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Cryocap Air Liquide - Brochure

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Carbon Capture technologies

delivered for
a sustainable world
Air Liquide Group
A world leader in gases, technologies
and services for Industry and Health

Air Liquide is present in 75 countries with approximately 66,400 employees

and serves more than 3.8 million customers and patients. Oxygen, nitrogen
and hydrogen are essential small molecules for life, matter and energy.

They embody Air Liquide’s scientific territory and have been at the core of the
company’s activities since its creation in 1902. Air Liquide’s ambition is to be
a leader in its industry, deliver long term performance and contribute to
sustainability – with a strong commitment to climate change and energy
transition at the heart of its strategy.

C r yoc a p™
Air Liquide Engineering
& Construction
A technology partner of choice

Air Liquide Engineering & Construction builds the Group’s production units
(mainly air gas separation and renewable/low carbon Hydrogen) and
provides external customers with efficient, sustainable, customized
technology and process solutions.

Our core expertise in industrial gas, energy conversion and gas purification,
enables customers to optimize natural resources.

We cover the entire project life-cycle: license engineering

services / proprietary equipment, high-end engineering & design
capabilities, project management & execution services. In addition, we also
offer efficient customer services through our worldwide set-up.

As a technology partner, customers benefit from our research and

development to achieve energy transition goals.

Our full suite of

Technologies 3 15
Air Gases centers and front
end offices
CO2 & Sulfur

Green Chemicals & Fuels

Hydrogen & Syngas

Natural Gas Treatment

Syngas Separation

Turboexpanders New patents

filed in 2020

It is time to ACT for
a sustainable future
ADVANCE, Air Liquide’s strategic plan for 2025, is a milestone in the company’s
history. It places sustainable development at the heart of the Group’s strategy,
firmly setting Air Liquide on a clear course to deliver targeted global
performance, combining financial and extra-financial dimensions.

The Group develops solutions contributing to climate and the energy

transition—particularly with hydrogen—and takes action to progress in areas of
healthcare, digital and high technologies. Air Liquide also helps its industrial
customers to reduce their carbon emissions, developing new technologies and
skills to support their low-carbon transition.

In full support of the 2015 Paris agreement, Air Liquide commitments for
sustainability address the urgency of climate change and energy transition,
targeting carbon neutrality by 2050 with key intermediary milestones in 2025
and 2035:

• to start reducing its absolute CO₂ emissions by around 2025

• to achieve a 33% reduction in Scope 1 & 2 CO₂ emissions by 2035.

C r yoc a p™
Longstanding experience
in CO2 management
Air Liquide has a longstanding experience in CO2 management, from capture,
purification and liquefaction to storage and transport from various sources.

Air Liquide can also upgrade the recovered CO2 and provide it to various markets,
such as the agri-food industry (carbonation, preservation, and refrigerated
transport), water treatment, chemicals…

1 2


CO2 Purification
recovery & liquefaction

• Industrial processes (metallurgy, cement Complexity and energy balance of carbon

manufacturing, ammonia and hydrogen capture operations mainly depend on:
production, methanization, fermentation,...) • Electricity and steam costs
• Hydrocarbons combustion and carbon footprint
• Biomass combustion • Inlet CO2 stream characteristics
• Waste incineration • Expected outlet CO2 conditions (P,T)
and purity

• Synthetic hydrocarbons
• Chemicals, polymers
• Building materials
• Gas for industrial uses
Utilisation • Agri food
• Enhanced Oil Recovery
Liquid or
gaseous CO2

• Sequestration in deep salineaquifers,

in depleted oil fields or in coal seams
• Mineralization in basaltic underground rocks


A complete product range
to capture and/or liquefy CO2
from industrial gas streams
A world premiere
Cryocap™ is a technological innovation for CO₂ capture that is unique in the world, using a cryogenic
process (involving low temperatures to separate gases).
Cryocap™ can be adapted to specific applications combining a variety of Air Liquide technologies.

Hydrogen production > 15% flue gas
(Cement, Refineries, H2)


Oxycombustion Steel production CO2 liquefaction

Cr yo c a p™

Cryocap™ H2
Hydrogen production

Capturing CO2 while boosting H2

•C ombination of Membrane • Gaseous or liquid CO2
and Cryogenics technologies • >95% capture from syngas
• Extra H2 production by 10 to 20% (up to 60% overall SMR emissions)
•A voided CO2 cost reduction:
up to 40% compared to MDEA

Flue Gas

Natural Gas SMR Shift PSA H2

Flue Gas MEDAL™ Cryo CO2

proprietary Process 99+%


an industrial
Cryocap™ H₂ is the only technique that enables the
reduction of the CO₂ released during the production of
hydrogen while also increasing this hydrogen
• Port-Jérôme, Normandy, France
production. The CO₂ in Port-Jérôme is further purified
• Industrial size, fully upscalable
and liquefied to meet CO2 needs of local industrial
•P  lant built, owned & operated by Air Liquide Group
market (agri-food, water treatment, etc.).
•S  tart-up in first half of 2015.
Highly reliable operation since its commissioning
• Liquid CO2 production: 300 tons/day
• Zero impact on SMR availability demonstrated


Cryocap™ FG
> 15% flue gas
(Cement, Refineries, H2)

Capturing CO2 from flue gases

•S uitable for SMR (flue gas), • Smart impurities management
FCC, cement…: (high NOx)
off gases with CO2 content >=15% • Gaseous or liquid CO2
• PSA-assisted CO2 condensation • CO2 capture rate: 85 to 95%
•C ompact & flexible footprint:
Compressors, PSA and cryo process
can be located in 2 different plots


Flue Gas PSA Process CO2

N2 Rich Stream


Cryocap™ Oxy

Capture and Purification for Oxycombustion

• Enriches Flue Gas above 60% CO2 • Gaseous or Liquid CO2
•S  mart impurities management • CO2 Capture rate: 90-98%
(high NOx) • Unique Technological bricks
• I ntegration validated - Flue Gas Drying
on different Oxy boilers
- Dust Filtration
•D  emonstrated on 3 plants
- Cryogenic Purification
(Callide, Ciuden, Total Lacq)

NG/Coal Cement plant /

Biomass Waste Power plant


Process CO2


Cr yo c a p™

Cryocap™ STEEL
Steel production

Capturing CO2 while boosting efficiency

•R etrofit and greenfield • Compact & Flexible footprint:
for ironmaking Compressors, PSA and Coldbox
• CO2 source: 20-50%CO2 can be located in 3 different plots
•U p to -20% Coke consumption • Gaseous or liquid CO2
and up to +5% Hot Metal Produced • CO2 capture rate: 80 to 95%
• 80 to 90% CO recovery

CO, CO2, H2, (N2)

Cryo CO2 product

PSA Process

Steel CO, H2, (N2)


Air, O2 Hot Metal


Cryocap™ XLL
CO2 liquefaction

Large scale CO2 liquefaction

CO2 Process CO2 liquid

• 700 - 7000+ tpd

• Custom plant: flexible design
• Very low OPEX
and very high CO2 recovery Hybrid Cycle
• Impurities final removal
(e.g. O2, …)
• High compactness
or very compact unit Cryo

CO2 CO2 liquid

A unique value
proposition for our customers:
• Minimize the overall carbon • Optimize space:
footprint: the products run mainly very compact solutions with
on electricity (almost no steam) flexible layout configuration and
and maximize the CO2 avoided by simplified infrastructure compared
reducing indirect CO2 emissions, to steam based solutions
with high CO2 recovery
• Improve productivity:
(90 to 95%, up to 98% with
for some applications (H2, Steel),
Cryocap™ Oxy and Cryocap™ H2)
adding our product improves the
• High intrinsic process efficiency of the original process or
efficiency: enable to co-produce valuable
the technology bricks are used in molecules
their optimum range

• Favour synergies:
1-step capture and liquefaction for
any stream containing >15% CO2
(dry basis)

• Safety and environment-

no toxic or flammable gases used

• Match the end specifications:

all Cryocap™ produce either high
pressure gaseous or liquid CO2 at
marginal extra cost and can meet
the most stringents CO2

C r yoc a p™
Combining technologies
for lowering CAPEX and OPEX
Cryocap™ can be tailored to specific applications, combining Air Liquide core
technologies (Cryogenics, Adsorption, Membranes), adapting to CO2 content
in the feed gas, CO2 product specification and offering the possibility to
valorize other molecules contained in the feed gas (eg. CO, H2…)
CO2 Product Purity


90% (Solvents) CAPTURE

Cryocap™ Oxy


Cryocap™ Steel

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

CO2 Content in Feed Gas

Other technologies
Air Liquide Engineering & Construction also engineers at low pressure, which can be combined with Cryocap™
solvent based technologies such as amine to capture XLL. For CO2 capture on flue gases, amine technology
CO2 from synthesis gas or flue gas. remains the most competitive solution for low CO2
Through long term partnerships with the key amine concentration (below 10%), provided availability of large
license providers, Air Liquide installed 80+ units and amount of excess steam or high grade heat.
benefits from its long term operational experience
Air Liquide Engineering & Construction is also offering
of amine units.
proprietary technologies for CO2 capture from synthesis
Considered as the industrial base case, amine gas (Rectisol, Recticap) or from natural gas (Cryocap NG):
technology can deliver high purity gaseous CO2 (99+%)

Cr yo c a p™
Rectisol™ Recticap™ Cryocap™ NG
The world´s leading Rectisol™ optimized Cryogenic distillation +
synthesis gas purification for blue hydrogen membranes: the best
process application of both worlds
• > 110 references and continuously • Simplified Rectisol™ flowsheet - tuned • Optimised solution for CO2 rich gas
improved throughout the last 75 years for decarbonization of syngas fields, integrating proprietary membrane
• Selective removal of CO2, sulfur and • Minimized regeneration steam technologies PEEK-Sep™
trace components by physical requirement and Medal™
absorption • CAPEX and OPEX optimized • Removing H2O, H2S, N2, HC
• Fully referenced in all relevant scales • Know-how from AL´s own operated and Mercaptans with 99%
and applications plants and Rectisol™ demonstration unit + methane recovery
• Inexpensive, available and chemically • >95% CO2 capture from syngas possible, • High pressure CO2 ready
stable solvent (methanol) dry CO2 capture ready (>98.5% purity) for re-injection and permanent
• Low operating costs and high sequestration or EOR
availability • Small footprint for offshore application
• Know-how from AL´s own operated
plants and Rectisol™ demonstration unit
• >99% CO2 capture from syngas
possible, dry CO2 capture ready
(>98.5% purity)

Which Cryocap technology fits your needs


H2 production, SMR ✔ ✔

H2 production, ATR ✔

Cement / lime ✔ ✔

Steel ✔

Refineries (FCC) ✔

Refineries (Ethylene Naphta Cracker)

Coal / biomass power plant ✔ ✔

Pulp & paper ✔

Any application with CO2 concentration > 95%
(from carbon capture units)

Any application with CO2 concentration > 40%

Oxycombustion or alternate concentration process) ✔

Any combustion gas, waste incineration < 10%

Cr yo c a p™
Physical Absorption Chemical Absorption
CRYOCAP™Steel CRYOCAP™ XLL Rectisol™ Recticap™ (amines)

✔ ✔

✔ ✔

Air Liquide Cryocap™

the world’s first carbon capture
plant in operation in France
In 2015, Air Liquide started operating its first industrial deployment of the
Cryocap™ H₂ technology at its installation in Port-Jérôme at the largest Steam
Methane Reforming Hydrogen production unit operated by Air Liquide in

Since the plant started operating, its operation has proved to be extremely
reliable. In the course of the last years, Air Liquide has further optimized the
plant’s operation with, for example, the fast start-up automatic sequence.

Port-Jerôme is one of the 4 sites in Europe able to produce Hydrogen certified

low carbon. It has been integrated as a pilot site for the project CertifHy, the first
Guarantee of Origin (GO) platform for Green and Low-Carbon Hydrogen.

Cr yo c a p™
the world’s largest cross-border
carbon capture and storage
(CCS) value chain in Antwerp
In November 2021, Air Liquide and BASF planned to develop the world’s largest
cross-border Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) value chain.
The goal is to significantly reduce CO₂ emissions at the industrial cluster in the
port of Antwerp. The joint project “Kairos@C” has been selected for funding by
the European Commission through its Innovation Fund, as one of the seven
large-scale projects out of more than 300 applications.

Kairos@C will be jointly developed by Air Liquide and BASF at its Antwerp
chemical site. By avoiding 14.2 million tons of CO₂ over the first 10 years of
operation, it will significantly contribute to the EU’s goal of becoming climate
neutral by 2050.

Besides combining CO₂ capture, liquefaction, transportation and storage on a

large scale in the North Sea, the project includes several innovative
technologies. Notably, for capturing the CO₂ from production plants, Air Liquide
will use its patented Cryocap™ technology and, for drying the CO₂, BASF will
apply its Sorbead® solution. The project is planned to be operational in 2025.

Air Liquide Cryocap™

a first-of-its-kind decarbonization
project of lime production
in France
In May, 2022, Air Liquide and Lhoist joined forces to launch a first-of-its-kind
decarbonization project of lime production in France.

Air Liquide and Lhoist signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the
aim to decarbonize Lhoist’s lime production plant located in Réty, in the Hauts-
de-France region, using Air Liquide’s innovative and proprietary Cryocap™
carbon capture technology.
In this context, Air Liquide and Lhoist have jointly applied for the European
Innovation Fund large scale support scheme. This partnership is a new step in
the creation of a low-carbon industrial ecosystem in the broader Dunkirk area.

Lime is one of the “hard-to-abate” industries as its production primarily

generates CO₂ from decomposition of limestone. The project for Lhoist would
be able to reduce the CO₂ emissions of the plant in Réty by more than 600,000
tons per year starting in 2028.

Air Liquide would build and operate a unit of its innovative and proprietary
Cryocap™ FG (Flue Gas) technology to capture and purify 95% of the CO₂
arising from Lhoist’s existing lime production unit in Réty.
Air Liquide’s Cryocap™ technology would thus be used for the first time to
decarbonize lime production in France.

Cr yo c a p™
developing one of the first
carbon-neutral cement plants
in Europe
In April, 2022, Air Liquide and EQIOM joined forces in a project named “K6” with
the aim to transform EQIOM’s Lumbres plant into one of the first carbon-neutral
cement plants in Europe.
Through the implementation of innovative technologies, the project aims to
capture around 8 million tons of CO₂ over the first ten years of operation.
The K6 project has been awarded funding by the European Commission
through its 2021 Innovation Fund call as one of seven industrial-scale projects
out of more than 300 grant applications.

EQIOM will carry out a program of technological innovation and in-depth

transformation of its existing cement production plant in Lumbres, France.
The solution aims to implement a First-of-a-Kind oxyfuel-ready kiln, powered
with a high level of alternative fuel.
Air Liquide will support this initiative by supplying oxygen to EQIOM’s
production process and by leveraging its proprietary technology Cryocap ™
Oxy to capture and liquefy the CO₂ emissions.

A global presence

Frankfurt Kiev
Calgary Champigny
Beijing Seoul
Shanghai Yantai Kobe
Houston Dubai
Abu Dhabi Hangzhou
Ras Al Khaimah New Delhi

Kuala Lumpur


Operating centers and front-end offices

Manufacturing centers
© photos: Air Liquide - Comnext - Print in september 2022

A fundamental goal at Air Liquide

Engineering & Construction is to provide
our customers with competitive solutions Contact us
that are safe and reliable. Our aim is to
make sure that our customers can secure
the best possible performance from their
operations and make the most efficient
use of natural resources that support the
transition to a low-carbon society.

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