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CUADERNO VACACIONES 6º EP-blogdeinglesdeamparo

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Adverbs of frequency

I always wear
a skirt.
He sometimes trousers.
wears a tracksuit.
She never

1 Write the adverbs of frequency.

1 a lways
2 u
3 s
4 n

2 Look and complete.

Key: ✔✔✔ ✔✔ ✔ ✘
always usually sometimes never

1 (✔✔) She usually wears a belt.

2 (✘) She wears trainers.
3 (✔) They get up late on Saturdays.
4 (✔✔✔) I watch TV in the evening.

3 Complete the table for you. Write the sentences.

My Sunday always usually sometimes never

I get up late. ✔✔✔
I have eggs for breakfast.
I play football.
I watch TV.
I do my homework.

1 I always get up late . 2 I . 3

4 . 5 .
1 Look and match. Write a letter in the box.

a 1 belt a
b 2 tracksuit

c 3 tights

d 4 skirt

e 5 scarf

f 6 jacket

g 7 earrings

h 8 trainers

2 Look and write.

1 earrings
2 6

3 7

4 8

3 Look, read and circle Yes or No.

1 Bio is wearing a tracksuit and trainers. Yes No

2 Sporty is wearing a belt. Yes No
3 Techy is wearing a jacket. Yes No
4 Techy is wearing jeans. Yes No
5 Cool is wearing a T-shirt and trainers. Yes No
6 Cool is wearing trousers and a cap. Yes No
7 Bio is wearing a skirt. Yes No
8 Sporty is wearing earrings. Yes No
1 Look at the notes. Complete the sentences about Bio’s Saturdays.

1 Bio never gets up late on Saturday. get up late – never

have orange juice for
2 She has orange juice for breakfast.
breakfast – always
3 She goes shopping. go shopping – sometimes
4 She goes swimming. go swimming – usually
read the newspaper –
5 She reads the newspaper.

2 Order and write the questions. Write answers for you.

1 late / you / Do / get / usually / up No, I don’t.

Do you usually get up late ? .
Yes, I do.
2 always / Do / you / Mondays / swimming / go / on
? .
3 a / Do / read / on / you / Saturdays / book / never
? .
4 sometimes / you / shopping / on / go / Do / Saturdays
? .

I usually get up at half past eight.

I have breakfast and then I
3 Read about Dave. Answer the questions. always read the newspaper.
I never listen to music in the
1 What time does Dave usually get up? morning. I always have lunch at
He usually gets up at half past eight . two o’clock. In the afternoon I
2 What does he do after breakfast? sometimes go for a walk. In the
evening I usually watch a film or
I go out with friends.
3 Does he listen to music in the morning?
4 What time does he have lunch?
5 What does he sometimes do after lunch?
6 What does he usually do in the evening?
Questions with to be

is the Eiffel Tower? It is 115 years old.

How old
are the Pyramids? They are 4,500 years old.

1 Complete the questions and answers. Write is or are

1 How old is your Mum? She 35 years old.

2 How old this picture? It 200 years old.
3 How old the buildings? They 50 years old.

Present simple

find to the museum.
They a letter
behind the painting.
He takes
She finds

2 Read and circle the answers.

1 She like / likes going to the cinema.

2 I see / sees a picture.
3 He go / goes to the museum.
4 We show / shows the painting to our Dad.
5 He drop / drops the painting.
6 They look / looks at the painting.

3 Read and complete the text. Write the verbs in the present simple.

be put see want be take

Sue and Jenny (1) are in a shop. They (2) to buy a

present for their Dad. They (3) a beautiful lamp. It
(4) 20 pounds. At home, Sue (5) the lamp out of
the bag. She (6) it in a pretty box. It’s a wonderful present!
There is / There are

is museum.
There a
isn’t letter in the frame.

are some paintings.

aren’t any people.

Is a market? Yes, is / are.

there there
Are any paintings? No, isn’t / aren’t.

1 Look and complete.

1 There is a bridge.
2 a church.
3 some houses.
4 any traffic lights.

2 Order and write the questions.

1 chairs / there / any / Are Are there any chairs ?

2 there / Is / poster / a ?
3 CDs / Are / there / any ?
4 TV / Is / there / a ?
5 there / any / Are / paintings ?

3 Look and write the answers.

1 Are there any trees? Yes, there are .

2 Is there a church? .
3 Are there any flowers? .
4 Are there any boys? .
5 Is there a football? .
1 Find and write. Then look and match.

cruchh tra rlleyag ooz temakr

1 c hurch 2 a 3 z 4 m

reasqu ecapla strosp certen rfiaunf

5 s 6 p 7 s 8 f

2 Read and circle the answers.

1 Alice and Ian are at the market /

the supermarket.
2 They want to buy their Mum
a photo / a painting.
3 Their Mum loves travelling /
4 The picture is 15 / 50 pounds.
5 They take the letter to
the art gallery / the museum.
6 The artist was / wasn’t famous.
1 Read and complete the table.

I live in a beautiful village. There is an old palace with lots of statues around it. There
are some shops and there are two cinemas. There is a church and there is a big park.
In the park there are some trees. We can run and play there. There is a sweet shop
near the school. We sometimes go to the shop and buy some sweets.

1 There is: 2 There are:

a palace some statues

2 Circle the answers.

1 Are / Is there any children? 2 There aren’t / isn’t any churches.

3 There is / are some beautiful squares. 4 Are / Is there a funfair?
5 There is / Is there an art gallery? 6 There isn’t / aren’t a sports centre.

3 Read the text. Answer the questions.

London Zoo is 178 years old. It is in
Regent’s Park in London. It is a big area
and there are three large gardens. There
are about 5,000 animals in total. There are
mammals, birds, reptiles, apes and bugs.
There are about 650 species. It’s the most
famous zoo in the world.

1 How old is London Zoo? It’s 178 years old .

2 How many gardens are there? There .
3 How many animals are there? There are about .
4 How many species are there? There are .
1 Read and match.

1 100 c a two thousand eight hundred and sixty

2 56 b three hundred
3 379 c one hundred
4 2,860 d seven hundred and fifty-four
5 200 e fifty-six
6 754 f three hundred and seventy-nine
7 300 g two hundred

2 Look at the painting. Circle True or False.

1 There are some people. True False

2 There aren’t any buildings. True False
3 There is a church. True False
4 There isn’t a zoo. True False
5 There aren’t any trees. True False
6 There are two cafés. True False

3 Look and write the numbers.

1 How many cars are there? five

2 How many girls are there?
3 How many boys are there?
4 How many houses are there?
5 How many shops are there?
6 How many markets are there?
Indefinite articles

secretary. laboratory.
I’m a I work a
scientist. hospital
He’s in
She’s engineer. He
an works an office.
artist. She

1 Look, read and write. Use a or an.

engineer popstar cook secretary electrician scientist

1 a popstar 2 3

4 5 6

2 Write the words in the correct list.

formula airport email plan computer office

a an

3 Complete the sentences.

1 I work in an office. 2 She works in hospital.

3 They’re on seaplane. 4 She lives in big house.
5 He’s writing article for a magazine.
Want to – present simple

I be a cook.
don’t want
to buy a new CD.
He wants go on holiday.
She doesn’t want

be a cook? Yes, do.

Do you want to buy a new CD? I
go on holiday? No, don’t.

1 Look and complete.

My plans.
I (1) want to buy a CD. I (2) to buy a CD ✔ DVD ✘
DVD. I (3) to go to the beach. I (4)
beach ✔ mountains ✘
to go to the mountains. When I’m older, I (5)
secretary ✔ cleaner ✘
to be a secretary. I (6) to be a cleaner.

2 Read and complete.

1 (✔ / be) David wants to be an electrician.

2 (✘ / be) Paola an electrician.
3 (✔ / go) Sue to the cinema.
4 (✘ / go) Ben to the cinema.

3 Order and write the questions. Write answers for you.

1 you / new / buy / Do / to / want / book / a

Do you want to buy a new book ? .
2 want / doctor / to / you / be / Do / a
? .
3 to / guitar / the / play / you / want / Do
? .
4 you / Do / holiday / want / on / to / go
? .
1 Look and complete the puzzle. Find the mystery word.

1 s e c r e t a r y 1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

Mystery word:

2 Read and write.

1 She’s got short, curly, dark hair. 2 He’s got short, curly, fair hair.
She’s wearing glasses. She’s a He isn’t wearing glasses.
cook. . He’s a .
3 He’s got short, dark hair. He’s wearing 4 She’s got long, straight, fair
glasses. He’s a . hair. She’s a .

3 Read and write the missing words. Use a or an.

engineer secretary electrician builder scientist

1 Beth wants to work in an office. She wants to be a secretary .

2 Donald wants to mend machines. He wants to be .
3 Sue wants to work in a laboratory. She .
4 Mike wants to build houses. He .
5 Amanda wants to work with electricity. She .
1 Put a cross (✗) by the incorrect sentences.

1 The scientist discovered a new secret formula.

2 Harry wants to be a cook. ✗
3 Harry doesn’t want to steal the formula.
4 Chloe wants to help Harry.
5 They don’t want to steal the seaplane.
6 Chloe wants to buy a big house.
7 The director of the Arctic Base checked all the emails.

2 Look and write sentences. Use the correct form of want to.

go to the moon be rich learn a language

Sue ✗ ✓ ✓
Tim ✓ ✗ ✓
Jane and Ben ✗ ✗ ✓

1 Sue doesn’t want to go to the moon.

2 Tim learn a language.
3 Jane and Ben go to the moon.
4 Sue be rich.
5 Jane and Ben be rich.

3 Order and write the questions.

1 from / you / Where / are
Where are you from ? I’m from London.
2 you / Do / houses / want / build / to
? No, I don’t.
3 want / work / to / a / Do / you / kitchen / in
? Yes, I do.
4 want / you / to / famous / be / a / cook / Do
? Yes, I do.
1 Complete the questions. Write the answers.

1 Does Sue want to be a popstar?

Yes, she does .
2 the Bugs Band play in
a concert? Yes, .
3 Sporty play basketball?
No, .
4 you work in a hospital?
No, .
5 your friends be rich and
famous? Yes, !

2 Read and complete.

1 I want to be a nurse when I’m older.

2 My brother be a scientist.
3 My sister be a vet because she hates animals!
4 I live in a city because I love the countryside.
5 My friend be rich and famous!

3 Read and complete the text.

engineer drawing Australia are English want

When I’m older I want to be an

(1) engineer because I like
(2) . I (3)
to visit Africa and (4) .
My favourite subjects at school
(5) Maths and
(6) .
Present continuous questions

you dancing to music?

they playing sports?

he a blue tracksuit?
Is wearing
she a red skirt?

I am. I’m not.

Yes, he / she is. No, he / she isn’t.

we / they are. we / they aren’t.

1 Complete the questions. Write is or are.

1 Are you having fun? 2 she going shopping?

3 they having a picnic? 4 he wearing a scarf?

2 Order and write the questions.

1 you / party / Are / enjoying / the

Are you enjoying the party ?
2 music / Is / dancing / he / to
3 they / football / watching / the / match / Are
4 she / green / Is / wearing / earrings

3 Look and answer the questions.

1 Is he playing football? Yes, he is. .

2 Is she watching TV? .

3 Are they talking to the teacher? .

4 Are you reading a newspaper? .

5 Are you eating a banana? .

Like + ing

don’t like watching films.
He likes having a picnic.
She doesn’t like

Yes, do.
Do you I
telling jokes? No, don’t.
he going shopping? Yes, he does.
she No, she doesn’t.

1 Write.

1 (read) He likes reading books.

2 (watch) She TV. 
3 (play) She football. 
4 (listen) He to music. 

2 Look and write the questions and answers.

1 (tell) Does he like telling jokes? No, he doesn’t .

2 (watch) Does he films? .
3 (play)
4 (have)
computer games?
a picnic? .
✗ ✗
3 Order and write the questions. Write answers for you.

1 like / Do / you / to / music / dancing

Do you like dancing to music ? .
2 you / like / Do / playing / football
? .
3 computer / playing / games / like / Do / you
? .
4 watching / films / you / Do / like
? .
a b c
1 Look and match.

d e f g h

1 We’re having a picnic. f 2 We’re going to the theme park.

3 We’re playing sports. 4 We’re telling jokes.

5 We’re watching a film. 6 We’re going shopping.

7 We’re dancing to music. 8 We’re having a party.

2 Order and write the questions.

1 Hannah / Does / like / to / theme / going / parks

Does Hannah like going to theme parks ?
Yes, she does.
2 like / Oliver / Does / singing
Yes, he does.
3 like / going / Does / the / Oliver / cinema / to
? Yes, he does.
4 talent competitions / to / going / Do / like / they
? Yes, they do.
5 Do / and / Debbie / Mark / like / dancing
? Yes, they do.

3 Read and complete the table. 1 likes 2 doesn’t like

Chloe is twelve years old. She likes playing sports
playing sports, going shopping and
going to the theme park. She doesn’t
like doing her homework or telling jokes.
1 Read and circle the answers.

I like (1) go / going to the theme park with my family. I (2) likes / like going on the
roller coaster best. My sister (3) doesn’t / don’t like the roller coaster because she
doesn’t like (4) being / be scared! (5) She / I likes going to the zoo because she loves

2 Look and circle Yes or No. 4

1 2

1 Does he like watching TV? Yes No

2 Does she like doing her homework? Yes No
3 Does she like playing computer games? Yes No
4 Does he like having a party? Yes No
5 Does she like going to the theme park? Yes No

3 Look and complete.

doing my homework reading comics

dancing to music playing computer games

1 I like reading comics .

I don’t like .
2 I like .
I don’t like .
1 Look and write.

game show cartoon film the news sports programme soap opera

1 cartoon 2 3

4 5 6

2 Read and tick the correct picture. a b

This is Alan’s bedroom. He likes playing

sports, especially tennis. He doesn’t like
watching films, but he likes watching sports
programmes. He doesn’t like listening to
music or dancing but he likes playing
computer games. He likes reading books.
He doesn’t like going shopping.

3 Read and complete the text.

don’t live are watching is speak twelve

My name (1) is Jo. I’m (2) . I (3)

in Oxford, a small city in England. I (4) English and
French. I live with my family. I like (5) films and
skateboarding. I (6) like playing sports. My best
friends (7) Mary and Amanda.
To be – past simple

I / He / She was scared.

We / You / They were very proud.

1 Read and complete. Use the past simple of to be.

1 I was happy.
2 The fire big.
3 The planes fast.
4 The concert great!
5 The first mobile phones very big!

Past simple – regular

I / He / She phoned the emergency services.

discovered a fire.
We / You / They saved the forest.

2 Read and write the missing words.

1 (wait) I waited for the bus.

2 (phone) She her Mum.
3 (play) They volleyball yesterday.
4 (watch) I a great programme on TV.
5 (listen) We to a new song on the radio.

3 Write the sentences.

1 she / play / tennis / yesterday She played tennis yesterday .

2 Marconi / invent / the radio .
3 he / want to / go to the cinema .
4 we / watch / a football match .
5 they / listen / to music .
Past simple – irregular

I went on a bike ride.

He sent a text message.
We saw a forest fire.
They read a newspaper.

go on a bike ride? I
you Yes, did.
send a text message? He
Did She
she see a forest fire? We
they No, didn’t.
read a newspaper? They

1 Order and write the words.

1 go (e w t n) went 2 read (r a d e)
3 send (t e n s) 4 see (a s w )

2 Read and complete.

1 (go) Last week, my friend Sue went to the zoo.

2 (see) She some zebras.
3 (read) She some information about the lions.
4 (go) At twelve o’clock she to a restaurant.
5 (send) She me a text message.

3 Look and complete the questions. Write the answers.

1 2 3 4 5

1 Did he go to the swimming pool? Yes, he did .

2 he a newspaper? No, .
3 they an email? .
4 they to the cinema? .
5 she her friend? .
1 Look and write.

evleitnsio opmucrte bmiloe enwppsaer

1 t elevision 2 c 3 m 4 n

ordai DC-ORM afx ecamnih gnmazaie

5 r 6 C 7 f 8 m

2 Read and match.

a computer
b mobile
c TV
d newspaper
e magazine
1 play games f radio
a,g 2 read the news
3 read stories 4 watch programmes and films
h fax
5 send text messages , 6 talk to friends
7 listen to music 8 send pictures and text , ,
9 send emails

3 Read and circle True or False.

1 Amy and Joshua went on a bike ride. True False

2 They went to the bottom of the hill. True False
3 They saw a river in the forest. True False
4 Amy phoned the emergency services. True False
5 The emergency services sent five planes. True False
6 Amy and Joshua read an article in a magazine. True False
7 They saved the forest. True False
1 Read and write the missing words.

watched saw read went listened sent

1 I watched TV yesterday.
2 We to the cinema last night.
3 He three planes yesterday.
4 She an email to her brother this morning.
5 I a newspaper yesterday.
6 They to music on the radio last night.

2 Read and complete. Circle the correct answer for you.

1 Did you send an email yesterday?

Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.
2 you a magazine at the weekend?
Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.
3 you to the cinema last week?
Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.
4 you a computer game this morning? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.
5 you TV last night? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.
6 you your friends yesterday? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.

3 Read and tick.
Last Saturday Sporty had a very good
time. In the morning, she played 3
football with some friends. Then she
went home and she listened to some
music on the radio. In the afternoon, 6
she watched a programme on TV 5

about animals. In the evening, she had

dinner with Techy.
1 Look, read and match.
a b
Last Sunday
1 Daniel went to the sports centre. a
2 He watched a football match.
3 He read a magazine.
4 He played basketball with his friends.

2 Read and write the names.

Dr Martin Cooper Guglielmo Marconi Alexander Graham Bell

Ray Tomlinson

1 He was American. He invented the mobile phone. Dr Martin Cooper

2 He was Italian. He invented the radio.
3 He was Scottish. He invented the telephone.
4 He was American. He invented email.

3 Read and complete the text.

John Logie Baird (1) (invent) invented

the television. He (2) (be) Scottish.
He (3) (send) the first pictures
in 1926. He (4) (invent) a
machine that (5) (send)
pictures from one end of his room to
the other. He made sound and
Invention: the television
pictures work together. The BBC Inventor:John Logie Baird
Nationality: Scottish
(6) (start) in 1929. Date:1926
Today most people in the world What happened: His machine
sent pictures across a room.
(7) (have got) a TV The BBC started in 1929.
and we all (8) (watch) Today: Everybody has got a TV.
We use them every day.
TV every day.
Past simple questions

eat soup
you yesterday?
he drink a milkshake last night?
she go to the sports centre last week?
they this morning?
listen to music

Yes, did.
I / he / she / we / they
No, didn’t.

1 Order and write the questions.

1 you / milk / night / drink / Did / last
Did you drink milk last night ?
2 she / make / Did / chocolate / a / cake / yesterday
3 you / Did / chocolate / eat
4 night / have / she / last / meal / a / good / Did

2 Write the answers.

1 Did Cortés sail to England? No, he didn’t .
2 Did he have 11 ships? Yes, .
3 Did the people use money? No, .
4 Did the Emperor drink ‘xocalatl’? Yes, .

3 Write the questions and true answers for you.

1 eat ice cream / yesterday
Did you eat ice cream yesterday ? .
2 drink banana milkshake / this morning
? .
3 go to a café / yesterday
? .
4 have a good time / on holiday
? .
Past simple

fish last night.
didn’t eat
I drank
He 50 cups of ‘xocalatl’ a day.
didn’t drink
We had
a very good meal last night.
They didn’t have
a chocolate paste.
didn’t make

1 Write the verbs.

1 made make 2 had 3 ate 4 drank

5 read 6 went 7 sent 8 saw

2 Read and complete the text.

Yesterday Bio (1) (arrive) arrived home at eight o’clock. She (2) (be)
hungry so she (3) (eat) some chicken and rice and she
(4) (drink) some water. She (5) (not phone) her friend.
She (6) (watch) her favourite programme on TV.
She (7) (not go) to bed very early.

3 Look and write the sentences.

1 Hernan Cortés drank a glass of orange juice.

No, he didn’t . He drank a cup of ‘xocolatl’ .
2 The girl made a chocolate cake.
No, . She .
3 Emperor Montezuma ate pizza and ice cream yesterday.
No, . He .
4 Techy read a book yesterday.
No, . He .
1 Look and match. a b c d

1 toffee ice cream a 2 chocolate ice cream e f

3 cherry ice cream 4 strawberry milkshake

5 mint ice cream 6 vanilla milkshake
7 chocolate milkshake 8 banana milkshake g h

2 Look, read and write the names.

1 Did you eat chicken and rice yesterday? Yes, I did.

Did you eat cherry ice cream? No, I didn’t. Leah’s
2 Did you eat salad yesterday? Yes, I did.
Did you eat chocolate cake? No, I didn’t.
3 Did you eat bread and soup yesterday? Yes, I did.
Did you eat strawberry ice cream? No, I didn’t.
4 Did you eat pizza yesterday? Yes, I did.
Did you drink vanilla milkshake? No, I didn’t.

3 Read and complete the text.

water sailed added made cocoa

The ships (1) sailed from the Aztec Kingdom to Spain with lots of sacks
of (2) beans. People (3) a chocolate paste. Some
people (4) sugar and (5) . It was delicious!
1 Look, read and circle the answers. Write the names.

1 He drank / made a milkshake. Who is he? Techy

2 He made / ate an ice cream. Who is he?
3 She made / ate a cake. Who is she?
4 She drank / ate some orange juice. Who is she?

2 Read and match.

a b c d

1 I didn’t eat salad and soup. I didn’t drink a vanilla milkshake. c

2 I ate pizza and chocolate cake. I drank water.
3 I didn’t eat salad and pizza. I didn’t drink a strawberry milkshake.
4 I ate chicken, rice and chocolate ice cream. I drank orange juice.

3 Order and write the sentences.

1 toffee / ate / ice / I / cream

I ate toffee ice cream .
2 yesterday / didn’t / She / her / make / bed
3 drank / vanilla / He / a / milkshake
4 go / I / didn’t / a / last / party / weekend / to
5 didn’t / He / a / this / shower / morning / have
6 cake / didn’t / chocolate / week / eat / last / We
1 Read and circle True or False.

Dear Techy, e h er e in Sydney.

g re a t ti m
I’m having a en t to the Opera House
n in g I w
Yesterday mor e streets. I ate a b
a lk ed a lo n g th
and I w w as delicious! In th
ic e cr ea m . It .
chocolate in g . S ydney is fantastic
en t sh op p
afternoon I w
See you soon,
1 Techy is in New York. True False
2 Cool didn’t go to the Opera House. True False
3 Cool drank a chocolate milkshake. True False
4 Cool didn’t like the ice cream. True False
5 Cool went shopping. True False
6 Cool likes Sydney. True False

2 Read and write the missing words.

added didn’t made ate eat fish started placed

The Chinese (1) made the first sushi. They (2) salt to raw
(3) and then (4) the fish under a big stone. They
(5) the fish but they (6) eat the rice.
Then the Japanese (7) to make sushi and now
they (8) a lot of it every day.

3 Read and complete the text. Food: sandwich

From: Britain / 1762
The first sandwich (1) appeared in 1762 . John
What happened: Earl
Montague, the Earl of Sandwich, (2) of Sandwich wanted
to play and eat at the
cards (3) at the same time!
same time
So he asked for (4) in First ingredients: bread,
cheese and meat
(5) . The ham sandwich appeared in
How it changed:
America in 1827. People now use (6) different types of bread,
lots of different fillings
and put (7) inside.

I am
taller my friend.
He older than his sister.
She is shorter her brother.

The mountain higher the volcano.

is than
The valley deeper the lake.

1 Read and complete the table.

deep deeper long short big

old young high small

2 Look and write the missing words.

1 (tall / short) Jim is taller than Sue. Sue is than Jim.

2 (small / big) Max is than Bob. Bob is
than Max.
3 (young / old) Meg is than Mary. Mary is
than Meg.

3 Write the sentences.

1 The Nile / long / the Amazon

The Nile is longer than the Amazon .
2 The USA / big / the UK
3 Mount Everest / tall / Mont Blanc
4 The blue whale / big / a dolphin
5 The hummingbird / small / parrot

I am
the oldest girl
He in the family.
is the youngest boy

the biggest plain

It is in the country.
the deepest lake

1 Read and complete the table.

deep the deepest long short big

old young high small

2 Look and write the answers. A: 18 A: 1

H: 1.96 H: 0.68
Key: A = age H = height (metres)

1 Who is the youngest? Laura Robert Laura

2 Who is the tallest?
A: 70 A: 42
3 Who is the oldest?
H: 1.60 H: 1.69
4 Who has got the biggest nose?
Daphne John

3 Look and complete.

2 I’m in
He’s the tallest my family.
boy in the class.

3 It is mountain 4 It is river
in my country. in my country.
1 Look and match.
a b c d e f

1 mountain c 2 river 3 valley 4 forest 5 plain 6 hill

2 Complete and do the crossword. Find the mystery word.

1 They’re climbing up a big 1

h i l l
. 2

2 They’re walking through a deep 3

3 They’re walking across a big 4

. 5

4 They’re canoeing down a long

5 They’re hunting in a big

Mystery word:

3 Compare Bio and Dave. Circle the correct word.

1 Dave is younger / older than Bio.

2 Bio is shorter / taller than Dave.
3 Bio is younger / older than Dave.
4 Dave is taller / shorter than Bio.
1 Look, read and match.

a b c d

1 There was a king. He had lots of 3 The builders and the engineers made
money but he was very lonely. He the biggest desert, the longest river
was very rich, but all the people and the deepest valley in the
in his country were very poor. world. But the king wasn’t happy.
2 You are the richest man in the 4 He loved his family he loved his
country, but you don’t have one people. He shared his money with the
very important thing. poorest people. Now he wasn’t the
richest man in the country.
But he was the happiest.
2 Look and complete.

smaller longer the highest higher the biggest the shortest

a b c a b c a b c

1 Forest a is smaller than Forest b. Forest c is .

2 River c is than River b. River a is .
3 Mountain b is than Mountain a. Mountain c is .

3 Order and write the questions. Write answers for you.

1 family / Who / is / oldest / the / person / your / in
Who is the oldest person in your family ? .
2 the / person / is / your / youngest / Who / in / family
? .
3 shortest / girl / Who / is / the / class / in / your
? .
4 is / tallest / the / school / teacher / in / your / Who
? .
1 Look and complete.

Tom Mum Dad Sue

Age 13 37 41 7
Height (m) 1.68 1.62 1.65 1.15

1 Tom is the t allest in the family.

2 Dad is the o in the family.
3 Sue is the s in the family.
4 Sue is the y in the family.

2 Look, match and write.

a b c

1 the highest mountain 2 animal 3 animal

d e

4 bird 5 animal

1 the fastest b
2 the highest
3 the smallest
4 the tallest
5 the largest

play music loudly.

throw litter in the lake.
(Don’t) climb trees.
pick up your litter.
walk on the paths.

1 Look and match.

a b c d

1 Close the door! c 2 Don’t listen to the music.

3 Don’t open your books! 3 Open the door!

2 Look and write the missing words.

Stand walk Don’t Sit Pick

1 Sit down! 2 up!

3 up your litter! 4 Don’t on the grass.

5 climb trees.

3 Read and complete the text.

turn save put recycle write

We all want to be ‘green’ and there are lots of things we have to remember:
(1) save water, (2) off the tap, (3) on both sides
of a piece of paper, (4) paper in a recycling bin and
(5) tins. It’s a lot to remember, but it’s easy to do.
Future with going to

What you going to do
are we

I’m / I’m not

He’s / He isn’t
live in a tree.
She’s / She isn’t going to
go camping.
We’re / We aren’t
They’re / They aren’t

1 Look and complete the sentences.

Sam Angela Marcus

read a book ✔ ✘ ✔
watch TV ✘ ✔ ✔
go camping ✔ ✘ ✘

1 Sam is going to read a book tomorrow.

2 Angela read a book tomorrow.
3 Marcus watch TV tonight.
4 Angela and Marcus go camping at the weekend.
5 Sam and Marcus read a book tomorrow.

2 Look and write the questions. b
1 What is she going to do tomorrow?
2 What this evening?
3 at the weekend?
4 next week? c

3 Answer the questions in exercise 2.

1 She’s going to play tennis . 2 .
3 . 4 .
2 3
1 Find, circle and write.
4 5

e s k r x d e b i o u s 1 sleeping bag
j g l r u x d f o w s y
t s d e g c l j h i m p
e e v c e f k b n y o n 3
n a p r o p e s s a d k 4
t j h o p m i s a w e g
m s f c r h j n v c a r
p e n k n i f e g q k e 6
a a j m n k l f v b a s
p w f c u a t d b u a z
u z c a i e r h l o p g
c a m p i n g s t o v e

2 Read, complete and match.

camp cook carry sleep cut

1 I can cook food on it. a a b

2 I can use it to things.
3 I can in it in my tent.
4 I can things in it. c d e
5 I can in it.

3 Look, read and write.

1 He’s got a sleeping bag and a tent. He’s David .

2 She’s got a rope and a rucksack. She’s .
3 She’s got a sleeping bag and a penknife. She’s .
4 He’s got a tent and a rucksack. He’s .
1 Read and circle the answers.

1 Did the wood company want to cut down

Lakeside Forest? Yes, it did. No, it didn’t.
2 Did Deborah climb up the shortest tree? Yes she did. No, she didn’t.
3 Did she make a house in the tree? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t.
4 Did the local people help Deborah? Yes, they did. No, they didn’t.
5 Did Deborah live in the tree for three years? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t.
6 Did the wood company cut down all the trees? Yes, they did. No, they didn’t.
7 Is the tree in the middle of Lakeside Forest? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

2 Read and circle the answers.

Hello. I’m Deborah. I (1) live / work near Lakeside
Forest. I’ve got a plan. I’m going to
(2) walk / climb the tallest tree. I’m going to
(3) stay / arrive there. I (4) love / hate nature.

3 Look and complete. Use going to and these words.

watch go read listen play

1 I’m going to watch TV.

2 He’s a book.

3 She’s camping.

4 We’re computer games.

5 They’re to music.
1 Order and write the questions. Look and write the answers.

1 2 3 4

play computer games dance to music read a book go canoeing

1 tomorrow / going / do / What / is / to / she

What is she going to do tomorrow ? She’s going to .
2 tonight / What / going / do / is / to / he
? He’s .
3 next / What / going / to / do / are / they / weekend
? They’re .
4 going / to / do / tonight / What / is / she
? She’s .

2 Read and complete the tables.

play music loudly throw litter in the lake put your litter in the bin
take your bottles home to recycle walk on the paths
drop litter in a picnic area

1 Don’t 2 Do

play music loudly . .

. .
. .

3 Read and complete the text.

we going start students class recycle

My school is called ECO and I’m in (1) class 6A. There are 130 (2)
in our school. We’re going to (3) a Green Club to help us to be more
‘green’. We’re (4) to choose one monitor every week. The monitor is
going to check the bins to make sure (5) don’t throw away things we
can (6) .

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