Engagement Letter (ISA 210) 2020
Engagement Letter (ISA 210) 2020
Engagement Letter (ISA 210) 2020
Engagement letter is a formal written agreement of the terms and conditions between the external
auditor and the client.
The auditor and the client should agree on the terms of the engagement before the audit commences.
It is in the interest of both client and auditor that the auditor sends an engagement letter, preferably
before the commencement of the engagement, to help in avoiding misunderstanding/potential for
argument with respect to the engagement.
The engagement letter documents and confirms the auditor’s acceptance of the appointment, the
objective and scope of the audit, the extent of the auditor’s responsibilities to the client and the form
of any reports.
The agreed terms must be in writing and will take the form of a Formal engagement letter
(it is written on Audit firm’s letter head duly acknowledged by Client as a confirmation to their
understanding of the same …..)
9. Basis on which audit fees will be determined. (based on the number of hours to be
worked at the audit client)
13. Any restriction of the auditor’s liability when such possibility exists.
Extra Point:
In the case of recurring audits, the auditor should consider whether circumstances require the terms
of the engagement to be revised and whether there is a need to remind the client of the existing terms
of the engagement. The auditor may decide not to send a new engagement letter every year.
• Any indication that the client misunderstands the objective and scope of the
• Any revision of terms of the engagement or introduction of special terms.
(scope widened or any special requests by the client increasing the audit work)
• A recent change of senior management or board of directors, or in ownership.
(New CFO)
• A significant change in the nature or size of the client’s business.
(Subsidiary acquired)
• Any new significant legal/regulatory/Financial reporting framework/other
requirement (Engagement letter required every year)
• Change in ownership. (Takeover by Parent company)