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C03 (B) - Class Activity 12 A - Market Leader in VUCA World (B)

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Class Activity 12 A: Market Leader in VUCA World (B)

Nexa & Arena strategy by Maruti

(Application of the STAR model)

Group: C03 (b)

Group members:
Charvi Hasmukh Shukla FH21003
Komal Tanwar H21144
Sakshi H21160
Tripti Singh H21175

Nexa Outlet Arena Outlet

Brief Nexa outlet handles premium car Arena outlet handles affordable car
about the segment by Maruti. segment by Maruti.

Strategy ● Establish Nexa as a high-end ● Maintain their position as the

brand in the market and upgrade market leader in the low and
maruti’s image. middle range passenger car
● Emphasis is on providing segment.
premium retail experience and ● Focus is on making quick sales
attracting first time/ younger and avoiding any extra fringes.

Structure ● It operates on an exclusive ● A large variety of models are

dealership model. displayed in the showcase at all
● In a given time only 1 model of a times.
given car is placed at the ● No dedicated sitting area is
showcase. designed in the outlet.
● Dedicated lounge area is ● The outlet offers both private as
designed in the outlets, where well as commercial use cars.
customers are welcomed with ● Online presence distributes the
hot/cold servings. power in the relevant department
● All showrooms are in a too. The new service of
monochromatic theme. customization is also present. The
● The outlet only offers private use alignment between online and
cars. offline experience needs to be
● Provides add on goodies with the made smooth for the customer.
buy. ● Sales executives need to provide
● Nexa outlets are strategically all the options properly since it
placed in metro or tier-2 cities. mainly has first time customers.
● Its customers are high net worth
who are present to close deals
quickly by obtaining the best

Processes ● Emphasis is placed on minimum ● Arena differs itself from the Nexa
product differentiation and platform by placing primary
making marketing & ensuring focus on the digital integration
high quality sales experience the implemented by Maruti in this
most important functions to be channel.
undertaken here. ● Arena introduces enhanced
● Premium Branding combined transparency and avows
with a specialized buying customers with a unique purchase
experience has propelled the expectation seamlessly
Nexa showroom’s concept. transitioning from the digital
● With a smaller pipeline of space to physical showrooms.
models, the standardized colors ● The foundation of Arena is built
were put up with all features on continuous research & aiming
embedded in order to give a feel at catering to the customer while
to the customer of the highest anticipating future trends. The
variant. effort here was to align with
● Back-end staff movement was ever-evolving customer needs and
eliminated in order to avoid any offer an experience at par with
disruptions to the showroom global benchmarks.
experience, the sales executive
being the only person who
addressed all the queries from
one customer.
● Differentiating Factors have been
introduced basis the broad
profiles of models and target

People ● The aim of Nexa outlets is to ● Employees at Arena outlets are

maintain a premium feel and dressed in a simple shirt. They
offer the customers a more don’t undergo any special
personal experience. grooming training.
● The sales experience, quality and ● The staff has to carry the physical
the training of the staff is of a copy of the price list with them
higher quality as they need to sell and negotiate with the buyers
a premium product. when necessary. Because of this
● Soft skill training and grooming they need to have proficiency in
is vital for employees, whereby, negotiating skills rather than soft
the relationship manager at the skills as such.
outlet needs to ensure a smooth ● They don’t focus on a particular
sales experience for its high end target group and thus need to be
customers. trained to handle larger foot falls
● The sales personnel are expected in the outlet.
to wear a suit and guide buyers as ● Flexibility becomes a key trait for
soon as they enter the outlet. the staff.
● The outlets are less crowded and
enable the staff to focus on lesser
● The outlet aims at being
paperless. And is thus well
equipped with newer technology.
The employees need to be at par
with the constant technological
upgrades and be trained for the
● Emphasis is on one-to-one

Rewards ● Since Nexa is employing a better ● Arena’s employees are equipped

quality workforce which is with a different sort of skill-set,
tech-friendly and displays which is more easily available in
premium hospitality, a higher the Indian Market, hence, an
compensation would be needed exuberant amount of money is
to attract and retain them. not needed to attract and retain
● Higher focus of employees is on talent.
customer experience and service, ● Since the main focus area for
so it would demand higher focus Sales Representatives of Arena is
on an incentive structure that higher quantum of sales, a
rewards these aspects, and not different incentive structure that
just sales targets. rewards achievement of sales
● Since Nexa assigns a dedicated targets is required.
Relationship Manager to its
customers, stability of the
employees is critical. So, it must
offer competitive compensation
to retain them.

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