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Prestressed Concrete 50 minutes

Second Exam Solution

Name:………………………….. ID.:………………..
(7 points)
Problem 1: Consider the prestressed concrete beam shown below, which is to be used in an industrial
building construction. The beam is only reinforced with prestressing steel and no mild reinforcement
is used. What is the maximum live load that this beam can carry (in addition to the self weight)
considering only the allowable section stresses at Midspan?
The material properties and prestressing are as follow:



15 m

f’c = 40MPa f’ci = 35MPa 70mm 300mm

fpu = 1860 MPa fpi = 1120MPa
ΔfpT = 140MPa (total losses) Aps = 8φs13 = 8 x 99mm2/strand

At service limit state
0.3 0.6 25 4.5 /
8 99 1120 140 /1000 776.16
300 70 230 ; 300 600 180,000 ; 300 600 /12 5.4 10
5.4 10 /180,000 30,000
5.4 10 /300 18 10

776,160 230 300
0.45 40 1
180,000 30,000 18 10

424.9 . 4.5 15 /8
10.61 /

776,160 230 300
0.5√40 1
180,000 30,000 18 10

313.1 . 4.5 15 /8
6.631 /

. /

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Prestressed Concrete
Second Exam Solution

(6 points)

Problem 2: Answer the following three questions with short and precise answers:

(a) What do you understand from the term “prestressing transfer length”

The distance over which the strand should be bonded to the concrete to
develop the effective prestress after losses

(b) If allowable stress limits are not satisfied at the end of a beam with straight strands, write down at
least two options that can be used to satisfy these limits.

1. Use Raised-up tendons near the ends

2. Use Debonding some tendons near the ends
3. Use Supplementary nonprestressed steel

(c) In case the tension limit is exceeded, which of the following is true:

1. Extra tension force resulting from extra tension stressed should be carried by mild steel

2. Concrete cover should be increased by 30%

3. All tension force resulting from the entire tension stresses should be carried by mild steel

4. This case is not allowed to occur in the design by standard codes.

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Prestressed Concrete
Second Exam Solution
(12 points)
Problem 2: Design, for service load condition, a post-tensioned T-section to carry a total service load
of 15 kN/m (not including self weight) on a 12m simply supported span. Design the section for zero-
tension, for fci = 12.5MPa and fc = 11.0MPa at transfer and service conditions, respectively. Assume
that the sectional properties are bf = 0.5h, hf = 0.2h, and bw = 0.25h and use multiples of 50mm for h.
Assume the self weight of the beam is 6.0 kN/m and the following prestressing data:
f’c = 35MPa f’ci = 30MPa bf
fpu = 1860 MPa fpi = 1300MPa
ΔfpT = 250MPa Aps = 1φs13 = 99 mm2/strand

1 250/1300 0.192 h
6 12 /8 108kN. m
e Cb=0.57h
15 12 /8 270kN. m

0.192 108 270

10 26.431 10
0 11

1 0.192 108 270

10 28.786 10
0 0.808 12.5

0.5 0.2 0.25 0.8

0.5 0.2 0.33 0.25 0.8 0.17 0.02767
12 12

26.431 10 743.3 ;

28.786 10 840 ;

Î Use h = 850mm; A=216,750mm2 I=1.444 x 1010mm4 ; St=39.20 x 106 mm3

Sb = 30.00 x 106 mm3 ; r2 = 66,621 mm2 ; MD = 97.54 kN.m

Analysis at Initial Stage:

0.43 850 5.375
5.375 216,750/1000 1,165
1,165 10 /1300 896.2 Î USE 9φs13= 891mm2
891 1300/1000 1,158.3
. .
0 5.375 266.00
, , , ,

Î Use 9φs13= 891mm2 ; Pi = 1,158.3 kN ; ec = 265 mm ; Pe = 935.91 kN

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Prestressed Concrete
Second Exam Solution
Check Stresses:

1. At initial stage:

1,158,300 265 365.5 97.54 10
216,750 66,621 39.2 10
2.425 2.488 0.063 0.0 !

1,158,300 265 484.5 97.54 10
216,750 66,621 30.0 10
15.643 3.251 12.392 12.5 !

2. At final stage:

935,910 265 365.5 367.54 10
216,750 66,621 39.2 10
1.960 9.376 7.416 11 !

935,910 265 484.5 367.54 10
216,750 66,621 30.0 10
12.639 12.251 0.388 0.0 !





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