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4 The Mind of Christ

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4.1 It is positively essential that we have the mind of Christ

Sealed in the mind
All the humiliation which He endured was for man might have the mind of Christ
The mind of Christ is to be the mind of every child of God
The meanings of the word "mind" in the Noah Webster 1828 Dictionary

4.2 To be a Christian means to have the mind of Christ

True Christians have the mind of Christ
Let every man seek to have the mind of Christ
No one should rest content unless he has the mind of Christ
Every day you need the mind of Christ
The vital question is, Have we the mind of Christ?

4.3 The mind of Christ dwells in his faithful followers

All human thought is but a fractional part of what is comprehended in the mind of Christ
The mind of man is to blend with the mind of Christ
Let the mind of Christ become your mind
The mind of Christ becomes our mind, and His works our works
To have His grace abounding in the heart that you may see things through the mind of Christ
Not until we have the mind of Christ shall we be like Him, and see Him as He is
Oh, how my heart cries out to the living God for the mind of Jesus Christ!

4.4 Filled with the Spirit, having the mind of Christ

The Holy Spirit gives the mind of Christ
Filled with the Spirit, having the mind of Christ
Christ puts the Holy Spirit upon them, and they have the mind of Christ
The Lord will imbue you with His Holy Spirit and give you heavenly wisdom that you will have the
mind of Christ
These souls shall drink in the Spirit of God, and have the mind of Christ
The Spirit of truth is in you. You have the mind of Christ
We all need the deep movings of the Spirit of God upon our hearts, that we may possess the mind of
But we have the mind of Christ, we have received the spirit which is of God

4.1 It is positively essential that we have the mind of Christ

1 Corinthians 2:16 “For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we
have the mind of Christ.” (KJV)

Sealed in the mind

“The four angels are holding the four winds that a special work may be accomplished: the saints of
God are to be sealed in their foreheads. Brethren, how long before you will be ready for the seal of
God?” The Review and Herald, {RH June 7, 1887, par. 12}

"But ‘the forehead’ is evidently used as a figure, to denote the intellect or mind, as “the heart” is
used to denote the disposition or affections. To mark or seal in the forehead is the same as to “write
in the mind.” Hebrews 10:16.” The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 4, 1884 {4SP 505.2}

All the humiliation which He endured was for man might have the mind of Christ
“By a word Christ could have mastered the powers of Satan; but He came into the world that He
might endure every test, every provocation, that it is possible for man to bear, and yet not be
provoked or impassioned, or retaliate in word, in spirit, or in action. For the honor and glory of God
He was to offer Himself a living, spotless sacrifice to the Father. This was symbolized by the red
heifer upon which was to be no mar. Christ was a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men. The
worlds unfallen, the heavenly angels, and the fallen race, were watching every movement made by
the representative of the Father, and the representative of perfect humanity. And His character was
without a flaw. In His mouth was found no guile. All the humiliation which He endured was in
behalf of the fallen race, that man might have the mind of Christ.”
Manuscript 44 {Ms44-1897 (May 13, 1897) par. 19}

The mind of Christ is to be the mind of every child of God

“Unless the gospel minister brings himself in touch with souls, he is not following the example of
Christ. The mind of Christ is to be the mind of every child of God. How pitiful and courteous
Jesus was! How tenderly he entered into the feelings of others! He desires to awaken in every heart
an anxious longing to seek and save that which is lost.”
The Review and Herald {RH November 21, 1899, par. 5}

“Listen to His instruction in the lessons given to His disciples, and bring these lessons into our
practical life. The recollection of His character is not merely to be to us a welcome subject; but in
order to be benefited thereby we must feel that it is positively essential that we have the mind of
Christ.” Letter 78 {Lt78-1893 (January 22, 1893) par. 17}
The meanings of the word "mind" in the Noah Webster 1828 Dictionary (found in the EGW

1. Intention; purpose; design…

2. Inclination; will; desire;..
3. Opinion; as, to express one’s mind. We are of one mind…
4. Memory; remembrance; as, to put one in mind; to call to mind;..
5. The intellectual or intelligent power in man; the understanding; the power that conceives, judges
or reasons…
6. The heart or seat of affection. Which were a grief of mind to Isaac and Rebekah. Genesis 26:35.
7. The will and affection; as readiness of mind. Acts 17:11.
8. The implanted principle of grace. Romans 7:23.
Noah Webster 1828 Dictionary {NWAD MIND.2-13}
Noah Webster 1828 Dictionary, vol.2, p. 130

4.2 To be a Christian means to have the mind of Christ

True Christians have the mind of Christ

“True Christians have the mind of Christ. They labor in harmony with the great Worker,
gathering strength from the Source of all strength, the Fountain of all goodness and truth. Looking
unto Jesus, the author and finisher of their faith, receiving light from the Saviour, they reflect light to
others. The glory of the Lord is their rereward. Their path on earth may be traced by the character of
their work. They are not clouds without rain. They are cheerful and happy, because they are
following the light of life, whose going forth is prepared as the morning. They have gratitude
offerings to present to God. They see Him in all His works; they acknowledge Him in all His ways.”
Manuscript 27 {Ms27-1890 (November 10, 1890) par. 4}

“To be a Christian is not merely to take the name of Christ, but to have the mind of Christ, to
submit to the will of God in all things. Many who profess to be Christians have yet to learn this great
lesson. Many know little of what it is to deny self for Christ's sake. They do not study how they can
best glorify God and advance his cause. But it is self, self, how can it be gratified? Such religion is
worthless. In the day of God, those who possess it will be weighed in the balance and found
wanting.” The Review and Herald {RH September 4, 1883, par. 15}

“I saw that many would have to learn what it is to be a Christian. That it is not in name; but it is
having the mind of Christ, submitting to the will of God in all things. But especially the young,
who have never known what privations or hardships are, who have a set will, and do not bend that
will to the glory of God, have a great work to do. They go along very smoothly until their will is
crossed, and then they have no control over themselves. They have not the will of God
Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1, 1868 {1T 152.3}; Manuscript 1 {Ms1-1856 (December 9, 1856) par. 12}
Let every man seek to have the mind of Christ

“Let all consider that whatever their employment they are to represent Christ. With steadfast
purpose, let every man seek to have the mind of Christ. Especially should those who have
accepted the positions of counsellors or directors feel that they are required in every respect to be
Christian gentlemen.” Manuscript 14 {Ms14-1896 (April 28, 1896) par. 10}

“Seek to have the mind of Christ. God calls upon every member of the church to adorn the
doctrines of Christ our Saviour. A child of God, a daughter of God, you are called upon to exert an
influence for right that is positive. It is your privilege to obey the living Word of God as a truly
converted and transformed soul, to perform the highest service as a free, heaven-born spirit, to walk
worthy of your high profession, to give evidence that you are worthy of the sacred trust God has
given you by sending His only begotten Son to die for you.”
Letter 45 {Lt45-1899 (March 17, 1899) par. 5}

No one should rest content unless he has the mind of Christ

“Outward obedience to the Word of God is thought by many to constitute them Christians; but it can
never do this. The heart must be touched by the Spirit of God. No one should rest content unless he
has the mind of Christ. He says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” [John 14:6.] Those who
truly accept Him are covered with the robe of His righteousness. By eating His flesh, and drinking
His blood, they become partakers of His divine nature. The blood of Christ washes away their sins,
and they become true branches of the living vine.” Letter 135 {Lt135-1897 (February 8, 1897) par. 14}

Every day you need the mind of Christ

“Consider now the great love wherewith Christ hath loved you; look upon the great sacrifice that has
been made in your behalf in order that you might be saved, and then be determined that you will
respond to this wonderful love, and that you will not be conformed to this world, but that you will be
transformed—by the renewing of your mind. Every day you need the mind of Christ; you need
transforming grace. May the Lord help you and strengthen you and qualify you to be a representative
of Christ, having a character that is pure and holy. Bear in mind that if you lose heaven, you lose all;
you lose an eternity of bliss. You cannot afford to make any mistakes where eternal interests are
concerned. Be careful to seek for pure and undefiled religion, for without holiness “no man shall see
the Lord.” [Hebrews 12:14.]” Letter 56 {Lt56-1893 (December 11, 1893) par. 31}

“I spoke with deep earnestness upon the necessity of having the mind of Christ and doing His
will, and that our will must never be a controlling power. There were many plain words spoken, and
there were confessions made by several.” Manuscript 76 {Ms76-1893 (February 10, 1893) par. 38}

The vital question is, Have we the mind of Christ?

“A mere profession of faith does not make us Christians. The vital question is, Have we the mind
of Christ? Our heavenly Father gave Christ to our world as a sin-bearer in order that not one who
should believe in Him should perish, but have everlasting life. Having made so priceless a donation
to men, will He not with Christ freely give us all things? In the gift of His Son, all heaven was
opened up that its priceless treasures might enrich the men and women of faith.“ Manuscript 62 {Ms62-
1894 (August 18, 1894) par. 4}; The Review and Herald {RH January 8, 1895, par. 4} ; {Ms52-1896, par. 45}

“This is to be the work of every servant of Christ; and his professed followers would do well to ask
themselves, Have I the mind of Christ? Have I, with humble heart, sought to help and bless the
souls that are oppressed, those who are tempted and tried by poverty and affliction?”
Manuscript 40 {Ms40-1899 (March 26, 1899) par. 6}; The Review and Herald {RH April 10, 1900, par. 4}

4.3 The mind of Christ dwells in his faithful followers

1 Corinthians 6:17 ”But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.” (KJV)

All human thought is but a fractional part of what is comprehended in the mind of Christ

“All human thought is but a fractional part of what is comprehended in the mind of Christ. He
caused the truth to stand out superior to the most learned lore of the rabbis. He made the truth appear
in its original excellence, for He is the Author of all truth. In His hands truth was simplified,
dignified, and ennobled.” Letter 14 {Lt14-1901 (January 22, 1901) par. 17}

The mind of man is to blend with the mind of Christ

“To love God with all the heart, to be a partaker with Christ in His humiliation and suffering, means
more than many understand. The atonement of Christ is the great central truth around which cluster
all the truths which pertain to the great work of redemption. The mind of man is to blend with the
mind of Christ. This union sanctifies the understanding, giving the thoughts clearness and force. He
who is thus united with Christ can do medical missionary work that is excellent in God’s sight.”
Letter 122 {Lt122-1901 (September 11, 1901) par. 14}

“Be careful, my brother and my sister, in regard to where your faith is tending. Jesus lives to make
intercession for you. Let your minds be one with the mind of Christ. Having His mind, you will
not soar to heights which will at last bring you down to the lowest depths. Dabble not in those things
which now appear to you so attractive, but which do not lead to Christ. Let your ambition ascend
higher, to pure, true fellowship with Him in whom you may safely glory. Then your religion will be
a power for good.” Letter 121 {Lt121-1901 (September 12, 1901) par. 8}

Let the mind of Christ become your mind

“Those who have the good things of this life, were they unselfish, were they Christlike, would feel it
a solemn duty to help these struggling ones in their time of perplexity, want and bereavement. The
Lord has placed in the hands of His agents here upon earth sufficient [means] to help the needy, so
that if each of His agents should work unselfishly, as Christ worked, none need suffer for the
necessities of life, nor would any be left to hunger for words of tender sympathy… Let the mind of
Christ become your mind, and the works of Christ become your works, and then you will keep the
fast that Isaiah describes…”
Manuscript 26 {Ms26-1891, par. 2}; The Medical Missionary {MMis June 1, 1891, par. 2}

“Precious are the privileges accorded him who abides in Christ. Said our Saviour, “If ye abide in me,
and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” The mind of
Christ dwells in his faithful followers; their desires are in accordance with his will; their petitions
are indited by his Spirit. They obtain answers to their prayers; for they ask for such blessings as he
delights to bestow.” The Review and Herald {RH September 11, 1883, par. 14}

The mind of Christ becomes our mind, and His works our works

“When the mind of Christ becomes our mind, and His works our works, we shall be able to keep
the fast described by the prophet Isaiah: “Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of
wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens?” Find out what the poor and suffering are in need of, and
then, in love and tenderness, help them to courage and hope and confidence by sharing with them the
good things that God has given you. Thus you will be doing the very work that God means you to do.
“Let the oppressed go free.” Do not rest until you break every yoke. It is not possible for you to
neglect this and yet obey God.” Pacific Union Recorder, {PUR July 21, 1904, par. 1}

To have His grace abounding in the heart that you may see things through the mind of Christ

“Is it not wise to work as Christ worked, to have His grace abounding in the heart that you may see
things through the mind of Christ? May the Lord help us to abide in Christ that Christ may abide
in our hearts and that we may have the mind of Christ at all times, in all places, and then angels
can work with our efforts continually.” Letter 56 {Lt56-1889 (October 25, 1889) par. 23-24}

Not until we have the mind of Christ shall we be like Him, and see Him as He is
“If we gain heaven, we gain everything. Shall we not put away sin, and let Christ abide in our hearts
by faith? Not until we have the mind of Christ shall we be like him, and see him as he is. When
the warfare is ended, and we have gained the crown of immortality, the harp of God, the palm branch
of victory, and wear the white robe of Christ's righteousness, we shall say, Heaven is cheap enough.”
The Youth’s Instructor {YI January 11, 1900, par. 1}

Oh, how my heart cries out to the living God for the mind of Jesus Christ!

“Oh, how my heart cries out to the living God for the mind of Jesus Christ! I want to lose sight
of self. I want to work with all the powers I am capable of exercising to save souls for whom Christ
has made the infinite sacrifice of His own precious life. I must seek wisdom daily to know how to
deal with souls that are entrapped by Satan’s snares. There are many erring, well-beloved souls
whom we may win back to God if we are imbued with the spirit of Christ.”
Manuscript 36 {Ms36-1890, par. 30}; {1888 821.1}
4.4 Filled with the Spirit, having the mind of Christ

The Holy Spirit gives the mind of Christ

“What does the Holy Spirit do for the receiver? It gives him the mind of Christ. Study the first
chapters of Hebrews and Colossians. It makes him a faithful worker for his Lord. The man who has
caught the Spirit of God does not pet his own ideas, and make strong his own natural tendencies. He
takes himself in hand, and brings “I” into subjection. He will not go forward in any false way, but
represses the evil inclination. He will not excuse his faults, but in faith and much prayer will cut
away the evil, whatever may be its character. When the Holy Spirit sees this determined effort, man
is not left to struggle alone for the mastery. Christ says, “I am with you to help you in every true
purpose. I will never leave you, I will never forsake you in the battle you have with the enemy.”
When man places himself on the Lord’s side, he finds an unfailing refuge in Christ. Christ invites
all, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke
upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” [Matthew 11:28-30.]”
Letter 107 {Lt107-1898 (November 6, 1898) par. 9-10}

Filled with the Spirit, having the mind of Christ

“All the followers of Christ are to be laborers together with God. Filled with the Spirit, having the
mind of Christ, in perfect sympathy with him, they are, in their sphere, to bend every energy to the
salvation of souls. Christ expects, yes, requires all who claim discipleship to make this work their
first consideration. Here all will show their real estimate of the claims of Christ, and their sympathy
with him who gave his life for the saving of the world.”
The Signs of the Times {ST March 7, 1892, par. 10}

“The church of Christ has been organized on earth for missionary purposes, and it is of the highest
importance that every individual member of the church should be a sincere laborer together with
God, filled with the Spirit, having the mind of Christ, perfected in sympathy with Christ, and
therefore bending every energy according to his intrusted ability to the saving of souls. Christ
requires that every one who would be called by his name should make his work the first and highest
consideration, and disinterestedly co-operate with heavenly intelligences in saving the perishing for
whom Christ has died.” The Review and Herald {RH October 30, 1894, par. 2}; {Ms153-1897, par. 1}

Christ puts the Holy Spirit upon them, and they have the mind of Christ

“Christ has the right and power to lay all human agencies and influences under tribute in His work
for humanity. He uses human instrumentalities, and He does not destroy the individuality of His
servants. He puts the Holy Spirit upon them, and shuts them in with Himself, and they have the
mind of Christ, and become co-workers with him. He presents before their minds figures and
illustrations with which they are familiar, to make plain the truth He wishes them to communicate,
and the Holy Spirit assists them in the use of these figures and illustrations.”
The Bible Echo {BEcho August 19, 1895, par. 3}
The Lord will imbue you with His Holy Spirit and give you heavenly wisdom that you will have
the mind of Christ

“It would be pleasant for me to have you to consult with as it would be pleasant, as you express it, to
see and talk with me. But there is One who is your Counselor and He never makes a mistake. I have
prayed night and day that the Lord will imbue you with His Holy Spirit and give you heavenly
wisdom that you will have the mind of Christ and move in His counsel. I never mean to be a
burden to my children but a helper, one who can point them ever to One mighty in counsel, who will
lead them in His way to do His will and then the marks of God will be seen in all they undertake. I
am not their leader. Jesus Christ occupies this position.”
Letter 66 {Lt66-1893 (August 18, 1893) par. 13}

These souls shall drink in the Spirit of God, and have the mind of Christ

“Christ is my Burden-bearer. When these souls shall drink in the Spirit of God, and have the
mind of Christ, they may have some idea of the character of my mission and the work God has
given me to do. When I am urged by the Spirit of the Lord to write for the Instructor, I will write. I
have given myself, all that I have and am, to the Lord. The means that come into my hands I am
using to advance His cause, which is dearer to me than my life. Through grace, all that I am and hope
to be shall be His; my whole body and soul and spirit are the Lord’s.”
Letter 63 {Lt63-1894 (July 19, 1894) par. 16}

The Spirit of truth is in you. You have the mind of Christ

“Our highest privilege is to honor Jesus Christ. We need now, in this year 1908, a continual spirit of
submission to the will and requirements of God. His word is plain. If we will seek for a personal
experience in submitting to its requirements, we may appropriate the promise, “The meek will He
guide in judgment; and the meek will He teach His way.” [Psalm 25:9.] As we study the Word
prayerfully, with an obedient heart, the Holy Spirit will be with us to make upon our minds the
correct application. This is a privilege that the world cannot receive or understand; for they have not
the “Spirit of truth, whom,” Christ declared, “the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not,
neither knoweth Him.” But to His disciples He says, “‘Ye know Him, for He dwelleth with you,
and shall be in you.’ Ye ‘have the mind of Christ.’” [John 14:17; 1 Corinthians 2:16.]”
Manuscript 79 {Ms79-1908 (June 19, 1908) par. 3}

We all need the deep movings of the Spirit of God upon our hearts, that we may possess the
mind of Christ

“Jesus continues His prayer: “I have manifested Thy name unto the men which Thou gavest Me out
of the world: Thine they were, and Thou gave them Me; and they have kept Thy word.” [John 17:6.]
O what a blessed commendation! May the Lord of heaven open our understanding, that we shall
know what it means to be a practical Christian. We all need the deep movings of the Spirit of God
upon our hearts, that we may possess the mind of Christ, that we may reveal His sweetness and
His overcoming grace. Then we shall not grieve the One who has borne our griefs and carried our
sorrows.” Manuscript 158 {Ms158-1904 (September 10, 1904) par. 8-9}
But we have the mind of Christ, we have received the spirit which is of God

“Now the explanation of this wisdom that the world hath not seen, nor heard, nor known: “But God
hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of
God. For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? Even so the
things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. Now we have received not the spirit of the
world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things which are freely given to us of
God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the
Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receiveth not the
things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because
they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no
man. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind
of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 2:10-16. The words contained in this chapter should be imprinted on every
soul of those who are [laborers] in the vineyard of the Lord.”
Manuscript 29 {Ms29-1893 (April 20, 1893) par. 7}; The Review and Herald {RH June 13, 1893, par. 10}

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