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Present Simple Tense

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(простий теперішній час)

Слова-маркери, які вказують на

Ми використовуємо цей час для того, Present Simple:
щоб сказати про: always – завжди
often – часто
usually – звичайно
загальновідомі факти regularly – постійно
A dog has four legs.
from time to time – час від часу
регулярні дії sometimes – інколи
Не runs 5 kilometers every morning. seldom – зрідка, подеколи
rarely – рідко
звички never – ніколи
Carol brushes her teeth twice a day. every day/week/month – щодня/
розклад та домовленості at the weekend – на вихідних
The train leaves at 7 o'clock. on Mondays/Sundays - щопонеділка/
at 7 o'clock – о 7-й годині (в розкладах)

Як будувати речення?

+ +V she + Vs I work every day.
we He works every day.
they it

you he
- she + does not + V I don't work every day.
we + do not + V
(don‘t) (doesn‘t) He doesn't work every day.
they it

i he
you Do you work every day?
? qw+do + + V? qw+does + she + V?
we Does he work every day?
they it

Правила додавання “s” до дієслів:

до більшості дієслів просто додаємо “s”

travel >travels у дієсловах, що закінчуються на "y"
give > gives
play >plays після приголосного, змінюємо "y" на
"i" та додаємо "es".
до дієслів, які закінчуються на
s, ss, sh, ch, x та o, додаємо “es” study > studies
fly > flies
wash > washes cry > cries
mix > mixes
go >goes
1. Choose the correct option.

1. I eat/eats vegetables every day. 8. She play/plays the piano in the mornings.
2. You rarely drink/drinks coke 9. Molly listens/listen to the music.
3. Pamela like/likes strawberries 10. They eat/eats pizza.
4. Richard and Paul like/likes watermelon. 11. We read/reads Italian books.
5. Peter adore/adores chicken. 12. My mother cook/cooks cakes very well
6. Susan never have/has breakfast. 13. He drink/drinks apple juice in the morning.
7. I study/studies History every Tuesday. 14. You write/writes a letter to your American

2. Fill in with don't or doesn't

1. Mark _ like salad. 7. We _ go to the park.

2. Bella _ eat watermelon. 8. Kate _ like to eat fish.
3. Mark and I _ drink tea. 9. Sue _ wear long dresses.
4. My mother _ drink wine. 10. I _ like to get up early.
5. David and Philip _ like peas. 11. My brothers _ like to drink milk.
6. I _ eat lettuce. 12. My cousin _ know Italian well.

3. Fill in with Do or Does

1. _ you like salad? 7. _ you watch DVD after school?

2. _ Paul like peas? 8. _ your father cook dinner?
3. _ they eat bananas? 9. _ Ann and Kate eat chocolate?
4. _ Charles drink juice? 10. _ Jane read books in the evening?
5. _ your cat drink milk? 11. _ my friend do sports in the morning?
6. _ Sally like cheese? 12. _ they sing well?

4. Play these games

game 1 game 2 game 3
click on the

5. Match words with photos and write sentences Example:

He never sings.
She hardly ever watches
watches TV.

swim ice-skate
skateboard do karate
play football exercise
ride a bike play chess
play computer games
6. Read the text and complete it with the Simple Present of the verbs in brackets

Tracy _ (start) her day at 6:30. She _ (have)

breakfast with all the family - her parents and
her three siblings. Each member _ (fix) his/her DAILY ROUTINES
breakfast, except baby Melinda, of course.
Tracy _ (eat) a toast and a bowl of cereal, and
she _ (drink) a glass of orange juice. After
breakfast, she _ (make) her bed and _ (tidy up)
her room. Tracy and her siblings _ (leave) for
school at 7:25 and _ (catch) the 7:30 bus. At 8
sharp Tracy _ (start) her lessons and at midday
she _ (have) an hour break for lunch.
Her lessons _ (finish) at 3, when they all _ (meet)
at the Music Academy. They _ (have) a concert
next weekend, and so they _ (must) rehearse.
Of course, this _ (be) not a sacrifice! They _ (love) music more than anything. At 6:30 they _
(go) home and _ (take) a shower. The family _ (have) dinner around 7:30. Then they _ (do)
their homework and _ (watch) TV. Tracy usually _ (fall) asleep on the sofa.

7. Answer these questions on the text

1. What time does Tracy get up?

2. Who does she have breakfast with?
3. Who prepares breakfast for the family?
4. What does Tracy have for breakfast?
5. How long does the break for lunch last?
6. Where do they go after school?
7. Why do they have to rehearse?
8. What time do they have dinner?

8. Choose the correct answer

The dog _ with me. I _ my room. She _ to bed late. Cats _ mice.
a) walk a) clean a) go a) chase
b) walks b)cleans b) goes b) chases

We _ the recorder. We _ food. They never _ dinner. You _ apples.

a) practice a) buy a) cook a) like
b) practices b) buys b) cooks b) likes

Emily and Tom _. You _ here. Emma and I _ TV. Tom _ a bike.
a) sing a) sleep a) watch a) ride
b) sings b) sleeps b) watches b) rides

It _ in the park. He _ the dishes. The kids _ a lot. Mary _ well.

a) run a) do a) play a) sing
b) runs b) does b) plays b) sings

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