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04 People v. Juego

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04 PEOPLE v.

GR No. 123162 | 13 Oct 1998 | Illegal Recruitment vs. Estafa | Uy 1. Juego and Gaerlan were charged with Illegal Recruitment in Large Scale by 26
Petitioner: PEOPLE OF THE PH individual complainants where only 6 pursued the case.
2. Juego, in her defense, contended that:
Juego and Gaerlan were charged with Illegal Recruitment in Large Scale by 26 a. the alleged recruiting firm,  AJ International Trade Link, was a sole
individual complainants. In addition, they were also charged with three counts of proprietorship of her husband Abelardo who, before his death in 1992, was
Estafa by 3 of the 26 offended parties. Six of the complainants pursued the illegal engaged in real estate business and importation of cement and fertilizer
recruitment case but only Juego, stood trial as Wilfredo eluded arrest and from Iraq and not actually engaged in recruitment despite having an SPA.
remained at large. Juego contended that the alleged recruiting firm was a sole
b. The complainants had approached Abelardp for assistance because they
proprietorship of her husband who, before his death, was engaged in real estate
business and importation of cement and fertilizer from Iraq. Although her knew he had many friends abroad.
husband was given a special power of attorney by two licensed agencies c. Complainants then came to her to follow up the status of their applications
accredited by the Taiwan Labor he was not actually engaged in recruitment. The but she told them that her husband was still abroad. This was her sole
complainants had approached her husband for assistance because they knew he participation in his professional affairs as she was a plain housewife. After
had many friends abroad. Complainants then came to her to follow up the status
Abelardo died complainants stopped asking her about their applications.||| 
of their applications but she told them that her husband was still abroad. This
was her sole participation in the professional affairs of her husband as she was a
plain housewife. After her husband died, complainants stopped asking her about 3. The complainants all alleged that they, in separate occasions, were made to
their applications. W/N Juego is guilty of Illegal recruitment in large scale and believe that Juego has the authority to process their employment in Taiwan.
Estafa under Art. 315 (1) of the RPC → YES. The prosecution witnesses They were also convinced by Juego to pay initial downpayments for the
substantiated the fact the appellant is engaged in recruitment activities, this
processing of their applications. They waited for a period of time but being
despite absence of licence thereto as shown in the certification issued by the
POEA. Hence, Juego was properly convicted of Illegal Recruitment in Large Scale unable to leave despite the payment of their remaining balances and several
and properly sentenced to life imprisonment. It is settled that a person who follow-ups, they demanded for updates or refunds bu Juego failed to return their
commits illegal recruitment may be charged and convicted separately of illegal money and disappeared.
recruitment and estafa as the offense of illegal recruitment is malum prohibitum,
while estafa is malum in se. The elements of estafa are all present. Juego
4. The Chief of the Licensing Branch of the POEA issued a certification that "Nenita
deceived the complainants into believing that she had the authority and capability
to send them abroad for employment; thus, complainants parted with their money Juego and Wilfredo Gaerlan in their personal capacities . . . is neither licensed
in payment of the placement fee. Consequently, Juego was properly held guilty of nor authorized by this Administration to recruit workers for overseas
two counts of estafa and properly sentenced to indeterminate sentences. cESDCa employment."

A person who commits illegal recruitment may be charged and convicted
5. The RTC Manila found Juego guilty of: 1) Illegal recruitment in large scale; 2)
separately of illegal recruitment and estafa under par. 2 (a), Art. 315, of The
Estafa under Art. 315 (1) of the RPC
Revised Penal Code, as the offense of illegal recruitment is malum prohibitum
where the criminal intent of the accused is not necessary for conviction, while
estafa is malum in se where the criminal intent of the accused is crucial for
W/N Juego is guilty of Illegal recruitment in large scale and Estafa under Art. 315 (1)
conviction. In other words, a conviction for offenses under the Labor Code does
of the RPC → YES.
not bar punishment for offenses punishable by other laws.


The SC found Juego guilty for both Illegal recruitment in large scale and Estafa On Estafa
under Art. 315 (1) of the RPC.
A person who commits illegal recruitment may be charged and convicted separately
Illegal recruitment is committed when these requisites concur: of illegal recruitment and estafa under par. 2 (a), Art. 315, of The Revised Penal Code,
as the offense of illegal recruitment is malum prohibitum where the criminal intent of
(a) that the offender has no valid license or authority required by law to enable the accused is not necessary for conviction, while estafa is malum in se where the
one to engage in recruitment and placement of workers; and, criminal intent of the accused is crucial for conviction. In other words, a conviction
for offenses under the Labor Code does not bar punishment for offenses punishable
(b) that the offender undertakes any activity within the meaning given to by other laws.
recruitment and placement by the pertinent provisions of the Labor Code.
Swindling (estafa) is committed by any person who shall defraud another by using
The certification issued by the POEA clearly showed that appellant did not possess fictitious name, or falsely pretending to possess power, influence, qualifications,
the requisite license or authority. And despite the absence thereof she engaged in property, credit, agency, business or imaginary transaction, or by means of other
recruitment activities as overwhelmingly substantiated by the prosecution similar deceits executed prior to or simultaneously with the commission of the
witnesses. fraud.

The complainants positively identified Juego as their recruiter for employment The elements of this kind of estafa are:
abroad, bringing into play the same modus operandi for all. They were one in stating
that Juego assured them that there were jobs for them in Taiwan and inveigled them (a) that there must be a false pretense, fraudulent act or fraudulent means;
into paying processing or placement fees. As against the hard evidence built by the
prosecution, Juego’s defense was a mere denial which the trial court found to be (b) that such false pretense, fraudulent act or fraudulent means must be made or
weak; so did the SC. executed prior to or simultaneously with the commission of the fraud;

On Illegal Recruitment in Large Scale (c) that the offended party must have relied on the false pretense, fraudulent act
or fraudulent means, i.e., he was induced to part with his money or property
Article 38, par. (b), of the Labor Code provides that illegal recruitment is deemed because of the false pretense, fraudulent act or fraudulent means; and,
committed in large scale if committed against three (3) or more persons individually
or as a group. And when so committed it is considered an offense involving (d) that as a result thereof, the offended party suffered damage.
economic sabotage punishable under Art. 39, par. (a), of the same Code with life
imprisonment and fine of one hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00). All these elements are present in the instant case: Juego deceived the complaining
witnesses into believing that she had the authority and capability to send them
Juego having originally recruited twenty-six (26) persons — although only six (6) abroad for employment; that there were available jobs for them in Taiwan for which
pursued their case — without license or authority was properly convicted by the trial they would be hired although there were none; and, that by reason or on the strength
court in Crim. Case No. 93-128140 of illegal recruitment in large scale and properly of such assurance, the complainants parted with their money in payment of the
sentenced to life imprisonment pursuant to Art. 39, par. (a) of the Labor Code. placement fee. All these representations of appellant were actually false and
fraudulent; consequently she should be made liable under par. 2 (a), Art. 315 of The
Revised Penal Code.

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