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Unit 1: How do you express and resolve personal conflicts?

Lesson 1
Formal Vs. Informal Words
Formal language is commonly used when writing essays for school, cover letters for job applications, and e-
mails and letters for work correspondence. Informal language, on the other hand, is usually used when
talking with friends, children, and relatives.

Poetic Devices

Poetic devices - methods of arranging words, it can assist the writer in developing clear expressions for his/her
The sounds of words
Alliteration- repetition of consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables, usually
placed in the beginning. In the most common form of alliteration, the initial sounds are the same, thus,
the alternate name head rhyme.
Assonance- the resemblance of sound in words or syllables. It is the repetition of stressed vowel sounds
within words with different end consonants. It is also called vowel rhyme.
Consonance- the recurrence or repetition of identical or similar consonants. It is the identity of
consonant sounds in words without the identity of vowel sounds. It refers to the repeated consonant
sounds at the end of words placed near each other, usually on the same or adjacent lines.
The meaning of words
Irony is a contradictory statement or situation to reveal a reality different from what appears to be true.
Paradox is a phrase or statement that seems contradictory on the surface, but makes some kind of
emotional sense.
Hyperbole is a figure of speech that is an intentional exaggeration for emphasis or comic effect.
The arrangement of words
Form- The arrangement or method used to convey the content. In other words, it is the way a thought or
idea is said.
Open: poetic form free from regularity and consistency in elements such as thyme, line length, and
metrical form
Closed: poetic form subject to a fixed structure and pattern
Blank Verse: unrhymed iambic pentameter (much of the plays of Shakespeare are written in this
Free Verse: lines with no prescribed pattern or structure-the poet determines all the variables as
seems appropriate for each poem
The Images of words
Imagery is the representation of objects, feelings, or ideas, either literally or through the use of figurative
Symbols could be images or objects that stand for something rather than themselves. They do not just
represent their own concrete qualities, but the idea that is associated with or is implied by them.

Rhyming Schemes

the ordered pattern of rhyming words at the end of each line of a poem, is labeled
using capital letters
Alternating Rhyme (ABAB) The rhymes alternate every other line.
Ballade (ABABBCBC BCBC) This is a specific scheme used in Ballades.
Coupled Rhyme (AABB) This scheme couple rhymes together.
Enclosed Rhyme (ABBA) A rhyme is enclosed by a different rhyme.
Limerick (AABBA) This scheme starts as a coupled rhyme, but encloses the
second couple with the original rhyme.
Monorhyme (AAA) Simple scheme with just one rhyme throughout.
Simple four-line (ABCB) A four-line rhyme that follows this pattern and repeats.
Terza Rima (ABA BCB) Italian poetry that uses a chain rhyme where the first and
third line of the stanza rhyme with the second line of the previous stanza.
Triplet (AAA BBB) A set of three lines in a stanza that share the same rhyme.

Factors Affecting Public Speaking

In order to master the art of public speaking and eliminate the fear of speaking in front of a crowd, you can take note
of the following factors affecting public speaking. In this way, the next time you deliver a public speech, you will be
able to do so effectively and flawlessly.

Speaker Commitment
Commitment is the dedication that listeners can sense in you as you go through your speech. You must let your
listeners know that the subject you are making a speech about means a lot to you and that you want others to share
the same feeling.
Well-Chosen Topic
A well-chosen topic is one that interests both the speaker and his/her audience. If you are able to choose a good
topic and support it with evidence, examples, and stories, you can show your listeners how your point can affect
their lives. The topic you select should also be one that you want to know more about and that you can learn enough
about to speak on responsibly.
Clear Sense of Purpose
Developing a clear purpose begins with thinking about the audience. How would you like your listeners to behave as
a result of your speech? The answer to this question can tell you right away whether your purpose is informative,
persuasive, or ceremonial.
Audience Involvement
As a speaker you must always keep your audience in mind as you plan, prepare, and present your speech. Beyond
simply arousing and holding their interest, your speech should reward listeners in a manner consistent with your
purpose. To maintain your listeners' attention, distracting mannerisms should be avoided.
A good speech will have substance. This means that the speech has an important message, carefully thought-out
arguments, and enough facts, examples, and evidence to support the claims. A substantive speech also deals with
the speaker's ideas and not the speaker himself/herself.
Appropriate Structure
A good speech follows a plan, or a design, so that each part seems to belong exactly where it is placed and
contributes to the overall effect. A well-structured speech will be organized in a manner that is appropriate to the
subject, audience, speaker, and occasion.
Skillful Language
Your meaning must be clearly understood the first time you say it. Sentence structure should be simple and direct.
The use of long sentences with complex chains of dependent clauses should also be avoided to make your speech
clearer and more coherent.
Effective Presentation
A good speech is one that is presented effectively and naturally. In public speaking, it is particularly important for
you to sound enthusiastic in order to make your audience feel the same way.
Ethical Consequences
The final measure of a speech is whether it is good or bad for the listeners. If there is a Golden Rule for speaking, it
might be Do unto listeners as you would have speakers do unto you. An ethical speech shows respect for listeners
and flows out of responsible knowledge of the topic.

Speech styles
-level of formality with which you speak, different situations and people call for different speech style

Frozen Speech Style

Fixed, most formal communicative style, does not require feedback from audience
Casual Speech Style
talking with friends and uses slangs or colloquial, relationship between speaker and hearer is
Formal Speech Styles
talking with professionals
school lessons
swearing in a ceremony
Consultative Speech Style
one is giving an advice and the other is listening, semi-formal and does not plan what the speaker
wants to say, most operational among others, sentences are shorter and spontaneous
regular conversations at school
Intimate Speech Style
closed meeting, personal languages

Unit 2:
verbal and non verbal signals

Verbal Signals Nonverbal Signals

You will know that a speaker is credible when he/she Like verbal signals, nonverbal signals also give meaning to the
has a clear articulation and pronunciation. To know if a speaker's words. If the actions of the speaker are inconsistent
speaker sounds conversational, he/she varies his/her with the message, the audience is more likely to believe how the
volume, rate, and pitch. speaker says it rather than what he/she actually says.
Articulation refers to the way a sound is formed and Eye Contact is a way for the speaker to tell the audience
delivered. that the speaker is credible and that the speaker cares
Pronunciation refers to how a word is said and is about how the audience is receiving his/her message.
stressed by the speaker. Facial Expression helps the audience determine if what the
Volume is the loudness or softness with which the speaker is saying is consistent with how the speaker is saying
speaker speaks. it.
Rate is the speed with which a speaker speaks. Body Gestures also communicate to the audience how the
Pause can be used to emphasize a point, collect speaker feels about the message. Through his/her posture
thoughts, or transition to a new idea. and gestures, the speaker can indicate his/her credibility
Pitch is the highness or lowness of the speaker's and confidence to his/her message.
voice. Movement should be meaningful and well-planned. If the
Vocal Variety is the way the speaker varies his/her speaker uses movement to emphasize or to show transition,
vocal qualities (volume. rate, pauses, and pitch) in he/she can allow the use of space to support and enhance
the duration of his/her speech. the message.

Language of Campaign
Campaign speeches are technically persuasive. However, the language "First impression counts"
used in campaign speeches must maintain three characteristics-style,
inclusiveness, and nonviolence. 1. Make your introduction remarkable. You
Style can use punch lines or taglines, or
Refers to the type of language and phrasing and their effect to the introduce yourself in one concise
audience sentence.
Direct Style - refers to using flowery words in the language 2. Provide a summary of your
Flowery language occurs when elaborate words are qualifications and expertise that are
substituted for simple ones and longer sentences are used to relevant to the position being sought
try to convey multiple ideas. It is an attempt to make for. Build your credibility through this.
themselves sound like they know more about a subject by using 3. Afterwards, shift into the foundational
jargon terms and connecting different concepts together. ideas for your speech.
Indirect Style - refers to a more direct delivery of statements 4. After the introductory portion of the
Speaking style is a set of properties by which you can link speech to a campaign speech, have a smooth
certain communicative situation. This situation is multi-dimensional: - transition into the foundational areas.
Content (news, poem, dialogue, etc.) - Speaker (habits, personality, This portion consists of several themes,
etc.) - Situation (distance, noise, room size, etc.) which are reflective of the issues you
Note: Although the language style is a personal choice, want to address and act upon.
consider also the taste of the target audience. The speech 5. Proceed to the foundational ideas of
must be conversational and engaging. your speech(do not focus too much on
Inclusiveness the change you want to make, because
another element that is necessary in the campaign language some things just need to be developed
language that is devoid of discriminatory perspective, stereotyping, and not changed at all)
and ostracizing towards a group, particularly your rival party 6. Engage your audience. (let them feel
Note: In writing your speech, maintain fairness and composure that they are central to achieving your
to make it more trustworthy. goal for the campaign). Make them
Nonviolence feel that they are involved and that
the speech must be free from derogatory remarks (a negative or they play key roles not only now, but
disrespectful connotation, a low opinion, or a lack of respect toward also when you achieve victory.
someone or something.) and obscene words (disgusting, improper, 7. Then, for closing, summarize the main
nasty, outrageous, pornographic, profane) points you have mentioned.
This is part of maintaining elegance and composure (a calmness or 8. Leave an open-ended atmosphere to
repose, especially of mind, bearing, or appearance ) to reflect your make your audience want to hear from
educational and moral background, which are key elements when you again.
campaigning for votes.

Linear and nonlinear text

Linear text follows a straight line—from start to the end in a sequential path.
Nonlinear text is an interpretation of information presented graphically.
Graphics are an integral part of a text as they facilitate the readers’ thinking process.

Different Types of Nonlinear Text Illustration

1. Tables are often used when readers need to examine items, or when they
have to check various aspects of an item at different times. A table is a
set of facts or figures systematically displayed.
2. Bar graphs (also called histograms) which are used to compare related
data, help readers perceive the quantitative relationships among various
components of a topic.
3. Line graph helps the readers perceive statistical trends by presenting a
continuous line indicating the up and/or down movement of a subject.
4. A pie chart graph allows the readers to see the statistical relationship
between parts of a single entity.
5. Flow charts depict relationships between components of a project or
phases of a process.
6. A diagram is usually dynamic, and indicates the relationship between the
functions of a mechanism, the phases of a process, or the steps in a
7. A pictograph is a pictorial representation that shows how objects are used
to give information.
8. Drawing conveys realistic pictures of objects.

Graphic Organizers

1. Concept Map 5. Problem-and-Solution Map

Choice Then
My Problem


Choice Then

6. Frayer Model
Definition in your Facts/Characteristics
own words

2. Flow Diagram or Sequence Chart

Examples Nonexamples

7. Timeline

3. Compare/Contrast or Venn Diagram

8. Cycle

4. Main Idea and Details Chart

Main Idea

Detail Detail Detail

5. Cause-and-Effect Chain

Sentence Structure
the way we construct our sentence will set the trail of the speech

Clause (sugnay) - a group of related words with a subject and a verb Subject
Simple subject- has only 1 subject
Independet/Main Clause (sugnay na nakapagiisa) Ex: They are making a project.
A group of related words that has a subject and a verb. Ex: The garden has a lot of beautiful
it makes sense on itself and without the accompaniment of the flowers.
other clauses Compound subject- has 2 or more subjects
Dependent/Subordinate Clause (sugnay na di-nakapagiisa) Ex: Ana and Dolores are making the
A group of related words that has a subject and a verb. project.
but requires an independent clause to express a complete
thought Verb/Predicate (action words, linking verbs)
Simple predicate
Ex: They are listening in the discussion.
4 Main Types of Sentences based on Structure
Compound predicate
1. Simple Sentence (Payak na Pangungusap) Ex: They are listening and participating
composed of a subject and a predicate in the class discussion.
composed of:
(1) independent/main clause
(0) dependent/subordinate clause examples:
There is only 1 complete idea or thought.
Simple Sentence
2. Compound Sentence
I bought chocolates.
composed of:
Tom found the treasure.
2 independent clauses
Compound Sentence
(0) subordinate/ dependent clause
John is a sweet guy; however, he is not too showy of his emotions.
There is 2 complete idea or thought.
I bought her chocolates and she appreciated me.
3. Complex Sentence
Complex Sentence
composed of:
Janice composes a very nice poem that is full of emotions.
(1) independent clause
As soon as you have decided to take a PhD, submit your application
(1) or more dependent clauses
for scholarship.
4. Compound-complex sentence
Compound-complex sentence
composed of:
Peter goes to a very expensive restaurant because he wants to try
(2) independent clauses
the food that it serves; likewise, he influences his friends to also
(1) or more dependent clauses
come with him.
At the end of this year, I want to finish and defend my Master's
Thesis, so I can be a proffesor in College.
A complete sentence is composed of a subject and a
Independent/main Clause = Complete Sentence
Dependent/Subordinate Clause = Incomplte Sentence

Independent clauses are joined by coordinating conjunctions, conjunctive adverbs, and semicolon(;).
Coordinating conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so
Conjunctive adverbs: however, moreover, nevertheless, in addition, besides, likewise, and indeed
Dependent and independent clauses are joined by a relative pronoun or a subordinating conjunction.
Relative pronoun: who, whom, which, whoever, whomever, whichever, where, wherever, when, whenever, and that
Subordinating conjunctions: after, although, as, as if, as long as, as much as, as soon as, as though, because,
before, by the time, even if, even though, if, in order that, in case, lest, once, only if, provided that, since, so that,
than, though, till, unless, until, and while

Conditionals = condition + result
Zero Conditional Second Conditional
Present Simple + Present Simple Past Simple + Would and Verb
If you heat ice, it melts. If I won the lottery, I would travel a lot.
Uses: Facts which are generally true or scientific Uses: Hypothetical or unlikely situations. Unreal or
facts. The condition always has the same result. improbables situation now or in the future.
First Conditional Third Conditionals
Present Simple + Will/Won't + Verb Past Perfect + Would Have and Past Participle
If you study, you will pass the exam. If I hadn't been sick, I would have gone to your party.
A possible situation in the future. Predicting a likely The person is imagining a different past. Imaginary
result in the future (if the condition happens). situation that did not happen.

Unit 3
a word that replaces a noun in a sentence
the noun that the pronoun replaces is called antecedent
Types of Pronouns
Personal Pronouns
refer to a particular noun with a definite gender, number, person, and case
Number. This is whether the subject is singular or plural.
Person. This refers to the person speaking (first person), the person spoken to (second person), or the person,
place, or thing spoken about (third person).
Gender. A subject can be musculine, feminine, or neuter.
Case. The case of a pronoun varies according to its purpose—to replace the subject (subjective pronoun), to
replace the recipient of the action (objective pronoun), or to show possession (possessive pronoun).
Jimmy Page is a great blues guitarist. He is a member of the seminal rock and roll band Led Zeppelin.
Tessa’s classmates decided to give her a surprise birthday party. They decorated her room with pink balloons
and stuffed toys, and waited for her to arrive.
Demonstrative Pronouns
This refers to a specific noun within a sentence. Proximity in time and space also plays an important factor in the
usage of demonstrative pronouns.
I am currently eating a cheeseburger. This is my favorite fast food item in the menu.
I have always enjoyed studying chemistry. That has always been my favorite subject.
Jenna is wearing her diamond earrings for she believes those have always brought her luck.
Indefinite Pronouns
Unlike personal pronouns, an indefinite pronoun refers to a person, place, or thing that has an unspecified number or

Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
Antecedent are the things that nouns replace. They can either be nouns or other pronouns.
You should consider the gender, number, case, and person of the noun you are going to replace a pronoun with.

Some rules in determining pronoun-antecedent agreement: Two singular subjects or antecedents joined by or or nor
A singular indefinite pronoun should use a singular require a singular pronoun.
pronoun. If it is plural, the pronoun that refers to it Neither Jerico nor Hector will receive his trophy of
should be plural as well. recognition this year.
Everyone who worked in the benefit concert did his If the two singular subjects differ in gender, rewrite
or her work well. the sentence instead.
After the picnic, several people decided to pack Jerico and Marianne will not receive their trophy of
their things and go home. recognition this year.
Personal pronouns must agree in person with their When the singular and plural subjects or antecedent are
antecedents. Most indefinite pronouns are in the third joined by either/or, or, and neither/nor, the pronoun should
person; hence, it needs third-person pronouns. agree with the nearest antecedent.
My classmate and I went to the faculty room to Either the accountants or Mr. Sy will pay his taxes at
submit our projects. the end of the month.
Few pieces of furniture were scattered in the A collective noun subject or antecedent requires a singular
empty lot. They were left there by our former pronoun if the group is acting as a whole. However, use a
neighbor. plural pronoun if you are referring to the individual members.
A compound subject joined by and needs a plural The family gives its blessings to the married couple. (The
pronoun. family acts as a unit).
My parents and uncles decided to invest their My family could not decide where our money should be
money in the stock market. spent. (The family is now seen as various individuals).

Basic Sentence Structure

Subject - Linking Verb - Subject Different Types of Verbs
Complement (S-LV-SC)
Transitive Verb - we need an object to complete the meaning
Subject - Transitive of the sentence
a person or thing that is being
Verb - Direct Object Subject - Transitive Verb - Direct Object (S-TV-DO)
discussed, described, or dealt
(S-TV-DO) Example: I prepared dinner.
Transitive Verb Subject - Transitive Verb - Direct Object - Indirect Object (S-
Linking verbs (am, is, are, was, were)
is an action verb TV-DO-IO)
verbs that do not express action
that requires an Example: Danica prepared dinner for the family.
They connect the subject of the
object for its Subject - Transitive Verb - Indirect Object - Direct Object (S-
verb to additional information
meaning to be TV-IO-DO)
about the subject.
complete Example: I gave Marie a bunch of flowers.
Sense verbs (verbs of the senses)
Direct Object Subject - Transitive Verb - Direct Object - Object
may also be linking verbs.
is a noun that Complement (S-TV-DO-OC)
a verb that describes one of
receives the object complement - tells something about the direct
the five senses: sight,
action of the object
hearing, smell, touch, and
transitive verb Example: I called Jasmine Officer of the Year.
It answers the
question "What?" Intransitive Verb - Complete verb, it does not need an object to
It appears beautiful.
or "Who?". complete the meaning of the sentence. And if we want to expand
It tastes good.
Example of S-TV-DO: our sentence, we are going to add modifiers (adverbial modifiers).
Subject Complement
Sheila drives a Subject - Intransitive Verb (S-IV)
tells something about the
car. Example: The boy jumps.
Leo loves Smit. Subject - Intransitive Verb - Adverbial Modifier (S-IV-AM)
A subject complement is a noun
My mom Adverbial Modifier - A word or phrase that is used to
or adjective that follows a linking
prepared a modify another part of a sentence (adverbs of frequency,
sumptuous manner, place, and time).
Example of (S-LV-SC):
dinner. Example: The boy jumps merrily.
I am busy.
They look sick.
Joe became a doctor.
Structures of Modification
Sometimes we want to expand an idea or describe a noun so clearly that we tend to get overexcited in using
modifiers in our sentence. Like all facets of grammar, modifiers follow a specific pattern in order to facilitate
proper understanding. Let us focus on the structures of modification involving adjectives, adverbs, and

Imagine if all sentences

appeared like this. Adjectives
Bob Dylan is a singer. words that describe other words. They can come in a singular word or phrases.
Chemistry is a subject. Ex: The two grumpy brothers went to Quiapo, where the older brother scoured for old
She is sleeping. magazines in secondhand bookshops.
Reminder: Adjective: two /grumpy (modifying brothers)
English would be a Adjective clause: where the older brother scoured for old magazines in secondhand
boring language and totally bookshops (modifies the word Quiapo)
devoid of substance if every Order of Adjectives
sentence would look like the Opinion - related to your opinion (nice, pretty, tasty, ugly, and delicious)
examples mentioned. It also Size - related to how big or small (6-foot, tiny, 32-inch)
severely limits what will be Age - Talk about how old the object is (ancient, 16 year old, teenage, elderly, new)
said regarding those Shape - (triangular, circular)
subjects. That is when Color - red, bright, deem, orange
modifiers come to play. Origin - Describes where the object comes from (Spanish, English, Canadian, Filipino)
Modifiers lend life to a Material - Related to what the object is made up of (cotton, wooden, feather, plastic)
sentence in order to present Purpose - Talk about an object's purpose: what it does or how it is used (fishing, sleeping,
a more vivid image in the cooking)
reader's imagination.
Let us revise the sentences
using modifiers:
Bob Dylan is a terrific
Chemistry is a
challenging subject.
She is sleeping soundly
next to her pet cat,

Modify verbs and adjectives or another adverb.
Many adverbs are formed by adding-ly to related
adjectives like quickly, slowly, happily. In general,
adverbs cannot come between a verb and a direct
Adverb of Manner (how)
ending in ly (with generosity - generously,
with patience - patiently)
positive, comparative, superlative (fast,
faster, fastest)
Adverb of Time (when)
tomorrow, last night, in 1887
Adverb of Place (where )
in school, at KCS, in shop
Adverb of Frequency (how often)
everyday, every other day, twice a week,
thrice a day

Words or groups of words that act like adverbs – that is, they modify verbs and adjectives.

Unit 4
Social Conflicts
"Social conflict" refers to conflict in which the parties are an aggregate of individuals, such as groups,
organizations, communities, and crowds, rather than single individuals, as in role conflict. Group conflict is used
as a synonym of social conflict.
Social conflict or group conflict occurs when two or more actors oppose each other in social interaction,
reciprocally exerting social power in an effort to attain scarce or incompatible goals and prevent the opponent
from attaining them.

Any society be it Filipino, Indian, British, American or Japanese is composed of different institutions and groups of
These groups constituting the society have their own distinct identity. Besides, these groups have their own agenda to
pursue. Further no nation or society has resources to meet the demands of all groups and stay in harmony.
Consequently these groups while pursuing their goals often find themselves at loggerheads to exploit scarce resources
and maximize their gains or outcomes. Thus a social situation develops where different groups constituting the society
are opposing each other to promote their own interest at the cost of others.
This social phenomenon is termed social conflict or group conflict by sociologists, Psychologists, and Anthropologists.
Social conflict is also evident when one social group compares its gains and feels that it is being marginalized by a
person, group, or concept (treated as insignificant or peripheral.) ( by other groups or when it perceives that it is being
deprived of what is duly available to other groups in the society. In this unit we will be dealing with the nature and
definition of social conflict, the types and forms of social conflict, the methods of resolution of the conflicts and we will
be presenting the group conflict in Indian society.

We live in a world where discrimination, The False Gems
jealousy, racism, strict social norms, poverty is a short story by Guy de Maupassant in which a man discovers that his
and inequality. These are the major issues late wife's supposedly fake jewelry is real and worth a fortune.
and hindrances in our development and The ultimate irony of "The False Gems" comes at the end of the story,
progress. when readers learn the fate of the narrator. He is sure of his beloved
wife's fidelity and virtue, but he is completely miserable because she has
How Should We Manage Conflict? a violent temper.
It depends on the particular context or has also exposed a social phenomenon that people were crazy about
situation we are in. pursuing hypocrisy (the practice of claiming to have moral standards or
It depends on how we would like to beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.) and
bring change. money at that time. The central idea of the False Gems is to expose this
Accept conflict. Face it. Remember social phenomenon and is the irony of people who pursue hypocrisy and
that conflict is natural and happens in money.
every ongoing relationship... The plot of The False Gems is rather simple. Monsieur Lantin meets a
Be calm. young lady and falls with her. The lady was seen as a very virtuous
Listen actively. ... woman and she was beautiful,modest and honest and people agreed
Analyze the conflict..... that the man who wins her love would be the luckiest man.
Model neutral language..... Then, Lantin lives a happy life with the lady and he believes that his wife
Separate the person from the problem. to be virtuous,but his wife deceives him. Lantin loved her more after six
Work together.... years of marriage and when she died, he was pretty sorrowful. "But life
Focus on the future. soon became a struggle." (Maupassant, 1883) Lantin hesitated to sell his
Move past positions. wife's favorite gems.However, when he learned that his wife's gem is not
Share your interests. an imitation but it is real, he decided to sell them. After selling jewelry,
Be creative.. he became wealthy and remarried, but he married a very virtuous
Be specific. woman, but had a violent temper. She caused him much sorrow.
Maintain confidentiality.


What is Foreshadowing? Technical Jargons

Foreshadowing is a type of literary device where an author makes
In technical writing such as research, there are
a hint towards something that will happen later in the story.
words and terminologies which are difficult for
This usually appears at the beginning of the text either at the very
some people to completely understand.
beginning or at the start of a chapter. It is a way to encourage the
The weight of those words is a daunting aspect
reader to think about what may be to come and cause them to.
that prevents readers who do not have prior
Examples: pre-scenes, predictions, symbolism, apprehension
background on the subject from reading
Even as a little kid, no one had to tell you that when Mrs. Rabbit
research papers about it.
told Peter, "Don't go into Mr. MacGregor's garden he'd go-and get
Practically, every conceivable science,
into trouble! (The author's words foreshadowed danger.)
profession, trade and occupation has its own
sets of words, some of which are considered
"technical" depending on the status of the
Research: Process and Language people using these words. They are what we call
derived from the root word search which means "to seek" and Jargons.
the prefix re which means "again" A type of language which is used in a particular
occupation, science, profession and trade. It is
:> also known as "technical language".

According to Carter V. Good and Douglas E. Scates Example: in Architecture

A careful disciplined inquiry, varying in technique and method
according to the nature and conditions of the problem identified,
directed toward the clarification or resolution (or both) of the
According to Celia N. Millward
The deliberate and systematic investigation of any subject to discover
new insight.
According to Gaudencio V. Aquino
Systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic or
*After a careful systematic search for pertinent information on a
To Sum up :
specific topic or problem, and after the research worker has analyzed
Research - an intellectual process conducted
and interpreted the data, he eventually faces another essential task -
for a certain purpose, Certainly, your final
that of preparing the research report.
product should reflect a healthy balance
According to lan F. Shaw
between your individual voice as a writer and
An intensive search with the purpose of becoming certain.
the weight of practical evidence.

Factors to consider in order to come up with a good research problem

A topic should be of great interest to you.
The research problem should be significant.
Your research must contribute new information.
The feasibility of doing your research shall also be given
Your research problem shall respect the rights of the participants.
A good research problem is time-bound.

The Research Process

1. Identification and Formulation of the Research Types of Research Objectives
Problem Specific Objectives leads to the attainment of the General
Refers to the questions that you want to be Objectives
answered in your research To identify -specific objectives, a researcher must first
An event in life that had caught curiosity, determine the specific research questions that will lead to
pushing you to seek an explanation answer the general research problem.
2. Derive your Research Objective specific research question - specific research objectives -
The research objective - a research problem general research problem/question - general research
presented as a statement since the research objective
problem is presented as a question. Example:
3. Identify your variables Research Problem: What is the relationship of the self esteem level
numeric, categorical, independent, or with the overall academic performance of Grade 10 students in high
dependent school at Kalayaan Christian School?
Research Objective: To determine the relationship of the self-
Facts: esteem level with the overall academic performance of Grade 10
A Good Question Doesn't Ask Why students in high school at Kalayaan Christian School.
You need a question that has a clear and
specific answer
It involves Critical thinking and Problem-Solving

Research Problem Example 1: Research Problem Example 4:

Bad: Does owning a pet improve quality of life for older Bad: Why do some corporations pollute the water if they
people? aren't regulated?
With this "bad" question, the answer is a simple "yes" Good: How do government regulations prevent
or "no." However, when you ask about the specific corporations from polluting the water?
ways a pet can improve the quality of life for its By changing the "why question to a "how" question,
owner, you get a much more detailed and interesting you're asking for specifics instead of a vague opinion.
answer. This type of answer allows you to create a This will help you create a much stronger thesis statement
thesis statement. for your research paper.
Good: In what ways does owning a pet improve quality Research Problem Example 5:
of life for older people? Bad: Has the population of the world increased in the
Research Objective: To identify the different ways how past century?
owning a pet improves the quality of life of older people. Good: What factors have influenced population growth
Research Problem Example 2: in the fastest growing countries?
Bad: Does medication help alleviate attention deficit A quick search can answer the initial question here. The
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms? And do kids revised question, by contrast, requires more digging
need more exercise? around to find an adequate answer.
Good: How effective are the various types of medication Research Problem Example 6:
in treating elementary students with ADHD? (You include Bad: Are illicit drugs bad for kids?
the participants or respondents, they are the one Good: Which effective education strategies prevent drug
answering the questionnaire.) abuse in teens?
Research Objective: To determine how effective are the How effective is the use of education strategies in
various types of medication in treating elementary preventing drug abuse in teens?
students with ADHD. Everyone knows illicit drugs are bad for kids, but people
Research Problem Example 3: will disagree about which education strategies actually help.
Bad: What are the advantages and disadvantages of You'll need to dig for data to back up your answer to this
cell phone use in schools? question, since some people will not agree with you.
Good: How does restricting cell phone use in school
affect students' social interaction?
Research Objective: To determine how restricting
cellphone use affects students' social interaction?

quantitative data are measured
Examples: Numerical variables can be expressed as categorical variables
Height in inches depending on how variables are operationally defined in the protocol.
Weight in kilograms
Examination Scores expressed in Example :
percentage Height in feet can be categorical if it is regrouped into short,
Distance expressed in centimeters moderate, or tall
Categorical (category) Weight in kilograms can be categorical if it is regrouped in to light or
qualitative data are collected heavy
Examples: Examination score can be categorical if the operational definition of
Sex (Male or Female) those with 90 and above has a score of A, those with 80%-89% has a
Religion (Islam, Catolisicism, Christiany, score of B, and those with 70% -79% has a score of C
Clothing size ( Small, medium, large)

In causal relationship, variables:

Independent (predictors, causes)
The independent variable is the cause. Its value is independent of other variables in your study.
Dependent (outcomes, effects, results)
The dependent variable is the effect. Its value depends on changes in the independent variable.

Example, the researcher wants to know:

independent - the effectiveness of the Program in Improving the Academic Performance of the Grade 10 Students in English
dependent - At the end of the academic year, you select students who enrolled in the program last summer and those who
did not. Then you compare their annual grades.

Research Question Independent variable(s) cause Dependent variable(s) - effect

Where do tomatoes grow fastest

The type of light the tomato The rate of growth of the tomato
under fluorescent, incandescent, or
plant is grown under plant
natural light?

What is the effect of diet and regular The type of soda you drink (diet
Your blood sugar levels
soda on blood sugar levels? or regular)

How does phone use before bedtime The amount of phone use before Number of hours of Sleep
affect sleep? bed Quality of sleep

Plant growth
How well does different plant species The amount of salt added to the
Plant wilting
tolerate salt water? plants' water
Plant survival rate

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