CAT 966G Serie LL
CAT 966G Serie LL
CAT 966G Serie LL
Series II
Wheel Loader
Engine Model Caterpillar® 3176C with ATAAC
Flywheel Power 184 kW 246 hp
Max. Flywheel Power 194 kW 260 hp
Operating Weight 22 870 kg 50,400 lb
Bucket Capacities 3.5-4.25 m3 (4.5-5.5 yd3)
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966G Series II Wheel Loader
Setting the standard for wheel loader productivity, durability, and operator comfort.
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Axles Operator Station: Operator Station:
Conventional Steering Wheel Command Control Steering
Caterpillar designed and built with
proven durability, the heavy-duty, Conventional steering wheel with pilot Command control steering with
four-piece axle design continues with hydraulic controls is one of two operator electro-hydraulic controls features
the G Series providing maximum station options. The 966G Series II cab a semicircular steering wheel with
performance and serviceability. pg. 7 is ergonomically designed and sets the integrated transmission controls.
industry standard for operator comfort The cab is ergonomically designed
and efficiency. pg. 8 and sets the industry standard for
operator comfort and efficiency.
pg. 10
✔ New Feature
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The 966G Series II engine is built for power and reliability to deliver excellent productivity
and cost effective operation.
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Electronic Transmission
Advanced Caterpillar power train is reliable and fuel efficient.
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Cooling System
The 966G Series II cooling package provides reduced radiator plugging, fuel efficiency, and
easy maintenance.
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Heavy-duty axles protect internal components from the environment and offer excellent
Heavy-Duty, Four-Piece Axle Design. Integrated Axle Diagnostics. Solutions For Extreme Applications.
Caterpillar designed and built with The left-hand pedal serves as either
1. Brake wear indicators (2 per axle)
proven durability, the 966G four- an additional brake or, when activated,
provide easy access to measure brake
piece axle design is maintained for the engages Caterpillar’s exclusive Integrated
disc wear without disassembling the
966G Series II. Designed to last in all Braking System (IBS). IBS reduces axle
axle. The original brake reading is
operating conditions, each axle contains oil temperatures to provide maximum
recorded in the machine controls at
two axle shaft housings, the center axle component life. Although IBS
the factory to allow precise wear
housing, and the intermediate housing. reduces the need for axle oil coolers
The front axle is fixed, and the rear in many cases, an internal axle oil
axle oscillates ±13 degrees. 2. Axle oil temperature sensors in cooler is available as a factory
both front and rear axles alert installed attachment.
Fully Hydraulic Service Brake.
the operator on the Caterpillar
Inboard brakes are positioned next to Limited Slip Differentials (Optional).
Monitoring System panel of
the differential operating on the low Available for front and/or rear axles,
increased axle oil temperatures to
torque side of the final drive. Four limited slip differentials deliver
allow the operator to modify the
friction discs, two each side, are fully maximum traction on uneven ground
operating technique. This ensures
enclosed within each axle to lock out and in changing traction conditions
optimum axle operating conditions
contaminants. Multiple oil-disc brakes such as mud, water, snow, and ice.
for maximum component life.
are adjustment free, and bathed in axle
Axle Oil Ecology Drains (Optional).
oil for excellent cooling. Independent
Axle oil ecology drains provide easier
front and rear brake circuits use separate,
drainage with fewer spills.
heavy-duty piston-type accumulators to
ensure dead engine braking.
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Operator Station: Conventional Steering Wheel
The 966G II cab offers unmatched operator comfort and efficiency with steering and control
options to fit every operator and application.
14 13
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1 Conventional Steering Wheel (SW). 6 Seat Options. The KAB cloth, 13 Transmission Neutralizer Override
With a standard hand-grip feature, the mechanical suspension seat is standard Switch. A rocker switch activates the
SW configuration offers a low effort on the SW machine. Caterpillar Comfort override so the left pedal will not
hand metering unit hydraulic steering cloth air suspension seat is available as neutralize (or disengage) the transmission,
system. Load sensing steering directs an attachment. but will function only as a service brake.
power through the steering system only Upon engine start-up, the neutralizer
7 Entry/Exit With Standard Sliding
when needed. When not steering, more will default to the active position.
Windows. Rear-hinged, full-length
engine power is available to generate
doors with left side ground level 14 Ride Control System (Optional).
rimpull, breakout force, lift force, and
access and standard sliding windows. Ride control provides a smoother,
results in reduced fuel consumption.
more comfortable ride, and contributes
The steering column tilts for maximum 8 Visibility. A wider, flat front and
to increased frame and machine life by
operator comfort. distortion-free windshield features
reducing shock loads on the structures.
bonded glass to reduce obstructions and
2 Shift Lever. SW machines are equipped
provide an accurate and full view of the 15 Payload Control System (PCS;
with a lever on the left side of the
entire working area. Windshield wiper Optional). PCS allows on-the-go
steering column for directional and
sweep is increased and wet-arm, front and weighing of the bucket payload
speed selection.
back wiper washers ensure a clear view during the lift cycle.
3 Pilot Hydraulic Bucket Controls. is maintained. A larger roof improves
Radio-Ready. Includes standard 12V
Pilot-assisted, hydraulic bucket controls water run-off, and a stylish sloping
(10 amp) converter, speakers, antenna,
make low-effort operation possible. hood provides excellent rear visibility.
wiring and brackets for an entertainment
Individual lift and tilt levers are standard
9 Generous Storage. Larger radio. Entertainment radio is available
as shown. One lift and one return-to-dig
compartments for lunchbox, cooler, as a factory installed attachment. A CB
position may be adjusted on the linkage.
cups, and storage. radio-ready option is also available as
A downshift switch is located on the
an attachment and includes all wiring
lift lever for use in bucket loading. 10 Caterpillar Monitoring System
and hardware plus a 20-amp 24V to
A single lever joystick is available as (CMS). CMS monitors critical machine
12V converter.
an attachment. Forward/Neutral/Reverse systems and provides four warning
(F-N-R) switch on the lift lever is categories to keep the operator informed. Floor Mat. Enhanced with contours
available as an attachment on either CMS is conveniently located on the to allow for easier cleaning.
lever arrangement. upper control module. LED indicators
eliminate the need for bulb replacement.
4 Standard Air Conditioning and
Improved Ventilation. Air conditioning, 11 Electronic Autoshift Control. The
heating, and defrosting functions are operator can choose manual or automatic
standard and airflow is improved transmission shifting. Pilot controls
utilizing thirteen louvered vents and a allow two automatic shift positions.
larger re-circulation filter. This ensures
12 Variable Shift Control (VSC). VSC
better air quality for the operator. All
is a standard system that allows the
controls are located on the upper control
operator to select 3 different shifting
panel within easy reach of the operator.
patterns to best match the application
5 Dual-Pedal Braking. The left-hand requirements and provide fuel efficiency,
pedal serves as either an additional smoother shifts, and reduced sound
brake or, when activated, engages the levels. VSC rotary switch is located
Caterpillar exclusive Integrated Braking on the upper right control panel.
System (IBS). IBS integrates both
downshifting, transmission neutralizer
logic, and braking into the left-hand
pedal. Using the neutralizer maintains
high engine RPM for full hydraulic flow.
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Operator Station: Command Control Steering
The 966G II cab offers unmatched operator comfort and efficiency with steering and control
options to fit every operator and application.
14 13
12 11
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1 Command Control Steering (CC). 5 Standard Air Conditioning and 12 Variable Shift Control (VSC). VSC
A pilot operated, load-sensing system, Improved Ventilation. Air conditioning, is a system that allows the operator to
CC links the steering wheel and frame heating, defrosting functions are select 3 different shifting patterns to
angle positions to provide the proper standard and airflow is improved best match the application requirements
amount of steering control with minimal utilizing thirteen louvered vents and a and provide fuel efficiency, smoother
operator effort. The speed the machine larger re-circulation filter. This ensures shifts, and reduced sound levels. VSC
turns is proportional to the steering wheel better air quality for the operator. All rotary switch is located on the upper
position. Steering stops are hydraulically controls are located on the upper control right control panel.
cushioned. Benefits of this system are panel within easy reach of the operator.
13 Transmission Neutralizer Override
precise control, quick response, and
6 Dual-Pedal Braking. The left-hand Switch. A rocker switch activates
reduced operator fatigue. The unique
pedal serves as either an additional the override so the left pedal will
semicircular steering wheel shape
brake or, when activated, engages the not neutralize (or disengage) the
provides improved visibility to the
Caterpillar exclusive Integrated Braking transmission, but will function only as
front dash and gauges. The steering
System (IBS). IBS integrates both a service brake. Upon engine start-up,
column tilts and telescopes to adjust
downshifting, transmission neutralizer the neutralizer will default to the
for maximum operator comfort.
logic, and braking into the left-hand active position.
2 Ergonomic Transmission Controls. pedal. Using the neutralizer maintains
14 Ride Control System (Optional).
CC transmission controls are high engine RPM for full hydraulic flow.
Ride control provides a smoother,
ergonomically integrated onto the
7 Entry/Exit With Standard Sliding more comfortable ride, and contributes
steering grip to allow one hand steering
Windows. Rear-hinged, full-length to increased frame and machine life by
and shifting. Controls include a three-
doors with left side ground level reducing shock loads into the structures.
position rocker switch to select forward,
access and standard sliding windows.
neutral, or reverse and a thumb operated Radio-Ready. Includes standard 12V
up-shift and downshift button for 8 Visibility. A wider, flat front and (10 amp) converter, speakers, antenna,
optional manual shift mode. distortion-free windshield features wiring and brackets for an entertainment
bonded glass to reduce obstructions and radio. Entertainment radio is available
3 Standard Air Suspension Seat.
provide an accurate and full view of the as a factory installed attachment. A CB
Caterpillar Comfort cloth, air
entire working area. Windshield wiper radio-ready option is also available as
suspension seat with six adjustments
sweep is increased and wet-arm, front and an attachment and includes all wiring
and lumbar support is standard on the
back wiper washers ensure a clear view and hardware plus a 20-amp 24V to
CC configuration.
is maintained. A larger roof improves 12V converter.
4 Electro-Hydraulic (E/H) Bucket water run-off, and a stylish sloping
Floor Mat. Enhanced with contours
Controls. E/H offers “finger-tip” hood provides excellent rear visibility.
to provide for easier cleaning.
movement lift and tilt bucket controls
9 Generous Storage Area. Larger
with outstanding sensitivity and control.
compartments for lunchbox, cooler,
Automatic lift and tilt kick-outs are
cups, and storage.
adjustable from inside the cab and are
hydraulically cushioned for greater 10 Caterpillar Monitoring System
operator comfort and less material (CMS). CMS monitors critical machine
spillage. Enhancements to this system systems and provides four warning
with the 966G II include “bucket categories to keep the operator informed.
dump rate control” for smooth flow CMS is conveniently located on the
of material from the bucket and “fine upper control module. LED indicators
modulation control” to provide precise eliminate the need for bulb replacement.
control for delicate bucket or work
11 Electronic Autoshift Control.
tool operations.
The operator can choose manual
or automatic transmission shifting.
E/H controls allow four automatic
shift positions.
Courtesy of Machine.Market
Versatility and Application Match
The 966G Series II is built for versatility and Caterpillar offers a wide variety of tools and
special arrangements to match the job for maximum productivity.
4 2
General Purpose (GP) Buckets. Caterpillar Ground Engaging Tools. Heavy-Duty Rock Buckets. Ideal for
Designed and built to Caterpillar G.E.T. options include: quarry and mining applications, standard
specifications, GP buckets perform and heavy-duty rock buckets with
1 Bolt-on Cutting Edge. Reversible,
well in a broad range of applications various G.E.T. options are available.
with superior strength. Heavy-duty
including excavation, stockpiling, and
edges are also available and provide Quick Coupler and Specialty Work
dozing. GP buckets are available in
50% more wear life. Tools. A quick coupler and a wide
various sizes for either pin-on or quick
variety of specialty buckets and work
coupler and can accept bolt-on edges, 2 Bolt-on Center and Corner Adapters.
tools are available through either the
teeth, or teeth and segments.
3 Tips. Five tip options are available to factory or Caterpillar Work Tools &
Material Handling (MH) Buckets. provide the best combination of wear Solutions (CWTS). Specialized work
Designed and built to Caterpillar life, penetration, and strength required tool options include pallet forks, lumber
specifications, MH buckets maximize for each application. and log forks, millyard forks, waste
performance in free-flowing material, buckets, plows, material handling arms,
4 Segments. Heavy-duty, reversible
as found in many stockpile applications. side-dump buckets, coal buckets, and
segments protect the cutting edge,
MH buckets are available in various woodchip buckets.
eliminating scalloping and maintaining
sizes and can accept bolt-on edges,
a smooth work surface. High Lift Arrangement (Optional).
teeth, or teeth and segments.
Provides an additional 559 mm (22")
of lift height over standard linkage for
additional dump clearance. Arrangement
includes extended lift arms, tilt cylinder,
and additional counterweight.
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Waste Handler Arrangement (Optional).
This arrangement provides additional
guarding and features for machines
used in waste transfer stations, waste to
energy plants, recycling stations, and
compost refuse processing. It offers the
972G II heavy duty front frame, axle
seal guards, narrow steel front fenders,
headlight and tail light guards, hinged
and electronically actuated power train
guard, front frame bottom guard,
hydraulic tank guard, fuel tank guard,
steering cylinder guards, and a heavy
duty ladder with steel cable step.
Options available with this arrangement
include: (1) auto-reversing fan, to
automatically reverse on a timed
cycle or by manual activation to easily
purge debris from the radiator; (2) roof
mounted air conditioning; (3) Sy-Klone
air intake precleaner with trash screen; and
(4) Caterpillar Work Tools waste bucket.
Forest Machine Arrangement (Optional).
Coupled with a variety of Caterpillar
work tools including logging and millyard
forks, woodchip buckets, pallet forks,
and an optional quick coupler, the
966G II forest arrangement is designed
to handle a wide variety of millyard
jobs. Forest arrangement offers the
Aggregates Autodig (Optional, CC/EH Payload Control System (PCS; Optional).
972G II heavy duty front frame, third
only). Designed primarily to benefit Enhanced for the G Series II, PCS allows
valve hydraulics, larger tilt cylinder,
stockpile operations, Aggregates Autodig on-the-go weighing of the bucket payload
and additional counterweight for better
controls the lift and tilt functions during during the lift cycle with an accuracy of
load control and higher static tipping
the loading cycle, while the operator ±1.5% (±1% for stationary machine).
load for greater payload.
maintains control of steering, direction, PCS records date, time, weight, number
Corrosion Resistant Paint (Optional). and throttle. The ability to fully load of passes (up to 2,639 truckloads) with
Provides a triple coat paint process, a bucket with a consistent load time download capability.
two coats of primer, and a final finish provides reduced operator fatigue
coat. Silicon sealant is applied to all and a constant level of productivity
exposed electrical wire terminals and throughout the workday.
connections to help protect them from
corrosive atmospheres.
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Environmental Features
Caterpillar cares for the environment and continues to develop innovative solutions.
Low Exhaust Emissions, Fewer Oil Reduced Fuel Consumption and Noise.
Changes. The electronically controlled Electronically controlled, variable speed
engine adjusts the fuel-to-air ratio and on-demand fan adjusts to meet the
the ATAAC provides more efficient varying cooling requirements of the
combustion, lower fuel consumption, machine throughout the work cycle.
and cleaner emissions. The 966G II Hydraulics oil, engine oil, coolant, and
meets all EPA Tier 2 requirements air inlet temperatures determine fan
without sacrificing any expected speed. In cooler operating conditions,
Caterpillar performance. In addition, average fan speed is reduced, resulting
engine oil change intervals are extended in less fuel consumption and lower
to every 500 hours, after an initial noise levels.
250 hour oil change, helping to
conserve natural resources.
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Complete Customer Support
Cat dealer services help you operate longer with lower costs.
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The 966G Series II continues Caterpillar leadership in wheel loader serviceability.
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Maintenance-Free 950 CCA Batteries.
Two maintenance-free batteries are
located in a lockable battery box on the
left rear frame, sealed to prevent moisture.
Ground Level Maintenance Points.
Remote grease lines are located in the
hitch area in two convenient lube banks
on the left side of the machine. U-joints
are lifetime lubricated. The slip joint is
the only driveline component requiring
Convenient Sight Gauges. Transmission
oil, hydraulic oil, and radiator coolant
sight gauges are conveniently located
and visible from ground level.
Caterpillar Product Link 201 (Optional).
Product Link 201 is a wireless system
using satellite technology and the
internet to provide up-to-date machine
location, service meter hours, and
machine health monitoring. Product Link
simplifies maintenance scheduling, fleet
management, unauthorized machine
usage or movement, and product problem
event tracking and diagnosis. Product
Link is available installed from the
factory or can be added in the field.
Remote Pressure Taps (Optional).
Remote pressure taps provide easy
access to diagnostic pressure taps Automated Lubrication System Maintaining proper grease lubrication
for transmission, torque converter, (Optional). Available as a factory on working surfaces significantly
implement pumps. and steering (with installed attachment, this system extends component life.
conventional SW arrangement). provides precise lubrication on pins
and bushings at preset timed intervals
while the machine is in operation.
Courtesy of Machine.Market
Engine Buckets
Engine Model Caterpillar 3176C with Bucket Capacities 3.5-4.25 m3 (4.5-5.5 yd3)
Flywheel Power 184 kW 246 hp
Max. Flywheel Power 194 kW 260 hp Transmission
Flywheel Power - ISO 9249 193 kW 259 hp
Flywheel Power - EEC 80/1269 193 kW 259 hp Forward 1 7.2 kph 4.5 mph
Peak Torque (Net) @ 1,200 RPM 1215 N•m 896 ft-lb Forward 2 12.6 kph 7.8 mph
Total Torque Rise 49% Forward 3 21.7 kph 13.5 mph
Bore 125 mm 4.9 in Forward 4 37.2 kph 23.1 mph
Stroke 140 mm 5.5 in Reverse 1 8.2 kph 5.1 mph
Displacement 10.3 L 629 in3 Reverse 2 14.3 kph 8.9 mph
Reverse 3 24.6 kph 15.3 mph
• These ratings apply at 2150 rpm when tested under the
specified standard conditions for the specified standard. Reverse 4 38.5 kph 23.9 mph
• Power rating conditions for flywheel power advertised • Maximum travel speeds (standard 26.5-R25 XHA L-3 tires)
is the power available when the engine is equipped with
alternator, air cleaner, muffler and on-demand hydraulic
fan drive at maximum fan speed. Hydraulic System
• No derating required up to 3600 m (11,811 ft) altitude.
Bucket/Work Tool System - 375 L/min 99 gal/min
• The 3176C meets the following emission requirements:
Pump Output
EU Stage II, US EPA Tier 2, and Japan MOC.
Bucket/Work Tool System - 20 700 kPa 3,000 psi
Relief Valve Setting
Hydraulic Cycle Time - Raise 6.9 Seconds
896 lb-ft 1215 N•m
Hydraulic Cycle Time - Dump 1.4 Seconds
1100 Hydraulic Cycle Time - 1.8 Seconds
Lower, Empty, Float Down
740 1000
Hydraulic Cycle Time - Total 10.1 Seconds
Engine Torque
Engine Torque
120 160
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 Front Fixed front
Engine rpm Rear Oscillating ±13°
Maximum Single-Wheel 502 mm 19.8 in
Rise and Fall
ROPS/FOPS Meets SAE and ISO Fuel Tank - Standard 380 L 100.4 gal
standards Cooling System 80 L 21 gal
• Caterpillar cab with integrated Rollover Protective Structure Crankcase 35 L 9 gal
(ROPS) are standard in North America and Europe. Transmission 50 L 13 gal
• ROPS meets SAE J1040 APR88 and ISO 3471:1994 criteria. Differentials and Final Drives 64 L 17 gal
• Falling Objects Protective Structure (FOPS) meets SAE J231 - Front
JAN81 and ISO 3449:1992 Level II criteria. Differentials and Final Drives 64 L 17 gal
- Rear
• The operator sound pressure level measured according to
the procedures specified in ISO 6394:1998 is 75 dB(A) for Hydraulic System 207 L 55 gal
the cab offered by Caterpillar, when properly installed and (Including Tank)
maintained and tested with the doors and windows closed. Hydraulic Tank 140 L 37 gal
• Hearing protection may be needed when operating with
an open operator station and cab (when not properly
maintained or doors/windows open) for extended periods
or in noisy environment.
• The sound pressure level is 112 dB(A) measured according
to the static test procedure and conditions specified in
ISO 6393:1998 for a standard machine configuration.
Rated capacity m3 4.25 4.25 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.65
yd3 5.5 5.5 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.0 5.0 5. 0 4.75
Struck capacity m3 3.62 3.62 3.43 3.43 3.43 3.28 3.27 3.27 3.12
yd3 4.7 4.7 4.46 4.46 4.46 4.27 4.25 4.25 4.06
Width mm 3220 3311 3311 3059 3150 3150 3059 3150 3150
ft/in 10'6" 10'10" 10'10" 10'0" 10'4" 10'4" 10'0" 10'4" 10'4"
Dump clearance at full lift mm 3066 2929 2929 3066 2929 2929 3100 2963 2963
and 45° discharge ft/in 10'0" 9'7" 9'7" 10'0" 9'7" 9'7" 10'2" 9'8" 9'8"
Reach at full lift mm 1328 1449 1449 1328 1449 1449 1304 1426 1426
and 45° discharge ft/in 4'4" 4'9" 4'9" 4'4" 4'9" 4'9" 4'3" 4'8" 4'8"
Reach with lift arms mm 2736 2917 2917 2736 2917 2917 2694 2875 2875
horizontal and bucket level ft/in 8'11" 9'6" 9'6" 8'11" 9'6" 9'6" 8'10" 9'5" 9'5"
Digging depth mm 129 129 99 129 129 99 129 129 99
in 5.0" 5.0" 3.8" 5.0" 5.0" 3.8" 5.0" 5.0" 3.8"
Overall length mm 8870 9073 9073 8870 9073 9073 8828 9031 9031
ft/in 29'1" 29'9" 29'9" 29'1" 29'9" 29'9" 28'11" 29'7" 29'7"
Overall height with bucket mm 5832 5832 5832 5832 5832 5832 5794 5794 5794
at full raise ft/in 19'1" 19'1" 19'1" 19'1" 19'1" 19'1" 19'0" 19'0" 19'0"
Loader clearance circle with mm 14 726 14 923 14 923 14 578 14 776 14 776 14 557 14 754 14 754
bucket in carry position ft/in 48'3" 48'11" 48'11" 47'9" 48'5" 48'5" 47'9" 48'4" 48'4"
Static tipping load, straight** kg 16 280 16 110 16 270 16 350 16 180 16 470 16 310 16 140 16 440
lb 35,881 35,506 35,859 36,035 35,661 36,300 35,947 35,573 36,234
Static tipping load, kg 14 470 14 310 14 460 14 540 14 380 14 650 14 500 14 330 14 610
articulated at full 37° turn lb 31,892 31,539 31,870 32,046 31,694 32,289 31,958 31,583 32,200
Breakout force*** kN 189.1 187.9 201.1 189.4 188.3 201.5 196.7 195.6 209.6
lb 42,477 42,221 45,184 42,562 42,306 45,260 44,189 43,940 47,092
Operating weight** kg 22 868 23 041 22 875 22 794 22 967 22 813 22 748 22 921 22 767
lb 50,401 50,782 50,417 50,238 50,619 50,280 50,137 50,518 50,178
Standard Lift
Bucket Selection Guide/Material Density
1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 kg/m3
yd3 m3
4.50 3.50
4.75 3.65
5.00 3.80
5.25 4.00
5.50 4.25
3.65 3.65 3.5 4.0 4.0 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.65 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
4.75 4.75 4.5 5.25 5.25 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.75 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
3.1 3.1 2.96 3.46 3.46 3.31 3.22 3.22 3.08 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
4.04 4.04 3.85 4.49 4.49 4.3 4.18 4.18 4.0 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9
3059 3150 3150 3220 3311 3311 3220 3311 3311 3306 3252 3306 3252
10'0" 10'4" 10'4" 10'6" 10'10" 10'10" 10'6" 10'10" 10'10" 10'10" 10'8" 10'10" 10'8"
3135 2999 2999 3021 2874 2874 3063 2916 2916 2952 2756 2952 2756
10'3" 9'10" 9'10" 9'10" 9'5" 9'5" 10'0" 9'6" 9'6" 9'8" 9'0" 9'8" 9'0"
1281 1404 1404 1204 1313 1313 1162 1270 1270 1273 1381 1273 1381
4'2" 4'7" 4'7" 3'11" 4'3" 4'3" 3'9" 4'2" 4'2" 4'2" 4'6" 4'2" 4'6"
2651 2832 2832 2701 2882 2882 2641 2822 2822 2799 3013 2799 3013
8'8" 9'3" 9'3" 8'10" 9'5" 9'5" 8'7" 9'3" 9'3" 9'2" 9'10" 9'2" 9'10"
129 129 99 129 129 99 129 129 99 129 129 129 129
5.0" 5.0" 3.8" 5.0" 5.0" 3.8" 5.0" 5.0" 3.8" 5.0" 5.0" 5.0" 5.0"
8785 8988 8988 8835 9038 9038 8775 8978 8978 8933 9196 8933 9196
28'9" 29'5" 29'5" 28'11" 29'7" 29'7" 28'9" 29'5" 29'5" 29'3" 30'2" 29'3" 30'2"
5754 5754 5754 5783 5783 5783 5727 5727 5727 5716 5716 6042 6042
18'10" 18'10" 18'10" 18'11" 18'11" 18'11" 18'9" 18'9" 18'9" 18'9" 18'9" 19'9" 19'9"
14 535 14 732 14 732 14 709 14 905 14 905 14 679 14 874 14 874 14 837 14 945 14 837 14 945
47'8" 48'3" 48'3" 48'3" 48'10" 48'10" 48'1" 48'9" 48'9" 48'8" 49'0" 48'8" 49'0"
16 440 16 270 16 570 16 080 15 910 16 210 16 180 16 020 16 320 16 350 16 260 16 190 16 100
36,234 35,859 36,520 35,440 35,066 35,727 35,661 35,308 35,969 36,035 35,837 35,678 35,484
14 620 14 450 14 730 14 290 14 120 14 400 14 380 14 210 14 500 14 510 14 420 14 350 14 260
32,222 31,848 32,465 31,495 31,120 31,738 31,694 31,319 31,958 31,980 31,782 31,630 31,429
203.4 202.3 217.3 196.0 194.9 208.8 206.1 205.1 220.4 180.0 178.9 179.2 178.1
45,704 45,442 48,819 44,029 43,797 46,920 46,313 46,075 49,515 40,441 40,195 40,262 40,018
22 705 22 878 22 724 22 863 23 036 22 870 22 793 22 966 22 800 22 919 23 011 23 077 23 168
50,042 50,423 50,084 50,390 50,771 50,405 50,236 50,617 50,251 50,513 50,716 50,862 51,062
Bolt-on and Bolt-on All
edges segments Teeth edges buckets
* High lift column shows changes in specifications from standard lift to high lift.
Add or subtract as indicated to or from specifications given for appropriate bucket
to calculate high lift specifications.
** Static tipping load and operating weight shown include sound-suppression cab
and ROPS, 26.5 R25 XHA (L-3) steel radial tires, full fuel tank, coolant, lubricants
and operator.
*** Measured 102 mm (4.0"): behind tip of cutting edge with bucket hinge pin as pivot
point in accordance with SAE J732c.
18 12 6
1 2
3 13
19 10 15 9
4 17
7 8
1 Height to top of ROPS 3580 mm 11'9" 11 Rack back @ maximum lift 61°
2 Height to top of exhaust pipe 3535 mm 11'7" 12 Dump angle @ maximum lift
3 Height to top of hood 2555 mm 8'5" (GP bucket)
4 Ground clearance/ 13 Rack back @ carry 47°
Standard tire 26.5 R25 XHA (L-3) 471 mm 18.5" 14 Rack back @ ground 42°
See chart below for other tires 15 Axle Housing Clearance 430 mm 1'5"
5 B-Pin height 4225 mm 13'10" 16 Overall Length* Dimensions vary with bucket
6 Overall height* Dimensions vary with bucket 17 Digging Depth* Dimensions vary with bucket
7 Center line of rear axle to edge 18 Reach* Dimensions vary with bucket
of counterweight 2460 mm 8'1"
19 Height to center line of axle 795 mm 2'7"
8 Wheelbase 3450 mm 11'4"
9 B-Pin height @ carry 485 mm 19" **Refer to Operation Specifications chart.
**MH bucket is 45°.
10 Center line of rear axle to hitch 1725 mm 5'8"
Tire options include tires and rims.
In certain applications (such as load-and-carry work) the loader’s productive capabilities might exceed the tires’ tonnes-km/h (ton-mph)
capabilities. Caterpillar recommends consulting a tire supplier to evaluate all conditions before selecting a tire model.
© 2003 Caterpillar
Printed in U.S.A.
AEHQ5521-02 (1-03) Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Featured machines in photos may include additional equipment.
Replaces AEHQ5521-01 See your Caterpillar dealer for available options.
Courtesy of Machine.Market
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