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Utilization of Pulverized Oyster Shell and Pineapple Fiber For Fiber Cement Board Production 1

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Utilization of Pulverized Oyster Shell and Pineapple Leaf

Fiber for Fiber Cement Board Production

Kenneth Roy Bañares1, Tristan Baclaan2, Fabian Sardalla3
First-Third Department, First-Third University

Second Company
Address Including Country Name

Abstract— 1 to 3 sentences for introduction. 1 to 2 sentences for density [9-10]. As a result, the most desired fiber type for
the objectives. 1 to 2 sentences for the methods being used. 1 to 2
achieving good technical outcomes is cellulosic fibers [11].
sentences for the findings of the study. 1 to 2 sentences for the Among the countless natural fibers, pineapple leaf fibers
conclusions. which are supposed agricultural waste, have shown
advantageous properties for polymer reinforcement based on
Index Terms— Include at least 5 keywords or phrases separated the literature [12,13]. Sutomo & Juwono [14] said, utilizing
in commas pineapple leaf fibers as reinforcing fibers in composites makes
pineapple leaf waste has added value, one example is as
I. INTRODUCTION composite boards. Pineapple leaf fibers have adequate
The modern age of building projects is all about finding mechanical properties associated with high cellulose levels
new components that can make building materials that are [14]. Pineapple leaf fibers consists of about 80% cellulose, 6–
long-lasting, economical, and eco-friendly. Oyster shells are 12% hemicellulose, and 5–12% lignin [15,16]. Thus, the
the hard exoskeleton of various mollusks in the family pineapple leaf fiber is more strong fiber than some natural
Ostreoidea. Empty Seashells found no value to people and are fiber [17]. Based on the study of Mazlan et al. [18], fiber
commonly ignored as wastes. These pulverized waste length is one of the factors that could affect the performance
seashells, oyster shells in particular, will act as a filler for of natural fiber composites. In this paper focuses only on the
fiber-cement board production reinforcing with the pineapple use of Pineapple Leaf Fiber which is also abundant here in
leaf fibers. Mindanao.
The basic recipe for fiber cement board has just four For now, the suitable particle size of pulverized oyster shell
ingredients: Portland cement, Filler, Cellulose fiber, and water. for fiber-cement production remain unexplored, so this study
The seashells are high potential materials to become partial wants to explore the dimensions and mixing ratio of crushed
cement substitutes and filler in the composite [1]. Different oyster shells and show off that it has a hidden potential as an
physical, mechanical and chemical properties of shells, like, effective filler. This paper will also examine the suitable
oyster shells as a sand replacement, a partial and total coarse length of pineapple leaf fiber and its reinforcing ability for
aggregate replacement, filler, and cement replacement, in the fiber-cement board production.
form of complete, crushed, ground, or powder, have been Therefore, the purpose of the research was to assess and
investigated previously [2]. According to Ramakrishna et al. determine the optimal composition of the cement, filler, and
[3], oyster shells consist of CaCO3 (approximately 96%) as a natural fiber to create fiber-cement boards. However, it must
major phase with small organic matter; it is an excellent satisfy the various test of engineering standards: (1) density
alternative material source instead of natural limestone. Fillers Test, (2) flexural strength test, (3) water absorption test, (4)
are materials that may be added to a composite to substitute moisture content test, (5) thermal conductivity test.
for a more expensive or unsustainable material [4]. If this study proves how to produce an effective fiber-
Additionally, Safi et al. [5] demonstrated that the mixed oyster cement board from crushed oyster shells and pineapple leaf
shell would have no effect on the specimen's compressive fiber. It will be an additional option for housing construction
strength due to the shell's good adherence to the cement. or in construction industries to use this product as wall type,
The most common type of fiber cement is asbestos cement etc.
products [6]. For users, the primary benefits of asbestos The coverage of this study is to conduct an experiment and
cement products are their durability and cost-effectiveness [7]. design optimal composition of the cement, filler, and natural
Asbestos fibers, on the other hand, are carcinogenic. Similarly, fiber to manufacture fiber-cement boards. And also, it must
the use of natural fibers along with engineering materials has fulfill the engineering requirements in terms of physical-
become the latest trend for construction purposes today [8]. mechanical properties and strength of a fiber-cement board.
Many researches have demonstrated numerous benefits of The study does not cover the layout and installation of a fiber-
using natural fibers in cement composites, including higher cement board.
impact strength, increased flexural strength, and lower bulk

II. MATERIALS AND METHOD a conventional tool, a hammer, or a disintegrator machine.
Safety measures must be observed during cleaning the shells
A. Conceptual Framework since the oyster shell has a sharp shard and gritty texture.
Crushed oyster shell and pineapple leaf fiber were used in this Then let it dry until the oyster shell is completely dried. The
study as constituent materials to the fiber-cement board pulverized oyster shell will act as a filler in the composite. On
production. After weighing the constituents, mix the Type I the other hand, after the harvest of the pineapple fruit, the
Portland cement and oyster shell filler in three minutes at dry leaves will separate from the trunk using a knife. Submerged
condition using a mixer machine; make sure that crushed the pineapple leaf fiber in the clean water and perform a
oyster shell undergoes sieve analysis using a #200 sieve to "water retting method." The natural fibers are then manually
achieve the ideal dimensions of fillers. After that, turn off the detached from the leaves by "a scraping method." The bundle
mixer, add pineapple leaf fibers 30mm in length into the of the cellulosic strand is then washed and hung to dry. And
mixture material, and then blend again in another three lastly, the pulverized oyster shell and extracted pineapple leaf
minutes using the mixer machine. Finally, water is added to fiber were moved to the laboratory to be analyzed by
the mixture, and the constituents are mixed in ten minutes Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Analysis to evaluate
until the homogeneous slurry is acquired. All samples were the properties of both pulverized oyster shell and pineapple
placed on the vibration table to shake for one minute. leaf fiber.
Specimens were removed from the mold 24 hours later and
put indoors for curing and testing. Fifteen (15) samples with C. Specimen Preparation
size 150×150×10mm were designed to conduct the Density To compare the outcome of pineapple leaf fibers, five kinds
test. Fifteen (15) samples with size 150×150×10mm were of specimens of the fiber-cement board represented by F, F5,
prepared to conduct a Flexural test, Fifteen (15) samples with F10, F15, and F20 are referred to as the cement board
150×150×10mm for the water absorption test and moisture containing 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%, respectively.
content test, and Fifteen (15) with 150×150×10mm for heat- Besides, the comparison material (F) is the cement board
resistant capability, respectively. without adding or 0% pineapple leaf fibers inside; utilizing
pineapple leaf fiber in the composite helps to reinforce the
fiber cement board. Using Type I Portland cement (ASTM
C150), the design mix proportion of 3:1 (cement: filler) was
selected to manufacture fiber-cement board, with a constant
Pulverized oyster Fiber- water-cement ratio of 0.46. Fifteen (15) samples with size
Type I 150×150×10mm were designed for each percentage (0%, 5%,
Portland shell, extracting Cement
pineapple leaf Board 10%, 15, and 20% amount of PALF) to conduct the Density
Cement test. Fifteen (15) samples with size 150×150×10mm were
fiber, weighing of
Portland cement, prepared to conduct a Flexural test, Fifteen (15) samples with
Oyster Shell 150×150×10mm for the water absorption test and moisture
Powder oyster shell
powder, pineapple content test, and Fifteen (15) with 150×150×10mm for heat-
leaf fiber, fresh resistant capability, respectively. Samples were removed from
Pineapple the mold 24 hours later and put indoors for curing and testing.
Leaf Fiber water, combining
different amount D. Testing of Specimens
Fresh Water of pineapple leaf
Density Test. This test method describes the considerable
fiber, pour in the
effect on the dimensional stability of the composites formed.
molds various
A low-density composite material can trap and regulate more
sizes, remove in
moisture than a high-density composite material. Low-density
the molds after 24
composites have more voids, porosities, and spaces between
hours and placed
their constituents.
Flexural Test. Bend testing in composites is utilized to
Density Test,
determine flexural strength. The specimen is burdened in a
Flexural Test,
horizontal position in a three-point or four-point loading
Water Absorption
configuration in a flexural test. Flexural test of composite
Test, Moisture
materials is practical as an alternative method to determine
Content Test &
tensile and compressive properties.
Water Absorption Test. The specimens are dried in an oven at
a particular time and temperature and then cooled in a
Fig. 1 Conceptual Framework desiccator. The samples are weighed immediately after
cooling. The substance is then immersed in water at
predetermined temperatures, typically 23°C, for 24 hours or
B. Manufacturing of Constituents until equilibrium is achieved. Remove specimens, pat dry with
Oyster shells were collected from wet markets, restaurants, a lint-free cloth, and weigh.
and along the shore in Davao Region. Oyster shells were
cleaned and dried before being crushed into small pieces with

Moisture Content Test. Specimens will be tested by a
moisture content test to determine the humid conditions
capacity of composite materials. The side borders will seal to
keep moisture out. The specimens are next dried and cooled in
a desiccator. So the samples go into the conditioning
environment. The samples are periodically withdrawn from
the conditioning environment, cooled to room temperature,
and weighed.

Thermal Conductivity Test. To be building partitions, cement

boards should have the heat-resistant capability. Thermal
conductivity is a measurement of a material’s capability to
conduct heat. This property is susceptible to the material’s
microstructure, and there are thermally conducting and
insulating materials.


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