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GDC 2021 MatthewTJohns ND

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A New Vehicle Pipeline for The Last of Us: Part II

Matthew Trevelyan Johns

Principal Environment Artist. Naughty Dog

Introductions - me

● First experienced game development modding GTA and COD

● University and all things Lego
● Intergalactic Spaceships
● Naughty Dog
Introductions – The Last of Us: Part II

● The sequel to the critically acclaimed ‘The last of Us’.

● Post apocalyptic setting
● Third person, action-adventure/survival horror
● Single player game with an engaging story
● Realistic graphics and animation
● Let’s watch a trailer
Introductions – My Role
● Primarily environment texture and shader artist
● The role is focused on detailed modeling, texturing, shader building and
lots of communication
Introductions – My Role
● Primarily environment texture and shader artist
● Creating tiling texture sets
● Building complex blend shaders
● A lot of uv mapping
● Vertex painting
● Creating unique assets and props
● Helping to manage your outsourcing requirements
● Working with lighting
Introductions – This talk

● It’s all about vehicles, but mostly texturing and shading these vehicles
● I speak from my humble artist’s point of view
● Concept art, current methods, new methods?
● This is just one of many approaches and not the ONLY approach to the
problems we faced
Concept art describes the challenges ahead
‘Posed’ or articulated
doors and hood

Fresh charring and

fire damage
Burned vehicles with
Burned vehicle water damage
with moss
General weathering
example Small leaf piles

Openable trunk/doors
Vehicles shown with heavy
snow coverings
- Vast numbers
- Different types
- Varying levels of distance
Outline of the major challenges

● Three major requirement categories

● TEXTURING – look, feel, reaction to the world

● MODELING – vehicle types, articulation, interiors
● RENDERING – vast numbers, varying distances,
levels of detail?
Concept round up

● A gradually evolving process

● Building upon a foundation other artists had
contributed to
● The trailer work was a great way to get practical
experience of the challenges we would face
● A long road ahead…
Previous vehicle pipelines at Naughty Dog

● Examples from Uncharted 4

Example of a hero vehicle in Uncharted 4
● The Madagascar off-road vehicle was created by
one of Naughty Dog’s awesome artists, Inkyo Lee
● Created using the traditional method: high – low
– unwrap – bake – texture – shaders
● The context of it’s use in game demanded high
levels of detail and interactivity
Texture usage and memory
● Larger, more detailed assets =
more textures
● 512 texel density rule + surfaces
needing unique UV space
● Each section requires its own
texture set
● Baking the off-road vehicle in
sections allows us to maintain
512px per 1m
● Let’s choose another vehicle from
Uncharted 4 that is used in a
similar context to those in The
Last of Us: Part II
Example of a background vehicle in Uncharted 4
● Background vehicles are a better use-case to
● This SUV is representative of the pipeline used
Texel density
● Majority of vehicle mapped at just 256 px
per meter, using lots of mirroring.
Texel density cont…
● Mapped to 512 px per meter
the exterior alone would
require 3 additional texture
● Around 15 more textures
(ambient occlusion, normal,
color, roughness, metallic)
Texture sets
● 3 x unique texture sets
● 2 x shared texture sets
● 3 x unique masks
Larger vehicles
● As predicted, larger vehicles
require more texture sets
● Dirt and grime was also
included in the vans base
Resolution and details
● However, results are quite
low resolution due to the 256
pixels per meter mapping
Texture memory implications
● Why do a few more
textures even matter?
● We tend to work around a
fixed limit and try to
squeeze as much out of it
as possible
● We can consider 30MB our
Texture memory implications
● The SUV model costs us
19,508 KB
Texture memory implications
● The van costs us an
additional 9,110 KB of
texture memory
● Heavy texture memory
cost for every new vehicle
Texture memory implications
● Texture memory getting eaten
up by all these vehicles
● Vehicles will use texture
memory, but it can’t be so
much that its detrimental to
environment artists
● Building upon foundations
established in previous
games and upon ideas from
other Naughty Dog Artists
● Let’s (finally) talk about the
new vehicle pipeline!
The new vehicle pipeline
● Full art process, from start to finish
● Advantages of this new pipeline?
● How does this save texture memory?
Modeling basics
● Drop baked normals for the body
● This removes an entire stage of outsource
production that was time consuming
● It also immediately saved a lot of unique
textures per vehicle
● Baked normals for subtle body shape
details aren’t necessary
● Sometimes, only a slight increase in
Baked shape details vs modeled
● Low poly, no bevels, hard edges
Baked shape details vs modeled
● Bake adds impression of soft bevels
and some additional, low res details
Baked shape details vs modeled
● Higher polycount, bevels, no bakes
Baked shape details vs modeled
● Resulting model still looks nice and
smooth and the bevels light well
Face weighted normals
● Soft, pillowy normals can occur and
cause a bad reaction to lighting
● Using face-weighted normals fixes
this and our script made it quick and
● What about those smaller detailed
elements? We can’t model everything
with higher polycounts…
The bake kit
● A collection of modular, generic
details baked from a high poly model
and textured
● These details are not unique to one
car, but suitable for many cars
The bake kit
● The baked kit contains elements
suitable for multiple small vehicles
● One vehicle might only use a few
parts, but across the library of small
vehicles, all parts were useful
● Ambient Occlusion is not used in the
shader, to save texture memory
● Parallax occlusion mapped decals for
bolts, vents and other small details
● Height and normal maps do most of
the work and the shader inherits other
channels from the surfaces below it in
order to feel natural

● Strips were floating above the vehicle

surface and were hand placed and uv
● Vertex compression at build time was
reduced to prevent z-fighting artefacts
● These decals became were really
useful for environments as well
as vehicles
Body colour
● A small swatch texture drives the
body colour, roughness and metallic
● The body UVs are shrunk down and
placed on the swatch
● Multiple material types are
represented by the swatch
Colour swatch
● We don’t want duplicate cars of the
same colour side by side
● A shader feature tints the swatch
colours based on the vehicles World
space position coordinates
Colour variation
● Each vehicle can have up to 8 different
● So far, so good, optimal and using a
method that will work for others
● What about the other details we need?
Multiple kits
● All elements are built from shared kits
and shared shaders
● Sharing is caring
● All baked from high poly models to
unique textures
● Building upon and refining ideas from
past projects and other artists
● How do we make up for missing
surface detail?
Refining the look
● Still aiming to hit the detailed
looks presented by the
concept art
● Advanced looks like wetness,
moss, snow, burning etc
● Uniquely baking and texturing
all of these details isn’t
● Masks + multi layered shaders
+ system of shader instancing
and texture sharing
● The vehicle is given a secondary UV set
● UV shells from the first UV set are copied
here, uniformly scaled and packed efficiently
● Substance Painter used to paint the masks
Smart material mask
● Uniquely hand painting any textures is time
consuming and can be inconsistent
● Creating a template for the masks solves this
● And this consistency will be reflected in the
● Substance Painter smart material
● and alpha library created to be shared with
Outsource vendors
Smart material mask
● Semi truck wear-mask exhibits consistent
Smart material mask
● Drips and small details added with
alphas very quickly
● A shader layer for each component
of ‘the look’ driven by the wear
mask and other blend features
● Our in-house shader editor, showing the BRDF tab and
multiple, stacked layers
Texture blend
● ‘Texture Blend’ = a black and
white mask that blends one layer
over another
Threshold blend
● ‘Threshold Blend’ = a black and
white mask that adds detail at the
edge of the texture blend
Histogram select
● ‘Histogram select’ = select a specific a position in
the histogram created by the previous two blends
Layer stack
● Base layer
Layer stack
● Base layer

● Plastic wear
Layer stack
● Base layer

● Plastic wear

● Rust
Layer stack
● Base layer

● Plastic wear

● Rust

● Scratches and dents

Layer stack
● Base layer

● Plastic wear

● Rust

● Scratches and dents

● Peeling paint
Layer stack
● Base layer

● Plastic wear

● Rust

● Scratches and dents

● Peeling paint

● Rust bleed
Layer stack
Base layer

Layer 6: Overall dirt
● Plastic wear

● Rust

● Scratches and dents

● Peeling paint

● Rust bleed

● Overall dirt
Modular textures
● Modular textures,
that the shader can
use for many inputs
● These three textures
do a lot of work
Modular textures
● BRDF textures stripped and
replaced with simple colors –
given variation via generic
threshold textures
● These textures have multiple
uses across all layers
Wear mask + threshold
Generic threshold map is also
used with the wear mask to add
detail to the blend
Advanced shader features
● Border blend feature adds Border blend feature
detail to the blend
● Leveraging shader features
creates detail without the
need for additional textures
and these effects are easier
to optimize
Another example layer - rust
● Rust works in a similar way
● All layers use this modular texture
approach, sharing and re-using
where possible
Levels adjustments
● Levels adjustment within shader
allows me to fine tune the values
the generic threshold texture
presents to achieve many different
Tiling layer details
● Having layered details that can
be tiled independently, means
larger vehicles no longer need
more textures to look high
Final example layer
● Rust bleed layer is a good
example of all three blend
BRDF values
● Basic BRDF values (no textures)
for the rust bleed effect
Blend against previous layers
● No longer draws on rust, but still
needs more instructions
Wear mask
● The wear mask has the rust bleed
drawing in exactly the same
position as the basic rust by
Histogram select
● Using histogram select I can ‘push’
the rust bleed effect out so that it
surrounds the rust with a soft
● The wear mask has the rust bleed
drawing in exactly the same
position as the basic rust by
Final appearance
● With my final adjustments the
subtle rust bleed layer is
complete. It’s cheap and adds a
nice element of detail
Texture memory comparison
● Let’s see how the new
pipeline affects texture
Single vehicle
● Around 33 MB for one
vehicle on the new pipeline
● Because we have more
details and more textures
overall our memory for
one vehicle has increased.
● Loading an additional
Uncharted 4 van cost 9MB
Two vehicles

● Loading an additional
TLOU: II van costs just

259 KB
Entire levels?
● Dramatic reduction
in texture memory
when adding
multiple vehicles to
a level
Alternative looks
● All vehicles had
multiple shader
● Requests for new
vehicle types were
submitted to myself
and Tyler and we
created all variations
The submerged look
Borrowed textures
● Making use of already loaded
textures to build new shader
● This was the case for all of the
vehicle looks
Instanced materials
Optimizing the layers
● Added two texture samples (algae)
so two are removed (subtle
● Reducing texture samples in the
shader to make it optimized at
render time
● Replacing textures, with flat values
One shader per element
● Each vehicle uses multiple shaders
and each shader, has multiple
Implementing the blend
● Simple BRDF, much more
interesting blend
● Height value drives shader blend
● Old system required height value
input per shader
Instance based blends
● World space position and rotation
per instance now drives blend
● Allowed us to solve problems like
the river rapids sections efficiently
Cool tools
● World space position and
rotation values requiring
manual entry at first was
● Tool implemented by
Dongsub Woo, Steven Tang
and Ke Xu
● Finally, optimization!
● Layered shaders introduce
more texture samples
● Previously mentioned
optimizations reduced cost
● Distance based blends
made shader much
cheaper over distance
● red = expensive, green =

● For scenes like this, the

optimization really
● Shaders automatically
becoming cheaper over
Final thoughts

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