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In Vitro Antidiabetic Activity of Nisamalaki Churna

Article  in  Sains Malaysiana · June 2013


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5 authors, including:

Ashok Kumar Saleemulla Khan

Sri K.V. College of Pharmacy P.A. College of Pharmacy India


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Sains Malaysiana 42(5)(2013): 625–628

In Vitro Antidiabetic Activity of Nisamalaki Churna

(Aktiviti Antidiabetik In Vitro Nisamalaki Churna)

B.S. Ashok Kumar*, Saleemulla Khan, Gopi Setty Saran, R. Nandeesh & N.K. Manjunath

Nisamalaki Churna is an Ayurveda formulation used for diabetes, which consists of amalaki and haridra. In vitro
antidiabetic screening of Nisamalaki Churna by α-amylase inhibition was carried out by starch iodine method,
dinitrosalicylic acid method (DNSA) and effect on normal rats blood sugar level was studied. Nisamalaki Churna shows
potent α-amylase inhibition IC50 89.44 µg/mL by starch iodine method and IC50100.0 µg/mL by DNS method. Nisamalaki
Churna showed potent decrease in blood glucose level in normal rats.

Keywords: α-amylase inhibition; antidiabetic screening; Nisamalaki Churna

Nisamalaki Churna adalah formula Ayurveda untuk diabetis yang mengandungi amalaki dan haridra. Penyaringan
antidiabetis in vitro Nisamalaki Churna telah dijalankan. Kesan Nisamalaki Churna terhadap perencatan α-amilase
telah dikaji menggunakan kaedah iodin kanji. Dengan menggunakan kaedah asid dinitrosalisilik (DNSA) kesan terhadap
aras gula dalam darah tikus biasa telah dijalankan. Nisamalaki Churna menunjukkan kesan perencatan α-amilase
yang kuat, IC50 89.44 µg/mL melalui kaedah iodin kanji dan IC50100.0 µg/mL DNS. Nisamalaki Churna menunjukkan
penurunan aras glukos yang kuat dalam tikus biasa.

Kata kunci: Nisamalaki Churna; penyaringan antidiabetis; perencatan α-amilase

INTRODUCTION vitamin C. Amalaki is native to India and Southeast

India has a rich heritage of traditional medicine constituting Asia and is one of the most revered rejuvenative tonics
with its different components like Ayurveda, Siddha of ayurvedic medicine. Amalaki is full of powerful
and Unani. Botanicals constitute a major part of these antioxidants that protect cells against free-radical
traditional medicines. Nisamalaki Churna is an Ayurveda damage, acting as an ‘anti-aging’ tonic super food. It
formulation which is used for antidiabetic, consists of is nicknamed dhatri, or ‘the nurse’ for its renowned
fine powders of Turmeric (haridra) – Curcuma longa – 1 ability to nurture us back to vibrant health. According to
part and Emblica (amalaki) – Emblica officinalis – 1 part Ayurveda, amalaki is cooling in energy, predominantly
(Anon. 2000). sour in taste and has a sweet ‘post-digestive effect’
Curcuma longa (Zingeberaceae) has been used as (acts as an overall tonic). It is especially recognized as
spice and coloring agent. Sushruta recommended it for a detoxifier and rejuvenative tonic for people suffering
epilepsy and bleeding disorders. Charaka recommends it from excess heat conditions such as hyperacidity,
for skin diseases, to purify the body mind and to help the heartburn, infections, inflammations, bleeding disorders,
lungs expel Kapha. In Ayurveda, the traditional Indian liver problems, skin disorders and biliousness. In
system of medicine, it has been used in several ways addition, it is often recommended for colds, to improve
namely as an ingredient in the preparation of medicinal eyesight, to strengthen the bones and for all signs of
oils, ointment and poultice, in diabetes and leprosy, for premature aging (Dey 1980; Naveen 1993). The present
stomachache, carminative, tonic, laxative, antirheumatic, investigation was to confirm the antidiabetic activity of
blood purifier, vermicide, antiseptic and cure for liver Nisamalaki Churna.
ailments. The raw juice is used to relief gall bladder
complaints, dental-troubles, sore throat, common cold, MATERIALS AND METHODS
parasitic skin diseases and pile cure. Turmeric helps
regulate the female reproductive system and purifies the
uterus and breast milk and in men it purifies and builds PREPARATION OF NISAMALAKI CHURNA
semen (Chandrashekhara & Srinivasan 1999; Gururaj et Curcuma longa (10 g) and Embolic officinalis (10 g) are
al. 2002). finely powdered and passed through 100 No. sieve and
Emblica officinalis (Euphorbiaceae) known as Amla mixed. Nisamalaki Churna was extracts with distilled water
and Indian Gooseberry’ is the richest known source of and the extract is dried.

In Vitro Alpha Amylase Inhibition Assay in polypropylene cage and were fed with standard food
3, 5-Dinitrosalicylic acid method (DNSA) The inhibition pellets (Kamadenu Enterprises, Bangalore) and water ad
assay was performed according to Miller (1959) using libitum. All the studies conducted were approved by the
DNS method. Aqueous extract of Nisamalki churna of institutional animal ethical committee of Sri K.V. College
varied concentrations in 500 μL were added to 500 μL of Pharmacy, Chickballapur, Karnataka, according to
of 0.02 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH6.9 containing 6 prescribed guidelines of CPCSEA, Government of India
mM sodium chloride) containing 0.04 units of α-amylase (Reg. No. 117/2000/CPCSEA).
solution and were incubated at 37°C for 10 min, followed
by addition of 500 μL of a 1% starch solution in 0.02 M ANTIDIABETIC SCREENING IN NON-FASTED RATS
sodium phosphate buffer (pH6.9) all the test tubes. The
Prior to the study, blood samples were collected from all
reaction was stopped with 1.0 mL of 3, 5 DNSA reagent. The
the animals to check random glucose levels. The animals
test tubes were then incubated in a boiling bath water for 5
which had a glucose level >130 gm/dL were excluded from
min and cooled to room temperature. The reaction mixture
the study. Five groups of non-fasted rats, six in each were
was then diluted after adding 10 mL distilled water and
grouped as follows:
absorbance was measured at 540 nm. The control samples
Group I – Control (0.5% w/v CMC) administered;
were also prepared accordingly without any plant extracts
Group II – Glucose control ;
and were compared with the test samples containing
Group III – Standard drug treatment (metformin-
various concentrations of the plant extracts prepared
250 mg/kg, p.o.);
with different solvents. The results were expressed as %
Group IV – Nisamalaki Churna (90 mg/kgp.o.)
inhibition calculated using the formula:
Group V – Nisamalaki Churna (180 mg/kgp.o.)
Abs (Control)-Abs (Extract) The test and standard substances were suspended in
% Inhibition activity = ______________________ × 100.
0.5% w/v carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC). Group II to
Abs (Control)
group V animals were given 5 g/kg glucose additionally
after 30 min of standard drug/ test substance administration.
Starch-iodine Colour Assay Screening of Nisamalaki Blood samples were collected from retrooribatal puncture
Churna for α-amylase inhibitors was carried out according for glucose estimation at various time points like pre dose,
to Xiao et al. (2006) with slight modification based on the 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 h after test substance/ standard drug
starch-iodine test. Aqueous extract of Nisamalki churna treatment. Glucose was estimated by using Lab-India auto-
of varied concentrations in 500 μL were added to 500 μL analyzer with the help of Lab kit enzymatic kit (Nyunai
of 0.02 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH6.9 containing 6 2006; Vogel 2002).
mM sodium chloride) containing 0.04 units of α-amylase
solution and were incubated at 37°C for 10 min. Then 500
μL soluble starch (1%, w/v) was added to each reaction
well and incubated at 37°C for 15 min. 1 M HCl (20 μL) The values were expressed as mean ± SEM (n=5) for each
was added to stop the enzymatic reaction, followed by group. The significant difference between groups was
the addition of 100 μL of iodine reagent (5 mM I2 and 5 determined using one-way ANOVA followed by Dunett’s
mM KI). The colour change was noted and the absorbance test. P value less than 0.05 was considered significant.
was read at 620 nm on a microplate reader. The control
reaction representing 100% enzyme activity did not contain RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
any plant extract. To eliminate the absorbance produced
by plant extract, appropriate extract controls without the
enzyme were also included. Inhibition of enzyme activity
was calculated as:
Drugs that inhibit carbohydrate hydrolyzing enzymes have
Inhibition of enzyme activity (%) = (C-S) / C × 100, been demonstrated to decrease postprandial hyperglycemia
and improve impaired glucose metabolism without
where S is the absorbance of the sample and C is the promoting insulin secretion of NIDDM patients. The results
absorbance of blank (no extract). of in vitro studies showed that Nisamalaki Churna inhibits
α-amylase activity. Natural health products of vegetable
origin were clearly indicated as a promising avenue for
the prevention of chronic diseases (Punitha & Manoharan
Male Wistar rats weighing 150-250 g were acclimatized to 2006). Figures 1 and 2 show that Nisamalaki Churna
the experimental room at temperature 23 ± 2°C, controlled significant inhibition of α-amylase enzyme. IC50 values
humidity conditions (50-55%) and 12 h light and 12 h dark of Nisamalaki Churna by DNSA and Starch Iodine method
cycle. They were caged with a maximum of two animals were 89.44 and 100.0 μg/mL, respectively.

% Inhibition

Concentration (μg/mL)
Figure 1. Effect of Nisamalaki Churna on α-amylase inhibition activity
by Starch Iodine method
% Inhibition

Concentration (μg/mL)
Figure 2. Effect of Nisamalaki Churna on α-amylase
inhibition activity by DNS method

Glucose control
Metformin (250 mg/kg)
Nisamalaki Churna (90 mg/kg)
Nisamalaki Churna (180 mg/kg)
Blood Glucose Level (mg/dL)

Time in hours
Figure 3. Effect of Nisamalaki Churna on blood glucose levels of non fasted rats

ANTIDIABETIC SCREENING IN NON-FASTED RATS Ageratum conyzoides in rats. African Journal of Traditional,
The oral hypoglycaemic effect of Nisamalaki Churna was Complementary and Alternative Medicines 3(3): 76-79.
studied in non-fasted Wistar rats. The Nisamalaki Churna Punitha, R. & Manoharan, S. 2006. Antihyperglycemic
and antilipidperoxidative effects of Pongamiapinnata
significantly reduced (p< 0.05 – 0.01) hyperglycemia at the
(Linn.) Pierre flowers in alloxan induced diabetic rats. J.
dose levels of 90 and 180 mg/kg, compared with glucose Ethanopharmacol. 105: 39-46.
treated group (group-2). The glucose control group showed Vogel, G.H. 2002. Drug Discovery and Evaluation
significant (p< 0.01) increase in glucose levels after 30 Pharmacological Assays. 2nd ed. Berlin Heidelberg,
min of glucose administration in all the animals when Germany: Springer-Verlag.
compared with normal group animals. The hypoglycemic Xiao, Z., Storms, R. & Tsang, A. 2006. A quantitative starch-
effect of Nisamalaki Churna comparably equivalent to the iodine method for measuring alpha-amylase and glucoamylase
standard metformin (Figure 3). The results of this study activities. Anal. Biochem. 351(1): 146-148.
indicated that Nisamalaki Churna showed appreciable
antidiabetic activity. This study supports the ayurvedic use
of Nisamalaki Churna. B.S. Ashok Kumar* & N.K. Manjunath
Department of Pharmacognosy
Sri K.V. College of Pharmacy
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Chickballapur, Karnataka
Authors are thankful to Sri K.V. NaveenKiran, Chairman, India
Sri K.V.College of Pharmacy, Chickballapur, Karnataka,
Saleemulla Khan
India, for providing facilities to carry out this work.
Department of Pharmacognosy
ManipalCollege of Pharmaceutical Sciences
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