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BMW Mod Confort Gm2gm3gm4gm5 Manual Repair Compress

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BMW GM II / General Module 2

As far as I know BMW used the GM II on the E31, 8-series 1989-1999

8-series 1989-1999  I a!
still tr"in# to resear$hin# the GM2 %his !odule does not $ontain an" rela"s,
 &ut, it does $ontain
$ontain the rela" dri'ers %he rela"s
rela"s are lo$ated
lo$ated in the A(, )ela"
Module *ot sure wh" the" did that+ Ma"&e to kee the sie of the GM2 s!all
A little
little tid &it, a$$ordin# to Wikiedia onl" .232 8-series were sent to the 0
and anada in the 11 "ears of rodu$tion nl"

%he GM II in the i$tures &elow are fro! an 199. 84$i whi$h a $usto!er sent
!e to look at It aarentl" is resonsi&le for a $urrent drain whi$h deletes the
$ars &atter" in a $oule of da"s or less %he BMW art nu!&er of this !odule
is 513( 5 9(. 438 %his art nu!&er see!s to still &e a'aila&le fro! E0
%unin# sto$k
%unin#  sto$k 6 159152
159152 for
 for 72(5 ou$h and fro! %is$her BMW for
BMW for 73(
'ia their arts we& site www#et&!warts$o!
BMW :;EIII, GM III, General Module 3
%he BMW GM III is used on se'eral $ars su$h as the E38 .-series 199-2441,
E39 (-series 199(-244 and the E(3 <( < ( 2444-2445 series I a! still
resear$hin# the GM3, &ut, it see!s that there are !ore than a $oule !a=or
t"es of GM3 ne uses the 3 of the >234.8-1442-A343 rela"s and 2 of
the >234.2-1451-A343
>234.2-1451-A343 rela"s rela"s %he newest 'ersions of the GM3 $ontains
$o!letel" different
different rela"s I will ost infor!ation u on this we& a#e as soon
soo n
as I #et it Also
Also $he$k out the GM3 ?art nu!&ers we& a#e that
a#e that I@'e $o!iled

42/12/2411 GM3 reairs a'aila&le for $ertain ro&le!s onta$t !e to find out
if I $an reair it
Coming Soon repair for GM3 modules that no longer have remote door
locks, no interior lights and in some cases no wipers.

GM3 onne$tions we& a#e

nlike the GM( used in the E5, 3-0eries, the GM3 does not sul" ower to
the front door lo$k !otors or the front window !otors %he" are instead
$onne$ted 'ia the ?-Bus to the ?M-%/0B !odules, 1 in ea$h of the two front
doors %he ?M-%/0B !odules dete$t the state of the ke" $"linder 'ia two hall
sensors and the oen/$losed state of the door 'ia another hall sensor Ea$h
Ea$h ?M
!odule is resonsi&le for owerin# the window !otor and the door lo$k !otor
%he door lo$k !otor is owered &" an -&rid#e ower M0E% outut
$ir$uit %his is #ood sin$e M0E%s
M0E%s do not wear out like rela"s he$k out !"
new ?M Module we&
Module we& a#e

GM3 !odule, ?/* 513(-8 3.8 531

531  %he !odule has ( rela"s inside %hree are
the fa!ilar >234.8-1442-A343
>234.8-1442-A343 that
 that are used for front windows in the GM
and GM( !odules and two are the >234.2-1451-A343
>234.2-1451-A343 whi$h  whi$h is also used in
the GM !odule Cater !odules use the >234.2-1451-A349 whi$h I do not

GM3 !odule, ?/* 513(-5 924 822 fro! a 2443 <( E(3 %he &oard is
sli#htl" different fro! the !odule I #ot fro! a late 94@s .-series ? &oard sa"s
)e' G %he other !odule sa"s )e' E

GM3 !odule, ?/* 513(-5 95 9. 9.  %his !odule is a $o!lete redesi#n fro!
the earlier !odule 0e'eral rela"s ha'e &een rela$ed with solid state dri'ers
%wo rela"s re!ain front window that are a new art nu!&er to !e and I do
not ha'e an"

1 - 0er'otroni$ 0olenoid Dri'er ower fro! <332-1, outut to <2(-11

2 - Windshield Washer
Washer ?u! Dri'er ower fro! <2(-14, outut to <2(-
3 - Alar! 0iren Dri'er ower fro! <2(-14, outut to <2(-1.
 - Interior Ci#hts Dri'er ower fro! <2(-14,
<2(- 14, outut to <2(-24
( - Interior Ci#hts Dri'er wired in arallel with 
5 - 0wit$h off $onsu!er load ower fro! <2(-14, outut to <2(-19
. - B%?I4145;, Dual ut Dri'er - ?in 1 to <2(-. Botto! %ail#ate
%ail#ate Motor
and ?in . to <2(-15 er %ail#ate
%ail#ate Motor ower fro! <332-1
)C1 - )ear )i#ht Window Motor )ela" >234.8-1442-A343
>234.8-1442-A343 ower
 ower fro!
<2(-, outut to <2(-(F1(
)C2 - )ear Ceft Window Motor )ela" >234.8-1442-A343
>234.8-1442-A343 ower
 ower fro!
<2(-, outut to <2(-2F12
)C3 - )ear Door Co$k )ela" >234.8-1442-A343 ower fro! <2(-,
oututs <2(-5 rear door lo$ks, <2(-1 unlo$k rear doors and #as fla
)C - )ear Door Co$k )ela" >234.2-1451-A343 or >234.2-1451-A349
deendin# on &oard re' ower fro!
fro ! <2(-, outut to <2(-13 lo$k rear
)C( - )ear Door Co$k )ela" >234.2-1451-A343 or >234.2-1451-A349
deendin# on &oard re' ower fro!
fro ! <2(-, outut to <2(-3 rear lid lo$k

Below is a i$ture of GM3 ?/* 513(-5 924 822 fro! an 43 <( E(3
%he GM3 is lo$ated &ehind the #lo'e &o I found re!o'al instru$tions for the
E38 .-series Hre!o'al instru$tions,
instru$tions, &ut, not for the E39 (-series lo$ated
 &ehind the #lo'e &o or the E(3 <( lo$ated
lo$ated &" the rear fuse &o
BMW General Module  or GM
GM ?art nu!&ersJ
513(-8 359 8 GMI> IG 12> 1 2> %A
%A fro! 98 M3 -dr, 9( 318i
3 18i
513(-8 359 8( GM I> CW %A fro! 95 328is $oue, 95 M3 2-dr, 9.
318is, 9. M3 2-dr, 98 :3 $on'erti&le
513(-8 3(3 49( Grund!odul I> fro! 9( 318i -dr, 9( 32(i $on'erti&le, 9
318i $on'erti&le
513(-8 354 454 GMI>-CW
GMI>-CW 12> fro! 9( M3 2-dr, 98 318i 2-dr
513(-8 35 19 GMI> IG %  %A
513(-8 35 1(4 GMI> CW %A

%he BMW GM is used on the E35 3-series

3 -series fro! !odel "ear 199 until the
end of rodu$tion Also used on the :3 $oue and roadsters fro! !odel "ear
199. until end of rodu$tion ne thin# I saw said these !odules where !ade
 &" ella, &ut, I think
think !ine is !ade
!ade &" %A
%A nited %e$hnolo#ies
%e$hnolo#ies Auto!oti'e

What does the GM !odule doK It $ontrols interior li#htin#, $entral lo$kin#
door lo$ks, trunk and fuel filler door, door lo$k heater,
heater, ower windows and
 ower sunroof

%he GM is lo$ated &ehind the #lo'e&o a&o'e the )ela" Module  
  )MI>
and Washer/Wier Module
%his !odule uses ( rela"s %wo%wo of the! are the fa!ilar >234.8-1442-A343
rela"s, a'aila&le here,
here , that are also use on the BMW GM3 and GM( !odules
%he other three rela"s are >234.2-1451-A343, a'aila&le here,
here, that are also
used in the BMW GM3 !odule

I ha'e ar&itraril" nu!&ered the rela"s in the i$ture &elow

&elow )ela"s 1 F 2
are >234.8-1442-A343
>234.8-1442-A343 )C1 is for the front dri'er side window )C 2 is
for the front assen#er side window )ela"s )C3,  and ( are >234.2-
1451-A343 and
1451-A343  and are used to#ether to $ontrol the door lo$ks or rear window
$ontrol the GM $onne$ts to the)ela"
the )ela" Module  or )MI>
)MI>  %his !odule
$ontains a air of >234.8-1442-A343
>234.8-1442-A343 rela"s
 rela"s as well
BMW PMB! module

%he ?M !odule is used on $ars that use the BMW GM3 !odule like
!odule like the E38
.-series 19-2441 and E39 (-series 199(-244 I thou#ht that the E(3, <(
would use this !odule too, sin$e it uses the GM3, &ut, it doesn@t aear
on realoe!$o!

n these $ars there is one ?M !odule in ea$h of the ront Door %he !odule is
$onne$ted to the GM3 throu#h the ?-Bus It $ontrols the door lo$k, window
!otor, !irror !otors and !irror heater It senses the seat !e!or" swit$h, door
lat$h, window swit$h and !irror ad=ust swit$h and $ontrols the aroriate
!otor dire$tl" and/or notifies the GM3 !odule 'ia the ?-Bus If "ou are
lookin# at the $ar wirin# dia#ra! "ou will see $onne$tor nu!&ers
n u!&ers <1128,
<1129 F <88. on the dri'ers side door and $onne$tor nu!&ers <1134, <1131
F <889 on the assen#ers
 assen#ers side
%he window !otor is $ontrolled 'ia a >234.8-1442-A343
>234.8-1442-A343 rela" rela" I sell this
rela" &" the wa" and the door lo$k is $ontrolled 'ia a 0olid 0tate Dri'er I,
0% Mi$ros"ste!s C99.0 %he GM III were !ade under a 'ariet" of art
nu!&ers in$ludin# the followin#

?M-B% Module ?art *u!&ers

513(59423 725((1 at E0 %unin# or 722(9 at #etBMWarts$o!
513(59293 Catest ?/* 7249(.
7249(. at E0 %unin#

E39 (-series assen#er side ?/*

513(83.(58 u to 49/98
513(83.545 u to 49/98
513(83.8.51 u to 4(/99
513(59422 725((1 or 722(9
513(59423 199(-1998, 1999-2441

or $ars with fold in outside !irrors, ?/*

513(83.(582 - 513(59423

un$tion on un$tion on un$tion on onne$tor 

?in onne$tor ?in onne$tor <889
<1134 <1131
1 ?ower L12> In
utside Mirror  nlo$k
1 1 2 G r ou nd
Dri'e Motor 
3 not $o
0wit$h en

utside Mirror  Me!or"

2 (
Dri'e 0wit$h

Mirror Ad=ust Door

3 5 onta$t
>erti$al Mirror
 14 Co$k
o$k Mo

( Mirror e
eat 11 ?-Bus

oriontal 0wit$h
5 12 lose
Mirro Ad=ust
Mirror eat  Motor l
. Me!or"
?ot Ground 13
0wit$h ( Motor en
8 Motor
Ground 0ul"
Mirror in#ed 15
9 0i#nal Door 
In 0i#nal Co$k
Mirror ?ot a! 0wit$h
oriontal 1. ?in$h
Mirror ?ot ?rote$tion
>erti$al Me!or"
Mirror ?ot CED
?ositi'e ,
8, not
9, $onne$ted

If "ou are ha'in# ro&le!s with the ower windows on 1 door, &ut, e'er"thin#
else works then it !i#ht &e a &ad window rela" %his%his rela"s is /n >234.8-
1442-A343 rela"s
rela"s I sell this rela" for 722(4 ea$h lus 73 shiin# within
the 0 and 75 for shiin# an"where else in the world 0hiin# is onl"
$har#ed on the first rela"
rela" onta$t !e if interested s$ottN&!w#!($o! If
"ou don@t feel $o!forta&le solderin# I $an install the rela" for 7.4 in$ludin#
?riorit" Mail return shiin# within the 0 onl"

BMW )ela" Module  or )MI>

%he BMW )ela" Module  or )MI> is used on the E35 3-series sedans fro!
!odel "ear 199 until the end of rodu$tion %he ?/* of !" unit is 513(-8
3(3 499 %here are !an" ?/*s

What does the )MI> doK In $on=un$tion with the GM

GM it
 it $ontrols the rear
 ower windows

%he )MI> is lo$ated &ehind the #lo'e&o &elow the GM

GM !odule

Below is a i$ture of !" )MI> !odule

%his !odule uses 2 rela"s %he fa!ilar >234.8-1442-A343 rela"s, a'aila&le

here,, that are also use in the BMW GM3, GM and GM( !odules to $ontrol
 ower windows

I ha'e nu!&ered the rela"s and when I find out I will elain what ea$h rela"s
does ne is for the left windows and one is for the ri#ht I will udate when I
find out

un$tion on Wire
onne$tor <132(8 0ie/olor 
1 Data 0i#nal
nal 4(
ro! GM
GM <132((-
Window Motor Ceft 2(
)ear <132(5-1 Blu/Grn
Window Motor Ceft
3 2( Blk/el
)ear <132(5-2
Window Motor
 )i#ht )ear <132(.-
Window Motor
( )i#ht )ear <132(.-
5 *o o
. *o o
8 G r o un d Brn/Blk  
Data 0i#nal
9 ro! GM
GM <132((-
Data 0i#nal
14 ro! GM
GM <132(-
 <132(- 4( Blu/el
Data 0i#nal
11 ro! GM
GM <132(-
Data 0i#nal
12 ro! GM
GM <132(3-
ro! GM
GM <132((-
 <132((- 4(
1. Wht/)ed
1 *o onn
1( use 19 34A KK

43( 24
4(4 18
4.( 15 - 1 .
14 1( - 1 5
2( 11-12

$ooking for the '(3)*(C+)+%3)3 rela- used in the
BMW GM3 and GM modules/
$ook no further.
further. We0ve
We0ve got0em.
g ot0em.

1+ each including shipping within the 2S

or 1+ each including shipping outside the 2S.
!hese are the rela-s used to control the rear door lock
actuators in cars that use the GM 444 567# 4448 module.
!he GM 444 is used in the #3 5*series8, the #39 5:
series8 and the #:( 5;:8.

!hese are the rela-s used to control the front door lock
actuators in cars that use the GM 4' 567# 4'8 module.
!he GM 4' is used in the #3 53Series8, #3<* 563
"oadster8 and the #3< 563 Coupe8.

= BMW GM 444 module


%"$o >2348-2441-A343
nl" 71( ea$h lus 73 shiin# within the
0 or 75 shiin# outside the 0
%hese rela"s are used in al!ost all GM( !odules found in
the E5 3-series e$et in so!e late 244 and 244( $ars
%wo rela"s used for the ower door lo$ks and should &e
rela$ed in airs %wo rela"s are used for the rear
windows, one er window

It is also used on so!e of the E5 !e!or" seat !odules

like the (214-. 419 2(( whi$h
2((  whi$h $an &e found in 2442 and
later $on'erti&les with the !e!or" seat otion *ot sure
whi$h other $ars use this !odule %he !e!or" seat !odule
uses  of these rela"s

Before -ou purchase some notes on

replacing the rela-s -ourself 
%hese rela"s are not in so$kets %he" are soldered into the
 &oard and are
are 'er" diffi$ult
diffi$ult to #et out
out If "ou ha'e a little
)adio 0ha$k solderin# iron and think "ou@re #oin# to #et
these rela"s out, think a#ain+ %he $oer lanes su$k awa"
the heat faster than a lot of these little irons $an ut out
Also the solder used is )o0 or lead free whi$h !elts at a
hi#her te!erature, a&out 22P $o!ared to euteti$ tin-
lead whi$h !elts at 351P %his !akes it 'er" diffi$ult to
#et all the solder
s older out of the holes %hinkin# of usin# solder
wi$kK or#et it It@s not #oin# to work

Don@t &elie'e !e I $an #i'e "ou na!es and e!ail

addresses of eole who tried it the!sel'es and !essed u
their !odules I ha'e $reated another we& a#e on so!e
$o!!on ro&le!s en$ountered re!o'in# these rela"s
o!!on ?ro&le!s we& a#e

%he front window rela"s are e'en harder to #et out than the
door lo$k rela"s %he old rela"s need to &e re!o'ed &"
so!eone who is skilled at desolderin#

BMW GM 4' module

!-co %+))+C+33 '(3+33 "ela-s

%lso known as '(3+33%+))+C+33
$ooking for the !-co or Siemens '(3+33C+33%+))+ rela- used in the
BMW "M+ Module/
$ook no further. We0ve got0em.

1() each including shipping within the 2S

or 1(( each including shipping outside the 2S
onta$t !e if "ou need a lar#er Ouantit" s$ottN&!w#!($o!

!hese rela-s are used in the #3+ series, "M+  "ela- Module. !his rela-
is pro>a>l- used in other modules. 4 will update this page when 4 have new
information. Below is a picture of the insides of the "M+ module.
0end a"!ent for the rela"s 'ia ?a"?al to !" a$$ount, s$ottN&!w#!($o!

If "ou don@t feel $o!forta&le sendin# a stran#er !one" then "ou $an &u" fro!
!e on eBa" I kee au$tions #oin# for a nu!&er of different rela"s used in
BMWs ouou $an find !e &" sear$hin# for !" ser IDJ 0%%
0%% H--%his
link !a" or !a" not work If it doesn@t "ou@ll ha'e to sear$h for !e !anuall"
I a! a ?ower 0eller with o'er 3544 feed&a$k and 144Q ositi'e %his wa" if
"ou are unha" "ou ha'e a foru! to let others know of "our eerien$e and
 etition to #et "our !one" &a$k if I disaear
disaear Goin# throu#h eBa" does $ost
$ost a
 &it !ore thou#h %he"
%he" are 72499 in$ludin#
in$ludin# shiin# within the 0 or 72299
in$ludin# shiin# outside the 0 %his is to offset the $ost of e'er in$reasin#
eBa" fees+ Au$tion 6324(395.3(24
6 324(395.3(24

Some information on the BMW ?6' %ntenna

BMW ;e" o& )eair  - - :> Antenna A!lifier )eair 
)eai r 
I =ust finished doin# a little testin# on the :> antenna a!lifier
a!lifier I@! doin# this
 &e$ause there ha'e
ha'e &een a few eole
eole tellin# !e
!e that the" $an@t
$an@t $ode their ke"
to their $ar 0ee
 0ee re$odin# ro$edure
ro$edure and are wonderin# if rela$in# the rela"s
will hel *, it won@t hel %he rela"s will onl" hel in $ases where one or
!ore door lo$ks don@t unlo$k and in 'er" rare $ases won@t lo$k If "our ke"
doesn@t start the $ar lease $he$k out !" EW0 we& a#e a#e If "our $ar doesn@t do
an"thin# when the ke" fo& &uttons are ressed, no lo$kin#, no unlo$kin#, no
trunk release, no interior li#hts when unlo$k is ressed, no alar! &ee then
re$odin# !a" hel, &ut,
& ut, first $he$k one thin# Get in the $ar, $lose all the doors,
 ut the ke" in the i#nition turn it to to n then turn it &a$k
&a$k to ff en
en the door,
the $ar should &ee at "ou to tell "ou that a ke" is still in the i#nition *ow
re!o'e the ke", if the $ar $ontinues to &ee then there is a ro&le! with the
ke" sense swit$h in the i#nition If a ke" is sensed in the i#nition it will inhi&it
all ke" fo& fun$tions If the $ar stos &eein# when the ke" k e" is re!o'ed then r"
re$odin# the ke",
ke", &ut, onl" if the $ar does not
no t resond to an" of the ke"k e" fo&
 &uttons *ote that if the $ar $ontinues
$ontinues to &ee after
after the ke" is re!o'ed D
 *% erfor! the ke" re$ode ro$edure %he $ar won@t a$$et a$$et it and
 erfor!in# the &utton seOuen$e
seOuen$e on the ke" will will uns"n$ the ke" fro! the $ar $ar If
the $ar inter!ittantl"
inter!ittantl" resonds to the ke" fo& or if there is not resonse and ke"
re$odin# didn@t hel then there are se'eral ossi&le $auses It $ould &e the ke"
fo& itself or the &atter",
&atter", it $ould &e
& e the antenna on the rear windshield in the
rear 'iew !irror on the $on'erti&le it $ould &e the :> antenna a!lifier,a!lifier, it
$ould &e the GM( or the wirin# 0o far I@'e onl" seen ro&le!s where the :>
antenna a! was &ad and rela$in# it sol'ed the ro&le! I@'e heard on the
foru!s that rela$in# the &atter" has sol'ed ro&le!s for eole A lot lot of
 eole in$orre$tl"
in$orre$tl" assu!e that it it !ust &e the &atter"
&atter" If the $ar onl" fails to
C; and no interior li#hts $o!e on when lo$k is ressed then it $ould &e the
 &atter" A low &atter" $ondition
$ondition $auses ro&le!s with C;I*G onl" onl" A &ad
 &atter" will $ause
$ause no fun$tions to work,
work, &ut, rarel" will
will a &atter" #o fro!
workin# roerl" to &ad in a short eriod of ti!e E'en the low &atter" & atter"
$ondition $an $o!e and #o o'er the $ourse of weeks due to &atter"
te!erature, with $old te!eratures !akin# the ro&le! worse If "ou " ou still
suse$t the ke" is &ad and want it fied or want the ?/* for a new one then #o
o'er to !" E5 ke" we& a#e a#e

k, so let !e start off with a &rief elanation of how the whole s"ste! works
When a &utton on the ke" fo& is ressed a di#ital !essa#e is !odulated on a
31(M (3M on so!e $ars $arrier and trans!itted like a little radio
station An antenna on the rear window #lass  in the rear 'iew !irror on
$on'erti&les or
$on'erti&les  or in the tail#ate lid on wa#ons  re$ei'es the ) si#nal and sends
it to the :> antenna a!lifier lo$ated on the -illar usuall" on the left hand
side on $on'erti&les it@s lo$ated in the rear 'iew !irror housin# ere it is on
!" -door with the -illar $o'er re!o'ed

%he :> antenna a!lifier de!odulates the si#nal and sends a L(> di#ital
 &ase&and si#nal to the GM( aka :;E( !odule
!odule %he outut
outut on the :>
!odule is <113 in 3 and inut on the GM( !odule is <2(3 in 9 <2(3 is
the $enter $onne$tor on the GM( %he wire $olor is &lue with a red strie If
"ou are lookin# at the BMW WD0, the :> antenna a!lifier is !odule R*8R
and the GM( is !odule RA1R Below are a $oule s$oe $atures lookin# at the
 &ase&and si#nal out of the :> !odule!odule %he i$ture
i$ture on the left is the whole
!essa#e It 'aries in len#th fro! ress to ress fro! a&out 419 se$onds to
a&out 432 se$onds %his line nor!all" sits at L(4> and dros to nearl" ero to
indi$ate resen$e of a ) si#nal fro! the ke" fo& If "ou don@t ha'e an
os$illos$oe "ou $an $he$k for the resen$e of a si#nal usin# a si!le DMM
If "ou use the D >olts
>olts s$ale and !easure fro! this si#nal to #round "ou will
!easure L(4 >olts
>olts and when a &utton is ressed the line should dro to a
!ini!u! of L2( >olts >olts for a fra$tion
f ra$tion of a se$ond Don@t worr" if "ou don@@t see
L2( >olts,
>olts, &ut, instead see so!e other nu!&er that is &etween L2( and L(,
this is fine It all deends when the !eter sa!led the si#nal ou ou $an also set
the !eter to A >olts In this settin# "ou will see ero 'olts !ost of the ti!e
and it will =u! to a&out L2( >olts when a si#nal fro! the ke" is re$ei'ed If
"ou see that "ou are #ettin# a si#nal on this line and followin# the ke" re$odin#
 ro$edure doesn@t work then it@s ro&a&l" the GM( !odule, !odule, &ut, I think this
would &e a 'er" 'er" rare failure !ode More likel" "ou will not see a si#nal
and the ro&le! is in the wirin#, the :> antenna a!lifier !odule or in the
ke" fo& If "ou ha'e had a ro&le! with "our ke" fo& not workin# with the $ar
and found out what was $ausin# the ro&le! lease shoot !e an e!ail
s$ottN&!w#!($o! I@d lo'e to know what resol'ed the ro&le! in "our

E5anati$s thread on the differen$es &etween the 1999-2441 and 2442-244(

:> antenna a!lifiers httJ//foru!e5fanati$s$o!/showthreadhK
 *ew Infor!ationJ
e =ust e!ailed !e to sa" that his ro&le!s are fied In his $ase the $ar
stoed resondin# to the ke"s Multile atte!ts to rero#ra! the $ar to the
ke" didn@t work e !easured the si#nal #oin# into the GM( fro! the :> and
there was no si#nal, =ust (> with no di when the ke" fo& &uttons are ressed
e finall" lo$ated a :> for his E5, 3-series wa#on at a sal'a#e "ard and
installed it ?resto e'er"thin# works fine now ;e" rero#ra!!in# worked the
first ti!e, alar! ar!s F disar!s, re!ote trunk release works, re!ote door
lo$ks work ?ro&le! was not the GM( !odule or the ke" fo& &atter" like he
initiall" #uessed
%hanks e for "our
"o ur stor"
onne$tor <113 in 3 sends the de!odulated &ase&and si#nal fro! the ke"
fo& to the GM( !odule
onne$tor <2 sulies the :> antenna a! with L12> fro! use 6.
onne$tor <41421 onne$ts to the radio head unit for AM/M re$etion
onne$tor <41422 onne$ts to the radio head unit for AM/M re$etion
onne$tor <41423 onne$ts to the $ondu$ti'e lines on the rear window #lass
the a$tual antenna

?i$ture H-- ?i$ture of the :> !odule out of the $ar 

?i$ture H--
?i$ture H--
?i$ture  H-- ?i$ture of the :> !odule, $o!onent side
?i$ture H--
?i$ture  H-- ?i$ture of the :> !odule, solder side
?i$ture H--
?i$ture  H-- lose u i$ture of :> ke" fo& se$tion
?i$ture H--
?i$ture  H-- :> on a $on'erti&le

:> ?art *u!&ers not a $o!lete list

5(2(-5 94. 123 - EW0/:> 33M
5(2(-5 94. 12 - EW0/:> 31(M
5(2(-8 358 24. - EW0/:> 31(M
5(2(-5 94. (43 - EW0/:> 31(M *o <41422 $onne$tor

5(2(-5 945 4. - EW0/:>

:> Antenna A!lifier )eair 

C@$@" A# 4$2M4%C4@ A# !%B$#"@

$ooking for front window rela-s for -our

BMW GM3, GM or GM: module/
!hese rela-s are P< '(3)*C+))(
%3)3 and made >- Siemens
?ri$e is 715 ea$h in$ludin# shiin# within the 0 and 724
ea$h in$ludin# shiin# to an"where outside the 0
%hese are the rela"s used to $ontrol the front windows in
$ars that use the GM :;E, GMI>,
GMI>, GM( :;E
( !odule
(  !odule %hese $ars in$lude the E5 3-series, E8( :,
E83 <3 and E(2 :8 It is also used in the GM3 :;E
III !odule
III !odule to $ontrol the rear windows and rear door
lo$ks %he GM3 is used in the E38 .-series, the E39 (-
series and the E(2 <( It is also used in the )ela"
Module  )MI> on
)MI> on E35 3-series
What@s this E-nu!&er &usinessK *ot sure what "our $ar isK
he$k out the e$ellent BMW ti!eline at the &otto! of
this a#e on
Wikiedia httJ//enwikiediaor#/wiki/BMWTE8(

E'er" GM( !odule that I@'e worked on or seen has used

this rela" for the front windows It doesn@t see! to !atter if 
the $ar is for the 0, ;, et$, !arkets

%he GM( is lo$ated &ehind the #lo'e &o in a white lasti$

!odule holder 0o!eone on the net !ade a reall" #ood
Row %oR
%oR on re!o'in# the GM( fro! theth e $ar ou
ou $an
download it here, GM( )e!o'al ?ro$edure
?ro$edure  I don@t know
who the author is, &ut, I want to #i'e hi! $redit for takin#
the ti!e to $reate this ow %o I $reated !" own how to
re!o'e the GM( !odule whi$h "ou $an find here M"
GM( )e!o'al ?ro$edure
?ro$edure 

Which rela- controls what windows. Bein# the $urious

 erson I a!, while
while !" GM( was was #oin# in and out of !"
$ar for testin# of the door lo$k issue I de$ided to fi#ure out
what the other rela"s did I wired u little CEDs in arallel
with the rela" $oils and started rollin# !" windows u and
down %hese rela"s are dou&les so ea$h rela" has two
fun$tions 0ee the i$ture &elow %he lar#e rela"s are for
the front windows and the s!aller rela"s are for the rear
windows B%W the s!aller rela"s, >2348-2441-
A343 are
A343  are the sa!e as those used on the door lo$ks, so if
"ou need a air of those $li$k on the art nu!&er and it
will take "ou to !" infor!ation a#e n 2 door $oues
these rela"s are so!eti!es not installed
)ela" Dia#ra!

GM: "epair Service

@rdering "ela-s

What to do netK
If "ou want to send in "our GM( for reair let !e know
onta$t !e 'ia e!ail at s$ottN&!w#!($o! or $all !e at
work M" nu!&er is 314-283-2.3 to $he$k !" s$hedule
and arran#e the reair ?a"!ent should &e !ade in ad'an$e
'ia ?a"?al to a$$ount s$ottN&!w#!($o! or &" !one"
order shied with the !odule When "ou e!ail or $all I
will #i'e "ou the address to shi it to and let "ou know !"
s$hedule so that "our !odule doesn@t sit around while I@!
on a &usiness tri or on 'a$ation or so!ethin#

If "ou don@t feel $o!forta&le sendin# a stran#er !one" and

"our !odule "ou $an deal with !e in the eBa" arena I
kee an au$tion #oin# for a air of rela"s ou $an find !e
 &" sear$hin# for !" ser IDJ 0%%
0%% H--%his link
!a" or !a" not work If it doesn@t "ou@ll ha'e to sear$h for
!e !anuall" I a! a %o-rated seller with o'er 3((4
feed&a$k and 144Q ositi'e %his wa" if "ou are unha"
"ou ha'e a foru! to let others know of "our eerien$e
and etition to #et "our !one" &a$k if I disaear Goin#
throu#h eBa" does $ost a &it !ore thou#h n eBa" the"
are 71199 lus 75 shiin# and &u"in# dire$t the" are 715
in$ludin# shiin# within the 0 724 ea$h in$ludin#
shiin# to an"where outside the 0 %he hi#her $ost on
eBa" is to offset the e'er in$reasin# eBa" fees+

What@s the turn around ti!eK

I "ou aid for Eress Mail net da" return shiin# I tr"
!" &est to shi the !odules &a$k the sa!e da" I re$ei'e
the! 0o, if "ou shi it to !e net da" air I will do the
reair within hours of re$ei'in# it and #et it to the ost
offi$e &efore the ! Eress Mail deadline In this $ase
door to door turn around ti!e is a&out 8 hours If "ou
 aid for ?riorit"
?riorit" Mail return shiin#, I will reair it and
shi it &a$k within 2 hours All reairs will &e done at an
antistati$ workstation &" a $o!etant te$h nfortunatel" I
won@t &e a&le to test it out after the reair, &ut, I will $lean
it and $arefull" inse$t it under a !i$ros$oe to 'erif" that
it was done $orre$tl"
I want to do it !"self and =ust need the rela"s
I will sell the! to "ou, &ut, I don@t re$o!!end doin# this
 =o& "ourself unless
unless "ou are a $o!etant solderer
solderer %he
rela"s are 'er" hard to #et out due to the lar#e $oer area
on the $o!onent side of the &oard and the use of lead free
solder whi$h has a hi#her !eltin# oint than the old tin-
lead solder or#et a&out tr"in# to use solder wi$k %his is
not an eas" =o& and "ou risk da!a#in# the &oard, lated
throu#h holes and ha'in# to rela$e the entire !odule at
si#nifi$ant eense With that said, the $ost of the rela" is
715 ea$h in$ludin# shiin# within the 0 and 724 ea$h
in$ludin# shiin# to an"where outside the 0 ?a"!ent
'ia ?a"?al
?a"?al is is refered M" a$$ount is
s$ottN&!w#!($o! A#ain "ou $an #o throu#h !" eBa"
au$tion if "ou don@t feel $o!forta&le dealin# with !e
dire$tl" M" ser ID is 0%% I ha'e !ore than
3((4 feed&a$k and 144Q ositi'e feed&a$k

ther tionsJ
Don@t want to #et "our GM( !odule reairedK ou $ould
#o to the dealer and &u" a new one %he"@re a&out 7((4-
7.44 lus 7124/hour for la&or %here is also Ba'arian Auto
)e$"$lin#,, the" ha'e used GM( !odules for sale for (2-
8(Q off the $urrent BMW list ri$e, &ut, re!e!&er these
are ulls fro! $ars &ein# arted out ou ha'e no idea how
!u$h life is left in these rela"s and the" !a" fail at an"
ti!e ?lus the dealer will ha'e to ro#ra! it to $orre$tl"
work in "our $ar

Got a $o!!entK Want "our GM( !odule reairedK ust

want a air of rela"sK 0end !e an e!ail or #i'e !e a $all
M" e!ail address is s$ottN&!w#!($o! and !" hone
nu!&er is 314-283-2.3
BMW General Module ( ?art
General Module ( or GM(@s are used in a 'ariet" of $ars in$ludin# the E5 3-
series, the E8( : and the E(2, :8 In #eneral the" all use the GM(, &ut, there
are lots of different art nu!&ers I@'e ersonall" $ra$ked oen 14 different
 art nu!&ers of GM( and the" the" are !ostl" the
the sa!e aside fro! &oard rela"outs
to !o'e all $o!onents to one side of the &oard to !ake it $heaer to asse!&l"
%he !a=or differen$e is so!e GM(@s onl" ha'e  rela"s instead of the usual 5
%he two !issin# rela"s are for the rear windows Also GM( !odules for the
: ha'e a different
d ifferent $ase insides are rett" !u$h the sa!e thou#h %he :
$ase is !ade with !ountin# flan#es so that it $an &e s$rewed down to the $ar $ar
or the 3-series there are no flan#es &e$ause the !odule slides into a !odule
ra$k I do not ha'e a &reak down
d own of whi$h ?/*@s ha'e all 5 rela"s and whi$h
ha'e  0orr", I for#ot to kee tra$k If "ou #et a new !odule fro! the dealer
"ou won@t #et the sa!e ?/* as a rela$e!ent
rela$e!ent BMW has one art nu!&er ok,
two ne with !ountin# flan#e for the : and one o ne without for the 3-series
%he latest ?/* for the 3-series is 513(9151931 %his unit has all 5 rela"s inside
and $an &e used as a rela$e!ent for an" 3-series, dr, $oue, wa#on or
$on'erti&le It is un$oded and therefore needs to &e taken to the dealer to &e
$oded for "our $ar ost is a&out 7.(4 for the dealer to rela$e and $ode the
new unit In !ost $ases the !odule doesn@t need to &e reaired, &ut, =ust
reaired onsider takin# ad'anta#e of !" reair ser'i$e GM( )eair %here
)eair %here
are so!e $ir$u!stan$es were
I@'e seen a 'ariet" of different art nu!&ers in$ludin#, 513(59323.1,
513(5953338, 513(5953425, 513(5984 and 513(5982
513(5982 to
 to na!e a few I
found the followin# info on realoe!$o!

GM( ?art *u!&ers for E5, 3-0eries

513(5984 Dis$ontinued  to 14/244
513(5953425 Dis$ontinued  to 41/2445
513(5953338 Dis$ontinued  to 49/244.
513(9151931 Dis$ontinued  to KKK
513(3(54. 7225.
7225. at E0 %unin#

GM( ?art *u!&ers for E(2, :8 and Alina

513(5949553 Dis$ontinued
513(5923954 Dis$ontinued
513(5923954 Dis$ontinued  to 42/2443
513(5932359 Dis$ontinued  to 43/2443
513(59323.1 Dis$ontinued  to 43/244
513(5984 Dis$ontinued  to 14/244
513(5953425 Dis$ontinued  to 11/244(
513(5922(4 Dis$ontinued
513(5922(4 Dis$ontinued
513(5932391 Dis$ontinued  to 43/2443
513(5953338 Dis$ontinued
513(3(54. 7225.
7225. at E0 %unin#

GM( ?art *u!&ers for E(2, Alina

513(59323.1 Dis$ontinued 43/2443 - 43/244
513(5984 Dis$ontinued 43/2443 - 14/244
513(5953425 Dis$ontinued 43/2443 - 11/244(
513(5953338 Dis$ontinued 43/2443 - 49/244.
513(9151931 Dis$ontinued
513(3(54. 7225.
7225. at E0 %unin#

Below is a art$ial list of re$entl" GM( !odules I@'e had in for reair 0o far
no $o!laints
?art *o
513(59493 - $i GM(-IG 0-2 12> BMW 5 94 93
513(594.553 -
513(594.553  - GM(-IG 0-3 12> BMW 5 94. 553
513((33((1 -
513((33((1  - GM > 12> BMW 513(- (33 ((1
513((33((2 -
513((33((2  - GM > 12> BMW 513(- (33 ((2
513(59135. - :B GM( CW 12> BMW 513(-5 91 35.9 no rear window
513(838(39 - :B GM( CW 12> BMW no rear window rela"s
513(593238 - 11/28/49 GM()D ;/CI* IG 0 BMW 513( 5 932 38
513((33((4 -
513((33((4  - 1998 318i
3 18i dr inland GM > CW 12> BMW 513(- (33
513((33(92 -
513((33(92  - 1998 323i
3 23i dr Australia :B GM( IG 12> BMW 513(-
(33 (92
513((33(92 -
513((33(92  - 1999 3-series
3 -series dr :B GM( IG 12> BMW 513(- (33 (92
0)C; 625..4AA
513(838((38 -
513(838((38  - 1999 318i
3 18i dr Australia GM > 12> BMW 513(-8 38( (38
513(838((1 -
513(838((1  - 1999 318i
3 18i dr *orwa" GM > CW 12> BMW 513(-8 38(
(1 CWS!anual rear windows
513(838((1 -
513(838((1  - 1999 324d
3 24d dr 0ain GM > CW 12> BMW 513(-8 38(
(1 CWS!anual rear windows
513((33((1 -
513((33((1  - 1999 323i dr GM > 12> BMW 513(- (33 ((1
513(838((38 -
513(838((38  - 1999 323i
3 23i dr GM > 12> BMW 513(-8 38( (38
513(838((38 -
513(838((38  - 1999 328i
3 28i dr GM > 12> BMW 513(-8 38( (38
513(838((38 -
513(838((38  - 2444 315i
3 15i dr GM > 12> BMW 513(-8 38( (38 ;
513(838((38 -
513(838((38  - 2444 323i
3 23i dr GM > 12> BMW 513(-8 38( (38
513(838(( - 2444 323i dr GM(-IG 0 12> BMW 8 38( (
513(838(( -
513(838(( -
513(838((  - 2444 323ti GM(-IG 0 12> BMW 8 38( (
513(14115 -
513(14115  - 2444 323$i
3 23$i GM > 12> BMW 513(- 141 15
513(14115 -
513(14115  - 2444 328$i
3 28$i GM > 12> BMW 513(- 141 15
513(59493 -
513(59493  - 2444 323$i
3 23$i GM(-IG 0-2 12> BMW 5 94 93 anada
513(5948. - 2444 328$i GM > 12> BMW 513(-5 94 8.
513(838((38 -
513(838((38  - 2444 328i
3 28i dr GM > 12> BMW 513(-8 38( (38
513(838(( -
513(838((  - 2444 328i dr GM(-IG 0 12> BMW 8 38( (
513(838((4 -
513(838((4  - 2444 328i dr :B GM( IG 12> BMW 513(-8 38( (49
0)C; 6(15281AA %1144 not ori#inal
513(594.5(. -
513(594.5(.  - 2444
2 444 334i Wa#on
Wa#on *orwa" GM > 12> BMW 513(-5 94.
513(594.553 -
513(594.553  - 2441 32($i GM(-IG 0 12> BMW 5 94. 553
513(594.553 -
513(594.553  - 2441 32(i dr GM(-IG 0 12> BMW 5 94. 553
513(594.553 -
513(594.553  - 2441 334$i GM(-IG 0 12> BMW 5 94. 553
513(594.553 -
513(594.553  - 2441 334i dr GM(-IG 0 12> BMW 5 94. 553
513(594.553 -
513(594.553  - 2441 32($i
3 2($i on'ert GM(-IG 0 12> BMW 5 94. 553
513(594.553 -
513(594.553  - 2441 334$i
3 34$i on'ert GM(-IG 0 12> BMW 5 94. 553
513(594.553 -
513(594.553  - 2441 32(i dr GM(-IG 0 12> BMW 5 94. 553
513(591358 -
513(591358  - 2441 32(i dr GM(-IG-0 12> BMW 5 91 358
513(11282 - 2442 324d GM > 12>
513(5923954 -
513(5923954  - 2442 324d GM()D ;-Bus IG 12> BMW 513(-5 923 954
513(59135 -
513(59135  - 2442 324d :B GM( IG 12> BMW 513(-5 91 359
0)C; 63((55AB %1144-43
513(591358 -
513(591358  - 2442 32(i dr GM(-IG-0 12> BMW 5 91 358
513(591358 -
513(591358  - 2442 32(i
3 2(i Wa#on
Wa#on GM(-IG 0 12> BMW 5 91 358
513(591358 -
513(591358  - 2442 334i dr GM(-IG 0 12> BMW 5 91 358
513(591358 -
513(591358  - 2442 334$i
3 34$i on'ert GM(-IG 0 12> BMW 5 91 358
513(591358 -
513(591358  - 2442 334$i GM(-IG 0 12> BMW 5 91 358 Dri'er@s
window would not #o down
513(591358 -
513(591358  - 2442 M3 oue GM(-IG 0 12> BMW 5 91 358
513(5922(4 -
513(5922(4  - 2443 M3 GM()D ;-B0 I 0 BMW 5 92 2(4
513(5923954 -
513(5923954  - 2443 324d GM()D ;-Bus IG 12> BMW 513(-5 923 954
513(5923954 -
513(5923954  - 2443 32(i
3 2(i dr GM()D ;-Bus IG 12> BMW 513(-5 923
513(59323.1 -
513(59323.1  - 2443 32(i
3 2(i dr GM()D ;/CI*-Bus IG 12> BMW 513(-5
932 3.1 0hurlo$k this was not the ori#inal GM(
513(5922(4 -
513(5922(4  - 2443 32(i dr GM()D ;-B0 I 0 BMW 5 92 2(4
513(5922(4 -
513(5922(4  - 2443 32(i
3 2(i dr a!ai$a GM()D ;-B0 I 0 BMW 5 92
513(5922(4 -
513(5922(4  - 2443 32(i
3 2(i Wa#on
Wa#on GM()D ;-B0 I 0 BMW 5 92 2(4
513(5922(4 -
513(5922(4  - 2443 32($i
3 2($i on'ert GM()D ;-B0 I 0 BMW 5 92 2(4
513(5922(4 -
513(5922(4  - 2443 334i GM()D ;-B0 I 0 BMW 5 92 2(4
513(5922(4 -
513(5922(4  - 2443 32(i dr GM()D ;-B0 I 0 BMW 5 92 2(4
513(5932391 - 2443 32(i GM()D ;-B0 I 0 BMW 5 932 391
513(5932391 - 2443 334$i GM()D ;-B0 I 0 BMW 5 932 391
513(593238 - 2443 334i
513(5932359 -
513(5932359  - 244 324i
3 24i dr Australia GM()D ;-Bus IG 12> BMW
513(-5 932 359 0hurlo$k 
513(5932359 -
513(5932359  - 244 324i
3 24i dr anada GM()D ;-Bus IG 12> BMW
513(-5 932 359 0hurlo$k 
513(5932359 -
513(5932359  - 244 334i
3 34i dr anada GM()D ;-Bus IG 12> BMW
513(-5 932 359 0hurlo$k 
513(59323.1 -
513(59323.1  - 244 32(i
3 2(i dr GM()D ;/CI*-Bus IG 12> BMW 513(-5
932 3.1 0hurlo$k 
513(59323.1 -
513(59323.1  - 244
2 44 334d dr
d r Wa#on
Wa#on ; GM()D ;/CI*-Bus IG 12>
BMW 513(-5 932 3.1 0hurlo$k 
513(5984 -
513(5984  - 244( 334i dr GM( 0tar12 CI* IG 513( 5 9 84
513(5982 - GM( 0tar12 ;-Bus IG 513( 5 9 82 0)C; 
513(5983 - 244 318d GM( 0tar12 ;-Bus CW 513( 5 9 83

BMW :@s E8(

513(59192.( -
513(59192.( - 2443 : GM()D E8(, 12> BMW513(-59192.(
513(5931.4. -
513(5931.4. - 244 : GM()D E8(, 12> BMW513(-5931.4.
513(5931.4. Dis$ontinued,
513(5931.4. Dis$ontinued,  to 48/2443
513(593993 -
513(593993 - 244 : GM()D E8(, 12> BMW513(-593993
513(593993 Dis$ontinued,
513(593993 Dis$ontinued,  to 43/244
513(598 Dis$ontinued,  to 11/244
513(5953438 Dis$ontinued,  to 41/2445
513(5988485 Dis$ontinued,  to 42/244.
513(9115( *ew n$oded Module 71.21 at E0 %unin# or
%unin# or 73(.(3
at GetBMW?arts$o!

I a! a!aed at all the different nu!&ers for the GM( !odule 0o far I@'e
worked on at least 1( different art nu!&ered GM( !odules E'er"one so far
has used the sa!e door lo$k and window rela"s

 *ot sure how u to date it is I suse$t

suse$t that this !odule
!odule is different
different deendin#
if the $ar has a sunroof, $on'erti&le, $oue, &ut, realoe!$o! doesn@t !ake a
distin$tion n the we& I saw a i$ture of another GM( that onl" had  rela"s
to !" 5 this was ro&a&l" fro! a $oue or $on'erti&le

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