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WLP - Q1 - G12-Contemporary Arts

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Republic of the Philippines


(Formerly Botolan Community College)
Botolan, Zambales
Mobile number: 0949-155-1331


September 5-9, 2022
Quarter: 1 Grade Level: 12
Week: 1 Learning Area: Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
MELCs: 1. Describes various contemporary art forms and their practices from the various regions. CAR11/12IAC-0a-1

Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Home-Based

Activities Activities
1 Define humanities and  Self-Introduction  Answer the following:
contemporary art.  Discuss the rules in the classroom. ☺ Pre-test: Wordy Letter
 Checking Attendance Challenge pg. 2
 Discussion about the contemporary arts. ☺ Picture Critique pg.2
2 Differentiate the following  Discuss insight to the lessons about  Read and answer the following:
concepts: Science and Humanities. ☺ Activity 1: Check your progress!
2.1 Science and Humanities  Students give their ideas to explain and ☺ Follow Up: What do humanities
2.2 Contemporary Art and Modern Lesson One - Introduction differentiate Contemporary Art and and contemporary art mean to
Art; and the Contemporary Art Modern Art. you? Pg. 4
☺ Activity 2 pg. pg. 5
3 Explain and present examples of  Discuss and give examples of Integrative  Read the module 1 and answer the
Integrative Art; and Art. following:
 Short Quiz ☺ Activity 3 pg. 5
☺ Application: Activity 4 pg. 5
4 Appreciate the significance of  Sharing of ideas about the importance of  Read and answer the following:
contemporary arts in one’s daily contemporary arts in one’s individual. ☺ Activity 5 pg. 6
life. ☺ Generalization pg. 6
5 Summarize the lesson tackled for Summative Assessment:  Administered summative assessment in  Review and study the next module.
the whole week about Long Quiz STEM 12, HUMSS 12 A & B, AUTO 12
Contemporary Arts. and HE 12.
Republic of the Philippines
(Formerly Botolan Community College)
Botolan, Zambales
Mobile number: 0949-155-1331


September 12-16, 2022
Quarter: 1 Grade Level: 12
Week: 2 Learning Area: Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
MELCs: 1. Discusses various art forms found in the Philippines. CAR11/12IAC-0b-2

Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Home-Based

Activities Activities
1 Define arts and its function.  Discussion about the concept of art. ☺ Answer the following:
 Explain why people engage in art.  Pre-Test #1-10 pg. 2-3
 Enumerate different functions of art.  Exercise 1 pg. #4
2 Discuss the factors affecting art  Discussion about factors affecting art ☺ Answer the following:
style and the classification of art style and the classification of art.  Exercise 2 pg. #4
Lesson Two – Art and
forms.  Explain briefly the classification of art  Application: Activity #1 pg. 6
Classification of Art Forms
3 Reflect on the importance of art  Summarize the topic for this day. ☺ Answer the following:
forms in the culture of the  Give insights/ideas about the importance  Generalization pg. 6
Philippines. of art forms in the culture of the
4 Define subject of art,  Discussion about Subject of Art and ☺ Answer the following:
Elements of Art.  Activity 1: What you Know p. 2
Discuss and explain each element  Do performance task (Related Activity 2 &
of art, 3).
5 Create an artwork that shows Lesson 3 - The Subject of  Continue discussion about artworks that  Answer the following:
subject and elements of art; and Art and Elements of Art shows subject and elements of art.  Generalization #1-3 p. 7
 Sharing of Ideas/Brainstorming
Give insights and importance of an  Short Quiz
artwork in expressing one’s
Republic of the Philippines
(Formerly Botolan Community College)
Botolan, Zambales
Mobile number: 0949-155-1331


September 19-23, 2022
Quarter: 1 Grade Level: 12
Week: 3 Learning Area: Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
MELCs: 1. Researches on various contemporary art forms. CAR11/12CAP-0c -e-4
2. Explains filipino artists’ roles and identify their contribution to contemporary arts. CAR11/12CAP-0c -e-5
3. Evaluates contemporary art forms based on the elements and principles. CAR11/12CAP-0c -e-6

Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Home-Based

Activities Activities
1 Define design.  Discussion about the concept of design.  Answer the following:
Discuss each principles of design.  Short Quiz  Pre-Test p. 2
2 Analyze work of art by its three  Discussion about analyzing a work of art ☺ Do the following:
Lesson Four - Principles of
key elements; form, content, and by its three key elements.  Activity #1 p. 5
Design and Form, Content,
context, and  Brainstorming
and Context
3 Appreciate the significance of  Sharing of ideas regarding with the  Do the following:
design and key elements in one’s significance of design and key elements  Activity 2 pp. 6-7
work of art. in one’s work of art.
4 Define traditional art,  Lecture about traditional art and  Answer the following:
Differentiate traditional and contemporary art.  Generalization #1 and #2 p. 7
contemporary art,  Short Essay
5 Define contemporary arts in the Lesson Five - Philippine  Discussion about contemporary  Answer the following:
Philippines, and Contemporary Arts Philippine Arts.  Generalization #3 and #4
Acknowledge the significance of  Sharing of thoughts and ideas about
the various arts in our various arts in our regions/provinces.
Republic of the Philippines
(Formerly Botolan Community College)
Botolan, Zambales
Mobile number: 0949-155-1331


September 26-30, 2022
Quarter: 1 Grade Level: 12
Week: 4 Learning Area: Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
MELCs: 1. Researches on various contemporary art forms. CAR11/12CAP-0c -e-4
2. Explains filipino artists’ roles and identify their contribution to contemporary arts. CAR11/12CAP-0c -e-5
3. Evaluates contemporary art forms based on the elements and principles. CAR11/12CAP-0c -e-6

Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Home-Based

Activities Activities
1 Define contemporary arts in the  Discussion about contemporary Philippine  Answer the following:
Philippines, and Arts. - Generalization #3 and #4
Lesson Five - Philippine
2 Acknowledge the significance of  Sharing of thoughts and ideas about
Contemporary Arts
the various arts in our various arts in our regions/provinces.
3 Enumerate the government  Discuss the different agencies and  Answer the following:
agencies and institutions that are institutions. - Activity #1: What you will Know! pp. 2
responsible in the promotion and  Short Essay - Exercise 1 pp. 4
preservation of art,
4 State the goals and functions of  Memorize the goals and functions of  Answer the following:
the National Commission on NCCA and CCP. - Exercise 2 # 1 and 2 pp.4-5
Culture and the Arts (NCCA) and Lesson Six – National Art  Poster Making Activity - Exercise 3 # 1 and 2 p. 5
the Cultural Center of the Centers in the Philippines  Brainstorming of ideas
5 Acknowledge the roles and efforts  Sharing of ideas and thoughts about the  Answer the following:
of NCCA and the CCP in the topic discussed. - Exercise 4 # 1 and 2 pp. 6
promotion and preservation of our  Short Quiz - Exercise 5 p. 6
culture and bringing arts and
culture to the regions,
Republic of the Philippines
(Formerly Botolan Community College)
Botolan, Zambales
Mobile number: 0949-155-1331


October 3-7, 2022
Quarter: 1 Grade Level: 12
Week: 5 Learning Area: Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
MELCs: 1. Compares forms of arts from the different regions. CAR11/12CAP-0c -e-7
2. Relates the significance of arts forms from the regions. CAR11/12CAP-0c -e-8
3. Promotes arts from the regions. CAR11/12CAP-0c -e-9

Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Home-Based

Activities Activities
1 Analyze integrative art applied to  Discussion about integrative art forms  Answer the following:
Philippine Contemporary Art, and  Enrichment Activities
2 Explain how the Philippine Lesson Six –  Recitation  Activity 1 Beyond Walls:
Government and its people value Integrative Art Applied to  Review of the lesson Read and Answer
art, culture, and heritage. Philippine Contemporary Art  Short Quiz  Activity 2 Beyond Walls:
Go Online
 Generalization #2 and #5 p. 9
3 Describe the role of the Filipino  Discussion about Philippine  Answer the following:
artist Contemporary Artists and its significance  Motivation p. 2
Lesson Seven – Philippine
4 Discuss the significance of Filipino to art society.  Exercise #1 and #2 p. 5
Contemporary Artists: The
women artists,  Poster Making Activity
Filipino & Filipina Artists
5 Explain Filipino & Filipina artists’  Jingle Song Activity
roles to the art society, and
Republic of the Philippines
(Formerly Botolan Community College)
Botolan, Zambales
Mobile number: 0949-155-1331


October 10-14, 2022
Quarter: 1 Grade Level: 12
Week: 6 Learning Area: Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
MELCs: 1. Compares forms of arts from the different regions. CAR11/12CAP-0c -e-7
2. Relates the significance of arts forms from the regions. CAR11/12CAP-0c -e-8
3. Promotes arts from the regions. CAR11/12CAP-0c -e-9

Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Home-Based

Activities Activities
1 Identify the contribution of the Lesson Seven – Philippine  Discussion  Answer the following:
artists to contemporary arts. Contemporary Artists: The  Short Quiz  Motivation p. 2
Filipino & Filipina Artists  Exercise #1 and #2 p. 5
2 Explain Filipino artist’ roles and  Discussion about the National Artists of  Answer the following:
identify their contributions to the Philippines.  Picture Critique p.2
contemporary arts,  Enumerate the notable person/artists  Reflect Upon
3 Identify the Filipinos who are who awarded National Artist of the  What Have I Learned So Far?
honored to belong in the Order of Philippines.
the National Artists, Lesson Eight – National  Long Quiz
4 Explain the criteria and Artist of the Philippines
qualifications for naming the
national artist,
5 Appreciate efforts of individuals in
pursuit of the development of arts
and letters, and

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