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Mapeh6 1st Periodical Test

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Department of Education


Division of San Pablo City
Lakeside District


S.Y. 2022-2023
No. of No. of Percentage Item No. of
COMPETENCIES CODE Days Items Placement Correct


Identifies the values of the notes/rests used MU6RH-Ia- 2 3 6% 1-3

in a particular song 1
Differentiates aurally among MU6RH-Ib-
2, 3, 4, and 6 time signatures e-2 2 3 6% 4-6
4 4 4 8
Demonstrates the conducting gestures of 2, MU6RH-Ib- 3 3 6% 7-9
3, 4 and 6 time signatures 4 4 4 8 e-3
Creates rhythmic patterns in MU6RH-Ig-
2, 3, 4 and 6 h-5 3 3 6% 10-12
4 4 4 8 time signatures
10 12 24%


Discusses the concept that art processes, A6EL-Ia

elements and
principles still apply even with the use of 1 1 2% 13
new technologies
Explains the elements and principles applied A6PL-Ia
in commercial art.
Applies concepts on the use of the software A6PR-Ib 14
(commands, menu, etc. 2 3 6%
Utilizes art skills in using new technologies A6PR-Ic 15-16
(hardware and software)
Creates personal or class logo as visual A6PR-Id
representation that can be used as a product, 1 1 2% 17
brand, or trademark
Explains ideas about the logo A6PR-Id 1 1 2% 18

Explains the elements and principles applied A6PL-Ie 1 1 2% 19

in comic art
Applies concepts on the steps/procedures in A6PR-If 2 2 4% 20-21
cartoon character making.

Utilizes art skills in using new technologies

(hardware and software) in cartoon character A6PR-Ig
Creates own cartoon character to entertain, A6PR-Ih
2 3 6% 22-24
express opinions, ideas,etc
Explains ideas about the cartoon character A6PR-Ih
10 12 24%

Assesses regularly participation in physical PE6PF-Ib-h-
activities based on Philippine physical 18 2 3 6% 25-27
activity pyramid
Observes safety precautions PE6GS-Ib-h- 1 1 2% 28
Explains the nature/ background of the PE6GS-Ib-h- 2 3 6% 29-31
games 3
Describes the skills involved in the games PE6GS-Ib-h- 2 3 6% 32-34
Executes the different skills involved in the PE6GS-Ic-h- 2 3 6% 35-37
game 4
Displays joy of effort, respect for others and PE6PF-Ib-h-
fair play during participation in physical 20 1 1 2% 38
10 14 28%


Describes personal health issues and H6PH-Iab- 39-40

concerns 18 3 4 8%
Demonstrates self- management skills H6PH-Iab- 41-42
Discusses health appraisal procedures during H6PH-Ic-20 43-44
Explains the importance of undergoing H6PH-Id-f- 3 4 8% 45
health appraisal procedures 21
Regularly undergoes health appraisal H6PH-Id-f- 46
procedures 22
Identifies the function of school health H6PH-Igh- 47-48
personnel 23
Identifies community health resources and 4 4 8%
facilities that may be utilized to address a 49-50
variety of personal health issues and
10 12 24%

TOTAL: 40 50 100% 50

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher-MAPEH VI Master Teacher II


1. C 12. 23. performance

2. C 13. D 24.
3. B 14. D 25. D
4. 2/4, quarter 15. 26. A
5. 3/4, one 16. performance 27. A
6. measure, beat 17. 28. B
7. 18. A 29. A
8. performance 19. A 30. A
9. 20. B 31. A
10. 21. D 32. C
11. Answers may vary 22. 33. B
34. A 40. B 46. C
35. 41. D 47. dental checkup
36. performance 42. C 48. deworming
37. 43. A 49. A
38. B 44. D 50. D
39. A 45. B

Department of Education
Division of San Pablo City
Lakeside District


S.Y. 2022-2023
Name: _____________________________________________ Score: _____________________
Grade/Section: _______________________ Date: _____________________
Teacher: Eillen G. Santelices

I. Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Identify the value of rest used in the first measure of the song.
A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1

2. What is the value of the first note used in the third measure of the song.
A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1

3. In the 15th measure of the song, identify the value of the note that has the corresponding lyrics “rin”.
A. 2 ½ B. 2 C. 1 ½ D. 1

II. Direction: Differentiate the following time signatures by filling out the missing word:
4. In _______ time signature, there are two beats in a measure and _______ gets one beat.
5. In _______ time signature, there are three beats in a measure and a quarter note gets _______beat.
6. In 4/4 time signature, there are four beats in a _______ and a quarter note gets one _______.

III. For numbers 7-9. Direction: Demonstrates the conducting gestures of 2, 3, 4 and 6 time signatures. Rubrics:
4 4 4 8
3 points 2.5points 2points 1.5 points 1 point

IV. Direction: Create simple rhythmic pattern using the given time signature.




I. Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

13. Which of the following discuss the elements of arts color used in creating logo design?
A. In this way, the logo is easier to see and remember.
B. Combination of lines and basic shapes used by logo designers.
C. It can be placed almost anywhere and still maintain the balance.
D. It is very powerful. Looking at colors can make us feel happy, calm or excited.

14. In applying concepts on the use of software, what is the function of shape tool bar?
A. It soaks color out of the image.
B. Zoom in on part of the picture for closer editing.
C. It highlight a color and make it fade from dark to light
D. This is a group of tools that allows you to select rectangles, ellipses, circles, squares.

II. Direction: Utilize your Art Skills in Creating Logo Design Using Pixel. See the image sample. (15-16)

Criteria Very Evident Evident Not Evident
2 points 1.5 points 1point
1. Follows all the steps correctly.
2. Possess knowledge in application used.
3. Shows uniqueness.
4. Finishes the output on time.

17. Create your own personal logo inside the box logo as visual representation that can be used as a product, brand, or

18. What is abstract logo?

A. Marks it condenses your brand into a single image. It also allows you to create something truly unique to
represent your brand.
B. A font-based logo that focuses on a business’ name alone.
C. Logos that consist of letters, usually brand initials.
D. Logos that involve an illustrated character.

19. Which of the following explains the elements of comic art panels?
A. The spaces that contains a single scene, usually in the shape of a square or rectangle.
B. These set the stage for readers and gives information about characters or scenes.
C. These show readers what the characters are saying aloud.
D. These show readers that the characters are thinking.

20. Why do facial expressions is an important concept in cartoon character making?

A. It can convey the feelings of enjoyment, anger or fright.
B. It is a depiction of an inner feeling that need to be exaggerated.
C. It includes footwear which are important features of cartoon characterization.
D. Like the human face, takes in the cartoonish face for clues about identity, personality and mood.

21. The following concepts are important points in cartoon character making EXCEPT ______.
A. Incorporate several important points, such as expression, physical type and decorative details.
B. Study figure in detail on its face, body, hands and feet to see how to manipulate it.
C. Apply the art processes, elements and principles in cartoon character making.
D. Create cartoons through the use of computers only.
22-24 Direction: Create a simple cartoon character about the effects of COVID-19 to our health. Use a sheet of bond paper.
Your work will be rated by a rubric below. Refer to the rubric below. (3 points)
Criteria 3 points 2 points 1.5 points 1 point
Content Accuracy Understanding of topic Understanding is clear Understanding is Understanding is
is very evident somewhat clear unclear
Content Relevance Message is very clear, Message is clear and Message isn’t clear Does not have relevant
relevant and positive relevant message
Graphics Graphics are very Graphics are Graphics are a bit Lacking creative
creatively displayed somewhat creatively creative graphics
Attractiveness Looks really good in Looks good in design, Is acceptably attractive Is messy or poorly
design, layout and layout and neatness though it may be a bit designed seems time
neatness messy was not taken to
complete it


25. Based on the Physical Activity Pyramid Guide, watching TV is what kind of activity?
A. light activity C. moderate activity
B. vigorous activity D. minimal activity

26. Participation in physical activities is important. Why?

I. To make yourself look good and feel good.
II. To improves one’s physical fitness.
III. To identify areas for improvement
IV. To get prone to sickness and illness.


27. Which activity below should be minimized?

A. B. C. D.
28. The following are some safety precautions while playing the games EXCEPT one.
A. Know the rules of the game.
B. Tag your opponents by using a hard tap.
C. Warm up before playing to avoid sprains.
D. Avoid pushing or hitting while playing the game.

29. What is the purpose of gaining “life” in Batuhang Bola if a player catches a ball?
A. It can be used to revive another player or be used to continue to play on if the ball hits him/her.
B. It allows the team to hit the opponent intentionally.
C. It adds point to the team.
D. The team will win.

30. What are the equipments needed in playing Shatong?

A. shallow hole and 2 sticks (1 short and 1 long) C. 1 small stone and 1 big stone
B. milk can and slippers D. baseball bat and ball

31. Why is there a need for the participants to spin around before hitting the pot?
A. to distract his/her concentration C. to help the player hit the pot accurately
B. to make him/her dizzy D. to maximize the allotted time for the game

32. Which of the following describes the skills touching and batting?
A. used in catching a flying dragonfly
B. used in using stairs instead of elevator
C. major skills involved in playing target games
D. skills needed in playing tumbang preso

33. Which of the following are the major skills in fielding games?
A. rolling and hopping C. hopping and skipping
B. batting and running D. catching and walking

34. Describe decision making and problem solving skills in target games.
A. It involves critical and deep thinking to decide on the moves you will take.
B. To hit the aim, you need to be attentive by giving emphasis on the target.
C. The eyes and hands coordinate when releasing the object to the target.
D. Through constant playing, you can be stronger and alert.

35-37. Direction: Execute the different skills involved in playing tumbang preso.
A, dodging B. throwing C. jumping D. running E. catching

Advanced   Proficient Developing Beginning
  Criteria Proficiency
      (3)        (2.5)        ( 1.5 )           ( 1)
        ( 2 )
Execution of Can execute the Can execute the Can execute the skills Can rarely execute Cannot execute
Skills skills needed in the skills needed in the needed in the game the skills needed in any skill needed
game all throughout game most of the sometimes  the game  in the game

38. Why does playing games make someone feel happy?

A. It can create conflict against your opponent C. It will help someone to grow old.
B. It can turn a tedious moment into fun. D. It can give someone stress.

39. Which of the following describe the personal health issues of a malnourish person?
A. It is a physical health problem with poor brain development that affects fetal development during
pregnancy of a malnourished mother.
B. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is 15% to 20% above normal for the age and height group.
C. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is 15% to 20% below normal for the age and height group.
D. It is a group of inflammatory diseases of the middle ear which causes pain and is common in children.
40. What is scoliosis?
A. It is a hard and thickened layers of skin which is often found on the foot.
B. It is a medical condition in which a person’s spine is curving sideways.
D. Is an abnormally excessive convex kyphotic curvature of the spine.
B. It is caused when the skin is overexposed to the sun

41. Allan is suffering from obesity. He has difficulty in choosing clothes that fit his size. He easily gets tired and prefers sleeping
or lying on his bed. What should he do?
A. Continue his inactive activity.
B. Minimize regular exercise daily.
C. Eat food that is high in calories and fat.
D. Balance the consumption of calories, sugar and fat from foods and beverages.

42. Mary Lutz learned that having enough sleep is very important for the body to be healthy. What should she do?
A. Stay late at night watching her favorite show.
B. Have 3 hours’ night every noontime.
C. Have 8-9 hours’ sleep.
D. Have 5-6 hours’ sleep.

43. Which of the following discuss the health appraisal for vision screening test?
A. It is done using the Snellen Chart.
B. Important to find out ones hearing ability.
C. Get the BMI to describe the body’s condition.
D. Physically and visually examine woman’s breasts

44. This health appraisal procedure describes Self breast examination.

A. It is done using the Snellen Chart.
B. Important to find out ones hearing ability.
C. Get the BMI to describe the body’s condition.
D. Physically and visually examine woman’s breasts

45. Why is it important to undergo health appraisal procedure?

A. To be afraid of the what will be the result as you undergo health appraisal procedure.
B. To provide opportunity to counsel the pupil with health problems.
C. To give inappropriate medical supervision.
D. To have a negative health experiences.
46. The following shows undergoing regular health appraisal procedures EXCEPT________.
A. The pupils of Bonifacio Elementary School undergo height and weight measurement every
beginning and before the school year ends.
B. The pupils of Mabini Elementary School have a dental check-up by the school dentist every school
C. Angel’s eye problem gets worst because it was not detected and treated earlier.
D. The Grade 6 pupils undergo breast self-examination every month.

47-48. Direction: Put a check on the blank that Identifies the 2 functions of school health personnel.
________ dental checkup
________family health service
________ deworming
________communicable disease control and prevention

49-50. Identify the best health resources for each situation.

49. Myrna is a week pregnant and must consult a medical professional already. What kind of doctor should she seek?
A. Obstetrician B. Neurologist C. Pediatrician D. Surgeon

50. Miguel broke his leg after a vehicular accident. An emergency operation is need. Who must work on his case?
A. Obstetrician B. Neurologist C. Pediatrician D. Surgeon

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