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Social Media Platform and its Impact on the Academic Performance of Senior
High School Students in the New Normal Learning System

Article  in  International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies · January 2021


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14 authors, including:

Christopher Francisco
La Consolacion University Philippines


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International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 5 Issue 1, January - 2021, Pages: 30-34

Social Media Platform and its Impact on the Academic

Performance of Senior High School Students in the New Normal
Learning System
Michael Andrei P. Jacinto, Kyle Simoune S.J. Molina, Joshua S. Jungco, Angelica B. Cardaño, Jasper A. Berboso, Azalea
Jesika V. Vargas, John Patrick P. Bautista, Rick Gabrielle V. Espinosa, Christopher DC. Francisco
Barcelona Academy, Marilao, Bulacan, Philippines
Abstract: In the new normal learning system, students learn and study by using a medium which they also use for browsing social
media platforms. The aim of this research is to know if the students’ use of social media platforms affects their academic
performance in the new normal learning system. The answer to this study might be helpful for developing new learning methods
that will be effective in the new normal setting. To find the answer, the researchers used a sample size of 53 students in a private
school in the City of Marilao, Bulacan during the school year 2020-2021. The primary data gathering tool used in the study was a
standardized questionnaire Social Media and Academic Performance Questionnaire adapted from Peter Osharive (2015) on
determining the effects of social media platforms on students' academic performance. The data collected were analyzed and
treated statistically. Results showed that the social media platform does not necessarily affect students' academic performance.
Some students find social media platforms helpful as it improved their reading and communication skills, while some students find
social media platform a distraction from their studies. The researchers, therefore, concluded that the result of this study only
shows that students handle their social media platforms in different ways. It is in their hands if they will let their usage of social
media platforms affect their academic performance in a productive or unproductive way. This led the researchers to recommend
schools to teach students the importance of time management and balancing school works and other things.
Keywords—Social Media Platform, Students’ Academic Performance, Descriptive-correlational Study
concluded that while all of the students used social media, it
1. INTRODUCTION is rare that they use it for school purposes. Thus, the study
concluded that the use of social media is not associated with
When Covid-19 spread, everyone shifted from what we their academic performance [4]. However, this study
describe as everyday life to another more cautious approach occurred way before the Covid-19 pandemic arose. In the
to dealing with the tasks we do. The whole world got affected new learning system, the use of social media is essential to
in all aspects; businesses, livelihoods, transportation, way of students.
living, and a lot more. The continuity of school was a big
question mark for everyone. Now, students have to learn and 2. RELATED WORKS
adapt to the new learning types and ways so that they can
continue their education even amid a pandemic. Now that The impact of social media in this study has proved that
students are learning through online methods, students can by using social media, although reliable, it gradually educates
easily access social media platforms. the students in general knowledge of society, politics, news
and the world [5]. The result of this study’s T-test proved that
Social media is a composition of activities that contains social media platforms are proved to be helpful in behavioral
socializing through the use of words, pictures, and videos [1]. controls and will gradually increase the student’s academic
It is a form of digital communication media which gives the capacity overtime [6]. This findings states that the social
ability for everyone to interact, associate, and share and form media platforms increases the capacity of learning
a room to disseminate content with the use of the internet [2]. opportunities and capabilities, instead of being isolated inside
Social media has become a powerful and impacted the whole rooms and textbooks, however unskillful usage of the social
world in every aspect, especially students. Internet and social media platforms will prove negative outcomes on students
media are essential to students nowadays now that it became [7][8].
a part of their daily lives. Now that students are studying
under the new learning system, which is through online The universal use of social media and its potential to
methods, it is no doubt that social media can affect their block academic performance has received the attention of
academic life in some ways. A study’s results showed that the researchers and is a growing concern of educators. This
use of social media helps students in their academic phenomenological study explored the comprehend impact of
performance by improving their skills in socializing, reading, social media on the educational experiences of students.
and improving their general knowledge. However, the Analysis of semi-structured interviews revealed several
unhealthy and unnecessary use of social media may affect pervasive themes, all of which can be viewed as hindrance to
their academic performance badly [3]. Another study academic success. Participants reported that using social
International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 5 Issue 1, January - 2021, Pages: 30-34
media during academic activities diminishes achievement, 2. What is the profile of the students’ academic
increases the amount of time it takes to complete tasks, and performance in the new normal learning system?
reduces how much information students retain from study 3. Does the social media platform significantly affect the
and lecture sessions [9]. academic performance of Senior High School Students?
4. What implications may be drawn from the findings of
Findings show that social media sites sharpens students’ the study?
reading skills and improves their general knowledge in a
particular topic reducing the topic barriers on group 4. METHODOLOGY
discussion online, however misuse of social media sites leads
to unhealthy addictions and academic barriers [3]. This study The researchers used the descriptive correlational
finds that students who engage in social-media based research method. A correlational research is a type of
activities often do better academically than those who didn’t research technique that includes the observation of two
[10]. This study has proved that creative variables often variables in order to establish a statistically corresponding
increases however the core of however it used are oftentimes relationship between them. The objectives of this research
used for entertainment which improves students were to identify the variables that have some kind of
consciousness and over all knowledge [4]. relationship to the extent that the change in one creates some
change in the other since it concerns the description of
Research findings showed that Facebook is the most independent and dependent variables. Particularly, the aim of
used social media platform by the students. Students had this research was to study the impact of social media
positive views towards Facebook. They use this to keep in platforms on the academic performance of senior high school
touch with themselves. To improve academic activities and students in the new normal learning system.
avoid setbacks in the students’ academic performance, the
researchers suggest that Facebook site should be enlarged. The researchers used a questionnaire method for their
The results revealed that there is a connection between primary data gathering tool. It is a standardized questionnaire
students’ online interaction thru Facebook and to academic used on determining the effect of social media platforms on
performance [1] [11]. students’ academic performance.

However, although social media sites are indicated to be The respondents of the study were composed of 148
part of academic learning, it is found that they often give senior high school students during the school year 2020-
negative effects [12]. Studies show that the majority of 2021. The researchers will use convenience sampling
university students experience a poorer quality of sleep, the technique.
following social media platforms are often the cause of
addiction resulting sleep deprivation, WhatsApp, Snapchat, To collect the knowledge and information for this study,
Youtube and Twitter [13]. The study concluded that social the researchers will use a Likert-scale questionnaire to know
media platforms usually decreases academic performance, the impact of social media platforms to students’ academic
however personality traits such as consciousness and performance. The researchers will adapt Peter Osharive’s
openness may render in equalizing the negative effects. (2015) Social Media and Academic Performance of Students
[14][15]. Using of social media is the cause of the decreasing Questionnaire (SMAAPOS). The questionnaire is divided
in education standards of student graduates [16][24][25][26]. into two sections (A and B). Section A consists of 7 questions
and elicits demographic information. Section B consists of 22
Social media will be part of students lives no Likert-scale questions that elicited information about the
academically or livelihood, as it becomes a part of people’s students use of social media: Strongly Agree (SA), Agree
lives and became a way of living and had affected students (A), Neutral (N), Disagree (D) and Strongly Disagree (SD)
and other people’s personal and professional lives and at the end of the questionnaire, an open-ended question
[17][18][19]. While almost all of the students use social asked them whether they have any further comments on the
media platforms, only a small portion of them used it for impact of social media on your academics.
academic purposes [20].
The researchers followed the following procedures when
3. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM collecting the data:

The primary focus of this study was on how these access An email was sent to the school principal and admin of a
to social media platforms, specifically Facebook, can affect private school in the City of Marilao, Bulacan, asking for
Senior High School Students’ academic performance in this permission to conduct the study.
new online learning system. The study sought to answer the
following questions: The researchers then distributed the questionnaires to the
1.How may the use of social media platform be described: respondents through an email with the authorization of the
school principal and the admin.
International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 5 Issue 1, January - 2021, Pages: 30-34
using Facebook.
The researchers collected the questionnaires from the 16.) Facebook is encouraged 2.60 Neutral
respondents and will check if they were able to answer all the by teachers as part of class
questions given. assignments.
17.) We have a Facebook 3.35 Neutral
5. RESULTS group for some of my
Use of Social Media Platform 18.) I use Facebook for 3.79 Agree
making new friends and
Table 1. Use of Social Media Platform socializing more than I use it
Indicators Mean Interpretation for academic purposes.
1.) The time I spend online on 3.50 Agree 19.) I have to use Facebook 3 Neutral
Facebook takes away from extensively because most of
my time of studying. my course
2.) Facebook distracts me 3.35 Neutral assignments/projects are in
from my studies the forms of blogs/online
3.) The hours I spend online 3.58 Agree presentations.
on Facebook are more than 20.) Facebook has improved 3.86 Agree
the hours I spend reading. my communication skills.
4.) My unlimited access to 2.33 Disagree 21.) Once I interrupt my study 3.41 Neutral
Facebook through my time with Facebook, I lose
cellphone has affected my concentration.
academic performance 22.) I communicate with the 4.24 Agree
negatively. teacher through Facebook.
5.) I engage in academic 3.18 Neutral Average 3.1 Neutral
discussions on Facebook.
6.) I make use of Facebook to 3.66 Agree It may be gleaned in Table 1 that the impact of social
share information with my media platforms on the academic performance of the Senior
classmates. High Students was “Neutral”, as shown by the average score
7.) Facebook have impacted 2.90 Neutral of 3.1. Statement 22 got the highest mean score of 4.24 with
my general weighted average a corresponding interpretation of “Agree”, while the 15th
positively. statement got the lowest mean score of 1.96, which
8.) I follow the latest 3.49 Neutral translates to “Disagree”.
developments in my field
through Facebook. This result was supported by a study which stated that
9.) I solely rely on 2.22 Disagree social media platforms sharpen students’ reading skills and
information gotten from improve their general knowledge in a particular topic [3]. It
Facebook to do my means that students who engage in social media platforms
assignments without do better often.
consulting other sources.
10.) The usage of Facebook 2.77 Neutral Academic Performance
for research has helped
improve my grades. Table 2. Academic Performance
11.) Facebook has negatively 2.30 Disagree Indicators Frequency Percentage
impacted my writing skills. Outstanding (90-100) 40 75.47
12.) Engaging in academic 2.77 Neutral Very Satisfactory (85-89) 7 13.21
forums on Facebook confuses Satisfactory (80-84) 1 1.87
me. Fairly Satisfactory (75-79) 0 0
13.) Sometimes I use 3.54 Agree Did not meet expectation (74 5 9.43
Facebook to understand what and below)
I have been taught in class Total 53 100.0
14.) Facebook have impacted 2.24 Disagree
my general weighted average Academic Performance. Table 2 showed the
negatively. frequency distribution of the students. Forty (40) students
15.) I will not perform well in 1.96 Disagree got an “Outstanding” performance rating with 75.47%
my academics even if I stop percent among respondents. Seven (7) students received a
International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 5 Issue 1, January - 2021, Pages: 30-34
“Very Satisfactory” performance rating with a 13.21%
percentage. One (1) student was under a “Satisfactory” For the limitation of the study, first is the population
rating with 1.87% percent. No student got the “Fairly sample. The researchers suggest considering a larger amount
Satisfactory” performance, and Five (5) students received of students to be involved to make the results more reliable.
the “Did not meet expectation” with 9.43% percent. The researchers also suggest using a recently approved
questionnaire to fit the setting of the title of the study, the
Effects of Social Media Platforms on Students’ Academic new normal learning system. Also, additional questions that
Performance are related to the new learning system is recommended.

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