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H2 Production

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Presented By

Muhammad Waseem Anwar

Clean energy production via fuel cell as compare to
I.C Engines.

Water and heat are by product.

I.C Engines and factories release hazardous gases.

Global warming due to layer made by these gases in


Sun rays striking the earth.

Reflecting rays by earth increasing earths heat.

This layer act as green sheet which we use in

artificial vegetable farm houses or for plants.
A fuel cell is a device in which chemical energy of
fuel is transformed into electrical energy.

Types of Fuel Cells

proton Exchange membrane Fuel Cell

Direct Methanol Fuel Cell
Alkaline Fuel Cell
Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell
Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell
Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

Nafion, a perflorosulfonic acid

Two porous electrodes which sandwich an electrolyte.
Air flows along the cathode ("air electrode").
02 + 4e- 20=
The oxygen ions diffuse into the electrolyte material
and migrate to the other side of the cell where they
encounter the anode (also called the "fuel
2H2 + 20= 4e- + 2H20
The electrons transport from the anode to the external
circuit and back to the cathode, providing a source of
useful electrical energy in an external circuit.
Anode = NiO-YSZ Cathode = La1-xSrxMnO3

H2 O2
O2- Interconnector
1mA at 0.7V material = Mg
or Sr doped
Y doped chromate

H2 + O2- H2O + 2e- OR O2 + 2e- 2O2-

Hydrogen can be produced by using various processes like

Thermal Processes
Steam Methane Reforming
Partial Oxidation
Auto Thermal Reforming
Reforming Of Renewable Liquids
Gasification Of Coal
Gasification Of Biomass
Thermo Chemical Or High Temperature Water Splitting

Electrolytic Processes
PEM Electrolyzers
Alkaline Electrolyzers

Photolytic Processes
Photo biological Water Splitting
Photo electrochemical Water Splitting

Simulation Of Steam Methane Reforming Using HYSYS

Reforming Of Natural Gas
Steam methane reforming
Partial oxidation reaction
Auto thermal reforming
Reforming Of Renewable Liquids

Gasification Of Coal

Gasification Of Biomass

Thermo Chemical Or High Temperature Water

Using solar energy
Using nuclear energy
Steam Reforming
It is the process of transforming the hydrocarbons and renewable
liquid fuels in the presence of steam into gaseous mixture of
primarily hydrogen, carbon mono oxide, carbon dioxide and water.

Steam Methane Reforming

Endothermic Process in which methane is reacted with steam at
high temperatures and pressure in the presence of a catalyst to
produce a reformate gas composed mostly of hydrogen and carbon

"water-gas shift reaction to produce extra hydrogen.

Finally, the hydrogen is separated out and purified.

Steam Reforming Reaction (Methane): CH4 + H2O (+heat) CO + 3H2

Water-Gas Shift Reaction: CO + H2O CO2 + H2 (+small amount of
Concept for Practical Use of
Steam Reformer
reactions using different hydrocarbons are shown below

CH4 + H2O (+heat) CO + 3H2

C3H8 + 3H2O (+heat) 3CO + 7H2

Gasoline (using iso-octane and toluene as example

compounds from the hundred or more compounds
present in gasoline):
C8H18 + 8H2O (+heat) 8CO + 17H2
C7H8 + 7H2O (+heat) 7CO + 11H2

Water-Gas Shift Reaction

CO + H2O CO2 + H2 (+small amount of heat)
Its an exothermic process in which pure methane is
reacted with limited amount of oxygen to oxidize
hydrocarbon partially into H2 and CO.
water-gas shift reaction to produce extra hydrogen.
Finally, the hydrogen is separated out and purified.
Partial Oxidation Reaction (Methane):

CH4 + O2 CO + 2H2 (+heat)

Water-Gas Shift Reaction:

CO + H2O CO2 + H2 (+small amount of heat)

reactions using different hydrocarbons are shown below
CH4 + O2 CO + 2H2 (+heat)
C3H8 + 1.5O2 3CO + 4H2 (+heat)
C2H5OH + O2 2CO + 3H2 (+heat)
Gasoline (using iso-octane and toluene as example
compounds from the hundred or more compounds
present in gasoline):
C8H18 + 4O2 8CO + 9H2 (+heat)
C7H8 + 3.5O2 7CO + 4H2 (+heat)
Water-Gas Shift Reaction
CO + H2O CO2 + H2 (+small amount of heat)
Partial Oxidation Reformer
Exothermic process in which methane is reacted with O2
and CO2 or steam to form syngas.

"water-gas shift reaction to produce extra hydrogen.

Finally, the hydrogen is separated out and purified.

Reaction with CO2 and Steam are show below

Using CO2 Reaction (Methane):
2CH4 + O2 + CO2
3CO + 3H2 + H2O (+heat)
Using Steam Reaction (Methane):

4CH4 + O2 + 2H2O 10H2 + 4CO

Water-Gas Shift Reaction:

CO + H2O CO2 + H2 (+small amount of heat)
Reforming renewable liquids to hydrogen is very similar
to reforming natural gas.
The liquid fuel is reacted with steam at high
temperatures in the presence of a catalyst to produce
a reformate gas composed of mostly hydrogen and
carbon monoxide.
"water-gas shift reaction to produce extra hydrogen.
Finally, the hydrogen is separated out and purified.
Steam Reforming Reaction (Ethanol):
C2H5OH + H2O (+heat) 2CO + 4H2
Water-Gas Shift Reaction:
CO + H2O CO2 + H2 (+small amount of heat)
Renewable Liquid Biodiesel
other liquid fuels
Thermal decomposition of solid materials in the
presence of steam and limited amount of oxygen at
elevated temperatures

Coal CO, H2, CO2

Biomass Gases char, water
Organic Materials Condensable
Gasifiers are devices used for converting
solid fuel into gaseous fuel. In biomass
systems, the process is also referred to as
pyrolitic distillation.
Fossil fuels.

Heavy petroleum fraction

This process can also be used to produce electricity

by routing the syngas to the turbine.
Coal is chemically broken apart in the presence of

Gasifiers Heat H2, Co, CO2

Steam primarily CH4, Other
Oxygen Gases species.

Its gasification reaction may be represented by the

(unbalanced) reaction equation:
General Reaction

CH0.8 + O2 + H2O CO + CO2 + H2 + other species

Water-Gas Shift Reaction

CO + H2O CO2 + H2 (+small amount of heat)

Biomass is chemically broken apart in the presence of

Gasifiers Heat H2, Co, CO2

Steam primarily CH4, Other
Oxygen Gases species.

Simplified Example Reaction

C6H12O6 + O2 + H2O CO + CO2 + H2 + other species

Water-Gas Shift Reaction

CO + H2O CO2 + H2 (+small amount of heat)


Crop residues
corn Stover
wheat straw

Forest residue
Solid wastes
Animal Waste
Thermo chemical" process in which
High temperature heat about (500oC to 2000oC)
chemicals are recycled (closed loop)

By products are
Types of high temperature water Splitting
High-temperature Water Splitting Using Solar
High-temperature Water Splitting Using Nuclear
High-temperature Water Splitting
Using Solar Concentrators
Mirrors and Lenses are used to focus the sun light.

High temperature about 2,000C to drive chemical

reactions for production hydrogen

Chemical cycle example: zinc/zinc oxide cycle:

Zinc oxide powder dissociates into zinc and oxygen in the

reactor heated by the solar concentrator Operating about

Zinc is cooled, separated and react with water to form

hydrogen and solid zinc oxide.

2ZnO + heat(1900oC) 2Zn + O2

2Zn + 2H2O 2ZnO + 2H2
High-temperature Water Splitting
Using Nuclear Energy
Similar to a solar concentrator, a nuclear reactor produces
energy as high-temperature heat that can be used to drive
high-temperature thermo chemical water splitting cycles.
Temperature ranges are about 1000oC.

Chemical cycle example: sulfur-iodine cycle:

2H2SO4 +heat at 850C 2H2O + 2SO2 + O2

4H2O + 2SO2 + 2I2 2H2SO4 + 4HI

The sulfuric acid is separated and removed.

4HI + heat at 300C 2I2 + 2H2

Hydrogen iodide breaks down into hydrogen and iodine.
The net result is hydrogen and oxygen, produced from water.
The hydrogen can be separated and purified.
The sulfuric acid and iodine are recycled and used to repeat
the process.
Electrolysis Water Splitting process H+ and OH-

This reaction takes place in a unit called an electrolyzer

/Fuel Cells.

consist of an anode and a cathode separated by an electrolyte.

Types of Electrolyzers
Different electrolyzers function in slightly different ways.

PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane)

Alkaline Electrolyzers
In a polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolyzer, the
electrolyte is a solid specially plastic material.

Water reacts at the anode to form oxygen and positively

charged hydrogen ions (protons).

The electrons flow through an external circuit and the

hydrogen ions selectively move across the PEM to the

At the cathode, hydrogen ions combine with electrons from

the external circuit to form hydrogen gas.

Anode Reaction: 2H2O O2 + 4H+ + 4e -

Cathode Reaction: 4H + + 4e - 2H2

PEM electrolyzers, which operate at 80 - 100C

Hydrogen production by
PEM Electrolyzer
Alkaline electrolyzers are similar to PEM electrolyzers
but use an alkaline solution (of sodium or potassium
hydroxide) that acts as the electrolyte.

Alkaline electrolyzers, which operate at 100-150C

In an alkaline system the reaction at each electrode are:

Alkaline Hydrogen Production at the Cathode

4H2O + 4e- 2H2 + 4OH-

Alkaline Oxygen Production at the Anode

4OH- O2 + 2 H2O + 4e-
Photo electrochemical Water Splitting

Photo biological Water Splitting

Hydrogen is produced from water using sunlight and
specialized semiconductors called Photoelectrochemical

In the Photoelectrochemical system, the semiconductor uses

light energy to directly dissociate water molecules into
hydrogen and oxygen.

Different semiconductor materials work at particular

wavelengths of light and energies.
Hydrogen production via
PEC Water Splitting
Photobiological Water Splitting

hydrogen is produced from water using sunlight and specialized

microorganisms, such as green algae and cyanobacteria.

Just as plants produce Oxygen during Photosynthesis, these

microorganisms consume water and produce hydrogen as a byproduct of
their natural metabolic processes.

The microbes split water much too slowly to be used for efficient,
commercial hydrogen production.
water electrolysis and small-scale natural gas reformers are suitable.Water
electrolysis is a proven technology that can be used in the early phases of
building a hydrogen infrastructure for the transport sector.

hydrogen production based on centralized fossil fuel based production with

capture and storage of CO2 is feasible.

The production of hydrogen from biomass needs additional focus on the

preparation and logistics of the feed. The production will probably only be
economical at large scale.

High temperature processes need further materials development, focusing on

e.g. high temperature membranes and heat exchangers.

The photo-electrolysis is at an early stage of development and material cost

and practical issues have to be solved.

The photo -biological processes are at a very early stage of development with
so far low conversion efficiencies obtained.
Simulation Of Steam Methane
Reforming Using HYSYS
Although hydrogen is generally considered to be a clean fuel, it is important to
recognize that its production may result in environmental consequences.

Examining the resource consumption, energy requirements, and emissions from

a life cycle point of view gives a complete picture of the environmental burdens
associated with hydrogen production via steam methane reforming.

The operation of the hydrogen plant itself produces very few emissions with the
exception of CO2

From both an environmental and economic standpoint, it is import to increase the

energy efficiencies and ratios of any process.

This in turn will lead to reduced resources, emissions, wastes, and energy
consumption. Future work will involve comparing this study with hydrogen
production via other routes such as biomass, wind, and photovoltaic's.

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