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Request 1365 - Turner Construction Co. - Exhibit J - BIM Execution Plan

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BIM Execution Plan

Great Wolf Lodge

Phase II - Construction
Pablo Medina and Matthew Imber

BIM Execution Plan v001

Table of Contents
I. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Project Information ............................................................................................................................... 3
Collaboration Team............................................................................................................................... 3
II. Modeling Plan ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Model Manager..................................................................................................................................... 4
Model Scope ......................................................................................................................................... 4
III. Construction Phase Coordination Plan ................................................................................................ 5
Coordination Plan Narrative: ................................................................................................................ 5
General Model Requirements............................................................................................................... 5
BIM Kickoff Meeting ............................................................................................................................. 7
Technical Specifications of Coordination Models ................................................................................. 7
Collaboration Details............................................................................................................................. 8
IV. BIM Quality Assurance and Control ..................................................................................................... 8
Quality Control Plan .............................................................................................................................. 9

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I. Introduction
The intent of this BIM Execution Plan is to provide a framework that allows the Great Wolf Lodge team
to deploy building information modeling (BIM) technology and best practices for improved
communication and efficient collaboration. This plan delineates roles and responsibilities of each party,
the detail and scope of information to be shared and relevant business processes.

Project Information
Project Name: Great Wolf Lodge
Project Address: 12681 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove CA, 92840
Project Description: Water Park and Hotel

Collaboration Team
Contact Name Role/Title Company Email Phone
Ilyes Nouizi Architect Ware Malcomb 949.788.4176
Harold Bessette Fire Protection XL Fire 714.554.6132
Patrick George Plumbing Pan Pac 949.474.9170
Joel Roderick Water Park Design Water Park Tech
Chad Ford Mechanical Couts 951.278.5560 ext 126
James Grant Electrical Helix
Pablo Medina GC – Model Manager Turner 714.290.8097

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II. Modeling Plan
Planning in advance is the key to a successful collaborative process. The modeling plan describes the
role of the model manager and the process for sharing the model information.

Model Manager
Project Phase Model Manager - Construction
Implementation Documents/ Pablo Medina
Construction Documents Phase

The Construction Model Manager has the following responsibilities. They include, but are not limited to:

• Assuring models can easily be shared from one party to another

• Combining or linking multiple models
• Participating in design review and model coordination sessions
• Communicating issues back to the internal and cross-company teams
• Enforcing file naming accuracy
• Managing version control
• Properly storing the models in the collaborative project management system
• Facilitate Construction Phase Coordination

Model Scope
Please refer to Exhibit J about the scope of the model for each phase.

Level of Detail definitions used in Exhibit J is as follows:

Level of Development (LOD) Descriptions

Model 100 200 300 400 500
Design Non-geometric Generic elements Specific elements Shop drawing/ As-built
& data shown in three Confirmed 3D fabrication
Coord. or line work, areas, dimensions Object Geometry
volumes zones,
etc. - maximum size - dimensions - purchase - actual
- purpose - capacities - manufacture
- 2D - connections - install
representations - specified

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III. Construction Phase Coordination Plan

Coordination Plan Narrative:

Turner will provide a background model that will consist of the Architecture and Superstructure
(Foundation, Structure). This model will be provided to the trades and will be used as a reference model
primarily to design within the spatial limitations of the core and shell of the building design. The trades
will collaborate with each other to avoid system clashes.

Turner will consolidate the models in Navisworks and run batches of clashes between trades. A report
will be generated which summarizes the conflicts. The clashes will be reviewed in coordination
meetings. Trades will resolve the clashes and post updated models to the designated
repository/collaborations site. Turner will re-run a clash check to confirm previously identified clashes
have been resolved and will update the clash reports with any new clashes as a result of model and
design updates.

Once the clashes have been resolved, coordinated drawings will be produced/updated reflecting the
resolutions from the coordination meetings and the subsequent model changes agreed upon. The
construction documents will reflect the clash resolutions of the coordination cycles and will be
incorporated into the installation/shop drawings.

General Model Requirements

Origin Point: All models must be in the correct location in 3D Space (x, y, and z coordinates). This project
is using shared coordinates (real world). Contact the contractor in order to received origin point details.
These coordinates will be set by Contractor/architect and distributed to all consultants & trade
contractors for their use. This includes correct floor elevation(s) (z coordinates). The correct insertion

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point is critical and ensures that each model will align properly for the master aggregate Model without
Origin Point: N 154’ – 4 61/64”
E 218’ – 7 37/256”
Elevation: 112’ 0”
Angle to true North 270.672*
This will be the Corner of H1 and HE

Tolerances: Model(s) and Model Elements must be within 1/8” of theoretical dimensions. Tolerances for
specific items and systems will be determined as necessary. Model tolerances are not to be construed as
construction tolerances.

Units: Imperial units. One (1) unit in the model equals 0’-1”

Scale: BIM/3D Models need to be in the correct scale and units. One unit (in the model) equals one inch.

Best Practices: Contributors to the model(s) shall follow to the best of their ability the best practices
listed in the "Autodesk Revit Platform 2014 Technical Note Model Performance". Geometry from CAD
applications such as AutoCAD, IFC or MicroStation shall not be imported or linked into the model. Image
files shall not be imported or linked into the model to represent geometry. Revit Warnings should be
kept to a minimum and model geometry called out in the Model Requirements section of this document
shall not be associated with any Warnings.

Coordination Zones: The Design Model has to reflect the coordination process and often has to be split
up by zones. Coordination zones will be determined during the kick-off meeting with input from the
project team. These zones will follow the construction schedule.

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BIM Kickoff Meeting
At the beginning of the project, Contractor will hold a BIM introduction or "kickoff" meeting to establish
the BIM program(s), procedures, organization and setups for all members of the Design Team. Topics to
be covered are:

• Project Information
o BIM Execution Plan
o Coordination Schedule and Critical Path Deadlines
o Version & Build of Revit to be used on the project
o Identify Software tools to be used on the project
o General Requirements / Deliverables
• Spatial Coordination
o Model Divisions and Sharing
o Building Areas of Responsibility (Shared Models)
o Team Responsibility (BIM Points of Contact)
o File Divisions / Organization
• Best Practices / Guidelines
o Anticipated Model Uses
o Procedure for Updates, Coordination and Communication
o Best Practices

Technical Specifications of Coordination Models

All subcontractors and trade partners: All subcontractors and trade consultants will provide a model in
an acceptable format to Contractor within 48 hours upon request. Models will be used to aid
coordination with the entire team. Models will be uploaded to the FTP site.
Acceptable Formats: *.DWG, *.NWC, *.NWD
3D updated backgrounds will be posted to FTP site at interval indicated in the coordination schedule.

MEP consultants and Trade Contractors are to inform Contractor of any libraries, object enablers,
software plug-ins, 3D viewers, etc. required for Contractor to view their 3D content. The required plug-
ins will be downloaded, and posted to FTP site for use of entire project team. Below is a few of the
common software plug-ins Contractor uses to view MEP 3D models

• NavisWorks Freedom Viewer 2011,2012,2013,2014

• NavisWorks Exporter 2011,2012,2013,2014 (used to created NWC files)
• Autodesk Design Review
• Quickpen 3D PipeDesigner viewer v. 3.6/3.9
• CAD DUCT plug-in
• ADT object Enabler 2006/2007
• ABS object Enabler 2006/2007
• IFC to DWG converter

File naming of native files

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o For those who are using the Autodesk products, we request that you do not change the
name of the original file throughout the model progression. If the authoring file changes
names then all clash history gets lost once it is brought into Navisworks.

Collaboration Details
Repository Site
ViCon Server: The project will be using a server that enables collaborators to upload their specific model.
The server will restrict the file naming (see file naming convention). User accounts will be set up for all
Link to website:

• File Naming Conventions for Vicon

o It is critical that all project team members use a mandated file naming convention for their
file’s name. Turner will provide the detailed file naming convention to project team
members. An example would be as follows:
o Any files that do not follow the file naming convention will be deleted and removed from
the server at anytime without any notification.

Example of File Naming

GWL_COUTS_ CON_HVAC_PH??_ZONE??_V???_????-??-??
GWL_PPM_ CON_PG_PH??_ZONE??_V???_????-??-??
GWL_XL_ CON_FP_PH??_ZONE??_V???_????-??-??
GWL_W&W_CON_STRCT STEEL_PH??_ZONE??_V???_????-??-??

• Uploading Frequency
o 3D updated backgrounds and trade models will be posted to ViCon Server on every
Wednesday no later than 12:00 P.M. PST.

IV. BIM Quality Assurance and Control

The Model will be checked by the Contractor and Design Team based on processes described below. The
project team member performing the QA /QC analysis should clearly communicate the analysis

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requirements to the original model authoring team member and provide transparent deliverables to the
team about the progress of QA /QC.

Quality Control Plan


Ensure there are no

unintended model Revit 2014,
VISUAL CHECK components and the NavisWorks Weekly
design intent has been 2014

Detect problems in the As

model where two determined
building components by
REPORTS Medina 2014
are clashing including coordination
soft and hard schedule

Ensure that the Content

Plan Guidelines have Before major
been followed (fonts, Revit 2014 design
dimensions, line styles, milestone
levels/layers, etc)

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Client – McWhinney/Great Wolf Turner Construction Company
Project – Great Wolf Lodge – Garden Grove Date: 10/16/2013

BIM Implementation Plan

The Great Wolf Lodge – Garden Grove Project shall utilize 3D Modeling for the coordination
of building elements and systems. Review the Project Plans and Specifications in conjunction
with this document for additional project specific information and scope related to
Coordination, BIM, and associated deliverables.

Section 1 - Virtual Design and Construction Techniques

1- Subcontractor agrees to participate in the use of digital/computer based three dimensional
models and other related functionality, generally referred to as building information
modeling (such models and functionality are referred to herein as BIM) as Turner may
determine to be beneficial for use in facilitating coordination, sequencing, scheduling
and/or production of as-built depictions of the Project and performance of the Work and as
hereafter provided. The Subcontractor’s costs of such participation are included in the
Price unless explicitly outlined herein.

2- Subcontractor shall provide digital submissions of information describing its respective

Work in a form and manner that Turner may require and that can be loaded into a BIM
assembled by Turner.

3- Subcontractor's submissions shall be of sufficient detail to enable accurate and complete

clash detection and shall be provided by Subcontractor at a point in time that is
reasonably in advance of Subcontractor’s shop drawing submittals and the subsequent on
site construction of the Subcontractor’s Work and such submissions shall contain such
details and follow such procedures as Turner may require.

4- The digital format of such BIM submissions shall be as described herein (specifying the
necessary digital formats, software requirements, etc.), which will be provided to
subcontractor after execution of Agreement and prior to the start of coordination.

5- Subcontractor shall participate in such BIM coordination and review meetings as Turner
may require and agrees that, as a result of the information exchanged at such meetings,
both the digital submission and the Work depicted in the Subcontractor’s digital
submission may be required to be changed by Subcontractor to achieve coordination with
other elements of the Project being provided by others. Such changes shall be
accomplished at no increase in the Price or Time of Completion. Subcontractor
acknowledges that such meetings will require attendance of personnel that are familiar
with both the data entry aspects of the BIM as well as an understanding of the Work to be
performed and its relation to other elements of the Project, and subcontractor therefore
agrees that personnel conversant in both shall be on site during the coordination phase
and attend all such meetings.

6- Subcontractor agrees that neither the BIM nor the use of the BIM is in lieu of nor intended
to relieve the Subcontractor of its responsibilities under the Subcontract, including to (i)
coordinate its Work with the work of others involved in the Project and (ii) strictly comply
with the other requirements of the Subcontract Agreement and the Contract Documents.
It is expressly understood and agreed that, notwithstanding the requirement for submittals
in connection with the BIM, traditional shop drawings and other submissions shall be
required of Subcontractor as required by the Contract Documents and no party shall be

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Template 05/14/09
Client – McWhinney/Great Wolf Turner Construction Company
Project – Great Wolf Lodge – Garden Grove Date: 10/16/2013

liable to the other for any claim, dispute, controversy, cost or expense arising solely out of
the use of the BIM.

7- Turner does not waive any of its intellectual property rights and shall have the sole and
exclusive right to use the BIM and all submissions made by Subcontractor as it deems
appropriate, whether during or after construction.

8- Subcontractor agrees that notwithstanding the fact that it may participate in the BIM
process or receive information or materials from others in connection with the Project
through the course of the use or development of the BIM, it shall not take any position that
the receipt of such participation or information has or will, in any respect, operate to waive,
release or otherwise invalidate any of its obligations or responsibilities under the
Subcontract or any intellectual property rights (copyrights, trademarks/logos, patents, etc.)
that may apply to such information or materials.

9- Subcontractor acknowledges and agrees that Turner shall incur no responsibility or

liability with respect to the BIM or the use thereof, including that resulting from errors,
omissions or deficiencies in the BIM. In the event that Subcontractor provides deficient
information or data that does not represent the Work it will be ultimately providing, that is
corrupted, that contains a virus and/or that otherwise damages the BIM, Subcontractor
shall bear all costs associated with reconstructing the BIM and to otherwise remediate
such deficiencies or their effects.

10- In the event the Subcontractor discovers any error, inconsistency or omission in its
information or submissions, the information or submissions provided by others or any BIM,
it shall promptly report the same to Turner via written notice which shall contain all
relevant specifics.

11- Subcontractor acknowledges that the BIM may require updating throughout the life of the
Project to addresses any changes to the Work so that the BIM at the conclusion of the
Project accurately depicts the Work as actually performed and installed. Subcontractor
agrees to promptly update and provide revised submissions to Turner throughout the
course of the Project so that the BIM at the conclusion of the Project accurately depicts
the Work as actually performed and installed.

12- The foregoing process is in addition to the Subcontractor’s obligations to make the
traditional submissions and shall not relieve or lessen in any way the Subcontractor’s
obligations contained throughout this Agreement and the other Contract Documents,
defined in Article II of this Agreement.

Section 2 - BIM to Field

1. Turner Construction Company intends to implement Innovative Technologies and Processes

that Subcontractors are required to participate in and collaborate. The following technologies
are targeted for implementation.

a. Online Project Documentation – Turner intends on implementing an online project

document system to access the most current project information via the internet.
Participation of Trade contractors is expected. Each individual user shall have their own
login, group logins may not be allowed and each subcontractor shall comply with security

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Client – McWhinney/Great Wolf Turner Construction Company
Project – Great Wolf Lodge – Garden Grove Date: 10/16/2013

requirements as directed. Cost of each user shall be paid by each Trade and is estimated
at $15.00 for each login/user per month.
b. Tablet PCs – Turner intends to utilize Windows Tablet PCs to access project information
in the field. Each subcontractor is expected to take advantage of the online project
document system to access the most current information and implement processes in the
c. Please see the following list for some examples.
i. Real time QA/QC processes
ii. Field Equipment and Material verification and audits
iii. Daily reporting
iv. RFI tracking
v. Communication
vi. As-Builts
vii. Safety
viii. Punch lists
ix. Work to complete lists
x. Non-compliant work
d. Prefabrication – Turner intends on using the BIM process to realize prefabrication
potential with the goal to expedite installations and improve schedule performance.
Subcontractors are expected to collaborate and identify elements and systems that can be
e. Turner will utilize 3D Scheduling based on Lean Construction Principals to plan, monitor
and collaborate on this project. All trades are required to participate.
i. Last Planner System (Pull Planning) and Flow line Scheduling Turner will
implement the Last Planner System (Pull Planning) from key milestone phase to
phase to create a “production plan” to execute design, shop drawing / submittals,
procure and construction, commission, move-in. This production plan is put in
Control and only the milestones in common with the baseline schedule are
manually compared for ahead or behind of the various baseline milestone dates.
ii. Overview of Lean Production Schedule and Monitoring Process
It’s commonly acknowledged that reducing the variation in starts and stops of the
parade of trades and leveling capacity across trade specialists’ handoffs reduces
waste and improving smooth flow. Flow line scheduling helps visualize the flow of
construction by adding location information to the schedule. The INITIAL Flow line
Schedule is built from the traditional Gantt chart schedule and it is also based on
CPM principals. However by adding the location to the schedule, and using
collaborative pull planning for initial parade of trades, the visualization of crew
capacity and flow becomes more transparent and easier to communicate. It also
becomes the basis for continual improvement as the crews identify incremental
improvements and innovations. The suggested workflow includes the following
1) Create Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) starting with the Turner standard
template for this building system / assembly.
2) Import WBS activity list from the Turner conceptual Critical Path Method
Milestone schedule.
3) Add high-level quantities; define conceptual production rate and minimum
crew size
4) Optimize flow for locations and hold this information in Turner Team ONLY

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Client – McWhinney/Great Wolf Turner Construction Company
Project – Great Wolf Lodge – Garden Grove Date: 10/16/2013

5) Optimize durations and balance resources.

6) Review quantities based on the Building Information Model (BIM)
7) Plan and conduct a Pull Planning meeting with the key trade partners and
other stakeholders for this building system / assembly.
8) For repetitive rooms and or building areas, etc. the team would create a pull
plan of a typical sequence ( small batch size )
9) IF mockups were needed, the mock up would be videotaped during
assembly to learn improvement ideas and incorporate these in the Flow
10) Turner Team would use the “INITIAL FLOWLINE schedule from the
“Baseline” as a “guide” during the Pull Plan Meeting – refer to this flow line
to ask questions during the pull plan meeting.
11) Insert the resulting Pull Plan results into a FLOWLINE “Production Plan”
12) Analyze the Flow line Production Plan
13) Review the Flow line production plan with the stakeholders – incorporate
improvements – run what-if scenarios with the trades and stakeholders.
14) Issue the Flow line Production Plan and establish Baseline Schedule for the
team’s use in Look Ahead Planning, and Weekly Work Planning
15) Maintain and update 3D coordination schedule from “milestone to
milestone” only.
16) Review updated baseline schedule with PM and potential Subs
17) Discuss production rates and crew sizes with subcontractors
iii. Information requirements for schedule planning phase:
1) Task list for monitoring
2) Assumed quantities (or verification of 3D model quantities) per task
3) Production rates per task(/quantity)
4) Productivity rates in average conditions (man-hours/unit or units/man-hr.)
5) Optimal crew sizes
6) Resource constraints (if any)
7) Schedule and production rate requirements will determine the required
number of crews
8) Preferred/optimum Location Breakdown Structure - locations should be less
than 5 days work for each monitored task
9) Desired location completion order (if any)
iv. After award, the subcontractor will be expected to review their information in the
Flow line schedule, including committing to the overall resource graphs.
v. Operational requirements during production:
1) Subcontractor will report quantities installed or areas completed along with
DCR daily.
2) DCR will include actual resources daily (total number of people working on
each task location)
3) DCR will include actual start and finish dates in each location on weekly
basis validated by Turner
4) Actual production rate (units / day) is used to calculate schedule forecasts
5) Use PPC (Planned Percent Complete) monitoring to provide feedback

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Client – McWhinney/Great Wolf Turner Construction Company
Project – Great Wolf Lodge – Garden Grove Date: 10/16/2013

6) If a subcontractor is not meeting their required production rate, the team will
evaluate the need for additional resources. Subcontractor needs to commit
to actions to restore required production rate if the production rate is low
due to reasons within their influence (for example, too few resources, low
skill level, material logistics etc.). Actions can include: increasing crew size,
working overtime, improving productivity by changing work methods
7) Billings might also be evaluated on a location basis. Subcontractors should
try to completely finish one location before moving on to another, where
possible. Billings should reflect the actual quantities in place evaluated
using the 3D model when available. If locations cannot be fully completed
because of reasons outside of subcontractors influence, partial billing is
allowed but a location-based punch list should be created for the remainder.
8) Subcontractors should create a list of all prerequisites they need in order to
be able to complete a task in a location (e.g. design, materials, prerequisite
work, clean workspace)
9) Upcoming resource requirements are discussed weekly in subcontractor
meetings (required manpower and production rates in the next 4-6 weeks)
vi. Change orders:
1) For each CO a labor estimate (in man-hours) and production rate is

Section 3 - The Roles and Responsibilities of Each Subcontractor are Defined

Below and Within “Minimum 3D Modeling Coordination Scope” at the End of
This Document:

1. Turner Construction Company will make available a BIM Server/coordination model

repository site provided by Turner or a trusted 3 party collaboration site (Autodesk
collaboration sites) that will enable all project parties to upload and download their
respective “in progress shop models,” manage electronic drawing files or models and
other electronic documents used in the coordination process. Turner may require that
subcontractors divide their systems models by floors, zones, and/or areas in order to
better manage the coordination process in a manner that is most conducive to meeting
the project’s schedule and needs.

2. Turner will provide 3-Dimensional Architectural and Structural Models based on the
design for use as backgrounds for coordination. Models will only include basic
architectural features, such as the floors, a rough approximation of ceilings chases, door
openings, partitions exterior wall surfaces, window openings, roofs, elevator shafts, and
stairs, and basic Structural features such as slabs and walls, steel framing – columns,
beams, and major structural elements. Each Trade is ultimately responsible for
coordinating to all information contained in the 2-Dimensional Contract Drawings and
Specifications as related to their work. The model(s) Turner will provide are used as
diagrammatic representation only and is not to be relied upon for their accuracy nor as a
reflection of the design, design intent, or representation of existing conditions. The trade
subcontractor is not required nor encouraged to wait for the distribution of 3D background
models by Turner to begin their engineering and drafting efforts. Each subcontractor shall
proceed with the most haste using the 2D contract documents to begin their engineering,
drafting, and modeling in order to meet the project schedule.

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Client – McWhinney/Great Wolf Turner Construction Company
Project – Great Wolf Lodge – Garden Grove Date: 10/16/2013

Trades Required to provide Models in 3D

3. The Concrete Contractor will generate and provide, in a timely manner, a 3-Dimensional
model of their structural concrete scope of work in addition to their contractually required
2-Dimensional documentation. The 3-Dimensional model will represent an “as fabricated”
fully detailed level of information. The fabrication level detailed model shall include, but is
not limited to, control joints, footings, decks, slabs, sheer walls, columns, tilt-up panels,
block outs, seismic joints, slab depressions and slopes, Post Tension Cables, Stud Rails,
shoring and re shoring elements etc necessary for the successful coordination of other
building trades. These models shall be updated and maintained to reflect changes in the
work as a result of coordination or design changes and shall be delivered at the end of the
project as an “as built” record model of the concrete reinforcement system in its entirety.

4. The Structural Steel Contractor will generate and provide, in a timely manner, a 3-
Dimensional model of their structural scope of work in addition to their contractually
required 2-Dimensional documentation. The 3-Dimensional model will represent an “as
fabricated” fully detailed level of information. The fabrication level detailed model shall
include, but is not limited to, major structural members such as trusses, beams, columns,
etc, as well as secondary and miscellaneous steel connections including gusset plates,
bracing, angles, knife plates, etc necessary for the successful coordination of other
building trades. . These models shall be updated and maintained to reflect changes in the
work as a result of coordination or design changes and shall be delivered at the end of the
project as an “as built” record model of the structural steel system in its entirety.

5. The HVAC Contractor will generate and provide in a timely manner 3D Models of the
HVAC Systems including, but not limited to, duct work, piping, and all equipment installed
in the HVAC Scope of work (Fans, AHU’s, Built Up AHU’s., pumps, tanks, valves,
controls, heat exchangers, Smoke & Fire Dampers, All Valves (including valve stems and
handles), gauges & control valves, Insulation on piping & Ductwork, Hangers & Seismic
Bracing, Diffusers, Registers, louvers, grilles, High & low point drains, Starters, Points of
connection, etc.). The HVAC Contractor shall also include in the 3D model Concrete
Equipment pads, inertia pads and Access Doors. The HVAC Contractor shall identify
under separate drawing layer Access doors and Accessibility requirements for above
listed items for code and maintenance purposes.

6. The Plumbing Contractor will generate and provide in a timely manner 3D Models of the
Plumbing Systems including, but not limited to, all piping systems, and equipment
installed in the Plumbing Scope of work. (Domestic Water, Chilled Water, Steam,
Storm/Roof Leaders, pumps, tanks, water heaters, in wall carriers, In wall plumbing
equipment., All Valves, gauges & control valves, Insulation on piping, Supports, Hangers
& Seismic bracing, Clean-outs, Points of connection, trench drains, etc.). The Plumbing
Contractor shall also include in the 3D model Concrete Equipment pads, inertia pads and
Access Doors. The Plumbing Contractor shall identify under separate drawing layer
Access doors and Accessibility requirements for above listed items for code and
maintenance purposes. In addition, the Plumbing Contractor shall coordinate and model
under a separate drawing layer all temporary systems to aid in construction sequencing.

7. The Fire Suppression System Contractor will generate and provide in a timely manner
3D Models of the Fire Suppression Systems including, but not limited to, all risers, main
and branch piping, (including heads), pumps, controllers, ATS, and equipment installed in
the Fire Suppression System Scope of work. (Preaction System, Dry System, and Main
Fire Suppression Systems, Hangers & Seismic Bracing, Valve Assemblies, Drain valves,

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Template 05/14/09
Client – McWhinney/Great Wolf Turner Construction Company
Project – Great Wolf Lodge – Garden Grove Date: 10/16/2013

Fire Department Valves, etc.) The Fire Suppression System Contractor shall also include
in the 3D model Concrete Equipment pads, inertia pads and Access Doors. The Sprinkler
Contractor shall identify under separate drawing layer Access doors and Accessibility
requirements for above listed items for code and maintenance purposes. In addition, the
Fire Suppression System Contractor shall coordinate and model under a separate
drawing layer all temporary systems to aid in construction sequencing.

8. The Electrical Contractor will generate and provide in a timely manner 3D Models of the
Electrical Systems including, but not limited to, all conduit systems, and equipment
installed in the Electrical Scope of work. (Individual Conduits over 1”, racks carrying more
than 4 conduits 1” and smaller, panels, transformers, switch/paralleling gear, ATS’s,
generators, cable tray, cable trenches, data racks, starters, VFD’s, Hangers & Seismic
Bracing, etc. for Normal, Emergency and Isolated Power Systems). The Electrical
Contractor shall also include in the 3D model Equipment pads, inertia pads, Light Fixtures,
Exit Signs, Fire Alarm, Speakers, AV Equipment, Recessed Electrical devices and Access
Doors. The Electrical Contractor shall identify under separate drawing layer Access doors
and Accessibility requirements for above listed items for code and maintenance purposes.
In addition, the Electrical Contractor shall coordinate and model under a separate drawing
layer all temporary power distribution to include transformers, spider boxes, distribution
centers, cabling, etc. to aid in construction sequencing.

9. The Drywall / Metal Framing Contractor will generate in a timely manner 3D Models of
the framing and partition walls including but not limited to all framed partitions and shafts
installed in the Drywall / Framing Scope of work (vertical and horizontal shafts with studs,
full height walls with studs, top track, kickers and stickers/z-clips, partial height walls with
kickers, soffits with studs, exit passageways, joists and kickers, box headers and
penetrations, curtain track, compression posts, king studs at all doors and windows and
where required by the contract documents, backing, handrails and corner guards). The
Drywall / Metal Framing Contractor shall also validate and maintain the floor plan and
identify rated walls by color and pattern as well as horizontal shafts and wall types. After
coordination and prior to field installation, identify and detail priority walls and leave out
walls as coordinated with MEP trades. Provide composite submittal package to include
access panels & devices in hard lids as designated by MEP subcontractors.

10. The Heavy Timber Contractor will generate and provide, in a timely manner, a 3-
Dimensional model of their scope of work in addition to their contractually required 2-
Dimensional documentation. The 3-Dimensional model will represent an “as fabricated”
fully detailed level of information. The fabrication level detailed model shall include, but is
not limited to, major timber members such as; log members, Glulams, pole members,
piers, trusses, beams, columns, etc, as well as secondary and miscellaneous wood or
steel connections including attachment hardware, and all components as necessary for
the successful coordination with other building trades. These models shall be updated and
maintained to reflect changes in the work as a result of coordination or design changes
and shall be delivered at the end of the project as an “as built” record model of the heavy
timber system in its entirety.

11. The EIFS Contractor will generate in a timely manner 3D models of the Exterior
Insulation Finish system. All components of the finishing system including all framing and
coating systems shall be modeled in order to represent the final dimensions that will be

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12. The Acoustical Ceiling Tile Contractor will generate in a timely manner 3D Models of
the ceiling suspension grid system. Expansion or control joints are modeled to indicate
specific width. All assembly components will be modeled including tees, hangers, support
structure, and tiles.

13. The Site Utilities Contractor will generate in a timely manner 3D Models of the Site
Utilities including but not limited to all storm drain, gas, site electrical, sanitary sewer, cold
water and fire water systems installed in the Site Utilities scope of work (meters, drains,
yard boxes, trust blocks, cable trenches, cleanouts, manholes, backflow devices,
stormceptor, valves, hydrant locations, catch basin and pipe detention systems). The site
utilities contractor will also coordinate point of connections with MEP and fire sprinkler
trades where applicable.

14. The Bathroom PODs Contractor will generate and provide, in a timely manner, a 3-
Dimensional model of their scope of work in addition to their contractually required 2-
Dimensional documentation. The 3-Dimensional model will represent an “as fabricated”
fully detailed level of information. The fabrication level detailed model shall include, but is
not limited to, point of connections such as mechanical, plumbing, electrical, etc, as well
as locating all PODs within the model, etc necessary for the successful coordination of
other building trades. These models shall be updated and maintained to reflect changes
in the work as a result of coordination or design changes and shall be delivered at the end
of the project as an “as built” record model of the structural steel system in its entirety.

15. The Kitchen Contractor will generate and provide, in a timely manner, a 3-Dimensional
model of their kitchen scope of work in addition to their contractually required 2-
Dimensional documentation. The 3-Dimensional model will represent an “as fabricated”
fully detailed level of information. The fabrication level detailed model shall include, but is
not limited to, major kitchen equipment such as refrigerators, ovens, ranges, griddles,
grills, steam tables, hoods, dishwashers, counters/cabinets, sinks, beverage dispensers,
shelving, Ansol Systems, Floor sinks/drains, Supports, Hangers & Seismic bracing and
anchorage, curbs and equipment pads, etc, as well as all POCs to equipment, etc
necessary for the successful coordination of other building trades. These models shall be
updated and maintained to reflect changes in the work as a result of coordination or
design changes and shall be delivered at the end of the project as an “as built” record
model of the kitchen systems in their entirety.

Subcontractors Participating in Coordination Without 3D Models

16. The Facilities Management System Contractor (Controls) will generate and provide in
a timely manner Shop Drawings of the Building Management Systems including, but not
limited to, all conduit systems, and equipment installed in the Facilities Management
System Scope of work. (Individual Conduits over 1”, racks carrying more than 4 conduits
1” and smaller, panels, transformers, controls, cable tray, data racks, VAV’s, starters,
VFD’s , Hangers & Seismic Bracing, etc.). The Facilities Management System Contractor
shall also include in the shop drawings Concrete Equipment pads, inertia pads and
Access Doors.

17. The Laundry Contractor will generate and provide, in a timely manner, Shop Drawings
that will represent an “as fabricated” fully detailed level of information. The fabrication level
detailed shop drawing shall include, but is not limited to, major equipment such as
washers, dryers, folders, ironers, chemical dispensers, shelving, etc, as well as utility

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POCs, etc necessary for the successful coordination of other building trades. These
drawings shall be updated and maintained to reflect changes in the work as a result of
coordination or design changes and shall be delivered at the end of the project as an “as
built” record model of the laundry system in its entirety.

18. Once the Architectural/Structural models are posted on the decided BIM
Server/collaboration site, each trade is required to down load and use these files to create
their system models by sequence or geographic area dictated by Turner’s
representatives. The process is to create and upload system models to the BIM Server as
frequently as required by Turner for other trades to use while modeling their systems.
Turner’s BIM coordination process in many respects follows a traditional sequence of
drawing / modeling those systems with the most constraints on their routing and then
following with those trades that have more flexibility in their placement. Coordination will
be expected to start as soon as contracts are awarded and follow the typical sequence:

a. Pre-coordination review meetings to confirm and document coordination

priorities and sequence for each area shall be scheduled and all
participates shall attend. Once the priorities and sequencing for an area
are established coordination shall proceed. Refer to the following
sequence for a typical generic sequence that will be used as a baseline.
1. Duct will be laid out in conformance with design
documents. If floor size permits, duct layout to flow
systematically across a floor allowing other trades to
follow behind drafted areas.
2. Thereafter all pitched plumbing systems are to be drawn
and coordinated w/ the ductwork.
3. Once duct/pitched pipe are coordinated, other major
constrained trade systems’ components including all
HVAC, Fire Protection, electrical cable tray, conduit
racks, plumbing racks, are to be drawn /modeled and
4. Upon completion of drawing / modeling and coordination
of major system components of the constrained trades,
“minor” components are to follow including branch piping
& smaller conduit runs.

19. Each Modeling Subcontractor is required maintain licenses of Autodesk Navisworks

Manage software to support the project schedules and processes for the duration of the
project. Renting standalone licenses for Autodesk Navisworks software from Turner can
be arranged for an approximate cost of $200.00 per license, per month. Before licenses
will be issued subcontractor agrees to execute the “Autodesk Exhibit B Software Use
Agreement.” The NavisWorks software is required to compile the multiple model drawings
and for the subcontractor to run their own clash detection analysis. It is the option of each
subcontractor to purchase the software. It is also required that the superintendent for
each trade also be equipped with a laptop and a Navisworks license in attend coordination
meetings prepared to make live, real-time changes to the “Shop Model” in the meetings
and in order to review the finalized, signed off coordinated models prior to and during the
fabrication/installation process.

20. Each Modeling Trade shall actively participate and coordinate with all other building
systems. Each Trade is required to actively and continuously run clash detection analysis
using Navisworks Manage for their respective trade system against the

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Architectural/Structural design models and all other building systems Trade models to
ensure that there are no conflicts between the architectural/structural elements and their
system(s) and other Trades prior to posting to the BIM server.

21. Each Trade is required to maintain the latest models and post to the Turner BIM Server
up-dated drawings/models as required to support the project schedules and as directed by
Turner. Postings are also required prior to the clash detection analysis run by the BIM
Coordinator / Gatekeeper (iterations and days and times to be determined). This will
continue until each area is completely coordinated.

22. In addition to each Trades coordination and clash detection process, clash reports will be
run for MEP systems in conflict with other trades and systems. A clash analysis report will
be generated by the BIM Coordinator / Gatekeeper. The Coordinator / Gatekeeper will
create a Navisworks .NWD file showing the clash viewpoints. This Clash report &
Navisworks .NWD file will be posted to the BIM Server by the Coordinator / Gatekeeper
and a corresponding notice sent by the Coordinator / Gatekeeper to all parties involved
that the report is ready. Alternatively, Turner may elect to have the HVAC Subcontractor
take the LEAD role as the “BIM Gatekeeper” and run the clash detection analysis as
frequently as required for all systems modeled. Coordination, clash identification, and
resolution are the responsibility of each Trade and this clash process does not relieve
Trades from performing clash tests and coordination. This process is a supplement to
track progress and validate Trade coordination.

23. Each Trade is required to review and respond to the clash detection report generated by
the BIM Coordinator / Gatekeeper before the weekly meeting, and arrive at the meeting
prepared to address the unresolved clashes in a constructive manner.

24. Each Trade is required to collaborate with each other trade through email, telephone, and
in person to resolve basic clashes outside of the weekly Coordination meetings. It is
expected that the weekly Coordination meetings are held to address difficult areas that
are not able to be coordinated between the multiple trades themselves. At these
meetings, the resolution will be collectively agreed upon, and a trade will be identified as
having to “move”. This trade will adjust the respective model and repost it to the BIM
Server. All trades are responsible to update and post the changes agreed upon at the
meetings in a timely and expeditious manner to support continuous and efficient
coordination and as directed by Turner.

25. Each Trade is required to submit the number of copies of their respective, coordinated
systems in a -2-Dimensional format as required by their contract, for approval through the
regular submittal process. This is required for each floor and area, as well as each riser.
In addition to the development of 3-Dimensional coordination models, all BIM Participants
are responsible for producing a traditional 2-Dimensional coordination drawing after
cleaning up and resolving all clashes and collisions. When all spatial interferences and
coordination issues have been resolved and a fully coordinated system is achieved, each
Trade shall sign off on the model. Each Trade will then produce fully annotated installation
drawings of their respective systems complete with title blocks appropriate for installation
by their field team and a copy of the fully-coordinated coordination submittal drawings are
to be signed by each participant. The electronic coordination drawing files shall include all
coordinated drawing information, fully dimensioned (especially elevation dimensions),
texts, and tags, etc. In the preparation of the final composite 2-Dimensional coordination
drawings, large scale details as well as cross and longitudinal sections developed at
Coordination Meetings shall be made by the subcontractor as required to fully delineate all
conditions. Upon approval by the Engineer of record, the drawings will become the official

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“Coordination Sign-off Drawings”. The “Coordination Sign-off Drawings” and “Coordination

Sign-Off Model” will be stored by Turner on the project collaboration website and available
to all the participants. The official “Coordination Sign-off Drawings” and “Coordination
Sign-Off Model” shall form the basis for resolution of field installation conflicts or
disagreements. Components not installed where indicated or installed but not shown, will
be relocated by and at the expense of the offending party. Cost for rework, re-
coordination, or schedule impact required to accommodate components not shown on, or
not installed in accordance with the “Coordination Sign-off Drawings” and “Coordination
Sign-Off Model” shall be borne by the party in non-compliance.

26. Electronic PDF Submittals shall be organized and clearly legible. Each multiple page
shop drawing electronic submittal shall have bookmarks at logical separations, such as at
each floor level, zone, type, and system change for example. In addition, each drawing
shall be indexed/bookmarked/named by drawing sheet name and number. Small format
product submittals shall also be subject to the requirements above and shall also contain
a Table of Contents with hyperlinks/bookmarks to each section. Submittals that do not
comply with the above minimum requirements will not be reviewed and will be returned to
the author for corrective action

27. Tolerances: Model(s) and Model Elements must be within 1/16” of theoretical
dimensions. Tolerances for specific items and systems will be determined as necessary.
Model tolerances are not to be construed as construction tolerances.

28. The HVAC Contractor is required to compile and plot the number of color copies of the 2-
Dimensional, multi-trade, coordinated drawings required by the contract documents for
approval through the regular submittal process, for each floor. This is required for each
floor as well as each riser.

29. Each Modeling Trade is required to maintain and provide the 3-Dimensional Model with
respect to generating As-Built Drawings/Models. It is the responsibility of each trade to
update their respective 3-Dimensional Model throughout construction to reflect field
conditions to accurately document As-built conditions. As-builts shall be maintained
weekly and issued to Turner at the end of each week the work progresses. In addition
each trade shall maintain installation drawings/models for field use and issue copies to
Turner each time an update occurs.

30. Each Trade is required to submit the number of color copies of their respective, As-Built –
2-Dimensional drawings as required by the contract documents, for approval through the
regular close-out process. . This is required for each floor as well as each riser.

31. Each Modeling Trade is required to submit three copies of CD’s containing the 3-
Dimensional As-Built models, once all issues are addressed from item 19 above. This CD
shall contain As Built models in Autodesk .DWG and .NWD formats as well as including
the original authoring files in the native format of the program that created the models.
Turner reserves the right to request additional file formats as the needs of the client or
project require.

32. Each Trade is required to update and post any changes originating from RFI’s,
Submittal’s and Bulletin’s that have changed their perspective work. Each Trade making
changes shall post onto the BIM Server site and send out a corresponding notice narrative
indicating the changes and reasoning behind the change with-in two weeks from receipt of
changes. In addition, each Trade shall maintain a drawing revision log and Model

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revision log in a format as directed by Turner for all revisions that occur post coordination
sign off.

33. Each Trade shall actively participate in identifying and implementing quality control
procedures and processes to verify/validate quality of work on both the model and the
installation of work in the field.

34. Each Trade shall share BIM metrics in collaboration with Turner. Each participant shall
actively participate and support efforts in measuring, identifying, collecting, and formatting
information for BIM metrics to provide to Turner. See the following chart in figure 31A for
an example of some Metrics expected but not limited to for the project.

Figure 31A Sample

Project Indicators Table
Indicators Tracked Owners Name Frequency
Coordination Metrics:
Design durations:
Performance Against Schedule (PAS) for Yes
development of Federated Model:
PAS for BIM activities relative to overall Yes
design duration:
Model Conflicts List: Yes
Conflict Details: Yes
Conflict ROM cost savings: Yes
Conflict schedule avoidance: Yes

Construction Metrics:
Construction durations:
Performance Against Schedule (PAS): Yes
Overall Project Construction Execution: Yes
# of Request for Information (RFI): Yes
BIM related: Yes
Non-BIM related: Yes
# of Change Orders (CO):
BIM related: Yes
Non-BIM related: Yes
Amount of prefabrication done off site: Yes
BIM related: Yes
Non-BIM related: Yes
Subcontractor field (on site) headcount: Yes
Amount of waste/rework: Yes
BIM related: Yes
Subcontractor Error: Yes

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35. Each Trade is required to draw in a format that a 3 party individual can highlight and
track progress of work thru selecting individual items in each trades model thru

36. Each Trade is required to attend separate meetings to review accessibility of equipment,
devices, panels, valves, etc. above ceiling with the owner, Architect, Engineer and Turner.
Each Trade is responsible to provide and identify under separate drawing layer Access
doors and Accessibility requirements for above listed items for maintenance purposes.

37. Change Order / Bulletin Process: The process for quantifying and correcting clashes
caused by a design change to a signed off and in-progress area is as follows:
• Trade(s) that have work directly affected by the bulletin documents will take
the lead in drafting the revised 3-Dimensional layout, minimizing the clashes
w/ other trades as much as possible. Revised layouts are to be drawn in an
identifiable layer, labeled to match the respective bulletin.
• Once the work is drafted by the affected trade(s), a clash report is to be
prepared by the BIM Coordinator / Gatekeeper w/ all latest posts.
o While running the clash detection feature in Navisworks, the Coordinator /
Gatekeeper will turn on the ‘links view’ option and all clashes are labeled
while navigating through the model.
o Coordinator / Gatekeeper will audit and report the clashes that are local to
the area affected by the change documents, similar to the analysis of
detected vs. reported clashes in preparation for weekly clash reports.
o This does not relieve Trades from their responsibilities to run clash
detection, coordinate, and identify/resolve issues.

A. Coordination is the responsibility of all Trades. Turner will call meetings, as required, which
contractors must attend. Failure to attend will result in work by the absent contractor on
sheets reviewed at meeting being declared improperly coordinated and will require the
contractor to relocate work as shown by Turner, or to field run the work not coordinated. No
extra compensation will be paid to any contractor for relocating any duct, pipe, conduit, or
other material that has been installed without proper coordination between all the contractors
and the trades involved. If any improperly coordinated work, or work installed that is not in
accordance with the approved coordination composites, necessitates additional work by other
contractors, the cost of such additional work shall be assessed to the contractor responsible
as determined by Turner. Errors in coordination will be resolved by the contractor at his own
expense. Where agreements cannot be reached, Turner will furnish a resolution. The
contractor will bear the expense of said resolution.

B. All work on the coordination drawings (including 3D models) shall be performed by competent
draftsmen in a clear legible manner utilizing standard industry conventions. All trade
contractors shall be responsible for providing their coordination drawing files according to the
established coordination schedule. It is the responsibility of each contractor to supply a
sufficient number of draftsmen so as not to delay the BIM 3-Dimensional coordination process
and shop drawing submittals.

C. Coordination drawings are not to be construed as and not to relieve each contractor from their
shop drawing obligations required under the project specifications, and are distinctly separate
from the requirements to provide final “As-Built” drawings.

D. All files supplied by Turner will be as AutoDesk .dwg file format and be readable by other
trades’ CAD system and NavisWorks. Being ‘readable’ means the ability to open a file without

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any errors (such as prox, xref resolution, geometry error, etc) and with objects, layers, and
other file properties remaining intact. In addition all dwg files shall be saved down to the
lowest common version which is 2010 file format.

E. The trade contractors are responsible for providing 3-Dimensional solid or surface models (not
line & wireframe models) that represents the actual dimensions of the trade system elements
and the equipment that will be installed.

F. It is critical that all trade contractors use a mandated file naming convention for their CAD file’s
name to track the version and date by each trade. Turner will provide the detailed file naming
convention to all MEP contractors. An example would be as follows:
“Project_Responsibility_Phase_Trade_Floor_Area_Version_Date” Any files that do not follow
the file naming convention will be deleted and removed from the server at any time without
any notification.

G. All trade subcontractor’s drawing and model files shall be based on an origin point provided by
Turner. The cost of any changes required by the Trade Contractor to their drawings or models
due to the use of an unauthorized origin shall be borne by the trade contractor.

Minimum 3D Modeling Coordination Scope (As Applicable)

Edge of slab Plan
Pre-cast panelized structures
Concrete floors, curbs, walls, tunnels, and sumps
Cast in place concrete on Metal Deck
Slab depressions
Roof openings
Smoke vents
Stairs and fire escapes
Stair balustrades
Cold joints
Post tension cables
Scaffold and shoring plans

Structural Steel
3D Model of Structural steel shop drawings
Primary Steel
Connection details
Bent Plate
Secondary support steel at roof and deck penetrations as required by contract details
Permanent and Temporary columns, beams, supports, braces, kickers, and etc
Openings, stairs, and landings

Site Utilities Meters (with Manholes

Storm Drain required clearances) Backflow Devices
Gas Drains Stormceptor
Cold Water Yard Boxes Valves
Fire Water Thrust Blocks Hydrant Locations

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Catch Basins and Sleeves/penetration Layout Points and

Tanks s vertical and POCs
Pipe Detention horizontal

Fire Sprinkler
All Mains
Branch Lines
Drops / heads (with required clearances)
Risers (with sleeves)
Gravity Supports
Seismic Bracing and Anchors
Equipment (with required clearances)
Access Abstractions
Sleeves/penetrations vertical and horizontal to be incorporated into composite trade submittal
by Plumbing contractor
Point Loads of all gravity loads to be incorporated into composite trade submittal by HVAC
contractor (Healthcare projects only or as stipulated in contract documents)
Housekeeping pads to be incorporated into composite submittal by HVAC contractor
Equipment supports
RCP layout with ceiling devices to be incorporated into a composite trade submittal by Drywall
and acoustic ceiling contractor
All support elements and braces

All Systems, Equipment, & Appurtenances (Waste, Vent, Drain, Storm, Condensate, Gas, Hot
and Cold Water etc.)
Riser/Shafts (with seismic & supports & sleeves)
Valves in both positions or as an abstraction
Gravity Hangers
Seismic Bracing and anchors
Access Abstractions
In wall
Equipment with POCs and with required clearances
Sleeves/penetrations vertical and horizontal to be incorporated into composite trade submittal
by Plumbing contractor
Point Loads of all gravity loads to be incorporated into composite trade submittal by HVAC
contractor (Healthcare projects only or as stipulated in contract documents)
Housekeeping pads to be incorporated into composite submittal by HVAC contractor
Equipment supports
RCP layout with ceiling devices to be incorporated into a composite trade submittal by Drywall
and acoustic ceiling contractor
All support elements

All piping
Risers (with Shaft Seismic & supports or Sleeves)
Gravity Supports, hangers, anchors, guides, embeds, and inserts

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Seismic Bracing and anchors

Valves in both positions or as an abstraction (control valves as well)
Vents and drains
Access Abstractions
Equipment with POCs and with required clearances
Roof and Floor Supports
Sleeves/penetrations vertical and horizontal to be incorporated into composite submittal by
Plumbing contractor
Point Loads of all gravity loads to be incorporated into composite submittal by HVAC
contractor (Healthcare projects only or as stipulated in contract documents)
Housekeeping pads to be incorporated into composite submittal by HVAC contractor
Equipment supports
RCP layout with ceiling devices All support elements

All Ductwork
Risers (with Shaft Seismic & supports)
Duct Straps need to be coordinated with seismic bracing anchor influence at the deck
Seismic Bracing and anchors (Including Reheat coils as necessary)
Access abstractions at volume dampers, CSFD, Access Doors etc.
Equipment (with required clearances)
Roof and Floor Supports
In wall (Low exhaust/returns)
Sleeves/penetrations vertical and horizontal
Point Loads of all gravity loads to be incorporated into composite submittal by HVAC
contractor (Healthcare projects only or as stipulated in contract documents)
Housekeeping pads to be incorporated into composite submittal by HVAC contractor
Equipment supports
RCP layout with ceiling devices to be incorporated into a composite trade submittal by Drywall
and acoustic ceiling contractor
All support elements

Electrical, Security, Tele/Data, Fire Alarm System, and Special Systems

Primary electrical and system distribution raceways
Underground ducts, conduit, appurtenances and structures
All cable tray, data racks, and busway objects and clearances
Conduit support elements
Branch and systems conduit
In wall at critical areas (radiology, Operating rooms, headwalls, telecom/data & mock-ups)
Risers with Deck Sleeves with UL listed penetrations
Gravity Hangers
Seismic Bracing and anchors
Light Fixtures with Mfrg. Required clearances
Equipment with code clearances and access abstractions
Pull boxes with access abstractions
Panelboards, Transformers, Access controls, Controllers, and etc. with access abstractions
Sleeves/penetrations vertical and horizontal to be incorporated into composite submittal by
Plumbing contractor

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Point Loads of all gravity loads to be incorporated into composite submittal by HVAC
contractor (Healthcare projects only or as stipulated in contract documents)
Housekeeping pads to be incorporated into composite submittal by HVAC contractor
Equipment supports
RCP layout with ceiling devices to be incorporated into a composite trade submittal by Drywall
and acoustic ceiling contractor
All support elements

Food Service Equipment

Equipment, trim, and appurtenances with POC’s, code clearances, and access abstractions
Valves in both positions or as an abstraction
Gravity supports, hangers, anchors, embeds, and inserts.
Seismic Bracing and supports, hangers, anchors, embeds, and inserts.
Access and clearance abstractions
In wall
Floor and ceiling supports, and equipment pads
Sleeves, penetrations, and block outs both vertical and horizontal to be incorporated into
composite submittal by Plumbing contractor
Point Loads of all gravity loads to be incorporated into composite submittal by HVAC
contractor ( as required by the Structural Engineer)
Housekeeping pads and curbs to be incorporated into composite submittal by HVAC
Equipment supports, anchorage, embeds, inserts, etc.
RCP layout with ceiling devices and access panels to be incorporated into a composite
submittal by Drywall and acoustic ceiling contractor
All support elements and braces
Islands, counters, curbs, and bases
Closure trim
Architectural and structural openings

Drywall / Metal Framing

Floor Plan validate and maintain
All Vertical and Horizontal shafts with studs
Full Height walls with studs, top track, kickers, and stickers/z-clips
Partial height with studs walls with kickers
Soffits with studs, joists, and kickers
Identify rated walls (by color or pattern) as well as horizontal shafts & wall types
King Studs
Bent plate to exterior framing/curtain wall
Light Coves
Doors and openings in walls (including roll up door openings and framing)
Hand Rails
Corner Guards
RCP validate and maintain
RCP layout with ceiling devices to be incorporated into a composite trade submittal by Drywall
and acoustic ceiling contractor
Identify and detail Pre-rock (interference walls) and leave-out walls
Exit passageways (with required clearances)
Box Headers and Penetrations

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Curtain Tracks
Compression posts (coordinate with obstructions to provide a constructible system)
Scaffold plans

Miscellaneous Steel
Toilet Partitions
Roll Up Door Supports
Low Wall tube steel
Floor Penetration Support Steel
Equipment Support Steel
Elevator Shaft Steel
Secondary support steel at roof and deck penetrations as required by contract details
Openings, stairs, and landings
Permanent and Temporary columns, beams, supports, braces, kickers, and etc

All major components
All support elements
All attachments

Pneumatic Tube (Laundry & Water Park)

All tube
Gravity supports
Seismic bracing and anchors
Equipment (with access abstractions as necessary)
Sleeves/penetrations vertical and horizontal to be incorporated into composite submittal by
Plumbing contractor
Point Loads of all gravity loads to be incorporated into composite submittal by HVAC
contractor (Healthcare projects only or as stipulated in contract documents)
Housekeeping pads to be incorporated into composite submittal by HVAC contractor
Equipment supports
RCP layout with ceiling devices to be incorporated into a composite trade submittal by Drywall
and acoustic ceiling contractor
All support elements

Acoustic Ceilings
Compression posts (coordinate with obstructions to provide a constructible system)
RCP layout with ceiling devices to be incorporated into a composite trade submittal by Drywall
and acoustic ceiling contractor
RCP layout validate and maintain
Backing, attachment angles, and trapezes

Interior Millwork and Casework

Supports, anchors, braces, and backing
Rough carpentry
Cutouts and openings

Curtain Wall
All misc. structural elements (wind braces, imbeds, kickers, supports, etc)

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Complete model of assembly (exterior, panels, etc)

Additional Clarifications:

1. It is intended, unless otherwise noted that all the elements above be modeled in 3D and
issued in an AutoCAD DWG and Navisworks NWD 2012 format or format as directed by

2. It is also the intent to provide the client with a fully integrated and coordinated 3D model. All
trades shall be responsible to coordinate their scope with all other building elements.

3. All abstractions of building/trade elements shall be reviewed and approved by Turner prior to
proceeding with work.

4. All Mockups shall be fully detailed in 3D. All building systems shall be fully developed
including but not limited to all framing, all MEPT systems and devices, finishes, lighting, Fire
life safety systems, fire safeing, fixtures, etc.

5. The process will involve an FTP site for electronic drawings distribution. The specific process,
file naming, and schema shall to be determined.

6. All Subcontractors shall provide model for all Structural penetrations under their responsibility
for incorporation into a composite submittal package by the Plumbing contractor or as directed
by Turner.

7. Subcontractors shall provide models for all Point Loads and all gravity loads under their
responsibility for incorporation into a composite submittal package by the HVAC Subcontractor
or as directed by Turner.

8. Subcontractors shall provide models of Housekeeping pads under their responsibility for
incorporation into a composite submittal package by the HVAC Subcontractor or as directed
by Turner.

9. Subcontractors shall provide models of all ceiling devices and access panels in or on hard lids
under their responsibility for incorporation into a composite submittal package by the Drywall
Subcontractor or as directed by Turner.

10. Subcontractors shall provide models of all ceiling devices and access zones in or on acoustic
ceilings under their responsibility for incorporation into a composite submittal package by the
acoustic ceilings Subcontractor or as directed by Turner.

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Template 05/14/09

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