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2847738-2021 0508 Roscos Tiny Toolbox

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The document provides guidance for dungeon masters on tools and techniques for creating NPCs, handling travel encounters, and generating loot.

Some of the tools included are a quick reference sheet, guides for making NPCs and handling travel, fillable character and encounter sheets, and tools for generating loot and magic items.

The steps outlined are to name the NPC, determine their attitude and appearance, race, background, ability scores, hit points, armor class, weapons, skills, items carried, and spells if applicable.

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Table of Contents................................................................... 1
Credits .................................................................................... 1
Quick Reference .................................................................... 2
Actions ...................................................................................... 2
Concentration .......................................................................... 2
Cover .......................................................................................... 2
Difficult Terrain ...................................................................... 2
Falling Damage ....................................................................... 2
Fire ............................................................................................. 2
Passive Perception .................................................................. 2
Spell Save DC and Attack Modifier ...................................... 2
Conditions ................................................................................ 2
Making Non-Player Characters .......................................... 3
1. Name .......................................................................................3
2. Attitude and Appearance ...................................................3
3. Race .........................................................................................3
4. Background and Occupation .............................................3
5. Ability Scores ........................................................................3
6. Hit Points and Armor Class ...............................................3
7. Weapons ............................................................................... 4
8. Proficient Skills ................................................................... 4
9. Items Carried ....................................................................... 4
10. Spells ................................................................................... 4

NPC Character Sheet ................................................................ 5
Rosco’s Bag of Loot .............................................................. 6
Making Loot .............................................................................. 6
Making Magic Items ................................................................ 6
Big thanks to Laura Hirsbrunner for this fantastic D&D MS Word
Magical Effects ......................................................................... 7
template! Also, thank you to whoever made the list of all spells
Spells on Magic Items ............................................................. 8
with both source and source page number, which I’ve gone and
Rosco’s Trusty Travel Guide ............................................... 11 lost again.
Running a Travel Sequence ................................................... 11
Designer: Liam O’Reilly McRae
Generic Encounter Table ....................................................... 11
Proofreaders: The Quarenteam writing workshop and the people
Travel Encounter Sheet.......................................................... 12
of r/DnD5e
Cover Illustrator: Liam O’Reilly McRae
Template: Dungeon Masters Guild Simple Microsoft Word
LINK TO STANDALONE TOOLS Template by Laura Hirsbrunner, adapted
Rosco’s Tiny Toolbox can be purchased from the Dungeon
Masters Guild at the link below (PWYW). In addition to a PDF copy Microsoft-Word-Template--Beginners-Guide
of Rosco’s Tiny Toolbox, the download package includes the
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms,
following standalone items:
Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the
• PDF of the Quick Reference sheet Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of
• PDF of Making Non-Player Characters the Coast in the USA and other countries.
• PDF of Rosco's Bag of Loot
• PDF of Rosco's Trusty Travel Guide This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other
authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content
• Fillable PDF of the NPC Character Sheet Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
• Fillable PDF of the Terrain Encounter Sheet
• Microsoft Excel version of the Terrain Encounter All other original material in this work is copyright 2021 by Liam O’Reilly McRae
Sheet and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters

Condition Effect

ACTIONS Disadvantage on attack rolls

Blinded Those attacking you have advantage
Action Effect (lasts one round) Cannot see—fail relevant ability checks
Dash Move up to your speed in feet Charmer has advantage on social ability checks
Disengage Move without provoking opportunity attacks Charmed Cannot attack the charmer or target the
Those attacking you have disadvantage. You charmer with harmful affects
have advantage on Dexterity saves Deafened Cannot hear—fail relevant ability checks
Help Give an ally adv. on an attack or ability roll Disadvantage on attacks and ability checks
Hide Make a stealth check to become hidden Frightened while you can see the source of fear
Cannot move toward the source of fear
Ready Hold an action for a specific trigger
Cannot move
Search Devote your attention to finding something Grappled
Ends if grappler is incapacitated or leaves reach
Use an Object Use an object requiring focus (like a ballista)
Incapacitated Cannot take actions or reactions
Attack Make an attack
Advantage on attack rolls
Cast a Spell Cast a spell Invisible Those attacking you have disadvantage
Heavily obscured
CONCENTRATION Those attacking you have advantage
The following effects break concentration, ending a spell: A hit from within 5 feet is a critical hit
Paralyzed Cannot take actions or reactions (incapacitated)
• Taking damage. Make a Constitution save, with DC equal
Cannot move or speak
to 10 or half the damage taken, whichever is higher
• Casting another spell requiring concentration
Fail Strength and Dexterity saving throws
• Becoming incapacitated or dying Those attacking you have advantage
Cannot take actions or reactions (incapacitated)
COVER Cannot move or speak
Fail Strength and Dexterity saving throws
Degree of Cover Effect
Petrified Unaware of surroundings
Half-cover +2 to AC and Dexterity saving throws Resistance to all damage
Three-quarters cover +5 to AC and Dexterity saving throws Immune to poison and disease, cease aging
Transformed into a solid inanimate substance
Total cover Cannot be targeted by spells or attacks
Weight increases by factor of ten

DIFFICULT TERRAIN Poisoned Disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks

Disadvantage on attack rolls
Each foot of movement costs 1 additional foot.
Those attacking you from within 5 feet have


Those attacking you from beyond 5 feet have
Hazard Effect disadvantage
1d6 bludgeoning damage per 10 vertical feet Cannot move, except crawling
Falling Standing costs half speed. To fall prone is free
(20d6 max). If you take damage, fall prone
1d6 bludgeoning damage per 10 pounds. Die Disadvantage on attack rolls
Falling Objects Those attacking you have advantage
size increases to 1d12 after 50 vertical feet Restrained
Cannot move

Disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws
Those attacking you have advantage
Fire deals 1d6 fire damage per round per 5 ft square of
Cannot take actions or reactions (incapacitated)
flame. Fires go out after 1 minute without additional fuel Stunned
Cannot move, can speak only falteringly

PASSIVE PERCEPTION Fail Strength and Dexterity saving throws

Those attacking you have advantage
Passive Perception = 10 + Wisdom modifier
A hit from within 5 feet is a critical hit
+ proficiency bonus if proficient in Perception checks
Cannot take actions or reactions (incapacitated)
+ 5 if have advantage on Perception checks
Unconscious Cannot move or speak


Fail Strength and Dexterity saving throws
Unaware of surroundings
Save DC = 8 + prof. bonus + spellcasting ability modifier Drop what you are holding
Attack modifier = prof. bonus + spllcstng. ability modifier Disclaimer: Falling objects and fire damage mechanics listed here are
homebrew material and not official mechanics!

Choose a race for the character. You may use the table
below to choose a race, either by rolling a die or choosing
directly from the list. You can also get creative: Ugorf could
be a talking ring, or a tree.
This template can be used to develop non-player
characters (NPCs). Creating an NPC can be a slow and NPC R ACES T ABLE
meticulous process, or it can happen on the fly. Most NPCs
1d10 Race 1d10 Contd. Race
may only require Steps 1-4.
Use the NPC Reference Table to scale an NPC for their 1 Dwarf 6 Gnome
role in the game. Use the NPC Character Sheet to track an 2 Elf 7 Half-Elf
NPC’s information as it develops.
3 Halfling 8 Half-Orc

IMPROVISED NPCS 4 Human 9 Tiefling

Many non-player characters are improvised on the spot. 5 Dragonborn 10 Roll again
This is a normal part of a game where players’ decisions


drive the story, the people they meet, and the challenges
that they decide to face.
When improvising a new character, grab a blank NPC Write down the basic details of what the character does, or
sheet. Give the character a name, a race and some general why they are where they are. This can be as simple as
notes about their attitude and appearance (Steps 1-3). Use “barkeep,” “acolyte,” or “also exploring the dungeon.” As
the sheet to track other details as they are established. more is established about the character, track that
information here.
1. NAME This information can lead to new ideas that make a
character suddenly essential to a campaign: “also
Name the character. A name can be a helpful route to
exploring the dungeon because the docent hired two crews
establishing other character details—or interesting breaks
of adventurers to see which one survived.”
from the norm. For example, an NPC named “Ugorf” may

be a burly dwarf, or a bumbling human. Or they may be a
skilled halfling painter, despite what one might expect
from a name like Ugorf. Choose ability scores based on the type of character you
You may use the table below to create a name. Roll 1d12 want to make. For example, a strong, sturdy blacksmith
to identify the beginning letters and 1d12 to identify the may have the following statistics:
ending letters. For example, “Ug” and “orf” make STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
“Ugorf.” The “masculine” and “feminine” categories can 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1)
be mixed and matched, or otherwise ignored.
For any ability, a score of 10 is considered average for
S AMPLE N AME C REATION T ABLE everyday townsfolk. An individual with an ability score of
More Masculine Names More Feminine Names 14 or above is highly gifted in that area. Spellcasters will
generally have higher Intelligence or Wisdom. Bards and
1d12 Roll 1 Roll 2 1d12 Roll 1 Roll 2
nobles generally have high Charisma. Fighters and other
1 Ug orf 1 Minn an martial characters generally have higher Strength,
2 Melf el 2 Tinn ala Dexterity, or both.

3 Fizz ik 3 Fitt ana A BILITY S CORE M ODIFIERS

4 Borag or 4 El ara Score Modifier Score Modifier
5 Ment an 5 Es ai 1 -5 16-17 +3
6 Ed en 6 Shel inor 2-3 -4 18-19 +4
7 Gent allor 7 May amor 4-5 -3 20-21 +5
8 Fand orn 8 Mar elle 6-7 -2 22-23 +6
9 Er ald 9 Kest en 8-9 -1 24-25 +7
10 Hend elt 10 Ed ama 10-11 +0 26-27 +8
11 Ger og 11 Shin era 12-13 +1 28-29 +9
12 Ald o 12 Fell a 14-15 +2 30 +10


In 5-10 words, jot down some notes about the character’s Determine the hit points and armor class for the character
personality and appearance. You may also assign them an using the NPC Reference Table. For a tougher NPC, like a
accent. barbarian, choose a number from the next level up. For a
As needed, note the type of clothes they wear, the spindlier NPC, like a wizard, use the next level down. These
quality of their hygiene, jewelry, facial hair, etc. Be sure to numbers can also be chosen arbitrarily for a given
narrate these details to the players. character.

Choose a weapon for the character if they use one. The Refer to the NPC Reference Table for the number of skills
character is proficient in the use of that weapon. in which the character is proficient. Write down that many
You may use the tables below to choose a weapon or skills on the NPC sheet. When the NPC makes a roll in that
refer to page 149 in the Player’s Handbook. skill, add their proficiency bonus to the roll.


1d12 Weapon Damage Properties
Referring to the NPC Reference Table, choose a number of
1 Battleaxe 1d8 slashing Versatile (1d10) items carried by the character. For example, a minstrel
2 Club 1d4 bludgeoning Light may carry a makeup kit and a ring that casts the cantrip
thaumaturgy. A sailor may carry a length of fishing line and
3 Dagger 1d4 piercing Finesse, light, thrown
hook, or a magic compass.
4 Flail 1d8 bludgeoning -- Thinking up items may not be possible for improvised
5 Greatsword 2d6 slashing Heavy, two-handed characters or quick character preparation. However,
choosing items like these can add interesting options for
6 Longsword 1d8 slashing Versatile (1d10)
the DM and generate interesting scenarios for players
7 Quarterstaff 1d6 bludgeoning Versatile (1d8) during the game.
8 Rapier 1d8 piercing Finesse You may use the Making Magic Items section to create
these items quickly or invent them on the spot.
9 Scimitar 1d6 slashing Finesse, light
10 Sickle 1d4 slashing Light 10. SPELLS
11 Warhammer 1d8 bludgeoning Versatile (1d10) If the character is a spellcaster of any sort, choose a
12 Whip 1d4 slashing Finesse, reach number of spells for them, referring to the NPC Reference
S AMPLE R ANGED W EAPONS One option for choosing spells is to choose one spell of
each level, up to the number of spells they know. For
1d8 Weapon Damage Properties Range
example, for an NPC who knows two spells, choose a 1st
1 Blowgun 1 piercing Ammunition, 25/100 and a 2nd-level spell. For an NPC who knows five spells,
loading choose a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th-level spell. You may
2 Crossbow, 1d6 piercing Ammunition, light, 30/120 choose spells with a die roll by using the tables in the
hand loading Spells on Items section. Or you may choose from one of the
class spell lists on pages 207-211 of the Player’s Handbook.
3 Crossbow, 1d10 pierc. Amm., heavy, load., 100/400
4 Dart 1d4 piercing Finesse, thrown 20/60 Decide which ability the character uses for spellcasting.
Wizards generally use Intelligence. Sorcerers and paladins
5 Longbow 1d8 piercing Ammunition, 150/600
use Charisma. Druids and warlocks use Wisdom.
heavy, two-handed
Calculate their spell save DC and spell attack modifier
6 Net -- Special, thrown 5/15 using the following methods:
7 Shortbow 1d6 piercing Amm., two-handed 80/320 Spell save DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + ability modifier
8 Sling 1d4 bludg. Ammunition 30/120 Spell attack modifier = prof. bonus + ability modifier


To create a magic item, use the tables below. Begin with
the Type of Item Table, rolling 1d4. On a roll of 2, for
This tool is for creating treasure hoards and magic items.
example, the magic item will be a piece of clothing or
You may use these tables on the fly during play, or in
armor. Roll 1d10 to decide whether the item is an amulet,
between sessions to create loot, chests, and items to be
ring, circlet, etc. If the item is a weapon or piece of armor,
grabbed as needed during the game.
it is better to choose a type with which players are skilled

(spear, rapier, etc.), rather than choosing at random.
Once you have decided the type of item, roll on the
Choose what size hoard you need, referring to the Making appropriate Magical Effects table. For a longsword, for
Loot table below. For example, a farmer’s hut may contain example, use the Tool or Weapon Effects table. For an
a Small hoard. A lich’s castle may contain a Grand hoard. amulet, use the Clothes, Armor, or Potion Effects table.
Then use the General Loot Table to create that many items. You may always choose off of a table instead of rolling.
For a Small hoard, for example, roll 1d10 to create one item
and 1d10+10 to create a second item. Use the Making Magic FITTINGS
Items section to create potions and magic items. Fittings can be applied to other items by a skilled artisan,
For each item, devise the aesthetic details based on the or by a player at the discretion of the DM. For tool or
setting. On a roll of 10 for example, art objects worth 50 gp, weapon fittings, use the Tool or Weapon Effects table to
the item may be a twisted candelabra, or a fine gold vase, decide what magical property it provides. For clothes or
depending on where it was discovered. armor fittings, use the Clothes, Armor, or Potion table.
Any roll that does not feel right for the item or setting
may be re-rolled or chosen from the table instead. POTIONS
Potions work like any other magic item except they are
M AKING L OOT : R OLLS ON THE G ENERAL L OOT T ABLE single use, taking effect on consumption. Refer to the
Size of 1d10 1d10+10 Magical Effects Reference Table for a potion’s duration.
Hoard Examples Rolls* Rolls* T YPE OF I TEM T ABLE
Small NPC’s pockets, NPC’s desk 1 1 1d4 Type of Item
Medium Treasure chest, NPC’s quarters 2 2 1 Tool or Weapon (roll 1d4)
Large Monster’s lair, pirates’ hoard 4 4 1 Weapon – melee
Grand Dragon’s hoard, lich’s sanctum 6+ 6+ 2 Weapon – ranged
* For low-level campaigns, roll 1d8 and 1d8+10 instead 3 Wand (three charges, recharges on long rest, see
Spells on Magic Items)
4 Staff (three charges, recharges on long rest, see
Roll Item Type Value Spells on Magic Items)
1 Booby-Trapped Roll 1d20 -- 2 Clothes or Armor (roll 1d10)
2 Goods Alchemy or crafting material 10 gp 1 Armor – heavy
3 Goods Alchemy or crafting material 100 gp 2 Armor – light
4 Goods Textiles, skins, or furs 20 gp 3 Armor – shield
5 Goods Textiles, skins, or furs 200 gp 4 Amulet
6 Book -- 30 gp 5 Boots
7 Book -- 300 gp 6 Circlet
8 Jewels -- 40 gp 7 Cloak
9 Jewels -- 400 gp 8 Earring
10 Art Objects -- 50 gp 9 Gloves
11 Art Objects -- 500 gp 10 Ring
12 Story-Related Roll 1d20 -- 3 Fitting – Tool or Weapon (roll 1d4)
13 Potion** Uncommon -- 1 Plate
14 Potion** Rare -- 2 Rivet
15 Potion** Very Rare -- 3 Bauble
16 Chest Roll 1d20 three times -- 4 Wrap
17 Magic Item** Minor -- 4 Fitting – Clothes or Armor (roll 1d4)
18 Magic item** Uncommon -- 1 Plate
19 Magic Item** Rare -- 2 Rivet
20 Magic Item** Very Rare -- 3 Bauble
** Use the Making Magic Items section to create an item 4 Fringe

Use the following tables to decide what a particular magic 1d12 Magical Effect
item does. For example, if the item is a weapon like a
1 Animated (carrying capacity = Save DC x 5 lbs.)
sword or staff, roll 1d6 on the Tool or Weapon Effects table.
On a roll of 4, Extra Damage, roll 1d10 to decide whether 2 AC bonus
the damage is acid damage, cold damage, fire damage, etc. 3 Spell save DC bonus
For low-level campaigns, you may choose to roll smaller
4 Class or racial ability save DC bonus
dice to develop less powerful items.
Use the Magic Effects Reference Table for specific 5 Spell slot bonus (see Spell Level maximum for slot levels)
information like damage dice, bonuses, save DC, and value. 6 Ability score bonus (roll 1d6)
For example, if an effect says, “AC bonus,” the bonus is
1 Strength
the number in the Bonus column for that rarity of item. An
Uncommon item provides a +1 bonus. 2 Dexterity
3 Constitution
MINOR MAGIC ITEMS 4 Intelligence
For magic items of Minor rarity, create a minor magical
effect instead of using the effects tables. For example, a 5 Wisdom
minor magic circlet may glow bright blue within 100 feet of 6 Charisma
water. A minor magic bow may call its arrows out of thin
7 Cast a cantrip as an action (see Spells on Magic Items)
air. Alternatively, roll on the What Minor Properties Does
It Have? table on page 143 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. 8 Cast a spell as an action (two charges, recharges on long
rest, see Spells on Magic Items)
9 Keyword ability (roll 1d6)
Dmg. Spell
1 Water breathing
Rarity Bonus Dice Level DC Potion Value
2 Swimming speed +(Bonus x 20) ft
Minor -- -- -- -- 1 min. 50-100 gp
3 Spider climb +(Bonus x 10) ft
Uncommon +1 1d6 1st-2nd 10 1 min. 200-600 gp
4 Blindsight +(Bonus x 20) ft
Rare +2 1d8 3rd-4th 15 1 hour 2k-6k gp
5 Walking speed +(Bonus x 10) ft
Very Rare +3 1d10 5-6th 20 1 day 10k-15k gp
6 Invisibility
Legendary +4 1d12 7th-9th 25 1 week 20k-60k gp
10 Damage resistance (roll 1d6)
T OOL OR W EAPON E FFECTS 1 Fire and cold
1d6 Magical Effect 2 Lightning and thunder
1 Range bonus (Bonus x 5 ft melee, Save DC x 2 ft ranged) 3 Poison and acid
2 Pushes the target X feet on a failed Con save (X = Save DC) 4 Psychic and force
3 Inflicts damage on a hit (roll 1d10) 5 Radiant and necrotic
1 Acid 6 Bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing
2 Cold 11 Bonus to skill rolls (roll 1d10)
3 Fire 1 Animal Handling and Nature rolls
4 Force 2 Medicine and Survival rolls
5 Lightning 3 Arcana and Religion rolls
6 Thunder 4 Insight and History rolls
7 Necrotic 5 Performance and Intimidation rolls
8 Poison 6 Persuasion and Deception rolls
9 Psychic 7 Stealth and Sleight of Hand rolls
10 Radiant 8 Athletics and Acrobatics rolls
4 Inflicts condition on a hit (roll 1d6) 9 Perception and Investigation rolls
1 Grappled (Strength Save) 10 Attack Rolls
2 Stunned (Wisdom Save) 12 Bonus action (roll 1d6) (very rare item)
3 Prone (Dexterity Save) 1 Help or Ready
4 Paralyzed (Constitution Save) 2 Search or Use an Object
5 Charmed (Wisdom Save) 3 Dodge or Hide
6 Unconscious (Wisdom Save) 4 Dash or Disengage
5 Bonus to attack rolls 5 Attack
6 Extra attack as a bonus action (very rare item) 6 Cast a Spell (two charges, recharges on long rest)

Some items, like wands, grant the ability to cast a spell as Roll Name School PHB Ref.
an action. Use the Magical Effects Reference Table to
1 Charm Person Enchantment Pg. 221
decide what level of spell the item may cast. An item of
Uncommon rarity, for example, can provide a spell of 1 st, 2 Command Enchantment Pg. 223
2nd, or 3rd level. Then roll on the corresponding Spells on 3 Comprehend Languages Divination Pg. 224
Items table. For example, to create a ring that allows the
4 Cure Wounds Evocation Pg. 230
wearer to cast a 2nd-level spell, roll 1d20 on the 2 nd-Level
Spells on Items table to identify the spell the ring provides. 5 Detect Evil and Good Divination Pg. 231
You may allow an item to cast one of several different 6 Detect Magic Divination Pg. 231
spells, rather than just one spell. One option is to choose 7 Disguise Self Illusion Pg. 233
one spell from each level that the item can cast. For
8 Entangle Conjuration Pg. 238
example, for a Rare magic ring, roll 1d20 on each of the 4 th,
5th, and 6 th-level spell tables. The ring allows the wearer to 9 Expeditious Retreat Transmutation Pg. 238
cast any of those three resulting spells as an action. 10 Faerie Fire Evocation Pg. 239
As always, results that do not feel right for an item may
11 Fog Cloud Conjuration Pg. 243
be re-rolled, or you may choose from the tables instead.
12 Grease Conjuration Pg. 246
CHARGES ON MAGIC ITEMS 13 Healing Word Evocation Pg. 250
Magic items should not give the user unlimited ability to
14 Mage Armor Abjuration Pg. 256
cast a spell unless that spell is a cantrip. A good option is to
give the item a finite number of charges per day. Using the 15 Silent Image Illusion Pg. 276
item to cast a spell as an action uses up one charge. An 16 Sleep Enchantment Pg. 276
item replenishes its charges after a long rest. 17 Speak with Animals Divination Pg. 277
Unless you decide otherwise, use three charges for
magic wands and two charges for other magic items.
18 Tenser's Floating Disk Conjuration Pg. 282
19 Thunderwave Evocation Pg. 282
POTIONS AND CASTING SPELLS 20 Unseen Servant Conjuration Pg. 284
A potion may give the drinker the ability to cast a certain
spell as an action. They may take this action anytime 2 ND -L EVEL S PELLS ON I TEMS
during the potion’s duration, but only once per potion
consumed. Roll Name School PHB Ref.
At their discretion, the DM may allow players to cast 1 Alter Self Transmutation Pg. 211
spells as a bonus action on the same turn that they drank
2 Augury Divination Pg. 215
the potion that provided them.
3 Blur Illusion Pg. 219
4 Detect Thoughts Divination Pg. 231
Roll Name School PHB Ref.
5 Enlarge/Reduce Transmutation Pg. 237
1 Acid Splash Conjuration Pg. 211
6 Gust of Wind Evocation Pg. 248
2 Chill Touch Necromancy Pg. 221
7 Heat Metal Transmutation Pg. 250
3 Dancing Lights Evocation Pg. 230
8 Hold Person Enchantment Pg. 251
4 Druidcraft Transmutation Pg. 236
9 Invisibility Illusion Pg. 254
5 Fire Bolt Evocation Pg. 242
10 Locate Animals or Plants Divination Pg. 256
6 Light Evocation Pg. 255
11 Locate Object Divination Pg. 256
7 Mage Hand Conjuration Pg. 256
12 Mirror Image Illusion Pg. 260
8 Mending Transmutation Pg. 259
13 Misty Step Conjuration Pg. 260
9 Message Transmutation Pg. 259
14 Moonbeam Evocation Pg. 261
10 Minor Illusion Illusion Pg. 260
15 Pass without Trace Abjuration Pg. 264
11 Poison Spray Conjuration Pg. 266
16 Rope Trick Transmutation Pg. 272
12 Prestidigitation Transmutation Pg. 267
17 Shatter Evocation Pg. 275
13 Produce Flame Conjuration Pg. 269
18 Silence Illusion Pg. 275
14 Ray of Frost Evocation Pg. 271
19 Suggestion Enchantment Pg. 279
15 Sacred Flame Evocation Pg. 272
20 Web Conjuration Pg. 287
16 Shillelagh Transmutation Pg. 275
17 Spare the Dying Necromancy Pg. 277
18 Thaumaturgy Transmutation Pg. 282
19 Thorn Whip Transmutation Pg. 282
20 Vicious Mockery Enchantment Pg. 285

Roll Name School PHB Ref. Roll Name School PHB Ref.
1 Animate Dead Necromancy Pg. 212 1 Animate Objects Transmutation Pg. 213
2 Call Lightning Conjuration Pg. 220 2 Awaken Transmutation Pg. 216
3 Conjure Animals Conjuration Pg. 225 3 Cloudkill Conjuration Pg. 222
4 Counterspell Abjuration Pg. 228 4 Commune with Nature Divination Pg. 224
5 Dispel Magic Abjuration Pg. 234 5 Cone of Cold Evocation Pg. 224
6 Fear Illusion Pg. 239 6 Conjure Elemental Conjuration Pg. 225
7 Fireball Evocation Pg. 241 7 Conjure Volley Conjuration Pg. 226
8 Fly Transmutation Pg. 243 8 Destructive Wave Evocation Pg. 231
9 Gaseous Form Transmutation Pg. 244 9 Dispel Evil and Good Abjuration Pg. 233
10 Leomund's Tiny Hut Evocation Pg. 255 10 Dominate Person Enchantment Pg. 235
11 Lightning Bolt Evocation Pg. 255 11 Dream Illusion Pg. 236
12 Major Image Illusion Pg. 258 12 Flame Strike Evocation Pg. 242
13 Mass Healing Word Evocation Pg. 258 13 Hold Monster Enchantment Pg. 251
14 Plant Growth Transmutation Pg. 266 14 Mass Cure Wounds Evocation Pg. 258
15 Sending Evocation Pg. 274 15 Modify Memory Enchantment Pg. 261
16 Speak with Dead Necromancy Pg. 277 16 Passwall Transmutation Pg. 264
17 Speak with Plants Transmutation Pg. 277 17 Scrying Divination Pg. 273
18 Stinking Cloud Conjuration Pg. 278 18 Seeming Illusion Pg. 274
19 Water Walk Transmutation Pg. 287 19 Tree Stride Conjuration Pg. 283
20 Wind Wall Evocation Pg. 288 20 Wall of Stone Evocation Pg. 287


Roll Name School PHB Ref. Roll Name School PHB Ref.
1 Arcane Eye Divination Pg. 214 1 Arcane Gate Conjuration Pg. 214
2 Banishment Abjuration Pg. 217 2 Chain Lightning Evocation Pg. 221
3 Blight Necromancy Pg. 219 3 Circle of Death Necromancy Pg. 221
4 Compulsion Enchantment Pg. 224 4 Conjure Fey Conjuration Pg. 226
5 Conjure Minor Elementals Conjuration Pg. 226 5 Disintegrate Transmutation Pg. 233
6 Conjure Woodland Beings Conjuration Pg. 226 6 Eyebite Necromancy Pg. 238
7 Control Water Transmutation Pg. 227 7 Globe of Invulnerability Abjuration Pg. 245
8 Divination Divination Pg. 234 8 Harm Necromancy Pg. 249
9 Evard's Black Tentacles Conjuration Pg. 238 9 Heal Evocation Pg. 250
10 Fabricate Transmutation Pg. 239 10 Mass Suggestion Enchantment Pg. 258
11 Fire Shield Evocation Pg. 242 11 Otiluke's Freezing Sphere Evocation Pg. 263
12 Grasping Vine Conjuration Pg. 246 12 Otto's Irresistible Dance Enchantment Pg. 264
13 Greater Invisibility Illusion Pg. 246 13 Programmed Illusion Illusion Pg. 269
14 Hallucinatory Terrain Illusion Pg. 249 14 Sunbeam Evocation Pg. 279
15 Ice Storm Evocation Pg. 252 15 Transport via Plants Conjuration Pg. 283
16 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere Evocation Pg. 264 16 True Seeing Divination Pg. 284
17 Polymorph Transmutation Pg. 266 17 Wall of Ice Evocation Pg. 285
18 Stone Shape Transmutation Pg. 278 18 Wall of Thorns Conjuration Pg. 287
19 Stoneskin Abjuration Pg. 278 19 Wind Walk Transmutation Pg. 288
20 Wall of Fire Evocation Pg. 285 20 Word of Recall Conjuration Pg. 289

Roll Name School PHB Ref.
1 Conjure Celestial Conjuration Pg. 225
2 Delayed Blast Fireball Evocation Pg. 230
3 Divine Word Evocation Pg. 234
4 Etherealness Transmutation Pg. 238
5 Fire Storm Evocation Pg. 242
6 Forcecage Evocation Pg. 243
7 Mordenkainen's Magnificent Conjuration Pg. 261
8 Mordenkainen's Sword Evocation Pg. 262
9 Project Image Illusion Pg. 270
10 Regenerate Transmutation Pg. 271
11 Resurrection Necromancy Pg. 272
12 Reverse Gravity Transmutation Pg. 272


Roll Name School PHB Ref.
1 Animal Shapes Transmutation Pg. 212
2 Antimagic Field Abjuration Pg. 213
3 Control Weather Transmutation Pg. 228
4 Demiplane Conjuration Pg. 231
5 Dominate Monster Enchantment Pg. 235
6 Earthquake Evocation Pg. 236
7 Holy Aura Abjuration Pg. 251
8 Incendiary Cloud Conjuration Pg. 253
9 Maze Conjuration Pg. 258
10 Power Word Stun Enchantment Pg. 267
11 Sunburst Evocation Pg. 279
12 Tsunami Conjuration Pg. 284


Roll Name School PHB Ref.
1 Astral Projection Necromancy Pg. 215
2 Mass Heal Evocation Pg. 258
3 Meteor Swarm Evocation Pg. 259
4 Power Word Heal Evocation Pg. 266
5 Power Word Kill Enchantment Pg. 266
6 Prismatic Wall Abjuration Pg. 267
7 Shapechange Transmutation Pg. 274
8 Time Stop Transmutation Pg. 283
9 True Polymorph Transmutation Pg. 283
10 True Resurrection Necromancy Pg. 284
11 Weird Illusion Pg. 288
12 Wish Conjuration Pg. 288

Some events like rain or an ambush may affect the whole

TRAVEL GUIDE party at once. Others may ensnare only one player. For
example, Fizzik the bard may be asked to make a Dexterity
saving throw to avoid stepping in quicksand. Or Enala the
Pursuing their quarry, the party may wade through a dark ranger may detect the outline of a hidden pyramid. If the
and murky swamp, which the DM has mapped out with party is using a marching order, detecting a hazard or a
deadly beasts and ruins. Or they may drive the enemy into surprise attack should fall to the players in scouting roles
the forest instead, which the DM has not prepared at all! first, even if another player is about to walk into it.
These tools can be used to manage travel and exploration For “smooth sailing,” you may skip this step and
sequences for both planned and improvised play. narrate the environment as the party passes by.


TRAVEL ENCOUNTER SHEET Once you have identified broadly what will happen, and to
Following this page is a blank Travel Encounter Sheet. Use whom, choose the specifics. For hazards, roll on the
this sheet to decide what types of creatures live in an area, Hazards Table to decide what misfortune the party may
what hazards lay about, and how often the players may befall. For creature encounters, roll on the Creatures Table
face danger while on the move. to determine what monster attacks.
Before starting a session or campaign, prepare Travel For monsters with a challenge rating below the party
Encounter Sheets for each major terrain type the players level, you may have a group of such monsters attack
may cross, like forest, desert, or countryside. While the instead. Or it may be an easy combat, a chance for the party
players travel through a given area, you may use the steps to show off their progress. Or the “monster” may be a
in Running a Travel Sequence to manage their journey, potential ally, or in need of the party’s help.
referring to the Travel Encounter Sheet for that terrain.
RUNNING A TRAVEL SEQUENCE The table below can be used as a reference for preparing
The following steps can be used to manage travel and Travel Encounter Sheets. For example, a dense jungle may
exploration. For each step, refer to the Travel Encounter have less smooth sailing and more hazards. A windswept
Sheet that terrain, or you may use the Generic Encounter plain may have more smooth sailing and more ruins.
Table instead. Elements that are “guarded” involve a creature encounter.
This system can be used in combination with planned Areas with “hoards” may contain long-lost treasure.
encounters and a map, as the party travels in between The Generic Encounter Table can also be used as a
prepared locations or dives into the unknown. standalone tool for travel in areas that the DM has not had
a chance to prepare.
Based on the situation and the type of terrain the party is G ENERIC E NCOUNTER T ABLE
traveling through, choose how often to roll on the
1d20 Event
Encounter Table. For more dangerous environs, like a
jungle or a reef, there may be the chance of an encounter 1 Smooth sailing
every four hours, or even every hour. For more tame areas 2 Smooth sailing
like countryside, this may reduce to once per day, or once
3 Smooth sailing
per week. A good baseline is to roll twice per day: once in
the morning, and once in the evening. 4 Smooth sailing
Rolls on the 5 Inclement weather
Encounter Table Example 6 Inclement weather
Once per hour Heavily guarded area 7 Inclement weather
Once per 4 hours Dangerous jungle 8 Inclement weather
Twice a day Murmuring forest 9 Environmental hazard
Once per day Rural countryside 10 Environmental hazard
Once per week Wide-open plains 11 Environmental hazard
12 Environmental hazard, guarded
1. ROLL ON THE ENCOUNTER TABLE 13 Environmental hazard, guarded
At the chosen interval, roll on the Encounter Table to
decide what event occurs, if anything. 14 Creature encounter
Once you have identified what happens, you are free to 15 Creature encounter
improvise how, and when. For example, the party may set
16 NPC – hostile
up camp for the night, only to be attacked by a giant toad.
Or they may immediately fall into a pit trap, monitored by 17 NPC – friendly
a band of greedy goblins. Or the party may enjoy smooth 18 Ruin, small hoard
sailing for that part of the day.
19 Ruin, medium hoard, guarded
Any roll that does not feel right for a given situation can
be re-rolled, or you may choose from the table instead. 20 Ruin, large hoard, guarded

TERRAIN TYPE: _______________________ ROLL FREQUENCY: _______________________
Twice per day


Roll Event Roll Creature CR Desires
1 Smooth sailing 1
2 Smooth sailing 2
3 Smooth sailing 3
4 Smooth sailing 4
5 Inclement weather 5
6 Inclement weather 6
7 Inclement weather 7
8 Inclement weather 8
9 Environmental hazard 9
10 Environmental hazard 10
11 Environmental hazard 11
12 Environmental hazard - guarded 12
13 Environmental hazard - guarded 13
14 Creature encounter 14
15 Creature encounter 15
16 NPC - hostile 16
17 NPC - friendly 17
18 Ruin, small trove 18
19 Ruin, medium trove - guarded 19
20 Ruin, large trove - guarded 20


Roll Character Roll Hazard Type Detect DC Effect Escape DC
1 Whole party 1
2 Whole party 2
3 Whole party 3
4 Whole party 4
5 [Player] 5
6 [Player] 6
7 [Player] 7
8 [Player] 8
9 [Guide]
10 [Packbeasts] W ONDERS , R UINS , AND O THER E VENTS
11 Roll Event Detect DC Effect Escape DC
12 1

Successes Result 4

All players succeed Total success 5

Majority succeed Success 6
Majority fail Failure 7
All players fail Total failure 8


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