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The Interrelated Nature of Hospitality and Tourism

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The Interrelated Nature of Hospitality and Tourism

 In managed services, food services are provided for airlines, military facilities, schools,health care
operations, business and industry
 These food service operations have the dual challenge of meeting the needs and wants of both the guests
and the client (i.e., the institution itself)
 The hotel business provides career opportunities to associates who help make reservations, greet, assist, and
serve guests
 The restaurant businessful fills guests’ diverse needs and wants
 Eating is a biological need that restaurants accommodate
 Restaurants also ful fill other human desires (i.e., theneed for socialization and to be entertained)

 Dalam layanan terkelola, layanan makanan disediakan untuk maskapai penerbangan, fasilitas militer,
sekolah, operasi perawatan kesehatan, bisnis dan industri.
o Operasi layanan makanan ini memiliki tantangan ganda untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan para
tamu dan klien (yaitu, institusi itu sendiri)
 Bisnis hotel memberikan peluang karir kepada rekanan yang membantu melakukan reservasi, menyapa,
membantu, dan melayani tamu
 Restoran yang bisnisnya memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan tamu
o Makan adalah kebutuhan biologis yang ditampung restoran
o Restoran juga memenuhi keinginan manusia lainnya (yaitu, yang diperlukan untuk sosialisasi dan untuk

Characteristics of the Hospitality Industry

 Our services are mostly intangible—the guest cannot “test-drive” a night’s stay or “taste the steak” before
 The products are for use, not possession
 There is inseparability of production and consumption of the service product, due to each guest’s unique
 There is also the perishability of our product
 For example, we have 1,400 rooms in inventory, but we sell only 1,200 rooms. What do we do with the
200 unsold rooms? Nothing—we lose 200 room nightsand the revenue. If we can’t sell the food it is
 Much of the hospitality industry is open 365 days 24 hours a day.
 The industry relies heavily on shift work and sometimes hours extend beyond the normalwork day
 There are four basic shifts:
o 7:00 AM to 3:00PM
o 10:00AM to 6:00PM
o 3:00PM to 11:00PM
o 11:00PM to 7:00AM

Hospitality Industry Philosophy

 The industry has begun to change from one manager planning, organizing, implementing,and measuring in a
top down managerial style to a style where managers encourage and counsel associates, give them access to
resources, and help them think for themselves.
 A participative management style which results in associate empowerment,increased productivity,and
guest and employee satisfaction.
 Ownership like thought – We want the associates to “Think like an owner”.
 Corporate philosophy embraces the values of the organization—including ethics, morals, fairness, and
 Shifts emphasis from the production aspect of business to the focus on guest-related services

 Industri telah mulai berubah dari satu manajer yang merencanakan, mengatur, menerapkan, dan mengukur
dalam gaya manajerial top down ke gaya di mana manajer mendorong dan menasihati rekanan, memberi
mereka akses ke sumber daya, dan membantu mereka berpikir sendiri.
 Gaya manajemen partisipatif yang menghasilkan pemberdayaan asosiasi, peningkatan produktivitas, dan
kepuasan tamu dan karyawan.
 Kepemilikan seperti pikiran – Kami ingin rekanan "Berpikir seperti pemilik".
 Filosofi perusahaan menekankan pada system nilai-nilai organisasi-etika, moral, keadilan dan kesetaraan.
 Mengalihkan penekanan dari aspek produksi bisnis ke fokus pada layanan terkait tamu

Sustainable Hospitality
 The concept of sustainability involves “development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
 Sustainability is the ability to achieve continuing economic prosperity while protecting the natural resources
of the planet and providing a high quality of life for its people and future generations.
 Konsep Sustainability mengharuskan:"pembangunan yang memenuhi kebutuhan masa kini tanpa
mengorbankan kemampuan generasi mendatang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mereka sendiri."
 Keberlanjutan adalah kemampuan untuk mencapai kemakmuran ekonomi yang berkelanjutan sambil
melindungi sumber daya alam planet ini dan memberikan kualitas hidup yang tinggi bagi masyarakatnya dan
generasi mendatang.

The concept of sustainability involves “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising
the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
Sustainability is the ability to achieve continuing economic prosperity while protecting the natural resources of
the planet and providing a high quality of life for its people and future generations.
Sustainability adalah kemampuan untuk mencapai peningkatan secara ekonomi yang berkelanjutan sambil
melindungi sumber daya alam planet ini dan memberikan kualitas hidup yang tinggi bagi masyarakatnya dan
generasi mendatang.

In the following figure “the Interrelated Nature of Hospitality, travel and Tourism” will be shown a structure
which aims to explain some of the different players whom are enrolled on diverse tourism and hospitality and
activities and its dependency and correlation with each other.
Pada gambar di atas “Keterkaitan jenis-jenis Hospitality, Travel dan Pariwisata” menggambarkan struktur kerja
yang bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman akan jenis-jenis pariwisata dan hospitality, dan kegiatannya
saling berkaitan dan ketergantungan satu sama lain.

Pada gambar berikut "Sifat Perhotelan, perjalanan, dan Pariwisata yang Saling Terkait" akan ditunjukkan
struktur yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan beberapa pemain berbeda yang terdaftar di beragam pariwisata dan
perhotelan dan kegiatan serta ketergantungan dan korelasinya satu sama lain.

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