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Using Carbon Dioxide To Generate Electricity

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Using Carbon Dioxide (CO2) to Generate


A Term Paper
Presented to the Faculty of
College of Engineering, Architecture, and Fine Arts
Batangas State University
Alangilan, Batangas City


In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements
In General Chemistry

Amaro, Jorgette Aira M.

Castillo, Ivan Kirby
Ferrer, Francine Hope P.
Mayo, Christian Josh
Ramos, Xenaheart

Table of Contents


Introduction …….……………………………………………………………………. 3

Background of the Study …………………………………………………………… 4

Statement of the Problem …………………….……………………………………..5

Scope and Limitations ………………………………………………………………..6

Significance of the Study……………………………………………………………..7


Related Literature……………………………………………………..………………...8

Related Studies………………………………………………….…………………….12



CURRICULUM VITAE……………………………………………..20


This chapter deals with the presentation of the problem. This includes the

introduction, the background of the study, a statement of the problem, the scope

and limitations, and the significance of the study.


The Earth’s climate is changing, and it is harmful not only to the planet but

also to the living things. Carbon Dioxide is one of the reasons of this climate

change, so many unwanted carbon dioxides are being produced by factories and

vehicles that are stuck in the atmosphere destroying the Earth. There are many

ways to use CO , (Stavisky, 2018). 


Researchers are proposing various techniques and approach to this

particular problem, one of those is developing a new kind of geothermal power

plant that will lock away unwanted carbon dioxide (CO2) underground and using

it as a tool to generate electric power. 

Electricity is necessary for both homes and businesses. The household

and commercial sectors receive electricity output to power things like televisions,

lighting, heating, and air conditioning, as well as farming and public services.

Usage to power electric motors, cool computer servers, and maintain production

processes. As a result of its strong reliance on gasoline and diesel, transportation

currently consumes the highest dependency on nonrenewable resources.

Researchers have come up with a solution that we have needed for a very long


Studies have shown that carbon dioxide can be a great alternative source

of electricity and a way of fighting climate change. By generating Carbon Dioxide

to electricity, this will add to our renewable energy source. Renewable energy is

drawing new investment since it produces electricity with a considerably smaller

environmental impact and is practically endless. And using Carbon Dioxide to

generate electricity has many advantages. Some of which are improving the air

quality and centralizing energy-related emissions. 

Background of the Study

Carbon Dioxide, also known as CO2, is an odorless gas formed during the

combustion of any material containing carbon and important greenhouse gas. It

is a significant heat-trapping gas, or greenhouse gas, and is produced through

the production and burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas as well as

during wildfires and other natural processes like volcanic eruptions. Due to

human activities, there is a tremendous impact on the carbon cycle. Significant

amounts of carbon are released into the atmosphere as a result of burning fossil

fuels, changing land use, and using limestone to make concrete. A rising amount

of carbon dioxide might cause the planet to heat up which is awful for the

environment and the human race.

People quickly understand that in order to prevent the negative effects of

climate change, it may be necessary to actively remove carbon dioxide from the

atmosphere. Researchers, universities, and scientists propose an idea of making

CO2 into energy. They create various technologies and techniques to help

lessen the gas on out of the atmosphere.

Electricity of today came from renewable energy such as nuclear power,

hydroelectric power, wind and solar. However, fossil-based fuels continue to rule

the world economy despite the rapid expansion of renewable energy over the

past few decades. The principal heat-trapping "greenhouse gas" responsible for

global warming is produced by burning fossil fuels, which emits carbon dioxide at

a rate of over 40%. On the other hand, generating electricity from carbon dioxide

was an idea from scientists where they can create a source power from waste.

By pumping carbon dioxide through water or other liquids will result an electron

flow, which will increase the amount of electricity produced. In doing so, CO2 will

not only become waste and it will lessen the amount of it in our atmosphere.

The effects of generating Carbon Dioxide into electricity are, it will reduce

carbon dioxide for global warming because it is a part of greenhouse gases for

being a major cause of climate change around the world. Greenhouse gases trap

heat in the atmosphere and make the planet warmer. Higher temperatures have

caused major environmental problems on Earth, problems include loss of sea

ice, rising sea levels, loss of ocean life, and more intense weather events.

Governments around the world take action to reduce greenhouse gases. Carbon

dioxide is one of the major greenhouse gases. Most of this heat-trapping gas is

produced through human activities related to burning fossil fuels for electricity,

heat, and transportation. So, the substance can provide a way to reuse carbon

dioxide and prevent it from being released into the atmosphere.

A large amount of CO2 emitted due to human activities also enters

oceans, where it is dissolved in water. It reacts with seawater and creates

carbonic acid, thereby increasing the acidity of the water.

The study is focused on how carbon dioxide (CO2) can be converted into

electricity. In order for the researchers to obtain information, they conducted

various research on the internet making sure all the information is correct. The

topic is limited to how we can reduce carbon dioxide (CO2). Any additional

information about global warming was not considered a factor in the study.

Furthermore, any other sort of solution for global warming is not considered or


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine how to use unwanted carbon dioxide to help

solve climate change. The main objective of this study is to generate Carbon

Dioxide for electricity and its effectiveness as a source of energy. 

In addressing these, the following questions are seeking to answer:

1. What are the possible ways to generate Carbon Dioxide into electricity?

2. What are the effect of generating Carbon Dioxide into electricity?

3. What are the significant difference between the generated electricity from

carbon dioxide and the electricity that are used today?

Scope and Limitations

The study was conducted to know how we can reduce carbon dioxide and

convert it into electricity. The range of the study is throughout the First Semester

of AY 2022-2023. This research will serve as the basis for the future researchers

as their guide. Many people could benefit from this study for them to know more

about reducing the effect of global warming. In this study, we will know the effect

of carbon dioxide and how we can convert it into electricity.

The purpose of this research is to generate energy and electricity using

CO2. The researchers used a qualitative research method. The researchers will

gather data and information through articles, internet sites, and other printed

materials. As for the research design, descriptive type is used. 

Significance of the Study

This study aims to know how we can turn unwanted carbon dioxide (CO₂)

that humans produce to generate electricity. This study could be highly beneficial

to the following: 

Students. The students are the primary point of the study. The study may be

able to help them improve their well-being when it comes to chemistry and

increase or develop their Performance through the information to be provided. 

Educators. The educators, or in particular, the people who implement the

curriculum and teaching strategies of the students will be able to gain awareness

about how we can turn unwanted carbon dioxide (CO₂) that humans produce to

generate electricity. 

Future Researchers. Researchers working on a similar or related topic in the

future will gain from the findings by borrowing a page from related studies. The

study's findings and results will or may serve as a reference for future



This chapter contains the ideas, the completed thesis, the generalizations,

and the conclusions. Those in this chapter aid in familiarizing readers with

knowledge that is similar to the current study.



One part carbon and two parts oxygen combine to form the gas known as

carbon dioxide. Due to the fact that plants use it to make carbohydrates during a

process known as photosynthesis, it is one of the most significant gasses on the

planet. The survival of life on earth depends on photosynthesis because both

humans and animals eat from plants. Most likely, you have heard about CO2

emissions and global warming in the news. Burning fossil fuels causes CO2 to

accumulate in our atmosphere, which warms the planet and may alter its climate.

Indoor breathing, outdoor CO2, and the building's ventilation rate all

contribute to indoor carbon dioxide concentrations. We have less fresh air as

structures and homes become more energy-efficient and airtight. In order to save

energy, many ventilation systems in use today recycle air, essentially moving the

contaminated air rather than bringing in the fresh air. As a result, there are high

CO2 levels and poor indoor air quality.


Carbon dioxide pollution's exacerbated the impact on the greenhouse

effect is its main source of worry. Both human activity and natural sources

contribute to the release of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and other

pollutants, into the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is the result of these

gases accumulating in the atmosphere and insulating the planet. The

greenhouse gases allow the sun's rays to enter the atmosphere, but when they

reflect back to Earth after leaving the planet and heading into space. Global

climate change is the result of a complex series of events that follow this

process, which raises the earth's temperature. Increased temperatures are a

result of global climate change, which also affects the planet's overall weather

patterns and climate.


One method is "carbon capture" technology, which involves chemically

capturing carbon dioxide before it is released into the atmosphere. A novel

technique for capturing greenhouse gas and turning it into a useful product—

while also producing electrical energy—is revealed by Cornell University

researchers in a recent study. The oxygen-assisted aluminum/carbon dioxide

power cell that Wajdi Al Sadat, a doctoral student, and Lynden Archer, the James

A. Friend Family Distinguished Professor of Engineering, have created uses of

electrochemical reactions to both sequester the carbon dioxide and generate

electricity. On July 20, Science Advances published their article titled "The O2-

assisted Al/CO2 electrochemical cell: A system for CO2 capture/conversion and

electric power generation." The group's suggested cell would use mixed streams

of carbon dioxide and oxygen as the active components of the cathode and

aluminum as the anode. In addition to creating electricity and a useful byproduct

called oxalate, the electrochemical reactions between the anode and the cathode

would sequester the carbon dioxide into compounds rich in carbon.

The majority of the current models for carbon capture involve capturing the

carbon in solids or fluids, which are then heated or depressurized to release

carbon dioxide. After that, the concentrated gas must either be buried

underground or compressed and transported to industries that can reuse it.

According to Archer, the study's findings could signal a paradigm shift. It's

significant in and of itself, he added, that we have developed a carbon capture

technology that also produces electricity. The regeneration of the fluids used to

capture carbon dioxide consumes up to 25% of the energy output of the plant,

which severely restricts the commercial viability of such technology. In addition,

the transported carbon dioxide must be transported to locations where it can be

sequestered or reused, which requires new infrastructure. The team claimed that

at a discharge potential of about 1.4 volts, their electrochemical cell produced 13-

ampere hours per gram of porous carbon (used as the cathode). The energy

generated by the cell is comparable to that generated by battery systems with the

highest energy density.

Prior to Nardini (2013), Approximately 40% of global CO2 emissions are

emitted from electricity generation through the combustion of fossil fuels to

generate heat needed to power steam turbines. Burning these fuels results in the

production of carbon dioxide (CO2)—the primary heat-trapping, “greenhouse

gas” responsible for global warming.


In southwest Iceland, a facility run by Carbon Recycling International (CRI)

is producing methanol using water, energy, and waste carbon dioxide from a

nearby geothermal power plant. Methanol can be converted into a variety of

chemicals or combined with gasoline to power vehicles. Prof. Luis Alconero is

using enzymes and amino acid salts to create this membrane-based method,

which will capture and transform CO2 molecules into valuable compounds,

according to Mar Freyr Sigurbjörnsson, a former research director who is now

CRI's head of sales and marketing: "We take CO2 originally dissolved in the

steam coming from underground and we re-use some of it as a raw material in

our process." At a later stage, using membranes once more, the compounds will

be crystallized and collected as pure materials for use by industry. According to

her, this method is flexible because the compounds we can produce depend on

the enzymes we use. Examples include glucose and carbonate salts used as raw

materials in the cement industry, such as sodium or calcium carbonate. Another

high-value option is to use pure substances that could be helpful to the food

industry. The cost of converting CO2 into a useful commodity and the cost of that

material determines whether the process is successful or unsuccessful. (King,




According to Sarkodie and Adams, (2018), modernization is expected to

at least double the world energy supply from 2016 to 2030 as a result of

changing lifestyles and increased need for modern energy access.

However, several environmental problems have also emerged as a

byproduct of better living conditions; for instance, out of them, climate change is

among the most challenging problems the world is facing in the early 21st

century. Over the last century, the average world temperature has raised

between 0.4 C and 0.8 C, and it is predicted that it could increase between 1.4 C

and 5.8 C till 2100. In recent decades, climate change has created its problems

such as accelerated melting of polar ice caps, rising sea levels, reduced

availability of freshwater, heavy weather conditions, the rapid spread of disease,

and loss of biodiversity. As a responsible factor for climate change and global

warming, the increased levels of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions worldwide

are taken into consideration. In particular, among GHGs emissions, carbon

dioxide (CO2) emissions produced by fossil fuel combustion are accepted as a

key factor behind global warming. The widespread use of conventional energy

sources such as coal, oil, and gas is the basis for climate change and global

warming problems mentioned above.

 According to Boden et al. 2009; OECD/IEA 2009 a successful long-term

local and global strategy must surely be able to stabilize the atmospheric

CO2 levels by substitution of fossil fuels by renewable energy sources. It is often

written that the potential of renewable energy sources is higher by several orders

of magnitude than any estimated world energy demand. Unfortunately, the vast

majority of large renewable energy sources are almost always located far away

from the main consumption areas. One possibility is the production of electricity

to join an electric grid. If this is not a realistic possibility, the renewable energy

must be harvested in the form of energy carriers. As well as conventional energy

storage for sustainable electricity, the generation of chemical energy carriers is

another attractive alternative, with hydrogen and liquid carbonaceous carriers as

the primary candidate.


 According to Pearson et al. 2009 This approach offers the intriguing

possibility of using primary energy from renewable, carbon-free sources (such as

electricity derived from solar, wind, wave or nuclear) to convert CO 2, in

association with hydrogen (or indeed methane), into high-density vehicle fuels

compatible with our current transportation infrastructure. Its real attraction is that

this approach offers the prospect of decarbonizing transport without the paradigm

shift in infrastructure required by electrification of the vehicle fleet or by

conversion to a hydrogen economy.

The energy requirement for the production of such renewable liquid fuels

depends critically on the method used for the capture of CO 2 (invariably from

large-scale emitters) and the method used for the production of hydrogen. As

long as power generation for our present energy economy using fossil-fuel

sources remain, sources of CO 2 will be available for use in such proposed

recycling systems. These would capture CO2 from the atmosphere by physical,

chemical or biological methods, and any successful cycle would rely on cheap

and abundant non-fossil primary energy sources—incidentally, the same

requirements for any hydrogen economy—to ensure that the proposed synthesis

cycle is CO2-neutral (Pan et al. 2007; Centi & Perathoner 2009; Minutillo &

Perna 2009).

Chapter III


Research Design

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) has become harmful to human beings that

scientists find ways to reduce it. The purpose of this study is about addressing

the harmful effects of CO2 to us and how scientists created ways to convert it

into energy. 

Since this form of research entails analysis, observation, and

interpretation this paper will be using a descriptive research design. It is suited

for the study since it allows the researchers more freedom in gathering the

relevant data and aids in providing a precise interpretation of the findings. It was

also employed since the information gathered will be used for the entire study's

population and this method for gaining a comprehensive, multi-faceted

understanding of a complex issue in its real-world setting. It is a well-established

study design that is widely employed in a number of ways to influence and learn

about chemistry through the usage of digital media. 

Research Locale

The study is being conducted at Batangas State University – Alangilan

Campus. The researchers choose some similar studies on the internet from a

different group of labs, universities, and companies that tested the technique and

the experiment in the US. 

Research Instruments

      The researchers constructed a descriptive research design or an analytical

Research where the researchers involve their critical thinking skills, evaluation of

facts, and information relative to the research about how to use unwanted CO2

that humans produce to generate electricity.

Data Collection Procedure

       In this study, the researchers first conducted an evaluation in their

resources, they identify and analyzed the data to help researchers determine

how digitally active and politically informed the researchers.

      With the help of the internet, the researchers were also able to gather other

information that could be used to cross-reference the data that they have. The

Researchers used different internet browsers like Google, Brave and etc., and

other forms of Social Media like Twitter, YouTube and etc. in order to obligate

their sources.

Data Analysis

    The data analysis strategy would comprise numerous methods based on the

information gathered in similar studies from the internet that would contribute to

the study's findings on How to use unwanted Carbon Dioxide (CO2) that humans

produce to generate electricity. Furthermore, the data and information that the

researchers must analyze and organize will be dependent on the data they

collected and got from similar studies.


A. Books

B. Journal

• Turning carbon dioxide into fuel
• Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Electricity
• Scientists convert carbon dioxide, create electricity
• Can we turn unwanted carbon dioxide Into electricity?
• Waste CO2 to be turned into ingredients for fuel, plastics and even food
• Waste CO2 Could Be Source of Power
• Harness the Power of Renewable Energy and Work Toward a Low-carbon
• An empirical investigation of nuclear energy consumption and carbon dioxide
(CO2) emission in India: Bridging IPAT and EKC hypotheses

C. Unpublished Works

D. Electronic Media

• The Effects of Carbon Dioxide on Air Pollution
• Climate Solution: Use Carbon Dioxide to Generate Electricity to-
• Electricity Generation and Related CO2 Emissions
• Scientists convert carbon dioxide, create electricity

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Jorgette Aira M. Amaro

Address: Roxas, Oriental Mindoro


Contact Number: 0905-572-5033 / 0947-584-7075


Age: 18 years old

Sex: Female

Date of Birth: July 23, 2004

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father’s Name: Paulino M. Amaro Jr.

Mother’s Name: Blessie M. Amaro


Tertiary: Batangas State University

A.Y. 2022- Present

Post Secondary: San Mariano National High School

S.Y. 2020-2022

Secondary: Marcelo I. Cabrera Vocational High School

S.Y. 2016-2020

Primary: Roma Elementary School

S.Y. 2012-2015

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Ivan Kirby R. Castillo

Address: Transville, Banaybanay, Lipa City, Batangas


Contact Number: 0945-462-5421


Age: 18 years old

Sex: Male

Date of Birth: September 15, 2004

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father’s Name: Sonny M. Castillo

Mother’s Name: Melanie R. Castillo


Tertiary: Batangas State University

A.Y. 2022- Present

Post Secondary: Lapurisima Concepcion Academy

S.Y. 2020-2022

Secondary: Pinagtongulan Integrated National High School

S.Y. 2016-2020

Primary: Rafael M. Lojo Memorial School

S.Y. 2010-2016

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Francine Hope P. Ferrer

Address: Purok 3, Sta. Cruz Santo Tomas, Batangas 

Contact number: 0995-893-4617


A. Personal Information

Age: 18 years old

Sex: Female

Birthday: February 17, 2004

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino 

Religion: Catholic 

Father's Name: Frederic R. Ferrer

Mother's Name: Marissa P. Ferrer

B. Educational Background

Tertiary: Batangas State University - Alangilan Campus

S.Y. 2022-present

Post secondary:  Lumbang Integrated National High School

S.Y. 2020-2022

Secondary: Lumbang Integrated National High School

S.Y. 2016-2020

Primary:  Sta. Cruz Elementary School

S.Y. 2010-2016

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Cristian Josh Q. Mayo

Address: 0016 Purok 1 Banaybanay Lipa City Batangas

Contact number: 09397483938 / 09687134113


A. Personal Information

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Birthday: November 5, 2003

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Catholic

Father's Name: Teodoro B. Mayo

Mother's Name: Rosalie Q. Mayo

B. Educational Background

Tertiary: Batangas State University - Alangilan Campus

S.Y. 2022-present

Post secondary:  Lapurisima Concepcion Academy

S.Y. 2020-2022

Secondary: Pinagtongulan Integrated National High School

S.Y. 2016-2020

Primary:  Rafael M. Lojo Memorial School (S.Y. 2010-2016)

Curriculum Vitae
Name: Xenaheart N. Ramos
Address: Natunuan South, San Pascual, Batangas

Contact number: 09064696595


A. Personal Information

Age: 18 years old

Sex: Female

Birthday: July 24, 2004

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino 

Religion: Catholic 

Father's Name: Nelson C. Ramos

Mother's Name: Bernadette N. Ramos

B. Educational Background

Tertiary: Batangas State University - Alangilan Campus

S.Y. 2022-present

Post secondary:  Domingo Yu Chu National High School

S.Y. 2020-2022

Secondary: Domingo Yu Chu National High School

S.Y. 2016-2020

Primary:  Pola Central School

S.Y. 2010-2016


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