:v:v) solvent of catechins due to the absence of air and light during the
system at a flow rate of 3 mL/min [93]. extraction process as compared to other extraction methods.
Cao et al. [94] also developed a method to isolate and Furthermore, the use of CO2 in SFE does not leave any
purify the three catechins EGCG, GCG, and ECG from tea residues and, therefore, the products are more likely to be
by employing counter current chromatography. Two sets of safe for consumers [61].
solvent systems, composed of (i) ethyl acetate, ethanol, and SFE-CO2 has been used as an alternative method for
water and (ii) hexane, ethyl acetate, and water, were used for removing caffeine to produce decaffeinated tea and tea
separating the catechins. In the first step, EGCG was puri- powders [99]. However, the temperature, pressure, and
fied using the first solvent system, ethyl acetate/ethanol/ other solvents must be well controlled and optimised to
water, in a stepwise elution fashion from 25:1:25 to 10:1:10 obtain high extraction efficiencies for caffeine without
(v:v:v). The unseparated catechins were then concentrated affecting the recovery of catechins [60]. Park et al. [98]
and subjected to the second step of the separation procedure demonstrated that the extraction conditions such as
using the second solvent system composed of hexane/ethyl temperature, pressure and co-solvents have a significant
acetate/water at 1:4:5 (v:v:v). The resulting eluents were impact on the extraction of catechins during the removal of
pure fractions of GCG and ECG, and along with the EGCG caffeine from tea using SFE-CO2. They showed that an
fraction from the first step, they were collected and freeze- extraction with 95% v/v ethanol at 7 g of tea per 100 g of CO2

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at 300 bar and 701C for 120 min, extracted over 97% of the overcome this limitation, water should be used as the
caffeine. However, this treatment also had the unwanted solvent of choice during the extraction and isolation of
effect of extracting over 37% of the EGCG from the tea. catechins from tea. Water is a cheap and safe solvent;
Therefore, future research is needed to optimise the SFE- however, it is less effective at extracting catechins compared
CO2 conditions required to effectively separate caffeine from with polar organic solvents. Therefore, extraction conditions
the catechins in tea. such as temperature, length of extraction time, particle size,
pH of the solution, and the ratio of water to tea need to be
further studied in order to optimise the extraction efficiency
4.5 Drying process of catechins from tea. In addition, using water with
promising novel extraction techniques such as MAE, UAE,
The aim of the final step of drying is to enhance the stability SWE, and UHPE should also be thoroughly investigated.
of the catechins while minimising the packaging require- Extraction of catechins from tea using resin adsorbents
ments and reducing transport weight. Basically, drying is a has also shown great potential. This process usually uses
process of removing moisture through the simultaneous water and ethanol as solvents. Although ethanol is an
transfer of heat and moisture. The drying processes have a organic solvent, it is considered to be safer than other
significant influence on the cost and quality of the final organic solvents such as chloroform, hexane, and ethyl
product [100]. As catechins are heat and oxygen sensitive, acetate. However, further research is still needed to improve
the selection of the drying method for dehydration of the the effectiveness of this technique and to dertermine
final catechin product is important. The optimal drying whether it can be scaled up for industrial application.
method must also consume less energy while maintaining Similarly, SFE-CO2 is a potential method for isolating
the natural physical and biochemical quality of the tea catechins. It is fast, safe and has a high extraction effi-
catechins. The methods which have been applied to the ciency. However, the extraction conditions, such as
drying of tea catechins include spray drying, rotary temperature, pressure, and the type of solvent need to be
evaporation, vacuum drying, and freeze-drying [51, 53, 54, further investigated to optimise the extraction efficiency for
86, 94]. However, the impact of the various drying methods the catechins. The cost of setting up this system for indus-
on the quality of the final catechin products as well as on the trial production also needs to be evaluated to ensure
overall production costs has not been clearly compared and commercial viability.
reported. Therefore, further studies are needed to identify In conclusion, the demand for catechins has consider-
the optimal methods and conditions for drying the catechin ably increased due to their exciting potential for use as novel
extracts. In addition, the cost effectiveness of the various bioactive ingredients in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and
drying methods also needs to be evaluated in order to food industries. The world tea production is continuously
maximise commercial viability. increasing, so therefore, there is an abundant source of
starting material for the isolation of catechins. However, in
order to take full advantage of the increasing demand,
5 Concluding remarks and future investment will be needed for the development of safe,
consideration sustainable, and environmentally friendly methods for the
isolation of the catechins from tea. It is hoped that this
The tea catechins process significant antioxidant properties, review provides some insight into the production of safe and
which are linked to beneficial human health effects, such as healthy catechin products.
prevention of cancers, cardiovascular disease, improvement
of the immune system, and prevention of obesity and Appreciation is expressed to Dr. Mirella Atherton for her
diabetes. However, only drinking tea may not provide a valuable comments and for editing this paper. The authors thank
sufficient level of catechins to achieve these health benefits. the Australian Government Department of Education, Employ-
Therefore, catechins have been isolated from tea to ment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) for granting Q. V. V.
supplement the consumption of catechins by the broader an Endeavour Scholarship.
community in order to maximise their impact on health
outcomes. Several methods have been developed to extract The authors have declared no conflict of interest.
and isolate catechins from tea. However, further research is
needed to develop new methods or improve the existing
methods, which have limitations.
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