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6.2 Cutting-Edge Digital Marketing - Chapter 02

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Cutting-edge digital marketing

Chapter 2
Formation of a Digital
Marketing strategy.
The main questions
2.1 Who am I? The mission and the value of your company
2.2 What do I offer? Product or Service
2.3 Where am I? Аnalysis of niches and existing competitors
2.4 Why go online? Establishing a key performance indicators
(KPI’s) system and setting up web analytics
2.5 Who is our client? Creation of a target audience’s portrait -
characters, personalities, avatars, etc...
2.6 What? Content types that are currently working
2.7 How to promote? Promotion and content seeding tools
2.8 Could it be better? Regular improvement

Where to begin? If you want to market online, there are a few sim-
ple questions you need to ask yourself before you start. If you don’t
take the time to answer all of these questions, you will not get the re-
sults you want from your internet promotion.

2.1 Who am I? The mission and

the value of your company

The mission of your company is the reason it exists. You should

know your mission before starting your campaign because your mis-
sion will determine how you communicate online. Therefore, when cre-
ating your mission, it is vital to add things that will distinguish you from
your competitors and help customers understand the value you bring.
Creating your mission needs to be done before you use any marketing
tools online or offline.
Formation of a Digital Marketing strategy. The main questions

Our academy’s mission is straightforward.

We help people to become experts in digital marketing.

Accordingly, our primary audience is entrepreneurs, marketers,
and internet marketing specialists who want to increase their online
sales on all channels. Think about what your company’s mission is. If it
is not yet shaped, try to think about what you want to communicate to
your audience. You must come up with a good mission because it will
be present on all your marketing platforms. Do not continue with your
marketing campaign until you have come up with a solid mission.

2.2 What do I  offer? Product or Service

The product phase is about answering the question of «what do we

offer?» How your product is perceived is very important. People have to
understand your product or service and how it differs from your competi-
tors’ products and prices. I recently conducted training for a company that
sells dental equipment. When we started analyzing their competitors’ ad-
vertisements, we saw a few interesting things worth noting. When we did
a Google search for «dental equipment sales,» we found ten competitors
with almost identical ads. The main message was, «our dental equipment
is high quality.» I can hardly imagine at least one company that would de-
scribe its equipment as that of poor quality. From what I saw, there was
nothing special about their unique sales propositions. From a  product
perspective, your unique sales proposition is extremely important. You
want to stand out and be different from everyone else! Do not use gener-
ic USP’s because this will make your product seem dull.

2.3 Where am I? Аnalysis of niches

and existing competitors

Where does your company stand at this moment in the market? You
must understand where you are in the market, what tools your compet-
itors are using, and how they communicate with their audience. There
are many tools available on the internet that allow you to see how much
traffic your competitors get. You can also see what channels and sources
this traffic is coming from and how your company stacks up with theirs.
Cutting-edge digital marketing

One of the first tools that you should use is Simi-
larWeb can analyze all sites except for those with less than 50,000 visits
per month. Other tools such as, Serpstat, and Ahrefs can
help you explore what your competitors are doing in keyword search-
es. If you want to gain a  detailed insight into how your competitors
perform on social media, use tools such as BuzzSumo, Ahrefs, and Se-
manticForce. You must conduct a competitive analysis before you start
a promotion, generate content, or drive traffic to your site. As you can
already see, they’re many things that go into making a great campaign.
If you have a good mission, a unique sales proposition, and an under-
standing of the competitive environment, you will be able to form
a  high-quality strategy for your project. If this seems like a  lot to take
in, don’t worry; we’ll go through everything in detail later on.

2.4 Why go online? Establishing a  key

performance indicators (KPI’s) system
and setting up web analytics

Analytics is the core of digital marketing. With the right approach,

you can measure everything! But instead of measuring the things that
affect your business (sales, requests, orders, calls), I typically see begin-
ners measuring things that are just easy to measure. For instance, likes
on social networks, tweets, and shares. You don’t need to bother with
these things. It would help if you focused on leads, calls, and orders
that you can get from social networks.

Web analytics provide an understanding of which key performance

indicators you need to pay attention to succeed. For example, a service
Formation of a Digital Marketing strategy. The main questions

like Google Analytics will analyze who your client is, what sources bring
audiences to you, and which content works best. Once you have clear-
ly defined the goals and indicators you will be measuring; you can now
use Google Analytics to determine who your client is and what sources
and traffic channels bring the most buyers to your website.
You must understand that the online decision-making process is
long. For example: (see the image above) this is how our client decided
to buy our course. We communicated with him through our newslet-
ters, emails, search engines, etc... There was multichannel online com-
munication. The goal here is to communicate with a person via multiple
channels before he buys something from us. You must be prepared for
multichannel communication. With the proper setup of analytics and
measurement systems, you can find out and calculate all of this. Lat-
er on, in this book, we will explain what specific tools can measure in-
bound leads, calls, and orders and convert these requests to real sales. 

2.5 Who is our client? Creation of

a  target audience’s portrait - characters,
personalities, avatars, etc...

Who are the people we want to target online? When a client comes
to our agency, we ask them to describe who has a  demand for their
product and service. We usually get one of two answers. Some say that
their audience is everybody (something like ‘the product is good, and
everyone needs it’). The second situation is a  sort of fantasy scenar-
io. For example: our client is «a 25-year-old man who drives a used for-
eign car».
To have a clear portrait of your potential client, you will need some
expertise in a particular set of tools. This book will help you use specif-
ic sets of tools that are available for free or cost little money. These will
help you get a clear picture of the people who want to visit your web-
site and buy from your website. We can get specific in what we can find
out about a potential client like their gender, interests, where they live,
and what devices they use to access your website. You will find out how
they consume your content, on what days, and at what time of the day.
You will have а  clear understanding of what needs, fears, and biases
they have towards your product. This is all done with simple, straight-
forward tools, and you will learn how to apply them to your marketing
Cutting-edge digital marketing

strategy. Only after you have drawn a  detailed portrait of your buyer
can you start generating and creating content for them.

2.6 What? Content types that

are currently working

We will learn how to address the needs of your buyer persona us-
ing content. We will discuss content strategies, but first, let’s define
what types of content there are.

• Professional, where you share your expertise.

• Specialized, which shows your understanding of what is hap-
pening in the market and where you are heading to. 
• Personal, establishes you as a company and brand with a hu-
man face. 

You need to choose the correct proportions for these components

and transform them into text, video, and event content. Content is the
core of all of your online marketing. It removes the audience’s prob-
lem and allows you to build regular communication with the client and
form a community around the brand. 

2.7 How to promote? Promotion

and content seeding tools

Once you’ve created your content, it’s crucial to apply it correct-

ly. Promotion tools will be traffic sources that respond to the generat-
ed demand. Search engine optimization, search advertising, and price
comparison websites are the tools that will inform a person what your
product and service is, even if they do not know about it yet. 
Demand generation tools are banner advertising, video adver-
tising, online public relations, social media advertising, and teaser
ads. Tools that allow you to re-communicate with the person who vis-
ited your website are social networks, email newsletters, push-notifica-
tions, SMS, and remarketing tools (also known as retargeting). All these
tools work cohesively as one unit to create great content for your prod-
uct. We’ll show you how to use these tools to promote your brand and
increase your sales. 
Formation of a Digital Marketing strategy. The main questions

2.8 Could it be better?

Regular improvement

Many entrepreneurs believe that the internet is a  magic button;

however, it is a  standard business process to continually advance, im-
prove your content and website, improve traffic and your decision-mak-
ing funnel. You need to work to make these things better. Remember
that these tools will allow you to start your online promotion properly. 
Let’s think back to chapter 1 for a second. There were eight ques-
tions that you had to answer to build a  complete strategy. Assuming
that you already understand who you are as a company and what cus-
tomer value your product has, we will skip questions # 1 and # 2.
Let’s start our journey with an analysis of the competitive environ-

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